Source code for pyscf.fci

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2018 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Qiming Sun <>

Different FCI solvers are implemented to support different type of symmetry.
File                Point group   Spin singlet   Real hermitian*    Alpha/beta degeneracy
direct_spin0_symm   Yes           Yes            Yes                Yes
direct_spin1_symm   Yes           No             Yes                Yes
direct_spin0        No            Yes            Yes                Yes
direct_spin1        No            No             Yes                Yes
direct_uhf          No            No             Yes                No
direct_nosym        No            No             No**               Yes
fci_dhf_slow        No            No             No***              No

*  Real hermitian Hamiltonian implies (ij|kl) = (ji|kl) = (ij|lk) = (ji|lk)
** Hamiltonian is real but not hermitian, (ij|kl) != (ji|kl) ...
*** Hamiltonian is complex hermitian (DHF case) or real hermitian (GHF case)

from pyscf.fci import cistring
from pyscf.fci import direct_spin0
from pyscf.fci import direct_spin1
from pyscf.fci import direct_uhf
from pyscf.fci import direct_spin0_symm
from pyscf.fci import direct_spin1_symm
from pyscf.fci import fci_dhf_slow
from pyscf.fci import addons
from pyscf.fci import rdm
from pyscf.fci import spin_op
from pyscf.fci.cistring import num_strings
from pyscf.fci.rdm import reorder_rdm
from pyscf.fci.spin_op import spin_square
from pyscf.fci.direct_spin1 import make_pspace_precond, make_diag_precond, FCIvector
from pyscf.fci import direct_nosym
from pyscf.fci import selected_ci
select_ci = selected_ci  # for backward compatibility
from pyscf.fci import selected_ci_spin0
from pyscf.fci import selected_ci_symm
from pyscf.fci import selected_ci_spin0_symm
from pyscf.fci.selected_ci import SelectedCI, SCI, SCIvector

[docs] def solver(mol=None, singlet=False, symm=None): if mol and symm is None: symm = mol.symmetry if symm: if singlet: return direct_spin0_symm.FCISolver(mol) else: return direct_spin1_symm.FCISolver(mol) else: if singlet: # The code for singlet direct_spin0 sometimes gets error of # "State not singlet x.xxxxxxe-06" due to numerical issues. # Calling direct_spin1 is slightly slower but more robust than # direct_spin0 especially when combining to energy penalty method # (:func:`fix_spin_`) return direct_spin0.FCISolver(mol) else: return direct_spin1.FCISolver(mol)
[docs] def FCI(mol_or_mf, mo=None, singlet=False): '''FCI solver Args: mol_or_mf : A Mole object or an SCF object Kwargs: mo : Molecular orbital coefficients singlet : Whether to enable spin symmetry for S=0 RHF-based FCI solver. Returns: A FCI object ''' from functools import reduce import numpy from pyscf import scf from pyscf import symm from pyscf import ao2mo from pyscf import lib if isinstance(mol_or_mf, scf.hf.SCF): mf = mol_or_mf mol = mf.mol if mo is None: mo = mf.mo_coeff is_uhf = isinstance(mf, scf.uhf.UHF) is_ghf = isinstance(mf, scf.ghf.GHF) is_dhf = isinstance(mf, scf.dhf.DHF) else: mf = None mol = mol_or_mf is_rhf = (mo is None or (isinstance(mo, numpy.ndarray) and mo.ndim == 2 and mo.shape[0] == mol.nao)) is_ghf = (mo is not None and (isinstance(mo, numpy.ndarray) and mo.ndim == 2 and mo.shape[0] == 2 * mol.nao)) is_dhf = (mo is not None and (isinstance(mo, numpy.ndarray) and mo.ndim == 2 and mo.shape[0] == 2 * mol.nao_2c())) is_uhf = not (is_rhf or is_ghf or is_dhf) if is_uhf: fcisolver = direct_uhf.FCI(mol) elif is_ghf or is_dhf: fcisolver = fci_dhf_slow.FCI(mol) else: fcisolver = solver(mol, singlet=(singlet and mol.spin==0)) # Just create the FCI solver without initializing Hamiltonian if mo is None: return fcisolver nelec = getattr(mf, 'nelec', mol.nelec) if mf is None: hcore = scf.hf.get_hcore(mol) ecore = mol.energy_nuc() else: hcore = mf.get_hcore() ecore = mf.energy_nuc() if mf is None or mf._eri is None: if getattr(mol, 'pbc_intor', None): # cell object has pbc_intor method raise NotImplementedError('Integral transformation for PBC object') eri_ao = mol else: eri_ao = mf._eri if mol.symmetry: if mf is None: s = mol.intor('int1e_ovlp') else: s = mf.get_ovlp() if is_uhf: orbsym = scf.uhf_symm.get_orbsym(mol, mo, s) elif is_ghf: orbsym = scf.ghf_symm.get_orbsym(mol, mo, s) elif is_dhf: orbsym = None else: orbsym = scf.hf_symm.get_orbsym(mol, mo, s) else: orbsym = None if is_uhf: h1e = [reduce(, (mo[0].conj().T, hcore, mo[0])), reduce(, (mo[1].conj().T, hcore, mo[1]))] eri_aa = ao2mo.kernel(eri_ao, (mo[0], mo[0], mo[0], mo[0])) eri_ab = ao2mo.kernel(eri_ao, (mo[0], mo[0], mo[1], mo[1])) eri_bb = ao2mo.kernel(eri_ao, (mo[1], mo[1], mo[1], mo[1])) eri = [eri_aa, eri_ab, eri_bb] norb = mo[0].shape[1] elif is_ghf: norb = mo.shape[1] h1e = reduce(, (mo.conj().T, hcore, mo)) mo_a, mo_b = mo[:mol.nao], mo[mol.nao:] eri = ao2mo.restore(4, ao2mo.general(eri_ao, (mo_a, mo_a, mo_b, mo_b)), norb) eri = eri + eri.transpose(1, 0) eri += ao2mo.restore(4, ao2mo.full(eri_ao, mo_a), norb) eri += ao2mo.restore(4, ao2mo.full(eri_ao, mo_b), norb) eri = ao2mo.restore(1, eri, norb) nelec = sum(nelec) elif is_dhf: ecore = ecore.real ncore = 0 ncas = mo.shape[1] // 4 - ncore nneg = mo.shape[1] // 4 ncore += nneg mo_core = mo[:, nneg * 2:ncore * 2] mo_cas = mo[:, ncore * 2:ncore * 2 + ncas * 2] core_dm = mo_core @ mo_core.T.conj() if mf is not None: vj, vk = mf.get_jk(mol, core_dm) else: vj, vk = scf.dhf.get_jk_coulomb(mol, core_dm) hveff = vj - vk ecore += numpy.sum(core_dm.T * (hcore + 0.5 * hveff)).real c1 = 0.5 / lib.param.LIGHT_SPEED h1e = reduce(, (mo_cas.conj().T, hcore + hveff, mo_cas)) mo_l, mo_s = mo_cas[:mol.nao_2c()], mo_cas[mol.nao_2c():] eri = ao2mo.general(mol, (mo_l, mo_l, mo_s, mo_s), intor="int2e_spsp2_spinor", aosym=4) eri = (eri + eri.transpose(1, 0)) * c1 ** 2 eri += ao2mo.full(mol, mo_l, intor="int2e_spinor", aosym=4) eri += ao2mo.full(mol, mo_s, intor="int2e_spsp1spsp2_spinor", aosym=4) * c1 ** 4 if mf is not None and mf.with_gaunt: p = "int2e_breit_" if mf.with_breit else "int2e_" eri_lsls = ao2mo.general(mol, (mo_l, mo_s, mo_l, mo_s), intor=p + "ssp1ssp2_spinor", aosym=1, comp=1) eri_slsl = eri_lsls.reshape((ncas * 2,) * 4).transpose(3, 2, 1, 0).conj().reshape((ncas * ncas * 4,) * 2) eri_lssl = ao2mo.general(mol, (mo_l, mo_s, mo_s, mo_l), intor=p + "ssp1sps2_spinor", aosym=1, comp=1) eri_slls = eri_lssl.transpose(1, 0) if mf.with_breit: eri += (eri_lsls + eri_slsl + eri_lssl + eri_slls) * c1 ** 2 else: eri -= (eri_lsls + eri_slsl + eri_lssl + eri_slls) * c1 ** 2 eri = eri.reshape((ncas * 2,) * 4) norb = ncas * 2 nelec = sum(nelec) else: h1e = reduce(, (mo.conj().T, hcore, mo)) eri = ao2mo.kernel(eri_ao, mo) norb = mo.shape[1] fcisolver_class = fcisolver.__class__ class CISolver(fcisolver_class): def __init__(self, mol=None): fcisolver_class.__init__(self, mol) self.orbsym = orbsym def kernel(self, h1e=h1e, eri=eri, norb=norb, nelec=nelec, ci0=None, ecore=ecore, **kwargs): return fcisolver_class.kernel(self, h1e, eri, norb, nelec, ci0, ecore=ecore, **kwargs) cisolver = CISolver(mol) cisolver.__dict__.update(fcisolver.__dict__) cisolver.orbsym = orbsym return cisolver