pyscf.scf package#
pyscf.scf.addons module#
- pyscf.scf.addons.convert_to_ghf(mf, out=None, remove_df=False)[source]#
Convert the given mean-field object to the generalized HF/KS object
Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mf object. If mf is an second order SCF (SOSCF) object, the SOSCF layer will be discarded. Its underlying SCF object mf._scf will be converted.
- Args:
mf : SCF object
- Kwargs
- remove_dfbool
Whether to convert the DF-SCF object to the normal SCF object. This conversion is not applied by default.
- Returns:
An generalized SCF object
- pyscf.scf.addons.convert_to_rhf(mf, out=None, remove_df=False)[source]#
Convert the given mean-field object to the restricted HF/KS object
Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mf object. If mf is an second order SCF (SOSCF) object, the SOSCF layer will be discarded. Its underlying SCF object mf._scf will be converted.
- Args:
mf : SCF object
- Kwargs
- remove_dfbool
Whether to convert the DF-SCF object to the normal SCF object. This conversion is not applied by default.
- Returns:
An unrestricted SCF object
- pyscf.scf.addons.convert_to_uhf(mf, out=None, remove_df=False)[source]#
Convert the given mean-field object to the unrestricted HF/KS object
Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mf object. If mf is an second order SCF (SOSCF) object, the SOSCF layer will be discarded. Its underlying SCF object mf._scf will be converted.
- Args:
mf : SCF object
- Kwargs
- remove_dfbool
Whether to convert the DF-SCF object to the normal SCF object. This conversion is not applied by default.
- Returns:
An unrestricted SCF object
- pyscf.scf.addons.dynamic_level_shift(mf, factor=1.0)#
Dynamically change the level shift in each SCF cycle. The level shift value is set to (HF energy change * factor)
- pyscf.scf.addons.dynamic_level_shift_(mf, factor=1.0)[source]#
Dynamically change the level shift in each SCF cycle. The level shift value is set to (HF energy change * factor)
- pyscf.scf.addons.dynamic_occ(mf, tol=0.001)#
Dynamically adjust the occupancy to avoid degeneracy between HOMO and LUMO
- pyscf.scf.addons.dynamic_occ_(mf, tol=0.001)[source]#
Dynamically adjust the occupancy to avoid degeneracy between HOMO and LUMO
- pyscf.scf.addons.dynamic_sz_(mf)#
For UHF, allowing the Sz value being changed during SCF iteration. Determine occupation of alpha and beta electrons based on energy spectrum
- pyscf.scf.addons.fast_newton(mf, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, dm0=None, auxbasis=None, dual_basis=None, **newton_kwargs)[source]#
This is a wrap function which combines several operations. This function first setup the initial guess from density fitting calculation then use for Newton solver and call Newton solver.
Newton solver attributes [max_cycle_inner, max_stepsize, ah_start_tol, ah_conv_tol, ah_grad_trust_region, …] can be passed through
- pyscf.scf.addons.float_occ(mf)#
For UHF, allowing the Sz value being changed during SCF iteration. Determine occupation of alpha and beta electrons based on energy spectrum
- pyscf.scf.addons.float_occ_(mf)[source]#
For UHF, allowing the Sz value being changed during SCF iteration. Determine occupation of alpha and beta electrons based on energy spectrum
- pyscf.scf.addons.follow_state(mf, occorb=None)#
- pyscf.scf.addons.frac_occ(mf, tol=0.001)#
Addons for SCF methods to assign fractional occupancy for degenerated occupied HOMOs.
>>> mf = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; O 0 0 1', verbose=4).RHF() >>> mf = scf.addons.frac_occ(mf) >>>
- pyscf.scf.addons.frac_occ_(mf, tol=0.001)[source]#
Addons for SCF methods to assign fractional occupancy for degenerated occupied HOMOs.
>>> mf = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; O 0 0 1', verbose=4).RHF() >>> mf = scf.addons.frac_occ(mf) >>>
- pyscf.scf.addons.get_ghf_orbspin(mo_energy, mo_occ, is_rhf=None)[source]#
Spin of each GHF orbital when the GHF orbitals are converted from RHF/UHF orbitals
For RHF orbitals, the orbspin corresponds to first occupied orbitals then unoccupied orbitals. In the occupied orbital space, if degenerated, first alpha then beta, last the (open-shell) singly occupied (alpha) orbitals. In the unoccupied orbital space, first the (open-shell) unoccupied (beta) orbitals if applicable, then alpha and beta orbitals
For UHF orbitals, the orbspin corresponds to first occupied orbitals then unoccupied orbitals.
- pyscf.scf.addons.mom_occ(mf, occorb, setocc)#
Use maximum overlap method to determine occupation number for each orbital in every iteration.
- pyscf.scf.addons.mom_occ_(mf, occorb, setocc)[source]#
Use maximum overlap method to determine occupation number for each orbital in every iteration.
- pyscf.scf.addons.partial_cholesky_orth_(S, canthr=1e-07, cholthr=1e-09)[source]#
Partial Cholesky orthogonalization for curing overcompleteness.
Susi Lehtola, Curing basis set overcompleteness with pivoted Cholesky decompositions, J. Chem. Phys. 151, 241102 (2019), doi:10.1063/1.5139948.
Susi Lehtola, Accurate reproduction of strongly repulsive interatomic potentials, Phys. Rev. A 101, 032504 (2020), doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.101.032504.
- pyscf.scf.addons.project_dm_nr2nr(mol1, dm1, mol2)[source]#
Project density matrix representation from basis set 1 (mol1) to basis set 2 (mol2).
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}|AO2\rangle DM_AO2 \langle AO2|\\= |AO2\rangle P DM_AO1 P \langle AO2|\\DM_AO2 = P DM_AO1 P\\P = S_{AO2}^{-1}\langle AO2|AO1\rangle\end{aligned}\end{align} \]There are three relevant functions:
is the projection for non-relativistic (scalar) basis.project_dm_nr2r()
projects from non-relativistic to relativistic basis.project_dm_r2r()
is the projection between relativistic (spinor) basis.
- pyscf.scf.addons.project_dm_nr2r(mol1, dm1, mol2)[source]#
Project density matrix representation from basis set 1 (mol1) to basis set 2 (mol2).
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}|AO2\rangle DM_AO2 \langle AO2|\\= |AO2\rangle P DM_AO1 P \langle AO2|\\DM_AO2 = P DM_AO1 P\\P = S_{AO2}^{-1}\langle AO2|AO1\rangle\end{aligned}\end{align} \]There are three relevant functions:
is the projection for non-relativistic (scalar) basis.project_dm_nr2r()
projects from non-relativistic to relativistic basis.project_dm_r2r()
is the projection between relativistic (spinor) basis.
- pyscf.scf.addons.project_dm_r2r(mol1, dm1, mol2)[source]#
Project density matrix representation from basis set 1 (mol1) to basis set 2 (mol2).
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}|AO2\rangle DM_AO2 \langle AO2|\\= |AO2\rangle P DM_AO1 P \langle AO2|\\DM_AO2 = P DM_AO1 P\\P = S_{AO2}^{-1}\langle AO2|AO1\rangle\end{aligned}\end{align} \]There are three relevant functions:
is the projection for non-relativistic (scalar) basis.project_dm_nr2r()
projects from non-relativistic to relativistic basis.project_dm_r2r()
is the projection between relativistic (spinor) basis.
- pyscf.scf.addons.project_mo_nr2nr(mol1, mo1, mol2)[source]#
Project orbital coefficients from basis set 1 (C1 for mol1) to basis set 2 (C2 for mol2).
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}|\psi1\rangle = |AO1\rangle C1\\|\psi2\rangle = P |\psi1\rangle = |AO2\rangle S^{-1}\langle AO2| AO1\rangle> C1 = |AO2\rangle> C2\\C2 = S^{-1}\langle AO2|AO1\rangle C1\end{aligned}\end{align} \]There are three relevant functions:
is the projection for non-relativistic (scalar) basis.project_mo_nr2r()
projects from non-relativistic to relativistic basis.project_mo_r2r()
is the projection between relativistic (spinor) basis.
- pyscf.scf.addons.project_mo_nr2r(mol1, mo1, mol2)[source]#
Project orbital coefficients from basis set 1 (C1 for mol1) to basis set 2 (C2 for mol2).
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}|\psi1\rangle = |AO1\rangle C1\\|\psi2\rangle = P |\psi1\rangle = |AO2\rangle S^{-1}\langle AO2| AO1\rangle> C1 = |AO2\rangle> C2\\C2 = S^{-1}\langle AO2|AO1\rangle C1\end{aligned}\end{align} \]There are three relevant functions:
is the projection for non-relativistic (scalar) basis.project_mo_nr2r()
projects from non-relativistic to relativistic basis.project_mo_r2r()
is the projection between relativistic (spinor) basis.
- pyscf.scf.addons.project_mo_r2r(mol1, mo1, mol2)[source]#
Project orbital coefficients from basis set 1 (C1 for mol1) to basis set 2 (C2 for mol2).
\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}|\psi1\rangle = |AO1\rangle C1\\|\psi2\rangle = P |\psi1\rangle = |AO2\rangle S^{-1}\langle AO2| AO1\rangle> C1 = |AO2\rangle> C2\\C2 = S^{-1}\langle AO2|AO1\rangle C1\end{aligned}\end{align} \]There are three relevant functions:
is the projection for non-relativistic (scalar) basis.project_mo_nr2r()
projects from non-relativistic to relativistic basis.project_mo_r2r()
is the projection between relativistic (spinor) basis.
- pyscf.scf.addons.remove_linear_dep(mf, threshold=1e-08, lindep=1e-10, cholesky_threshold=1e-10, force_pivoted_cholesky=False)#
- Args:
- thresholdfloat
The threshold under which the eigenvalues of the overlap matrix are discarded to avoid numerical instability.
- lindepfloat
The threshold that triggers the special treatment of the linear dependence issue.
- pyscf.scf.addons.remove_linear_dep_(mf, threshold=1e-08, lindep=1e-10, cholesky_threshold=1e-10, force_pivoted_cholesky=False)[source]#
- Args:
- thresholdfloat
The threshold under which the eigenvalues of the overlap matrix are discarded to avoid numerical instability.
- lindepfloat
The threshold that triggers the special treatment of the linear dependence issue.
pyscf.scf.atom_hf module#
- class pyscf.scf.atom_hf.AtomHF1e(mol)[source]#
- eig(f, s)#
Solver for generalized eigenvalue problem
\[HC = SCE\]
- class pyscf.scf.atom_hf.AtomSphAverageRHF(mol)[source]#
- check_sanity()[source]#
Check input of class/object attributes, check whether a class method is overwritten. It does not check the attributes which are prefixed with “_”. The return value of method set is the object itself. This allows a series of functions/methods to be executed in pipe.
- get_grad(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None)[source]#
RHF orbital gradients
- Args:
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Obital coefficients
- mo_occ1D ndarray
Orbital occupancy
- fock_ao2D ndarray
Fock matrix in AO representation
- Returns:
Gradients in MO representation. It’s a num_occ*num_vir vector.
- scf(*args, **kwargs)[source]#
SCF main driver
- Kwargs:
- dm0ndarray
If given, it will be used as the initial guess density matrix
>>> import numpy >>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> dm_guess = numpy.eye(mol.nao_nr()) >>> mf.kernel(dm_guess) converged SCF energy = -98.5521904482821 -98.552190448282104
- pyscf.scf.atom_hf.AtomSphericAverageRHF#
alias of
- pyscf.scf.atom_hf.frac_occ(symb, l, atomic_configuration=[[0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0], [3, 0, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0], [4, 1, 0, 0], [4, 2, 0, 0], [4, 3, 0, 0], [4, 4, 0, 0], [4, 5, 0, 0], [4, 6, 0, 0], [5, 6, 0, 0], [6, 6, 0, 0], [6, 7, 0, 0], [6, 8, 0, 0], [6, 9, 0, 0], [6, 10, 0, 0], [6, 11, 0, 0], [6, 12, 0, 0], [7, 12, 0, 0], [8, 12, 0, 0], [8, 13, 0, 0], [8, 12, 2, 0], [8, 12, 3, 0], [8, 12, 4, 0], [6, 12, 7, 0], [6, 12, 8, 0], [6, 12, 9, 0], [6, 12, 10, 0], [7, 12, 10, 0], [8, 12, 10, 0], [8, 13, 10, 0], [8, 14, 10, 0], [8, 15, 10, 0], [8, 16, 10, 0], [8, 17, 10, 0], [8, 18, 10, 0], [9, 18, 10, 0], [10, 18, 10, 0], [10, 19, 10, 0], [10, 18, 12, 0], [10, 18, 13, 0], [8, 18, 16, 0], [8, 18, 17, 0], [8, 18, 18, 0], [8, 18, 19, 0], [8, 18, 20, 0], [9, 18, 20, 0], [10, 18, 20, 0], [10, 19, 20, 0], [10, 20, 20, 0], [10, 21, 20, 0], [10, 22, 20, 0], [10, 23, 20, 0], [10, 24, 20, 0], [11, 24, 20, 0], [12, 24, 20, 0], [12, 24, 21, 0], [12, 24, 22, 0], [12, 24, 21, 2], [12, 24, 20, 4], [12, 24, 20, 5], [12, 24, 20, 6], [12, 24, 20, 7], [11, 24, 20, 9], [10, 24, 20, 11], [10, 24, 20, 12], [10, 24, 20, 13], [10, 24, 20, 14], [11, 24, 20, 14], [12, 24, 20, 14], [12, 25, 20, 14], [12, 24, 22, 14], [12, 24, 23, 14], [10, 24, 26, 14], [10, 24, 27, 14], [10, 24, 28, 14], [10, 24, 29, 14], [10, 24, 30, 14], [11, 24, 30, 14], [12, 24, 30, 14], [12, 25, 30, 14], [12, 26, 30, 14], [12, 27, 30, 14], [12, 28, 30, 14], [12, 29, 30, 14], [12, 30, 30, 14], [13, 30, 30, 14], [14, 30, 30, 14], [14, 30, 31, 14], [14, 30, 32, 14], [14, 30, 30, 17], [14, 30, 30, 18], [14, 30, 30, 19], [13, 30, 30, 21], [12, 30, 30, 23], [12, 30, 30, 24], [12, 30, 30, 25], [12, 30, 30, 26], [12, 30, 30, 27], [12, 30, 30, 28], [13, 30, 30, 28], [14, 30, 30, 28], [14, 30, 31, 28], [14, 30, 32, 28], [14, 30, 33, 28], [12, 30, 36, 28], [12, 30, 37, 28], [12, 30, 38, 28], [12, 30, 39, 28], [12, 30, 40, 28], [13, 30, 40, 28], [14, 30, 40, 28], [14, 31, 40, 28], [14, 32, 40, 28], [14, 33, 40, 28], [14, 34, 40, 28], [14, 35, 40, 28], [14, 36, 40, 28]])[source]#
- pyscf.scf.atom_hf.get_atm_nrhf(mol, atomic_configuration=[[0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0], [3, 0, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0], [4, 1, 0, 0], [4, 2, 0, 0], [4, 3, 0, 0], [4, 4, 0, 0], [4, 5, 0, 0], [4, 6, 0, 0], [5, 6, 0, 0], [6, 6, 0, 0], [6, 7, 0, 0], [6, 8, 0, 0], [6, 9, 0, 0], [6, 10, 0, 0], [6, 11, 0, 0], [6, 12, 0, 0], [7, 12, 0, 0], [8, 12, 0, 0], [8, 13, 0, 0], [8, 12, 2, 0], [8, 12, 3, 0], [8, 12, 4, 0], [6, 12, 7, 0], [6, 12, 8, 0], [6, 12, 9, 0], [6, 12, 10, 0], [7, 12, 10, 0], [8, 12, 10, 0], [8, 13, 10, 0], [8, 14, 10, 0], [8, 15, 10, 0], [8, 16, 10, 0], [8, 17, 10, 0], [8, 18, 10, 0], [9, 18, 10, 0], [10, 18, 10, 0], [10, 19, 10, 0], [10, 18, 12, 0], [10, 18, 13, 0], [8, 18, 16, 0], [8, 18, 17, 0], [8, 18, 18, 0], [8, 18, 19, 0], [8, 18, 20, 0], [9, 18, 20, 0], [10, 18, 20, 0], [10, 19, 20, 0], [10, 20, 20, 0], [10, 21, 20, 0], [10, 22, 20, 0], [10, 23, 20, 0], [10, 24, 20, 0], [11, 24, 20, 0], [12, 24, 20, 0], [12, 24, 21, 0], [12, 24, 22, 0], [12, 24, 21, 2], [12, 24, 20, 4], [12, 24, 20, 5], [12, 24, 20, 6], [12, 24, 20, 7], [11, 24, 20, 9], [10, 24, 20, 11], [10, 24, 20, 12], [10, 24, 20, 13], [10, 24, 20, 14], [11, 24, 20, 14], [12, 24, 20, 14], [12, 25, 20, 14], [12, 24, 22, 14], [12, 24, 23, 14], [10, 24, 26, 14], [10, 24, 27, 14], [10, 24, 28, 14], [10, 24, 29, 14], [10, 24, 30, 14], [11, 24, 30, 14], [12, 24, 30, 14], [12, 25, 30, 14], [12, 26, 30, 14], [12, 27, 30, 14], [12, 28, 30, 14], [12, 29, 30, 14], [12, 30, 30, 14], [13, 30, 30, 14], [14, 30, 30, 14], [14, 30, 31, 14], [14, 30, 32, 14], [14, 30, 30, 17], [14, 30, 30, 18], [14, 30, 30, 19], [13, 30, 30, 21], [12, 30, 30, 23], [12, 30, 30, 24], [12, 30, 30, 25], [12, 30, 30, 26], [12, 30, 30, 27], [12, 30, 30, 28], [13, 30, 30, 28], [14, 30, 30, 28], [14, 30, 31, 28], [14, 30, 32, 28], [14, 30, 33, 28], [12, 30, 36, 28], [12, 30, 37, 28], [12, 30, 38, 28], [12, 30, 39, 28], [12, 30, 40, 28], [13, 30, 40, 28], [14, 30, 40, 28], [14, 31, 40, 28], [14, 32, 40, 28], [14, 33, 40, 28], [14, 34, 40, 28], [14, 35, 40, 28], [14, 36, 40, 28]])[source]#
pyscf.scf.atom_hf_pp module#
- class pyscf.scf.atom_hf_pp.AtomHF1ePP(mol)[source]#
- eig(f, s)#
Solver for generalized eigenvalue problem
\[HC = SCE\]
- get_hcore(mol=None)#
- class pyscf.scf.atom_hf_pp.AtomSCFPP(mol)[source]#
pyscf.scf.atom_ks module#
- class pyscf.scf.atom_ks.AtomSphAverageRKS(mol, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
- eig(f, s)#
Solver for generalized eigenvalue problem
\[HC = SCE\]
- get_grad(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None)#
RHF orbital gradients
- Args:
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Obital coefficients
- mo_occ1D ndarray
Orbital occupancy
- fock_ao2D ndarray
Fock matrix in AO representation
- Returns:
Gradients in MO representation. It’s a num_occ*num_vir vector.
- get_occ(mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None)#
spherically averaged fractional occupancy
- pyscf.scf.atom_ks.AtomSphericAverageRKS#
alias of
- pyscf.scf.atom_ks.get_atm_nrks(mol, atomic_configuration=[[0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0], [3, 0, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0, 0], [4, 1, 0, 0], [4, 2, 0, 0], [4, 3, 0, 0], [4, 4, 0, 0], [4, 5, 0, 0], [4, 6, 0, 0], [5, 6, 0, 0], [6, 6, 0, 0], [6, 7, 0, 0], [6, 8, 0, 0], [6, 9, 0, 0], [6, 10, 0, 0], [6, 11, 0, 0], [6, 12, 0, 0], [7, 12, 0, 0], [8, 12, 0, 0], [8, 12, 1, 0], [8, 12, 2, 0], [8, 12, 3, 0], [8, 12, 4, 0], [7, 12, 6, 0], [7, 12, 7, 0], [7, 12, 8, 0], [7, 12, 9, 0], [7, 12, 10, 0], [8, 12, 10, 0], [8, 13, 10, 0], [8, 14, 10, 0], [8, 15, 10, 0], [8, 16, 10, 0], [8, 17, 10, 0], [8, 18, 10, 0], [9, 18, 10, 0], [10, 18, 10, 0], [10, 18, 11, 0], [10, 18, 12, 0], [10, 18, 13, 0], [9, 18, 15, 0], [9, 18, 16, 0], [8, 18, 18, 0], [8, 18, 19, 0], [8, 18, 20, 0], [9, 18, 20, 0], [10, 18, 20, 0], [10, 19, 20, 0], [10, 20, 20, 0], [10, 21, 20, 0], [10, 22, 20, 0], [10, 23, 20, 0], [10, 24, 20, 0], [11, 24, 20, 0], [12, 24, 20, 0], [12, 24, 20, 1], [12, 24, 20, 2], [12, 24, 20, 3], [12, 24, 20, 4], [12, 24, 20, 5], [12, 24, 20, 6], [12, 24, 20, 7], [12, 24, 20, 8], [12, 24, 20, 9], [12, 24, 20, 10], [12, 24, 20, 11], [12, 24, 20, 12], [12, 24, 20, 13], [12, 24, 20, 14], [12, 24, 21, 14], [12, 24, 22, 14], [12, 24, 23, 14], [11, 24, 25, 14], [11, 24, 26, 14], [10, 24, 28, 14], [10, 24, 29, 14], [10, 24, 30, 14], [11, 24, 30, 14], [12, 24, 30, 14], [12, 25, 30, 14], [12, 26, 30, 14], [12, 27, 30, 14], [12, 28, 30, 14], [12, 29, 30, 14], [12, 30, 30, 14], [13, 30, 30, 14], [14, 30, 30, 14], [14, 30, 30, 15], [14, 30, 30, 16], [14, 30, 30, 17], [13, 30, 30, 19], [13, 30, 30, 20], [13, 30, 30, 21], [13, 30, 30, 22], [13, 30, 30, 23], [13, 30, 30, 24], [13, 30, 30, 25], [13, 30, 30, 26], [13, 30, 30, 27], [13, 30, 30, 28], [14, 30, 30, 28], [14, 30, 31, 28], [14, 30, 32, 28], [13, 30, 34, 28], [12, 30, 36, 28], [12, 30, 37, 28], [12, 30, 38, 28], [12, 30, 39, 28], [12, 30, 40, 28], [13, 30, 40, 28], [14, 30, 40, 28], [14, 31, 40, 28], [14, 32, 40, 28], [14, 33, 40, 28], [14, 34, 40, 28], [14, 35, 40, 28], [14, 36, 40, 28]], xc='slater', grid=(100, 434))[source]#
pyscf.scf.chkfile module#
pyscf.scf.cphf module#
Restricted coupled perturbed Hartree-Fock solver
- pyscf.scf.cphf.kernel(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, s1=None, max_cycle=50, tol=1e-09, hermi=False, verbose=2, level_shift=0)#
- Args:
- fvindfunction
Given density matrix, compute (ij|kl)D_{lk}*2 - (ij|kl)D_{jk}
- Kwargs:
- hermiboolean
Whether the matrix defined by fvind is Hermitian or not.
- level_shiftfloat
Add to diagonal terms to slightly improve the convergence speed of Krylov solver
- pyscf.scf.cphf.solve(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, s1=None, max_cycle=50, tol=1e-09, hermi=False, verbose=2, level_shift=0)[source]#
- Args:
- fvindfunction
Given density matrix, compute (ij|kl)D_{lk}*2 - (ij|kl)D_{jk}
- Kwargs:
- hermiboolean
Whether the matrix defined by fvind is Hermitian or not.
- level_shiftfloat
Add to diagonal terms to slightly improve the convergence speed of Krylov solver
- pyscf.scf.cphf.solve_nos1(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, max_cycle=50, tol=1e-09, hermi=False, verbose=2, level_shift=0)[source]#
For field independent basis. First order overlap matrix is zero
- Kwargs:
- level_shiftfloat
Add to diagonal terms to slightly improve the convergence speed of Krylov solver
- pyscf.scf.cphf.solve_withs1(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, s1, max_cycle=50, tol=1e-09, hermi=False, verbose=2, level_shift=0)[source]#
For field dependent basis. First order overlap matrix is non-zero. The first order orbitals are set to C^1_{ij} = -1/2 S1 e1 = h1 - s1*e0 + (e0_j-e0_i)*c1 + vhf[c1]
- Kwargs:
- level_shiftfloat
Add to diagonal terms to slightly improve the convergence speed of Krylov solver
- Returns:
First order orbital coefficients (in MO basis) and first order orbital energy matrix
pyscf.scf.dhf module#
Dirac Hartree-Fock
- class pyscf.scf.dhf.DHF(mol)[source]#
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
- Attributes:
- verboseint
Print level. Default value equals to
- max_memoryfloat or int
Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to
- chkfilestr
checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc. Writing to chkfile can be disabled if this attribute is set to None or False.
- conv_tolfloat
converge threshold. Default is 1e-9
- conv_tol_gradfloat
gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
- max_cycleint
max number of iterations. If max_cycle <= 0, SCF iteration will be skipped and the kernel function will compute only the total energy based on the initial guess. Default value is 50.
- init_guessstr
initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘huckel’, ‘hcore’, ‘1e’, ‘sap’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
- sap_basisstr or dict
basis for SAP initial guess, either filename or path as str or internal format dictionary.
- DIISDIIS class
The class to generate diis object. It can be one of diis.SCF_DIIS, diis.ADIIS, diis.EDIIS.
- diisboolean or object of DIIS class defined in
. Default is the object associated to the attribute
. Set it to None/False to turn off DIIS. Note if this attribute is initialized as a DIIS object, the SCF driver will use this object in the iteration. The DIIS information (vector basis and error vector) will be held inside this object. When kernel function is called again, the old states (vector basis and error vector) will be reused.- diis_spaceint
DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
- diis_dampfloat
DIIS damping factor. Default is 0.
- diis_start_cycleint
The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
- diis_file: ‘str’
File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
- level_shiftfloat or int
Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
- direct_scfbool
Direct SCF is used by default.
- direct_scf_tolfloat
Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
- callbackfunction(envs_dict) => None
callback function takes one dict as the argument which is generated by the builtin function
, so that the callback function can access all local variables in the current environment.- conv_checkbool
An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
- check_convergencefunction(envs) => bool
A hook for overloading convergence criteria in SCF iterations.
Saved results:
- convergedbool
Whether the SCF iteration converged
- e_totfloat
Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
- mo_energy :
Orbital energies
- mo_occ
Orbital occupancy
- mo_coeff
Orbital coefficients
- cyclesint
The number of iteration cycles performed
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> mf.verbose = 0 >>> mf.level_shift = .4 >>> mf.scf() -1.0811707843775884
- Attributes for Dirac-Hartree-Fock
- with_ssssbool or string, for Dirac-Hartree-Fock only
If False, ignore small component integrals (SS|SS). Default is True.
- with_gauntbool, for Dirac-Hartree-Fock only
Default is False.
- with_breitbool, for Dirac-Hartree-Fock only
Gaunt + gauge term. Default is False.
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> e0 = mf.scf() >>> mf = scf.DHF(mol) >>> e1 = mf.scf() >>> print('Relativistic effects = %.12f' % (e1-e0)) Relativistic effects = -0.000008854205
- Gradients(*args, **kwargs)#
Unrestricted Dirac-Hartree-Fock gradients
- TDA(*args, **kwargs)#
Tamm-Dancoff approximation
- Attributes:
- conv_tolfloat
Diagonalization convergence tolerance. Default is 1e-9.
- nstatesint
Number of TD states to be computed. Default is 3.
Saved results:
- convergedbool
Diagonalization converged or not
- e1D array
excitation energy for each excited state.
- xyA list of two 2D arrays
The two 2D arrays are Excitation coefficients X (shape [nocc,nvir]) and de-excitation coefficients Y (shape [nocc,nvir]) for each excited state. (X,Y) are normalized to 1/2 in RHF/RKS methods and normalized to 1 for UHF/UKS methods. In the TDA calculation, Y = 0.
- TDHF(*args, **kwargs)#
- analyze(verbose=None)[source]#
Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Mulliken population analysis; Diople moment.
- conv_tol = 1e-08#
- dip_moment(mol=None, dm=None, unit='Debye', verbose=3, **kwargs)[source]#
Dipole moment calculation
\[\begin{split}\mu_x = -\sum_{\mu}\sum_{\nu} P_{\mu\nu}(\nu|x|\mu) + \sum_A Q_A X_A\\ \mu_y = -\sum_{\mu}\sum_{\nu} P_{\mu\nu}(\nu|y|\mu) + \sum_A Q_A Y_A\\ \mu_z = -\sum_{\mu}\sum_{\nu} P_{\mu\nu}(\nu|z|\mu) + \sum_A Q_A Z_A\end{split}\]where \(\mu_x, \mu_y, \mu_z\) are the x, y and z components of dipole moment
- Args:
mol: an instance of
dm : a 2D ndarrays density matrices- Return:
A list: the dipole moment on x, y and z component
- energy_elec(dm=None, h1e=None, vhf=None)#
Electronic part of Dirac-Hartree-Fock energy
- Args:
mf : an instance of SCF class
- Kwargs:
- dm2D ndarray
one-particle density matrix
- h1e2D ndarray
Core hamiltonian
- vhf2D ndarray
HF potential
- Returns:
Hartree-Fock electronic energy and the Coulomb energy
- gen_response(mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, with_j=True, hermi=0, max_memory=None)#
Generate a function to compute the product of DHF response function and DHF density matrices.
- get_grad(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None)[source]#
RHF orbital gradients
- Args:
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Obital coefficients
- mo_occ1D ndarray
Orbital occupancy
- fock_ao2D ndarray
Fock matrix in AO representation
- Returns:
Gradients in MO representation. It’s a num_occ*num_vir vector.
- get_jk(mol=None, dm=None, hermi=1, with_j=True, with_k=True, omega=None)[source]#
Compute J, K matrices for all input density matrices
- Args:
mol : an instance of
- dmndarray or list of ndarrays
A density matrix or a list of density matrices
- Kwargs:
- hermiint
Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : not hermitian and not symmetric1 : hermitian or symmetric2 : anti-hermitian- vhfopt :
A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
- with_jboolean
Whether to compute J matrices
- with_kboolean
Whether to compute K matrices
- omegafloat
Parameter of range-separated Coulomb operator: erf( omega * r12 ) / r12. If specified, integration are evaluated based on the long-range part of the range-separated Coulomb operator.
- Returns:
Depending on the given dm, the function returns one J and one K matrix, or a list of J matrices and a list of K matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> dms = numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> j, k = scf.hf.get_jk(mol, dms, hermi=0) >>> print(j.shape) (3, 2, 2)
- get_occ(mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None)[source]#
Label the occupancies for each orbital
- Kwargs:
- mo_energy1D ndarray
Obital energies
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Obital coefficients
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> energy = numpy.array([-10., -1., 1, -2., 0, -3]) >>> mf.get_occ(energy) array([2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2])
- init_guess_by_atom(mol=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from superposition of atomic HF density matrix. The atomic HF is occupancy averaged RHF
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_chkfile(chkfile=None, project=None)[source]#
Read the HF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the basis defined by
- Kwargs:
- projectNone or bool
Whether to project chkfile’s orbitals to the new basis. Note when the geometry of the chkfile and the given molecule are very different, this projection can produce very poor initial guess. In PES scanning, it is recommended to switch off project.
If project is set to None, the projection is only applied when the basis sets of the chkfile’s molecule are different to the basis sets of the given molecule (regardless whether the geometry of the two molecules are different). Note the basis sets are considered to be different if the two molecules are derived from the same molecule with different ordering of atoms.
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_huckel(mol=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from a Huckel calculation based on occupancy averaged atomic RHF calculations, doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_mod_huckel(mol=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from a Huckel calculation based on occupancy averaged atomic RHF calculations, doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089
In contrast to init_guess_by_huckel, this routine employs the updated GWH rule from doi:10.1021/ja00480a005 to form the guess.
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_sap(mol=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from a superposition of atomic potentials (SAP), doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089. This is the Gaussian fit implementation, see doi:10.1063/5.0004046.
- Args:
- molMoleBase object
the molecule object for which the initial guess is evaluated
- sap_basisdict
SAP basis in internal format (python dictionary)
- Returns:
- dm0ndarray
SAP initial guess density matrix
- make_rdm1(mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, **kwargs)#
One-particle density matrix in AO representation
- Args:
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Orbital coefficients. Each column is one orbital.
- mo_occ1D ndarray
- Returns:
One-particle density matrix, 2D ndarray
- mulliken_pop(mol=None, dm=None, s=None, verbose=5)[source]#
Mulliken population analysis
\[M_{ij} = D_{ij} S_{ji}\]Mulliken charges
\[\delta_i = \sum_j M_{ij}\]
- scf(dm0=None)[source]#
SCF main driver
- Kwargs:
- dm0ndarray
If given, it will be used as the initial guess density matrix
>>> import numpy >>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> dm_guess = numpy.eye(mol.nao_nr()) >>> mf.kernel(dm_guess) converged SCF energy = -98.5521904482821 -98.552190448282104
- ssss_approx = 'Visscher'#
- stability(internal=None, external=None, verbose=None, return_status=False, **kwargs)[source]#
DHF/DKS stability analysis.
See also pyscf.scf.stability.rhf_stability function.
- Kwargs:
- return_status: bool
Whether to return stable_i and stable_e
- Returns:
If return_status is False (default), the return value includes two set of orbitals, which are more close to the stable condition. The first corresponds to the internal stability and the second corresponds to the external stability.
Else, another two boolean variables (indicating current status: stable or unstable) are returned. The first corresponds to the internal stability and the second corresponds to the external stability.
- to_dks(xc='HF')[source]#
Convert the input mean-field object to a DKS object.
Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mean-field object.
- to_ghf()[source]#
Convert the input mean-field object to a GHF object.
Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mean-field object.
- to_gks(xc=None)[source]#
Convert the input mean-field object to a GKS object.
Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mean-field object.
- to_gpu(out=None)#
Convert a method to its corresponding GPU variant, and recursively converts all attributes of a method to cupy objects or gpu4pyscf objects.
- to_ks(xc='HF')#
Convert the input mean-field object to a DKS object.
Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mean-field object.
- to_rhf()[source]#
Convert the input mean-field object to a RHF/ROHF object.
Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mean-field object.
- to_rks(xc=None)[source]#
Convert the input mean-field object to a RKS/ROKS object.
Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mean-field object.
- to_uhf()[source]#
Convert the input mean-field object to a UHF object.
Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mean-field object.
- to_uks(xc=None)[source]#
Convert the input mean-field object to a UKS object.
Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mean-field object.
- with_breit = False#
- with_gaunt = False#
- with_ssss = True#
- x2c()#
- class pyscf.scf.dhf.HF1e(mol)[source]#
- scf(*args)#
SCF main driver
- Kwargs:
- dm0ndarray
If given, it will be used as the initial guess density matrix
>>> import numpy >>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> dm_guess = numpy.eye(mol.nao_nr()) >>> mf.kernel(dm_guess) converged SCF energy = -98.5521904482821 -98.552190448282104
- class pyscf.scf.dhf.RDHF(mol)[source]#
Kramers restricted Dirac-Hartree-Fock
- TDA(*args, **kwargs)#
Tamm-Dancoff approximation
- Attributes:
- conv_tolfloat
Diagonalization convergence tolerance. Default is 1e-9.
- nstatesint
Number of TD states to be computed. Default is 3.
Saved results:
- convergedbool
Diagonalization converged or not
- e1D array
excitation energy for each excited state.
- xyA list of two 2D arrays
The two 2D arrays are Excitation coefficients X (shape [nocc,nvir]) and de-excitation coefficients Y (shape [nocc,nvir]) for each excited state. (X,Y) are normalized to 1/2 in RHF/RKS methods and normalized to 1 for UHF/UKS methods. In the TDA calculation, Y = 0.
- TDHF(*args, **kwargs)#
- to_dks(xc='HF')[source]#
Convert the input mean-field object to a DKS object.
Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mean-field object.
- x2c()#
- pyscf.scf.dhf.dip_moment(mol, dm, unit='Debye', verbose=3, **kwargs)[source]#
Dipole moment calculation
\[\begin{split}\mu_x = -\sum_{\mu}\sum_{\nu} P_{\mu\nu}(\nu|x|\mu) + \sum_A Q_A X_A\\ \mu_y = -\sum_{\mu}\sum_{\nu} P_{\mu\nu}(\nu|y|\mu) + \sum_A Q_A Y_A\\ \mu_z = -\sum_{\mu}\sum_{\nu} P_{\mu\nu}(\nu|z|\mu) + \sum_A Q_A Z_A\end{split}\]where \(\mu_x, \mu_y, \mu_z\) are the x, y and z components of dipole moment
- Args:
mol: an instance of
dm : a 2D ndarrays density matrices- Return:
A list: the dipole moment on x, y and z component
- pyscf.scf.dhf.energy_elec(mf, dm=None, h1e=None, vhf=None)[source]#
Electronic part of Dirac-Hartree-Fock energy
- Args:
mf : an instance of SCF class
- Kwargs:
- dm2D ndarray
one-particle density matrix
- h1e2D ndarray
Core hamiltonian
- vhf2D ndarray
HF potential
- Returns:
Hartree-Fock electronic energy and the Coulomb energy
- pyscf.scf.dhf.get_init_guess(mol, key='minao', **kwargs)[source]#
Generate density matrix for initial guess
- Kwargs:
- keystr
One of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘huckel’, ‘mod_huckel’, ‘hcore’, ‘1e’, ‘sap’, ‘chkfile’.
- pyscf.scf.dhf.get_jk(mol, dm, hermi=1, coulomb_allow='SSSS', opt_llll=None, opt_ssll=None, opt_ssss=None, omega=None, verbose=None)#
- pyscf.scf.dhf.get_jk_coulomb(mol, dm, hermi=1, coulomb_allow='SSSS', opt_llll=None, opt_ssll=None, opt_ssss=None, omega=None, verbose=None)[source]#
- pyscf.scf.dhf.init_guess_by_chkfile(mol, chkfile_name, project=None)[source]#
Read SCF chkfile and make the density matrix for 4C-DHF initial guess.
- Kwargs:
- projectNone or bool
Whether to project chkfile’s orbitals to the new basis. Note when the geometry of the chkfile and the given molecule are very different, this projection can produce very poor initial guess. In PES scanning, it is recommended to switch off project.
If project is set to None, the projection is only applied when the basis sets of the chkfile’s molecule are different to the basis sets of the given molecule (regardless whether the geometry of the two molecules are different). Note the basis sets are considered to be different if the two molecules are derived from the same molecule with different ordering of atoms.
- pyscf.scf.dhf.init_guess_by_huckel(mol)[source]#
Initial guess from on-the-fly Huckel, doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089.
- pyscf.scf.dhf.init_guess_by_minao(mol)[source]#
Initial guess in terms of the overlap to minimal basis.
- pyscf.scf.dhf.init_guess_by_mod_huckel(mol)[source]#
Initial guess from on-the-fly Huckel, doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089, employing the updated GWH rule from doi:10.1021/ja00480a005.
- pyscf.scf.dhf.init_guess_by_sap(mol, mf)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from a superposition of atomic potentials (SAP), doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089. This is the Gaussian fit implementation, see doi:10.1063/5.0004046.
- Args:
- molMoleBase object
the molecule object for which the initial guess is evaluated
- sap_basisdict
SAP basis in internal format (python dictionary)
- Returns:
- dm0ndarray
SAP initial guess density matrix
- pyscf.scf.dhf.kernel(mf, conv_tol=1e-09, conv_tol_grad=None, dump_chk=True, dm0=None, callback=None, conv_check=True)[source]#
the modified SCF kernel for Dirac-Hartree-Fock. In this kernel, the SCF is carried out in three steps. First the 2-electron part is approximated by large component integrals (LL|LL); Next, (SS|LL) the interaction between large and small components are added; Finally, converge the SCF with the small component contributions (SS|SS)
pyscf.scf.diis module#
- class pyscf.scf.diis.ADIIS(dev=None, filename=None, incore=False)[source]#
Ref: JCP 132, 054109 (2010); DOI:10.1063/1.3304922
- update(s, d, f, mf, h1e, vhf, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
Extrapolate vector
If xerr the error vector is given, this function will push the target
vector and error vector in the DIIS subspace, and use the error vector to extrapolate the vector and return the extrapolated vector. * If xerr is None, this function will take the difference between the current given vector and the last given vector as the error vector to extrapolate the vector.
- class pyscf.scf.diis.CDIIS(mf=None, filename=None, Corth=None)[source]#
- update(s, d, f, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
Extrapolate vector
If xerr the error vector is given, this function will push the target
vector and error vector in the DIIS subspace, and use the error vector to extrapolate the vector and return the extrapolated vector. * If xerr is None, this function will take the difference between the current given vector and the last given vector as the error vector to extrapolate the vector.
- class pyscf.scf.diis.EDIIS(dev=None, filename=None, incore=False)[source]#
SCF-EDIIS Ref: JCP 116, 8255 (2002); DOI:10.1063/1.1470195
- update(s, d, f, mf, h1e, vhf, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
Extrapolate vector
If xerr the error vector is given, this function will push the target
vector and error vector in the DIIS subspace, and use the error vector to extrapolate the vector and return the extrapolated vector. * If xerr is None, this function will take the difference between the current given vector and the last given vector as the error vector to extrapolate the vector.
pyscf.scf.dispersion module#
dispersion correction for HF and DFT
pyscf.scf.ghf module#
Non-relativistic generalized Hartree-Fock
- class pyscf.scf.ghf.GHF(mol)[source]#
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
- Attributes:
- verboseint
Print level. Default value equals to
- max_memoryfloat or int
Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to
- chkfilestr
checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc. Writing to chkfile can be disabled if this attribute is set to None or False.
- conv_tolfloat
converge threshold. Default is 1e-9
- conv_tol_gradfloat
gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
- max_cycleint
max number of iterations. If max_cycle <= 0, SCF iteration will be skipped and the kernel function will compute only the total energy based on the initial guess. Default value is 50.
- init_guessstr
initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘huckel’, ‘hcore’, ‘1e’, ‘sap’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
- sap_basisstr or dict
basis for SAP initial guess, either filename or path as str or internal format dictionary.
- DIISDIIS class
The class to generate diis object. It can be one of diis.SCF_DIIS, diis.ADIIS, diis.EDIIS.
- diisboolean or object of DIIS class defined in
. Default is the object associated to the attribute
. Set it to None/False to turn off DIIS. Note if this attribute is initialized as a DIIS object, the SCF driver will use this object in the iteration. The DIIS information (vector basis and error vector) will be held inside this object. When kernel function is called again, the old states (vector basis and error vector) will be reused.- diis_spaceint
DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
- diis_dampfloat
DIIS damping factor. Default is 0.
- diis_start_cycleint
The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
- diis_file: ‘str’
File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
- level_shiftfloat or int
Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
- direct_scfbool
Direct SCF is used by default.
- direct_scf_tolfloat
Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
- callbackfunction(envs_dict) => None
callback function takes one dict as the argument which is generated by the builtin function
, so that the callback function can access all local variables in the current environment.- conv_checkbool
An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
- check_convergencefunction(envs) => bool
A hook for overloading convergence criteria in SCF iterations.
Saved results:
- convergedbool
Whether the SCF iteration converged
- e_totfloat
Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
- mo_energy :
Orbital energies
- mo_occ
Orbital occupancy
- mo_coeff
Orbital coefficients
- cyclesint
The number of iteration cycles performed
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> mf.verbose = 0 >>> mf.level_shift = .4 >>> mf.scf() -1.0811707843775884
- Attributes for GHF method
GHF orbital coefficients are 2D array. Let nao be the number of spatial AOs, mo_coeff[:nao] are the coefficients of AO with alpha spin; mo_coeff[nao:nao*2] are the coefficients of AO with beta spin.
- CISD(*args, **kwargs)#
- MP2(*args, **kwargs)#
- TDA(*args, **kwargs)#
Tamm-Dancoff approximation
- Attributes:
- conv_tolfloat
Diagonalization convergence tolerance. Default is 1e-9.
- nstatesint
Number of TD states to be computed. Default is 3.
Saved results:
- convergedbool
Diagonalization converged or not
- e1D array
excitation energy for each excited state.
- xyA list of two 2D arrays
The two 2D arrays are Excitation coefficients X (shape [nocc,nvir]) and de-excitation coefficients Y (shape [nocc,nvir]) for each excited state. (X,Y) are normalized to 1/2 in RHF/RKS methods and normalized to 1 for UHF/UKS methods. In the TDA calculation, Y = 0.
- TDHF(*args, **kwargs)#
- analyze(verbose=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Mulliken population analysis; Diople moment.
- det_ovlp(mo1, mo2, occ1, occ2, ovlp=None)[source]#
Calculate the overlap between two different determinants. It is the product of single values of molecular orbital overlap matrix.
- Return:
- A list:
the product of single values: float x_a: \(\mathbf{U} \mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1} \mathbf{V}^\dagger\) They are used to calculate asymmetric density matrix
- dip_moment(mol=None, dm=None, unit_symbol='Debye', origin=None, verbose=3)[source]#
Dipole moment calculation
\[\begin{split}\mu_x = -\sum_{\mu}\sum_{\nu} P_{\mu\nu}(\nu|x|\mu) + \sum_A Q_A X_A\\ \mu_y = -\sum_{\mu}\sum_{\nu} P_{\mu\nu}(\nu|y|\mu) + \sum_A Q_A Y_A\\ \mu_z = -\sum_{\mu}\sum_{\nu} P_{\mu\nu}(\nu|z|\mu) + \sum_A Q_A Z_A\end{split}\]where \(\mu_x, \mu_y, \mu_z\) are the x, y and z components of dipole moment
- Args:
mol: an instance of
dm : a 2D ndarrays density matrices origin : optional; length 3 list, tuple, or 1D arrayLocation of the origin. By default, the point (0, 0, 0) is used.
- Return:
A list: the dipole moment on x, y and z component
- gen_response(mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, with_j=True, hermi=0, max_memory=None)#
Generate a function to compute the product of GHF response function and GHF density matrices.
- get_grad(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None)[source]#
RHF orbital gradients
- Args:
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Obital coefficients
- mo_occ1D ndarray
Orbital occupancy
- fock_ao2D ndarray
Fock matrix in AO representation
- Returns:
Gradients in MO representation. It’s a num_occ*num_vir vector.
- get_init_guess(mol=None, key='minao', **kwargs)#
- get_jk(mol=None, dm=None, hermi=0, with_j=True, with_k=True, omega=None)[source]#
Compute J, K matrices for all input density matrices
- Args:
mol : an instance of
- dmndarray or list of ndarrays
A density matrix or a list of density matrices
- Kwargs:
- hermiint
Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : not hermitian and not symmetric1 : hermitian or symmetric2 : anti-hermitian- vhfopt :
A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
- with_jboolean
Whether to compute J matrices
- with_kboolean
Whether to compute K matrices
- omegafloat
Parameter of range-separated Coulomb operator: erf( omega * r12 ) / r12. If specified, integration are evaluated based on the long-range part of the range-separated Coulomb operator.
- Returns:
Depending on the given dm, the function returns one J and one K matrix, or a list of J matrices and a list of K matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> dms = numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> j, k = scf.hf.get_jk(mol, dms, hermi=0) >>> print(j.shape) (3, 2, 2)
- get_occ(mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None)#
Label the occupancies for each orbital
- Kwargs:
- mo_energy1D ndarray
Obital energies
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Obital coefficients
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> energy = numpy.array([-10., -1., 1, -2., 0, -3]) >>> mf.get_occ(energy) array([2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2])
- get_veff(mol=None, dm=None, dm_last=0, vhf_last=0, hermi=1)[source]#
Hartree-Fock potential matrix for the given density matrix
- Args:
mol : an instance of
- dmndarray or list of ndarrays
A density matrix or a list of density matrices
- Kwargs:
- dm_lastndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0
The density matrix baseline. If not 0, this function computes the increment of HF potential w.r.t. the reference HF potential matrix.
- vhf_lastndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0
The reference HF potential matrix.
- hermiint
Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric1 : hermitian2 : anti-hermitian- vhfopt :
A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
- Returns:
matrix Vhf = 2*J - K. Vhf can be a list matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> import numpy >>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> dm0 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> vhf0 = scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm0, hermi=0) >>> dm1 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> vhf1 = scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm1, hermi=0) >>> vhf2 = scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm1, dm_last=dm0, vhf_last=vhf0, hermi=0) >>> numpy.allclose(vhf1, vhf2) True
- init_guess_by_atom(mol=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from superposition of atomic HF density matrix. The atomic HF is occupancy averaged RHF
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_chkfile(chkfile=None, project=None)[source]#
Read the HF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the basis defined by
- Kwargs:
- projectNone or bool
Whether to project chkfile’s orbitals to the new basis. Note when the geometry of the chkfile and the given molecule are very different, this projection can produce very poor initial guess. In PES scanning, it is recommended to switch off project.
If project is set to None, the projection is only applied when the basis sets of the chkfile’s molecule are different to the basis sets of the given molecule (regardless whether the geometry of the two molecules are different). Note the basis sets are considered to be different if the two molecules are derived from the same molecule with different ordering of atoms.
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_huckel(mol=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from a Huckel calculation based on occupancy averaged atomic RHF calculations, doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_minao(mol=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix based on ANO basis, then project the density matrix to the basis set defined by
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> scf.hf.init_guess_by_minao(mol) array([[ 0.94758917, 0.09227308], [ 0.09227308, 0.94758917]])
- init_guess_by_mod_huckel(mol=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from a Huckel calculation based on occupancy averaged atomic RHF calculations, doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089
In contrast to init_guess_by_huckel, this routine employs the updated GWH rule from doi:10.1021/ja00480a005 to form the guess.
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_sap(mol=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from a superposition of atomic potentials (SAP), doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089. This is the Gaussian fit implementation, see doi:10.1063/5.0004046.
- Args:
- molMoleBase object
the molecule object for which the initial guess is evaluated
- sap_basisdict
SAP basis in internal format (python dictionary)
- Returns:
- dm0ndarray
SAP initial guess density matrix
- mulliken_meta(mol=None, dm=None, verbose=5, pre_orth_method='ANO', s=None)[source]#
Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs. In the meta-lowdin, the AOs are grouped in three sets: core, valence and Rydberg, the orthogonalization are carried out within each subsets.
- Args:
mol : an instance of
- dmndarray or 2-item list of ndarray
Density matrix. ROHF dm is a 2-item list of 2D array
- Kwargs:
verbose : int or instance of
- pre_orth_methodstr
Pre-orthogonalization, which localized GTOs for each atom. To obtain the occupied and unoccupied atomic shells, there are three methods
‘ano’ : Project GTOs to ANO basis‘minao’ : Project GTOs to MINAO basis‘scf’ : Symmetry-averaged fractional occupation atomic RHF
- Returns:
A list : pop, charges
- popnparray
Mulliken population on each atomic orbitals
- chargesnparray
Mulliken charges
- mulliken_pop(mol=None, dm=None, s=None, verbose=5)[source]#
Mulliken population analysis
\[M_{ij} = D_{ij} S_{ji}\]Mulliken charges
\[\delta_i = \sum_j M_{ij}\]- Returns:
A list : pop, charges
- popnparray
Mulliken population on each atomic orbitals
- chargesnparray
Mulliken charges
- spin_square(mo_coeff=None, s=None)[source]#
Spin of the GHF wavefunction
\[S^2 = \frac{1}{2}(S_+ S_- + S_- S_+) + S_z^2\]where \(S_+ = \sum_i S_{i+}\) is effective for all beta occupied orbitals; \(S_- = \sum_i S_{i-}\) is effective for all alpha occupied orbitals.
- There are two possibilities for \(S_+ S_-\)
same electron \(S_+ S_- = \sum_i s_{i+} s_{i-}\),
\[\sum_i \langle UHF|s_{i+} s_{i-}|UHF\rangle = \sum_{pq}\langle p|s_+s_-|q\rangle \gamma_{qp} = n_\alpha\]2) different electrons \(S_+ S_- = \sum s_{i+} s_{j-}, (i\neq j)\). There are in total \(n(n-1)\) terms. As a two-particle operator,
\[\langle S_+ S_- \rangle =\sum_{ij}(\langle i^\alpha|i^\beta\rangle \langle j^\beta|j^\alpha\rangle - \langle i^\alpha|j^\beta\rangle \langle j^\beta|i^\alpha\rangle)\]
- Similarly, for \(S_- S_+\)
same electron
\[\sum_i \langle s_{i-} s_{i+}\rangle = n_\beta\]different electrons
\[\langle S_- S_+ \rangle =\sum_{ij}(\langle i^\beta|i^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\alpha|j^\beta\rangle - \langle i^\beta|j^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\alpha|i^\beta\rangle)\]
- For \(S_z^2\)
same electron
\[\langle s_z^2\rangle = \frac{1}{4}(n_\alpha + n_\beta)\]different electrons
\[\begin{split}&\sum_{ij}(\langle ij|s_{z1}s_{z2}|ij\rangle -\langle ij|s_{z1}s_{z2}|ji\rangle) \\ &=\frac{1}{4}\sum_{ij}(\langle i^\alpha|i^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle - \langle i^\alpha|i^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\beta|j^\beta\rangle - \langle i^\beta|i^\beta\rangle \langle j^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle + \langle i^\beta|i^\beta\rangle \langle j^\beta|j^\beta\rangle) \\ &-\frac{1}{4}\sum_{ij}(\langle i^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\alpha|i^\alpha\rangle - \langle i^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\beta|i^\beta\rangle - \langle i^\beta|j^\beta\rangle \langle j^\alpha|i^\alpha\rangle + \langle i^\beta|j^\beta\rangle\langle j^\beta|i^\beta\rangle) \\ &=\frac{1}{4}\sum_{ij}|\langle i^\alpha|i^\alpha\rangle - \langle i^\beta|i^\beta\rangle|^2 -\frac{1}{4}\sum_{ij}|\langle i^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle - \langle i^\beta|j^\beta\rangle|^2 \\ &=\frac{1}{4}(n_\alpha - n_\beta)^2 -\frac{1}{4}\sum_{ij}|\langle i^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle - \langle i^\beta|j^\beta\rangle|^2\end{split}\]
- Args:
- moa list of 2 ndarrays
Occupied alpha and occupied beta orbitals
- Kwargs:
- sndarray
AO overlap
- Returns:
A list of two floats. The first is the expectation value of S^2. The second is the corresponding 2S+1
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0', basis='ccpvdz', charge=1, spin=1, verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.UHF(mol) >>> mf.kernel() -75.623975516256706 >>> mo = (mf.mo_coeff[0][:,mf.mo_occ[0]>0], mf.mo_coeff[1][:,mf.mo_occ[1]>0]) >>> print('S^2 = %.7f, 2S+1 = %.7f' % spin_square(mo, mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph'))) S^2 = 0.7570150, 2S+1 = 2.0070027
- to_gpu(out=None)#
Convert a method to its corresponding GPU variant, and recursively converts all attributes of a method to cupy objects or gpu4pyscf objects.
- with_soc = None#
- x2c()#
X2C with spin-orbit coupling effects.
Starting from PySCF 2.1, this function (mol.GHF().x2c()) produces an X2C calculation in spherical GTO bases. The results in theory are equivalent to those obtained from the mol.X2C() method, which is computed in the spinor GTO bases. This function called the spin-free X2C1E method in the older versions.
Please note the difference from other SCF methods, such as RHF and UHF. In those methods, the .x2c() method produces a scalar relativistic calculation using the X2C Hamiltonian.
- x2c1e()[source]#
X2C with spin-orbit coupling effects.
Starting from PySCF 2.1, this function (mol.GHF().x2c()) produces an X2C calculation in spherical GTO bases. The results in theory are equivalent to those obtained from the mol.X2C() method, which is computed in the spinor GTO bases. This function called the spin-free X2C1E method in the older versions.
Please note the difference from other SCF methods, such as RHF and UHF. In those methods, the .x2c() method produces a scalar relativistic calculation using the X2C Hamiltonian.
- class pyscf.scf.ghf.HF1e(mol)[source]#
- scf(*args)#
SCF main driver
- Kwargs:
- dm0ndarray
If given, it will be used as the initial guess density matrix
>>> import numpy >>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> dm_guess = numpy.eye(mol.nao_nr()) >>> mf.kernel(dm_guess) converged SCF energy = -98.5521904482821 -98.552190448282104
- pyscf.scf.ghf.analyze(mf, verbose=5, with_meta_lowdin=True, origin=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Mulliken population analysis; Dipole moment
- pyscf.scf.ghf.det_ovlp(mo1, mo2, occ1, occ2, ovlp)[source]#
Calculate the overlap between two different determinants. It is the product of single values of molecular orbital overlap matrix.
- Return:
- A list:
the product of single values: float x_a: \(\mathbf{U} \mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1} \mathbf{V}^\dagger\) They are used to calculate asymmetric density matrix
- pyscf.scf.ghf.get_jk(mol, dm, hermi=0, with_j=True, with_k=True, jkbuild=<function get_jk>, omega=None)[source]#
Compute J, K matrices for all input density matrices
- Args:
mol : an instance of
- dmndarray or list of ndarrays
A density matrix or a list of density matrices
- Kwargs:
- hermiint
Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : not hermitian and not symmetric1 : hermitian or symmetric2 : anti-hermitian- vhfopt :
A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
- with_jboolean
Whether to compute J matrices
- with_kboolean
Whether to compute K matrices
- omegafloat
Parameter of range-separated Coulomb operator: erf( omega * r12 ) / r12. If specified, integration are evaluated based on the long-range part of the range-separated Coulomb operator.
- Returns:
Depending on the given dm, the function returns one J and one K matrix, or a list of J matrices and a list of K matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> dms = numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> j, k = scf.hf.get_jk(mol, dms, hermi=0) >>> print(j.shape) (3, 2, 2)
- pyscf.scf.ghf.guess_orbspin(mo_coeff)[source]#
Guess the orbital spin (alpha 0, beta 1, unknown -1) based on the orbital coefficients
- pyscf.scf.ghf.init_guess_by_chkfile(mol, chkfile_name, project=None)[source]#
Read SCF chkfile and make the density matrix for GHF initial guess.
- Kwargs:
- projectNone or bool
Whether to project chkfile’s orbitals to the new basis. Note when the geometry of the chkfile and the given molecule are very different, this projection can produce very poor initial guess. In PES scanning, it is recommended to switch off project.
If project is set to None, the projection is only applied when the basis sets of the chkfile’s molecule are different to the basis sets of the given molecule (regardless whether the geometry of the two molecules are different). Note the basis sets are considered to be different if the two molecules are derived from the same molecule with different ordering of atoms.
- pyscf.scf.ghf.mulliken_meta(mol, dm_ao, verbose=5, pre_orth_method='ANO', s=None)[source]#
Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs.
- pyscf.scf.ghf.spin_square(mo, s=1)[source]#
Spin of the GHF wavefunction
\[S^2 = \frac{1}{2}(S_+ S_- + S_- S_+) + S_z^2\]where \(S_+ = \sum_i S_{i+}\) is effective for all beta occupied orbitals; \(S_- = \sum_i S_{i-}\) is effective for all alpha occupied orbitals.
- There are two possibilities for \(S_+ S_-\)
same electron \(S_+ S_- = \sum_i s_{i+} s_{i-}\),
\[\sum_i \langle UHF|s_{i+} s_{i-}|UHF\rangle = \sum_{pq}\langle p|s_+s_-|q\rangle \gamma_{qp} = n_\alpha\]2) different electrons \(S_+ S_- = \sum s_{i+} s_{j-}, (i\neq j)\). There are in total \(n(n-1)\) terms. As a two-particle operator,
\[\langle S_+ S_- \rangle =\sum_{ij}(\langle i^\alpha|i^\beta\rangle \langle j^\beta|j^\alpha\rangle - \langle i^\alpha|j^\beta\rangle \langle j^\beta|i^\alpha\rangle)\]
- Similarly, for \(S_- S_+\)
same electron
\[\sum_i \langle s_{i-} s_{i+}\rangle = n_\beta\]different electrons
\[\langle S_- S_+ \rangle =\sum_{ij}(\langle i^\beta|i^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\alpha|j^\beta\rangle - \langle i^\beta|j^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\alpha|i^\beta\rangle)\]
- For \(S_z^2\)
same electron
\[\langle s_z^2\rangle = \frac{1}{4}(n_\alpha + n_\beta)\]different electrons
\[\begin{split}&\sum_{ij}(\langle ij|s_{z1}s_{z2}|ij\rangle -\langle ij|s_{z1}s_{z2}|ji\rangle) \\ &=\frac{1}{4}\sum_{ij}(\langle i^\alpha|i^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle - \langle i^\alpha|i^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\beta|j^\beta\rangle - \langle i^\beta|i^\beta\rangle \langle j^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle + \langle i^\beta|i^\beta\rangle \langle j^\beta|j^\beta\rangle) \\ &-\frac{1}{4}\sum_{ij}(\langle i^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\alpha|i^\alpha\rangle - \langle i^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\beta|i^\beta\rangle - \langle i^\beta|j^\beta\rangle \langle j^\alpha|i^\alpha\rangle + \langle i^\beta|j^\beta\rangle\langle j^\beta|i^\beta\rangle) \\ &=\frac{1}{4}\sum_{ij}|\langle i^\alpha|i^\alpha\rangle - \langle i^\beta|i^\beta\rangle|^2 -\frac{1}{4}\sum_{ij}|\langle i^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle - \langle i^\beta|j^\beta\rangle|^2 \\ &=\frac{1}{4}(n_\alpha - n_\beta)^2 -\frac{1}{4}\sum_{ij}|\langle i^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle - \langle i^\beta|j^\beta\rangle|^2\end{split}\]
- Args:
- moa list of 2 ndarrays
Occupied alpha and occupied beta orbitals
- Kwargs:
- sndarray
AO overlap
- Returns:
A list of two floats. The first is the expectation value of S^2. The second is the corresponding 2S+1
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0', basis='ccpvdz', charge=1, spin=1, verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.UHF(mol) >>> mf.kernel() -75.623975516256706 >>> mo = (mf.mo_coeff[0][:,mf.mo_occ[0]>0], mf.mo_coeff[1][:,mf.mo_occ[1]>0]) >>> print('S^2 = %.7f, 2S+1 = %.7f' % spin_square(mo, mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph'))) S^2 = 0.7570150, 2S+1 = 2.0070027
pyscf.scf.ghf_symm module#
Non-relativistic generalized Hartree-Fock with point group symmetry.
- pyscf.scf.ghf_symm.GHF#
alias of
- class pyscf.scf.ghf_symm.HF1e(mol)[source]#
- scf(*args)#
SCF main driver
- Kwargs:
- dm0ndarray
If given, it will be used as the initial guess density matrix
>>> import numpy >>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> dm_guess = numpy.eye(mol.nao_nr()) >>> mf.kernel(dm_guess) converged SCF energy = -98.5521904482821 -98.552190448282104
- class pyscf.scf.ghf_symm.SymAdaptedGHF(mol)[source]#
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
- Attributes:
- verboseint
Print level. Default value equals to
- max_memoryfloat or int
Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to
- chkfilestr
checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc. Writing to chkfile can be disabled if this attribute is set to None or False.
- conv_tolfloat
converge threshold. Default is 1e-9
- conv_tol_gradfloat
gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
- max_cycleint
max number of iterations. If max_cycle <= 0, SCF iteration will be skipped and the kernel function will compute only the total energy based on the initial guess. Default value is 50.
- init_guessstr
initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘huckel’, ‘hcore’, ‘1e’, ‘sap’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
- sap_basisstr or dict
basis for SAP initial guess, either filename or path as str or internal format dictionary.
- DIISDIIS class
The class to generate diis object. It can be one of diis.SCF_DIIS, diis.ADIIS, diis.EDIIS.
- diisboolean or object of DIIS class defined in
. Default is the object associated to the attribute
. Set it to None/False to turn off DIIS. Note if this attribute is initialized as a DIIS object, the SCF driver will use this object in the iteration. The DIIS information (vector basis and error vector) will be held inside this object. When kernel function is called again, the old states (vector basis and error vector) will be reused.- diis_spaceint
DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
- diis_dampfloat
DIIS damping factor. Default is 0.
- diis_start_cycleint
The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
- diis_file: ‘str’
File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
- level_shiftfloat or int
Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
- direct_scfbool
Direct SCF is used by default.
- direct_scf_tolfloat
Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
- callbackfunction(envs_dict) => None
callback function takes one dict as the argument which is generated by the builtin function
, so that the callback function can access all local variables in the current environment.- conv_checkbool
An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
- check_convergencefunction(envs) => bool
A hook for overloading convergence criteria in SCF iterations.
Saved results:
- convergedbool
Whether the SCF iteration converged
- e_totfloat
Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
- mo_energy :
Orbital energies
- mo_occ
Orbital occupancy
- mo_coeff
Orbital coefficients
- cyclesint
The number of iteration cycles performed
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> mf.verbose = 0 >>> mf.level_shift = .4 >>> mf.scf() -1.0811707843775884
- Attributes for GHF method
GHF orbital coefficients are 2D array. Let nao be the number of spatial AOs, mo_coeff[:nao] are the coefficients of AO with alpha spin; mo_coeff[nao:nao*2] are the coefficients of AO with beta spin.
- Attributes for symmetry allowed GHF:
- irrep_nelecdict
Specify the number of electrons for particular irrep {‘ir_name’:int, …}. For the irreps not listed in these dicts, the program will choose the occupancy based on the orbital energies.
- analyze(verbose=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Mulliken population analysis; Diople moment.
- canonicalize(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None)#
Canonicalization diagonalizes the UHF Fock matrix in occupied, virtual subspaces separatedly (without change occupancy).
- eig(h, s, symm_orb=None, irrep_id=None)[source]#
Solver for generalized eigenvalue problem
\[HC = SCE\]
- get_grad(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None)[source]#
RHF orbital gradients
- Args:
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Obital coefficients
- mo_occ1D ndarray
Orbital occupancy
- fock_ao2D ndarray
Fock matrix in AO representation
- Returns:
Gradients in MO representation. It’s a num_occ*num_vir vector.
- get_irrep_nelec(mol=None, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, s=None)[source]#
Electron numbers for each irreducible representation.
- Args:
- molan instance of
To provide irrep_id, and spin-adapted basis
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Regular orbital coefficients, without grouping for irreps
- mo_occ1D ndarray
Regular occupancy, without grouping for irreps
- molan instance of
- Returns:
- irrep_nelecdict
The number of electrons for each irrep {‘ir_name’:int,…}.
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0', basis='ccpvdz', symmetry=True, verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() -76.016789472074251 >>> scf.hf_symm.get_irrep_nelec(mol, mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ) {'A1': 6, 'A2': 0, 'B1': 2, 'B2': 2}
- get_occ(mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None)[source]#
We assumed mo_energy are grouped by symmetry irreps, (see function self.eig). The orbitals are sorted after SCF.
- property orbsym#
- to_gpu(out=None)#
Convert a method to its corresponding GPU variant, and recursively converts all attributes of a method to cupy objects or gpu4pyscf objects.
pyscf.scf.hf module#
- pyscf.scf.hf.Kgwh(Ei, Ej, updated_rule=False)[source]#
Computes the generalized Wolfsberg-Helmholtz parameter
- class pyscf.scf.hf.RHF(mol)[source]#
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
- Attributes:
- verboseint
Print level. Default value equals to
- max_memoryfloat or int
Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to
- chkfilestr
checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc. Writing to chkfile can be disabled if this attribute is set to None or False.
- conv_tolfloat
converge threshold. Default is 1e-9
- conv_tol_gradfloat
gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
- max_cycleint
max number of iterations. If max_cycle <= 0, SCF iteration will be skipped and the kernel function will compute only the total energy based on the initial guess. Default value is 50.
- init_guessstr
initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘huckel’, ‘hcore’, ‘1e’, ‘sap’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
- sap_basisstr or dict
basis for SAP initial guess, either filename or path as str or internal format dictionary.
- DIISDIIS class
The class to generate diis object. It can be one of diis.SCF_DIIS, diis.ADIIS, diis.EDIIS.
- diisboolean or object of DIIS class defined in
. Default is the object associated to the attribute
. Set it to None/False to turn off DIIS. Note if this attribute is initialized as a DIIS object, the SCF driver will use this object in the iteration. The DIIS information (vector basis and error vector) will be held inside this object. When kernel function is called again, the old states (vector basis and error vector) will be reused.- diis_spaceint
DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
- diis_dampfloat
DIIS damping factor. Default is 0.
- diis_start_cycleint
The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
- diis_file: ‘str’
File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
- level_shiftfloat or int
Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
- direct_scfbool
Direct SCF is used by default.
- direct_scf_tolfloat
Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
- callbackfunction(envs_dict) => None
callback function takes one dict as the argument which is generated by the builtin function
, so that the callback function can access all local variables in the current environment.- conv_checkbool
An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
- check_convergencefunction(envs) => bool
A hook for overloading convergence criteria in SCF iterations.
Saved results:
- convergedbool
Whether the SCF iteration converged
- e_totfloat
Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
- mo_energy :
Orbital energies
- mo_occ
Orbital occupancy
- mo_coeff
Orbital coefficients
- cyclesint
The number of iteration cycles performed
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> mf.verbose = 0 >>> mf.level_shift = .4 >>> mf.scf() -1.0811707843775884
- CASCI(*args, **kwargs)#
- CASSCF(*args, **kwargs)#
- Args:
- mf_or_molSCF object or Mole object
SCF or Mole to define the problem size.
- ncasint
Number of active orbitals.
- nelecasint or a pair of int
Number of electrons in active space.
- Kwargs:
- ncoreint
Number of doubly occupied core orbitals. If not presented, this parameter can be automatically determined.
- Attributes:
- verboseint
Print level. Default value equals to
.- max_memoryfloat or int
Allowed memory in MB. Default value equals to
.- ncasint
Active space size.
- nelecastuple of int
Active (nelec_alpha, nelec_beta)
- ncoreint or tuple of int
Core electron number. In UHF-CASSCF, it’s a tuple to indicate the different core electron numbers.
- natorbbool
Whether to transform natural orbitals in active space. Note: when CASCI/CASSCF are combined with DMRG solver or selected CI solver, enabling this parameter may slightly change the total energy. False by default.
- canonicalizationbool
Whether to canonicalize orbitals in core and external space against the general Fock matrix. The orbitals in active space are NOT transformed by default. To get the natural orbitals in active space, the attribute .natorb needs to be enabled. True by default.
- sorting_mo_energybool
Whether to sort the orbitals based on the diagonal elements of the general Fock matrix. Default is False.
- fcisolveran instance of
The pyscf.fci module provides several FCISolver for different scenario. Generally, fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver can be used for all RHF-CASSCF. However, a proper FCISolver can provide better performance and better numerical stability. One can either use
function to pick the FCISolver by the program or manually assigen the FCISolver to this attribute, e.g.>>> from pyscf import fci >>> mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 4, 4) >>> mc.fcisolver = fci.solver(mol, singlet=True) >>> mc.fcisolver = fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver(mol)
You can control FCISolver by setting e.g.:
>>> mc.fcisolver.max_cycle = 30 >>> mc.fcisolver.conv_tol = 1e-7
For more details of the parameter for FCISolver, See
Saved results
- e_totfloat
Total MCSCF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
- e_casfloat
CAS space FCI energy
- cindarray
CAS space FCI coefficients
- mo_coeffndarray
When canonicalization is specified, the orbitals are canonical orbitals which make the general Fock matrix (Fock operator on top of MCSCF 1-particle density matrix) diagonalized within each subspace (core, active, external). If natorb (natural orbitals in active space) is specified, the active segment of the mo_coeff is natural orbitals.
- mo_energyndarray
Diagonal elements of general Fock matrix (in mo_coeff representation).
- mo_occndarray
Occupation numbers of natural orbitals if natorb is specified.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() >>> mc = mcscf.CASCI(mf, 6, 6) >>> mc.kernel()[0] -108.980200816243354
Extra attributes for CASSCF:
- conv_tolfloat
Converge threshold. Default is 1e-7
- conv_tol_gradfloat
Converge threshold for CI gradients and orbital rotation gradients. If not specified, it is set to sqrt(conv_tol).
- max_stepsizefloat
The step size for orbital rotation. Small step (0.005 - 0.05) is prefered. Default is 0.02.
- max_cycle_macroint
Max number of macro iterations. Default is 50.
- max_cycle_microint
Max number of micro iterations in each macro iteration. Depending on systems, increasing this value might reduce the total macro iterations. Generally, 2 - 5 steps should be enough. Default is 4.
- small_rot_tolfloat
Threshold for orbital rotation to be considered small. If the largest orbital rotation is smaller than this value, the CI solver will restart from the previous iteration if supported. Default is 0.01
- ah_level_shiftfloat, for AH solver.
Level shift for the Davidson diagonalization in AH solver. Default is 1e-8.
- ah_conv_tolfloat, for AH solver.
converge threshold for AH solver. Default is 1e-12.
- ah_max_cyclefloat, for AH solver.
Max number of iterations allowd in AH solver. Default is 30.
- ah_lindepfloat, for AH solver.
Linear dependence threshold for AH solver. Default is 1e-14.
- ah_start_tolflat, for AH solver.
In AH solver, the orbital rotation is started without completely solving the AH problem. This value is to control the start point. Default is 2.5.
- ah_start_cycleint, for AH solver.
In AH solver, the orbital rotation is started without completely solving the AH problem. This value is to control the start point. Default is 3.
can affect the accuracy and performance of CASSCF solver. Lowerah_conv_tol
might improve the accuracy of CASSCF optimization, but decrease the performance.>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.UHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() >>> mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6, 6) >>> mc.conv_tol = 1e-10 >>> mc.ah_conv_tol = 1e-5 >>> mc.kernel()[0] -109.044401898486001 >>> mc.ah_conv_tol = 1e-10 >>> mc.kernel()[0] -109.044401887945668
- chkfilestr
Checkpoint file to save the intermediate orbitals during the CASSCF optimization. Default is the checkpoint file of mean field object.
- ci_response_spaceint
subspace size to solve the CI vector response. Default is 3.
- callbackfunction(envs_dict) => None
callback function takes one dict as the argument which is generated by the builtin function
, so that the callback function can access all local variables in the current environment.- scale_restorationfloat
When a step of orbital rotation moves out of trust region, the orbital optimization will be restored to previous state and the step size of the orbital rotation needs to be reduced. scale_restoration controls how much to scale down the step size.
Saved results
- e_totfloat
Total MCSCF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
- e_casfloat
CAS space FCI energy
- cindarray
CAS space FCI coefficients
- mo_coeffndarray
Optimized CASSCF orbitals coefficients. When canonicalization is specified, the returned orbitals make the general Fock matrix (Fock operator on top of MCSCF 1-particle density matrix) diagonalized within each subspace (core, active, external). If natorb (natural orbitals in active space) is enabled, the active segment of mo_coeff is transformed to natural orbitals.
- mo_energyndarray
Diagonal elements of general Fock matrix (in mo_coeff representation).
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() >>> mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6, 6) >>> mc.kernel()[0] -109.044401882238134
- CISD(*args, **kwargs)#
- DFMP2(*args, **kwargs)#
- Gradients(*args, **kwargs)#
Non-relativistic restricted Hartree-Fock gradients
- MP2(*args, **kwargs)#
restricted MP2 with canonical HF and non-canonical HF reference
- Attributes:
- verboseint
Print level. Default value equals to
- max_memoryfloat or int
Allowed memory in MB. Default value equals to
- conv_tolfloat
For non-canonical MP2, converge threshold for MP2 correlation energy. Default value is 1e-7.
- conv_tol_normtfloat
For non-canonical MP2, converge threshold for norm(t2). Default value is 1e-5.
- max_cycleint
For non-canonical MP2, max number of MP2 iterations. Default value is 50.
- diis_spaceint
For non-canonical MP2, DIIS space size in MP2 iterations. Default is 6.
- level_shiftfloat
A shift on virtual orbital energies to stabilize the MP2 iterations.
- frozenint or list
If integer is given, the inner-most orbitals are excluded from MP2 amplitudes. Given the orbital indices (0-based) in a list, both occupied and virtual orbitals can be frozen in MP2 calculation.
>>> mol = gto.M(atom = 'H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1', basis = 'ccpvdz') >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol).run() >>> # freeze 2 core orbitals >>> pt = mp.MP2(mf).set(frozen = 2).run() >>> # auto-generate the number of core orbitals to be frozen (1 in this case) >>> pt = mp.MP2(mf).set_frozen().run() >>> # freeze 2 core orbitals and 3 high lying unoccupied orbitals >>> pt.set(frozen = [0,1,16,17,18]).run()
Saved results
- e_corrfloat
MP2 correlation correction
- e_corr_ss/osfloat
Same-spin and opposite-spin component of the MP2 correlation energy
- e_totfloat
Total MP2 energy (HF + correlation)
- t2 :
T amplitudes t2[i,j,a,b] (i,j in occ, a,b in virt)
- TDA(*args, **kwargs)#
Tamm-Dancoff approximation
- Attributes:
- conv_tolfloat
Diagonalization convergence tolerance. Default is 1e-9.
- nstatesint
Number of TD states to be computed. Default is 3.
Saved results:
- convergedbool
Diagonalization converged or not
- e1D array
excitation energy for each excited state.
- xyA list of two 2D arrays
The two 2D arrays are Excitation coefficients X (shape [nocc,nvir]) and de-excitation coefficients Y (shape [nocc,nvir]) for each excited state. (X,Y) are normalized to 1/2 in RHF/RKS methods and normalized to 1 for UHF/UKS methods. In the TDA calculation, Y = 0.
- TDHF(*args, **kwargs)#
Time-dependent Hartree-Fock
- Attributes:
- conv_tolfloat
Diagonalization convergence tolerance. Default is 1e-4.
- nstatesint
Number of TD states to be computed. Default is 3.
Saved results:
- convergedbool
Diagonalization converged or not
- e1D array
excitation energy for each excited state.
- xyA list of two 2D arrays
The two 2D arrays are Excitation coefficients X (shape [nocc,nvir]) and de-excitation coefficients Y (shape [nocc,nvir]) for each excited state. (X,Y) are normalized to 1/2 in RHF/RKS methods and normalized to 1 for UHF/UKS methods. In the TDA calculation, Y = 0.
- check_sanity()[source]#
Check input of class/object attributes, check whether a class method is overwritten. It does not check the attributes which are prefixed with “_”. The return value of method set is the object itself. This allows a series of functions/methods to be executed in pipe.
- gen_response(mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, singlet=None, hermi=0, max_memory=None)#
Generate a function to compute the product of RHF response function and RHF density matrices.
- Kwargs:
- singlet (None or boolean)If singlet is None, response function for
orbital hessian or CPHF will be generated. If singlet is boolean, it is used in TDDFT response kernel.
- get_jk(mol=None, dm=None, hermi=1, with_j=True, with_k=True, omega=None)[source]#
Compute J, K matrices for all input density matrices
- Args:
mol : an instance of
- dmndarray or list of ndarrays
A density matrix or a list of density matrices
- Kwargs:
- hermiint
Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : not hermitian and not symmetric1 : hermitian or symmetric2 : anti-hermitian- vhfopt :
A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
- with_jboolean
Whether to compute J matrices
- with_kboolean
Whether to compute K matrices
- omegafloat
Parameter of range-separated Coulomb operator: erf( omega * r12 ) / r12. If specified, integration are evaluated based on the long-range part of the range-separated Coulomb operator.
- Returns:
Depending on the given dm, the function returns one J and one K matrix, or a list of J matrices and a list of K matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> dms = numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> j, k = scf.hf.get_jk(mol, dms, hermi=0) >>> print(j.shape) (3, 2, 2)
- get_veff(mol=None, dm=None, dm_last=0, vhf_last=0, hermi=1)[source]#
Hartree-Fock potential matrix for the given density matrix
- Args:
mol : an instance of
- dmndarray or list of ndarrays
A density matrix or a list of density matrices
- Kwargs:
- dm_lastndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0
The density matrix baseline. If not 0, this function computes the increment of HF potential w.r.t. the reference HF potential matrix.
- vhf_lastndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0
The reference HF potential matrix.
- hermiint
Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric1 : hermitian2 : anti-hermitian- vhfopt :
A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
- Returns:
matrix Vhf = 2*J - K. Vhf can be a list matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> import numpy >>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> dm0 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> vhf0 = scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm0, hermi=0) >>> dm1 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> vhf1 = scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm1, hermi=0) >>> vhf2 = scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm1, dm_last=dm0, vhf_last=vhf0, hermi=0) >>> numpy.allclose(vhf1, vhf2) True
- stability(internal=True, external=False, verbose=None, return_status=False, **kwargs)[source]#
RHF/RKS stability analysis.
See also pyscf.scf.stability.rhf_stability function.
- Kwargs:
- internalbool
Internal stability, within the RHF optimization space.
- externalbool
External stability. Including the RHF -> UHF and real -> complex stability analysis.
- return_status: bool
Whether to return stable_i and stable_e
- Returns:
If return_status is False (default), the return value includes two set of orbitals, which are more close to the stable condition. The first corresponds to the internal stability and the second corresponds to the external stability.
Else, another two boolean variables (indicating current status: stable or unstable) are returned. The first corresponds to the internal stability and the second corresponds to the external stability.
- to_gpu(out=None)#
Convert a method to its corresponding GPU variant, and recursively converts all attributes of a method to cupy objects or gpu4pyscf objects.
- class pyscf.scf.hf.SCF(mol)[source]#
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
- Attributes:
- verboseint
Print level. Default value equals to
- max_memoryfloat or int
Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to
- chkfilestr
checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc. Writing to chkfile can be disabled if this attribute is set to None or False.
- conv_tolfloat
converge threshold. Default is 1e-9
- conv_tol_gradfloat
gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
- max_cycleint
max number of iterations. If max_cycle <= 0, SCF iteration will be skipped and the kernel function will compute only the total energy based on the initial guess. Default value is 50.
- init_guessstr
initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘huckel’, ‘hcore’, ‘1e’, ‘sap’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
- sap_basisstr or dict
basis for SAP initial guess, either filename or path as str or internal format dictionary.
- DIISDIIS class
The class to generate diis object. It can be one of diis.SCF_DIIS, diis.ADIIS, diis.EDIIS.
- diisboolean or object of DIIS class defined in
. Default is the object associated to the attribute
. Set it to None/False to turn off DIIS. Note if this attribute is initialized as a DIIS object, the SCF driver will use this object in the iteration. The DIIS information (vector basis and error vector) will be held inside this object. When kernel function is called again, the old states (vector basis and error vector) will be reused.- diis_spaceint
DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
- diis_dampfloat
DIIS damping factor. Default is 0.
- diis_start_cycleint
The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
- diis_file: ‘str’
File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
- level_shiftfloat or int
Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
- direct_scfbool
Direct SCF is used by default.
- direct_scf_tolfloat
Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
- callbackfunction(envs_dict) => None
callback function takes one dict as the argument which is generated by the builtin function
, so that the callback function can access all local variables in the current environment.- conv_checkbool
An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
- check_convergencefunction(envs) => bool
A hook for overloading convergence criteria in SCF iterations.
Saved results:
- convergedbool
Whether the SCF iteration converged
- e_totfloat
Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
- mo_energy :
Orbital energies
- mo_occ
Orbital occupancy
- mo_coeff
Orbital coefficients
- cyclesint
The number of iteration cycles performed
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> mf.verbose = 0 >>> mf.level_shift = .4 >>> mf.scf() -1.0811707843775884
- CCSD(frozen=None, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None)#
restricted CCSD
- Attributes:
- verboseint
Print level. Default value equals to
- max_memoryfloat or int
Allowed memory in MB. Default value equals to
- conv_tolfloat
converge threshold. Default is 1e-7.
- conv_tol_normtfloat
converge threshold for norm(t1,t2). Default is 1e-5.
- max_cycleint
max number of iterations. Default is 50.
- diis_spaceint
DIIS space size. Default is 6.
- diis_start_cycleint
The step to start DIIS. Default is 0.
- iterative_dampingfloat
The self consistent damping parameter.
- directbool
AO-direct CCSD. Default is False.
- async_iobool
Allow for asynchronous function execution. Default is True.
- incore_completebool
Avoid all I/O (also for DIIS). Default is False.
- level_shiftfloat
A shift on virtual orbital energies to stabilize the CCSD iteration
- frozenint or list
If integer is given, the inner-most orbitals are frozen from CC amplitudes. Given the orbital indices (0-based) in a list, both occupied and virtual orbitals can be frozen in CC calculation.
>>> mol = gto.M(atom = 'H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1', basis = 'ccpvdz') >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol).run() >>> # freeze 2 core orbitals >>> mycc = cc.CCSD(mf).set(frozen = 2).run() >>> # auto-generate the number of core orbitals to be frozen (1 in this case) >>> mycc = cc.CCSD(mf).set_frozen().run() >>> # freeze 2 core orbitals and 3 high lying unoccupied orbitals >>> mycc.set(frozen = [0,1,16,17,18]).run()
- callbackfunction(envs_dict) => None
callback function takes one dict as the argument which is generated by the builtin function
, so that the callback function can access all local variables in the current environment.
Saved results:
- convergedbool
Whether the CCSD iteration converged
- e_corrfloat
CCSD correlation correction
- e_totfloat
Total CCSD energy (HF + correlation)
- t1, t2 :
T amplitudes t1[i,a], t2[i,j,a,b] (i,j in occ, a,b in virt)
- l1, l2 :
Lambda amplitudes l1[i,a], l2[i,j,a,b] (i,j in occ, a,b in virt)
- cyclesint
The number of iteration cycles performed
- QCISD(frozen=None, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None)#
restricted QCISD
- QMMM(atoms_or_coords, charges, radii=None, unit=None)#
Embedding the one-electron (non-relativistic) potential generated by MM point charges into QM Hamiltonian.
The total energy includes the regular QM energy, the interaction between the nuclei in QM region and the MM charges, and the static Coulomb interaction between the electron density and the MM charges. It does not include the static Coulomb interactions of the MM point charges, the MM energy, the vdw interaction or other bonding/non-bonding effects between QM region and MM particles.
- Args:
scf_method : a HF or DFT object
- atoms_or_coords2D array, shape (N,3)
MM particle coordinates
- charges1D array
MM particle charges
- Kwargs:
- radii1D array
The Gaussian charge distribution radii of MM atoms.
- unitstr
Bohr, AU, Ang (case insensitive). Default is the same to mol.unit
- Returns:
Same method object as the input scf_method with modified 1e Hamiltonian
- Note:
1. if MM charge and X2C correction are used together, function mm_charge needs to be applied after X2C decoration (.x2c method), eg mf = mm_charge(scf.RHF(mol).x2c()), [(0.5,0.6,0.8)], [-0.5]). 2. Once mm_charge function is applied on the SCF object, it affects all the post-HF calculations eg MP2, CCSD, MCSCF etc
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0) >>> mf = mm_charge(dft.RKS(mol), [(0.5,0.6,0.8)], [-0.3]) >>> mf.kernel() -101.940495711284
- analyze(verbose=None, with_meta_lowdin=True, **kwargs)[source]#
Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Mulliken population analysis; Diople moment.
- apply(fn, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
Apply the fn to rest arguments: return fn(*args, **kwargs). The return value of method set is the object itself. This allows a series of functions/methods to be executed in pipe.
- as_scanner()#
Generating a scanner/solver for HF PES.
The returned solver is a function. This function requires one argument “mol” as input and returns total HF energy.
The solver will automatically use the results of last calculation as the initial guess of the new calculation. All parameters assigned in the SCF object (DIIS, conv_tol, max_memory etc) are automatically applied in the solver.
Note scanner has side effects. It may change many underlying objects (_scf, with_df, with_x2c, …) during calculation.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> hf_scanner = scf.RHF(gto.Mole().set(verbose=0)).as_scanner() >>> hf_scanner(gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1')) -98.552190448277955 >>> hf_scanner(gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.5')) -98.414750424294368
- callback = None#
- canonicalize(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None)#
Canonicalization diagonalizes the Fock matrix within occupied, open, virtual subspaces separatedly (without change occupancy).
- check_convergence = None#
- check_sanity()[source]#
Check input of class/object attributes, check whether a class method is overwritten. It does not check the attributes which are prefixed with “_”. The return value of method set is the object itself. This allows a series of functions/methods to be executed in pipe.
- conv_check = True#
- conv_tol = 1e-09#
- conv_tol_cpscf = 1e-08#
- conv_tol_grad = None#
- damp = 0#
- diis = True#
- diis_damp = 0#
- diis_file = None#
- diis_space = 8#
- diis_space_rollback = 0#
- diis_start_cycle = 1#
- dip_moment(mol=None, dm=None, unit='Debye', origin=None, verbose=3, **kwargs)[source]#
Dipole moment calculation
\[\begin{split}\mu_x = -\sum_{\mu}\sum_{\nu} P_{\mu\nu}(\nu|x|\mu) + \sum_A Q_A X_A\\ \mu_y = -\sum_{\mu}\sum_{\nu} P_{\mu\nu}(\nu|y|\mu) + \sum_A Q_A Y_A\\ \mu_z = -\sum_{\mu}\sum_{\nu} P_{\mu\nu}(\nu|z|\mu) + \sum_A Q_A Z_A\end{split}\]where \(\mu_x, \mu_y, \mu_z\) are the x, y and z components of dipole moment
- Args:
mol: an instance of
dm : a 2D ndarrays density matrices origin : optional; length 3 list, tuple, or 1D arrayLocation of the origin. By default, the point (0, 0, 0) is used.
- Return:
A list: the dipole moment on x, y and z component
- direct_scf = True#
- direct_scf_tol = 1e-13#
- disp = None#
- do_disp(disp=None)#
Check whether to apply dispersion correction based on the xc attribute. If dispersion is allowed, return the DFTD3 disp version, such as d3bj, d3zero, d4.
- dump_chk(envs_or_file)[source]#
Serialize the SCF object and save it to the specified chkfile.
- Args:
- envs_or_file:
If this argument is a file path, the serialized SCF object is saved to the file specified by this argument. If this attribute is a dict (created by locals()), the necessary variables are saved to the file specified by the attribute mf.chkfile.
- dump_scf_summary(verbose=5)#
- energy_elec(dm=None, h1e=None, vhf=None)#
Electronic part of Hartree-Fock energy, for given core hamiltonian and HF potential
… math:
E = \sum_{ij}h_{ij} \gamma_{ji} + \frac{1}{2}\sum_{ijkl} \gamma_{ji}\gamma_{lk} \langle ik||jl\rangle
Note this function has side effects which cause mf.scf_summary updated.
- Args:
mf : an instance of SCF class
- Kwargs:
- dm2D ndarray
one-particle density matrix
- h1e2D ndarray
Core hamiltonian
- vhf2D ndarray
HF potential
- Returns:
Hartree-Fock electronic energy and the Coulomb energy
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() >>> dm = mf.make_rdm1() >>> scf.hf.energy_elec(mf, dm) (-1.5176090667746334, 0.60917167853723675) >>> mf.energy_elec(dm) (-1.5176090667746334, 0.60917167853723675)
- energy_tot(dm=None, h1e=None, vhf=None)#
Total Hartree-Fock energy, electronic part plus nuclear repulsion See
for the electron partNote this function has side effects which cause mf.scf_summary updated.
- from_chk(chkfile=None, project=None)[source]#
Read the HF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the basis defined by
- Kwargs:
- projectNone or bool
Whether to project chkfile’s orbitals to the new basis. Note when the geometry of the chkfile and the given molecule are very different, this projection can produce very poor initial guess. In PES scanning, it is recommended to switch off project.
If project is set to None, the projection is only applied when the basis sets of the chkfile’s molecule are different to the basis sets of the given molecule (regardless whether the geometry of the two molecules are different). Note the basis sets are considered to be different if the two molecules are derived from the same molecule with different ordering of atoms.
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- get_dispersion(disp=None, with_3body=None, verbose=None)#
- get_fock(h1e=None, s1e=None, vhf=None, dm=None, cycle=-1, diis=None, diis_start_cycle=None, level_shift_factor=None, damp_factor=None, fock_last=None)#
F = h^{core} + V^{HF}
Special treatment (damping, DIIS, or level shift) will be applied to the Fock matrix if diis and cycle is specified (The two parameters are passed to get_fock function during the SCF iteration)
- Kwargs:
- h1e2D ndarray
Core hamiltonian
- s1e2D ndarray
Overlap matrix, for DIIS
- vhf2D ndarray
HF potential matrix
- dm2D ndarray
Density matrix, for DIIS
- cycleint
Then present SCF iteration step, for DIIS
- diisan object of
class DIIS object to hold intermediate Fock and error vectors
- diis_start_cycleint
The step to start DIIS. Default is 0.
- level_shift_factorfloat or int
Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
- get_grad(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None)[source]#
RHF orbital gradients
- Args:
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Obital coefficients
- mo_occ1D ndarray
Orbital occupancy
- fock_ao2D ndarray
Fock matrix in AO representation
- Returns:
Gradients in MO representation. It’s a num_occ*num_vir vector.
- get_j(mol=None, dm=None, hermi=1, omega=None)[source]#
Compute J matrices for all input density matrices
- get_jk(mol=None, dm=None, hermi=1, with_j=True, with_k=True, omega=None)[source]#
Compute J, K matrices for all input density matrices
- Args:
mol : an instance of
- dmndarray or list of ndarrays
A density matrix or a list of density matrices
- Kwargs:
- hermiint
Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : not hermitian and not symmetric1 : hermitian or symmetric2 : anti-hermitian- vhfopt :
A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
- with_jboolean
Whether to compute J matrices
- with_kboolean
Whether to compute K matrices
- omegafloat
Parameter of range-separated Coulomb operator: erf( omega * r12 ) / r12. If specified, integration are evaluated based on the long-range part of the range-separated Coulomb operator.
- Returns:
Depending on the given dm, the function returns one J and one K matrix, or a list of J matrices and a list of K matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> dms = numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> j, k = scf.hf.get_jk(mol, dms, hermi=0) >>> print(j.shape) (3, 2, 2)
- get_k(mol=None, dm=None, hermi=1, omega=None)[source]#
Compute K matrices for all input density matrices
- get_occ(mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None)#
Label the occupancies for each orbital
- Kwargs:
- mo_energy1D ndarray
Obital energies
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Obital coefficients
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> energy = numpy.array([-10., -1., 1, -2., 0, -3]) >>> mf.get_occ(energy) array([2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2])
- get_veff(mol=None, dm=None, dm_last=0, vhf_last=0, hermi=1)[source]#
Hartree-Fock potential matrix for the given density matrix
- Args:
mol : an instance of
- dmndarray or list of ndarrays
A density matrix or a list of density matrices
- Kwargs:
- dm_lastndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0
The density matrix baseline. If not 0, this function computes the increment of HF potential w.r.t. the reference HF potential matrix.
- vhf_lastndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0
The reference HF potential matrix.
- hermiint
Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric1 : hermitian2 : anti-hermitian- vhfopt :
A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
- Returns:
matrix Vhf = 2*J - K. Vhf can be a list matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> import numpy >>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> dm0 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> vhf0 = scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm0, hermi=0) >>> dm1 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> vhf1 = scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm1, hermi=0) >>> vhf2 = scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm1, dm_last=dm0, vhf_last=vhf0, hermi=0) >>> numpy.allclose(vhf1, vhf2) True
- init_guess = 'minao'#
- init_guess_by_1e(mol=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from core hamiltonian
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_atom(mol=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from superposition of atomic HF density matrix. The atomic HF is occupancy averaged RHF
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_chkfile(chkfile=None, project=None)[source]#
Read the HF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the basis defined by
- Kwargs:
- projectNone or bool
Whether to project chkfile’s orbitals to the new basis. Note when the geometry of the chkfile and the given molecule are very different, this projection can produce very poor initial guess. In PES scanning, it is recommended to switch off project.
If project is set to None, the projection is only applied when the basis sets of the chkfile’s molecule are different to the basis sets of the given molecule (regardless whether the geometry of the two molecules are different). Note the basis sets are considered to be different if the two molecules are derived from the same molecule with different ordering of atoms.
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_huckel(mol=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from a Huckel calculation based on occupancy averaged atomic RHF calculations, doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_minao(mol=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix based on ANO basis, then project the density matrix to the basis set defined by
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> scf.hf.init_guess_by_minao(mol) array([[ 0.94758917, 0.09227308], [ 0.09227308, 0.94758917]])
- init_guess_by_mod_huckel(updated_rule, mol=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from a Huckel calculation based on occupancy averaged atomic RHF calculations, doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089
In contrast to init_guess_by_huckel, this routine employs the updated GWH rule from doi:10.1021/ja00480a005 to form the guess.
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_sap(mol=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from a superposition of atomic potentials (SAP), doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089. This is the Gaussian fit implementation, see doi:10.1063/5.0004046.
- Args:
- molMoleBase object
the molecule object for which the initial guess is evaluated
- sap_basisdict
SAP basis in internal format (python dictionary)
- Returns:
- dm0ndarray
SAP initial guess density matrix
- istype(type_code)[source]#
Checks if the object is an instance of the class specified by the type_code. type_code can be a class or a str. If the type_code is a class, it is equivalent to the Python built-in function isinstance. If the type_code is a str, it checks the type_code against the names of the object and all its parent classes.
- kernel(dm0=None, **kwargs)#
SCF main driver
- Kwargs:
- dm0ndarray
If given, it will be used as the initial guess density matrix
>>> import numpy >>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> dm_guess = numpy.eye(mol.nao_nr()) >>> mf.kernel(dm_guess) converged SCF energy = -98.5521904482821 -98.552190448282104
- level_shift = 0#
- make_rdm1(mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, **kwargs)#
One-particle density matrix in AO representation
- Args:
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Orbital coefficients. Each column is one orbital.
- mo_occ1D ndarray
- Returns:
One-particle density matrix, 2D ndarray
- make_rdm2(mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, **kwargs)#
Two-particle density matrix in AO representation
- Args:
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Orbital coefficients. Each column is one orbital.
- mo_occ1D ndarray
- Returns:
Two-particle density matrix, 4D ndarray
- max_cycle = 50#
- mulliken_meta(mol=None, dm=None, verbose=5, pre_orth_method='ANO', s=None)[source]#
Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs. In the meta-lowdin, the AOs are grouped in three sets: core, valence and Rydberg, the orthogonalization are carried out within each subsets.
- Args:
mol : an instance of
- dmndarray or 2-item list of ndarray
Density matrix. ROHF dm is a 2-item list of 2D array
- Kwargs:
verbose : int or instance of
- pre_orth_methodstr
Pre-orthogonalization, which localized GTOs for each atom. To obtain the occupied and unoccupied atomic shells, there are three methods
‘ano’ : Project GTOs to ANO basis‘minao’ : Project GTOs to MINAO basis‘scf’ : Symmetry-averaged fractional occupation atomic RHF
- Returns:
A list : pop, charges
- popnparray
Mulliken population on each atomic orbitals
- chargesnparray
Mulliken charges
- mulliken_pop(mol=None, dm=None, s=None, verbose=5)[source]#
Mulliken population analysis
\[M_{ij} = D_{ij} S_{ji}\]Mulliken charges
\[\delta_i = \sum_j M_{ij}\]- Returns:
A list : pop, charges
- popnparray
Mulliken population on each atomic orbitals
- chargesnparray
Mulliken charges
- mulliken_pop_meta_lowdin_ao(*args, **kwargs)#
Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs. In the meta-lowdin, the AOs are grouped in three sets: core, valence and Rydberg, the orthogonalization are carried out within each subsets.
- Args:
mol : an instance of
- dmndarray or 2-item list of ndarray
Density matrix. ROHF dm is a 2-item list of 2D array
- Kwargs:
verbose : int or instance of
- pre_orth_methodstr
Pre-orthogonalization, which localized GTOs for each atom. To obtain the occupied and unoccupied atomic shells, there are three methods
‘ano’ : Project GTOs to ANO basis‘minao’ : Project GTOs to MINAO basis‘scf’ : Symmetry-averaged fractional occupation atomic RHF
- Returns:
A list : pop, charges
- popnparray
Mulliken population on each atomic orbitals
- chargesnparray
Mulliken charges
- property opt#
- pop(*args, **kwargs)[source]#
Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs. In the meta-lowdin, the AOs are grouped in three sets: core, valence and Rydberg, the orthogonalization are carried out within each subsets.
- Args:
mol : an instance of
- dmndarray or 2-item list of ndarray
Density matrix. ROHF dm is a 2-item list of 2D array
- Kwargs:
verbose : int or instance of
- pre_orth_methodstr
Pre-orthogonalization, which localized GTOs for each atom. To obtain the occupied and unoccupied atomic shells, there are three methods
‘ano’ : Project GTOs to ANO basis‘minao’ : Project GTOs to MINAO basis‘scf’ : Symmetry-averaged fractional occupation atomic RHF
- Returns:
A list : pop, charges
- popnparray
Mulliken population on each atomic orbitals
- chargesnparray
Mulliken charges
- quad_moment(mol=None, dm=None, unit='DebyeAngstrom', origin=None, verbose=3, **kwargs)[source]#
Calculates traceless quadrupole moment tensor.
The traceless quadrupole tensor is given by
\[\begin{split}Q_{ij} &= - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{\mu \nu} P_{\mu \nu} \left[ 3 (\nu | r_i r_j | \mu) - \delta_{ij} (\nu | r^2 | \mu) \right] \\ &+ \frac{1}{2} \sum_A Q_A \left( R_{iA} R_{jA} - \delta_{ij} \|\mathbf{R}_A\|^2 \right).\end{split}\]If the molecule has a dipole, the quadrupole moment depends on the location of the origin. By default, the origin is taken to be (0, 0, 0), but it can be set manually via the keyword argument origin.
- Args:
mol: an instance of
dm : a 2D ndarrays density matrices origin : optional; length 3 list, tuple, or 1D arrayLocation of the origin. By default, it is (0, 0, 0).
- Return:
Traceless quadrupole tensor, 2D ndarray.
- sap_basis = 'sapgrasplarge'#
- scf(dm0=None, **kwargs)[source]#
SCF main driver
- Kwargs:
- dm0ndarray
If given, it will be used as the initial guess density matrix
>>> import numpy >>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> dm_guess = numpy.eye(mol.nao_nr()) >>> mf.kernel(dm_guess) converged SCF energy = -98.5521904482821 -98.552190448282104
- to_ghf()[source]#
Convert the input mean-field object to a GHF object.
Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mean-field object.
- to_gks(xc='HF')[source]#
Convert the input mean-field object to a GKS object.
Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mean-field object.
- to_ks(xc='HF')[source]#
Convert the input mean-field object to the associated KS object.
Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mean-field object.
- to_rhf()[source]#
Convert the input mean-field object to a RHF/ROHF object.
Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mean-field object.
- to_rks(xc='HF')[source]#
Convert the input mean-field object to a RKS/ROKS object.
Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mean-field object.
- to_uhf()[source]#
Convert the input mean-field object to a UHF object.
Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mean-field object.
- to_uks(xc='HF')[source]#
Convert the input mean-field object to a UKS object.
Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mean-field object.
- update(chkfile=None)#
Read attributes from the chkfile then replace the attributes of current object. It’s an alias of function update_from_chk_.
- update_(chkfile=None)[source]#
Read attributes from the chkfile then replace the attributes of current object. It’s an alias of function update_from_chk_.
- update_from_chk(chkfile=None)#
Read attributes from the chkfile then replace the attributes of current object. It’s an alias of function update_from_chk_.
- update_from_chk_(chkfile=None)#
Read attributes from the chkfile then replace the attributes of current object. It’s an alias of function update_from_chk_.
- x2c()#
- x2c1e()#
- class pyscf.scf.hf.SCF_Scanner(mf_obj)[source]#
- pyscf.scf.hf.analyze(mf, verbose=5, with_meta_lowdin=True, origin=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Mulliken population analysis; Diople moment.
- pyscf.scf.hf.as_scanner(mf)[source]#
Generating a scanner/solver for HF PES.
The returned solver is a function. This function requires one argument “mol” as input and returns total HF energy.
The solver will automatically use the results of last calculation as the initial guess of the new calculation. All parameters assigned in the SCF object (DIIS, conv_tol, max_memory etc) are automatically applied in the solver.
Note scanner has side effects. It may change many underlying objects (_scf, with_df, with_x2c, …) during calculation.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> hf_scanner = scf.RHF(gto.Mole().set(verbose=0)).as_scanner() >>> hf_scanner(gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1')) -98.552190448277955 >>> hf_scanner(gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.5')) -98.414750424294368
- pyscf.scf.hf.canonicalize(mf, mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None)[source]#
Canonicalization diagonalizes the Fock matrix within occupied, open, virtual subspaces separatedly (without change occupancy).
- pyscf.scf.hf.dip_moment(mol, dm, unit='Debye', origin=None, verbose=3, **kwargs)[source]#
Dipole moment calculation
\[\begin{split}\mu_x = -\sum_{\mu}\sum_{\nu} P_{\mu\nu}(\nu|x|\mu) + \sum_A Q_A X_A\\ \mu_y = -\sum_{\mu}\sum_{\nu} P_{\mu\nu}(\nu|y|\mu) + \sum_A Q_A Y_A\\ \mu_z = -\sum_{\mu}\sum_{\nu} P_{\mu\nu}(\nu|z|\mu) + \sum_A Q_A Z_A\end{split}\]where \(\mu_x, \mu_y, \mu_z\) are the x, y and z components of dipole moment
- Args:
mol: an instance of
dm : a 2D ndarrays density matrices origin : optional; length 3 list, tuple, or 1D arrayLocation of the origin. By default, the point (0, 0, 0) is used.
- Return:
A list: the dipole moment on x, y and z component
- pyscf.scf.hf.dot_eri_dm(eri, dm, hermi=0, with_j=True, with_k=True)[source]#
Compute J, K matrices in terms of the given 2-electron integrals and density matrix:
J ~ numpy.einsum(‘pqrs,qp->rs’, eri, dm) K ~ numpy.einsum(‘pqrs,qr->ps’, eri, dm)
- Args:
- erindarray
8-fold or 4-fold ERIs or complex integral array with N^4 elements (N is the number of orbitals)
- dmndarray or list of ndarrays
A density matrix or a list of density matrices
- Kwargs:
- hermiint
Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric1 : hermitian2 : anti-hermitian
- Returns:
Depending on the given dm, the function returns one J and one K matrix, or a list of J matrices and a list of K matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> eri = _vhf.int2e_sph(mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env) >>> dms = numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> j, k = scf.hf.dot_eri_dm(eri, dms, hermi=0) >>> print(j.shape) (3, 2, 2)
- pyscf.scf.hf.energy_elec(mf, dm=None, h1e=None, vhf=None)[source]#
Electronic part of Hartree-Fock energy, for given core hamiltonian and HF potential
… math:
E = \sum_{ij}h_{ij} \gamma_{ji} + \frac{1}{2}\sum_{ijkl} \gamma_{ji}\gamma_{lk} \langle ik||jl\rangle
Note this function has side effects which cause mf.scf_summary updated.
- Args:
mf : an instance of SCF class
- Kwargs:
- dm2D ndarray
one-particle density matrix
- h1e2D ndarray
Core hamiltonian
- vhf2D ndarray
HF potential
- Returns:
Hartree-Fock electronic energy and the Coulomb energy
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() >>> dm = mf.make_rdm1() >>> scf.hf.energy_elec(mf, dm) (-1.5176090667746334, 0.60917167853723675) >>> mf.energy_elec(dm) (-1.5176090667746334, 0.60917167853723675)
- pyscf.scf.hf.energy_tot(mf, dm=None, h1e=None, vhf=None)[source]#
Total Hartree-Fock energy, electronic part plus nuclear repulsion See
for the electron partNote this function has side effects which cause mf.scf_summary updated.
- pyscf.scf.hf.get_fock(mf, h1e=None, s1e=None, vhf=None, dm=None, cycle=-1, diis=None, diis_start_cycle=None, level_shift_factor=None, damp_factor=None, fock_last=None)[source]#
F = h^{core} + V^{HF}
Special treatment (damping, DIIS, or level shift) will be applied to the Fock matrix if diis and cycle is specified (The two parameters are passed to get_fock function during the SCF iteration)
- Kwargs:
- h1e2D ndarray
Core hamiltonian
- s1e2D ndarray
Overlap matrix, for DIIS
- vhf2D ndarray
HF potential matrix
- dm2D ndarray
Density matrix, for DIIS
- cycleint
Then present SCF iteration step, for DIIS
- diisan object of
class DIIS object to hold intermediate Fock and error vectors
- diis_start_cycleint
The step to start DIIS. Default is 0.
- level_shift_factorfloat or int
Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
- pyscf.scf.hf.get_grad(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock_ao)[source]#
RHF orbital gradients
- Args:
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Obital coefficients
- mo_occ1D ndarray
Orbital occupancy
- fock_ao2D ndarray
Fock matrix in AO representation
- Returns:
Gradients in MO representation. It’s a num_occ*num_vir vector.
- pyscf.scf.hf.get_hcore(mol)[source]#
Core Hamiltonian
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> scf.hf.get_hcore(mol) array([[-0.93767904, -0.59316327], [-0.59316327, -0.93767904]])
- pyscf.scf.hf.get_init_guess(mol, key='minao', **kwargs)[source]#
Generate density matrix for initial guess
- Kwargs:
- keystr
One of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘huckel’, ‘hcore’, ‘1e’, ‘sap’, ‘chkfile’.
- pyscf.scf.hf.get_jk(mol, dm, hermi=1, vhfopt=None, with_j=True, with_k=True, omega=None)[source]#
Compute J, K matrices for all input density matrices
- Args:
mol : an instance of
- dmndarray or list of ndarrays
A density matrix or a list of density matrices
- Kwargs:
- hermiint
Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : not hermitian and not symmetric1 : hermitian or symmetric2 : anti-hermitian- vhfopt :
A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
- with_jboolean
Whether to compute J matrices
- with_kboolean
Whether to compute K matrices
- omegafloat
Parameter of range-separated Coulomb operator: erf( omega * r12 ) / r12. If specified, integration are evaluated based on the long-range part of the range-separated Coulomb operator.
- Returns:
Depending on the given dm, the function returns one J and one K matrix, or a list of J matrices and a list of K matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> dms = numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> j, k = scf.hf.get_jk(mol, dms, hermi=0) >>> print(j.shape) (3, 2, 2)
- pyscf.scf.hf.get_occ(mf, mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None)[source]#
Label the occupancies for each orbital
- Kwargs:
- mo_energy1D ndarray
Obital energies
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Obital coefficients
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> energy = numpy.array([-10., -1., 1, -2., 0, -3]) >>> mf.get_occ(energy) array([2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2])
- pyscf.scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm, dm_last=None, vhf_last=None, hermi=1, vhfopt=None)[source]#
Hartree-Fock potential matrix for the given density matrix
- Args:
mol : an instance of
- dmndarray or list of ndarrays
A density matrix or a list of density matrices
- Kwargs:
- dm_lastndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0
The density matrix baseline. If not 0, this function computes the increment of HF potential w.r.t. the reference HF potential matrix.
- vhf_lastndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0
The reference HF potential matrix.
- hermiint
Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric1 : hermitian2 : anti-hermitian- vhfopt :
A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
- Returns:
matrix Vhf = 2*J - K. Vhf can be a list matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> import numpy >>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> dm0 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> vhf0 = scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm0, hermi=0) >>> dm1 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> vhf1 = scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm1, hermi=0) >>> vhf2 = scf.hf.get_veff(mol, dm1, dm_last=dm0, vhf_last=vhf0, hermi=0) >>> numpy.allclose(vhf1, vhf2) True
- pyscf.scf.hf.init_guess_by_1e(mol)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from core hamiltonian
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- pyscf.scf.hf.init_guess_by_atom(mol)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from superposition of atomic HF density matrix. The atomic HF is occupancy averaged RHF
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- pyscf.scf.hf.init_guess_by_chkfile(mol, chkfile_name, project=None)[source]#
Read the HF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the basis defined by
- Kwargs:
- projectNone or bool
Whether to project chkfile’s orbitals to the new basis. Note when the geometry of the chkfile and the given molecule are very different, this projection can produce very poor initial guess. In PES scanning, it is recommended to switch off project.
If project is set to None, the projection is only applied when the basis sets of the chkfile’s molecule are different to the basis sets of the given molecule (regardless whether the geometry of the two molecules are different). Note the basis sets are considered to be different if the two molecules are derived from the same molecule with different ordering of atoms.
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- pyscf.scf.hf.init_guess_by_huckel(mol)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from a Huckel calculation based on occupancy averaged atomic RHF calculations, doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- pyscf.scf.hf.init_guess_by_minao(mol)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix based on ANO basis, then project the density matrix to the basis set defined by
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> scf.hf.init_guess_by_minao(mol) array([[ 0.94758917, 0.09227308], [ 0.09227308, 0.94758917]])
- pyscf.scf.hf.init_guess_by_mod_huckel(mol)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from a Huckel calculation based on occupancy averaged atomic RHF calculations, doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089
In contrast to init_guess_by_huckel, this routine employs the updated GWH rule from doi:10.1021/ja00480a005 to form the guess.
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- pyscf.scf.hf.init_guess_by_sap(mol, sap_basis, **kwargs)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from a superposition of atomic potentials (SAP), doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089. This is the Gaussian fit implementation, see doi:10.1063/5.0004046.
- Args:
- molMoleBase object
the molecule object for which the initial guess is evaluated
- sap_basisdict
SAP basis in internal format (python dictionary)
- Returns:
- dm0ndarray
SAP initial guess density matrix
- pyscf.scf.hf.kernel(mf, conv_tol=1e-10, conv_tol_grad=None, dump_chk=True, dm0=None, callback=None, conv_check=True, **kwargs)[source]#
kernel: the SCF driver.
- Args:
- mfan instance of SCF class
mf object holds all parameters to control SCF. One can modify its member functions to change the behavior of SCF. The member functions which are called in kernel are
- Kwargs:
- conv_tolfloat
converge threshold.
- conv_tol_gradfloat
gradients converge threshold.
- dump_chkbool
Whether to save SCF intermediate results in the checkpoint file
- dm0ndarray
Initial guess density matrix. If not given (the default), the kernel takes the density matrix generated by
.- callbackfunction(envs_dict) => None
callback function takes one dict as the argument which is generated by the builtin function
, so that the callback function can access all local variables in the current environment.- sap_basisstr
SAP basis name
- Returns:
A list : scf_conv, e_tot, mo_energy, mo_coeff, mo_occ
- scf_convbool
True means SCF converged
- e_totfloat
Hartree-Fock energy of last iteration
- mo_energy1D float array
Orbital energies. Depending the eig function provided by mf object, the orbital energies may NOT be sorted.
- mo_coeff2D array
Orbital coefficients.
- mo_occ1D array
Orbital occupancies. The occupancies may NOT be sorted from large to small.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> conv, e, mo_e, mo, mo_occ = scf.hf.kernel(scf.hf.SCF(mol), dm0=numpy.eye(mol.nao_nr())) >>> print('conv = %s, E(HF) = %.12f' % (conv, e)) conv = True, E(HF) = -1.081170784378
- pyscf.scf.hf.level_shift(s, d, f, factor)[source]#
Apply level shift \(\Delta\) to virtual orbitals
\begin{align} FC &= SCE \\ F &= F + SC \Lambda C^\dagger S \\ \Lambda_{ij} &= \begin{cases} \delta_{ij}\Delta & i \in \text{virtual} \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{align}- Returns:
New Fock matrix, 2D ndarray
- pyscf.scf.hf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ, **kwargs)[source]#
One-particle density matrix in AO representation
- Args:
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Orbital coefficients. Each column is one orbital.
- mo_occ1D ndarray
- Returns:
One-particle density matrix, 2D ndarray
- pyscf.scf.hf.make_rdm2(mo_coeff, mo_occ, **kwargs)[source]#
Two-particle density matrix in AO representation
- Args:
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Orbital coefficients. Each column is one orbital.
- mo_occ1D ndarray
- Returns:
Two-particle density matrix, 4D ndarray
- pyscf.scf.hf.make_sap(mol, sap_basis)[source]#
Superposition of atomic potentials (SAP) potential matrix
- Args:
- molMoleBase object
molecule for which SAP is computed
- sap_basisdict
SAP basis
- Returns:
- Vsapndarray
SAP potential matrix
- pyscf.scf.hf.mulliken_meta(mol, dm, verbose=5, pre_orth_method='ANO', s=None)[source]#
Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs. In the meta-lowdin, the AOs are grouped in three sets: core, valence and Rydberg, the orthogonalization are carried out within each subsets.
- Args:
mol : an instance of
- dmndarray or 2-item list of ndarray
Density matrix. ROHF dm is a 2-item list of 2D array
- Kwargs:
verbose : int or instance of
- pre_orth_methodstr
Pre-orthogonalization, which localized GTOs for each atom. To obtain the occupied and unoccupied atomic shells, there are three methods
‘ano’ : Project GTOs to ANO basis‘minao’ : Project GTOs to MINAO basis‘scf’ : Symmetry-averaged fractional occupation atomic RHF
- Returns:
A list : pop, charges
- popnparray
Mulliken population on each atomic orbitals
- chargesnparray
Mulliken charges
- pyscf.scf.hf.mulliken_pop(mol, dm, s=None, verbose=5)[source]#
Mulliken population analysis
\[M_{ij} = D_{ij} S_{ji}\]Mulliken charges
\[\delta_i = \sum_j M_{ij}\]- Returns:
A list : pop, charges
- popnparray
Mulliken population on each atomic orbitals
- chargesnparray
Mulliken charges
- pyscf.scf.hf.mulliken_pop_meta_lowdin_ao(mol, dm, verbose=5, pre_orth_method='ANO', s=None)#
Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs. In the meta-lowdin, the AOs are grouped in three sets: core, valence and Rydberg, the orthogonalization are carried out within each subsets.
- Args:
mol : an instance of
- dmndarray or 2-item list of ndarray
Density matrix. ROHF dm is a 2-item list of 2D array
- Kwargs:
verbose : int or instance of
- pre_orth_methodstr
Pre-orthogonalization, which localized GTOs for each atom. To obtain the occupied and unoccupied atomic shells, there are three methods
‘ano’ : Project GTOs to ANO basis‘minao’ : Project GTOs to MINAO basis‘scf’ : Symmetry-averaged fractional occupation atomic RHF
- Returns:
A list : pop, charges
- popnparray
Mulliken population on each atomic orbitals
- chargesnparray
Mulliken charges
- pyscf.scf.hf.pack_uniq_var(x, mo_occ)[source]#
Extract the unique variables from the full orbital-gradients (or orbital-rotation) matrix
- pyscf.scf.hf.quad_moment(mol, dm, unit='DebyeAngstrom', origin=None, verbose=3, **kwargs)[source]#
Calculates traceless quadrupole moment tensor.
The traceless quadrupole tensor is given by
\[\begin{split}Q_{ij} &= - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{\mu \nu} P_{\mu \nu} \left[ 3 (\nu | r_i r_j | \mu) - \delta_{ij} (\nu | r^2 | \mu) \right] \\ &+ \frac{1}{2} \sum_A Q_A \left( R_{iA} R_{jA} - \delta_{ij} \|\mathbf{R}_A\|^2 \right).\end{split}\]If the molecule has a dipole, the quadrupole moment depends on the location of the origin. By default, the origin is taken to be (0, 0, 0), but it can be set manually via the keyword argument origin.
- Args:
mol: an instance of
dm : a 2D ndarrays density matrices origin : optional; length 3 list, tuple, or 1D arrayLocation of the origin. By default, it is (0, 0, 0).
- Return:
Traceless quadrupole tensor, 2D ndarray.
pyscf.scf.hf_symm module#
Non-relativistic restricted Hartree-Fock with point group symmetry.
The symmetry are not handled in a separate data structure. Note that during the SCF iteration, the orbitals are grouped in terms of symmetry irreps. But the orbitals in the result are sorted based on the orbital energies. Function symm.label_orb_symm can be used to detect the symmetry of the molecular orbitals.
- class pyscf.scf.hf_symm.HF1e(mol)[source]#
- scf(*args)#
SCF main driver
- Kwargs:
- dm0ndarray
If given, it will be used as the initial guess density matrix
>>> import numpy >>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> dm_guess = numpy.eye(mol.nao_nr()) >>> mf.kernel(dm_guess) converged SCF energy = -98.5521904482821 -98.552190448282104
- pyscf.scf.hf_symm.RHF#
alias of
- pyscf.scf.hf_symm.ROHF#
alias of
- class pyscf.scf.hf_symm.SymAdaptedRHF(mol)[source]#
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
- Attributes:
- verboseint
Print level. Default value equals to
- max_memoryfloat or int
Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to
- chkfilestr
checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc. Writing to chkfile can be disabled if this attribute is set to None or False.
- conv_tolfloat
converge threshold. Default is 1e-9
- conv_tol_gradfloat
gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
- max_cycleint
max number of iterations. If max_cycle <= 0, SCF iteration will be skipped and the kernel function will compute only the total energy based on the initial guess. Default value is 50.
- init_guessstr
initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘huckel’, ‘hcore’, ‘1e’, ‘sap’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
- sap_basisstr or dict
basis for SAP initial guess, either filename or path as str or internal format dictionary.
- DIISDIIS class
The class to generate diis object. It can be one of diis.SCF_DIIS, diis.ADIIS, diis.EDIIS.
- diisboolean or object of DIIS class defined in
. Default is the object associated to the attribute
. Set it to None/False to turn off DIIS. Note if this attribute is initialized as a DIIS object, the SCF driver will use this object in the iteration. The DIIS information (vector basis and error vector) will be held inside this object. When kernel function is called again, the old states (vector basis and error vector) will be reused.- diis_spaceint
DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
- diis_dampfloat
DIIS damping factor. Default is 0.
- diis_start_cycleint
The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
- diis_file: ‘str’
File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
- level_shiftfloat or int
Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
- direct_scfbool
Direct SCF is used by default.
- direct_scf_tolfloat
Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
- callbackfunction(envs_dict) => None
callback function takes one dict as the argument which is generated by the builtin function
, so that the callback function can access all local variables in the current environment.- conv_checkbool
An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
- check_convergencefunction(envs) => bool
A hook for overloading convergence criteria in SCF iterations.
Saved results:
- convergedbool
Whether the SCF iteration converged
- e_totfloat
Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
- mo_energy :
Orbital energies
- mo_occ
Orbital occupancy
- mo_coeff
Orbital coefficients
- cyclesint
The number of iteration cycles performed
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> mf.verbose = 0 >>> mf.level_shift = .4 >>> mf.scf() -1.0811707843775884
- Attributes for symmetry allowed RHF:
- irrep_nelecdict
Specify the number of electrons for particular irrep {‘ir_name’:int,…}. For the irreps not listed in this dict, the program will choose the occupancy based on the orbital energies.
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0', basis='ccpvdz', symmetry=True, verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() -76.016789472074251 >>> mf.get_irrep_nelec() {'A1': 6, 'A2': 0, 'B1': 2, 'B2': 2} >>> mf.irrep_nelec = {'A2': 2} >>> mf.scf() -72.768201804695622 >>> mf.get_irrep_nelec() {'A1': 6, 'A2': 2, 'B1': 2, 'B2': 0}
- CASCI(*args, **kwargs)#
- CASSCF(*args, **kwargs)#
- Args:
- mf_or_molSCF object or Mole object
SCF or Mole to define the problem size.
- ncasint
Number of active orbitals.
- nelecasint or a pair of int
Number of electrons in active space.
- Kwargs:
- ncoreint
Number of doubly occupied core orbitals. If not presented, this parameter can be automatically determined.
- Attributes:
- verboseint
Print level. Default value equals to
.- max_memoryfloat or int
Allowed memory in MB. Default value equals to
.- ncasint
Active space size.
- nelecastuple of int
Active (nelec_alpha, nelec_beta)
- ncoreint or tuple of int
Core electron number. In UHF-CASSCF, it’s a tuple to indicate the different core electron numbers.
- natorbbool
Whether to transform natural orbitals in active space. Note: when CASCI/CASSCF are combined with DMRG solver or selected CI solver, enabling this parameter may slightly change the total energy. False by default.
- canonicalizationbool
Whether to canonicalize orbitals in core and external space against the general Fock matrix. The orbitals in active space are NOT transformed by default. To get the natural orbitals in active space, the attribute .natorb needs to be enabled. True by default.
- sorting_mo_energybool
Whether to sort the orbitals based on the diagonal elements of the general Fock matrix. Default is False.
- fcisolveran instance of
The pyscf.fci module provides several FCISolver for different scenario. Generally, fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver can be used for all RHF-CASSCF. However, a proper FCISolver can provide better performance and better numerical stability. One can either use
function to pick the FCISolver by the program or manually assigen the FCISolver to this attribute, e.g.>>> from pyscf import fci >>> mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 4, 4) >>> mc.fcisolver = fci.solver(mol, singlet=True) >>> mc.fcisolver = fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver(mol)
You can control FCISolver by setting e.g.:
>>> mc.fcisolver.max_cycle = 30 >>> mc.fcisolver.conv_tol = 1e-7
For more details of the parameter for FCISolver, See
Saved results
- e_totfloat
Total MCSCF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
- e_casfloat
CAS space FCI energy
- cindarray
CAS space FCI coefficients
- mo_coeffndarray
When canonicalization is specified, the orbitals are canonical orbitals which make the general Fock matrix (Fock operator on top of MCSCF 1-particle density matrix) diagonalized within each subspace (core, active, external). If natorb (natural orbitals in active space) is specified, the active segment of the mo_coeff is natural orbitals.
- mo_energyndarray
Diagonal elements of general Fock matrix (in mo_coeff representation).
- mo_occndarray
Occupation numbers of natural orbitals if natorb is specified.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() >>> mc = mcscf.CASCI(mf, 6, 6) >>> mc.kernel()[0] -108.980200816243354
Extra attributes for CASSCF:
- conv_tolfloat
Converge threshold. Default is 1e-7
- conv_tol_gradfloat
Converge threshold for CI gradients and orbital rotation gradients. If not specified, it is set to sqrt(conv_tol).
- max_stepsizefloat
The step size for orbital rotation. Small step (0.005 - 0.05) is prefered. Default is 0.02.
- max_cycle_macroint
Max number of macro iterations. Default is 50.
- max_cycle_microint
Max number of micro iterations in each macro iteration. Depending on systems, increasing this value might reduce the total macro iterations. Generally, 2 - 5 steps should be enough. Default is 4.
- small_rot_tolfloat
Threshold for orbital rotation to be considered small. If the largest orbital rotation is smaller than this value, the CI solver will restart from the previous iteration if supported. Default is 0.01
- ah_level_shiftfloat, for AH solver.
Level shift for the Davidson diagonalization in AH solver. Default is 1e-8.
- ah_conv_tolfloat, for AH solver.
converge threshold for AH solver. Default is 1e-12.
- ah_max_cyclefloat, for AH solver.
Max number of iterations allowd in AH solver. Default is 30.
- ah_lindepfloat, for AH solver.
Linear dependence threshold for AH solver. Default is 1e-14.
- ah_start_tolflat, for AH solver.
In AH solver, the orbital rotation is started without completely solving the AH problem. This value is to control the start point. Default is 2.5.
- ah_start_cycleint, for AH solver.
In AH solver, the orbital rotation is started without completely solving the AH problem. This value is to control the start point. Default is 3.
can affect the accuracy and performance of CASSCF solver. Lowerah_conv_tol
might improve the accuracy of CASSCF optimization, but decrease the performance.>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.UHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() >>> mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6, 6) >>> mc.conv_tol = 1e-10 >>> mc.ah_conv_tol = 1e-5 >>> mc.kernel()[0] -109.044401898486001 >>> mc.ah_conv_tol = 1e-10 >>> mc.kernel()[0] -109.044401887945668
- chkfilestr
Checkpoint file to save the intermediate orbitals during the CASSCF optimization. Default is the checkpoint file of mean field object.
- ci_response_spaceint
subspace size to solve the CI vector response. Default is 3.
- callbackfunction(envs_dict) => None
callback function takes one dict as the argument which is generated by the builtin function
, so that the callback function can access all local variables in the current environment.- scale_restorationfloat
When a step of orbital rotation moves out of trust region, the orbital optimization will be restored to previous state and the step size of the orbital rotation needs to be reduced. scale_restoration controls how much to scale down the step size.
Saved results
- e_totfloat
Total MCSCF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
- e_casfloat
CAS space FCI energy
- cindarray
CAS space FCI coefficients
- mo_coeffndarray
Optimized CASSCF orbitals coefficients. When canonicalization is specified, the returned orbitals make the general Fock matrix (Fock operator on top of MCSCF 1-particle density matrix) diagonalized within each subspace (core, active, external). If natorb (natural orbitals in active space) is enabled, the active segment of mo_coeff is transformed to natural orbitals.
- mo_energyndarray
Diagonal elements of general Fock matrix (in mo_coeff representation).
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() >>> mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6, 6) >>> mc.kernel()[0] -109.044401882238134
- analyze(verbose=None, with_meta_lowdin=True, **kwargs)[source]#
Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Occupancy for each irreps; Mulliken population analysis
- canonicalize(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None)#
Canonicalization diagonalizes the Fock matrix in occupied, open, virtual subspaces separatedly (without change occupancy).
- eig(h, s, symm_orb=None, irrep_id=None)#
Solve generalized eigenvalue problem, for each irrep. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are not sorted to ascending order. Instead, they are grouped based on irreps.
- get_grad(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None)[source]#
RHF orbital gradients
- Args:
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Obital coefficients
- mo_occ1D ndarray
Orbital occupancy
- fock_ao2D ndarray
Fock matrix in AO representation
- Returns:
Gradients in MO representation. It’s a num_occ*num_vir vector.
- get_irrep_nelec(mol=None, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, s=None)[source]#
Electron numbers for each irreducible representation.
- Args:
- molan instance of
To provide irrep_id, and spin-adapted basis
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Regular orbital coefficients, without grouping for irreps
- mo_occ1D ndarray
Regular occupancy, without grouping for irreps
- molan instance of
- Returns:
- irrep_nelecdict
The number of electrons for each irrep {‘ir_name’:int,…}.
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0', basis='ccpvdz', symmetry=True, verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() -76.016789472074251 >>> scf.hf_symm.get_irrep_nelec(mol, mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ) {'A1': 6, 'A2': 0, 'B1': 2, 'B2': 2}
- get_occ(mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None)[source]#
We assumed mo_energy are grouped by symmetry irreps, (see function self.eig). The orbitals are sorted after SCF.
- get_wfnsym(mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, orbsym=None)#
- property orbsym#
- to_gpu(out=None)#
Convert a method to its corresponding GPU variant, and recursively converts all attributes of a method to cupy objects or gpu4pyscf objects.
- property wfnsym#
- class pyscf.scf.hf_symm.SymAdaptedROHF(mol)[source]#
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
- Attributes:
- verboseint
Print level. Default value equals to
- max_memoryfloat or int
Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to
- chkfilestr
checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc. Writing to chkfile can be disabled if this attribute is set to None or False.
- conv_tolfloat
converge threshold. Default is 1e-9
- conv_tol_gradfloat
gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
- max_cycleint
max number of iterations. If max_cycle <= 0, SCF iteration will be skipped and the kernel function will compute only the total energy based on the initial guess. Default value is 50.
- init_guessstr
initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘huckel’, ‘hcore’, ‘1e’, ‘sap’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
- sap_basisstr or dict
basis for SAP initial guess, either filename or path as str or internal format dictionary.
- DIISDIIS class
The class to generate diis object. It can be one of diis.SCF_DIIS, diis.ADIIS, diis.EDIIS.
- diisboolean or object of DIIS class defined in
. Default is the object associated to the attribute
. Set it to None/False to turn off DIIS. Note if this attribute is initialized as a DIIS object, the SCF driver will use this object in the iteration. The DIIS information (vector basis and error vector) will be held inside this object. When kernel function is called again, the old states (vector basis and error vector) will be reused.- diis_spaceint
DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
- diis_dampfloat
DIIS damping factor. Default is 0.
- diis_start_cycleint
The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
- diis_file: ‘str’
File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
- level_shiftfloat or int
Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
- direct_scfbool
Direct SCF is used by default.
- direct_scf_tolfloat
Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
- callbackfunction(envs_dict) => None
callback function takes one dict as the argument which is generated by the builtin function
, so that the callback function can access all local variables in the current environment.- conv_checkbool
An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
- check_convergencefunction(envs) => bool
A hook for overloading convergence criteria in SCF iterations.
Saved results:
- convergedbool
Whether the SCF iteration converged
- e_totfloat
Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
- mo_energy :
Orbital energies
- mo_occ
Orbital occupancy
- mo_coeff
Orbital coefficients
- cyclesint
The number of iteration cycles performed
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> mf.verbose = 0 >>> mf.level_shift = .4 >>> mf.scf() -1.0811707843775884
- Attributes for symmetry allowed ROHF:
- irrep_nelecdict
Specify the number of alpha/beta electrons for particular irrep {‘ir_name’:(int,int), …}. For the irreps not listed in these dicts, the program will choose the occupancy based on the orbital energies.
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0', basis='ccpvdz', symmetry=True, charge=1, spin=1, verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() -75.619358861084052 >>> mf.get_irrep_nelec() {'A1': (3, 3), 'A2': (0, 0), 'B1': (1, 1), 'B2': (1, 0)} >>> mf.irrep_nelec = {'B1': (1, 0)} >>> mf.scf() -75.425669486776457 >>> mf.get_irrep_nelec() {'A1': (3, 3), 'A2': (0, 0), 'B1': (1, 0), 'B2': (1, 1)}
- CASCI(*args, **kwargs)#
- CASSCF(*args, **kwargs)#
- Args:
- mf_or_molSCF object or Mole object
SCF or Mole to define the problem size.
- ncasint
Number of active orbitals.
- nelecasint or a pair of int
Number of electrons in active space.
- Kwargs:
- ncoreint
Number of doubly occupied core orbitals. If not presented, this parameter can be automatically determined.
- Attributes:
- verboseint
Print level. Default value equals to
.- max_memoryfloat or int
Allowed memory in MB. Default value equals to
.- ncasint
Active space size.
- nelecastuple of int
Active (nelec_alpha, nelec_beta)
- ncoreint or tuple of int
Core electron number. In UHF-CASSCF, it’s a tuple to indicate the different core electron numbers.
- natorbbool
Whether to transform natural orbitals in active space. Note: when CASCI/CASSCF are combined with DMRG solver or selected CI solver, enabling this parameter may slightly change the total energy. False by default.
- canonicalizationbool
Whether to canonicalize orbitals in core and external space against the general Fock matrix. The orbitals in active space are NOT transformed by default. To get the natural orbitals in active space, the attribute .natorb needs to be enabled. True by default.
- sorting_mo_energybool
Whether to sort the orbitals based on the diagonal elements of the general Fock matrix. Default is False.
- fcisolveran instance of
The pyscf.fci module provides several FCISolver for different scenario. Generally, fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver can be used for all RHF-CASSCF. However, a proper FCISolver can provide better performance and better numerical stability. One can either use
function to pick the FCISolver by the program or manually assigen the FCISolver to this attribute, e.g.>>> from pyscf import fci >>> mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 4, 4) >>> mc.fcisolver = fci.solver(mol, singlet=True) >>> mc.fcisolver = fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver(mol)
You can control FCISolver by setting e.g.:
>>> mc.fcisolver.max_cycle = 30 >>> mc.fcisolver.conv_tol = 1e-7
For more details of the parameter for FCISolver, See
Saved results
- e_totfloat
Total MCSCF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
- e_casfloat
CAS space FCI energy
- cindarray
CAS space FCI coefficients
- mo_coeffndarray
When canonicalization is specified, the orbitals are canonical orbitals which make the general Fock matrix (Fock operator on top of MCSCF 1-particle density matrix) diagonalized within each subspace (core, active, external). If natorb (natural orbitals in active space) is specified, the active segment of the mo_coeff is natural orbitals.
- mo_energyndarray
Diagonal elements of general Fock matrix (in mo_coeff representation).
- mo_occndarray
Occupation numbers of natural orbitals if natorb is specified.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() >>> mc = mcscf.CASCI(mf, 6, 6) >>> mc.kernel()[0] -108.980200816243354
Extra attributes for CASSCF:
- conv_tolfloat
Converge threshold. Default is 1e-7
- conv_tol_gradfloat
Converge threshold for CI gradients and orbital rotation gradients. If not specified, it is set to sqrt(conv_tol).
- max_stepsizefloat
The step size for orbital rotation. Small step (0.005 - 0.05) is prefered. Default is 0.02.
- max_cycle_macroint
Max number of macro iterations. Default is 50.
- max_cycle_microint
Max number of micro iterations in each macro iteration. Depending on systems, increasing this value might reduce the total macro iterations. Generally, 2 - 5 steps should be enough. Default is 4.
- small_rot_tolfloat
Threshold for orbital rotation to be considered small. If the largest orbital rotation is smaller than this value, the CI solver will restart from the previous iteration if supported. Default is 0.01
- ah_level_shiftfloat, for AH solver.
Level shift for the Davidson diagonalization in AH solver. Default is 1e-8.
- ah_conv_tolfloat, for AH solver.
converge threshold for AH solver. Default is 1e-12.
- ah_max_cyclefloat, for AH solver.
Max number of iterations allowd in AH solver. Default is 30.
- ah_lindepfloat, for AH solver.
Linear dependence threshold for AH solver. Default is 1e-14.
- ah_start_tolflat, for AH solver.
In AH solver, the orbital rotation is started without completely solving the AH problem. This value is to control the start point. Default is 2.5.
- ah_start_cycleint, for AH solver.
In AH solver, the orbital rotation is started without completely solving the AH problem. This value is to control the start point. Default is 3.
can affect the accuracy and performance of CASSCF solver. Lowerah_conv_tol
might improve the accuracy of CASSCF optimization, but decrease the performance.>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.UHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() >>> mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6, 6) >>> mc.conv_tol = 1e-10 >>> mc.ah_conv_tol = 1e-5 >>> mc.kernel()[0] -109.044401898486001 >>> mc.ah_conv_tol = 1e-10 >>> mc.kernel()[0] -109.044401887945668
- chkfilestr
Checkpoint file to save the intermediate orbitals during the CASSCF optimization. Default is the checkpoint file of mean field object.
- ci_response_spaceint
subspace size to solve the CI vector response. Default is 3.
- callbackfunction(envs_dict) => None
callback function takes one dict as the argument which is generated by the builtin function
, so that the callback function can access all local variables in the current environment.- scale_restorationfloat
When a step of orbital rotation moves out of trust region, the orbital optimization will be restored to previous state and the step size of the orbital rotation needs to be reduced. scale_restoration controls how much to scale down the step size.
Saved results
- e_totfloat
Total MCSCF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
- e_casfloat
CAS space FCI energy
- cindarray
CAS space FCI coefficients
- mo_coeffndarray
Optimized CASSCF orbitals coefficients. When canonicalization is specified, the returned orbitals make the general Fock matrix (Fock operator on top of MCSCF 1-particle density matrix) diagonalized within each subspace (core, active, external). If natorb (natural orbitals in active space) is enabled, the active segment of mo_coeff is transformed to natural orbitals.
- mo_energyndarray
Diagonal elements of general Fock matrix (in mo_coeff representation).
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() >>> mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6, 6) >>> mc.kernel()[0] -109.044401882238134
- TDA = None#
- TDHF = None#
- analyze(verbose=None, with_meta_lowdin=True, **kwargs)[source]#
Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Mulliken population analysis
- canonicalize(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None)[source]#
Canonicalization diagonalizes the Fock matrix in occupied, open, virtual subspaces separatedly (without change occupancy).
- eig(fock, s)[source]#
Solve generalized eigenvalue problem, for each irrep. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are not sorted to ascending order. Instead, they are grouped based on irreps.
- get_grad(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None)[source]#
ROHF gradients is the off-diagonal block [co + cv + ov], where [ cc co cv ] [ oc oo ov ] [ vc vo vv ]
- get_occ(mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None)[source]#
Label the occupancies for each orbital. NOTE the occupancies are not assigned based on the orbital energy ordering. The first N orbitals are assigned to be occupied orbitals.
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; O 0 0 1.1', spin=1) >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> energy = numpy.array([-10., -1., 1, -2., 0, -3]) >>> mf.get_occ(energy) array([2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0])
- get_orbsym(mo_coeff=None, s=None)#
- get_wfnsym(mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, orbsym=None)#
- make_rdm1(mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, **kwargs)[source]#
One-particle density matrix. mo_occ is a 1D array, with occupancy 1 or 2.
- property orbsym#
- to_gpu(out=None)#
Convert a method to its corresponding GPU variant, and recursively converts all attributes of a method to cupy objects or gpu4pyscf objects.
- property wfnsym#
- pyscf.scf.hf_symm.analyze(mf, verbose=5, with_meta_lowdin=True, **kwargs)[source]#
Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Occupancy for each irreps; Mulliken population analysis
- pyscf.scf.hf_symm.canonicalize(mf, mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None)[source]#
Canonicalization diagonalizes the Fock matrix in occupied, open, virtual subspaces separatedly (without change occupancy).
- pyscf.scf.hf_symm.eig(mf, h, s, symm_orb=None, irrep_id=None)[source]#
Solve generalized eigenvalue problem, for each irrep. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are not sorted to ascending order. Instead, they are grouped based on irreps.
- pyscf.scf.hf_symm.get_irrep_nelec(mol, mo_coeff, mo_occ, s=None)[source]#
Electron numbers for each irreducible representation.
- Args:
- molan instance of
To provide irrep_id, and spin-adapted basis
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Regular orbital coefficients, without grouping for irreps
- mo_occ1D ndarray
Regular occupancy, without grouping for irreps
- molan instance of
- Returns:
- irrep_nelecdict
The number of electrons for each irrep {‘ir_name’:int,…}.
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0', basis='ccpvdz', symmetry=True, verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() -76.016789472074251 >>> scf.hf_symm.get_irrep_nelec(mol, mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ) {'A1': 6, 'A2': 0, 'B1': 2, 'B2': 2}
- pyscf.scf.hf_symm.get_orbsym(mol, mo_coeff, s=None, check=False, symm_orb=None, irrep_id=None)[source]#
pyscf.scf.jk module#
General JK contraction function for * arbitrary integrals * 4 different molecules * multiple density matrices * arbitrary basis subset for the 4 indices
- pyscf.scf.jk.get_jk(mols, dms, scripts=['ijkl,ji->kl'], intor='int2e_sph', aosym='s1', comp=None, hermi=0, shls_slice=None, verbose=2, vhfopt=None)[source]#
Compute J/K matrices for the given density matrix
- Args:
mols : an instance of
or a list of Mole objects- dmsndarray or list of ndarrays
A density matrix or a list of density matrices
- Kwargs:
- hermiint
Whether the returned J (K) matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric1 : hermitian2 : anti-hermitian- intorstr
2-electron integral name. See
for the complete list of available 2-electron integral names- aosymint or str
Permutation symmetry for the AO integrals
4 or ‘4’ or ‘s4’: 4-fold symmetry (default)‘2ij’ or ‘s2ij’ : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)‘2kl’ or ‘s2kl’ : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)1 or ‘1’ or ‘s1’: no symmetry‘a4ij’ : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)‘a4kl’ : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)‘a2ij’ : anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)‘a2kl’ : anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)- compint
Components of the integrals, e.g. cint2e_ip_sph has 3 components.
- scriptsstring or a list of strings
Contraction description (following numpy.einsum convention) based on letters [ijkl]. Each script will be one-to-one applied to each entry of dms. So it must have the same number of elements as the dms, len(scripts) == len(dms).
- shls_slice8-element list
(ish_start, ish_end, jsh_start, jsh_end, ksh_start, ksh_end, lsh_start, lsh_end)
- Returns:
Depending on the number of density matrices, the function returns one J/K matrix or a list of J/K matrices (the same number of entries as the input dms). Each JK matrices may be a 2D array or 3D array if the AO integral has multiple components.
>>> from pyscf import gto >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 -.5 0; H 0 .5 0', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> nao = mol.nao_nr() >>> dm = numpy.random.random((nao,nao)) >>> # Default, Coulomb matrix >>> vj = get_jk(mol, dm) >>> # Coulomb matrix with 8-fold permutation symmetry for AO integrals >>> vj = get_jk(mol, dm, 'ijkl,ji->kl', aosym='s8') >>> # Exchange matrix with 8-fold permutation symmetry for AO integrals >>> vk = get_jk(mol, dm, 'ijkl,jk->il', aosym='s8') >>> # Compute coulomb and exchange matrices together >>> vj, vk = get_jk(mol, (dm,dm), ('ijkl,ji->kl','ijkl,li->kj'), aosym='s8') >>> # Analytical gradients for coulomb matrix >>> j1 = get_jk(mol, dm, 'ijkl,lk->ij', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', aosym='s2kl', comp=3)
>>> # contraction across two molecules >>> mol1 = gto.M(atom='He 2 0 0', basis='6-31g') >>> nao1 = mol1.nao_nr() >>> dm1 = numpy.random.random((nao1,nao1)) >>> # Coulomb interaction between two molecules, note 4-fold symmetry can be applied >>> jcross = get_jk((mol1,mol1,mol,mol), dm, scripts='ijkl,lk->ij', aosym='s4') >>> ecoul = numpy.einsum('ij,ij', jcross, dm1) >>> # Exchange interaction between two molecules, no symmetry can be used >>> kcross = get_jk((mol1,mol,mol,mol1), dm, scripts='ijkl,jk->il') >>> ex = numpy.einsum('ij,ji', kcross, dm1)
>>> # Analytical gradients for coulomb matrix between two molecules >>> jcros1 = get_jk((mol1,mol1,mol,mol), dm, scripts='ijkl,lk->ij', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', comp=3) >>> # Analytical gradients for coulomb interaction between 1s density and the other molecule >>> jpart1 = get_jk((mol1,mol1,mol,mol), dm, scripts='ijkl,lk->ij', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', comp=3, ... shls_slice=(0,1,0,1,0,mol.nbas,0,mol.nbas))
- pyscf.scf.jk.jk_build(mols, dms, scripts=['ijkl,ji->kl'], intor='int2e_sph', aosym='s1', comp=None, hermi=0, shls_slice=None, verbose=2, vhfopt=None)#
Compute J/K matrices for the given density matrix
- Args:
mols : an instance of
or a list of Mole objects- dmsndarray or list of ndarrays
A density matrix or a list of density matrices
- Kwargs:
- hermiint
Whether the returned J (K) matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric1 : hermitian2 : anti-hermitian- intorstr
2-electron integral name. See
for the complete list of available 2-electron integral names- aosymint or str
Permutation symmetry for the AO integrals
4 or ‘4’ or ‘s4’: 4-fold symmetry (default)‘2ij’ or ‘s2ij’ : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)‘2kl’ or ‘s2kl’ : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)1 or ‘1’ or ‘s1’: no symmetry‘a4ij’ : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)‘a4kl’ : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)‘a2ij’ : anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)‘a2kl’ : anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)- compint
Components of the integrals, e.g. cint2e_ip_sph has 3 components.
- scriptsstring or a list of strings
Contraction description (following numpy.einsum convention) based on letters [ijkl]. Each script will be one-to-one applied to each entry of dms. So it must have the same number of elements as the dms, len(scripts) == len(dms).
- shls_slice8-element list
(ish_start, ish_end, jsh_start, jsh_end, ksh_start, ksh_end, lsh_start, lsh_end)
- Returns:
Depending on the number of density matrices, the function returns one J/K matrix or a list of J/K matrices (the same number of entries as the input dms). Each JK matrices may be a 2D array or 3D array if the AO integral has multiple components.
>>> from pyscf import gto >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 -.5 0; H 0 .5 0', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> nao = mol.nao_nr() >>> dm = numpy.random.random((nao,nao)) >>> # Default, Coulomb matrix >>> vj = get_jk(mol, dm) >>> # Coulomb matrix with 8-fold permutation symmetry for AO integrals >>> vj = get_jk(mol, dm, 'ijkl,ji->kl', aosym='s8') >>> # Exchange matrix with 8-fold permutation symmetry for AO integrals >>> vk = get_jk(mol, dm, 'ijkl,jk->il', aosym='s8') >>> # Compute coulomb and exchange matrices together >>> vj, vk = get_jk(mol, (dm,dm), ('ijkl,ji->kl','ijkl,li->kj'), aosym='s8') >>> # Analytical gradients for coulomb matrix >>> j1 = get_jk(mol, dm, 'ijkl,lk->ij', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', aosym='s2kl', comp=3)
>>> # contraction across two molecules >>> mol1 = gto.M(atom='He 2 0 0', basis='6-31g') >>> nao1 = mol1.nao_nr() >>> dm1 = numpy.random.random((nao1,nao1)) >>> # Coulomb interaction between two molecules, note 4-fold symmetry can be applied >>> jcross = get_jk((mol1,mol1,mol,mol), dm, scripts='ijkl,lk->ij', aosym='s4') >>> ecoul = numpy.einsum('ij,ij', jcross, dm1) >>> # Exchange interaction between two molecules, no symmetry can be used >>> kcross = get_jk((mol1,mol,mol,mol1), dm, scripts='ijkl,jk->il') >>> ex = numpy.einsum('ij,ji', kcross, dm1)
>>> # Analytical gradients for coulomb matrix between two molecules >>> jcros1 = get_jk((mol1,mol1,mol,mol), dm, scripts='ijkl,lk->ij', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', comp=3) >>> # Analytical gradients for coulomb interaction between 1s density and the other molecule >>> jpart1 = get_jk((mol1,mol1,mol,mol), dm, scripts='ijkl,lk->ij', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', comp=3, ... shls_slice=(0,1,0,1,0,mol.nbas,0,mol.nbas))
pyscf.scf.rohf module#
Restricted Open-shell Hartree-Fock
- class pyscf.scf.rohf.HF1e(mol)[source]#
- scf(*args)#
SCF main driver
- Kwargs:
- dm0ndarray
If given, it will be used as the initial guess density matrix
>>> import numpy >>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> dm_guess = numpy.eye(mol.nao_nr()) >>> mf.kernel(dm_guess) converged SCF energy = -98.5521904482821 -98.552190448282104
- class pyscf.scf.rohf.ROHF(mol)[source]#
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
- Attributes:
- verboseint
Print level. Default value equals to
- max_memoryfloat or int
Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to
- chkfilestr
checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc. Writing to chkfile can be disabled if this attribute is set to None or False.
- conv_tolfloat
converge threshold. Default is 1e-9
- conv_tol_gradfloat
gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
- max_cycleint
max number of iterations. If max_cycle <= 0, SCF iteration will be skipped and the kernel function will compute only the total energy based on the initial guess. Default value is 50.
- init_guessstr
initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘huckel’, ‘hcore’, ‘1e’, ‘sap’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
- sap_basisstr or dict
basis for SAP initial guess, either filename or path as str or internal format dictionary.
- DIISDIIS class
The class to generate diis object. It can be one of diis.SCF_DIIS, diis.ADIIS, diis.EDIIS.
- diisboolean or object of DIIS class defined in
. Default is the object associated to the attribute
. Set it to None/False to turn off DIIS. Note if this attribute is initialized as a DIIS object, the SCF driver will use this object in the iteration. The DIIS information (vector basis and error vector) will be held inside this object. When kernel function is called again, the old states (vector basis and error vector) will be reused.- diis_spaceint
DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
- diis_dampfloat
DIIS damping factor. Default is 0.
- diis_start_cycleint
The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
- diis_file: ‘str’
File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
- level_shiftfloat or int
Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
- direct_scfbool
Direct SCF is used by default.
- direct_scf_tolfloat
Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
- callbackfunction(envs_dict) => None
callback function takes one dict as the argument which is generated by the builtin function
, so that the callback function can access all local variables in the current environment.- conv_checkbool
An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
- check_convergencefunction(envs) => bool
A hook for overloading convergence criteria in SCF iterations.
Saved results:
- convergedbool
Whether the SCF iteration converged
- e_totfloat
Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
- mo_energy :
Orbital energies
- mo_occ
Orbital occupancy
- mo_coeff
Orbital coefficients
- cyclesint
The number of iteration cycles performed
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> mf.verbose = 0 >>> mf.level_shift = .4 >>> mf.scf() -1.0811707843775884
- CASCI(*args, **kwargs)#
- CASSCF(*args, **kwargs)#
- Args:
- mf_or_molSCF object or Mole object
SCF or Mole to define the problem size.
- ncasint
Number of active orbitals.
- nelecasint or a pair of int
Number of electrons in active space.
- Kwargs:
- ncoreint
Number of doubly occupied core orbitals. If not presented, this parameter can be automatically determined.
- Attributes:
- verboseint
Print level. Default value equals to
.- max_memoryfloat or int
Allowed memory in MB. Default value equals to
.- ncasint
Active space size.
- nelecastuple of int
Active (nelec_alpha, nelec_beta)
- ncoreint or tuple of int
Core electron number. In UHF-CASSCF, it’s a tuple to indicate the different core electron numbers.
- natorbbool
Whether to transform natural orbitals in active space. Note: when CASCI/CASSCF are combined with DMRG solver or selected CI solver, enabling this parameter may slightly change the total energy. False by default.
- canonicalizationbool
Whether to canonicalize orbitals in core and external space against the general Fock matrix. The orbitals in active space are NOT transformed by default. To get the natural orbitals in active space, the attribute .natorb needs to be enabled. True by default.
- sorting_mo_energybool
Whether to sort the orbitals based on the diagonal elements of the general Fock matrix. Default is False.
- fcisolveran instance of
The pyscf.fci module provides several FCISolver for different scenario. Generally, fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver can be used for all RHF-CASSCF. However, a proper FCISolver can provide better performance and better numerical stability. One can either use
function to pick the FCISolver by the program or manually assigen the FCISolver to this attribute, e.g.>>> from pyscf import fci >>> mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 4, 4) >>> mc.fcisolver = fci.solver(mol, singlet=True) >>> mc.fcisolver = fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver(mol)
You can control FCISolver by setting e.g.:
>>> mc.fcisolver.max_cycle = 30 >>> mc.fcisolver.conv_tol = 1e-7
For more details of the parameter for FCISolver, See
Saved results
- e_totfloat
Total MCSCF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
- e_casfloat
CAS space FCI energy
- cindarray
CAS space FCI coefficients
- mo_coeffndarray
When canonicalization is specified, the orbitals are canonical orbitals which make the general Fock matrix (Fock operator on top of MCSCF 1-particle density matrix) diagonalized within each subspace (core, active, external). If natorb (natural orbitals in active space) is specified, the active segment of the mo_coeff is natural orbitals.
- mo_energyndarray
Diagonal elements of general Fock matrix (in mo_coeff representation).
- mo_occndarray
Occupation numbers of natural orbitals if natorb is specified.
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() >>> mc = mcscf.CASCI(mf, 6, 6) >>> mc.kernel()[0] -108.980200816243354
Extra attributes for CASSCF:
- conv_tolfloat
Converge threshold. Default is 1e-7
- conv_tol_gradfloat
Converge threshold for CI gradients and orbital rotation gradients. If not specified, it is set to sqrt(conv_tol).
- max_stepsizefloat
The step size for orbital rotation. Small step (0.005 - 0.05) is prefered. Default is 0.02.
- max_cycle_macroint
Max number of macro iterations. Default is 50.
- max_cycle_microint
Max number of micro iterations in each macro iteration. Depending on systems, increasing this value might reduce the total macro iterations. Generally, 2 - 5 steps should be enough. Default is 4.
- small_rot_tolfloat
Threshold for orbital rotation to be considered small. If the largest orbital rotation is smaller than this value, the CI solver will restart from the previous iteration if supported. Default is 0.01
- ah_level_shiftfloat, for AH solver.
Level shift for the Davidson diagonalization in AH solver. Default is 1e-8.
- ah_conv_tolfloat, for AH solver.
converge threshold for AH solver. Default is 1e-12.
- ah_max_cyclefloat, for AH solver.
Max number of iterations allowd in AH solver. Default is 30.
- ah_lindepfloat, for AH solver.
Linear dependence threshold for AH solver. Default is 1e-14.
- ah_start_tolflat, for AH solver.
In AH solver, the orbital rotation is started without completely solving the AH problem. This value is to control the start point. Default is 2.5.
- ah_start_cycleint, for AH solver.
In AH solver, the orbital rotation is started without completely solving the AH problem. This value is to control the start point. Default is 3.
can affect the accuracy and performance of CASSCF solver. Lowerah_conv_tol
might improve the accuracy of CASSCF optimization, but decrease the performance.>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.UHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() >>> mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6, 6) >>> mc.conv_tol = 1e-10 >>> mc.ah_conv_tol = 1e-5 >>> mc.kernel()[0] -109.044401898486001 >>> mc.ah_conv_tol = 1e-10 >>> mc.kernel()[0] -109.044401887945668
- chkfilestr
Checkpoint file to save the intermediate orbitals during the CASSCF optimization. Default is the checkpoint file of mean field object.
- ci_response_spaceint
subspace size to solve the CI vector response. Default is 3.
- callbackfunction(envs_dict) => None
callback function takes one dict as the argument which is generated by the builtin function
, so that the callback function can access all local variables in the current environment.- scale_restorationfloat
When a step of orbital rotation moves out of trust region, the orbital optimization will be restored to previous state and the step size of the orbital rotation needs to be reduced. scale_restoration controls how much to scale down the step size.
Saved results
- e_totfloat
Total MCSCF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
- e_casfloat
CAS space FCI energy
- cindarray
CAS space FCI coefficients
- mo_coeffndarray
Optimized CASSCF orbitals coefficients. When canonicalization is specified, the returned orbitals make the general Fock matrix (Fock operator on top of MCSCF 1-particle density matrix) diagonalized within each subspace (core, active, external). If natorb (natural orbitals in active space) is enabled, the active segment of mo_coeff is transformed to natural orbitals.
- mo_energyndarray
Diagonal elements of general Fock matrix (in mo_coeff representation).
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() >>> mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6, 6) >>> mc.kernel()[0] -109.044401882238134
- CISD = None#
- DFMP2 = None#
- Gradients(*args, **kwargs)#
Non-relativistic restricted open-shell Hartree-Fock gradients
- MP2 = None#
- TDA = None#
- TDHF = None#
- analyze(verbose=None, with_meta_lowdin=True, **kwargs)[source]#
Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Mulliken population analysis
- canonicalize(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None)#
Canonicalization diagonalizes the Fock matrix within occupied, open, virtual subspaces separatedly (without change occupancy).
- check_sanity()#
Check input of class/object attributes, check whether a class method is overwritten. It does not check the attributes which are prefixed with “_”. The return value of method set is the object itself. This allows a series of functions/methods to be executed in pipe.
- convert_from_(mf)#
Convert the input mean-field object to RHF/ROHF
- energy_elec(dm=None, h1e=None, vhf=None)#
Electronic part of Hartree-Fock energy, for given core hamiltonian and HF potential
… math:
E = \sum_{ij}h_{ij} \gamma_{ji} + \frac{1}{2}\sum_{ijkl} \gamma_{ji}\gamma_{lk} \langle ik||jl\rangle
Note this function has side effects which cause mf.scf_summary updated.
- Args:
mf : an instance of SCF class
- Kwargs:
- dm2D ndarray
one-particle density matrix
- h1e2D ndarray
Core hamiltonian
- vhf2D ndarray
HF potential
- Returns:
Hartree-Fock electronic energy and the Coulomb energy
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() >>> dm = mf.make_rdm1() >>> scf.hf.energy_elec(mf, dm) (-1.5176090667746334, 0.60917167853723675) >>> mf.energy_elec(dm) (-1.5176090667746334, 0.60917167853723675)
- gen_response(mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, with_j=True, hermi=0, max_memory=None)#
Generate a function to compute the product of UHF response function and UHF density matrices.
- get_fock(h1e=None, s1e=None, vhf=None, dm=None, cycle=-1, diis=None, diis_start_cycle=None, level_shift_factor=None, damp_factor=None, fock_last=None)#
Build fock matrix based on Roothaan’s effective fock. See also
- get_grad(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None)[source]#
ROHF gradients is the off-diagonal block [co + cv + ov], where [ cc co cv ] [ oc oo ov ] [ vc vo vv ]
- get_init_guess(mol=None, key='minao', **kwargs)#
- get_occ(mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None)#
Label the occupancies for each orbital. NOTE the occupancies are not assigned based on the orbital energy ordering. The first N orbitals are assigned to be occupied orbitals.
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; O 0 0 1.1', spin=1) >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> energy = numpy.array([-10., -1., 1, -2., 0, -3]) >>> mf.get_occ(energy) array([2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0])
- get_veff(mol=None, dm=None, dm_last=0, vhf_last=0, hermi=1)[source]#
Unrestricted Hartree-Fock potential matrix of alpha and beta spins, for the given density matrix
\[\begin{split}V_{ij}^\alpha &= \sum_{kl} (ij|kl)(\gamma_{lk}^\alpha+\gamma_{lk}^\beta) - \sum_{kl} (il|kj)\gamma_{lk}^\alpha \\ V_{ij}^\beta &= \sum_{kl} (ij|kl)(\gamma_{lk}^\alpha+\gamma_{lk}^\beta) - \sum_{kl} (il|kj)\gamma_{lk}^\beta\end{split}\]- Args:
mol : an instance of
- dma list of ndarrays
A list of density matrices, stored as (alpha,alpha,…,beta,beta,…)
- Kwargs:
- dm_lastndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0
The density matrix baseline. When it is not 0, this function computes the increment of HF potential w.r.t. the reference HF potential matrix.
- vhf_lastndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0
The reference HF potential matrix.
- hermiint
Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric1 : hermitian2 : anti-hermitian- vhfopt :
A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
- Returns:
\(V_{hf} = (V^\alpha, V^\beta)\). \(V^\alpha\) (and \(V^\beta\)) can be a list matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> import numpy >>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> dmsa = numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> dmsb = numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> dms = numpy.vstack((dmsa,dmsb)) >>> dms.shape (6, 2, 2) >>> vhfa, vhfb = scf.uhf.get_veff(mol, dms, hermi=0) >>> vhfa.shape (3, 2, 2) >>> vhfb.shape (3, 2, 2)
- init_guess_by_1e(mol=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from core hamiltonian
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_atom(mol=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from superposition of atomic HF density matrix. The atomic HF is occupancy averaged RHF
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_chkfile(chkfile=None, project=None)[source]#
Read the HF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the basis defined by
- Kwargs:
- projectNone or bool
Whether to project chkfile’s orbitals to the new basis. Note when the geometry of the chkfile and the given molecule are very different, this projection can produce very poor initial guess. In PES scanning, it is recommended to switch off project.
If project is set to None, the projection is only applied when the basis sets of the chkfile’s molecule are different to the basis sets of the given molecule (regardless whether the geometry of the two molecules are different). Note the basis sets are considered to be different if the two molecules are derived from the same molecule with different ordering of atoms.
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_huckel(mol=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from a Huckel calculation based on occupancy averaged atomic RHF calculations, doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_minao(mol=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix based on ANO basis, then project the density matrix to the basis set defined by
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> scf.hf.init_guess_by_minao(mol) array([[ 0.94758917, 0.09227308], [ 0.09227308, 0.94758917]])
- init_guess_by_mod_huckel(mol=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from a Huckel calculation based on occupancy averaged atomic RHF calculations, doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089
In contrast to init_guess_by_huckel, this routine employs the updated GWH rule from doi:10.1021/ja00480a005 to form the guess.
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_sap(mol=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from a superposition of atomic potentials (SAP), doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089. This is the Gaussian fit implementation, see doi:10.1063/5.0004046.
- Args:
- molMoleBase object
the molecule object for which the initial guess is evaluated
- sap_basisdict
SAP basis in internal format (python dictionary)
- Returns:
- dm0ndarray
SAP initial guess density matrix
- make_rdm1(mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, **kwargs)[source]#
One-particle density matrix. mo_occ is a 1D array, with occupancy 1 or 2.
- property nelec#
- property nelectron_alpha#
- stability(internal=True, external=False, verbose=None, return_status=False, **kwargs)[source]#
ROHF/ROKS stability analysis.
See also pyscf.scf.stability.rohf_stability function.
- Kwargs:
- internalbool
Internal stability, within the RHF optimization space.
- externalbool
External stability. It is not available in current version.
- return_status: bool
Whether to return stable_i and stable_e
- Returns:
If return_status is False (default), the return value includes two set of orbitals, which are more close to the stable condition. The first corresponds to the internal stability and the second corresponds to the external stability.
Else, another two boolean variables (indicating current status: stable or unstable) are returned. The first corresponds to the internal stability and the second corresponds to the external stability.
- to_gpu(out=None)#
Convert a method to its corresponding GPU variant, and recursively converts all attributes of a method to cupy objects or gpu4pyscf objects.
- pyscf.scf.rohf.analyze(mf, verbose=5, with_meta_lowdin=True, origin=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Mulliken population analysis
- pyscf.scf.rohf.canonicalize(mf, mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None)[source]#
Canonicalization diagonalizes the Fock matrix within occupied, open, virtual subspaces separatedly (without change occupancy).
- pyscf.scf.rohf.get_fock(mf, h1e=None, s1e=None, vhf=None, dm=None, cycle=-1, diis=None, diis_start_cycle=None, level_shift_factor=None, damp_factor=None, fock_last=None)[source]#
Build fock matrix based on Roothaan’s effective fock. See also
- pyscf.scf.rohf.get_grad(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock)[source]#
ROHF gradients is the off-diagonal block [co + cv + ov], where [ cc co cv ] [ oc oo ov ] [ vc vo vv ]
- pyscf.scf.rohf.get_occ(mf, mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None)[source]#
Label the occupancies for each orbital. NOTE the occupancies are not assigned based on the orbital energy ordering. The first N orbitals are assigned to be occupied orbitals.
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; O 0 0 1.1', spin=1) >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> energy = numpy.array([-10., -1., 1, -2., 0, -3]) >>> mf.get_occ(energy) array([2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0])
- pyscf.scf.rohf.get_roothaan_fock(focka_fockb, dma_dmb, s)[source]#
Roothaan’s effective fock. Ref.
where Fc = (Fa + Fb) / 2
- Returns:
Roothaan effective Fock matrix
- pyscf.scf.rohf.init_guess_by_chkfile(mol, chkfile_name, project=None)[source]#
Read SCF chkfile and make the density matrix for ROHF initial guess.
- Kwargs:
- projectNone or bool
Whether to project chkfile’s orbitals to the new basis. Note when the geometry of the chkfile and the given molecule are very different, this projection can produce very poor initial guess. In PES scanning, it is recommended to switch off project.
If project is set to None, the projection is only applied when the basis sets of the chkfile’s molecule are different to the basis sets of the given molecule (regardless whether the geometry of the two molecules are different). Note the basis sets are considered to be different if the two molecules are derived from the same molecule with different ordering of atoms.
pyscf.scf.stability module#
Wave Function Stability Analysis
Ref. JCP 66, 3045 (1977); DOI:10.1063/1.434318 JCP 104, 9047 (1996); DOI:10.1063/1.471637
See also tddft/ and scf/
- pyscf.scf.stability.dhf_stability(mf, verbose=None, return_status=False, nroots=3, tol=0.0001)[source]#
Stability analysis for DHF/DKS method.
- Args:
mf : DHF or DKS object
- Kwargs:
- return_status: bool
Whether to return stable_i and stable_e
- nrootsint
Number of roots solved by Davidson solver
- tolfloat
Convergence threshold for Davidson solver
- Returns:
If return_status is False (default), the return value includes a new set of orbitals, which are more close to the stable condition.
Else, another one boolean variable (indicating current status: stable or unstable) is returned.
- pyscf.scf.stability.ghf_stability(mf, verbose=None, return_status=False, nroots=3, tol=0.0001)[source]#
Stability analysis for GHF/GKS method.
- Args:
mf : GHF or GKS object
- Kwargs:
- return_status: bool
Whether to return stable_i and stable_e
- nrootsint
Number of roots solved by Davidson solver
- tolfloat
Convergence threshold for Davidson solver
- Returns:
If return_status is False (default), the return value includes a new set of orbitals, which are more close to the stable condition.
Else, another one boolean variable (indicating current status: stable or unstable) is returned.
- pyscf.scf.stability.rhf_external(mf, with_symmetry=True, verbose=None, return_status=False, nroots=3, tol=0.0001)[source]#
- pyscf.scf.stability.rhf_internal(mf, with_symmetry=True, verbose=None, return_status=False, nroots=3, tol=0.0001)[source]#
- pyscf.scf.stability.rhf_stability(mf, internal=True, external=False, verbose=None, return_status=False, nroots=3, tol=0.0001)[source]#
Stability analysis for RHF/RKS method.
- Args:
mf : RHF or RKS object
- Kwargs:
- internalbool
Internal stability, within the RHF space.
- externalbool
External stability. Including the RHF -> UHF and real -> complex stability analysis.
- return_status: bool
Whether to return stable_i and stable_e
- nrootsint
Number of roots solved by Davidson solver
- tolfloat
Convergence threshold for Davidson solver
- Returns:
If return_status is False (default), the return value includes two set of orbitals, which are more close to the stable condition. The first corresponds to the internal stability and the second corresponds to the external stability.
Else, another two boolean variables (indicating current status: stable or unstable) are returned. The first corresponds to the internal stability and the second corresponds to the external stability.
- pyscf.scf.stability.rohf_external(mf, with_symmetry=True, verbose=None, return_status=False, nroots=3, tol=0.0001)[source]#
- pyscf.scf.stability.rohf_internal(mf, with_symmetry=True, verbose=None, return_status=False, nroots=3, tol=0.0001)[source]#
- pyscf.scf.stability.rohf_stability(mf, internal=True, external=False, verbose=None, return_status=False, nroots=3, tol=0.0001)[source]#
Stability analysis for ROHF/ROKS method.
- Args:
mf : ROHF or ROKS object
- Kwargs:
- internalbool
Internal stability, within the RHF space.
- externalbool
External stability. It is not available in current version.
- return_status: bool
Whether to return stable_i and stable_e
- nrootsint
Number of roots solved by Davidson solver
- tolfloat
Convergence threshold for Davidson solver
- Returns:
If return_status is False (default), the return value includes two set of orbitals, which are more close to the stable condition. The first corresponds to the internal stability and the second corresponds to the external stability.
Else, another two boolean variables (indicating current status: stable or unstable) are returned. The first corresponds to the internal stability and the second corresponds to the external stability.
- pyscf.scf.stability.uhf_external(mf, with_symmetry=True, verbose=None, return_status=False, nroots=3, tol=0.0001)[source]#
- pyscf.scf.stability.uhf_internal(mf, with_symmetry=True, verbose=None, return_status=False, nroots=3, tol=0.0001)[source]#
- pyscf.scf.stability.uhf_stability(mf, internal=True, external=False, verbose=None, return_status=False, nroots=3, tol=0.0001)[source]#
Stability analysis for UHF/UKS method.
- Args:
mf : UHF or UKS object
- Kwargs:
- internalbool
Internal stability, within the UHF space.
- externalbool
External stability. Including the UHF -> GHF and real -> complex stability analysis.
- return_status: bool
Whether to return stable_i and stable_e
- nrootsint
Number of roots solved by Davidson solver
- tolfloat
Convergence threshold for Davidson solver
- Returns:
If return_status is False (default), the return value includes two set of orbitals, which are more close to the stable condition. The first corresponds to the internal stability and the second corresponds to the external stability.
Else, another two boolean variables (indicating current status: stable or unstable) are returned. The first corresponds to the internal stability and the second corresponds to the external stability.
pyscf.scf.stability_slow module#
Wave Function Stability Analysis
Ref. JCP, 66, 3045 (1977); DOI:10.1063/1.434318 JCP 104, 9047 (1996); DOI:10.1063/1.471637
pyscf.scf.ucphf module#
Unrestricted coupled perturbed Hartree-Fock solver
- pyscf.scf.ucphf.kernel(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, s1=None, max_cycle=50, tol=1e-09, hermi=False, verbose=2, level_shift=0)#
- Args:
- fvindfunction
Given density matrix, compute (ij|kl)D_{lk}*2 - (ij|kl)D_{jk}
- pyscf.scf.ucphf.solve(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, s1=None, max_cycle=50, tol=1e-09, hermi=False, verbose=2, level_shift=0)[source]#
- Args:
- fvindfunction
Given density matrix, compute (ij|kl)D_{lk}*2 - (ij|kl)D_{jk}
- pyscf.scf.ucphf.solve_nos1(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, max_cycle=20, tol=1e-09, hermi=False, verbose=2, level_shift=0)[source]#
For field independent basis. First order overlap matrix is zero
- pyscf.scf.ucphf.solve_withs1(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, s1, max_cycle=50, tol=1e-09, hermi=False, verbose=2, level_shift=0)[source]#
For field dependent basis. First order overlap matrix is non-zero. The first order orbitals are set to C^1_{ij} = -1/2 S1 e1 = h1 - s1*e0 + (e0_j-e0_i)*c1 + vhf[c1]
pyscf.scf.uhf module#
- class pyscf.scf.uhf.HF1e(mol)[source]#
- scf(*args)#
SCF main driver
- Kwargs:
- dm0ndarray
If given, it will be used as the initial guess density matrix
>>> import numpy >>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> dm_guess = numpy.eye(mol.nao_nr()) >>> mf.kernel(dm_guess) converged SCF energy = -98.5521904482821 -98.552190448282104
- spin_square(mo_coeff=None, s=None)[source]#
Spin square and multiplicity of UHF determinant
\[S^2 = \frac{1}{2}(S_+ S_- + S_- S_+) + S_z^2\]where \(S_+ = \sum_i S_{i+}\) is effective for all beta occupied orbitals; \(S_- = \sum_i S_{i-}\) is effective for all alpha occupied orbitals.
- There are two possibilities for \(S_+ S_-\)
same electron \(S_+ S_- = \sum_i s_{i+} s_{i-}\),
\[\sum_i \langle UHF|s_{i+} s_{i-}|UHF\rangle = \sum_{pq}\langle p|s_+s_-|q\rangle \gamma_{qp} = n_\alpha\]2) different electrons \(S_+ S_- = \sum s_{i+} s_{j-}, (i\neq j)\). There are in total \(n(n-1)\) terms. As a two-particle operator,
\[\langle S_+ S_- \rangle = \langle ij|s_+ s_-|ij\rangle - \langle ij|s_+ s_-|ji\rangle = -\langle i^\alpha|j^\beta\rangle \langle j^\beta|i^\alpha\rangle\]
- Similarly, for \(S_- S_+\)
same electron
\[\sum_i \langle s_{i-} s_{i+}\rangle = n_\beta\]different electrons
\[\langle S_- S_+ \rangle = -\langle i^\beta|j^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\alpha|i^\beta\rangle\]
- For \(S_z^2\)
same electron
\[\langle s_z^2\rangle = \frac{1}{4}(n_\alpha + n_\beta)\]different electrons
\[\begin{split}&\frac{1}{2}\sum_{ij}(\langle ij|2s_{z1}s_{z2}|ij\rangle -\langle ij|2s_{z1}s_{z2}|ji\rangle) \\ &=\frac{1}{4}(\langle i^\alpha|i^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle - \langle i^\alpha|i^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\beta|j^\beta\rangle - \langle i^\beta|i^\beta\rangle \langle j^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle + \langle i^\beta|i^\beta\rangle \langle j^\beta|j^\beta\rangle) \\ &-\frac{1}{4}(\langle i^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\alpha|i^\alpha\rangle + \langle i^\beta|j^\beta\rangle\langle j^\beta|i^\beta\rangle) \\ &=\frac{1}{4}(n_\alpha^2 - n_\alpha n_\beta - n_\beta n_\alpha + n_\beta^2) -\frac{1}{4}(n_\alpha + n_\beta) \\ &=\frac{1}{4}((n_\alpha-n_\beta)^2 - (n_\alpha+n_\beta))\end{split}\]
In total
\[\begin{split}\langle S^2\rangle &= \frac{1}{2} (n_\alpha-\sum_{ij}\langle i^\alpha|j^\beta\rangle \langle j^\beta|i^\alpha\rangle +n_\beta -\sum_{ij}\langle i^\beta|j^\alpha\rangle\langle j^\alpha|i^\beta\rangle) + \frac{1}{4}(n_\alpha-n_\beta)^2 \\\end{split}\]- Args:
- moa list of 2 ndarrays
Occupied alpha and occupied beta orbitals
- Kwargs:
- sndarray
AO overlap
- Returns:
A list of two floats. The first is the expectation value of S^2. The second is the corresponding 2S+1
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0', basis='ccpvdz', charge=1, spin=1, verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.UHF(mol) >>> mf.kernel() -75.623975516256706 >>> mo = (mf.mo_coeff[0][:,mf.mo_occ[0]>0], mf.mo_coeff[1][:,mf.mo_occ[1]>0]) >>> print('S^2 = %.7f, 2S+1 = %.7f' % spin_square(mo, mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph'))) S^2 = 0.7570150, 2S+1 = 2.0070027
- class pyscf.scf.uhf.UHF(mol)[source]#
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
- Attributes:
- verboseint
Print level. Default value equals to
- max_memoryfloat or int
Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to
- chkfilestr
checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc. Writing to chkfile can be disabled if this attribute is set to None or False.
- conv_tolfloat
converge threshold. Default is 1e-9
- conv_tol_gradfloat
gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
- max_cycleint
max number of iterations. If max_cycle <= 0, SCF iteration will be skipped and the kernel function will compute only the total energy based on the initial guess. Default value is 50.
- init_guessstr
initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘huckel’, ‘hcore’, ‘1e’, ‘sap’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
- sap_basisstr or dict
basis for SAP initial guess, either filename or path as str or internal format dictionary.
- DIISDIIS class
The class to generate diis object. It can be one of diis.SCF_DIIS, diis.ADIIS, diis.EDIIS.
- diisboolean or object of DIIS class defined in
. Default is the object associated to the attribute
. Set it to None/False to turn off DIIS. Note if this attribute is initialized as a DIIS object, the SCF driver will use this object in the iteration. The DIIS information (vector basis and error vector) will be held inside this object. When kernel function is called again, the old states (vector basis and error vector) will be reused.- diis_spaceint
DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
- diis_dampfloat
DIIS damping factor. Default is 0.
- diis_start_cycleint
The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
- diis_file: ‘str’
File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
- level_shiftfloat or int
Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
- direct_scfbool
Direct SCF is used by default.
- direct_scf_tolfloat
Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
- callbackfunction(envs_dict) => None
callback function takes one dict as the argument which is generated by the builtin function
, so that the callback function can access all local variables in the current environment.- conv_checkbool
An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
- check_convergencefunction(envs) => bool
A hook for overloading convergence criteria in SCF iterations.
Saved results:
- convergedbool
Whether the SCF iteration converged
- e_totfloat
Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
- mo_energy :
Orbital energies
- mo_occ
Orbital occupancy
- mo_coeff
Orbital coefficients
- cyclesint
The number of iteration cycles performed
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> mf.verbose = 0 >>> mf.level_shift = .4 >>> mf.scf() -1.0811707843775884
- Attributes for UHF:
- nelec(int, int)
If given, freeze the number of (alpha,beta) electrons to the given value.
- level_shiftnumber or two-element list
level shift (in Eh) for alpha and beta Fock if two-element list is given.
- init_guess_breaksymint
This configuration controls the algorithm used to break the spin symmetry of the initial guess: - 0 to disable symmetry breaking in the initial guess. - 1 to use the default algorithm introduced in pyscf-1.7. - 2 to adjust the num. electrons for spin-up and spin-down density matrices (issue #1839).
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0', basis='ccpvdz', charge=1, spin=1, verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.UHF(mol) >>> mf.kernel() -75.623975516256706 >>> print('S^2 = %.7f, 2S+1 = %.7f' % mf.spin_square()) S^2 = 0.7570150, 2S+1 = 2.0070027
- CASCI = None#
- CASSCF = None#
- CISD(*args, **kwargs)#
- DFMP2 = None#
- Gradients(*args, **kwargs)#
Non-relativistic unrestricted Hartree-Fock gradients
- MP2(*args, **kwargs)#
- TDA(*args, **kwargs)#
Tamm-Dancoff approximation
- Attributes:
- conv_tolfloat
Diagonalization convergence tolerance. Default is 1e-9.
- nstatesint
Number of TD states to be computed. Default is 3.
Saved results:
- convergedbool
Diagonalization converged or not
- e1D array
excitation energy for each excited state.
- xyA list of two 2D arrays
The two 2D arrays are Excitation coefficients X (shape [nocc,nvir]) and de-excitation coefficients Y (shape [nocc,nvir]) for each excited state. (X,Y) are normalized to 1/2 in RHF/RKS methods and normalized to 1 for UHF/UKS methods. In the TDA calculation, Y = 0.
- TDHF(*args, **kwargs)#
- analyze(verbose=None, with_meta_lowdin=True, **kwargs)[source]#
Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Mulliken population analysis; Diople moment.
- canonicalize(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None)#
Canonicalization diagonalizes the UHF Fock matrix within occupied, virtual subspaces separatedly (without change occupancy).
- det_ovlp(mo1, mo2, occ1, occ2, ovlp=None)[source]#
Calculate the overlap between two different determinants. It is the product of single values of molecular orbital overlap matrix.
\[S_{12} = \langle \Psi_A | \Psi_B \rangle = (\mathrm{det}\mathbf{U}) (\mathrm{det}\mathbf{V^\dagger}) \prod\limits_{i=1}\limits^{2N} \lambda_{ii}\]where \(\mathbf{U}, \mathbf{V}, \lambda\) are unitary matrices and single values generated by single value decomposition(SVD) of the overlap matrix \(\mathbf{O}\) which is the overlap matrix of two sets of molecular orbitals:
\[\mathbf{U}^\dagger \mathbf{O} \mathbf{V} = \mathbf{\Lambda}\]- Args:
- mo1, mo22D ndarrays
Molecualr orbital coefficients
- occ1, occ2: 2D ndarrays
occupation numbers
- Return:
- A list:
the product of single values: float (x_a, x_b): 1D ndarrays \(\mathbf{U} \mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1} \mathbf{V}^\dagger\) They are used to calculate asymmetric density matrix
- energy_elec(dm=None, h1e=None, vhf=None)#
Electronic energy of Unrestricted Hartree-Fock
Note this function has side effects which cause mf.scf_summary updated.
- Returns:
Hartree-Fock electronic energy and the 2-electron part contribution
- gen_response(mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, with_j=True, hermi=0, max_memory=None)#
Generate a function to compute the product of UHF response function and UHF density matrices.
- get_fock(h1e=None, s1e=None, vhf=None, dm=None, cycle=-1, diis=None, diis_start_cycle=None, level_shift_factor=None, damp_factor=None, fock_last=None)#
F = h^{core} + V^{HF}
Special treatment (damping, DIIS, or level shift) will be applied to the Fock matrix if diis and cycle is specified (The two parameters are passed to get_fock function during the SCF iteration)
- Kwargs:
- h1e2D ndarray
Core hamiltonian
- s1e2D ndarray
Overlap matrix, for DIIS
- vhf2D ndarray
HF potential matrix
- dm2D ndarray
Density matrix, for DIIS
- cycleint
Then present SCF iteration step, for DIIS
- diisan object of
class DIIS object to hold intermediate Fock and error vectors
- diis_start_cycleint
The step to start DIIS. Default is 0.
- level_shift_factorfloat or int
Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
- get_grad(mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None)[source]#
RHF orbital gradients
- Args:
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Obital coefficients
- mo_occ1D ndarray
Orbital occupancy
- fock_ao2D ndarray
Fock matrix in AO representation
- Returns:
Gradients in MO representation. It’s a num_occ*num_vir vector.
- get_jk(mol=None, dm=None, hermi=1, with_j=True, with_k=True, omega=None)[source]#
Coulomb (J) and exchange (K)
- Args:
- dma list of 2D arrays or a list of 3D arrays
(alpha_dm, beta_dm) or (alpha_dms, beta_dms)
- get_occ(mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None)#
Label the occupancies for each orbital
- Kwargs:
- mo_energy1D ndarray
Obital energies
- mo_coeff2D ndarray
Obital coefficients
>>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> energy = numpy.array([-10., -1., 1, -2., 0, -3]) >>> mf.get_occ(energy) array([2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2])
- get_veff(mol=None, dm=None, dm_last=0, vhf_last=0, hermi=1)[source]#
Unrestricted Hartree-Fock potential matrix of alpha and beta spins, for the given density matrix
\[\begin{split}V_{ij}^\alpha &= \sum_{kl} (ij|kl)(\gamma_{lk}^\alpha+\gamma_{lk}^\beta) - \sum_{kl} (il|kj)\gamma_{lk}^\alpha \\ V_{ij}^\beta &= \sum_{kl} (ij|kl)(\gamma_{lk}^\alpha+\gamma_{lk}^\beta) - \sum_{kl} (il|kj)\gamma_{lk}^\beta\end{split}\]- Args:
mol : an instance of
- dma list of ndarrays
A list of density matrices, stored as (alpha,alpha,…,beta,beta,…)
- Kwargs:
- dm_lastndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0
The density matrix baseline. When it is not 0, this function computes the increment of HF potential w.r.t. the reference HF potential matrix.
- vhf_lastndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0
The reference HF potential matrix.
- hermiint
Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric1 : hermitian2 : anti-hermitian- vhfopt :
A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
- Returns:
\(V_{hf} = (V^\alpha, V^\beta)\). \(V^\alpha\) (and \(V^\beta\)) can be a list matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> import numpy >>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> dmsa = numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> dmsb = numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> dms = numpy.vstack((dmsa,dmsb)) >>> dms.shape (6, 2, 2) >>> vhfa, vhfb = scf.uhf.get_veff(mol, dms, hermi=0) >>> vhfa.shape (3, 2, 2) >>> vhfb.shape (3, 2, 2)
- init_guess_breaksym = 1#
- init_guess_by_1e(mol=None, breaksym=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from core hamiltonian
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_atom(mol=None, breaksym=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from superposition of atomic HF density matrix. The atomic HF is occupancy averaged RHF
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_chkfile(chkfile=None, project=None)[source]#
Read the HF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the basis defined by
- Kwargs:
- projectNone or bool
Whether to project chkfile’s orbitals to the new basis. Note when the geometry of the chkfile and the given molecule are very different, this projection can produce very poor initial guess. In PES scanning, it is recommended to switch off project.
If project is set to None, the projection is only applied when the basis sets of the chkfile’s molecule are different to the basis sets of the given molecule (regardless whether the geometry of the two molecules are different). Note the basis sets are considered to be different if the two molecules are derived from the same molecule with different ordering of atoms.
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_huckel(mol=None, breaksym=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from a Huckel calculation based on occupancy averaged atomic RHF calculations, doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_minao(mol=None, breaksym=None)[source]#
Initial guess in terms of the overlap to minimal basis.
- init_guess_by_mod_huckel(mol=None, breaksym=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from a Huckel calculation based on occupancy averaged atomic RHF calculations, doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089
In contrast to init_guess_by_huckel, this routine employs the updated GWH rule from doi:10.1021/ja00480a005 to form the guess.
- Returns:
Density matrix, 2D ndarray
- init_guess_by_sap(mol=None, breaksym=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix from a superposition of atomic potentials (SAP), doi:10.1021/acs.jctc.8b01089. This is the Gaussian fit implementation, see doi:10.1063/5.0004046.
- Args:
- molMoleBase object
the molecule object for which the initial guess is evaluated
- sap_basisdict
SAP basis in internal format (python dictionary)
- Returns:
- dm0ndarray
SAP initial guess density matrix
- make_asym_dm(mo1, mo2, occ1, occ2, x)[source]#
One-particle asymmetric density matrix
- Args:
- mo1, mo22D ndarrays
Molecualr orbital coefficients
- occ1, occ2: 2D ndarrays
Occupation numbers
- x: 2D ndarrays
\(\mathbf{U} \mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1} \mathbf{V}^\dagger\). See also
- Return:
A list of 2D ndarrays for alpha and beta spin
>>> mf1 = scf.UHF(gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.3', basis='ccpvdz')).run() >>> mf2 = scf.UHF(gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.4', basis='ccpvdz')).run() >>> s = gto.intor_cross('int1e_ovlp_sph', mf1.mol, mf2.mol) >>> det, x = det_ovlp(mf1.mo_coeff, mf1.mo_occ, mf2.mo_coeff, mf2.mo_occ, s) >>> adm = make_asym_dm(mf1.mo_coeff, mf1.mo_occ, mf2.mo_coeff, mf2.mo_occ, x) >>> adm.shape (2, 19, 19)
- make_rdm1(mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, **kwargs)[source]#
One-particle density matrix in AO representation
- Args:
- mo_coefftuple of 2D ndarrays
Orbital coefficients for alpha and beta spins. Each column is one orbital.
- mo_occtuple of 1D ndarrays
Occupancies for alpha and beta spins.
- Returns:
A list of 2D ndarrays for alpha and beta spins
- make_rdm2(mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Two-particle density matrix in AO representation
- Args:
- mo_coefftuple of 2D ndarrays
Orbital coefficients for alpha and beta spins. Each column is one orbital.
- mo_occtuple of 1D ndarrays
Occupancies for alpha and beta spins.
- Returns:
A tuple of three 4D ndarrays for alpha,alpha and alpha,beta and beta,beta spins
- mulliken_meta(mol=None, dm=None, verbose=5, pre_orth_method='ANO', s=None)[source]#
Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs. In the meta-lowdin, the AOs are grouped in three sets: core, valence and Rydberg, the orthogonalization are carried out within each subsets.
- Args:
mol : an instance of
- dmndarray or 2-item list of ndarray
Density matrix. ROHF dm is a 2-item list of 2D array
- Kwargs:
verbose : int or instance of
- pre_orth_methodstr
Pre-orthogonalization, which localized GTOs for each atom. To obtain the occupied and unoccupied atomic shells, there are three methods
‘ano’ : Project GTOs to ANO basis‘minao’ : Project GTOs to MINAO basis‘scf’ : Symmetry-averaged fractional occupation atomic RHF
- Returns:
A list : pop, charges
- popnparray
Mulliken population on each atomic orbitals
- chargesnparray
Mulliken charges
- mulliken_pop(mol=None, dm=None, s=None, verbose=5)[source]#
Mulliken population analysis
\[M_{ij} = D_{ij} S_{ji}\]Mulliken charges
\[\delta_i = \sum_j M_{ij}\]- Returns:
A list : pop, charges
- popnparray
Mulliken population on each atomic orbitals
- chargesnparray
Mulliken charges
- property nelec#
- property nelectron_alpha#
- spin_square(mo_coeff=None, s=None)[source]#
Spin square and multiplicity of UHF determinant
\[S^2 = \frac{1}{2}(S_+ S_- + S_- S_+) + S_z^2\]where \(S_+ = \sum_i S_{i+}\) is effective for all beta occupied orbitals; \(S_- = \sum_i S_{i-}\) is effective for all alpha occupied orbitals.
- There are two possibilities for \(S_+ S_-\)
same electron \(S_+ S_- = \sum_i s_{i+} s_{i-}\),
\[\sum_i \langle UHF|s_{i+} s_{i-}|UHF\rangle = \sum_{pq}\langle p|s_+s_-|q\rangle \gamma_{qp} = n_\alpha\]2) different electrons \(S_+ S_- = \sum s_{i+} s_{j-}, (i\neq j)\). There are in total \(n(n-1)\) terms. As a two-particle operator,
\[\langle S_+ S_- \rangle = \langle ij|s_+ s_-|ij\rangle - \langle ij|s_+ s_-|ji\rangle = -\langle i^\alpha|j^\beta\rangle \langle j^\beta|i^\alpha\rangle\]
- Similarly, for \(S_- S_+\)
same electron
\[\sum_i \langle s_{i-} s_{i+}\rangle = n_\beta\]different electrons
\[\langle S_- S_+ \rangle = -\langle i^\beta|j^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\alpha|i^\beta\rangle\]
- For \(S_z^2\)
same electron
\[\langle s_z^2\rangle = \frac{1}{4}(n_\alpha + n_\beta)\]different electrons
\[\begin{split}&\frac{1}{2}\sum_{ij}(\langle ij|2s_{z1}s_{z2}|ij\rangle -\langle ij|2s_{z1}s_{z2}|ji\rangle) \\ &=\frac{1}{4}(\langle i^\alpha|i^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle - \langle i^\alpha|i^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\beta|j^\beta\rangle - \langle i^\beta|i^\beta\rangle \langle j^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle + \langle i^\beta|i^\beta\rangle \langle j^\beta|j^\beta\rangle) \\ &-\frac{1}{4}(\langle i^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\alpha|i^\alpha\rangle + \langle i^\beta|j^\beta\rangle\langle j^\beta|i^\beta\rangle) \\ &=\frac{1}{4}(n_\alpha^2 - n_\alpha n_\beta - n_\beta n_\alpha + n_\beta^2) -\frac{1}{4}(n_\alpha + n_\beta) \\ &=\frac{1}{4}((n_\alpha-n_\beta)^2 - (n_\alpha+n_\beta))\end{split}\]
In total
\[\begin{split}\langle S^2\rangle &= \frac{1}{2} (n_\alpha-\sum_{ij}\langle i^\alpha|j^\beta\rangle \langle j^\beta|i^\alpha\rangle +n_\beta -\sum_{ij}\langle i^\beta|j^\alpha\rangle\langle j^\alpha|i^\beta\rangle) + \frac{1}{4}(n_\alpha-n_\beta)^2 \\\end{split}\]- Args:
- moa list of 2 ndarrays
Occupied alpha and occupied beta orbitals
- Kwargs:
- sndarray
AO overlap
- Returns:
A list of two floats. The first is the expectation value of S^2. The second is the corresponding 2S+1
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0', basis='ccpvdz', charge=1, spin=1, verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.UHF(mol) >>> mf.kernel() -75.623975516256706 >>> mo = (mf.mo_coeff[0][:,mf.mo_occ[0]>0], mf.mo_coeff[1][:,mf.mo_occ[1]>0]) >>> print('S^2 = %.7f, 2S+1 = %.7f' % spin_square(mo, mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph'))) S^2 = 0.7570150, 2S+1 = 2.0070027
- stability(internal=True, external=False, verbose=None, return_status=False, **kwargs)[source]#
Stability analysis for UHF/UKS method.
See also pyscf.scf.stability.uhf_stability function.
- Args:
mf : UHF or UKS object
- Kwargs:
- internalbool
Internal stability, within the UHF space.
- externalbool
External stability. Including the UHF -> GHF and real -> complex stability analysis.
- return_status: bool
Whether to return stable_i and stable_e
- Returns:
If return_status is False (default), the return value includes two set of orbitals, which are more close to the stable condition. The first corresponds to the internal stability and the second corresponds to the external stability.
Else, another two boolean variables (indicating current status: stable or unstable) are returned. The first corresponds to the internal stability and the second corresponds to the external stability.
- to_gpu(out=None)#
Convert a method to its corresponding GPU variant, and recursively converts all attributes of a method to cupy objects or gpu4pyscf objects.
- pyscf.scf.uhf.analyze(mf, verbose=5, with_meta_lowdin=True, **kwargs)[source]#
Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Mulliken population analysis; Dipole moment; Spin density for AOs and atoms;
- pyscf.scf.uhf.canonicalize(mf, mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None)[source]#
Canonicalization diagonalizes the UHF Fock matrix within occupied, virtual subspaces separatedly (without change occupancy).
- pyscf.scf.uhf.det_ovlp(mo1, mo2, occ1, occ2, ovlp)[source]#
Calculate the overlap between two different determinants. It is the product of single values of molecular orbital overlap matrix.
\[S_{12} = \langle \Psi_A | \Psi_B \rangle = (\mathrm{det}\mathbf{U}) (\mathrm{det}\mathbf{V^\dagger}) \prod\limits_{i=1}\limits^{2N} \lambda_{ii}\]where \(\mathbf{U}, \mathbf{V}, \lambda\) are unitary matrices and single values generated by single value decomposition(SVD) of the overlap matrix \(\mathbf{O}\) which is the overlap matrix of two sets of molecular orbitals:
\[\mathbf{U}^\dagger \mathbf{O} \mathbf{V} = \mathbf{\Lambda}\]- Args:
- mo1, mo22D ndarrays
Molecualr orbital coefficients
- occ1, occ2: 2D ndarrays
occupation numbers
- Return:
- A list:
the product of single values: float (x_a, x_b): 1D ndarrays \(\mathbf{U} \mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1} \mathbf{V}^\dagger\) They are used to calculate asymmetric density matrix
- pyscf.scf.uhf.energy_elec(mf, dm=None, h1e=None, vhf=None)[source]#
Electronic energy of Unrestricted Hartree-Fock
Note this function has side effects which cause mf.scf_summary updated.
- Returns:
Hartree-Fock electronic energy and the 2-electron part contribution
- pyscf.scf.uhf.get_fock(mf, h1e=None, s1e=None, vhf=None, dm=None, cycle=-1, diis=None, diis_start_cycle=None, level_shift_factor=None, damp_factor=None, fock_last=None)[source]#
- pyscf.scf.uhf.get_veff(mol, dm, dm_last=0, vhf_last=0, hermi=1, vhfopt=None)[source]#
Unrestricted Hartree-Fock potential matrix of alpha and beta spins, for the given density matrix
\[\begin{split}V_{ij}^\alpha &= \sum_{kl} (ij|kl)(\gamma_{lk}^\alpha+\gamma_{lk}^\beta) - \sum_{kl} (il|kj)\gamma_{lk}^\alpha \\ V_{ij}^\beta &= \sum_{kl} (ij|kl)(\gamma_{lk}^\alpha+\gamma_{lk}^\beta) - \sum_{kl} (il|kj)\gamma_{lk}^\beta\end{split}\]- Args:
mol : an instance of
- dma list of ndarrays
A list of density matrices, stored as (alpha,alpha,…,beta,beta,…)
- Kwargs:
- dm_lastndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0
The density matrix baseline. When it is not 0, this function computes the increment of HF potential w.r.t. the reference HF potential matrix.
- vhf_lastndarray or a list of ndarrays or 0
The reference HF potential matrix.
- hermiint
Whether J, K matrix is hermitian
0 : no hermitian or symmetric1 : hermitian2 : anti-hermitian- vhfopt :
A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices
- Returns:
\(V_{hf} = (V^\alpha, V^\beta)\). \(V^\alpha\) (and \(V^\beta\)) can be a list matrices, corresponding to the input density matrices.
>>> import numpy >>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> dmsa = numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> dmsb = numpy.random.random((3,mol.nao_nr(),mol.nao_nr())) >>> dms = numpy.vstack((dmsa,dmsb)) >>> dms.shape (6, 2, 2) >>> vhfa, vhfb = scf.uhf.get_veff(mol, dms, hermi=0) >>> vhfa.shape (3, 2, 2) >>> vhfb.shape (3, 2, 2)
- pyscf.scf.uhf.init_guess_by_chkfile(mol, chkfile_name, project=None)[source]#
Read SCF chkfile and make the density matrix for UHF initial guess.
- Kwargs:
- projectNone or bool
Whether to project chkfile’s orbitals to the new basis. Note when the geometry of the chkfile and the given molecule are very different, this projection can produce very poor initial guess. In PES scanning, it is recommended to switch off project.
If project is set to None, the projection is only applied when the basis sets of the chkfile’s molecule are different to the basis sets of the given molecule (regardless whether the geometry of the two molecules are different). Note the basis sets are considered to be different if the two molecules are derived from the same molecule with different ordering of atoms.
- pyscf.scf.uhf.init_guess_by_minao(mol, breaksym=None)[source]#
Generate initial guess density matrix based on ANO basis, then project the density matrix to the basis set defined by
- Returns:
Density matrices, a list of 2D ndarrays for alpha and beta spins
- pyscf.scf.uhf.make_asym_dm(mo1, mo2, occ1, occ2, x)[source]#
One-particle asymmetric density matrix
- Args:
- mo1, mo22D ndarrays
Molecualr orbital coefficients
- occ1, occ2: 2D ndarrays
Occupation numbers
- x: 2D ndarrays
\(\mathbf{U} \mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1} \mathbf{V}^\dagger\). See also
- Return:
A list of 2D ndarrays for alpha and beta spin
>>> mf1 = scf.UHF(gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.3', basis='ccpvdz')).run() >>> mf2 = scf.UHF(gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.4', basis='ccpvdz')).run() >>> s = gto.intor_cross('int1e_ovlp_sph', mf1.mol, mf2.mol) >>> det, x = det_ovlp(mf1.mo_coeff, mf1.mo_occ, mf2.mo_coeff, mf2.mo_occ, s) >>> adm = make_asym_dm(mf1.mo_coeff, mf1.mo_occ, mf2.mo_coeff, mf2.mo_occ, x) >>> adm.shape (2, 19, 19)
- pyscf.scf.uhf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ, **kwargs)[source]#
One-particle density matrix in AO representation
- Args:
- mo_coefftuple of 2D ndarrays
Orbital coefficients for alpha and beta spins. Each column is one orbital.
- mo_occtuple of 1D ndarrays
Occupancies for alpha and beta spins.
- Returns:
A list of 2D ndarrays for alpha and beta spins
- pyscf.scf.uhf.make_rdm2(mo_coeff, mo_occ)[source]#
Two-particle density matrix in AO representation
- Args:
- mo_coefftuple of 2D ndarrays
Orbital coefficients for alpha and beta spins. Each column is one orbital.
- mo_occtuple of 1D ndarrays
Occupancies for alpha and beta spins.
- Returns:
A tuple of three 4D ndarrays for alpha,alpha and alpha,beta and beta,beta spins
- pyscf.scf.uhf.mulliken_meta(mol, dm_ao, verbose=5, pre_orth_method='ANO', s=None)[source]#
Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs.
- pyscf.scf.uhf.mulliken_meta_spin(mol, dm_ao, verbose=5, pre_orth_method='ANO', s=None)[source]#
Mulliken spin population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs.
- pyscf.scf.uhf.mulliken_pop_meta_lowdin_ao(mol, dm_ao, verbose=5, pre_orth_method='ANO', s=None)#
Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs.
- pyscf.scf.uhf.mulliken_spin_pop(mol, dm, s=None, verbose=5)[source]#
Mulliken spin density analysis
See Eq. 80 in and the surrounding text for more details.
\[M_{ij} = (D^a_{ij} - D^b_{ij}) S_{ji}\]Mulliken charges
\[\delta_i = \sum_j M_{ij}\]- Returns:
A list : spin_pop, Ms
- spin_popnparray
Mulliken spin density on each atomic orbitals
- Msnparray
Mulliken spin density on each atom
- pyscf.scf.uhf.mulliken_spin_pop_meta_lowdin_ao(mol, dm_ao, verbose=5, pre_orth_method='ANO', s=None)#
Mulliken spin population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs.
- pyscf.scf.uhf.spin_square(mo, s=1)[source]#
Spin square and multiplicity of UHF determinant
\[S^2 = \frac{1}{2}(S_+ S_- + S_- S_+) + S_z^2\]where \(S_+ = \sum_i S_{i+}\) is effective for all beta occupied orbitals; \(S_- = \sum_i S_{i-}\) is effective for all alpha occupied orbitals.
- There are two possibilities for \(S_+ S_-\)
same electron \(S_+ S_- = \sum_i s_{i+} s_{i-}\),
\[\sum_i \langle UHF|s_{i+} s_{i-}|UHF\rangle = \sum_{pq}\langle p|s_+s_-|q\rangle \gamma_{qp} = n_\alpha\]2) different electrons \(S_+ S_- = \sum s_{i+} s_{j-}, (i\neq j)\). There are in total \(n(n-1)\) terms. As a two-particle operator,
\[\langle S_+ S_- \rangle = \langle ij|s_+ s_-|ij\rangle - \langle ij|s_+ s_-|ji\rangle = -\langle i^\alpha|j^\beta\rangle \langle j^\beta|i^\alpha\rangle\]
- Similarly, for \(S_- S_+\)
same electron
\[\sum_i \langle s_{i-} s_{i+}\rangle = n_\beta\]different electrons
\[\langle S_- S_+ \rangle = -\langle i^\beta|j^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\alpha|i^\beta\rangle\]
- For \(S_z^2\)
same electron
\[\langle s_z^2\rangle = \frac{1}{4}(n_\alpha + n_\beta)\]different electrons
\[\begin{split}&\frac{1}{2}\sum_{ij}(\langle ij|2s_{z1}s_{z2}|ij\rangle -\langle ij|2s_{z1}s_{z2}|ji\rangle) \\ &=\frac{1}{4}(\langle i^\alpha|i^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle - \langle i^\alpha|i^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\beta|j^\beta\rangle - \langle i^\beta|i^\beta\rangle \langle j^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle + \langle i^\beta|i^\beta\rangle \langle j^\beta|j^\beta\rangle) \\ &-\frac{1}{4}(\langle i^\alpha|j^\alpha\rangle \langle j^\alpha|i^\alpha\rangle + \langle i^\beta|j^\beta\rangle\langle j^\beta|i^\beta\rangle) \\ &=\frac{1}{4}(n_\alpha^2 - n_\alpha n_\beta - n_\beta n_\alpha + n_\beta^2) -\frac{1}{4}(n_\alpha + n_\beta) \\ &=\frac{1}{4}((n_\alpha-n_\beta)^2 - (n_\alpha+n_\beta))\end{split}\]
In total
\[\begin{split}\langle S^2\rangle &= \frac{1}{2} (n_\alpha-\sum_{ij}\langle i^\alpha|j^\beta\rangle \langle j^\beta|i^\alpha\rangle +n_\beta -\sum_{ij}\langle i^\beta|j^\alpha\rangle\langle j^\alpha|i^\beta\rangle) + \frac{1}{4}(n_\alpha-n_\beta)^2 \\\end{split}\]- Args:
- moa list of 2 ndarrays
Occupied alpha and occupied beta orbitals
- Kwargs:
- sndarray
AO overlap
- Returns:
A list of two floats. The first is the expectation value of S^2. The second is the corresponding 2S+1
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0', basis='ccpvdz', charge=1, spin=1, verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.UHF(mol) >>> mf.kernel() -75.623975516256706 >>> mo = (mf.mo_coeff[0][:,mf.mo_occ[0]>0], mf.mo_coeff[1][:,mf.mo_occ[1]>0]) >>> print('S^2 = %.7f, 2S+1 = %.7f' % spin_square(mo, mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph'))) S^2 = 0.7570150, 2S+1 = 2.0070027
pyscf.scf.uhf_symm module#
Non-relativistic unrestricted Hartree-Fock with point group symmetry.
- class pyscf.scf.uhf_symm.HF1e(mol)[source]#
- scf(*args)#
SCF main driver
- Kwargs:
- dm0ndarray
If given, it will be used as the initial guess density matrix
>>> import numpy >>> from pyscf import gto, scf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1.1') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> dm_guess = numpy.eye(mol.nao_nr()) >>> mf.kernel(dm_guess) converged SCF energy = -98.5521904482821 -98.552190448282104
- class pyscf.scf.uhf_symm.SymAdaptedUHF(mol)[source]#
SCF base class. non-relativistic RHF.
- Attributes:
- verboseint
Print level. Default value equals to
- max_memoryfloat or int
Allowed memory in MB. Default equals to
- chkfilestr
checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc. Writing to chkfile can be disabled if this attribute is set to None or False.
- conv_tolfloat
converge threshold. Default is 1e-9
- conv_tol_gradfloat
gradients converge threshold. Default is sqrt(conv_tol)
- max_cycleint
max number of iterations. If max_cycle <= 0, SCF iteration will be skipped and the kernel function will compute only the total energy based on the initial guess. Default value is 50.
- init_guessstr
initial guess method. It can be one of ‘minao’, ‘atom’, ‘huckel’, ‘hcore’, ‘1e’, ‘sap’, ‘chkfile’. Default is ‘minao’
- sap_basisstr or dict
basis for SAP initial guess, either filename or path as str or internal format dictionary.
- DIISDIIS class
The class to generate diis object. It can be one of diis.SCF_DIIS, diis.ADIIS, diis.EDIIS.
- diisboolean or object of DIIS class defined in
. Default is the object associated to the attribute
. Set it to None/False to turn off DIIS. Note if this attribute is initialized as a DIIS object, the SCF driver will use this object in the iteration. The DIIS information (vector basis and error vector) will be held inside this object. When kernel function is called again, the old states (vector basis and error vector) will be reused.- diis_spaceint
DIIS space size. By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
- diis_dampfloat
DIIS damping factor. Default is 0.
- diis_start_cycleint
The step to start DIIS. Default is 1.
- diis_file: ‘str’
File to store DIIS vectors and error vectors.
- level_shiftfloat or int
Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.
- direct_scfbool
Direct SCF is used by default.
- direct_scf_tolfloat
Direct SCF cutoff threshold. Default is 1e-13.
- callbackfunction(envs_dict) => None
callback function takes one dict as the argument which is generated by the builtin function
, so that the callback function can access all local variables in the current environment.- conv_checkbool
An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.
- check_convergencefunction(envs) => bool
A hook for overloading convergence criteria in SCF iterations.
Saved results:
- convergedbool
Whether the SCF iteration converged
- e_totfloat
Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
- mo_energy :
Orbital energies
- mo_occ
Orbital occupancy
- mo_coeff
Orbital coefficients
- cyclesint
The number of iteration cycles performed
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> mf = scf.hf.SCF(mol) >>> mf.verbose = 0 >>> mf.level_shift = .4 >>> mf.scf() -1.0811707843775884
- Attributes for UHF:
- nelec(int, int)
If given, freeze the number of (alpha,beta) electrons to the given value.
- level_shiftnumber or two-element list
level shift (in Eh) for alpha and beta Fock if two-element list is given.
- init_guess_breaksymint
This configuration controls the algorithm used to break the spin symmetry of the initial guess: - 0 to disable symmetry breaking in the initial guess. - 1 to use the default algorithm introduced in pyscf-1.7. - 2 to adjust the num. electrons for spin-up and spin-down density matrices (issue #1839).
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0', basis='ccpvdz', charge=1, spin=1, verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.UHF(mol) >>> mf.kernel() -75.623975516256706 >>> print('S^2 = %.7f, 2S+1 = %.7f' % mf.spin_square()) S^2 = 0.7570150, 2S+1 = 2.0070027
- Attributes for symmetry allowed UHF:
- irrep_nelecdict
Specify the number of alpha/beta electrons for particular irrep {‘ir_name’:(int,int), …}. For the irreps not listed in these dicts, the program will choose the occupancy based on the orbital energies.
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0'