#!/usr/bin/env python
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# Author: Qiming Sun <osirpt.sun@gmail.com>
Natural atomic orbitals
F. Weinhold et al., J. Chem. Phys. 83(1985), 735-746
import sys
from functools import reduce, lru_cache
import numpy
import scipy.linalg
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf import scf
from pyscf.gto import mole
from pyscf.lo import orth
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.data import elements
from pyscf import __config__
# Note the valence space for Li, Be may need include 2p, Al..Cl may need 3d ...
# This is No. of shells, not the atomic configurations
# core core+valence
# core+valence = lambda nuc, l: \
# int(numpy.ceil(elements.CONFIGURATION[nuc][l]/(4*l+2.)))
AOSHELL = getattr(__config__, 'lo_nao_AOSHELL', None)
if AOSHELL is None:
AOSHELL = list(zip(elements.N_CORE_SHELLS,
def prenao(mol, dm):
if not (isinstance(dm, numpy.ndarray) and dm.ndim == 2):
dm = dm[0] + dm[1]
if getattr(mol, 'pbc_intor', None): # whether mol object is a cell
s = mol.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', hermi=1)
s = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')
p = reduce(numpy.dot, (s, dm, s))
return _prenao_sub(mol, p, s)[1]
def nao(mol, mf, s=None, restore=True):
if s is None:
if getattr(mol, 'pbc_intor', None): # whether mol object is a cell
s = mol.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', hermi=1)
s = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')
dm = mf.make_rdm1()
if isinstance(mf, (scf.uhf.UHF, scf.rohf.ROHF)):
dm = dm[0] + dm[1]
p = reduce(numpy.dot, (s, dm, s))
pre_occ, pre_nao = _prenao_sub(mol, p, s)
cnao = _nao_sub(mol, pre_occ, pre_nao)
if restore:
if mol.cart:
# The atomic natural character for Cartesian basis is not clearly
# defined. Skip restore.
return cnao
# restore natural character
p_nao = reduce(numpy.dot, (cnao.T, p, cnao))
s_nao = numpy.eye(p_nao.shape[0])
cnao = numpy.dot(cnao, _prenao_sub(mol, p_nao, s_nao)[1])
return cnao
def _prenao_sub(mol, p, s):
ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_nr()
nao = ao_loc[-1]
occ = numpy.zeros(nao)
cao = numpy.zeros((nao,nao), dtype=s.dtype)
bas_ang = mol._bas[:,mole.ANG_OF]
for ia, (b0,b1,p0,p1) in enumerate(mol.aoslice_by_atom(ao_loc)):
l_max = bas_ang[b0:b1].max()
for l in range(l_max+1):
idx = []
for ib in numpy.where(bas_ang[b0:b1] == l)[0]:
idx.append(numpy.arange(ao_loc[b0+ib], ao_loc[b0+ib+1]))
idx = numpy.hstack(idx)
if idx.size < 1:
if mol.cart:
degen = (l + 1) * (l + 2) // 2
p_frag = _cart_average_mat(p, l, idx)
s_frag = _cart_average_mat(s, l, idx)
degen = l * 2 + 1
p_frag = _sph_average_mat(p, l, idx)
s_frag = _sph_average_mat(s, l, idx)
e, v = scipy.linalg.eigh(p_frag, s_frag)
e = e[::-1]
v = v[:,::-1]
idx = idx.reshape(-1,degen)
for k in range(degen):
ilst = idx[:,k]
occ[ilst] = e
for i,i0 in enumerate(ilst):
cao[i0,ilst] = v[i]
return occ, cao
def _nao_sub(mol, pre_occ, pre_nao, s=None):
if s is None:
if getattr(mol, 'pbc_intor', None): # whether mol object is a cell
s = mol.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', hermi=1)
s = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')
core_lst, val_lst, rydbg_lst = _core_val_ryd_list(mol)
nao = mol.nao_nr()
pre_nao = pre_nao.astype(s.dtype)
cnao = numpy.empty((nao,nao), dtype=s.dtype)
if core_lst:
c = pre_nao[:,core_lst].copy()
s1 = reduce(lib.dot, (c.conj().T, s, c))
cnao[:,core_lst] = c1 = lib.dot(c, orth.lowdin(s1))
c = pre_nao[:,val_lst].copy()
c -= reduce(lib.dot, (c1, c1.conj().T, s, c))
c = pre_nao[:,val_lst]
if val_lst:
s1 = reduce(lib.dot, (c.conj().T, s, c))
wt = pre_occ[val_lst]
cnao[:,val_lst] = lib.dot(c, orth.weight_orth(s1, wt))
if rydbg_lst:
cvlst = core_lst + val_lst
c1 = cnao[:,cvlst].copy()
c = pre_nao[:,rydbg_lst].copy()
c -= reduce(lib.dot, (c1, c1.conj().T, s, c))
s1 = reduce(lib.dot, (c.conj().T, s, c))
cnao[:,rydbg_lst] = lib.dot(c, orth.lowdin(s1))
snorm = numpy.linalg.norm(reduce(lib.dot, (cnao.conj().T, s, cnao)) - numpy.eye(nao))
if snorm > 1e-9:
logger.warn(mol, 'Weak orthogonality for localized orbitals %s', snorm)
return cnao
def _core_val_ryd_list(mol):
from pyscf.gto.ecp import core_configuration
count = numpy.zeros((mol.natm, 9), dtype=int)
core_lst = []
val_lst = []
rydbg_lst = []
k = 0
for ib in range(mol.nbas):
ia = mol.bas_atom(ib)
# Avoid calling mol.atom_charge because we should include ECP core electrons here
nuc = mole.charge(mol.atom_symbol(ia))
l = mol.bas_angular(ib)
nc = mol.bas_nctr(ib)
nelec_ecp = mol.atom_nelec_core(ia)
ecpcore = core_configuration(nelec_ecp, atom_symbol=mol.atom_pure_symbol(ia))
coreshell = [int(x) for x in AOSHELL[nuc][0][::2]]
cvshell = [int(x) for x in AOSHELL[nuc][1][::2]]
if mol.cart:
deg = (l + 1) * (l + 2) // 2
deg = 2 * l + 1
for n in range(nc):
if l > 3:
rydbg_lst.extend(range(k, k+deg))
elif ecpcore[l]+count[ia,l]+n < coreshell[l]:
core_lst.extend(range(k, k+deg))
elif ecpcore[l]+count[ia,l]+n < cvshell[l]:
val_lst.extend(range(k, k+deg))
rydbg_lst.extend(range(k, k+deg))
k = k + deg
count[ia,l] += nc
return core_lst, val_lst, rydbg_lst
def _cart_averge_wt(l):
'''Weight matrix for spherical symmetry averaging in Cartesian GTOs'''
c = mole.cart2sph(l, normalized='sp')
return numpy.einsum('pi,qi->pq', c, c)
def _cart_average_mat(mat, l, lst):
degen = (l+1) * (l+2) // 2
nshl = len(lst) // degen
submat = mat[lst[:,None],lst].reshape(nshl,degen,nshl,degen)
wt = _cart_averge_wt(l)
return numpy.einsum('imjn,mn->ij', submat, wt) / (2*l+1)
def _sph_average_mat(mat, l, lst):
degen = 2 * l + 1
nshl = len(lst) // degen
submat = mat[lst[:,None],lst].reshape(nshl,degen,nshl,degen)
return numpy.einsum('imjm->ij', submat) / (2*l+1)
def set_atom_conf(element, description):
'''Change the default atomic core and valence configuration to the one
given by "description".
See data/elements.py for the default configuration.
element : str or int
Element symbol or nuclear charge
description : str or a list of str
| "double p" : double p shell
| "double d" : double d shell
| "double f" : double f shell
| "polarize" : add one polarized shell
| "1s1d" : keep core unchanged and set 1 s 1 d shells for valence
| ("3s2p","1d") : 3 s, 2 p shells for core and 1 d shells for valence
charge = mole.charge(element)
def to_conf(desc):
desc = desc.replace(' ','').replace('-','').replace('_','').lower()
if "doublep" in desc:
desc = '2p'
elif "doubled" in desc:
desc = '2d'
elif "doublef" in desc:
desc = '2f'
elif "polarize" in desc:
loc = AOSHELL[charge][1].find('0')
desc = '1' + AOSHELL[charge][1][loc+1]
return desc
if isinstance(description, str):
c_desc, v_desc = AOSHELL[charge][0], to_conf(description)
c_desc, v_desc = to_conf(description[0]), to_conf(description[1])
ncore = [int(x) for x in AOSHELL[charge][0][::2]]
ncv = [int(x) for x in AOSHELL[charge][1][::2]]
for i, s in enumerate(('s', 'p', 'd', 'f')):
if s in c_desc:
ncore[i] = int(c_desc.split(s)[0][-1])
if s in v_desc:
ncv[i] = ncore[i] + int(v_desc.split(s)[0][-1])
c_conf = '%ds%dp%dd%df' % tuple(ncore)
cv_conf = '%ds%dp%dd%df' % tuple(ncv)
AOSHELL[charge] = [c_conf, cv_conf]
sys.stderr.write('Update %s conf: core %s core+valence %s\n' %
(element, c_conf, cv_conf))
if __name__ == "__main__":
from pyscf import gto
mol = gto.Mole()
mol.verbose = 1
mol.output = 'out_nao'
['O' , (0. , 0. , 0.)],
[1 , (0. , -0.757 , 0.587)],
[1 , (0. , 0.757 , 0.587)] ])
mol.basis = {'H': '6-31g',
'O': '6-31g',}
mf = scf.RHF(mol)
s = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp_sph')
p = reduce(numpy.dot, (s, mf.make_rdm1(), s))
o0, c0 = _prenao_sub(mol, p, s)
print(abs(c0).sum() - 21.848915907988854)
c = nao(mol, mf)
print(reduce(numpy.dot, (c.T, p, c)).diagonal())
set_atom_conf('Fe', '1s1d') # core 3s2p0d0f core+valence 4s2p1d0f
set_atom_conf('Fe', 'double d') # core 3s2p0d0f core+valence 4s2p2d0f
set_atom_conf('Fe', 'double p') # core 3s2p0d0f core+valence 4s4p2d0f
set_atom_conf('Fe', 'polarize') # core 3s2p0d0f core+valence 4s4p2d1f