#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2020 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Qiming Sun <osirpt.sun@gmail.com>
from functools import reduce
import numpy
import scipy.linalg
from pyscf.lib import param
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf import gto
from pyscf import __config__
REF_BASIS = getattr(__config__, 'lo_orth_pre_orth_ao_method', 'ANO')
ORTH_METHOD = getattr(__config__, 'lo_orth_orth_ao_method', 'meta_lowdin')
PROJECT_ECP_BASIS = getattr(__config__, 'lo_orth_project_ecp_basis', True)
def lowdin(s):
''' new basis is |mu> c^{lowdin}_{mu i} '''
e, v = scipy.linalg.eigh(s)
idx = e > 1e-15
return numpy.dot(v[:,idx]/numpy.sqrt(e[idx]), v[:,idx].conj().T)
def schmidt(s):
c = numpy.linalg.cholesky(s)
return scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(c, numpy.eye(c.shape[1]), lower=True,
def vec_lowdin(c, s=1):
''' lowdin orth for the metric c.T*s*c and get x, then c*x'''
#u, w, vh = numpy.linalg.svd(c)
#return numpy.dot(u, vh)
# svd is slower than eigh
return numpy.dot(c, lowdin(reduce(numpy.dot, (c.conj().T,s,c))))
def vec_schmidt(c, s=1):
''' schmidt orth for the metric c.T*s*c and get x, then c*x'''
if isinstance(s, numpy.ndarray):
return numpy.dot(c, schmidt(reduce(numpy.dot, (c.conj().T,s,c))))
return numpy.linalg.qr(c)[0]
def weight_orth(s, weight):
''' new basis is |mu> c_{mu i}, c = w[(wsw)^{-1/2}]'''
s1 = weight[:,None] * s * weight
c = lowdin(s1)
return weight[:,None] * c
def pre_orth_ao(mol, method=REF_BASIS):
'''Restore AO characters. Possible methods include the ANO/MINAO
projection or fraction-averaged atomic RHF calculation'''
if isinstance(method, str) and method.upper() == 'SCF':
return pre_orth_ao_atm_scf(mol)
# Use ANO/MINAO basis to define the strongly occupied set
return project_to_atomic_orbitals(mol, method)
restore_ao_character = pre_orth_ao
def project_to_atomic_orbitals(mol, ref_basis):
'''projected AO = |bas><bas|ANO>
ref_basis : str or basis dict
Name, or filename, or a dict of reference basis set
from pyscf.scf.addons import project_mo_nr2nr
from pyscf.scf import atom_hf
from pyscf.gto.ecp import core_configuration
def search_atm_l(atm, l):
bas_ang = atm._bas[:,gto.ANG_OF]
ao_loc = atm.ao_loc_nr()
idx = []
for ib in numpy.where(bas_ang == l)[0]:
idx.extend(range(ao_loc[ib], ao_loc[ib+1]))
return idx
# Overlap of ANO and ECP basis
def ecp_ano_det_ovlp(atm_ecp, atm_ano, ecpcore):
ecp_ao_loc = atm_ecp.ao_loc_nr()
ano_ao_loc = atm_ano.ao_loc_nr()
ecp_ao_dim = ecp_ao_loc[1:] - ecp_ao_loc[:-1]
ano_ao_dim = ano_ao_loc[1:] - ano_ao_loc[:-1]
ecp_bas_l = [[atm_ecp.bas_angular(i)]*d for i,d in enumerate(ecp_ao_dim)]
ano_bas_l = [[atm_ano.bas_angular(i)]*d for i,d in enumerate(ano_ao_dim)]
ecp_bas_l = numpy.hstack(ecp_bas_l)
ano_bas_l = numpy.hstack(ano_bas_l)
nelec_core = 0
ecp_occ_tmp = []
ecp_idx = []
ano_idx = []
for l in range(4):
nocc, frac = atom_hf.frac_occ(stdsymb, l)
l_occ = [2] * ((nocc-ecpcore[l])*(2*l+1))
if frac > 1e-15:
l_occ.extend([frac] * (2*l+1))
nocc += 1
if nocc == 0:
nelec_core += 2 * ecpcore[l] * (2*l+1)
i0 = ecpcore[l] * (2*l+1)
i1 = nocc * (2*l+1)
ecp_idx = numpy.hstack(ecp_idx)
ano_idx = numpy.hstack(ano_idx)
ecp_occ = numpy.zeros(atm_ecp.nao_nr())
ecp_occ[ecp_idx] = numpy.hstack(ecp_occ_tmp)
nelec_valence_left = int(gto.charge(stdsymb) - nelec_core
- sum(ecp_occ[ecp_idx]))
if nelec_valence_left > 0:
logger.warn(mol, 'Characters of %d valence electrons are not identified.\n'
'It can affect the "meta-lowdin" localization method '
'and the population analysis of SCF method.\n'
'Adjustment to the core/valence partition may be needed '
'(see function lo.nao.set_atom_conf)\nto get reasonable '
'local orbitals or Mulliken population.\n',
# Return 0 to force the projection to ANO basis
return 0
s12 = gto.intor_cross('int1e_ovlp', atm_ecp, atm_ano)[ecp_idx][:,ano_idx]
return numpy.linalg.det(s12)
nelec_ecp_dic = {}
for ia in range(mol.natm):
symb = mol.atom_symbol(ia)
if symb not in nelec_ecp_dic:
nelec_ecp_dic[symb] = mol.atom_nelec_core(ia)
basis_converter = gto.mole._generate_basis_converter()
aos = {}
atm = gto.Mole()
atmp = gto.Mole()
for symb in mol._basis.keys():
stdsymb = gto.mole._std_symbol(symb)
atm._atm, atm._bas, atm._env = \
atm.make_env([[stdsymb,(0,0,0)]], {stdsymb:mol._basis[symb]}, [])
atm.cart = mol.cart
atm._built = True
s0 = atm.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')
if gto.is_ghost_atom(symb):
aos[symb] = numpy.diag(1./numpy.sqrt(s0.diagonal()))
if isinstance(ref_basis, dict):
if symb in ref_basis:
basis_add = basis_converter(stdsymb, ref_basis[symb])
basis_add = basis_converter(stdsymb, ref_basis[stdsymb])
basis_add = basis_converter(symb, ref_basis)
atmp._atm, atmp._bas, atmp._env = \
atmp.make_env([[stdsymb,(0,0,0)]], {stdsymb:basis_add}, [])
atmp.cart = mol.cart
atmp._built = True
if symb in nelec_ecp_dic and nelec_ecp_dic[symb] > 0:
# If ECP basis has good atomic character, ECP basis can be used in the
# localization/population analysis directly. Otherwise project ECP
# basis to ANO basis.
ecpcore = core_configuration(nelec_ecp_dic[symb], atom_symbol=gto.mole._std_symbol(symb))
# Comparing to ANO valence basis, to check whether the ECP basis set has
# reasonable AO-character contraction. The ANO valence AO should have
# significant overlap to ECP basis if the ECP basis has AO-character.
if abs(ecp_ano_det_ovlp(atm, atmp, ecpcore)) > .1:
aos[symb] = numpy.diag(1./numpy.sqrt(s0.diagonal()))
ecpcore = [0] * 4
# MINAO for heavier elements needs to be used with pseudo potential
if (ref_basis.upper() == 'MINAO' and
gto.charge(stdsymb) > 36 and symb not in nelec_ecp_dic):
raise RuntimeError('Basis MINAO has to be used with ecp for heavy elements')
ano = project_mo_nr2nr(atmp, numpy.eye(atmp.nao_nr()), atm)
rm_ano = numpy.eye(ano.shape[0]) - reduce(numpy.dot, (ano, ano.T, s0))
c = rm_ano.copy()
for l in range(param.L_MAX):
idx = numpy.asarray(search_atm_l(atm, l))
nbf_atm_l = len(idx)
if nbf_atm_l == 0:
idxp = numpy.asarray(search_atm_l(atmp, l))
if l < 4:
idxp = idxp[ecpcore[l]:]
nbf_ano_l = len(idxp)
if mol.cart:
degen = (l + 1) * (l + 2) // 2
degen = l * 2 + 1
if nbf_atm_l > nbf_ano_l > 0:
# For angular l, first place the projected ANO, then the rest AOs.
sdiag = reduce(numpy.dot, (rm_ano[:,idx].T, s0, rm_ano[:,idx])).diagonal()
nleft = (nbf_atm_l - nbf_ano_l) // degen
shell_average = numpy.einsum('ij->i', sdiag.reshape(-1,degen))
shell_rest = numpy.argsort(-shell_average)[:nleft]
idx_rest = []
for k in shell_rest:
c[:,idx[:nbf_ano_l]] = ano[:,idxp]
c[:,idx[nbf_ano_l:]] = rm_ano[:,idx_rest]
elif nbf_ano_l >= nbf_atm_l > 0: # More ANOs than the mol basis functions
c[:,idx] = ano[:,idxp[:nbf_atm_l]]
sdiag = numpy.einsum('pi,pq,qi->i', c, s0, c)
c *= 1./numpy.sqrt(sdiag)
aos[symb] = c
nao = mol.nao_nr()
c = numpy.zeros((nao,nao))
p1 = 0
for ia in range(mol.natm):
symb = mol.atom_symbol(ia)
if symb in mol._basis:
ano = aos[symb]
ano = aos[mol.atom_pure_symbol(ia)]
p0, p1 = p1, p1 + ano.shape[1]
c[p0:p1,p0:p1] = ano
return c
pre_orth_project_ano = project_to_atomic_orbitals
def pre_orth_ao_atm_scf(mol):
assert (not mol.cart)
from pyscf.scf import atom_hf
atm_scf = atom_hf.get_atm_nrhf(mol)
aoslice = mol.aoslice_by_atom()
coeff = []
for ia in range(mol.natm):
symb = mol.atom_symbol(ia)
if symb not in atm_scf:
symb = mol.atom_pure_symbol(ia)
if symb in atm_scf:
e_hf, e, c, occ = atm_scf[symb]
else: # symb's basis is not specified in the input
nao_atm = aoslice[ia,3] - aoslice[ia,2]
c = numpy.zeros((nao_atm, nao_atm))
return scipy.linalg.block_diag(*coeff)
def orth_ao(mf_or_mol, method=ORTH_METHOD, pre_orth_ao=REF_BASIS, s=None):
'''Orthogonalize AOs
method : str
One of
| lowdin : Symmetric orthogonalization
| meta-lowdin : Lowdin orth within core, valence, virtual space separately (JCTC, 10, 3784)
pre_orth_ao: numpy.ndarray or basis str or basis dict
Basis functions may not have AO characters. This variable is the
coefficients to restore AO characters for arbitrary basis. If a
string of basis name (can be the filename of a basis set) or a
dict of basis sets are given, they are interpreted as the
reference basis (by default ANO basis) that the projection
coefficients are generated based on. Skip this projection step by
setting this variable to None.
from pyscf import scf
from pyscf.lo import nao
if isinstance(mf_or_mol, gto.MoleBase):
mol = mf_or_mol
mf = None
assert (isinstance(mf_or_mol, scf.hf.SCF))
mol = mf_or_mol.mol
mf = mf_or_mol
if s is None:
if getattr(mol, 'pbc_intor', None): # whether mol object is a cell
s = mol.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', hermi=1)
s = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')
if method.lower() == 'lowdin':
if pre_orth_ao is None:
c_orth = lowdin(s)
if not isinstance(pre_orth_ao, numpy.ndarray):
pre_orth_ao = restore_ao_character(mol, pre_orth_ao)
s1 = reduce(numpy.dot, (pre_orth_ao.conj().T, s, pre_orth_ao))
c_orth = numpy.dot(pre_orth_ao, lowdin(s1))
elif method.lower() == 'nao':
assert (mf is not None)
c_orth = nao.nao(mol, mf, s)
# meta_lowdin: partition AOs into core, valence and Rydberg sets,
# orthogonalizing within each set
if pre_orth_ao is None:
pre_orth_ao = numpy.eye(mol.nao)
elif not isinstance(pre_orth_ao, numpy.ndarray):
pre_orth_ao = restore_ao_character(mol, pre_orth_ao)
weight = numpy.ones(pre_orth_ao.shape[0])
c_orth = nao._nao_sub(mol, weight, pre_orth_ao, s)
# adjust phase
for i in range(c_orth.shape[1]):
if c_orth[i,i] < 0:
c_orth[:,i] *= -1
return c_orth