Source code for pyscf.scf.jk

#!/usr/bin/env python
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# Author: Qiming Sun <>

General JK contraction function for
* arbitrary integrals
* 4 different molecules
* multiple density matrices
* arbitrary basis subset for the 4 indices

import numpy
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf import gto
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.scf import _vhf

[docs] def get_jk(mols, dms, scripts=['ijkl,ji->kl'], intor='int2e_sph', aosym='s1', comp=None, hermi=0, shls_slice=None, verbose=logger.WARN, vhfopt=None): '''Compute J/K matrices for the given density matrix Args: mols : an instance of :class:`Mole` or a list of `Mole` objects dms : ndarray or list of ndarrays A density matrix or a list of density matrices Kwargs: hermi : int Whether the returned J (K) matrix is hermitian | 0 : no hermitian or symmetric | 1 : hermitian | 2 : anti-hermitian intor : str 2-electron integral name. See :func:`getints` for the complete list of available 2-electron integral names aosym : int or str Permutation symmetry for the AO integrals | 4 or '4' or 's4': 4-fold symmetry (default) | '2ij' or 's2ij' : symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) | '2kl' or 's2kl' : symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) | 1 or '1' or 's1': no symmetry | 'a4ij' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) | 'a4kl' : 4-fold symmetry with anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) | 'a2ij' : anti-symmetry between i, j in (ij|kl) | 'a2kl' : anti-symmetry between k, l in (ij|kl) comp : int Components of the integrals, e.g. cint2e_ip_sph has 3 components. scripts : string or a list of strings Contraction description (following numpy.einsum convention) based on letters [ijkl]. Each script will be one-to-one applied to each entry of dms. So it must have the same number of elements as the dms, len(scripts) == len(dms). shls_slice : 8-element list (ish_start, ish_end, jsh_start, jsh_end, ksh_start, ksh_end, lsh_start, lsh_end) Returns: Depending on the number of density matrices, the function returns one J/K matrix or a list of J/K matrices (the same number of entries as the input dms). Each JK matrices may be a 2D array or 3D array if the AO integral has multiple components. Examples: >>> from pyscf import gto >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 -.5 0; H 0 .5 0', basis='cc-pvdz') >>> nao = mol.nao_nr() >>> dm = numpy.random.random((nao,nao)) >>> # Default, Coulomb matrix >>> vj = get_jk(mol, dm) >>> # Coulomb matrix with 8-fold permutation symmetry for AO integrals >>> vj = get_jk(mol, dm, 'ijkl,ji->kl', aosym='s8') >>> # Exchange matrix with 8-fold permutation symmetry for AO integrals >>> vk = get_jk(mol, dm, 'ijkl,jk->il', aosym='s8') >>> # Compute coulomb and exchange matrices together >>> vj, vk = get_jk(mol, (dm,dm), ('ijkl,ji->kl','ijkl,li->kj'), aosym='s8') >>> # Analytical gradients for coulomb matrix >>> j1 = get_jk(mol, dm, 'ijkl,lk->ij', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', aosym='s2kl', comp=3) >>> # contraction across two molecules >>> mol1 = gto.M(atom='He 2 0 0', basis='6-31g') >>> nao1 = mol1.nao_nr() >>> dm1 = numpy.random.random((nao1,nao1)) >>> # Coulomb interaction between two molecules, note 4-fold symmetry can be applied >>> jcross = get_jk((mol1,mol1,mol,mol), dm, scripts='ijkl,lk->ij', aosym='s4') >>> ecoul = numpy.einsum('ij,ij', jcross, dm1) >>> # Exchange interaction between two molecules, no symmetry can be used >>> kcross = get_jk((mol1,mol,mol,mol1), dm, scripts='ijkl,jk->il') >>> ex = numpy.einsum('ij,ji', kcross, dm1) >>> # Analytical gradients for coulomb matrix between two molecules >>> jcros1 = get_jk((mol1,mol1,mol,mol), dm, scripts='ijkl,lk->ij', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', comp=3) >>> # Analytical gradients for coulomb interaction between 1s density and the other molecule >>> jpart1 = get_jk((mol1,mol1,mol,mol), dm, scripts='ijkl,lk->ij', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', comp=3, ... shls_slice=(0,1,0,1,0,mol.nbas,0,mol.nbas)) ''' if isinstance(mols, (tuple, list)): intor, comp = gto.moleintor._get_intor_and_comp(mols[0]._add_suffix(intor), comp) assert (len(mols) == 4) assert (mols[0].cart == mols[1].cart == mols[2].cart == mols[3].cart) if shls_slice is None: shls_slice = numpy.array([(0, mol.nbas) for mol in mols]) else: shls_slice = numpy.asarray(shls_slice).reshape(4,2) # concatenate unique mols and build corresponding shls_slice mol_ids = [id(mol) for mol in mols] atm, bas, env = mols[0]._atm, mols[0]._bas, mols[0]._env bas_start = numpy.zeros(4, dtype=int) for m in range(1,4): first = mol_ids.index(mol_ids[m]) if first == m: # the unique mol, not repeated in mols bas_start[m] = bas.shape[0] atm, bas, env = gto.conc_env(atm, bas, env, mols[m]._atm, mols[m]._bas, mols[m]._env) else: bas_start[m] = bas_start[first] shls_slice[m] += bas_start[m] shls_slice = shls_slice.flatten() else: intor, comp = gto.moleintor._get_intor_and_comp(mols._add_suffix(intor), comp) atm, bas, env = mols._atm, mols._bas, mols._env if shls_slice is None: shls_slice = (0, mols.nbas) * 4 single_script = isinstance(scripts, str) if single_script: scripts = [scripts] # Check if letters other than ijkl were provided. if set(''.join(scripts[:4])).difference('ijkl,->as12'): # Translate these letters to ijkl if possible scripts = [script.translate({ord(script[0]): 'i', ord(script[1]): 'j', ord(script[2]): 'k', ord(script[3]): 'l'}) for script in scripts] if set(''.join(scripts[:4])).difference('ijkl,->as12'): raise RuntimeError('Scripts unsupported %s' % scripts) if isinstance(dms, numpy.ndarray) and dms.ndim == 2: dms = [dms] assert (len(scripts) == len(dms)) #format scripts descript = [] for script in scripts: dmsym, vsym = script.lower().split(',')[1].split('->') if vsym[:2] in ('a2', 's2', 's1'): descript.append(dmsym + '->' + vsym) elif hermi == 0: descript.append(dmsym + '->s1' + vsym) else: descript.append(dmsym + '->s2' + vsym) vs = _vhf.direct_bindm(intor, aosym, descript, dms, comp, atm, bas, env, vhfopt=vhfopt, shls_slice=shls_slice) if hermi != 0: for v in vs: if v.ndim == 3: for vi in v: lib.hermi_triu(vi, hermi, inplace=True) else: lib.hermi_triu(v, hermi, inplace=True) if single_script: vs = vs[0] return vs
jk_build = get_jk if __name__ == '__main__': mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 -.5 0; H 0 .5 0', basis='cc-pvdz') nao = mol.nao_nr() dm = numpy.random.random((nao,nao)) eri0 = mol.intor('int2e_sph').reshape((nao,)*4) vj = get_jk(mol, dm, 'ijkl,ji->kl') print(numpy.allclose(vj, numpy.einsum('ijkl,ji->kl', eri0, dm))) vj = get_jk(mol, dm, 'ijkl,ji->kl', aosym='s8') print(numpy.allclose(vj, numpy.einsum('ijkl,ji->kl', eri0, dm))) vk = get_jk(mol, dm, 'ijkl,jk->il', aosym='s8') print(numpy.allclose(vk, numpy.einsum('ijkl,jk->il', eri0, dm))) vj, vk = get_jk(mol, (dm,dm), ('ijkl,ji->kl','ijkl,li->kj')) eri1 = mol.intor('int2e_ip1_sph', comp=3).reshape([3]+[nao]*4) j1 = get_jk(mol, dm, 'ijkl,lk->ij', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', aosym='s2kl', comp=3) print(numpy.allclose(j1, numpy.einsum('xijkl,lk->xij', eri1, dm))) mol1 = gto.M(atom='He 2 0 0', basis='6-31g') nao1 = mol1.nao_nr() dm1 = numpy.random.random((nao1,nao1)) eri0 = gto.conc_mol(mol, mol1).intor('int2e_sph').reshape([nao+nao1]*4) jcross = get_jk((mol1,mol1,mol,mol), dm, scripts='ijkl,lk->ij', aosym='s4') ecoul = numpy.einsum('ij,ij', jcross, dm1) print(numpy.allclose(jcross, numpy.einsum('ijkl,lk->ij', eri0[nao:,nao:,:nao,:nao], dm))) print(ecoul-numpy.einsum('ijkl,lk,ij', eri0[nao:,nao:,:nao,:nao], dm, dm1)) kcross = get_jk((mol1,mol,mol,mol1), dm, scripts='ijkl,jk->il') ex = numpy.einsum('ij,ji', kcross, dm1) print(numpy.allclose(kcross, numpy.einsum('ijkl,jk->il', eri0[nao:,:nao,:nao,nao:], dm))) print(ex-numpy.einsum('ijkl,jk,li', eri0[nao:,:nao,:nao,nao:], dm, dm1)) kcross = get_jk((mol1,mol,mol,mol1), dm1, scripts='ijkl,li->kj') ex = numpy.einsum('ij,ji', kcross, dm) print(numpy.allclose(kcross, numpy.einsum('ijkl,li->kj', eri0[nao:,:nao,:nao,nao:], dm1))) print(ex-numpy.einsum('ijkl,jk,li', eri0[nao:,:nao,:nao,nao:], dm, dm1)) j1part = get_jk((mol1,mol1,mol,mol), dm1[:1,:1], scripts='ijkl,ji->kl', intor='int2e', shls_slice=(0,1,0,1,0,mol.nbas,0,mol.nbas)) print(numpy.allclose(j1part, numpy.einsum('ijkl,ji->kl', eri0[nao:nao+1,nao:nao+1,:nao,:nao], dm1[:1,:1]))) k1part = get_jk((mol1,mol,mol,mol1), dm1[:,:1], scripts='ijkl,li->kj', intor='int2e', shls_slice=(0,1,0,1,0,mol.nbas,0,mol1.nbas)) print(numpy.allclose(k1part, numpy.einsum('ijkl,li->kj', eri0[nao:nao+1,:1,:nao,nao:], dm1[:,:1]))) j1part = get_jk(mol, dm[:1,1:2], scripts='ijkl,ji->kl', intor='int2e', shls_slice=(1,2,0,1,0,mol.nbas,0,mol.nbas)) print(numpy.allclose(j1part, numpy.einsum('ijkl,ji->kl', eri0[1:2,:1,:nao,:nao], dm[:1,1:2]))) k1part = get_jk(mol, dm[:,1:2], scripts='ijkl,li->kj', intor='int2e', shls_slice=(1,2,0,1,0,mol.nbas,0,mol.nbas)) print(numpy.allclose(k1part, numpy.einsum('ijkl,li->kj', eri0[:1,1:2,:nao,:nao], dm[:,1:2]))) eri1 = gto.conc_mol(mol, mol1).intor('int2e_ip1_sph',comp=3).reshape([3]+[nao+nao1]*4) j1cross = get_jk((mol1,mol1,mol,mol), dm, scripts='ijkl,lk->ij', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', comp=3) print(numpy.allclose(j1cross, numpy.einsum('xijkl,lk->xij', eri1[:,nao:,nao:,:nao,:nao], dm))) j1part = get_jk((mol1,mol1,mol,mol), dm, scripts='ijkl,lk->ij', intor='int2e_ip1_sph', comp=3, shls_slice=(0,1,0,1,0,mol.nbas,0,mol.nbas)) print(numpy.allclose(j1part, numpy.einsum('xijkl,lk->xij', eri1[:,nao:nao+1,nao:nao+1,:nao,:nao], dm)))