Submodules# module#
This module implements the G0W0 approximation on top of pyscf.tdscf.rhf_slow TDHF implementation. Unlike, all integrals are stored in memory. Several variants of GW are available:
pyscf.gw_slow: the molecular implementation;
(this module) single-kpoint PBC (periodic boundary condition) implementation; a supercell approach to PBC implementation with multiple k-points. Runs the molecular code for a model with several k-points for the cost of discarding momentum conservation and using dense instead of sparse matrixes; a PBC implementation with multiple k-points; module# module#
This module implements the G0W0 approximation on top of pyscf.tdscf.rhf_slow TDHF implementation. Unlike, all integrals are stored in memory. Several variants of GW are available:
pyscf.gw_slow: the molecular implementation; single-kpoint PBC (periodic boundary condition) implementation;
(this module) a supercell approach to PBC implementation with multiple k-points. Runs the molecular code for a model with several k-points for the cost of discarding momentum conservation and using dense instead of sparse matrixes; a PBC implementation with multiple k-points;
- class, eri=None)[source]#
- property entire_space#
The entire orbital space. Returns:
An iterable of the entire orbital space.
- get_rhs(p, components=False)[source]#
The right-hand side of the quasiparticle equation. Args:
p (int, tuple): the orbital;
- Returns:
Right-hand sides of the quasiparticle equation
- get_sigma_element(omega, p, eta, vir_sgn=1)[source]#
The diagonal matrix element of the self-energy matrix. Args:
omega (float): the energy value; p (int, tuple): the orbital;
- Returns:
The diagonal matrix element.
- initial_guess(p)[source]#
Retrieves the initial guess for the quasiparticle energy for orbital p. Args:
p (int, tuple): the orbital;
- Returns:
The value of initial guess (float).
- orb_dims = 2# module#
PBC spin-restricted G0W0-AC QP eigenvalues with k-point sampling This implementation has N^4 scaling, and is faster than GW-CD (N^4) and analytic GW (N^6) methods. GW-AC is recommended for valence states only, and is inaccurate for core states.
- Method:
See T. Zhu and G.K.-L. Chan, arxiv:2007.03148 (2020) for details Compute Sigma on imaginary frequency with density fitting, then analytically continued to real frequency. Gaussian density fitting must be used (FFTDF and MDF are not supported).
-, omega)[source]#
Analytic continuation to real axis using a Pade approximation from Thiele’s reciprocal difference method Reference: J. Low Temp. Phys. 29, 179 (1977) Returns:
coeff: 2D array (ncoeff, norbs) omega: 2D array (norbs, npade)
-, omega, orbs, nocc)[source]#
Analytic continuation to real axis using a two-pole model Returns:
coeff: 2D array (ncoeff, norbs)
- class, frozen=None)[source]#
- ac = 'pade'#
- fc = True#
- get_frozen_mask()#
Boolean mask for orbitals in k-point post-HF method.
Creates a boolean mask to remove frozen orbitals and keep other orbitals for post-HF calculations.
- Args:
mp (
): An instantiation of an SCF or post-Hartree-Fock object.- Returns:
moidx (list of
of bool): Boolean mask of orbitals to include.
- get_nmo(per_kpoint=False)#
Number of orbitals for k-point calculations.
Number of orbitals for use in a calculation with k-points, taking into account frozen orbitals.
- Note:
If per_kpoint is False, then the number of orbitals here is equal to max(nocc) + max(nvir), where each max is done over all k-points. Otherwise the number of orbitals is returned as a list of number of orbitals at each k-point.
- Args:
mp (
): An instantiation of an SCF or post-Hartree-Fock object. per_kpoint (bool, optional): True returns the number of orbitals at each k-point.For a description of False, see Note.
- Returns:
- nmo (int, list of int): Number of orbitals. For return type, see description of arg
- get_nocc(per_kpoint=False)#
Number of occupied orbitals for k-point calculations.
Number of occupied orbitals for use in a calculation with k-points, taking into account frozen orbitals.
- Args:
mp (
): An instantiation of an SCF or post-Hartree-Fock object. per_kpoint (bool, optional): True returns the number of occupiedorbitals at each k-point. False gives the max of this list.
- Returns:
- nocc (int, list of int): Number of occupied orbitals. For return type, see description of arg
- kernel(mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None, orbs=None, kptlist=None, nw=100)[source]#
- Input:
kptlist: self-energy k-points orbs: self-energy orbs nw: grid number
- Output:
mo_energy: GW quasiparticle energy
- linearized = False#
- property nmo#
- property nocc#
-, q, mo_coeff, uniform_grids=False)[source]#
Compute qij = 1/Omega * |< psi_{ik} | e^{iqr} | psi_{ak-q} >|^2 at q: (nkpts, nocc, nvir) through kp perturbation theory Ref: Phys. Rev. B 83, 245122 (2011)
-, omega, mo_energy, Lpq, kL, kidx)[source]#
Compute density response function in auxiliary basis at freq iw
-, omega, mo_energy, qij)[source]#
Compute head (G=0, G’=0) density response function in auxiliary basis at freq iw
-, omega, mo_energy, Lpq, qij)[source]#
Compute wing (G=P, G’=0) density response function in auxiliary basis at freq iw
-, orbs, kptlist, freqs, wts, iw_cutoff=None, max_memory=8000)[source]#
Compute GW correlation self-energy (diagonal elements) in MO basis on imaginary axis module#
PBC spin-restricted G0W0-CD QP eigenvalues with k-point sampling This implementation has the same scaling (N^4) as GW-AC, more robust but slower. GW-CD is particularly recommended for accurate core and high-energy states.
- Method:
See T. Zhu and G.K.-L. Chan, arxiv:2007.03148 (2020) for details Compute Sigma directly on real axis with density fitting through a contour deformation method
- class, frozen=None)[source]#
- eta = 0.001#
- fc = True#
- get_frozen_mask()#
Boolean mask for orbitals in k-point post-HF method.
Creates a boolean mask to remove frozen orbitals and keep other orbitals for post-HF calculations.
- Args:
mp (
): An instantiation of an SCF or post-Hartree-Fock object.- Returns:
moidx (list of
of bool): Boolean mask of orbitals to include.
- get_nmo(per_kpoint=False)#
Number of orbitals for k-point calculations.
Number of orbitals for use in a calculation with k-points, taking into account frozen orbitals.
- Note:
If per_kpoint is False, then the number of orbitals here is equal to max(nocc) + max(nvir), where each max is done over all k-points. Otherwise the number of orbitals is returned as a list of number of orbitals at each k-point.
- Args:
mp (
): An instantiation of an SCF or post-Hartree-Fock object. per_kpoint (bool, optional): True returns the number of orbitals at each k-point.For a description of False, see Note.
- Returns:
- nmo (int, list of int): Number of orbitals. For return type, see description of arg
- get_nocc(per_kpoint=False)#
Number of occupied orbitals for k-point calculations.
Number of occupied orbitals for use in a calculation with k-points, taking into account frozen orbitals.
- Args:
mp (
): An instantiation of an SCF or post-Hartree-Fock object. per_kpoint (bool, optional): True returns the number of occupiedorbitals at each k-point. False gives the max of this list.
- Returns:
- nocc (int, list of int): Number of occupied orbitals. For return type, see description of arg
- kernel(mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None, orbs=None, kptlist=None, nw=100)[source]#
- Input:
kptlist: self-energy k-points orbs: self-energy orbs nw: grid number
- Output:
mo_energy: GW quasiparticle energy
- linearized = False#
- property nmo#
- property nocc#
-, orbs, kptlist, freqs, max_memory=8000)[source]#
Compute GW correlation self-energy (diagonal elements) in MO basis on imaginary axis
-, q, mo_coeff, uniform_grids=False)[source]#
Compute qij = 1/Omega * |< psi_{ik} | e^{iqr} | psi_{ak-q} >|^2 at q: (nkpts, nocc, nvir)
-, omega, mo_energy, Lpq, kL, kidx)[source]#
Compute density response function in auxiliary basis at freq iw
-, omega, mo_energy, Lpq, kL, kidx)[source]#
Compute density response function in auxiliary basis at freq iw
-, omega, mo_energy, qij)[source]#
Compute head (G=0, G’=0) density response function in auxiliary basis at freq iw
-, omega, mo_energy, qij)[source]#
Compute head (G=0, G’=0) density response function in auxiliary basis at freq w
-, omega, mo_energy, Lpq, qij)[source]#
Compute wing (G=P, G’=0) density response function in auxiliary basis at freq iw
-, omega, mo_energy, Lpq, qij)[source]#
Compute density response function in auxiliary basis at freq iw
-, omega, kp, p, Wmn, Del_00, Del_P0, sign, freqs, wts)[source]#
Compute self-energy by integrating on imaginary axis
-, omega, kn, orbp, ef, freqs, qij, q_abs)[source]#
Compute self-energy for poles inside contour (more and more expensive away from Fermi surface) module#
PBC spin-unrestricted G0W0-AC QP eigenvalues with k-point sampling GW-AC is recommended for valence states only, and is inaccurate for core states.
- Method:
See T. Zhu and G.K.-L. Chan, arxiv:2007.03148 (2020) for details Compute Sigma on imaginary frequency with density fitting, then analytically continued to real frequency. Gaussian density fitting must be used (FFTDF and MDF are not supported).
-, omega)[source]#
Analytic continuation to real axis using a Pade approximation from Thiele’s reciprocal difference method Reference: J. Low Temp. Phys. 29, 179 (1977) Returns:
coeff: 2D array (ncoeff, norbs) omega: 2D array (norbs, npade)
-, omega, orbs, nocc)[source]#
Analytic continuation to real axis using a two-pole model Returns:
coeff: 2D array (ncoeff, norbs)
- class, frozen=None)[source]#
- ac = 'pade'#
- fc = True#
- get_frozen_mask()#
Boolean mask for orbitals in k-point post-HF method.
Creates a boolean mask to remove frozen orbitals and keep other orbitals for post-HF calculations.
- Args:
mp (
): An instantiation of an SCF or post-Hartree-Fock object.- Returns:
moidx (list of
of bool): Boolean mask of orbitals to include.
- get_nmo(per_kpoint=False)#
Number of orbitals for k-point calculations.
Number of orbitals for use in a calculation with k-points, taking into account frozen orbitals.
- Note:
If per_kpoint is False, then the number of orbitals here is equal to max(nocc) + max(nvir), where each max is done over all k-points. Otherwise the number of orbitals is returned as a list of number of orbitals at each k-point.
- Args:
mp (
): An instantiation of an SCF or post-Hartree-Fock object. per_kpoint (bool, optional): True returns the number of orbitals at each k-point.For a description of False, see Note.
- Returns:
- nmo (int, list of int): Number of orbitals. For return type, see description of arg
- get_nocc(per_kpoint=False)#
Number of occupied orbitals for k-point calculations.
Number of occupied orbitals for use in a calculation with k-points, taking into account frozen orbitals.
- Args:
mp (
): An instantiation of an SCF or post-Hartree-Fock object. per_kpoint (bool, optional): True returns the number of occupiedorbitals at each k-point. False gives the max of this list.
- Returns:
- nocc (int, list of int): Number of occupied orbitals. For return type, see description of arg
- Notes:
For specifying frozen orbitals inside mp, the following options are accepted:
+=========================+========================================+===============================+ | Argument (Example) | Argument Meaning | Example Meaning | +=========================+========================================+===============================+ | int (1) | Freeze the same number of orbitals | Freeze one (lowest) orbital | | | regardless of spin and/or kpt | for all kpts and spin cases | +————————-+—————————————-+——————————-+ | 2-tuple of list of int | inner list: List of orbitals indices | Freeze the orbitals [0,4] for | | ([0, 4], [0, 5, 6]) | to freeze at all kpts | spin0, and orbitals [0,5,6] | | | outer list: Spin index | for spin1 at all kpts | +————————-+—————————————-+——————————-+ | list(2) of list of list | inner list: list of orbital indices to | Freeze orbital 0 for spin0 at | | ([[0,],[]], | freeze at each kpt for given spin | kpt0, and freeze orbital 0,1 | | [[0,1],[4]]) | outer list: spin index | for spin1 at kpt0 and orbital | | | | 4 at kpt1 | +————————-+—————————————-+——————————-+
- kernel(mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None, orbs=None, kptlist=None, nw=100)[source]#
- Input:
kptlist: self-energy k-points orbs: self-energy orbs nw: grid number
- Output:
mo_energy: GW quasiparticle energy
- linearized = False#
- property nmo#
- property nocc#
-, q, mo_coeff, uniform_grids=False)[source]#
Compute qij = 1/Omega * |< psi_{ik} | e^{iqr} | psi_{ak-q} >|^2 at q: (nkpts, nocc, nvir) through kp perturbation theory Ref: Phys. Rev. B 83, 245122 (2011)
-, omega, mo_energy, Lpq, kL, kidx)[source]#
Compute density response function in auxiliary basis at freq iw
-, omega, mo_energy, qij)[source]#
Compute head (G=0, G’=0) density response function in auxiliary basis at freq iw
-, omega, mo_energy, Lpq, qij)[source]#
Compute wing (G=P, G’=0) density response function in auxiliary basis at freq iw
-, orbs, kptlist, freqs, wts, iw_cutoff=None, max_memory=8000)[source]#
Compute GW correlation self-energy (diagonal elements) in MO basis on imaginary axis
Module contents#
Periodic G0W0 approximation
-, freq_int='ac', frozen=None)#