Submodules# module#
-, T=298.15, rng=Generator(PCG64) at 0x7FB9FE88C580)[source]#
Computes velocities for a molecular structure using a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. Args:
mol : gto.mol object
- Tfloat
Temperature, in Kelvin, that the distribution represents.
- rngnp.random.Generator
Random number generator to sample from. Must contain a method normal. Default is to use the md.rng which is a np.random.Generator
- Returns:
Velocities as a ndarray of dimension (natm, 3) in atomic units. module#
- class, epot=None, coord=None, veloc=None, time=None)[source]#
Basic class to hold information at each time step of a MD simulation
- Attributes:
- ekinfloat
Kinetic energy
- epotfloat
Potential energy (electronic energy)
- etotfloat
Total energy, sum of the potential and kinetic energy
- coord2D array with shape (natm, 3)
Geometry of the system at the current time step
- veloc2D array with shape (natm, 3)
Velocities of the system at the current time step
- timefloat
Time for which this frame represents
- class, T, taut, **kwargs)[source]#
Berendsen (constant N, V, T) molecular dynamics
- Args:
method : lib.GradScanner or rhf.GradientsMixin instance, or has nuc_grad_method method.
Method by which to compute the energy gradients and energies in order to propagate the equations of motion. Realistically, it can be any callable object such that it returns the energy and potential energy gradient when given a mol.
- Tfloat
Target temperature for the NVT Ensemble. Given in K.
- tautfloat
Time constant for Berendsen temperature coupling. Given in atomic units.
- Attributes:
- accelndarray
Current acceleration for the simulation. Values are given in atomic units (Bohr/a.u.^2). Dimensions is (natm, 3) such as
[[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], [x3, y3, z3]]
- class, **kwargs)[source]#
Velocity Verlet algorithm
- Args:
method : lib.GradScanner or rhf.GradientsBase instance, or has nuc_grad_method method.
Method by which to compute the energy gradients and energies in order to propagate the equations of motion. Realistically, it can be any callable object such that it returns the energy and potential energy gradient when given a mol.
- Attributes:
- accelndarray
Current acceleration for the simulation. Values are given in atomic units (Bohr/a.u.^2). Dimensions is (natm, 3) such as
[[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], [x3, y3, z3]]
Module contents#
Molecular Dynamics#
Simple usage:
>>> from pyscf import gto, dft
>>> import as md
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1', basis='def2-tzvp')
>>> mf = dft.RKS(mol)
>>> mf.xc = 'pbe,pbe'
>>> integrator = md.NVE(mf, dt=5, time=10).run()