Source code for pyscf.gto.basis.parse_nwchem

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2023 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Author: Qiming Sun <>

Parsers for basis set in the NWChem format

__all__ = ['parse', 'load', 'parse_ecp', 'load_ecp',
           'convert_basis_to_nwchem', 'convert_ecp_to_nwchem',
           'optimize_contraction', 'remove_zero', 'to_general_contraction']

import re
import numpy
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
from import _std_symbol
from pyscf.lib.exceptions import BasisNotFoundError
from pyscf.gto.basis.parse_nwchem_ecp import DISABLE_EVAL, MAXL, SPDF, MAPSPDF
from pyscf.gto.basis.parse_nwchem_ecp import parse as parse_ecp
from pyscf.gto.basis.parse_nwchem_ecp import load as load_ecp
from pyscf.gto.basis.parse_nwchem_ecp import convert_ecp_to_nwchem
from pyscf import __config__

BASIS_SET_DELIMITER = re.compile('# *BASIS SET.*\n|END\n')

[docs] def parse(string, symb=None, optimize=True): '''Parse the basis text which is in NWChem format. Return an internal basis format which can be assigned to attribute :attr:`Mole.basis` Empty lines, or the lines started with #, or the lines of "BASIS SET" and "END" will be ignored are ignored. Args: string : A string in NWChem basis format. Empty links and the lines of "BASIS SET" and "END" will be ignored Kwargs: optimize : Optimize basis contraction. Convert the segment contracted basis to the general contracted basis. Examples: >>> mol = gto.Mole() >>> mol.basis = {'O': gto.basis.parse(""" ... #BASIS SET: (6s,3p) -> [2s,1p] ... C S ... 71.6168370 0.15432897 ... 13.0450960 0.53532814 ... 3.5305122 0.44463454 ... C SP ... 2.9412494 -0.09996723 0.15591627 ... 0.6834831 0.39951283 0.60768372 ... 0.2222899 0.70011547 0.39195739 ... """)} >>> gto.basis.parse(""" ... He S ... 13.6267000 0.1752300 ... 1.9993500 0.8934830 ... 0.3829930 0.0000000 ... He S ... 13.6267000 0.0000000 ... 1.9993500 0.0000000 ... 0.3829930 1.0000000 ... """, optimize=True) [[0, [13.6267, 0.17523, 0.0], [1.99935, 0.893483, 0.0], [0.382993, 0.0, 1.0]]] ''' if symb is not None: symb = _std_symbol(symb) line_data = _search_basis_block(re.split(BASIS_SET_DELIMITER, string), symb) if not line_data: raise BasisNotFoundError('Basis not found for %s' % symb) else: line_data = string.splitlines() raw_basis = [] for dat in line_data: dat = dat.split('#')[0].strip() # Use # to start comments dat_upper = dat.upper() if (dat and not dat_upper.startswith('END') and not dat_upper.startswith('BASIS')): raw_basis.append(dat) return _parse(raw_basis, optimize)
[docs] def load(basisfile, symb, optimize=True): '''Load basis for atom of symb from file''' raw_basis = search_seg(basisfile, symb) return _parse(raw_basis, optimize)
def _parse(raw_basis, optimize=True): basis_parsed = [[] for l in range(MAXL)] key = None for line in raw_basis: dat = line.strip() if not dat or dat.startswith('#'): continue elif dat[0].isalpha(): keys = dat.split() if len(keys) == 1: key = keys[0].upper() else: key = keys[1].upper() if key == 'SP': basis_parsed[0].append([0]) basis_parsed[1].append([1]) elif key in MAPSPDF: l = MAPSPDF[key] current_basis = [l] basis_parsed[l].append(current_basis) else: raise BasisNotFoundError('Not basis data') else: dat = dat.replace('D','e').split() try: dat = [float(x) for x in dat] except ValueError: if DISABLE_EVAL: raise ValueError('Failed to parse %s' % line) else: dat = list(eval(','.join(dat))) except Exception as e: raise BasisNotFoundError('\n' + str(e) + '\nor the required basis file not existed.') if key is None: raise BasisNotFoundError('Not basis data') elif key == 'SP': basis_parsed[0][-1].append([dat[0], dat[1]]) basis_parsed[1][-1].append([dat[0], dat[2]]) else: current_basis.append(dat) basis_sorted = [b for bs in basis_parsed for b in bs] if not basis_sorted: raise BasisNotFoundError('Basis data not found') if optimize: basis_sorted = optimize_contraction(basis_sorted) basis_sorted = remove_zero(basis_sorted) return basis_sorted def search_seg(basisfile, symb): symb = _std_symbol(symb) with open(basisfile, 'r') as fin: fdata = re.split(BASIS_SET_DELIMITER, line_data = _search_basis_block(fdata, symb) return [x for x in line_data if x and 'END' not in x] def _search_basis_block(raw_data, symb): line_data = [] for dat in raw_data: dat0 = dat.split(None, 1) if not dat0: continue if dat0[0] == symb: return dat.splitlines() elif dat0[0][0] == '#': basis_lines = dat.splitlines() for i, line in enumerate(basis_lines): # Skip all leading '# xxx' lines and empty lines if not line or line.lstrip()[0] == '#': continue elif line.split(None, 1)[0] == symb: return basis_lines[i:] else: break return line_data
[docs] def convert_basis_to_nwchem(symb, basis): '''Convert the internal basis format to NWChem format string''' res = [] symb = _std_symbol(symb) # pass 1: comment line ls = [b[0] for b in basis] nprims = [len(b[1:]) for b in basis] nctrs = [len(b[1])-1 for b in basis] prim_to_ctr = {} for i, l in enumerate(ls): if l in prim_to_ctr: prim_to_ctr[l][0] += nprims[i] prim_to_ctr[l][1] += nctrs[i] else: prim_to_ctr[l] = [nprims[i], nctrs[i]] nprims = [] nctrs = [] for l in set(ls): nprims.append(str(prim_to_ctr[l][0])+SPDF[l].lower()) nctrs.append(str(prim_to_ctr[l][1])+SPDF[l].lower()) res.append('#BASIS SET: (%s) -> [%s]' % (','.join(nprims), ','.join(nctrs))) # pass 2: basis data for bas in basis: res.append('%-2s %s' % (symb, SPDF[bas[0]])) for dat in bas[1:]: res.append(' '.join('%15.9f'%x for x in dat)) return '\n'.join(res)
[docs] def optimize_contraction(basis): '''Search the basis segments which have the same exponents then merge them to the general contracted sets. Note the difference to the function :func:`to_general_contraction`. The return value of this function may still have multiple segments for each angular moment section. ''' basdic = {} for b in basis: if isinstance(b[1], int): # kappa = b[1] key = tuple(b[:2]) ec = numpy.array(b[2:]).T else: key = tuple(b[:1]) ec = numpy.array(b[1:]).T es = ec[0] cs = list(ec[1:]) if key not in basdic: basdic[key] = [] if basdic[key]: for e_cs in basdic[key]: if numpy.array_equal(e_cs[0], es): e_cs.extend(cs) break else: basdic[key].append([es] + cs) else: basdic[key].append([es] + cs) basis = [] for key in sorted(basdic.keys()): l_kappa = list(key) for e_cs in basdic[key]: b = l_kappa + numpy.array(e_cs).T.tolist() basis.append(b) return basis
[docs] def to_general_contraction(basis): '''Segmented contracted basis -> general contracted basis. Combine multiple basis segments to one segment for each angular moment section. Examples: >>> gto.contract(gto.uncontract(gto.load('sto3g', 'He'))) [[0, [6.36242139, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.158923, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.31364979, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]] ''' basdic = {} for b in basis: if isinstance(b[1], int): # kappa = b[1] key = tuple(b[:2]) ec = numpy.array(b[2:]) else: key = tuple(b[:1]) ec = numpy.array(b[1:]) if key in basdic: basdic[key].append(ec) else: basdic[key] = [ec] basis = [] for key in sorted(basdic.keys()): l_kappa = list(key) es = numpy.hstack([ec[:,0] for ec in basdic[key]]) cs = scipy.linalg.block_diag(*[ec[:,1:] for ec in basdic[key]]) es, e_idx, rev_idx = numpy.unique(es.round(9), True, True) es = es[::-1] # sort the exponents from large to small bcoeff = numpy.zeros((e_idx.size, cs.shape[1])) for i, j in enumerate(rev_idx): bcoeff[j] += cs[i] bcoeff = bcoeff[::-1] ec = numpy.hstack((es[:,None], bcoeff)) basis.append(l_kappa + ec.tolist()) return basis
[docs] def remove_zero(basis): ''' Remove exponents if their contraction coefficients are all zeros. ''' new_basis = [] for b in basis: if isinstance(b[1], int): # kappa = b[1] key = list(b[:2]) ec = b[2:] else: key = list(b[:1]) ec = b[1:] new_ec = [e_c for e_c in ec if any(c!=0 for c in e_c[1:])] if new_ec: new_basis.append(key + new_ec) return new_basis
if __name__ == '__main__': from pyscf import gto mol = gto.M(atom='O', basis='6-31g') print(load_ecp('lanl2dz.dat', 'Na')) b = load('ano.dat', 'Na') print(convert_basis_to_nwchem('Na', b)) b = load_ecp('lanl2dz.dat', 'Na') print(convert_ecp_to_nwchem('Na', b))