Source code for pyscf.fci.selected_ci_symm

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2021 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Qiming Sun <>

import ctypes
import warnings
import numpy
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf import ao2mo
from pyscf.fci import direct_spin1
from pyscf.fci import direct_spin1_symm
from pyscf.fci import selected_ci
from pyscf.fci import addons

libfci = direct_spin1.libfci

[docs] def reorder4irrep(eri, norb, link_index, orbsym, offdiag=0): if orbsym is None: return eri, link_index, numpy.array(norb, dtype=numpy.int32) orbsym = numpy.asarray(orbsym) # map irrep IDs of Dooh or Coov to D2h, C2v # see symm.basis.linearmole_symm_descent orbsym = orbsym % 10 # irrep of (ij| pair trilirrep = (orbsym[:,None] ^ orbsym)[numpy.tril_indices(norb, offdiag)] # and the number of occurrences for each irrep dimirrep = numpy.array(numpy.bincount(trilirrep), dtype=numpy.int32) # we sort the irreps of (ij| pair, to group the pairs which have same irreps # "order" is irrep-id-sorted index. The (ij| paired is ordered that the # pair-id given by order[0] comes first in the sorted pair # "rank" is a sorted "order". Given nth (ij| pair, it returns the place(rank) # of the sorted pair order = numpy.asarray(trilirrep.argsort(), dtype=numpy.int32) rank = numpy.asarray(order.argsort(), dtype=numpy.int32) eri = lib.take_2d(eri, order, order) link_index_irrep = link_index.copy() link_index_irrep[:,:,0] = rank[link_index[:,:,0]] return numpy.asarray(eri, order='C'), link_index_irrep, dimirrep
[docs] def contract_2e(eri, civec_strs, norb, nelec, link_index=None, orbsym=None): ci_coeff, nelec, ci_strs = selected_ci._unpack(civec_strs, nelec) if link_index is None: link_index = selected_ci._all_linkstr_index(ci_strs, norb, nelec) cd_indexa, dd_indexa, cd_indexb, dd_indexb = link_index na, nlinka = cd_indexa.shape[:2] nb, nlinkb = cd_indexb.shape[:2] eri = ao2mo.restore(1, eri, norb) eri1 = eri.transpose(0,2,1,3) - eri.transpose(0,2,3,1) idx,idy = numpy.tril_indices(norb, -1) idx = idx * norb + idy eri1 = lib.take_2d(eri1.reshape(norb**2,-1), idx, idx) * 2 eri1, dd_indexa, dimirrep = reorder4irrep(eri1, norb, dd_indexa, orbsym, -1) dd_indexb = reorder4irrep(eri1, norb, dd_indexb, orbsym, -1)[1] fcivec = ci_coeff.reshape(na,nb) # (bb|bb) if nelec[1] > 1: mb, mlinkb = dd_indexb.shape[:2] fcivecT = lib.transpose(fcivec) ci1T = numpy.zeros((nb,na)) libfci.SCIcontract_2e_aaaa_symm(eri1.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), fcivecT.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ci1T.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(norb), ctypes.c_int(nb), ctypes.c_int(na), ctypes.c_int(mb), ctypes.c_int(mlinkb), dd_indexb.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), dimirrep.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(len(dimirrep))) ci1 = lib.transpose(ci1T, out=fcivecT) else: ci1 = numpy.zeros_like(fcivec) # (aa|aa) if nelec[0] > 1: ma, mlinka = dd_indexa.shape[:2] libfci.SCIcontract_2e_aaaa_symm(eri1.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), fcivec.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ci1.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(norb), ctypes.c_int(na), ctypes.c_int(nb), ctypes.c_int(ma), ctypes.c_int(mlinka), dd_indexa.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), dimirrep.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(len(dimirrep))) h_ps = numpy.einsum('pqqs->ps', eri) eri1 = eri * 2 for k in range(norb): eri1[:,:,k,k] += h_ps/nelec[0] eri1[k,k,:,:] += h_ps/nelec[1] eri1 = ao2mo.restore(4, eri1, norb) eri1, cd_indexa, dimirrep = reorder4irrep(eri1, norb, cd_indexa, orbsym) cd_indexb = reorder4irrep(eri1, norb, cd_indexb, orbsym)[1] # (bb|aa) libfci.SCIcontract_2e_bbaa_symm(eri1.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), fcivec.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ci1.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(norb), ctypes.c_int(na), ctypes.c_int(nb), ctypes.c_int(nlinka), ctypes.c_int(nlinkb), cd_indexa.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), cd_indexb.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), dimirrep.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(len(dimirrep))) return selected_ci._as_SCIvector(ci1.reshape(ci_coeff.shape), ci_strs)
[docs] def kernel(h1e, eri, norb, nelec, ci0=None, level_shift=1e-3, tol=1e-10, lindep=1e-14, max_cycle=50, max_space=12, nroots=1, davidson_only=False, pspace_size=400, orbsym=None, wfnsym=None, select_cutoff=1e-3, ci_coeff_cutoff=1e-3, ecore=0, **kwargs): return direct_spin1._kfactory(SelectedCI, h1e, eri, norb, nelec, ci0, level_shift, tol, lindep, max_cycle, max_space, nroots, davidson_only, pspace_size, select_cutoff=select_cutoff, ci_coeff_cutoff=ci_coeff_cutoff, ecore=ecore, **kwargs)
make_rdm1s = selected_ci.make_rdm1s make_rdm2s = selected_ci.make_rdm2s make_rdm1 = selected_ci.make_rdm1 make_rdm2 = selected_ci.make_rdm2 trans_rdm1s = selected_ci.trans_rdm1s trans_rdm1 = selected_ci.trans_rdm1
[docs] class SelectedCI(selected_ci.SelectedCI):
[docs] def contract_2e(self, eri, civec_strs, norb, nelec, link_index=None, orbsym=None, **kwargs): if orbsym is None: orbsym = self.orbsym if getattr(civec_strs, '_strs', None) is not None: self._strs = civec_strs._strs else: assert (civec_strs.size == len(self._strs[0])*len(self._strs[1])) civec_strs = selected_ci._as_SCIvector(civec_strs, self._strs) return contract_2e(eri, civec_strs, norb, nelec, link_index, orbsym)
[docs] def get_init_guess(self, ci_strs, norb, nelec, nroots, hdiag): '''Initial guess is the single Slater determinant ''' wfnsym = direct_spin1_symm._id_wfnsym(self, norb, nelec, self.orbsym, self.wfnsym) airreps = direct_spin1_symm._gen_strs_irrep(ci_strs[0], self.orbsym) birreps = direct_spin1_symm._gen_strs_irrep(ci_strs[1], self.orbsym) ci0 = direct_spin1_symm._get_init_guess( airreps, birreps, nroots, hdiag, nelec, self.orbsym, wfnsym) return [selected_ci._as_SCIvector(x, ci_strs) for x in ci0]
[docs] def guess_wfnsym(self, norb, nelec, fcivec=None, orbsym=None, wfnsym=None, **kwargs): if orbsym is None: orbsym = self.orbsym if fcivec is None: wfnsym = direct_spin1_symm._id_wfnsym(self, norb, nelec, orbsym, wfnsym) elif wfnsym is None: strsa, strsb = getattr(fcivec, '_strs', self._strs) if isinstance(fcivec, numpy.ndarray) and fcivec.ndim <= 2: wfnsym = addons._guess_wfnsym(fcivec, strsa, strsb, orbsym) else: wfnsym = [addons._guess_wfnsym(c, strsa, strsb, orbsym) for c in fcivec] if any(wfnsym[0] != x for x in wfnsym): warnings.warn('Different wfnsym %s found in different CI vecotrs' % wfnsym) wfnsym = wfnsym[0] else: strsa, strsb = getattr(fcivec, '_strs', self._strs) na, nb = strsa.size, strsb.size orbsym_in_d2h = numpy.asarray(orbsym) % 10 # convert to D2h irreps airreps = numpy.zeros(na, dtype=numpy.int32) birreps = numpy.zeros(nb, dtype=numpy.int32) for i, ir in enumerate(orbsym_in_d2h): airreps[numpy.bitwise_and(strsa, 1 << i) > 0] ^= ir birreps[numpy.bitwise_and(strsb, 1 << i) > 0] ^= ir wfnsym = direct_spin1_symm._id_wfnsym(self, norb, nelec, orbsym, wfnsym) mask = (airreps.reshape(-1,1) ^ birreps) == wfnsym if isinstance(fcivec, numpy.ndarray) and fcivec.ndim <= 2: fcivec = [fcivec] if all(abs(c.reshape(na, nb)[mask]).max() < 1e-5 for c in fcivec): raise RuntimeError('Input wfnsym is not consistent with fcivec coefficients') verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', None) log = logger.new_logger(self, verbose) log.debug('Guessing CI wfn symmetry = %s', wfnsym) return wfnsym
[docs] def kernel(self, h1e, eri, norb, nelec, ci0=None, tol=None, lindep=None, max_cycle=None, max_space=None, nroots=None, davidson_only=None, pspace_size=None, orbsym=None, wfnsym=None, ecore=0, **kwargs): if nroots is None: nroots = self.nroots if orbsym is None: orbsym = self.orbsym if wfnsym is None: wfnsym = self.wfnsym if self.verbose >= logger.WARN: self.check_sanity() if getattr(self.mol, 'groupname', None) in ('Dooh', 'Coov'): raise NotImplementedError with lib.temporary_env(self, orbsym=orbsym, wfnsym=wfnsym): e, c = selected_ci.kernel_float_space(self, h1e, eri, norb, nelec, ci0, tol, lindep, max_cycle, max_space, nroots, davidson_only, ecore=ecore, **kwargs) if wfnsym is not None: wfnsym0 = self.guess_wfnsym(norb, nelec, ci0, orbsym, wfnsym, **kwargs) strsa, strsb = c._strs if nroots > 1: for i, ci in enumerate(c): ci = addons._symmetrize_wfn(ci, strsa, strsb, self.orbsym, wfnsym0) c[i] = selected_ci._as_SCIvector(ci, c._strs) else: ci = addons._symmetrize_wfn(c, strsa, strsb, self.orbsym, wfnsym0) c = selected_ci._as_SCIvector(ci, c._strs) self.eci, = e, c return e, c
SCI = SelectedCI if __name__ == '__main__': from functools import reduce from pyscf import gto from pyscf import scf from pyscf import symm from pyscf.fci import cistring norb, nelec = 7, (4,4) strs = cistring.gen_strings4orblist(range(norb), nelec[0]) numpy.random.seed(11) mask = numpy.random.random(len(strs)) > .3 strsa = strs[mask] mask = numpy.random.random(len(strs)) > .2 strsb = strs[mask] ci_strs = (strsa, strsb) civec_strs = selected_ci._as_SCIvector(numpy.random.random((len(strsa),len(strsb))), ci_strs) orbsym = (numpy.random.random(norb) * 4).astype(int) nn = norb*(norb+1)//2 eri = (numpy.random.random(nn*(nn+1)//2)-.2)**3 ci0 = selected_ci.to_fci(civec_strs, norb, nelec) ci0 = addons.symmetrize_wfn(ci0, norb, nelec, orbsym) civec_strs = selected_ci.from_fci(ci0, civec_strs._strs, norb, nelec) e1 =, contract_2e(eri, civec_strs, norb, nelec, orbsym=orbsym).ravel()) e2 =, direct_spin1_symm.contract_2e(eri, ci0, norb, nelec, orbsym=orbsym).ravel()) print(e1-e2) mol = gto.Mole() mol.verbose = 0 mol.output = None mol.atom = [ ['O', ( 0., 0. , 0. )], ['H', ( 0., -0.757, 0.587)], ['H', ( 0., 0.757 , 0.587)],] mol.basis = 'sto-3g' mol.symmetry = 1 m = scf.RHF(mol).run() norb = m.mo_coeff.shape[1] nelec = mol.nelectron - 2 h1e = reduce(, (m.mo_coeff.T, scf.hf.get_hcore(mol), m.mo_coeff)) eri = ao2mo.incore.full(m._eri, m.mo_coeff) orbsym = symm.label_orb_symm(mol, mol.irrep_id, mol.symm_orb, m.mo_coeff) myci = SelectedCI().set(orbsym=orbsym) e1, c1 = myci.kernel(h1e, eri, norb, nelec) myci = direct_spin1_symm.FCISolver().set(orbsym=orbsym) e2, c2 = myci.kernel(h1e, eri, norb, nelec) print(e1 - e2)