Source code for pyscf.scf._response_functions

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2021 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# limitations under the License.
# Author: Qiming Sun <>

Generate SCF response functions

import warnings
import numpy
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.scf import hf, rohf, uhf, ghf, dhf

def _gen_rhf_response(mf, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None,
                      singlet=None, hermi=0, max_memory=None):
    '''Generate a function to compute the product of RHF response function and
    RHF density matrices.

        singlet (None or boolean) : If singlet is None, response function for
            orbital hessian or CPHF will be generated. If singlet is boolean,
            it is used in TDDFT response kernel.
    assert isinstance(mf, hf.RHF) and not isinstance(mf, (uhf.UHF, rohf.ROHF))

    if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
    if mo_occ is None: mo_occ = mf.mo_occ
    mol = mf.mol
    if isinstance(mf, hf.KohnShamDFT):
        from pyscf.pbc.dft import multigrid
        ni = mf._numint
        ni.libxc.test_deriv_order(mf.xc, 2, raise_error=True)
        if mf.do_nlc():
            logger.warn(mf, 'NLC functional found in DFT object.  Its second '
                        'derivative is not available. Its contribution is '
                        'not included in the response function.')
        omega, alpha, hyb = ni.rsh_and_hybrid_coeff(mf.xc, mol.spin)
        hybrid = ni.libxc.is_hybrid_xc(mf.xc)

        # mf might be pbc.dft.RKS object with multigrid
        if not hybrid and isinstance(getattr(mf, 'with_df', None), multigrid.MultiGridFFTDF):
            dm0 = mf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ)
            return multigrid._gen_rhf_response(mf, dm0, singlet, hermi)

        if singlet is None: # for ground state orbital hessian
            spin = 0
            spin = 1
        rho0, vxc, fxc = ni.cache_xc_kernel(mol, mf.grids, mf.xc,
                                            mo_coeff, mo_occ, spin)
        dm0 = None

        if max_memory is None:
            mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0]
            max_memory = max(2000, mf.max_memory*.8-mem_now)

        if singlet is None:
            # Without specify singlet, used in ground state orbital hessian
            def vind(dm1):
                # The singlet hessian
                if hermi == 2:
                    v1 = numpy.zeros_like(dm1)
                    v1 = ni.nr_rks_fxc(mol, mf.grids, mf.xc, dm0, dm1, 0, hermi,
                                       rho0, vxc, fxc, max_memory=max_memory)
                if hybrid:
                    if omega == 0:
                        vj, vk = mf.get_jk(mol, dm1, hermi)
                        vk *= hyb
                    elif alpha == 0: # LR=0, only SR exchange
                        vj = mf.get_j(mol, dm1, hermi)
                        vk = mf.get_k(mol, dm1, hermi, omega=-omega)
                        vk *= hyb
                    elif hyb == 0: # SR=0, only LR exchange
                        vj = mf.get_j(mol, dm1, hermi)
                        vk = mf.get_k(mol, dm1, hermi, omega=omega)
                        vk *= alpha
                    else: # SR and LR exchange with different ratios
                        vj, vk = mf.get_jk(mol, dm1, hermi)
                        vk *= hyb
                        vk += mf.get_k(mol, dm1, hermi, omega=omega) * (alpha-hyb)
                    if hermi != 2:
                        v1 += vj - .5 * vk
                        v1 += -.5 * vk
                elif hermi != 2:
                    v1 += mf.get_j(mol, dm1, hermi=hermi)
                return v1

        elif singlet:
            fxc *= .5
            def vind(dm1):
                if hermi == 2:
                    v1 = numpy.zeros_like(dm1)
                    # nr_rks_fxc_st requires alpha of dm1, dm1*.5 should be scaled
                    v1 = ni.nr_rks_fxc_st(mol, mf.grids, mf.xc, dm0, dm1, 0, True,
                                          rho0, vxc, fxc, max_memory=max_memory)
                if hybrid:
                    if omega == 0:
                        vj, vk = mf.get_jk(mol, dm1, hermi)
                        vk *= hyb
                    elif alpha == 0: # LR=0, only SR exchange
                        vj = mf.get_j(mol, dm1, hermi)
                        vk = mf.get_k(mol, dm1, hermi, omega=-omega)
                        vk *= hyb
                    elif hyb == 0: # SR=0, only LR exchange
                        vj = mf.get_j(mol, dm1, hermi)
                        vk = mf.get_k(mol, dm1, hermi, omega=omega)
                        vk *= alpha
                    else: # SR and LR exchange with different ratios
                        vj, vk = mf.get_jk(mol, dm1, hermi)
                        vk *= hyb
                        vk += mf.get_k(mol, dm1, hermi, omega=omega) * (alpha-hyb)
                    if hermi != 2:
                        v1 += vj - .5 * vk
                        v1 += -.5 * vk
                elif hermi != 2:
                    v1 += mf.get_j(mol, dm1, hermi=hermi)
                return v1
        else:  # triplet
            fxc *= .5
            def vind(dm1):
                if hermi == 2:
                    v1 = numpy.zeros_like(dm1)
                    # nr_rks_fxc_st requires alpha of dm1, dm1*.5 should be scaled
                    v1 = ni.nr_rks_fxc_st(mol, mf.grids, mf.xc, dm0, dm1, 0, False,
                                          rho0, vxc, fxc, max_memory=max_memory)
                if hybrid:
                    if omega == 0:
                        vk = mf.get_k(mol, dm1, hermi) * hyb
                    elif alpha == 0: # LR=0, only SR exchange
                        vk = mf.get_k(mol, dm1, hermi, omega=-omega) * hyb
                    elif hyb == 0: # SR=0, only LR exchange
                        vk = mf.get_k(mol, dm1, hermi, omega=omega) * alpha
                    else: # SR and LR exchange with different ratios
                        vk = mf.get_k(mol, dm1, hermi) * hyb
                        vk += mf.get_k(mol, dm1, hermi, omega=omega) * (alpha-hyb)
                    v1 += -.5 * vk
                return v1

    else:  # HF
        if (singlet is None or singlet) and hermi != 2:
            def vind(dm1):
                vj, vk = mf.get_jk(mol, dm1, hermi=hermi)
                return vj - .5 * vk
            def vind(dm1):
                return -.5 * mf.get_k(mol, dm1, hermi=hermi)

    return vind

def _gen_uhf_response(mf, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None,
                      with_j=True, hermi=0, max_memory=None):
    '''Generate a function to compute the product of UHF response function and
    UHF density matrices.
    assert isinstance(mf, (uhf.UHF, rohf.ROHF))
    if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
    if mo_occ is None: mo_occ = mf.mo_occ
    mol = mf.mol
    if isinstance(mf, hf.KohnShamDFT):
        from pyscf.pbc.dft import multigrid
        ni = mf._numint
        ni.libxc.test_deriv_order(mf.xc, 2, raise_error=True)
        if mf.do_nlc():
            logger.warn(mf, 'NLC functional found in DFT object.  Its second '
                        'derivative is not available. Its contribution is '
                        'not included in the response function.')
        omega, alpha, hyb = ni.rsh_and_hybrid_coeff(mf.xc, mol.spin)
        hybrid = ni.libxc.is_hybrid_xc(mf.xc)

        # mf might be pbc.dft.RKS object with multigrid
        if not hybrid and isinstance(getattr(mf, 'with_df', None), multigrid.MultiGridFFTDF):
            dm0 = mf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ)
            return multigrid._gen_uhf_response(mf, dm0, with_j, hermi)

        rho0, vxc, fxc = ni.cache_xc_kernel(mol, mf.grids, mf.xc,
                                            mo_coeff, mo_occ, 1)
        dm0 = None

        if max_memory is None:
            mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0]
            max_memory = max(2000, mf.max_memory*.8-mem_now)

        def vind(dm1):
            if hermi == 2:
                v1 = numpy.zeros_like(dm1)
                v1 = ni.nr_uks_fxc(mol, mf.grids, mf.xc, dm0, dm1, 0, hermi,
                                   rho0, vxc, fxc, max_memory=max_memory)
            if not hybrid:
                if with_j:
                    vj = mf.get_j(mol, dm1, hermi=hermi)
                    v1 += vj[0] + vj[1]
                if omega == 0:
                    vj, vk = mf.get_jk(mol, dm1, hermi, with_j=with_j)
                    vk *= hyb
                elif alpha == 0: # LR=0, only SR exchange
                    if with_j:
                        vj = mf.get_j(mol, dm1, hermi)
                    vk = mf.get_k(mol, dm1, hermi, omega=-omega)
                    vk *= hyb
                elif hyb == 0: # SR=0, only LR exchange
                    if with_j:
                        vj = mf.get_j(mol, dm1, hermi)
                    vk = mf.get_k(mol, dm1, hermi, omega=omega)
                    vk *= alpha
                else: # SR and LR exchange with different ratios
                    vj, vk = mf.get_jk(mol, dm1, hermi, with_j=with_j)
                    vk *= hyb
                    vk += mf.get_k(mol, dm1, hermi, omega=omega) * (alpha-hyb)
                if with_j:
                    v1 += vj[0] + vj[1] - vk
                    v1 -= vk
            return v1

    elif with_j:
        def vind(dm1):
            vj, vk = mf.get_jk(mol, dm1, hermi=hermi)
            v1 = vj[0] + vj[1] - vk
            return v1

        def vind(dm1):
            return -mf.get_k(mol, dm1, hermi=hermi)

    return vind

def _gen_ghf_response(mf, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None,
                      with_j=True, hermi=0, max_memory=None):
    '''Generate a function to compute the product of GHF response function and
    GHF density matrices.
    if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
    if mo_occ is None: mo_occ = mf.mo_occ
    mol = mf.mol
    if isinstance(mf, hf.KohnShamDFT):
        from pyscf.pbc.dft import multigrid
        from pyscf.dft import numint2c, r_numint
        ni = mf._numint
        assert isinstance(ni, (numint2c.NumInt2C, r_numint.RNumInt))
        ni.libxc.test_deriv_order(mf.xc, 2, raise_error=True)
        if mf.do_nlc():
            raise NotImplementedError('NLC')
        omega, alpha, hyb = ni.rsh_and_hybrid_coeff(mf.xc, mol.spin)
        hybrid = ni.libxc.is_hybrid_xc(mf.xc)

        if not hybrid and isinstance(getattr(mf, 'with_df', None), multigrid.MultiGridFFTDF):
            raise NotImplementedError

        rho0, vxc, fxc = ni.cache_xc_kernel(mol, mf.grids, mf.xc, mo_coeff, mo_occ, 1)
        dm0 = None

        if max_memory is None:
            mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0]
            max_memory = max(2000, mf.max_memory*.8-mem_now)

        def vind(dm1):
            if hermi == 2:
                v1 = numpy.zeros_like(dm1)
                v1 = ni.get_fxc(mol, mf.grids, mf.xc, dm0, dm1, 0, 0, hermi,
                                rho0, vxc, fxc, max_memory=max_memory)
            if not hybrid:
                if with_j:
                    vj = mf.get_j(mol, dm1, hermi=hermi)
                    v1 += vj
                if omega == 0:
                    vj, vk = mf.get_jk(mol, dm1, hermi, with_j=with_j)
                    vk *= hyb
                elif alpha == 0: # LR=0, only SR exchange
                    if with_j:
                        vj = mf.get_j(mol, dm1, hermi)
                    vk = mf.get_k(mol, dm1, hermi, omega=-omega)
                    vk *= hyb
                elif hyb == 0: # SR=0, only LR exchange
                    if with_j:
                        vj = mf.get_j(mol, dm1, hermi)
                    vk = mf.get_k(mol, dm1, hermi, omega=omega)
                    vk *= alpha
                else: # SR and LR exchange with different ratios
                    vj, vk = mf.get_jk(mol, dm1, hermi, with_j=with_j)
                    vk *= hyb
                    vk += mf.get_k(mol, dm1, hermi, omega=omega) * (alpha-hyb)
                if with_j:
                    v1 += vj - vk
                    v1 -= vk
            return v1

    elif with_j:
        def vind(dm1):
            vj, vk = mf.get_jk(mol, dm1, hermi=hermi)
            return vj - vk

        def vind(dm1):
            return -mf.get_k(mol, dm1, hermi=hermi)

    return vind

def _gen_dhf_response(mf, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None,
                      with_j=True, hermi=0, max_memory=None):
    '''Generate a function to compute the product of DHF response function and
    DHF density matrices.
    return _gen_ghf_response(mf, mo_coeff, mo_occ, with_j, hermi, max_memory)

hf.RHF.gen_response = _gen_rhf_response
uhf.UHF.gen_response = _gen_uhf_response
ghf.GHF.gen_response = _gen_ghf_response
# Use UHF response function for ROHF because in second order solver uhf
# response function is called to compute ROHF orbital hessian
rohf.ROHF.gen_response = _gen_uhf_response
dhf.DHF.gen_response = _gen_dhf_response