Source code for pyscf.scf

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2020 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Qiming Sun <>


Simple usage::

    >>> from pyscf import gto, scf
    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1')
    >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol).run()

:func:`scf.RHF` returns an instance of SCF class.  There are some parameters
to control the SCF method.

    verbose : int
        Print level.  Default value equals to :class:`Mole.verbose`
    max_memory : float or int
        Allowed memory in MB.  Default value equals to :class:`Mole.max_memory`
    chkfile : str
        checkpoint file to save MOs, orbital energies etc.
    conv_tol : float
        converge threshold.  Default is 1e-10
    max_cycle : int
        max number of iterations.  Default is 50
    init_guess : str
        initial guess method.  It can be one of 'minao', 'atom', '1e', 'chkfile'.
        Default is 'minao'
    DIIS : class listed in :mod:`scf.diis`
        Default is :class:`diis.SCF_DIIS`. Set it to None/False to turn off DIIS.
    diis : bool
        whether to do DIIS.  Default is True.
    diis_space : int
        DIIS space size.  By default, 8 Fock matrices and errors vector are stored.
    diis_start_cycle : int
        The step to start DIIS.  Default is 0.
    level_shift_factor : float or int
        Level shift (in AU) for virtual space.  Default is 0.
    direct_scf : bool
        Direct SCF is used by default.
    direct_scf_tol : float
        Direct SCF cutoff threshold.  Default is 1e-13.
    callback : function
        callback function takes one dict as the argument which is
        generated by the builtin function :func:`locals`, so that the
        callback function can access all local variables in the current
    conv_check : bool
        An extra cycle to check convergence after SCF iterations.

    nelec : (int,int), for UHF/ROHF class
        freeze the number of (alpha,beta) electrons.

    irrep_nelec : dict, for symmetry- RHF/ROHF/UHF class only
        to indicate the number of electrons for each irreps.
        In RHF, give {'ir_name':int, ...} ;
        In ROHF/UHF, give {'ir_name':(int,int), ...} .
        It is effective when :attr:`Mole.symmetry` is set ``True``.

    auxbasis : str, for density fitting SCF only
        Auxiliary basis for density fitting.

        >>> mf = scf.density_fit(scf.UHF(mol))
        >>> mf.scf()

        Density fitting can be applied to all non-relativistic HF class.

    with_ssss : bool, for Dirac-Hartree-Fock only
        If False, ignore small component integrals (SS|SS).  Default is True.
    with_gaunt : bool, for Dirac-Hartree-Fock only
        If False, ignore Gaunt interaction.  Default is False.

Saved results

    converged : bool
        SCF converged or not
    e_tot : float
        Total HF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
    mo_energy : 
        Orbital energies
        Orbital occupancy
        Orbital coefficients


from pyscf import gto
from pyscf.scf import hf
rhf = hf
from pyscf.scf import rohf
from pyscf.scf import hf_symm
rhf_symm = hf_symm
from pyscf.scf import uhf
from pyscf.scf import uhf_symm
from pyscf.scf import ghf
from pyscf.scf import ghf_symm
from pyscf.scf import dhf
from pyscf.scf import chkfile
from pyscf.scf import addons
from pyscf.scf import diis
from pyscf.scf.diis import DIIS, CDIIS, EDIIS, ADIIS
from pyscf.scf.uhf import spin_square
from pyscf.scf.hf import get_init_guess
from pyscf.scf.addons import *

[docs] def HF(mol, *args): if mol.nelectron == 1 or mol.spin == 0: return RHF(mol, *args) else: return UHF(mol, *args)
HF.__doc__ = ''' A wrap function to create SCF class (RHF or UHF).\n ''' + hf.SCF.__doc__ gto.Mole.HF = property(HF)
[docs] def RHF(mol, *args): if mol.spin == 0: if not mol.symmetry or mol.groupname == 'C1': return rhf.RHF(mol, *args) else: return rhf_symm.RHF(mol, *args) else: return ROHF(mol, *args)
RHF.__doc__ = hf.RHF.__doc__ gto.Mole.RHF = property(RHF)
[docs] def ROHF(mol, *args): if mol.nelectron == 1: if not mol.symmetry or mol.groupname == 'C1': return rohf.HF1e(mol) else: return hf_symm.HF1e(mol, *args) elif not mol.symmetry or mol.groupname == 'C1': return rohf.ROHF(mol, *args) else: return hf_symm.ROHF(mol, *args)
ROHF.__doc__ = rohf.ROHF.__doc__ gto.Mole.ROHF = property(ROHF)
[docs] def UHF(mol, *args): if mol.nelectron == 1: if not mol.symmetry or mol.groupname == 'C1': return uhf.HF1e(mol, *args) else: return uhf_symm.HF1e(mol, *args) elif not mol.symmetry or mol.groupname == 'C1': return uhf.UHF(mol, *args) else: return uhf_symm.UHF(mol, *args)
UHF.__doc__ = uhf.UHF.__doc__ gto.Mole.UHF = property(UHF)
[docs] def GHF(mol, *args): if mol.nelectron == 1: if not mol.symmetry or mol.groupname == 'C1': return ghf.HF1e(mol) else: return ghf_symm.HF1e(mol, *args) elif not mol.symmetry or mol.groupname == 'C1': return ghf.GHF(mol, *args) else: return ghf_symm.GHF(mol, *args)
GHF.__doc__ = ghf.GHF.__doc__ gto.Mole.GHF = property(GHF)
[docs] def DHF(mol, *args): if mol.nelectron == 1: return dhf.HF1e(mol) elif dhf.zquatev and mol.spin == 0: return dhf.RDHF(mol, *args) else: return dhf.DHF(mol, *args)
DHF.__doc__ = dhf.DHF.__doc__ gto.Mole.DHF = property(DHF)
[docs] def X2C(mol, *args): '''X2C Hartree-Fock''' from pyscf.x2c import x2c if dhf.zquatev and mol.spin == 0: return x2c.RHF(mol, *args) else: return x2c.UHF(mol, *args)
gto.Mole.X2C = gto.Mole.X2C_HF = property(X2C)
[docs] def sfx2c1e(mf): '''spin-free (the scalar part) X2C with 1-electron X-matrix''' return mf.sfx2c1e()
sfx2c = sfx2c1e
[docs] def density_fit(mf, auxbasis=None, with_df=None, only_dfj=False): return mf.density_fit(auxbasis, with_df, only_dfj)
[docs] def newton(mf): from pyscf.soscf import newton_ah return newton_ah.newton(mf)
fast_newton = addons.fast_newton
[docs] def KS(mol, *args): from pyscf import dft return dft.KS(mol, *args)
[docs] def RKS(mol, *args): from pyscf import dft return dft.RKS(mol, *args)
[docs] def ROKS(mol, *args): from pyscf import dft return dft.ROKS(mol, *args)
[docs] def UKS(mol, *args): from pyscf import dft return dft.UKS(mol, *args)
[docs] def GKS(mol, *args): from pyscf import dft return dft.GKS(mol, *args)
[docs] def DKS(mol, *args): from pyscf import dft return dft.DKS(mol, *args)