Source code for pyscf.lo.vvo

#!/usr/bin/env python
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# Authors: Shiv Upadhyay <>

Valence Virtual Orbitals
ref. 10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00493

import numpy
import scipy.linalg
from pyscf.lo import iao
from pyscf.lo import orth
from pyscf.lo import ibo
from pyscf import __config__

[docs] def vvo(mol, orbocc, orbvirt, iaos=None, s=None, verbose=None): '''Valence Virtual Orbitals ref. 10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00493 Valence virtual orbitals can be formed from the singular value decomposition of the overlap between the canonical molecular orbitals and an accurate underlying atomic basis set. This implementation uses the intrinsic atomic orbital as this underlying set. VVOs can also be formed from the null space of the overlap of the canonical molecular orbitals and the underlying atomic basis sets (IAOs). This is not implemented here. Args: mol : the molecule or cell object orbocc : occupied molecular orbital coefficients orbvirt : virtual molecular orbital coefficients Kwargs: iaos : 2D array the array of IAOs s : 2D array the overlap array in the ao basis Returns: VVOs in the basis defined in mol object. ''' if s is None: if getattr(mol, 'pbc_intor', None): # whether mol object is a cell if isinstance(orbocc, numpy.ndarray) and orbocc.ndim == 2: s = mol.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', hermi=1) else: raise NotImplementedError('k-points crystal orbitals') else: s = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp') if iaos is None: iaos = iao.iao(mol, orbocc) nvvo = iaos.shape[1] - orbocc.shape[1] # Symmetrically orthogonalization of the IAO orbitals as Knizia's # implementation. The IAO returned by iao.iao function is not orthogonal. iaos = orth.vec_lowdin(iaos, s) #S = reduce(, (orbvirt.T, s, iaos)) S = numpy.einsum('ji,jk,kl->il', orbvirt.conj(), s, iaos, optimize=True) U, sigma, Vh = scipy.linalg.svd(S) U = U[:, 0:nvvo] vvo = numpy.einsum('ik,ji->jk', U, orbvirt, optimize=True) return vvo
[docs] def livvo(mol, orbocc, orbvirt, locmethod='IBO', iaos=None, s=None, exponent=4, grad_tol=1e-8, max_iter=200, verbose=None): '''Localized Intrinsic Valence Virtual Orbitals ref. 10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00493 Localized Intrinsic valence virtual orbitals are formed when the valence virtual orbitals are localized using an IBO-type of localization. Here the VVOs are created in the IAO basis then the IBO localization functions are called to localize the VVOs. Args: mol : the molecule or cell object orbocc : occupied molecular orbital coefficients orbvirt : virtual molecular orbital coefficients Kwargs: locmethod : string the localization method 'PM' for Pipek Mezey localization or 'IBO' for the IBO localization iaos : 2D array the array of IAOs s : 2D array the overlap array in the ao basis Returns: LIVVOs in the basis defined in mol object. ''' if s is None: if getattr(mol, 'pbc_intor', None): # whether mol object is a cell if isinstance(orbocc, numpy.ndarray) and orbocc.ndim == 2: s = mol.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', hermi=1) else: raise NotImplementedError('k-points crystal orbitals') else: s = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp') if iaos is None: iaos = iao.iao(mol, orbocc) vvos = vvo(mol, orbocc, orbvirt, iaos=iaos, s=s) locmethod = locmethod.strip().upper() if locmethod == 'PM': EXPONENT = getattr(__config__, 'lo_ibo_PipekMezey_exponent', exponent) livvos = ibo.PipekMezey(mol, vvos, iaos, s, exponent=EXPONENT) del (EXPONENT) else: livvos = ibo.ibo_loc(mol, vvos, iaos, s, exponent=exponent, grad_tol=grad_tol, max_iter=max_iter, verbose=verbose) return livvos