#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2020 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Author: Qiming Sun <osirpt.sun@gmail.com>
Edmiston-Ruedenberg localization
import numpy
from functools import reduce
from pyscf.scf import hf
from pyscf.lo import boys
class EdmistonRuedenberg(boys.OrbitalLocalizer):
def get_jk(self, u):
mo_coeff = numpy.dot(self.mo_coeff, u)
nmo = mo_coeff.shape[1]
dms = [numpy.einsum('i,j->ij', mo_coeff[:,i], mo_coeff[:,i]) for i in range(nmo)]
vj, vk = hf.get_jk(self.mol, dms, hermi=1)
vj = numpy.asarray([reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff.T, v, mo_coeff)) for v in vj])
vk = numpy.asarray([reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff.T, v, mo_coeff)) for v in vk])
return vj, vk
def gen_g_hop(self, u):
vj, vk = self.get_jk(u)
g0 = numpy.einsum('iip->pi', vj)
g = -self.pack_uniq_var(g0-g0.T) * 2
h_diag = numpy.einsum('ipp->pi', vj) * 2
g_diag = g0.diagonal()
h_diag-= g_diag + g_diag.reshape(-1,1)
h_diag+= numpy.einsum('ipp->pi', vk) * 4
h_diag = -self.pack_uniq_var(h_diag) * 2
g0 = g0 + g0.T
def h_op(x):
x = self.unpack_uniq_var(x)
hx = numpy.einsum('iq,qp->pi', g0, x)
hx+= numpy.einsum('qi,iqp->pi', x, vk) * 2
hx-= numpy.einsum('qp,piq->pi', x, vj) * 2
hx-= numpy.einsum('qp,piq->pi', x, vk) * 2
return -self.pack_uniq_var(hx-hx.T)
return g, h_op, h_diag
def get_grad(self, u):
vj, vk = self.get_jk(u)
g0 = numpy.einsum('iip->pi', vj)
g = -self.pack_uniq_var(g0-g0.T) * 2
return g
def cost_function(self, u):
vj, vk = self.get_jk(u)
return numpy.einsum('iii->', vj)
ER = Edmiston = EdmistonRuedenberg
if __name__ == '__main__':
from pyscf import gto, scf
mol = gto.Mole()
mol.atom = '''
He 0. 0. 0.2
H 0. -0.5 -0.4
H 0. 0.5 -0.4
mol.basis = 'sto-3g'
mf = scf.RHF(mol).run()
mo = ER(mol).kernel(mf.mo_coeff[:,:2], verbose=4)