Source code for pyscf.gto.pp_int

#!/usr/bin/env python
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# Author: Qiming Sun <>

'''Analytic GTH-PP integrals for open boundary conditions.

See also pyscf/pbc/gto/pseudo/

import numpy as np
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.gto.mole import ATOM_OF, intor_cross

[docs] def get_gth_pp(mol): from pyscf.pbc.gto.pseudo import pp_int from pyscf.df import incore # Analytical integration for get_pp_loc_part1(cell). fakemol = pp_int.fake_cell_vloc(mol, 0) vpploc = 0 if fakemol.nbas > 0: charges = fakemol.atom_charges() atmlst = fakemol._bas[:,ATOM_OF] v = incore.aux_e2(mol, fakemol, 'int3c2e', aosym='s2', comp=1) vpploc = np.einsum('...i,i->...', v, -charges[atmlst]) intors = ('int3c2e', 'int3c1e', 'int3c1e_r2_origk', 'int3c1e_r4_origk', 'int3c1e_r6_origk') for cn in range(1, 5): fakemol = pp_int.fake_cell_vloc(mol, cn) if fakemol.nbas > 0: v = incore.aux_e2(mol, fakemol, intors[cn], aosym='s2', comp=1) vpploc += np.einsum('...i->...', v) if isinstance(vpploc, np.ndarray): vpploc = lib.unpack_tril(vpploc) fakemol, hl_blocks = pp_int.fake_cell_vnl(mol) hl_dims = np.array([len(hl) for hl in hl_blocks]) _bas = fakemol._bas ppnl_half = [] intors = ('int1e_ovlp', 'int1e_r2_origi', 'int1e_r4_origi') for i, intor in enumerate(intors): fakemol._bas = _bas[hl_dims>i] if fakemol.nbas > 0: ppnl_half.append(intor_cross(intor, fakemol, mol)) else: ppnl_half.append(None) fakemol._bas = _bas nao = mol.nao offset = [0] * 3 for ib, hl in enumerate(hl_blocks): l = fakemol.bas_angular(ib) nd = 2 * l + 1 hl_dim = hl.shape[0] ilp = np.empty((hl_dim, nd, nao)) for i in range(hl_dim): p0 = offset[i] if ppnl_half[i] is None: ilp[i] = 0. else: ilp[i] = ppnl_half[i][p0:p0+nd] offset[i] = p0 + nd vpploc += np.einsum('ilp,ij,jlq->pq', ilp.conj(), hl, ilp) return vpploc