pyscf.gto package#
- pyscf.gto.basis package
- Subpackages
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis package
- Submodules
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_2zp module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_3zp module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_4zp module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_aae2z module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_aae3z module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_aae4z module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_acv2z module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_acv3z module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_acv4z module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_ae2z module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_ae3z module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_ae4z module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_av2z module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_av3z module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_av4z module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_cv2z module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_cv3z module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_cv4z module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_v2z module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_v3z module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis.dyall_v4z module
- Module contents
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall-basis package
- Submodules
- pyscf.gto.basis.bse module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall_dz module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall_qz module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dyall_tz module
- pyscf.gto.basis.dzp_dunning module
- pyscf.gto.basis.faegre_dz module
- pyscf.gto.basis.iglo3 module
- pyscf.gto.basis.minao module
- pyscf.gto.basis.parse_bfd_pp module
- pyscf.gto.basis.parse_cp2k module
- pyscf.gto.basis.parse_cp2k_pp module
- pyscf.gto.basis.parse_gaussian module
- pyscf.gto.basis.parse_molpro module
- pyscf.gto.basis.parse_nwchem module
- pyscf.gto.basis.parse_nwchem_ecp module
- Module contents
- Subpackages
pyscf.gto.cmd_args module#
pyscf.gto.ecp module#
Effective core potential (ECP)
This module exposes some ecp integration functions from the C implementation.
Reference for ecp integral computation * Analytical integration J. Chem. Phys. 65, 3826 (1976); J. Chem. Phys. 111, 8778 (1999); J. Comput. Phys. 44, 289 (1981);
Numerical integration
J. Comput. Chem. 27, 1009 (2006); Chem. Phys. Lett. 296, 445 (1998);
pyscf.gto.eval_gto module#
- pyscf.gto.eval_gto.eval_gto(mol, eval_name, coords, comp=None, shls_slice=None, non0tab=None, ao_loc=None, cutoff=None, out=None)[source]#
Evaluate AO function value on the given grids,
- Args:
eval_name : str
nabla |AO>
(#C(0 1) g) |AO>
(#C(0 1) nabla g) |AO>
nabla |AO>
(#C(0 1) g)|AO>
GTO value and 1st order GTO values
All derivatives up to 2nd order
All derivatives up to 3rd order
All derivatives up to 4th order
sigma dot p |AO> (spinor basis)
nabla sigma dot p |AO> (spinor basis)
nabla nabla sigma dot p |AO> (spinor basis)
- atmint32 ndarray
libcint integral function argument
- basint32 ndarray
libcint integral function argument
- envfloat64 ndarray
libcint integral function argument
- coords2D array, shape (N,3)
The coordinates of the grids.
- Kwargs:
- compint
Number of the components of the operator
- shls_slice2-element list
(shl_start, shl_end). If given, only part of AOs (shl_start <= shell_id < shl_end) are evaluated. By default, all shells defined in mol will be evaluated.
- non0tab2D bool array
mask array to indicate whether the AO values are zero. The mask array can be obtained by calling
- cutofffloat
AO values smaller than cutoff will be set to zero. The default cutoff threshold is ~1e-22 (defined in gto/grid_ao_drv.h)
- outndarray
If provided, results are written into this array.
- Returns:
An 2D to 4D array for AO values on grids. If eval_name is scalar functions, such as GTOval and GTOval_ip_cart, the shape of the return is (N,nao) for GTOval, and (,N,nao) for other functions. If eval_name is spinor functions, such as GTOval_spinor and GTOval_sp_spinor, the shape of the return is (2,N,nao) for GTOval_spinor, and (2,,N,nao) for other functions. The leading dimension 2 represents the spin-up and spin-down components of the spinor basis.
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0', basis='ccpvdz') >>> coords = numpy.random.random((100,3)) # 100 random points >>> ao_value = mol.eval_gto("GTOval_sph", coords) >>> print(ao_value.shape) (100, 24) >>> ao_value = mol.eval_gto("GTOval_ig_sph", coords) >>> print(ao_value.shape) (3, 100, 24) >>> ao_a, ao_b = mol.eval_gto("GTOval_spinor", coords) >>> print(ao_a.shape) (100, 24)
- pyscf.gto.eval_gto.make_screen_index(mol, coords, shls_slice=None, cutoff=1e-15, blksize=56)[source]#
Screen index indicates how important a shell is on grid. The shell is ignorable if its screen index is 0. Screen index ~= nbins + log(ao)
- Args:
mol : an instance of
- coords2D array, shape (N,3)
The coordinates of grids.
- Kwargs:
- relativitybool
No effects.
- shls_slice2-element list
(shl_start, shl_end). If given, only part of AOs (shl_start <= shell_id < shl_end) are evaluated. By default, all shells defined in mol will be evaluated.
- cutofffloat
AO values smaller than cutoff will be set to zero. The default cutoff threshold is ~1e-22 (defined in gto/grid_ao_drv.h)
- verboseint or object of
No effects.
- Returns:
2D array of shape (N,nbas), where N is the number of grids, nbas is the number of shells.
pyscf.gto.ft_ao module#
Analytical Fourier transformation for AO and AO-pair value
- pyscf.gto.ft_ao.ft_ao(mol, Gv, shls_slice=None, b=array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]), gxyz=None, Gvbase=None, verbose=None)[source]#
Analytical FT transform AO int mu(r) exp(-ikr) dr^3
The output tensor has the shape [nGv, nao]
- pyscf.gto.ft_ao.ft_aopair(mol, Gv, shls_slice=None, aosym='s1', b=array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.]]), gxyz=None, Gvbase=None, out=None, intor='GTO_ft_ovlp', comp=1, q=array([0., 0., 0.]), return_complex=True, ovlp_mask=None, verbose=None)[source]#
FT transform AO pair int i(r) j(r) exp(-ikr) dr^3
pyscf.gto.mole module#
Mole class and helper functions to handle parameters and attributes for GTO integrals. This module serves the interface to the integral library libcint.
- pyscf.gto.mole.M(*args, **kwargs)[source]#
This is a shortcut to build up Mole object.
Args: Same to
>>> from pyscf import gto >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1', basis='6-31g')
- class pyscf.gto.mole.Mole(**kwargs)[source]#
A Mole object to hold the basic information of a molecule.
- ao2mo(mo_coeffs, erifile=None, dataname='eri_mo', intor='int2e', **kwargs)[source]#
Integral transformation for arbitrary orbitals and arbitrary integrals. See more detailed documentation in func:ao2mo.kernel.
- Args:
- mo_coeffs (an np array or a list of arrays)A matrix of orbital
coefficients if it is a numpy ndarray, or four sets of orbital coefficients, corresponding to the four indices of (ij|kl).
- Kwargs:
- erifile (str or h5py File or h5py Group object)The file/object
to store the transformed integrals. If not given, the return value is an array (in memory) of the transformed integrals.
- datanamestr
Note this argument is effective if erifile is given. The dataset name in the erifile (ref the hierarchy of HDF5 format By assigning different dataname, the existed integral file can be reused. If the erifile contains the specified dataname, the old integrals will be replaced by the new one under the key dataname.
- intor (str)integral name Name of the 2-electron integral. Ref
for the complete list of available 2-electron integral names
- Returns:
An array of transformed integrals if erifile is not given. Otherwise, return the file/fileobject if erifile is assigned.
>>> import pyscf >>> mol = pyscf.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 1 0; H 0 0 1', basis='sto3g') >>> mo1 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 10)) >>> mo2 = numpy.random.random((mol.nao_nr(), 8))
>>> eri1 = mol.ao2mo(mo1) >>> print(eri1.shape) (55, 55)
>>> eri1 = mol.ao2mo(mo1, compact=False) >>> print(eri1.shape) (100, 100)
>>> eri1 = mol.ao2mo(eri, (mo1,mo2,mo2,mo2)) >>> print(eri1.shape) (80, 36)
>>> eri1 = mol.ao2mo(eri, (mo1,mo2,mo2,mo2), erifile='water.h5')
- inertia_moment(mass=None, coords=None)#
- to_cell(a, dimension=3)[source]#
Put a molecule in a cell with periodic boundary conditions
- Args:
- a(3,3) ndarray
Lattice primitive vectors. Each row is a lattice vector
- tofile(filename, format=None)#
Write molecular geometry to a file of the required format.
- Supported output formats:
- raw: Each line is <symbol> <x> <y> <z>xyz: XYZ cartesian coordinates formatzmat: Z-matrix format
- tostring(format='raw')#
Convert molecular geometry to a string of the required format.
- Supported output formats:
- raw: Each line is <symbol> <x> <y> <z>xyz: XYZ cartesian coordinates formatzmat: Z-matrix format
- class pyscf.gto.mole.MoleBase[source]#
Basic class to hold molecular structure, integrals and global options
- Attributes:
- verboseint
Print level
- outputstr or None
Output file, default is None which dumps msg to sys.stdout
- max_memoryint, float
Allowed memory in MB
- chargeint
Charge of molecule. It affects the electron numbers
- spinint or None
2S, num. alpha electrons - num. beta electrons to control multiplicity. If spin = None is set, multiplicity will be guessed based on the neutral molecule.
- symmetrybool or str
Whether to use symmetry. When this variable is set to True, the molecule will be rotated and the highest rotation axis will be placed z-axis. If a string is given as the name of point group, the given point group symmetry will be used. Note that the input molecular coordinates will not be changed in this case.
- symmetry_subgroupstr
- atomlist or str
To define molecular structure. The internal format is
atom = [[atom1, (x, y, z)],[atom2, (x, y, z)],…[atomN, (x, y, z)]]- unitstr
Angstrom or Bohr
- basisdict or str
To define basis set.
- nucmoddict or str or [function(nuc_charge, nucprop) => zeta]
Nuclear model. 0 or None means point nuclear model. Other values will enable Gaussian nuclear model. If a function is assigned to this attribute, the function will be called to generate the nuclear charge distribution value “zeta” and the relevant nuclear model will be set to Gaussian model. Default is point nuclear model.
- nucpropdict
Nuclear properties (like g-factor ‘g’, quadrupole moments ‘Q’). It is needed by pyscf.prop module and submodules.
- cartboolean
Using Cartesian GTO basis and integrals (6d,10f,15g)
- magmomlist
Collinear spin of each atom. Default is [0,]*natm
** Following attributes are generated by
**- stdoutfile object
Default is sys.stdout if
is not set- topgroupstr
Point group of the system.
- groupnamestr
The supported subgroup of the point group. It can be one of SO3, Dooh, Coov, D2h, C2h, C2v, D2, Cs, Ci, C2, C1
- nelectronint
sum of nuclear charges -
- symm_orba list of numpy.ndarray
Symmetry adapted basis. Each element is a set of symm-adapted orbitals for one irreducible representation. The list index does not correspond to the id of irreducible representation.
- irrep_ida list of int
Each element is one irreducible representation id associated with the basis stored in symm_orb. One irrep id stands for one irreducible representation symbol. The irrep symbol and the relevant id are defined in
- irrep_namea list of str
Each element is one irreducible representation symbol associated with the basis stored in symm_orb. The irrep symbols are defined in
- _builtbool
To label whether
has been called. It is to ensure certain functions being initialized only once.- _basisdict
, the internal format which is returned from the parserformat_basis()
** Following attributes are arguments used by
library **- _atm :
[[charge, ptr-of-coord, nuc-model, ptr-zeta, 0, 0], [...]]
each element represents one atom- natm :
number of atoms
- _bas :
[[atom-id, angular-momentum, num-primitive-GTO, num-contracted-GTO, 0, ptr-of-exps, ptr-of-contract-coeff, 0], [...]]
each element represents one shell- nbas :
number of shells
- _env :
list of floats to store the coordinates, GTO exponents, contract-coefficients
>>> mol = Mole(atom='H^2 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='sto3g').build() >>> print(mol.atom_symbol(0)) H^2 >>> print(mol.atom_pure_symbol(0)) H >>> print(mol.nao_nr()) 2 >>> print(mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph')) [[ 0.99999999 0.43958641] [ 0.43958641 0.99999999]] >>> mol.charge = 1 >>> <class 'pyscf.gto.mole.Mole'> has no attributes Charge
- ao_labels(fmt=True, base=0)#
Labels of AO basis functions
- Kwargs:
- fmtstr or bool
if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format is “%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
- Returns:
List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-AO-notation)] or formatted strings based on the argument “fmt”
- property ao_loc#
Offset of every shell in the spherical basis function spectrum
- Returns:
list, each entry is the corresponding start basis function id
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; C 0 0 1', basis='6-31g') >>> gto.ao_loc_nr(mol) [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18]
- ao_loc_2c()#
Offset of every shell in the spinor basis function spectrum
- Returns:
list, each entry is the corresponding start id of spinor function
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; C 0 0 1', basis='6-31g') >>> gto.ao_loc_2c(mol) [0, 2, 4, 6, 12, 18, 20, 22, 24, 30, 36]
- ao_loc_nr(cart=None)#
Offset of every shell in the spherical basis function spectrum
- Returns:
list, each entry is the corresponding start basis function id
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; C 0 0 1', basis='6-31g') >>> gto.ao_loc_nr(mol) [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18]
- ao_rotation_matrix(orientation)#
Matrix u to rotate AO basis to a new orientation.
atom_new_coords = mol.atom_coords().dot(orientation.T) new_AO = u * mol.AO new_orbitals_coef =
- aoslice_2c_by_atom()#
2-component AO offset for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id, stop-AO-id)
- aoslice_by_atom(ao_loc=None)#
AO offsets for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id, stop-AO-id)
- aoslice_nr_by_atom(ao_loc=None)#
AO offsets for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id, stop-AO-id)
- apply(fn, *args, **kwargs)[source]#
Apply the fn to rest arguments: return
fn(*args, **kwargs)
. The return value of method set is the object itself. This allows a series of functions/methods to be executed in pipe.
- atom_charge(atm_id)[source]#
Nuclear effective charge of the given atom id Note “atom_charge /= charge(atom_symbol)” when ECP is enabled. Number of electrons screened by ECP can be obtained by charge(atom_symbol)-atom_charge
- Args:
- atm_idint
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1') >>> mol.atom_charge(1) 17
- atom_coord(atm_id, unit='Bohr')[source]#
Coordinates (ndarray) of the given atom id
- Args:
- atm_idint
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1') >>> mol.atom_coord(1) [ 0. 0. 2.07869874]
- atom_mass_list(isotope_avg=False)#
A list of mass for all atoms in the molecule
- Kwargs:
- isotope_avgboolean
Whether to use the isotope average mass as the atomic mass
- atom_nshells(atm_id)[source]#
Number of basis/shells of the given atom
- Args:
- atm_idint
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1') >>> mol.atom_nshells(1) 5
- atom_pure_symbol(atm_id)[source]#
For the given atom id, return the standard symbol (striping special characters)
- Args:
- atm_idint
>>>'H^2 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> mol.atom_symbol(0) H
- atom_shell_ids(atm_id)[source]#
A list of the shell-ids of the given atom
- Args:
- atm_idint
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> mol.atom_shell_ids(1) [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
- atom_symbol(atm_id)[source]#
For the given atom id, return the input symbol (without striping special characters)
- Args:
- atm_idint
>>>'H^2 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1') >>> mol.atom_symbol(0) H^2
- bas_angular(bas_id)[source]#
The angular momentum associated with the given basis
- Args:
- bas_idint
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> mol.bas_atom(7) 2
- bas_atom(bas_id)[source]#
The atom (0-based id) that the given basis sits on
- Args:
- bas_idint
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> mol.bas_atom(7) 1
- bas_coord(bas_id)[source]#
Coordinates (ndarray) associated with the given basis id
- Args:
- bas_idint
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1') >>> mol.bas_coord(1) [ 0. 0. 2.07869874]
- bas_ctr_coeff(bas_id)[source]#
Contract coefficients (ndarray) of the given shell
- Args:
- bas_idint
>>> mol.M(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> mol.bas_ctr_coeff(0) [[ 10.03400444] [ 4.1188704 ] [ 1.53971186]]
- bas_exp(bas_id)[source]#
exponents (ndarray) of the given shell
- Args:
- bas_idint
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> mol.bas_kappa(0) [ 13.01 1.962 0.4446]
- bas_kappa(bas_id)[source]#
Kappa (if l < j, -l-1, else l) of the given shell
- Args:
- bas_idint
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> mol.bas_kappa(3) 0
- bas_len_spinor(bas_id)[source]#
The number of spinor associated with given basis If kappa is 0, return 4l+2
- bas_nctr(bas_id)[source]#
The number of contracted GTOs for the given shell
- Args:
- bas_idint
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> mol.bas_atom(3) 3
- bas_nprim(bas_id)[source]#
The number of primitive GTOs for the given shell
- Args:
- bas_idint
>>>'H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1.1', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> mol.bas_atom(3) 11
- build(dump_input=True, parse_arg=False, verbose=None, output=None, max_memory=None, atom=None, basis=None, unit=None, nucmod=None, ecp=None, pseudo=None, charge=None, spin=0, symmetry=None, symmetry_subgroup=None, cart=None, magmom=None)[source]#
Setup molecule and initialize some control parameters. Whenever you change the value of the attributes of
, you need call this function to refresh the internal data of Mole.- Kwargs:
- dump_inputbool
whether to dump the contents of input file in the output file
- parse_argbool
whether to read the sys.argv and overwrite the relevant parameters
- verboseint
Print level. If given, overwrite
- outputstr or None
Output file. If given, overwrite
- max_memoryint, float
Allowd memory in MB. If given, overwrite
- atomlist or str
To define molecular structure.
- basisdict or str
To define basis set.
- nucmoddict or str
Nuclear model. If given, overwrite
- chargeint
Charge of molecule. It affects the electron numbers If given, overwrite
- spinint
2S, num. alpha electrons - num. beta electrons to control multiplicity. If setting spin = None , multiplicity will be guessed based on the neutral molecule. If given, overwrite
- symmetrybool or str
Whether to use symmetry. If given a string of point group name, the given point group symmetry will be used.
- magmomlist
Collinear spin of each atom. Default is [0.0,]*natm
- cart = False#
- cart2sph_coeff(normalized='sp')[source]#
Transformation matrix that transforms Cartesian GTOs to spherical GTOs for all basis functions
- Kwargs:
- normalizedstring or boolean
How the Cartesian GTOs are normalized. Except s and p functions, Cartesian GTOs do not have the universal normalization coefficients for the different components of the same shell. The value of this argument can be one of ‘sp’, ‘all’, None. ‘sp’ means the Cartesian s and p basis are normalized. ‘all’ means all Cartesian functions are normalized. None means none of the Cartesian functions are normalized. The default value ‘sp’ is the convention used by libcint library.
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1', basis='ccpvtz') >>> c = mol.cart2sph_coeff() >>> s0 = mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph') >>> s1 ='int1e_ovlp_cart')).dot(c) >>> print(abs(s1-s0).sum()) >>> 4.58676826646e-15
- cart_labels(fmt=True, base=0)#
Labels of Cartesian GTO functions
- Kwargs:
fmt : str or bool if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format is “%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
- Returns:
List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-xyz-notation)] or formatted strings based on the argument “fmt”
- charge = 0#
- condense_to_shell(mat, compressor='max')#
The given matrix is first partitioned to blocks, based on AO shell as delimiter. Then call compressor function to abstract each block.
- Args:
- compressor: string or function
if compressor is a string, its value can be sum, max, min, abssum, absmax, absmin, norm
- copy(deep=True)#
Deepcopy of the given
objectSome attributes are shared between the original and copied objects. Deepcopy is utilized here to ensure that operations on the copied object do not affect the original object.
- decontract_basis(atoms=None, to_cart=False, aggregate=False)#
Decontract the basis of a Mole or a Cell. Returns a Mole (Cell) object with the uncontracted basis environment and a list of coefficients that transform the uncontracted basis to the original basis. Each element in the coefficients list corresponds to one shell of the original Mole (Cell).
- Kwargs:
- atoms: list or str
Atoms on which the basis to be decontracted. By default, all basis are decontracted
- to_cart: bool
Decontract basis and transfer to Cartesian basis
- aggregate: bool
Whether to aggregate the transformation coefficients into a giant transformation matrix
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='Ne', basis='ccpvdz') >>> pmol, ctr_coeff = mol.decontract_basis() >>> c = scipy.linalg.block_diag(*ctr_coeff) >>> s = reduce(, (c.T, pmol.intor('int1e_ovlp'), c)) >>> abs(s-mol.intor('int1e_ovlp')).max() 0.0
- dumps()#
Serialize Mole object to a JSON formatted str.
- property elements#
A list of elements in the molecule
- energy_nuc(charges=None, coords=None)#
Compute nuclear repulsion energy (AU) or static Coulomb energy
- Returns
- property enuc#
nuclear repulsion energy
- static etbs(etbs)#
Generate even tempered basis. See also
- Args:
etbs = [(l, n, alpha, beta), (l, n, alpha, beta),…]
- Returns:
>>> gto.expand_etbs([(0, 2, 1.5, 2.), (1, 2, 1, 2.)]) [[0, [6.0, 1]], [0, [3.0, 1]], [1, [1., 1]], [1, [2., 1]]]
- eval_ao(eval_name, coords, comp=None, shls_slice=None, non0tab=None, ao_loc=None, cutoff=None, out=None)#
Evaluate AO function value on the given grids,
- Args:
eval_name : str
nabla |AO>
(#C(0 1) g) |AO>
(#C(0 1) nabla g) |AO>
nabla |AO>
(#C(0 1) g)|AO>
GTO value and 1st order GTO values
All derivatives up to 2nd order
All derivatives up to 3rd order
All derivatives up to 4th order
sigma dot p |AO> (spinor basis)
nabla sigma dot p |AO> (spinor basis)
nabla nabla sigma dot p |AO> (spinor basis)
- atmint32 ndarray
libcint integral function argument
- basint32 ndarray
libcint integral function argument
- envfloat64 ndarray
libcint integral function argument
- coords2D array, shape (N,3)
The coordinates of the grids.
- Kwargs:
- compint
Number of the components of the operator
- shls_slice2-element list
(shl_start, shl_end). If given, only part of AOs (shl_start <= shell_id < shl_end) are evaluated. By default, all shells defined in mol will be evaluated.
- non0tab2D bool array
mask array to indicate whether the AO values are zero. The mask array can be obtained by calling
- cutofffloat
AO values smaller than cutoff will be set to zero. The default cutoff threshold is ~1e-22 (defined in gto/grid_ao_drv.h)
- outndarray
If provided, results are written into this array.
- Returns:
An 2D to 4D array for AO values on grids. If eval_name is scalar functions, such as GTOval and GTOval_ip_cart, the shape of the return is (N,nao) for GTOval, and (,N,nao) for other functions. If eval_name is spinor functions, such as GTOval_spinor and GTOval_sp_spinor, the shape of the return is (2,N,nao) for GTOval_spinor, and (2,,N,nao) for other functions. The leading dimension 2 represents the spin-up and spin-down components of the spinor basis.
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0', basis='ccpvdz') >>> coords = numpy.random.random((100,3)) # 100 random points >>> ao_value = mol.eval_gto("GTOval_sph", coords) >>> print(ao_value.shape) (100, 24) >>> ao_value = mol.eval_gto("GTOval_ig_sph", coords) >>> print(ao_value.shape) (3, 100, 24) >>> ao_a, ao_b = mol.eval_gto("GTOval_spinor", coords) >>> print(ao_a.shape) (100, 24)
- eval_gto(eval_name, coords, comp=None, shls_slice=None, non0tab=None, ao_loc=None, cutoff=None, out=None)#
Evaluate AO function value on the given grids,
- Args:
eval_name : str
nabla |AO>
(#C(0 1) g) |AO>
(#C(0 1) nabla g) |AO>
nabla |AO>
(#C(0 1) g)|AO>
GTO value and 1st order GTO values
All derivatives up to 2nd order
All derivatives up to 3rd order
All derivatives up to 4th order
sigma dot p |AO> (spinor basis)
nabla sigma dot p |AO> (spinor basis)
nabla nabla sigma dot p |AO> (spinor basis)
- atmint32 ndarray
libcint integral function argument
- basint32 ndarray
libcint integral function argument
- envfloat64 ndarray
libcint integral function argument
- coords2D array, shape (N,3)
The coordinates of the grids.
- Kwargs:
- compint
Number of the components of the operator
- shls_slice2-element list
(shl_start, shl_end). If given, only part of AOs (shl_start <= shell_id < shl_end) are evaluated. By default, all shells defined in mol will be evaluated.
- non0tab2D bool array
mask array to indicate whether the AO values are zero. The mask array can be obtained by calling
- cutofffloat
AO values smaller than cutoff will be set to zero. The default cutoff threshold is ~1e-22 (defined in gto/grid_ao_drv.h)
- outndarray
If provided, results are written into this array.
- Returns:
An 2D to 4D array for AO values on grids. If eval_name is scalar functions, such as GTOval and GTOval_ip_cart, the shape of the return is (N,nao) for GTOval, and (,N,nao) for other functions. If eval_name is spinor functions, such as GTOval_spinor and GTOval_sp_spinor, the shape of the return is (2,N,nao) for GTOval_spinor, and (2,,N,nao) for other functions. The leading dimension 2 represents the spin-up and spin-down components of the spinor basis.
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0', basis='ccpvdz') >>> coords = numpy.random.random((100,3)) # 100 random points >>> ao_value = mol.eval_gto("GTOval_sph", coords) >>> print(ao_value.shape) (100, 24) >>> ao_value = mol.eval_gto("GTOval_ig_sph", coords) >>> print(ao_value.shape) (3, 100, 24) >>> ao_a, ao_b = mol.eval_gto("GTOval_spinor", coords) >>> print(ao_a.shape) (100, 24)
- static expand_etb(l, n, alpha, beta)#
Generate the exponents of even tempered basis for
. .. math:e = e^{-\alpha * \beta^{i-1}} for i = 1 .. n
- Args:
- lint
Angular momentum
- nint
Number of GTOs
- Returns:
>>> gto.expand_etb(1, 3, 1.5, 2) [[1, [6.0, 1]], [1, [3.0, 1]], [1, [1.5, 1]]]
- static expand_etbs(etbs)#
Generate even tempered basis. See also
- Args:
etbs = [(l, n, alpha, beta), (l, n, alpha, beta),…]
- Returns:
>>> gto.expand_etbs([(0, 2, 1.5, 2.), (1, 2, 1, 2.)]) [[0, [6.0, 1]], [0, [3.0, 1]], [1, [1., 1]], [1, [2., 1]]]
- static format_atom(atoms, origin=0, axes=None, unit='angstrom')#
Convert the input
to the internal data format. Including, changing the nuclear charge to atom symbol, converting the coordinates to AU, rotate and shift the molecule. If theatom
is a string, it takes “;” and “n” for the mark to separate atoms; “,” and arbitrary length of blank space to separate the individual terms for an atom. Blank line will be ignored.- Args:
- atomslist or str
the same to
- Kwargs:
- originndarray
new axis origin.
- axesndarray
(new_x, new_y, new_z), new coordinates
- unitstr or number
If unit is one of strings (B, b, Bohr, bohr, AU, au), the coordinates of the input atoms are the atomic unit; If unit is one of strings (A, a, Angstrom, angstrom, Ang, ang), the coordinates are in the unit of angstrom; If a number is given, the number are considered as the Bohr value (in angstrom), which should be around 0.53. Set unit=1 if wishing to preserve the unit of the coordinates.
- Returns:
- “atoms” in the internal format. The internal format is
- atom = [[atom1, (x, y, z)],[atom2, (x, y, z)],…[atomN, (x, y, z)]]
>>> gto.format_atom('9,0,0,0; h@1 0 0 1', origin=(1,1,1)) [['F', [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0]], ['H@1', [-1.0, -1.0, 0.0]]] >>> gto.format_atom(['9,0,0,0', (1, (0, 0, 1))], origin=(1,1,1)) [['F', [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0]], ['H', [-1, -1, 0]]]
- static format_basis(basis_tab, sort_basis=True)#
Convert the input
to the internal data format.- ``{ atom: [(l, ((-exp, c_1, c_2, ..),
(-exp, c_1, c_2, ..))),
- (l, ((-exp, c_1, c_2, ..),
(-exp, c_1, c_2, ..)))], … }``
- Args:
- basis_tabdict
Similar to
, it cannot be a str
- Returns:
>>> gto.format_basis({'H':'sto-3g', 'H^2': '3-21g'}) {'H': [[0, [3.4252509099999999, 0.15432897000000001], [0.62391373000000006, 0.53532813999999995], [0.16885539999999999, 0.44463454000000002]]], 'H^2': [[0, [5.4471780000000001, 0.15628500000000001], [0.82454700000000003, 0.90469100000000002]], [0, [0.18319199999999999, 1.0]]]}
>>> gto.format_basis({'H':'gth-szv'}) {'H': [[0, (8.3744350009, -0.0283380461), (1.8058681460, -0.1333810052), (0.4852528328, -0.3995676063), (0.1658236932, -0.5531027541)]]}
- static format_ecp(ecp_tab)#
Convert the input
(dict) to the internal data format:{ atom: (nelec, # core electrons
- ((l, # l=-1 for UL, l>=0 for Ul to indicate |l><l|
- (((exp_1, c_1), # for r^0
(exp_2, c_2), …),
- ((exp_1, c_1), # for r^1
(exp_2, c_2), …),
- ((exp_1, c_1), # for r^2
- static format_pseudo(pseudo_tab)#
Convert the input
(dict) to the internal data format:{ atom: ( (nelec_s, nele_p, nelec_d, ...), rloc, nexp, (cexp_1, cexp_2, ..., cexp_nexp), nproj_types, (r1, nproj1, ( (hproj1[1,1], hproj1[1,2], ..., hproj1[1,nproj1]), (hproj1[2,1], hproj1[2,2], ..., hproj1[2,nproj1]), ... (hproj1[nproj1,1], hproj1[nproj1,2], ... ) )), (r2, nproj2, ( (hproj2[1,1], hproj2[1,2], ..., hproj2[1,nproj1]), ... ) ) ) ... }
- Args:
- pseudo_tabdict
Similar to
(a dict), it cannot be a str
- Returns:
>>> pbc.format_pseudo({'H':'gth-blyp', 'He': 'gth-pade'}) {'H': [[1], 0.2, 2, [-4.19596147, 0.73049821], 0], 'He': [[2], 0.2, 2, [-9.1120234, 1.69836797], 0]}
- get_ao_indices(bas_list, ao_loc=None)[source]#
Generate (dis-continued) AO indices for basis specified in bas_list
- get_overlap_cond(shls_slice=None)#
Overlap magnitudes measured by -log(overlap) between two shells
- Args:
mol : an instance of
- Returns:
2D mask array of shape (nbas,nbas)
- gto_norm(l, expnt)[source]#
Normalized factor for GTO radial part \(g=r^l e^{-\alpha r^2}\)
\[\frac{1}{\sqrt{\int g^2 r^2 dr}} = \sqrt{\frac{2^{2l+3} (l+1)! (2a)^{l+1.5}}{(2l+2)!\sqrt{\pi}}}\]Ref: H. B. Schlegel and M. J. Frisch, Int. J. Quant. Chem., 54(1995), 83-87.
- Args:
- l (int):
angular momentum
- expnt :
exponent \(\alpha\)
- Returns:
normalization factor
>>> print(gto_norm(0, 1)) 2.5264751109842591
- incore_anyway = False#
- intor(intor, comp=None, hermi=0, aosym='s1', out=None, shls_slice=None, grids=None)[source]#
Integral generator.
- Args:
- intorstr
Name of the 1e or 2e AO integrals. Ref to
for the complete list of available 1-electron integral names
- Kwargs:
- compint
Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp_sph has 3 components.
- hermiint
Symmetry of the integrals
0 : no symmetry assumed (default)1 : hermitian2 : anti-hermitian- shls_slice4-element, 6-element or 8-element tuple
Label the start-stop shells for each index in the integral. For example, the 8-element tuple for the 2-electron integral tensor (ij|kl) = intor(‘int2e’) are specified as (ish_start, ish_end, jsh_start, jsh_end, ksh_start, ksh_end, lsh_start, lsh_end)
- gridsndarray
Coordinates of grids for the int1e_grids integrals
- Returns:
ndarray of 1-electron integrals, can be either 2-dim or 3-dim, depending on comp
>>>'H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='sto-3g') >>> mol.intor('int1e_ipnuc_sph', comp=3) # <nabla i | V_nuc | j> [[[ 0. 0. ] [ 0. 0. ]] [[ 0. 0. ] [ 0. 0. ]] [[ 0.10289944 0.48176097] [-0.48176097 -0.10289944]]] >>> mol.intor('int1e_nuc_spinor') [[-1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j] [ 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j] [-0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j] [ 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j]]
- intor_asymmetric(intor, comp=None, grids=None)[source]#
One-electron integral generator. The integrals are assumed to be anti-hermitian
- Args:
- intorstr
Name of the 1-electron integral. Ref to
for the complete list of available 1-electron integral names
- Kwargs:
- compint
Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp has 3 components.
- gridsndarray
Coordinates of grids for the int1e_grids integrals
- Returns:
ndarray of 1-electron integrals, can be either 2-dim or 3-dim, depending on comp
>>>'H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='sto-3g') >>> mol.intor_asymmetric('int1e_nuc_spinor') [[-1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j] [ 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j 0.67146312+0.j] [-0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j] [ 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j]]
- intor_by_shell(intor, shells, comp=None, grids=None)[source]#
For given 2, 3 or 4 shells, interface for libcint to get 1e, 2e, 2-center-2e or 3-center-2e integrals
- Args:
- intor_namestr
See also
for the supported intor_name- shlslist of int
The AO shell-ids of the integrals
- atmint32 ndarray
libcint integral function argument
- basint32 ndarray
libcint integral function argument
- envfloat64 ndarray
libcint integral function argument
- Kwargs:
- compint
Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp has 3 components.
- Returns:
ndarray of 2-dim to 5-dim, depending on the integral type (1e, 2e, 3c-2e, 2c2e) and the value of comp
- Examples:
The gradients of the spherical 2e integrals
>>>'H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='sto-3g') >>> gto.getints_by_shell('int2e_ip1_sph', (0,1,0,1), mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env, comp=3) [[[[[-0. ]]]] [[[[-0. ]]]] [[[[-0.08760462]]]]]
- intor_symmetric(intor, comp=None, grids=None)[source]#
One-electron integral generator. The integrals are assumed to be hermitian
- Args:
- intorstr
Name of the 1-electron integral. Ref to
for the complete list of available 1-electron integral names
- Kwargs:
- compint
Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp_sph has 3 components.
- gridsndarray
Coordinates of grids for the int1e_grids integrals
- Returns:
ndarray of 1-electron integrals, can be either 2-dim or 3-dim, depending on comp
>>>'H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='sto-3g') >>> mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_nuc_spinor') [[-1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j] [ 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j] [-0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j 0.00000000+0.j] [ 0.00000000+0.j -0.67146312+0.j 0.00000000+0.j -1.69771092+0.j]]
- kernel(dump_input=True, parse_arg=False, verbose=None, output=None, max_memory=None, atom=None, basis=None, unit=None, nucmod=None, ecp=None, pseudo=None, charge=None, spin=0, symmetry=None, symmetry_subgroup=None, cart=None, magmom=None)#
Setup molecule and initialize some control parameters. Whenever you change the value of the attributes of
, you need call this function to refresh the internal data of Mole.- Kwargs:
- dump_inputbool
whether to dump the contents of input file in the output file
- parse_argbool
whether to read the sys.argv and overwrite the relevant parameters
- verboseint
Print level. If given, overwrite
- outputstr or None
Output file. If given, overwrite
- max_memoryint, float
Allowd memory in MB. If given, overwrite
- atomlist or str
To define molecular structure.
- basisdict or str
To define basis set.
- nucmoddict or str
Nuclear model. If given, overwrite
- chargeint
Charge of molecule. It affects the electron numbers If given, overwrite
- spinint
2S, num. alpha electrons - num. beta electrons to control multiplicity. If setting spin = None , multiplicity will be guessed based on the neutral molecule. If given, overwrite
- symmetrybool or str
Whether to use symmetry. If given a string of point group name, the given point group symmetry will be used.
- magmomlist
Collinear spin of each atom. Default is [0.0,]*natm
- make_atm_env(atom, ptr=0, nucmod=1, nucprop=None)[source]#
Convert the internal format
to the format required bylibcint
- make_bas_env(basis_add, atom_id=0, ptr=0)[source]#
to the argumentbas
- make_ecp_env(_atm, _ecp, pre_env=[])[source]#
Generate the input arguments _ecpbas for ECP integrals
- make_env(atoms, basis, pre_env=[], nucmod={}, nucprop=None)[source]#
Generate the input arguments for
library based on internal formatMole._atom
- max_memory = 4000#
- property ms#
Spin quantum number. multiplicity = ms*2+1
- property multiplicity#
- property nao#
- nao_2c_range(bas_id0, bas_id1)#
Lower and upper boundary of contracted spinor basis functions associated with the given shell range
- Args:
- mol :
object- bas_id0int
start shell id, 0-based
- bas_id1int
stop shell id, 0-based
- Returns:
tuple of start basis function id and the stop function id
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; C 0 0 1', basis='6-31g') >>> gto.nao_2c_range(mol, 2, 4) (4, 12)
- nao_nr_range(bas_id0, bas_id1)#
Lower and upper boundary of contracted spherical basis functions associated with the given shell range
- Args:
- mol :
object- bas_id0int
start shell id
- bas_id1int
stop shell id
- Returns:
tuple of start basis function id and the stop function id
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; C 0 0 1', basis='6-31g') >>> gto.nao_nr_range(mol, 2, 4) (2, 6)
- property natm#
- property nbas#
- property nelec#
- property nelectron#
- offset_2c_by_atom()#
2-component AO offset for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id, stop-AO-id)
- offset_ao_by_atom(ao_loc=None)#
AO offsets for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id, stop-AO-id)
- offset_nr_by_atom(ao_loc=None)#
AO offsets for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id, stop-AO-id)
- property omega#
- output = None#
- pack()#
Pack the input args of
to a dict.Note this function only pack the input arguments (not the entire Mole class). Modifications to mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env are not tracked. Use
to serialize the entire Mole object.
- search_ao_label(label)#
Find the index of the AO basis function based on the given ao_label
- Args:
- ao_labelstring or a list of strings
The regular expression pattern to match the orbital labels returned by mol.ao_labels()
- Returns:
A list of index for the AOs that matches the given ao_label RE pattern
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1', basis='ccpvtz') >>> mol.search_ao_label('Cl.*p') [19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30] >>> mol.search_ao_label('Cl 2p') [19 20 21] >>> mol.search_ao_label(['Cl.*d', 'Cl 4p']) [25 26 27 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40]
- search_ao_nr(atm_id, l, m, atmshell)#
Search the first basis function id (not the shell id) which matches the given atom-id, angular momentum magnetic angular momentum, principal shell.
- Args:
- atm_idint
atom id, 0-based
- lint
angular momentum
- mint
magnetic angular momentum
- atmshellint
principal quantum number
- Returns:
basis function id, 0-based. If not found, return None
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1', basis='sto-3g') >>> mol.search_ao_nr(1, 1, -1, 3) # Cl 3px 7
- search_ao_r(atm_id, l, j, m, atmshell)#
- set_common_orig(coord)#
Update common origin for integrals of dipole, rxp etc. Note the unit of the coordinates needs to be Bohr
>>> mol.set_common_origin(0) >>> mol.set_common_origin((1,0,0))
- set_common_orig_(coord)#
Update common origin for integrals of dipole, rxp etc. Note the unit of the coordinates needs to be Bohr
>>> mol.set_common_origin(0) >>> mol.set_common_origin((1,0,0))
- set_common_origin(coord)[source]#
Update common origin for integrals of dipole, rxp etc. Note the unit of the coordinates needs to be Bohr
>>> mol.set_common_origin(0) >>> mol.set_common_origin((1,0,0))
- set_common_origin_(coord)#
Update common origin for integrals of dipole, rxp etc. Note the unit of the coordinates needs to be Bohr
>>> mol.set_common_origin(0) >>> mol.set_common_origin((1,0,0))
- set_nuc_mod(atm_id, zeta)[source]#
Change the nuclear charge distribution of the given atom ID. The charge distribution is defined as: rho(r) = nuc_charge * Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2). This function can only be called after .build() method is executed.
>>> for ia in range(mol.natm): ... zeta = gto.filatov_nuc_mod(mol.atom_charge(ia)) ... mol.set_nuc_mod(ia, zeta)
- set_nuc_mod_(atm_id, zeta)#
Change the nuclear charge distribution of the given atom ID. The charge distribution is defined as: rho(r) = nuc_charge * Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2). This function can only be called after .build() method is executed.
>>> for ia in range(mol.natm): ... zeta = gto.filatov_nuc_mod(mol.atom_charge(ia)) ... mol.set_nuc_mod(ia, zeta)
- set_range_coulomb(omega)[source]#
Switch on range-separated Coulomb operator for all 2e integrals
- Args:
omega : double
= 0 : Regular electron repulsion integral> 0 : Long-range operator erf(omega r12) / r12< 0 : Short-range operator erfc(omega r12) /r12
- set_range_coulomb_(omega)#
Switch on range-separated Coulomb operator for all 2e integrals
- Args:
omega : double
= 0 : Regular electron repulsion integral> 0 : Long-range operator erf(omega r12) / r12< 0 : Short-range operator erfc(omega r12) /r12
- set_rinv_orig(coord)#
Update origin for operator \(\frac{1}{|r-R_O|}\). Note the unit is Bohr
>>> mol.set_rinv_origin(0) >>> mol.set_rinv_origin((0,1,0))
- set_rinv_orig_(coord)#
Update origin for operator \(\frac{1}{|r-R_O|}\). Note the unit is Bohr
>>> mol.set_rinv_origin(0) >>> mol.set_rinv_origin((0,1,0))
- set_rinv_origin(coord)[source]#
Update origin for operator \(\frac{1}{|r-R_O|}\). Note the unit is Bohr
>>> mol.set_rinv_origin(0) >>> mol.set_rinv_origin((0,1,0))
- set_rinv_origin_(coord)#
Update origin for operator \(\frac{1}{|r-R_O|}\). Note the unit is Bohr
>>> mol.set_rinv_origin(0) >>> mol.set_rinv_origin((0,1,0))
- set_rinv_zeta(zeta)[source]#
Assume the charge distribution on the “rinv_origin”. zeta is the parameter to control the charge distribution: rho(r) = Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2). Be careful when call this function. It affects the behavior of int1e_rinv_* functions. Make sure to set it back to 0 after using it!
- set_rinv_zeta_(zeta)#
Assume the charge distribution on the “rinv_origin”. zeta is the parameter to control the charge distribution: rho(r) = Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2). Be careful when call this function. It affects the behavior of int1e_rinv_* functions. Make sure to set it back to 0 after using it!
- sph2spinor_coeff()[source]#
Transformation matrix that transforms real-spherical GTOs to spinor GTOs for all basis functions
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1', basis='ccpvtz') >>> ca, cb = mol.sph2spinor_coeff() >>> s0 = mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_spinor') >>> s1 = ca.conj()'int1e_ovlp_sph')).dot(ca) >>> s1+= cb.conj()'int1e_ovlp_sph')).dot(cb) >>> print(abs(s1-s0).max()) >>> 6.66133814775e-16
- sph_labels(fmt=True, base=0)#
Labels for spherical GTO functions
- Kwargs:
fmt : str or bool if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format is “%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
- Returns:
List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-real-spherical-notation] or formatted strings based on the argument “fmt”
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1', basis='sto-3g') >>> gto.sph_labels(mol) [(0, 'H', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '3s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'z'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'z')]
- spheric_labels(fmt=True, base=0)#
Labels for spherical GTO functions
- Kwargs:
fmt : str or bool if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format is “%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
- Returns:
List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-real-spherical-notation] or formatted strings based on the argument “fmt”
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1', basis='sto-3g') >>> gto.sph_labels(mol) [(0, 'H', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '3s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'z'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'z')]
- spin = 0#
- spinor_labels(fmt=True, base=0)#
Labels of spinor GTO functions
- symmetry = False#
- symmetry_subgroup = None#
- time_reversal_map()#
The index to map the spinor functions and its time reversal counterpart. The returned indices have positive or negative values. For the i-th basis function, if the returned j = idx[i] < 0, it means \(T|i\rangle = -|j\rangle\), otherwise \(T|i\rangle = |j\rangle\)
- tmap()#
The index to map the spinor functions and its time reversal counterpart. The returned indices have positive or negative values. For the i-th basis function, if the returned j = idx[i] < 0, it means \(T|i\rangle = -|j\rangle\), otherwise \(T|i\rangle = |j\rangle\)
- to_uncontracted_cartesian_basis()#
Decontract the basis of a Mole or a Cell. Returns a Mole (Cell) object with uncontracted Cartesian basis and a list of coefficients that transform the uncontracted basis to the original basis. Each element in the coefficients list corresponds to one shell of the original Mole (Cell).
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='Ne', basis='ccpvdz') >>> pmol, ctr_coeff = mol.to_uncontracted_cartesian_basis() >>> c = scipy.linalg.block_diag(*ctr_coeff) >>> s = reduce(, (c.T, pmol.intor('int1e_ovlp'), c)) >>> abs(s-mol.intor('int1e_ovlp')).max() 0.0
- tot_electrons()#
Total number of electrons for the given molecule
- Returns:
electron number in integer
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 1 0; C 0 0 1', charge=1) >>> mol.tot_electrons() 6
- unit = 'angstrom'#
- classmethod unpack(moldic)[source]#
Unpack a dict which is packed by
, to generate the input arguments forMole
- unpack_(moldic)[source]#
Unpack a dict which is packed by
, to generate the input arguments forMole
- verbose = 3#
- with_common_orig(coord)#
Return a temporary mol context which has the rquired common origin. The required common origin has no effects out of the temporary context. See also
>>> with mol.with_common_origin((1,0,0)): ... mol.intor('int1e_r', comp=3)
- with_common_origin(coord)[source]#
Return a temporary mol context which has the rquired common origin. The required common origin has no effects out of the temporary context. See also
>>> with mol.with_common_origin((1,0,0)): ... mol.intor('int1e_r', comp=3)
- with_integral_screen(threshold)[source]#
Return a temporary mol context which has the required integral screen threshold
- with_long_range_coulomb(omega)[source]#
Return a temporary mol context for long-range part of range-separated Coulomb operator.
- with_range_coulomb(omega)[source]#
Return a temporary mol context which sets the required parameter omega for range-separated Coulomb operator. If omega = None, return the context for regular Coulomb integrals. See also
>>> with mol.with_range_coulomb(omega=1.5): ... mol.intor('int2e')
- with_rinv_as_nucleus(atm_id)#
Return a temporary mol context in which the rinv operator (1/r) is treated like the Coulomb potential of a Gaussian charge distribution rho(r) = Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2) at the place of the input atm_id.
>>> with mol.with_rinv_at_nucleus(3): ... mol.intor('int1e_rinv')
- with_rinv_at_nucleus(atm_id)[source]#
Return a temporary mol context in which the rinv operator (1/r) is treated like the Coulomb potential of a Gaussian charge distribution rho(r) = Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2) at the place of the input atm_id.
>>> with mol.with_rinv_at_nucleus(3): ... mol.intor('int1e_rinv')
- with_rinv_orig(coord)#
Return a temporary mol context which has the rquired origin of 1/r operator. The required origin has no effects out of the temporary context. See also
>>> with mol.with_rinv_origin((1,0,0)): ... mol.intor('int1e_rinv')
- with_rinv_origin(coord)[source]#
Return a temporary mol context which has the rquired origin of 1/r operator. The required origin has no effects out of the temporary context. See also
>>> with mol.with_rinv_origin((1,0,0)): ... mol.intor('int1e_rinv')
- with_rinv_zeta(zeta)[source]#
Return a temporary mol context which has the rquired Gaussian charge distribution placed at “rinv_origin”: rho(r) = Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2). See also
>>> with mol.with_rinv_zeta(zeta=1.5), mol.with_rinv_origin((1.,0,0)): ... mol.intor('int1e_rinv')
- pyscf.gto.mole.ao_labels(mol, fmt=True, base=0)[source]#
Labels of AO basis functions
- Kwargs:
- fmtstr or bool
if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format is “%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
- Returns:
List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-AO-notation)] or formatted strings based on the argument “fmt”
- pyscf.gto.mole.ao_loc_2c(mol)[source]#
Offset of every shell in the spinor basis function spectrum
- Returns:
list, each entry is the corresponding start id of spinor function
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; C 0 0 1', basis='6-31g') >>> gto.ao_loc_2c(mol) [0, 2, 4, 6, 12, 18, 20, 22, 24, 30, 36]
- pyscf.gto.mole.ao_loc_nr(mol, cart=None)[source]#
Offset of every shell in the spherical basis function spectrum
- Returns:
list, each entry is the corresponding start basis function id
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; C 0 0 1', basis='6-31g') >>> gto.ao_loc_nr(mol) [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18]
- pyscf.gto.mole.ao_rotation_matrix(mol, orientation)[source]#
Matrix u to rotate AO basis to a new orientation.
atom_new_coords = mol.atom_coords().dot(orientation.T) new_AO = u * mol.AO new_orbitals_coef =
- pyscf.gto.mole.aoslice_by_atom(mol, ao_loc=None)[source]#
AO offsets for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id, stop-AO-id)
- pyscf.gto.mole.atom_mass_list(mol, isotope_avg=False)[source]#
A list of mass for all atoms in the molecule
- Kwargs:
- isotope_avgboolean
Whether to use the isotope average mass as the atomic mass
- pyscf.gto.mole.cart2j_kappa(kappa, l=None, normalized=None)#
Cartesian to spinor transformation matrix for kappa
- Kwargs:
- normalized :
How the Cartesian GTOs are normalized. ‘sp’ means the s and p functions are normalized (this is the convention used by libcint library).
- pyscf.gto.mole.cart2j_l(l, normalized=None)#
Cartesian to spinor transformation matrix for angular moment l
- Kwargs:
- normalized :
How the Cartesian GTOs are normalized. ‘sp’ means the s and p functions are normalized (this is the convention used by libcint library).
- pyscf.gto.mole.cart2sph(l, c_tensor=None, normalized=None)[source]#
Cartesian to real spherical transformation matrix
- Kwargs:
- normalized :
How the Cartesian GTOs are normalized. ‘sp’ means the s and p functions are normalized (this is the convention used by libcint library).
- pyscf.gto.mole.cart2spinor_kappa(kappa, l=None, normalized=None)[source]#
Cartesian to spinor transformation matrix for kappa
- Kwargs:
- normalized :
How the Cartesian GTOs are normalized. ‘sp’ means the s and p functions are normalized (this is the convention used by libcint library).
- pyscf.gto.mole.cart2spinor_l(l, normalized=None)[source]#
Cartesian to spinor transformation matrix for angular moment l
- Kwargs:
- normalized :
How the Cartesian GTOs are normalized. ‘sp’ means the s and p functions are normalized (this is the convention used by libcint library).
- pyscf.gto.mole.cart2zmat(coord)[source]#
>>> c = numpy.array(( (0.000000000000, 1.889726124565, 0.000000000000), (0.000000000000, 0.000000000000, -1.889726124565), (1.889726124565, -1.889726124565, 0.000000000000), (1.889726124565, 0.000000000000, 1.133835674739))) >>> print(cart2zmat(c)) 1 1 2.67247631453057 1 4.22555607338457 2 50.7684795164077 1 2.90305235726773 2 79.3904651036893 3 6.20854462618583
- pyscf.gto.mole.cart_labels(mol, fmt=True, base=0)[source]#
Labels of Cartesian GTO functions
- Kwargs:
fmt : str or bool if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format is “%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
- Returns:
List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-xyz-notation)] or formatted strings based on the argument “fmt”
- pyscf.gto.mole.chiral_mol(mol1, mol2=None)[source]#
Detect whether the given molecule is chiral molecule or two molecules are chiral isomers.
- pyscf.gto.mole.classical_coulomb_energy(mol, charges=None, coords=None)[source]#
Compute nuclear repulsion energy (AU) or static Coulomb energy
- Returns
- pyscf.gto.mole.classify_ecp_pseudo(mol, ecp, pp)[source]#
Check whether ecp keywords are presented in pp and whether pp keywords are presented in ecp. The return (ecp, pp) should have only the ecp keywords and pp keywords in each dict. The “misplaced” ecp/pp keywords have the lowest priority. E.g., if an atom is defined in ecp, the same ecp atom found in pp does NOT replace the definition in ecp, and vise versa.
- pyscf.gto.mole.conc_env(atm1, bas1, env1, atm2, bas2, env2)[source]#
Concatenate two Mole’s integral parameters. This function can be used to construct the environment for cross integrals like
\[\langle \mu | \nu \rangle, \mu \in mol1, \nu \in mol2\]- Returns:
Concatenated atm, bas, env
- Examples:
Compute the overlap between H2 molecule and O atom
>>> mol1 = gto.M(atom='H 0 1 0; H 0 0 1', basis='sto3g') >>> mol2 = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0', basis='sto3g') >>> atm3, bas3, env3 = gto.conc_env(mol1._atm, mol1._bas, mol1._env, ... mol2._atm, mol2._bas, mol2._env) >>> gto.moleintor.getints('int1e_ovlp_sph', atm3, bas3, env3, range(2), range(2,5)) [[ 0.04875181 0.44714688 0. 0.37820346 0. ] [ 0.04875181 0.44714688 0. 0. 0.37820346]]
- pyscf.gto.mole.condense_to_shell(mol, mat, compressor='max')[source]#
The given matrix is first partitioned to blocks, based on AO shell as delimiter. Then call compressor function to abstract each block.
- Args:
- compressor: string or function
if compressor is a string, its value can be sum, max, min, abssum, absmax, absmin, norm
- pyscf.gto.mole.copy(mol, deep=True)[source]#
Deepcopy of the given
objectSome attributes are shared between the original and copied objects. Deepcopy is utilized here to ensure that operations on the copied object do not affect the original object.
- pyscf.gto.mole.decontract_basis(mol, atoms=None, to_cart=False, aggregate=False)[source]#
Decontract the basis of a Mole or a Cell. Returns a Mole (Cell) object with the uncontracted basis environment and a list of coefficients that transform the uncontracted basis to the original basis. Each element in the coefficients list corresponds to one shell of the original Mole (Cell).
- Kwargs:
- atoms: list or str
Atoms on which the basis to be decontracted. By default, all basis are decontracted
- to_cart: bool
Decontract basis and transfer to Cartesian basis
- aggregate: bool
Whether to aggregate the transformation coefficients into a giant transformation matrix
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='Ne', basis='ccpvdz') >>> pmol, ctr_coeff = mol.decontract_basis() >>> c = scipy.linalg.block_diag(*ctr_coeff) >>> s = reduce(, (c.T, pmol.intor('int1e_ovlp'), c)) >>> abs(s-mol.intor('int1e_ovlp')).max() 0.0
- pyscf.gto.mole.dyall_nuc_mod(nuc_charge, nucprop={})[source]#
Generate the nuclear charge distribution parameter zeta rho(r) = nuc_charge * Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2)
Ref. L. Visscher and K. Dyall, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables, 67, 207 (1997)
- pyscf.gto.mole.energy_nuc(mol, charges=None, coords=None)#
Compute nuclear repulsion energy (AU) or static Coulomb energy
- Returns
- pyscf.gto.mole.etbs(etbs)#
Generate even tempered basis. See also
- Args:
etbs = [(l, n, alpha, beta), (l, n, alpha, beta),…]
- Returns:
>>> gto.expand_etbs([(0, 2, 1.5, 2.), (1, 2, 1, 2.)]) [[0, [6.0, 1]], [0, [3.0, 1]], [1, [1., 1]], [1, [2., 1]]]
- pyscf.gto.mole.expand_etb(l, n, alpha, beta)[source]#
Generate the exponents of even tempered basis for
. .. math:e = e^{-\alpha * \beta^{i-1}} for i = 1 .. n
- Args:
- lint
Angular momentum
- nint
Number of GTOs
- Returns:
>>> gto.expand_etb(1, 3, 1.5, 2) [[1, [6.0, 1]], [1, [3.0, 1]], [1, [1.5, 1]]]
- pyscf.gto.mole.expand_etbs(etbs)[source]#
Generate even tempered basis. See also
- Args:
etbs = [(l, n, alpha, beta), (l, n, alpha, beta),…]
- Returns:
>>> gto.expand_etbs([(0, 2, 1.5, 2.), (1, 2, 1, 2.)]) [[0, [6.0, 1]], [0, [3.0, 1]], [1, [1., 1]], [1, [2., 1]]]
- pyscf.gto.mole.fakemol_for_cgtf_charge(coord, expnt=1e+16, contr_coeff=1)[source]#
Constructs a “fake” Mole object that has a Gaussian charge distribution at the specified coordinate (coord). The charge can be given as a linear combination of Gaussians with exponents expnt and contraction coefficients contr_coeff.
- pyscf.gto.mole.fakemol_for_charges(coords, expnt=1e+16)[source]#
Construct a fake Mole object that holds the charges on the given coordinates (coords). The shape of the charge can be a normal distribution with the Gaussian exponent (expnt).
- pyscf.gto.mole.filatov_nuc_mod(nuc_charge, nucprop={})[source]#
Generate the nuclear charge distribution parameter zeta rho(r) = nuc_charge * Norm * exp(-zeta * r^2)
- Ref. M. Filatov and D. Cremer, Theor. Chem. Acc. 108, 168 (2002)
Filatov and D. Cremer, Chem. Phys. Lett. 351, 259 (2002)
- pyscf.gto.mole.format_atom(atoms, origin=0, axes=None, unit='angstrom')[source]#
Convert the input
to the internal data format. Including, changing the nuclear charge to atom symbol, converting the coordinates to AU, rotate and shift the molecule. If theatom
is a string, it takes “;” and “n” for the mark to separate atoms; “,” and arbitrary length of blank space to separate the individual terms for an atom. Blank line will be ignored.- Args:
- atomslist or str
the same to
- Kwargs:
- originndarray
new axis origin.
- axesndarray
(new_x, new_y, new_z), new coordinates
- unitstr or number
If unit is one of strings (B, b, Bohr, bohr, AU, au), the coordinates of the input atoms are the atomic unit; If unit is one of strings (A, a, Angstrom, angstrom, Ang, ang), the coordinates are in the unit of angstrom; If a number is given, the number are considered as the Bohr value (in angstrom), which should be around 0.53. Set unit=1 if wishing to preserve the unit of the coordinates.
- Returns:
- “atoms” in the internal format. The internal format is
- atom = [[atom1, (x, y, z)],[atom2, (x, y, z)],…[atomN, (x, y, z)]]
>>> gto.format_atom('9,0,0,0; h@1 0 0 1', origin=(1,1,1)) [['F', [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0]], ['H@1', [-1.0, -1.0, 0.0]]] >>> gto.format_atom(['9,0,0,0', (1, (0, 0, 1))], origin=(1,1,1)) [['F', [-1.0, -1.0, -1.0]], ['H', [-1, -1, 0]]]
- pyscf.gto.mole.format_basis(basis_tab, sort_basis=True)[source]#
Convert the input
to the internal data format.- ``{ atom: [(l, ((-exp, c_1, c_2, ..),
(-exp, c_1, c_2, ..))),
- (l, ((-exp, c_1, c_2, ..),
(-exp, c_1, c_2, ..)))], … }``
- Args:
- basis_tabdict
Similar to
, it cannot be a str
- Returns:
>>> gto.format_basis({'H':'sto-3g', 'H^2': '3-21g'}) {'H': [[0, [3.4252509099999999, 0.15432897000000001], [0.62391373000000006, 0.53532813999999995], [0.16885539999999999, 0.44463454000000002]]], 'H^2': [[0, [5.4471780000000001, 0.15628500000000001], [0.82454700000000003, 0.90469100000000002]], [0, [0.18319199999999999, 1.0]]]}
>>> gto.format_basis({'H':'gth-szv'}) {'H': [[0, (8.3744350009, -0.0283380461), (1.8058681460, -0.1333810052), (0.4852528328, -0.3995676063), (0.1658236932, -0.5531027541)]]}
- pyscf.gto.mole.format_ecp(ecp_tab)[source]#
Convert the input
(dict) to the internal data format:{ atom: (nelec, # core electrons
- ((l, # l=-1 for UL, l>=0 for Ul to indicate |l><l|
- (((exp_1, c_1), # for r^0
(exp_2, c_2), …),
- ((exp_1, c_1), # for r^1
(exp_2, c_2), …),
- ((exp_1, c_1), # for r^2
- pyscf.gto.mole.format_pseudo(pseudo_tab)[source]#
Convert the input
(dict) to the internal data format:{ atom: ( (nelec_s, nele_p, nelec_d, ...), rloc, nexp, (cexp_1, cexp_2, ..., cexp_nexp), nproj_types, (r1, nproj1, ( (hproj1[1,1], hproj1[1,2], ..., hproj1[1,nproj1]), (hproj1[2,1], hproj1[2,2], ..., hproj1[2,nproj1]), ... (hproj1[nproj1,1], hproj1[nproj1,2], ... ) )), (r2, nproj2, ( (hproj2[1,1], hproj2[1,2], ..., hproj2[1,nproj1]), ... ) ) ) ... }
- Args:
- pseudo_tabdict
Similar to
(a dict), it cannot be a str
- Returns:
>>> pbc.format_pseudo({'H':'gth-blyp', 'He': 'gth-pade'}) {'H': [[1], 0.2, 2, [-4.19596147, 0.73049821], 0], 'He': [[2], 0.2, 2, [-9.1120234, 1.69836797], 0]}
- pyscf.gto.mole.from_zmatrix(atomstr)[source]#
>>> a = """H H 1 2.67247631453057 H 1 4.22555607338457 2 50.7684795164077 H 1 2.90305235726773 2 79.3904651036893 3 6.20854462618583""" >>> for x in zmat2cart(a): print(x) ['H', array([ 0., 0., 0.])] ['H', array([ 2.67247631, 0. , 0. ])] ['H', array([ 2.67247631, 0. , 3.27310166])] ['H', array([ 0.53449526, 0.30859098, 2.83668811])]
- pyscf.gto.mole.fromfile(filename, format=None)[source]#
Read molecular geometry from a file (in testing)
- Supported formats:
- raw: Each line is <symbol> <x> <y> <z>xyz: XYZ cartesian coordinates formatzmat: Z-matrix format
- pyscf.gto.mole.fromstring(string, format='xyz')[source]#
Convert the string of the specified format to internal format (in testing)
- Supported formats:
- raw: Each line is <symbol> <x> <y> <z>xyz: XYZ cartesian coordinates formatzmat: Z-matrix format
- pyscf.gto.mole.get_overlap_cond(mol, shls_slice=None)[source]#
Overlap magnitudes measured by -log(overlap) between two shells
- Args:
mol : an instance of
- Returns:
2D mask array of shape (nbas,nbas)
- pyscf.gto.mole.gto_norm(l, expnt)[source]#
Normalized factor for GTO radial part \(g=r^l e^{-\alpha r^2}\)
\[\frac{1}{\sqrt{\int g^2 r^2 dr}} = \sqrt{\frac{2^{2l+3} (l+1)! (2a)^{l+1.5}}{(2l+2)!\sqrt{\pi}}}\]Ref: H. B. Schlegel and M. J. Frisch, Int. J. Quant. Chem., 54(1995), 83-87.
- Args:
- l (int):
angular momentum
- expnt :
exponent \(\alpha\)
- Returns:
normalization factor
>>> print(gto_norm(0, 1)) 2.5264751109842591
- pyscf.gto.mole.intor_cross(intor, mol1, mol2, comp=None, grids=None)[source]#
1-electron integrals from two molecules like
\[\langle \mu | intor | \nu \rangle, \mu \in mol1, \nu \in mol2\]- Args:
- intorstr
Name of the 1-electron integral, such as int1e_ovlp_sph (spherical overlap), int1e_nuc_cart (cartesian nuclear attraction), int1e_ipovlp_spinor (spinor overlap gradients), etc. Ref to
for the full list of available 1-electron integral names- mol1, mol2:
- Kwargs:
- compint
Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp_sph has 3 components
- gridsndarray
Coordinates of grids for the int1e_grids integrals
- Returns:
ndarray of 1-electron integrals, can be either 2-dim or 3-dim, depending on comp
- Examples:
Compute the overlap between H2 molecule and O atom
>>> mol1 = gto.M(atom='H 0 1 0; H 0 0 1', basis='sto3g') >>> mol2 = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0', basis='sto3g') >>> gto.intor_cross('int1e_ovlp_sph', mol1, mol2) [[ 0.04875181 0.44714688 0. 0.37820346 0. ] [ 0.04875181 0.44714688 0. 0. 0.37820346]]
- pyscf.gto.mole.is_same_mol(mol1, mol2, tol=1e-05, cmp_basis=True, ignore_chiral=False)#
Compare the two molecules whether they have the same structure.
- Kwargs:
- tolfloat
In Bohr
- cmp_basisbool
Whether to compare basis functions for the two molecules
- pyscf.gto.mole.len_cart(l)[source]#
The number of Cartesian function associated with given angular momentum.
- pyscf.gto.mole.len_spinor(l, kappa)[source]#
The number of spinor associated with given angular momentum and kappa. If kappa is 0, return 4l+2
- pyscf.gto.mole.loads(molstr)[source]#
Deserialize a str containing a JSON document to a Mole object.
- pyscf.gto.mole.make_atm_env(atom, ptr=0, nuclear_model=1, nucprop={})[source]#
Convert the internal format
to the format required bylibcint
- pyscf.gto.mole.make_bas_env(basis_add, atom_id=0, ptr=0)[source]#
to the argumentbas
- pyscf.gto.mole.make_ecp_env(mol, _atm, ecp, pre_env=[])[source]#
Generate the input arguments _ecpbas for ECP integrals
- pyscf.gto.mole.make_env(atoms, basis, pre_env=[], nucmod={}, nucprop={})[source]#
Generate the input arguments for
library based on internal formatMole._atom
- pyscf.gto.mole.nao_2c(mol)[source]#
Total number of contracted spinor GTOs for the given
- pyscf.gto.mole.nao_2c_range(mol, bas_id0, bas_id1)[source]#
Lower and upper boundary of contracted spinor basis functions associated with the given shell range
- Args:
- mol :
object- bas_id0int
start shell id, 0-based
- bas_id1int
stop shell id, 0-based
- Returns:
tuple of start basis function id and the stop function id
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; C 0 0 1', basis='6-31g') >>> gto.nao_2c_range(mol, 2, 4) (4, 12)
- pyscf.gto.mole.nao_cart(mol)[source]#
Total number of contracted cartesian GTOs for the given
- pyscf.gto.mole.nao_nr(mol, cart=None)[source]#
Total number of contracted GTOs for the given
- pyscf.gto.mole.nao_nr_range(mol, bas_id0, bas_id1)[source]#
Lower and upper boundary of contracted spherical basis functions associated with the given shell range
- Args:
- mol :
object- bas_id0int
start shell id
- bas_id1int
stop shell id
- Returns:
tuple of start basis function id and the stop function id
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; C 0 0 1', basis='6-31g') >>> gto.nao_nr_range(mol, 2, 4) (2, 6)
- pyscf.gto.mole.npgto_nr(mol, cart=None)[source]#
Total number of primitive spherical GTOs for the given
- pyscf.gto.mole.offset_2c_by_atom(mol)[source]#
2-component AO offset for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id, stop-AO-id)
- pyscf.gto.mole.offset_nr_by_atom(mol, ao_loc=None)#
AO offsets for each atom. Return a list, each item of the list gives (start-shell-id, stop-shell-id, start-AO-id, stop-AO-id)
- pyscf.gto.mole.pack(mol)[source]#
Pack the input args of
to a dict.Note this function only pack the input arguments (not the entire Mole class). Modifications to mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env are not tracked. Use
to serialize the entire Mole object.
- pyscf.gto.mole.same_basis_set(mol1, mol2)[source]#
Check whether two molecules use the same basis sets. The two molecules can have different geometry.
- pyscf.gto.mole.same_mol(mol1, mol2, tol=1e-05, cmp_basis=True, ignore_chiral=False)[source]#
Compare the two molecules whether they have the same structure.
- Kwargs:
- tolfloat
In Bohr
- cmp_basisbool
Whether to compare basis functions for the two molecules
- pyscf.gto.mole.search_ao_label(mol, label)[source]#
Find the index of the AO basis function based on the given ao_label
- Args:
- ao_labelstring or a list of strings
The regular expression pattern to match the orbital labels returned by mol.ao_labels()
- Returns:
A list of index for the AOs that matches the given ao_label RE pattern
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1', basis='ccpvtz') >>> mol.search_ao_label('Cl.*p') [19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30] >>> mol.search_ao_label('Cl 2p') [19 20 21] >>> mol.search_ao_label(['Cl.*d', 'Cl 4p']) [25 26 27 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40]
- pyscf.gto.mole.search_ao_nr(mol, atm_id, l, m, atmshell)[source]#
Search the first basis function id (not the shell id) which matches the given atom-id, angular momentum magnetic angular momentum, principal shell.
- Args:
- atm_idint
atom id, 0-based
- lint
angular momentum
- mint
magnetic angular momentum
- atmshellint
principal quantum number
- Returns:
basis function id, 0-based. If not found, return None
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1', basis='sto-3g') >>> mol.search_ao_nr(1, 1, -1, 3) # Cl 3px 7
- pyscf.gto.mole.search_shell_id(mol, atm_id, l)[source]#
Search the first basis/shell id (not the basis function id) which matches the given atom-id and angular momentum
- Args:
- atm_idint
atom id, 0-based
- lint
angular momentum
- Returns:
basis id, 0-based. If not found, return None
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1', basis='sto-3g') >>> mol.search_shell_id(1, 1) # Cl p shell 4 >>> mol.search_shell_id(1, 2) # Cl d shell None
- pyscf.gto.mole.sph2spinor_kappa(kappa, l=None)[source]#
Real spherical to spinor transformation matrix for kappa
- pyscf.gto.mole.sph2spinor_l(l)[source]#
Real spherical to spinor transformation matrix for angular moment l
- pyscf.gto.mole.sph_labels(mol, fmt=True, base=0)[source]#
Labels for spherical GTO functions
- Kwargs:
fmt : str or bool if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format is “%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
- Returns:
List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-real-spherical-notation] or formatted strings based on the argument “fmt”
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1', basis='sto-3g') >>> gto.sph_labels(mol) [(0, 'H', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '3s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'z'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'z')]
- pyscf.gto.mole.spheric_labels(mol, fmt=True, base=0)#
Labels for spherical GTO functions
- Kwargs:
fmt : str or bool if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format is “%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
- Returns:
List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-real-spherical-notation] or formatted strings based on the argument “fmt”
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1', basis='sto-3g') >>> gto.sph_labels(mol) [(0, 'H', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '3s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'z'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'z')]
- pyscf.gto.mole.spherical_labels(mol, fmt=True, base=0)#
Labels for spherical GTO functions
- Kwargs:
fmt : str or bool if fmt is boolean, it controls whether to format the labels and the default format is “%d%3s %s%-4s”. if fmt is string, the string will be used as the print format.
- Returns:
List of [(atom-id, symbol-str, nl-str, str-of-real-spherical-notation] or formatted strings based on the argument “fmt”
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; Cl 0 0 1', basis='sto-3g') >>> gto.sph_labels(mol) [(0, 'H', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '1s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '3s', ''), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '2p', 'z'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'x'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'y'), (1, 'Cl', '3p', 'z')]
- pyscf.gto.mole.time_reversal_map(mol)[source]#
The index to map the spinor functions and its time reversal counterpart. The returned indices have positive or negative values. For the i-th basis function, if the returned j = idx[i] < 0, it means \(T|i\rangle = -|j\rangle\), otherwise \(T|i\rangle = |j\rangle\)
- pyscf.gto.mole.to_uncontracted_cartesian_basis(mol)[source]#
Decontract the basis of a Mole or a Cell. Returns a Mole (Cell) object with uncontracted Cartesian basis and a list of coefficients that transform the uncontracted basis to the original basis. Each element in the coefficients list corresponds to one shell of the original Mole (Cell).
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='Ne', basis='ccpvdz') >>> pmol, ctr_coeff = mol.to_uncontracted_cartesian_basis() >>> c = scipy.linalg.block_diag(*ctr_coeff) >>> s = reduce(, (c.T, pmol.intor('int1e_ovlp'), c)) >>> abs(s-mol.intor('int1e_ovlp')).max() 0.0
- pyscf.gto.mole.tofile(mol, filename, format=None)[source]#
Write molecular geometry to a file of the required format.
- Supported output formats:
- raw: Each line is <symbol> <x> <y> <z>xyz: XYZ cartesian coordinates formatzmat: Z-matrix format
- pyscf.gto.mole.tostring(mol, format='raw')[source]#
Convert molecular geometry to a string of the required format.
- Supported output formats:
- raw: Each line is <symbol> <x> <y> <z>xyz: XYZ cartesian coordinates formatzmat: Z-matrix format
- pyscf.gto.mole.tot_electrons(mol)[source]#
Total number of electrons for the given molecule
- Returns:
electron number in integer
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 1 0; C 0 0 1', charge=1) >>> mol.tot_electrons() 6
- pyscf.gto.mole.uncontract(_basis)#
Uncontract internal format _basis
>>> gto.uncontract(gto.load('sto3g', 'He')) [[0, [6.36242139, 1]], [0, [1.158923, 1]], [0, [0.31364979, 1]]]
- pyscf.gto.mole.uncontracted_basis(_basis)[source]#
Uncontract internal format _basis
>>> gto.uncontract(gto.load('sto3g', 'He')) [[0, [6.36242139, 1]], [0, [1.158923, 1]], [0, [0.31364979, 1]]]
- pyscf.gto.mole.unpack(moldic)[source]#
Unpack a dict which is packed by
, to generate the input arguments forMole
- pyscf.gto.mole.zmat(atomstr)#
>>> a = """H H 1 2.67247631453057 H 1 4.22555607338457 2 50.7684795164077 H 1 2.90305235726773 2 79.3904651036893 3 6.20854462618583""" >>> for x in zmat2cart(a): print(x) ['H', array([ 0., 0., 0.])] ['H', array([ 2.67247631, 0. , 0. ])] ['H', array([ 2.67247631, 0. , 3.27310166])] ['H', array([ 0.53449526, 0.30859098, 2.83668811])]
- pyscf.gto.mole.zmat2cart(atomstr)#
>>> a = """H H 1 2.67247631453057 H 1 4.22555607338457 2 50.7684795164077 H 1 2.90305235726773 2 79.3904651036893 3 6.20854462618583""" >>> for x in zmat2cart(a): print(x) ['H', array([ 0., 0., 0.])] ['H', array([ 2.67247631, 0. , 0. ])] ['H', array([ 2.67247631, 0. , 3.27310166])] ['H', array([ 0.53449526, 0.30859098, 2.83668811])]
pyscf.gto.moleintor module#
A low level interface to libcint library. It’s recommended to use the Mole.intor method to drive the integral evaluation functions.
- pyscf.gto.moleintor.getints(intor_name, atm, bas, env, shls_slice=None, comp=None, hermi=0, aosym='s1', ao_loc=None, cintopt=None, out=None)[source]#
1e and 2e integral generator.
- Args:
intor_name : str
( | )
( | nuc | )
(.5 | p dot p)
(#C(0 1) | nabla-rinv | cross p)
(#C(0 1) | r cross p)
(#C(0 1) | rc cross p)
(-.5 | nabla-rinv | r)
(-.5 | nabla-rinv | rc)
(g | nabla-rinv cross p |)
(#C(0 .5) g | p dot p)
(#C(0 1) g |)
(#C(0 1) g | nuc |)
( | zc | )
( | zc zc | )
( | rc | )
( | rc dot rc | )
( | rc rc | )
( | rc rc rc | )
( | rc rc rc rc | )
(p* | nuc dot p | )
(p* | rinv cross p | )
(nabla |)
(.5 nabla | p dot p)
(nabla | nuc |)
(nabla | rinv |)
(| rinv |)
(p* | nuc cross p | )
( | rc nabla | )
( | rc rc nabla | )
( | rc nabla rc | )
( | g g | )
(.5 | g g p dot p | )
( | g g nuc | )
( | g r cross p | )
AREP ECP integrals, similar to int1e_nuc
(nabla i | ECP | ), similar to int1e_ipnuc
similar to int1e_iprinv for a specific atom
similar to int1e_ignuc
similar to int1e_iprinvip
< | Spin-orbit ECP | >
( | )
( | nuc |)
(sigma dot r | sigma dot r)
(sigma dot r |)
(sigma dot r | sigma dot p)
(sigma dot p | sigma dot p)
(sigma dot p |)
(sigma dot p | nuc | sigma dot p)
(sigma dot r | nuc | sigma dot r)
(g |)
(g | nuc |)
(.5 sigma cross rc | sigma cross nabla-rinv |)
(.5 rc cross sigma | sigma dot p)
(.5 rc cross sigma | nuc | sigma dot p)
(.5 sigma cross r | sigma cross nabla-rinv |)
(.5 r cross sigma | sigma dot p)
(.5 r cross sigma | nuc | sigma dot p)
(| nabla-rinv cross sigma | sigma dot p)
(g sigma dot p | sigma dot p)
(g sigma dot p | nuc | sigma dot p)
(g sigma dot p | nabla-rinv cross sigma |)
(sigma dot p | sigma dot p sigma dot p)
(sigma dot p | nuc |)
(nabla |)
(.5 nabla | p dot p)
(nabla | nuc |)
(nabla | rinv |)
(nabla sigma dot p | nuc | sigma dot p)
(nabla sigma dot p | rinv | sigma dot p)
( | 1/r_grids | )
( | 1/r_grids | )
(nabla | 1/r_grids | )
(nabla | 1/r_grids | )
(sigma dot p | 1/r_grids | sigma dot p)
( , | , )
(#C(0 1) g , | , )
(g g , | , )
(g , | g , )
( p* , cross p | , ) ; SSO
(, | , )
(sigma dot p , sigma dot p | , )
(sigma dot p , sigma dot p | sigma dot p , sigma dot p )
(sigma dot r , sigma dot r | ,)
(sigma dot r , sigma dot r | sigma dot r , sigma dot r)
(.5 rc cross sigma , sigma dot p | ,)
(.5 rc cross sigma , sigma dot p | sigma dot p , sigma dot p )
(.5 r cross sigma , sigma dot p | ,)
(.5 r cross sigma , sigma dot p | sigma dot p , sigma dot p )
(g , | ,)
(g sigma dot p , sigma dot p | ,)
(g , | sigma dot p , sigma dot p)
(g sigma dot p , sigma dot p | sigma dot p , sigma dot p)
(sigma dot p , | ,)
(, sigma dot p | ,)
(, | sigma dot p , sigma dot p)
(sigma dot p , | sigma dot p ,)
(, sigma dot p | sigma dot p ,)
(sigma dot p , | , sigma dot p)
(, sigma dot p | , sigma dot p)
(sigma dot p , | sigma dot p , sigma dot p)
(, sigma dot p | sigma dot p , sigma dot p)
(#C(0 1) g , | , )
(nabla , | ,)
(nabla , | ,)
(nabla sigma dot p , sigma dot p | ,)
(nabla , | sigma dot p , sigma dot p)
(nabla sigma dot p , sigma dot p | sigma dot p , sigma dot p)
(nabla sigma dot r , sigma dot r | ,)
(nabla , | sigma dot r , sigma dot r)
(nabla sigma dot r , sigma dot r | sigma dot r , sigma dot r)
(nabla , | ,)
( , sigma dot p | gaunt | , sigma dot p)
(rc cross sigma , | gaunt | , sigma dot p)
(r cross sigma , | gaunt | , sigma dot p)
(g , sigma dot p | gaunt | , sigma dot p)
( nabla nabla , | , )
( nabla , nabla | , )
( nabla , | nabla , )
(nabla , | )
( , | nabla)
(nabla | r12 | )
(nabla , | )
(nabla , | )
(nabla , | )
( , | nabla)
(nabla sigma dot p , sigma dot p | )
(sigma dot p , sigma dot p | nabla )
AREP ECP integrals, similar to int1e_nuc
(nabla i | ECP | ), similar to int1e_ipnuc
similar to int1e_iprinv for a specific atom
similar to int1e_ignuc
similar to int1e_iprinvip
< | sigam dot Spin-orbit ECP | >
- atmint32 ndarray
libcint integral function argument
- basint32 ndarray
libcint integral function argument
- envfloat64 ndarray
libcint integral function argument
- Kwargs:
- shls_slice8-element list
(ish_start, ish_end, jsh_start, jsh_end, ksh_start, ksh_end, lsh_start, lsh_end)
- compint
Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp has 3 components.
- hermiint (1e integral only)
Symmetry of the 1e integrals
0 : no symmetry assumed (default)1 : hermitian2 : anti-hermitian- aosymstr (2e integral only)
Symmetry of the 2e integrals
4 or ‘4’ or ‘s4’: 4-fold symmetry (default)‘2ij’ or ‘s2ij’ : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl)‘2kl’ or ‘s2kl’ : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl)1 or ‘1’ or ‘s1’: no symmetry- outndarray (2e integral only)
array to store the 2e AO integrals
- Returns:
ndarray of 1-electron integrals, can be either 2-dim or 3-dim, depending on comp
>>>'H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='sto-3g') >>> gto.getints('int1e_ipnuc_sph', mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env, comp=3) # <nabla i | V_nuc | j> [[[ 0. 0. ] [ 0. 0. ]] [[ 0. 0. ] [ 0. 0. ]] [[ 0.10289944 0.48176097] [-0.48176097 -0.10289944]]]
- pyscf.gto.moleintor.getints2c(intor_name, atm, bas, env, shls_slice=None, comp=1, hermi=0, ao_loc=None, cintopt=None, out=None)[source]#
- pyscf.gto.moleintor.getints3c(intor_name, atm, bas, env, shls_slice=None, comp=1, aosym='s1', ao_loc=None, cintopt=None, out=None)[source]#
- pyscf.gto.moleintor.getints4c(intor_name, atm, bas, env, shls_slice=None, comp=1, aosym='s1', ao_loc=None, cintopt=None, out=None)[source]#
- pyscf.gto.moleintor.getints_by_shell(intor_name, shls, atm, bas, env, comp=1)[source]#
For given 2, 3 or 4 shells, interface for libcint to get 1e, 2e, 2-center-2e or 3-center-2e integrals
- Args:
- intor_namestr
See also
for the supported intor_name- shlslist of int
The AO shell-ids of the integrals
- atmint32 ndarray
libcint integral function argument
- basint32 ndarray
libcint integral function argument
- envfloat64 ndarray
libcint integral function argument
- Kwargs:
- compint
Components of the integrals, e.g. int1e_ipovlp has 3 components.
- Returns:
ndarray of 2-dim to 5-dim, depending on the integral type (1e, 2e, 3c-2e, 2c2e) and the value of comp
- Examples:
The gradients of the spherical 2e integrals
>>>'H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1', basis='sto-3g') >>> gto.getints_by_shell('int2e_ip1_sph', (0,1,0,1), mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env, comp=3) [[[[[-0. ]]]] [[[[-0. ]]]] [[[[-0.08760462]]]]]
pyscf.gto.pp_int module#
Analytic GTH-PP integrals for open boundary conditions.
See also pyscf/pbc/gto/pseudo/