#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2022 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# Author: Qiming Sun <osirpt.sun@gmail.com>
Generate DFT grids and weights, based on the code provided by Gerald Knizia <>
Reference for Lebedev-Laikov grid:
V. I. Lebedev, and D. N. Laikov "A quadrature formula for the sphere of the
131st algebraic order of accuracy", Doklady Mathematics, 59, 477-481 (1999)
import sys
import ctypes
import numpy
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.dft import radi
from pyscf.dft.LebedevGrid import LEBEDEV_ORDER, LEBEDEV_NGRID, MakeAngularGrid
from pyscf import gto
from pyscf.gto.eval_gto import BLKSIZE, NBINS, CUTOFF, make_screen_index
from pyscf import __config__
libdft = lib.load_library('libdft')
# Padding grids to make the AO value generated by eval_gto aligned in memory
NELEC_ERROR_TOL = getattr(__config__, 'dft_rks_prune_error_tol', 0.02)
# SG0
# S. Chien and P. Gill, J. Comput. Chem. 27 (2006) 730-739.
def sg1_prune(nuc, rads, n_ang, radii=radi.SG1RADII):
'''SG1, CPL, 209, 506
nuc : int
Nuclear charge.
rads : 1D array
Grid coordinates on radical axis.
n_ang : int
Max number of grids over angular part.
radii : 1D array
radii (in Bohr) for atoms in periodic table
A list has the same length as rads. The list element is the number of
grids over angular part for each radial grid.
# In SG1 the ang grids for the five regions
# 6 38 86 194 86
leb_ngrid = numpy.array([6, 38, 86, 194, 86])
alphas = numpy.array((
(0.25 , 0.5, 1.0, 4.5),
(0.1667, 0.5, 0.9, 3.5),
(0.1 , 0.4, 0.8, 2.5)))
r_atom = radii[nuc] + 1e-200
if nuc <= 2: # H, He
place = ((rads/r_atom).reshape(-1,1) > alphas[0]).sum(axis=1)
elif nuc <= 10: # Li - Ne
place = ((rads/r_atom).reshape(-1,1) > alphas[1]).sum(axis=1)
place = ((rads/r_atom).reshape(-1,1) > alphas[2]).sum(axis=1)
return leb_ngrid[place]
def nwchem_prune(nuc, rads, n_ang, radii=radi.BRAGG_RADII):
nuc : int
Nuclear charge.
rads : 1D array
Grid coordinates on radical axis.
n_ang : int
Max number of grids over angular part.
radii : 1D array
radii (in Bohr) for atoms in periodic table
A list has the same length as rads. The list element is the number of
grids over angular part for each radial grid.
alphas = numpy.array((
(0.25 , 0.5, 1.0, 4.5),
(0.1667, 0.5, 0.9, 3.5),
(0.1 , 0.4, 0.8, 2.5)))
leb_ngrid = LEBEDEV_NGRID[4:] # [38, 50, 74, 86, ...]
if n_ang < 50:
return numpy.repeat(n_ang, len(rads))
elif n_ang == 50:
leb_l = numpy.array([1, 2, 2, 2, 1])
idx = numpy.where(leb_ngrid==n_ang)[0][0]
leb_l = numpy.array([1, 3, idx-1, idx, idx-1])
r_atom = radii[nuc] + 1e-200
if nuc <= 2: # H, He
place = ((rads/r_atom).reshape(-1,1) > alphas[0]).sum(axis=1)
elif nuc <= 10: # Li - Ne
place = ((rads/r_atom).reshape(-1,1) > alphas[1]).sum(axis=1)
place = ((rads/r_atom).reshape(-1,1) > alphas[2]).sum(axis=1)
angs = leb_l[place]
angs = leb_ngrid[angs]
return angs
# Prune scheme JCP 102, 346 (1995); DOI:10.1063/1.469408
def treutler_prune(nuc, rads, n_ang, radii=None):
nuc : int
Nuclear charge.
rads : 1D array
Grid coordinates on radical axis.
n_ang : int
Max number of grids over angular part.
A list has the same length as rads. The list element is the number of
grids over angular part for each radial grid.
nr = len(rads)
leb_ngrid = numpy.empty(nr, dtype=int)
leb_ngrid[:nr//3] = 14 # l=5
leb_ngrid[nr//3:nr//2] = 50 # l=11
leb_ngrid[nr//2:] = n_ang
return leb_ngrid
# Becke partitioning
# Stratmann, Scuseria, Frisch. CPL, 257, 213 (1996), eq.11
def stratmann(g):
'''Stratmann, Scuseria, Frisch. CPL, 257, 213 (1996); DOI:10.1016/0009-2614(96)00600-8'''
a = .64 # for eq. 14
g = numpy.asarray(g)
ma = g/a
ma2 = ma * ma
g1 = numpy.asarray((1/16.)*(ma*(35 + ma2*(-35 + ma2*(21 - 5 *ma2)))))
g1[g<=-a] = -1
g1[g>= a] = 1
return g1
def original_becke(g):
'''Becke, JCP 88, 2547 (1988); DOI:10.1063/1.454033'''
# This function has been optimized in the C code VXCgen_grid
# g = (3 - g**2) * g * .5
# g = (3 - g**2) * g * .5
# g = (3 - g**2) * g * .5
# return g
def gen_atomic_grids(mol, atom_grid={}, radi_method=radi.gauss_chebyshev,
level=3, prune=nwchem_prune, **kwargs):
'''Generate number of radial grids and angular grids for the given molecule.
A dict, with the atom symbol for the dict key. For each atom type,
the dict value has two items: one is the meshgrid coordinates wrt the
atom center; the second is the volume of that grid.
if isinstance(atom_grid, (list, tuple)):
atom_grid = {mol.atom_symbol(ia): atom_grid
for ia in range(mol.natm)}
atom_grids_tab = {}
for ia in range(mol.natm):
symb = mol.atom_symbol(ia)
if symb not in atom_grids_tab:
chg = gto.charge(symb)
if symb in atom_grid:
n_rad, n_ang = atom_grid[symb]
if n_ang not in LEBEDEV_NGRID:
if n_ang in LEBEDEV_ORDER:
logger.warn(mol, 'n_ang %d for atom %d %s is not '
'the supported Lebedev angular grids. '
'Set n_ang to %d', n_ang, ia, symb,
n_ang = LEBEDEV_ORDER[n_ang]
raise ValueError('Unsupported angular grids %d' % n_ang)
n_rad = _default_rad(chg, level)
n_ang = _default_ang(chg, level)
rad, dr = radi_method(n_rad, chg, ia, **kwargs)
rad_weight = 4*numpy.pi * rad**2 * dr
if callable(prune):
angs = prune(chg, rad, n_ang)
angs = [n_ang] * n_rad
logger.debug(mol, 'atom %s rad-grids = %d, ang-grids = %s',
symb, n_rad, angs)
angs = numpy.array(angs)
coords = []
vol = []
for n in sorted(set(angs)):
grid = MakeAngularGrid(n)
idx = numpy.where(angs==n)[0]
#coords.append(numpy.einsum('i,jk->jik', rad[idx], grid[:,:3]).reshape(-1,3))
#vol.append(numpy.einsum('i,j->ji', rad_weight[idx], grid[:,3]).ravel())
for i0, i1 in lib.prange(0, len(idx), 12): # 12 radi-grids as a group
vol.append(numpy.einsum('i,j->ji', rad_weight[idx[i0:i1]],
atom_grids_tab[symb] = (numpy.vstack(coords), numpy.hstack(vol))
return atom_grids_tab
def get_partition(mol, atom_grids_tab,
radii_adjust=None, atomic_radii=radi.BRAGG_RADII,
becke_scheme=original_becke, concat=True):
'''Generate the mesh grid coordinates and weights for DFT numerical integration.
We can change radii_adjust, becke_scheme functions to generate different meshgrid.
concat: bool
Whether to concatenate grids and weights in return
grid_coord and grid_weight arrays. grid_coord array has shape (N,3);
weight 1D array has N elements.
if callable(radii_adjust) and atomic_radii is not None:
f_radii_adjust = radii_adjust(mol, atomic_radii)
f_radii_adjust = None
atm_coords = numpy.asarray(mol.atom_coords() , order='C')
atm_dist = gto.inter_distance(mol)
if (becke_scheme is original_becke and
(radii_adjust is radi.treutler_atomic_radii_adjust or
radii_adjust is radi.becke_atomic_radii_adjust or
f_radii_adjust is None)):
if f_radii_adjust is None:
p_radii_table = lib.c_null_ptr()
f_radii_table = numpy.asarray([f_radii_adjust(i, j, 0)
for i in range(mol.natm)
for j in range(mol.natm)])
p_radii_table = f_radii_table.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)
def gen_grid_partition(coords):
coords = numpy.asarray(coords, order='F')
ngrids = coords.shape[0]
pbecke = numpy.empty((mol.natm,ngrids))
ctypes.c_int(mol.natm), ctypes.c_int(ngrids))
return pbecke
def gen_grid_partition(coords):
ngrids = coords.shape[0]
grid_dist = numpy.empty((mol.natm,ngrids))
for ia in range(mol.natm):
dc = coords - atm_coords[ia]
grid_dist[ia] = numpy.sqrt(numpy.einsum('ij,ij->i',dc,dc))
pbecke = numpy.ones((mol.natm,ngrids))
for i in range(mol.natm):
for j in range(i):
g = 1/atm_dist[i,j] * (grid_dist[i]-grid_dist[j])
if f_radii_adjust is not None:
g = f_radii_adjust(i, j, g)
g = becke_scheme(g)
pbecke[i] *= .5 * (1-g)
pbecke[j] *= .5 * (1+g)
return pbecke
coords_all = []
weights_all = []
for ia in range(mol.natm):
coords, vol = atom_grids_tab[mol.atom_symbol(ia)]
coords = coords + atm_coords[ia]
pbecke = gen_grid_partition(coords)
weights = vol * pbecke[ia] * (1./pbecke.sum(axis=0))
if concat:
coords_all = numpy.vstack(coords_all)
weights_all = numpy.hstack(weights_all)
return coords_all, weights_all
gen_partition = get_partition
def make_mask(mol, coords, relativity=0, shls_slice=None, cutoff=CUTOFF,
'''Mask to indicate whether a shell is ignorable on grids. See also the
function gto.eval_gto.make_screen_index
mol : an instance of :class:`Mole`
coords : 2D array, shape (N,3)
The coordinates of grids.
relativity : bool
No effects.
shls_slice : 2-element list
(shl_start, shl_end).
If given, only part of AOs (shl_start <= shell_id < shl_end) are
evaluated. By default, all shells defined in mol will be evaluated.
verbose : int or object of :class:`Logger`
No effects.
2D mask array of shape (N,nbas), where N is the number of grids, nbas
is the number of shells.
return make_screen_index(mol, coords, shls_slice, cutoff)
def arg_group_grids(mol, coords, box_size=GROUP_BOX_SIZE):
Partition the entire space into small boxes according to the input box_size.
Group the grids against these boxes.
atom_coords = mol.atom_coords()
boundary = [atom_coords.min(axis=0) - GROUP_BOUNDARY_PENALTY,
atom_coords.max(axis=0) + GROUP_BOUNDARY_PENALTY]
# how many boxes inside the boundary
boxes = ((boundary[1] - boundary[0]) * (1./box_size)).round().astype(int)
tot_boxes = numpy.prod(boxes + 2)
logger.debug(mol, 'tot_boxes %d, boxes in each direction %s', tot_boxes, boxes)
# box_size is the length of each edge of the box
box_size = (boundary[1] - boundary[0]) / boxes
frac_coords = (coords - boundary[0]) * (1./box_size)
box_ids = numpy.floor(frac_coords).astype(int)
box_ids[box_ids<-1] = -1
box_ids[box_ids[:,0] > boxes[0], 0] = boxes[0]
box_ids[box_ids[:,1] > boxes[1], 1] = boxes[1]
box_ids[box_ids[:,2] > boxes[2], 2] = boxes[2]
rev_idx, counts = numpy.unique(box_ids, axis=0, return_inverse=True,
return rev_idx.ravel().argsort(kind='stable')
def _load_conf(mod, name, default):
var = getattr(__config__, name, None)
if var is None:
var = default
elif isinstance(var):
if mod is None:
mod = sys.modules[__name__]
var = getattr(mod, var)
if callable(var):
return staticmethod(var)
return var
class Grids(lib.StreamObject):
'''DFT mesh grids
Attributes for Grids:
level : int
To control the number of radial and angular grids. Large number
leads to large mesh grids. The default level 3 corresponds to
(50,302) for H, He;
(75,302) for second row;
(80~105,434) for rest.
Grids settings at other levels can be found in
pyscf.dft.gen_grid.RAD_GRIDS and pyscf.dft.gen_grid.ANG_ORDER
atomic_radii : 1D array
| radi.BRAGG_RADII (default)
| None : to switch off atomic radii adjustment
radii_adjust : function(mol, atomic_radii) => (function(atom_id, atom_id, g) => array_like_g)
Function to adjust atomic radii, can be one of
| radi.treutler_atomic_radii_adjust
| radi.becke_atomic_radii_adjust
| None : to switch off atomic radii adjustment
radi_method : function(n) => (rad_grids, rad_weights)
scheme for radial grids, can be one of
| radi.treutler (default)
| radi.delley
| radi.mura_knowles
| radi.gauss_chebyshev
becke_scheme : function(v) => array_like_v
weight partition function, can be one of
| gen_grid.original_becke (default)
| gen_grid.stratmann
prune : function(nuc, rad_grids, n_ang) => list_n_ang_for_each_rad_grid
scheme to reduce number of grids, can be one of
| gen_grid.nwchem_prune (default)
| gen_grid.sg1_prune
| gen_grid.treutler_prune
| None : to switch off grid pruning
symmetry : bool
whether to symmetrize mesh grids (TODO)
atom_grid : dict
Set (radial, angular) grids for particular atoms.
Eg, grids.atom_grid = {'H': (20,110)} will generate 20 radial
grids and 110 angular grids for H atom.
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1.1')
>>> grids = dft.gen_grid.Grids(mol)
>>> grids.level = 4
>>> grids.build()
atomic_radii = _load_conf(radi, 'dft_gen_grid_Grids_atomic_radii',
radii_adjust = _load_conf(radi, 'dft_gen_grid_Grids_radii_adjust',
radi_method = _load_conf(radi, 'dft_gen_grid_Grids_radi_method',
becke_scheme = _load_conf(None, 'dft_gen_grid_Grids_becke_scheme',
prune = _load_conf(None, 'dft_gen_grid_Grids_prune', nwchem_prune)
level = getattr(__config__, 'dft_gen_grid_Grids_level', 3)
alignment = ALIGNMENT_UNIT
cutoff = CUTOFF
_keys = {
'atomic_radii', 'radii_adjust', 'radi_method', 'becke_scheme',
'prune', 'level', 'alignment', 'cutoff', 'mol', 'symmetry',
'atom_grid', 'non0tab', 'screen_index', 'coords', 'weights',
def __init__(self, mol):
self.mol = mol
self.stdout = mol.stdout
self.verbose = mol.verbose
self.symmetry = mol.symmetry
self.atom_grid = {}
# don't modify the following attributes, they are not input options
self.non0tab = None
# Integral screen index ~= NBINS + log(ao).
# screen_index > 0 for non-zero AOs
self.screen_index = None
self.coords = None
self.weights = None
def size(self):
return getattr(self.weights, 'size', 0)
def __setattr__(self, key, val):
if key in ('atom_grid', 'atomic_radii', 'radii_adjust', 'radi_method',
'becke_scheme', 'prune', 'level'):
super().__setattr__(key, val)
def dump_flags(self, verbose=None):
logger.info(self, 'radial grids: %s', self.radi_method.__doc__)
logger.info(self, 'becke partition: %s', self.becke_scheme.__doc__)
logger.info(self, 'pruning grids: %s', self.prune)
logger.info(self, 'grids dens level: %d', self.level)
logger.info(self, 'symmetrized grids: %s', self.symmetry)
if self.radii_adjust is not None:
logger.info(self, 'atomic radii adjust function: %s',
logger.debug2(self, 'atomic_radii : %s', self.atomic_radii)
if self.atom_grid:
logger.info(self, 'User specified grid scheme %s', str(self.atom_grid))
return self
def build(self, mol=None, with_non0tab=False, sort_grids=True, **kwargs):
if mol is None: mol = self.mol
if self.verbose >= logger.WARN:
atom_grids_tab = self.gen_atomic_grids(
mol, self.atom_grid, self.radi_method, self.level, self.prune, **kwargs)
self.coords, self.weights = self.get_partition(
mol, atom_grids_tab, self.radii_adjust, self.atomic_radii, self.becke_scheme)
if sort_grids:
idx = arg_group_grids(mol, self.coords)
self.coords = self.coords[idx]
self.weights = self.weights[idx]
if self.alignment > 1:
padding = _padding_size(self.size, self.alignment)
logger.debug(self, 'Padding %d grids', padding)
if padding > 0:
self.coords = numpy.vstack(
[self.coords, numpy.repeat([[1e-4]*3], padding, axis=0)])
self.weights = numpy.hstack([self.weights, numpy.zeros(padding)])
if with_non0tab:
self.non0tab = self.make_mask(mol, self.coords)
self.screen_index = self.non0tab
self.screen_index = self.non0tab = None
logger.info(self, 'tot grids = %d', len(self.weights))
return self
def kernel(self, mol=None, with_non0tab=False):
return self.build(mol, with_non0tab=with_non0tab)
def reset(self, mol=None):
'''Reset mol and clean up relevant attributes for scanner mode'''
if mol is not None:
self.mol = mol
self.coords = None
self.weights = None
self.non0tab = None
self.screen_index = None
return self
gen_atomic_grids = lib.module_method(
gen_atomic_grids, ['atom_grid', 'radi_method', 'level', 'prune'])
def get_partition(self, mol, atom_grids_tab=None,
radii_adjust=None, atomic_radii=radi.BRAGG_RADII,
becke_scheme=original_becke, concat=True):
if atom_grids_tab is None:
atom_grids_tab = self.gen_atomic_grids(mol)
return get_partition(mol, atom_grids_tab, radii_adjust, atomic_radii,
becke_scheme, concat=concat)
gen_partition = get_partition
make_mask = lib.module_method(make_mask, absences=['cutoff'])
def prune_by_density_(self, rho, threshold=0):
'''Prune grids if the electron density on the grid is small'''
if threshold == 0:
return self
mol = self.mol
n = numpy.dot(rho, self.weights)
if abs(n-mol.nelectron) < NELEC_ERROR_TOL*n:
rho *= self.weights
idx = abs(rho) > threshold / self.weights.size
logger.debug(self, 'Drop grids %d',
self.weights.size - numpy.count_nonzero(idx))
self.coords = numpy.asarray(self.coords [idx], order='C')
self.weights = numpy.asarray(self.weights[idx], order='C')
if self.alignment > 1:
padding = _padding_size(self.size, self.alignment)
logger.debug(self, 'prune_by_density_: %d padding grids', padding)
if padding > 0:
self.coords = numpy.vstack(
[self.coords, numpy.repeat([[1e-4]*3], padding, axis=0)])
self.weights = numpy.hstack([self.weights, numpy.zeros(padding)])
self.non0tab = self.make_mask(mol, self.coords)
self.screen_index = self.non0tab
return self
to_gpu = lib.to_gpu
def _default_rad(nuc, level=3):
'''Number of radial grids '''
tab = numpy.array( (2 , 10, 18, 36, 54, 86, 118))
period = (nuc > tab).sum()
return RAD_GRIDS[level,period]
# Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 # level
RAD_GRIDS = numpy.array((( 10, 15, 20, 30, 35, 40, 50), # 0
( 30, 40, 50, 60, 65, 70, 75), # 1
( 40, 60, 65, 75, 80, 85, 90), # 2
( 50, 75, 80, 90, 95,100,105), # 3
( 60, 90, 95,105,110,115,120), # 4
( 70,105,110,120,125,130,135), # 5
( 80,120,125,135,140,145,150), # 6
( 90,135,140,150,155,160,165), # 7
(100,150,155,165,170,175,180), # 8
(200,200,200,200,200,200,200),)) # 9
def _default_ang(nuc, level=3):
'''Order of angular grids. See LEBEDEV_ORDER for the mapping of
the order and the number of angular grids'''
tab = numpy.array( (2 , 10, 18, 36, 54, 86, 118))
period = (nuc > tab).sum()
return LEBEDEV_ORDER[ANG_ORDER[level,period]]
# Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 # level
ANG_ORDER = numpy.array(((11, 15, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17 ), # 0
(17, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23 ), # 1
(23, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29 ), # 2
(29, 29, 35, 35, 35, 35, 35 ), # 3
(35, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41, 41 ), # 4
(41, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47, 47 ), # 5
(47, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53, 53 ), # 6
(53, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59 ), # 7
(59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59, 59 ), # 8
(65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65 ),)) # 9
def _padding_size(ngrids, alignment):
if alignment <= 1:
return 0
return (ngrids + alignment - 1) // alignment * alignment - ngrids