Source code for

# flake8: noqa
This module implements the G0W0 approximation on top of `pyscf.tdscf.rhf_slow` TDHF implementation. Unlike ``, all
integrals are stored in memory. Several variants of GW are available:

 * `pyscf.gw_slow`: the molecular implementation;
 * ``: single-kpoint PBC (periodic boundary condition) implementation;
 * ``: a supercell approach to PBC implementation with multiple k-points. Runs the
   molecular code for a model with several k-points for the cost of discarding momentum conservation and using dense
   instead of sparse matrixes;
 * (this module) ``: a PBC implementation with multiple k-points;

from import gw_slow
from import kgw_slow_supercell
from pyscf.lib import einsum, direct_sum
from pyscf.pbc.tdscf.krhf_slow import get_block_k_ix

import numpy

# Convention for these modules:
# * IMDS contains routines for intermediates
# * kernel finds GW roots
# * GW provides a container

[docs] class IMDS(kgw_slow_supercell.IMDS): def __init__(self, td, eri=None): """ GW intermediates (k-version). Args: Args: td: a container with TD solution; eri: a container with electron repulsion integrals; """ gw_slow.AbstractIMDS.__init__(self, td, eri=eri) self.nk = len( # MF self.nocc = self.eri.nocc self.o = tuple(e[:nocc] for e, nocc in zip(self.eri.mo_energy, self.eri.nocc)) self.v = tuple(e[nocc:] for e, nocc in zip(self.eri.mo_energy, self.eri.nocc)) # TD self.td_xy = self.td_e = self.tdm = self.construct_tdm()
[docs] def eri_ov(self, item): item, k1, k2, k3, k4 = item return self.eri.eri_ov(item, (k1, k2, k3, k4)) / self.nk
__getitem__ = eri_ov
[docs] def construct_tdm(self): # Indexes of td_x: # - k_transfer # - k # - o: k # - v: fw[k] # Indexes of td_y: # - k_transfer # - k # - o: k # - v: bw[k] # Original code: # tdm_oo = einsum('vxia,ipaq->vxpq', td_xy, self["oovo"]) # tdm_ov = einsum('vxia,ipaq->vxpq', td_xy, self["oovv"]) # tdm_vv = einsum('vxia,ipaq->vxpq', td_xy, self["ovvv"]) # ERI k: # ki, kp, ka=?, kq # Now fw[kp] = kq, bw[kq] = kp -> bw[ki] = ka, fw[ka] = ki # for x amplitudes, the transfer is bw[0] such that ov -> k, bw[k] # for y amplitudes, the transfer is also fw[0] such that ov -> k, bw[k] result = [] for k_transfer in range(self.nk): xy_k = self.td_xy[k_transfer] fw, bw, _, _ = get_block_k_ix(self.eri, k_transfer) result.append([[], []]) for xy_kx, ix_fw, ix_bw, storage in ( (xy_k[:, 0], fw, bw, result[k_transfer][0]), # X (xy_k[:, 1], bw, fw, result[k_transfer][1]), # Y ): for kp in range(self.nk): tdm_oo = tdm_ov = tdm_vv = 0 tdm_vo = 0 for ki in range(self.nk): x = xy_kx[:, ki] * 2 tdm_oo = tdm_oo + einsum('via,ipaq->vpq', x, self["oovo", ki, kp, ix_fw[ki], ix_bw[kp]]) tdm_ov = tdm_ov + einsum('via,ipaq->vpq', x, self["oovv", ki, kp, ix_fw[ki], ix_bw[kp]]) tdm_vv = tdm_vv + einsum('via,ipaq->vpq', x, self["ovvv", ki, kp, ix_fw[ki], ix_bw[kp]]) tdm_vo = tdm_vo + einsum('via,ipaq->vpq', x, self["ovvo", ki, kp, ix_fw[ki], ix_bw[kp]]) tdm = numpy.concatenate( ( numpy.concatenate((tdm_oo, tdm_ov), axis=2), numpy.concatenate((tdm_vo, tdm_vv), axis=2) ), axis=1, ) storage.append(tdm) # The output is the following: # for each kp, kq pair two 3-tensors are given # The last two indexes in each tensor correspond to kp, kq # Given fw, bw, _, _ = get_block_k_ix(self.eri, (kp, kq)), # The first index of the two tensors will correspond to tdhf.e[bw[0]], tdhf.e[fw[0]] correspondingly return numpy.array(result)
[docs] def get_sigma_element(self, omega, p, eta, vir_sgn=1): k, p = p # Molecular implementation # ------------------------ # tdm = self.tdm.sum(axis=1) # evi = direct_sum('v-i->vi', self.td_e, self.o) # eva = direct_sum('v+a->va', self.td_e, self.v) # sigma = numpy.sum(tdm[:, :self.nocc, p] ** 2 / (omega + evi - 1j * eta)) # sigma += numpy.sum(tdm[:, self.nocc:, p] ** 2 / (omega - eva + vir_sgn * 1j * eta)) # return sigma sigma = 0 for k_transfer, tdm_k in enumerate(self.tdm): fw, bw, _, _ = get_block_k_ix(self.eri, k_transfer) same = fw == bw different = numpy.logical_not(same) terms = [] if same.sum() > 0: terms.append((tdm_k[0] + tdm_k[1], fw[same], fw[same])) if different.sum() > 0: terms.append((tdm_k[0], bw[different], fw[different])) terms.append((tdm_k[1], fw[different], bw[different])) for tdm_kx, ix_fw, ix_bw in terms: k1, k2 = ix_bw[k], k evi = direct_sum('v-i->vi', self.td_e[k_transfer], self.o[k1]) eva = direct_sum('v+a->va', self.td_e[k_transfer], self.v[k1]) sigma += numpy.sum(tdm_kx[k1][:, :self.nocc[k1], p] ** 2 / (omega + evi - 1j * eta)) sigma += numpy.sum(tdm_kx[k1][:, self.nocc[k1]:, p] ** 2 / (omega - eva + vir_sgn * 1j * eta)) return sigma
kernel = gw_slow.kernel
[docs] class GW(gw_slow.GW): base_imds = IMDS