pyscf.gto.basis package


pyscf.gto.basis.bse module

Conversion from the Basis Set Exchange format to PySCF format

17 Nov 2021 Susi Lehtola

pyscf.gto.basis.dyall_dz module

pyscf.gto.basis.dyall_qz module

pyscf.gto.basis.dyall_tz module

pyscf.gto.basis.dzp_dunning module

pyscf.gto.basis.faegre_dz module

pyscf.gto.basis.iglo3 module

pyscf.gto.basis.minao module

pyscf.gto.basis.parse_bfd_pp module

Parsers for basis set associated with Burkatzi-Filippi-Dolg pseudo potential

pyscf.gto.basis.parse_bfd_pp.parse(symb, basistype)[source]
pyscf.gto.basis.parse_bfd_pp.search_seg(basisfile, symb)[source]

pyscf.gto.basis.parse_cp2k module

parse CP2K format

pyscf.gto.basis.parse_cp2k.load(basisfile, symb, optimize=False)[source]
pyscf.gto.basis.parse_cp2k.parse(string, optimize=False)[source]

Parse the basis text which is in CP2K format, return an internal basis format which can be assigned to Mole.basis Lines started with # are ignored.


>>> cell = gto.Cell()
>>> cell.basis = {'C': pyscf.gto.basis.parse_cp2k.parse("""
...   2
...   2  0  1  4  2  2
...         4.3362376436   0.1490797872   0.0000000000  -0.0878123619   0.0000000000
...         1.2881838513  -0.0292640031   0.0000000000  -0.2775560300   0.0000000000
...         0.4037767149  -0.6882040510   0.0000000000  -0.4712295093   0.0000000000
...         0.1187877657  -0.3964426906   1.0000000000  -0.4058039291   1.0000000000
...   3  2  2  1  1
...         0.5500000000   1.0000000000
... #
... """)}
pyscf.gto.basis.parse_cp2k.search_seg(basisfile, symb)[source]

pyscf.gto.basis.parse_cp2k_pp module

parse CP2K PP format, following

pyscf.gto.basis.parse_cp2k_pp.load(pseudofile, symb, suffix=None)[source]

Parse the pseudofile’s entry for atom ‘symb’, return an internal pseudo format which can be assigned to Cell.pseudo


Parse the pseudo text string which is in CP2K format, return an internal basis format which can be assigned to Cell.pseudo Lines started with # are ignored.


string : Blank linke and the lines of “PSEUDOPOTENTIAL” and “END” will be ignored


>>> cell = gto.Cell()
>>> cell.pseudo = {'C': pyscf.gto.basis.pseudo_cp2k.parse("""
... C GTH-BLYP-q4
...     2    2
...      0.33806609    2    -9.13626871     1.42925956
...     2
...      0.30232223    1     9.66551228
...      0.28637912    0
... """)}
pyscf.gto.basis.parse_cp2k_pp.search_seg(pseudofile, symb, suffix=None)[source]

Find the pseudopotential entry for atom ‘symb’ in file ‘pseudofile’

pyscf.gto.basis.parse_gaussian module

Parsers for basis set in Gaussian program format

pyscf.gto.basis.parse_gaussian.load(basisfile, symb, optimize=True)[source]
pyscf.gto.basis.parse_gaussian.parse(string, optimize=True)[source]

Parse the basis text which is in NWChem format, return an internal basis format which can be assigned to Mole.basis Lines started with # are ignored.

pyscf.gto.basis.parse_molpro module

Parses for basis set in the Molpro format

pyscf.gto.basis.parse_molpro.load(basisfile, symb, optimize=True)[source]
pyscf.gto.basis.parse_molpro.parse(string, optimize=True)[source]

pyscf.gto.basis.parse_nwchem module

Parsers for basis set in the NWChem format

pyscf.gto.basis.parse_nwchem.convert_basis_to_nwchem(symb, basis)[source]

Convert the internal basis format to NWChem format string

pyscf.gto.basis.parse_nwchem.convert_ecp_to_nwchem(symb, ecp)[source]

Convert the internal ecp format to NWChem format string

pyscf.gto.basis.parse_nwchem.load(basisfile, symb, optimize=True)[source]

Load basis for atom of symb from file

pyscf.gto.basis.parse_nwchem.load_ecp(basisfile, symb)

Load ECP for atom of symb from file


Search the basis segments which have the same exponents then merge them to the general contracted sets.

Note the difference to the function to_general_contraction(). The return value of this function may still have multiple segments for each angular moment section.

pyscf.gto.basis.parse_nwchem.parse(string, symb=None, optimize=True)[source]

Parse the basis text which is in NWChem format. Return an internal basis format which can be assigned to attribute Mole.basis Empty lines, or the lines started with #, or the lines of “BASIS SET” and “END” will be ignored are ignored.


string : A string in NWChem basis format. Empty links and the lines of “BASIS SET” and “END” will be ignored

optimizeOptimize basis contraction. Convert the segment contracted

basis to the general contracted basis.


>>> mol = gto.Mole()
>>> mol.basis = {'O': gto.basis.parse("""
... #BASIS SET: (6s,3p) -> [2s,1p]
... C    S
...      71.6168370              0.15432897
...      13.0450960              0.53532814
...       3.5305122              0.44463454
... C    SP
...       2.9412494             -0.09996723             0.15591627
...       0.6834831              0.39951283             0.60768372
...       0.2222899              0.70011547             0.39195739
... """)}
>>> gto.basis.parse("""
... He    S
...      13.6267000              0.1752300
...       1.9993500              0.8934830
...       0.3829930              0.0000000
... He    S
...      13.6267000              0.0000000
...       1.9993500              0.0000000
...       0.3829930              1.0000000
... """, optimize=True)
[[0, [13.6267, 0.17523, 0.0], [1.99935, 0.893483, 0.0], [0.382993, 0.0, 1.0]]]
pyscf.gto.basis.parse_nwchem.parse_ecp(string, symb=None)

Parse ECP text which is in NWChem format. Return an internal basis format which can be assigned to attribute Mole.ecp Empty lines, or the lines started with #, or the lines of “BASIS SET” and “END” will be ignored are ignored.


Remove exponents if their contraction coefficients are all zeros.


Segmented contracted basis -> general contracted basis.

Combine multiple basis segments to one segment for each angular moment section.


>>> gto.contract(gto.uncontract(gto.load('sto3g', 'He')))
[[0, [6.36242139, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.158923, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.31364979, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]]

pyscf.gto.basis.parse_nwchem_ecp module

Parsers for basis set in the NWChem format

pyscf.gto.basis.parse_nwchem_ecp.convert_ecp_to_nwchem(symb, ecp)[source]

Convert the internal ecp format to NWChem format string

pyscf.gto.basis.parse_nwchem_ecp.load(basisfile, symb)[source]

Load ECP for atom of symb from file

pyscf.gto.basis.parse_nwchem_ecp.parse(string, symb=None)[source]

Parse ECP text which is in NWChem format. Return an internal basis format which can be assigned to attribute Mole.ecp Empty lines, or the lines started with #, or the lines of “BASIS SET” and “END” will be ignored are ignored.

Module contents

pyscf.gto.basis.load(filename_or_basisname, symb, optimize=False)[source]

Convert the basis of the given symbol to internal format


Case insensitive basis set name. Special characters will be removed. or a string of “path/to/file” which stores the basis functions


Atomic symbol, Special characters will be removed.


Load STO 3G basis of carbon to oxygen atom

>>> mol = gto.Mole()
>>> mol.basis = {'O': load('sto-3g', 'C')}
pyscf.gto.basis.load_ecp(filename_or_basisname, symb)[source]

Parses ECP database file

pyscf.gto.basis.load_pseudo(filename_or_basisname, symb)[source]

Parses PP database file


Search the basis segments which have the same exponents then merge them to the general contracted sets.

Note the difference to the function to_general_contraction(). The return value of this function may still have multiple segments for each angular moment section.

pyscf.gto.basis.parse(string, symb=None, optimize=False)[source]

Parse the basis text which is in NWChem format. Return an internal basis format which can be assigned to attribute Mole.basis Empty lines, or the lines started with #, or the lines of “BASIS SET” and “END” will be ignored are ignored.


string : A string in NWChem basis format. Empty links and the lines of “BASIS SET” and “END” will be ignored

optimizeOptimize basis contraction. Convert the segment contracted

basis to the general contracted basis.


>>> mol = gto.Mole()
>>> mol.basis = {'O': gto.basis.parse("""
... #BASIS SET: (6s,3p) -> [2s,1p]
... C    S
...      71.6168370              0.15432897
...      13.0450960              0.53532814
...       3.5305122              0.44463454
... C    SP
...       2.9412494             -0.09996723             0.15591627
...       0.6834831              0.39951283             0.60768372
...       0.2222899              0.70011547             0.39195739
... """)}
>>> gto.basis.parse("""
... He    S
...      13.6267000              0.1752300
...       1.9993500              0.8934830
...       0.3829930              0.0000000
... He    S
...      13.6267000              0.0000000
...       1.9993500              0.0000000
...       0.3829930              1.0000000
... """, optimize=True)
[[0, [13.6267, 0.17523, 0.0], [1.99935, 0.893483, 0.0], [0.382993, 0.0, 1.0]]]
pyscf.gto.basis.parse_ecp(string, symb=None)[source]

Parse ECP text which is in NWChem format. Return an internal basis format which can be assigned to attribute Mole.ecp Empty lines, or the lines started with #, or the lines of “BASIS SET” and “END” will be ignored are ignored.


Segmented contracted basis -> general contracted basis.

Combine multiple basis segments to one segment for each angular moment section.


>>> gto.contract(gto.uncontract(gto.load('sto3g', 'He')))
[[0, [6.36242139, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.158923, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.31364979, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]]