Source code for

This lib loads results that are in a QCSchema format json.
Funcs below can recreate the mol and scf objects from the info in the json.
import json
import numpy as np
import pyscf
from pyscf.lib.parameters import BOHR

[docs] def load_qcschema_json( file_name ): ''' Does: loads qcschema format json into a dictionary Input: file_name: qcschema format json file Returns: dict in qcschema format ''' # load qcschema output json file data = None with open(file_name,'r') as f: data = json.load(f) return data
[docs] def load_qcschema_go_final_json( file_name ): ''' Does: loads qcschema format geometry optimization json and returns only the optimized 'final' geometry qcschema info as a dictionary. Input: file_name: qcschema format json file Returns: dict in qcschema format ''' # load qcschema GO output json file # and return last 'trajectory' point's entries # (this is the optimized molecule) data = None temp = None with open(file_name,'r') as f: temp = json.load(f) data = temp["trajectory"][-1] return data
[docs] def load_qcschema_molecule(qcschema_dict, to_Angstrom=False, xyz=False, mol_select=1, step=0): ''' Does: Loads molecule from qcschema format dict. Molecule may be single point molecule or from a geometry optimization/trajectory. Input: syms: atom symbols (qcschema format) coords: x y z coordinates (in qcschema format) mol_select: specifies which molecule to load from qcschema format results. Default loads 'molecule' from qcschema. Geometry optimizations or trajectories have mutliple geometries saved in the schema. mol_select = 1 (default) molecule from standard qcschema format = 2 initial_molecule in GO or traj qcschema = 3 final_molecule in GO or traj qcschema = 4 a specific step in the GO or traj qcschema, specify with 'step' arg. step: for geometry optimization or trajectory, which have multiple molecules in a qcschema output. This specifies which step to load the molecule from. to_Angstrom (optional): convert coordinates to Angstrom (default is Bohr) xyz (optional): controls output (see below) Returns: xyz=False (default): 'atom x y z' format string xyz=True: output a string in xyz file format i.e. first line is number of atoms. ''' if(mol_select == 1): syms = np.array(qcschema_dict["molecule"]["symbols"]) geo = np.array(qcschema_dict["molecule"]["geometry"]) elif(mol_select == 2): syms = np.array(qcschema_dict["initial_molecule"]["symbols"]) geo = np.array(qcschema_dict["initial_molecule"]["geometry"]) elif(mol_select == 3): syms = np.array(qcschema_dict["final_molecule"]["symbols"]) geo = np.array(qcschema_dict["final_molecule"]["geometry"]) elif(mol_select == 4): # for geometry or md, can load a specific geometry syms = np.array(qcschema_dict["trajectory"][step]["molecule"]["symbols"]) geo = np.array(qcschema_dict["trajectory"][step]["molecule"]["geometry"]) if(to_Angstrom): # convert Bohr to Angstrom geo = geo*BOHR NAtoms = len(syms) geo = np.reshape(geo, (NAtoms,3)) PySCF_atoms = list(zip(syms, geo)) # Return as string or return as xyz-format string (i.e. top is NAtoms,blankline) if(xyz): bldstr = f'{NAtoms}\n\n' for element, coordinates in PySCF_atoms: bldstr += f'{element} {coordinates[0]}, {coordinates[1]}, {coordinates[2]}\n' PySCF_atoms = bldstr return PySCF_atoms
[docs] def load_qcschema_hessian(qcschema_dict): ''' Does: loads hessian from qcschema format dictionary Input: qcschema_dict Returns: hessian with format (N,N,3,3) ''' # qcschema_dict: pass in dict that has the qcschema output json loaded into it # load qcschema hessian qc_h = [] qc_h = qcschema_dict["return_result"] # Get Number of atoms N syms = np.array(qcschema_dict["molecule"]["symbols"]) NAtom = len(syms) # reshape from (3N)**2 array to (N,N,3,3) hessian = np.array(qc_h).reshape(NAtom,NAtom,3,3) return hessian
[docs] def load_qcschema_scf_info(qcschema_dict): ''' Does: loads scf info from qcschema format dictionary Input: qcschema_dict Returns: scf_dict: contains the relevent scf info only ''' # Restricted wfn has schema scf_occupations_a occ of 1 or 0. # Need to double if rhf/rks/rohf method = qcschema_dict["keywords"]["scf"]["method"] if(method == 'rks' or method == 'roks' or method == 'rhf' or method == 'rohf'): OccFactor = 2.0 have_beta = False elif(method == 'uks' or method == 'uhf'): OccFactor = 1.0 have_beta = True elif(method == 'gks' or method == 'ghf'): OccFactor = 1.0 have_beta = False else: raise RuntimeError('qcschema: cannot determine method..exit') return # need to reshape MO coefficients for PySCF shape. nao = qcschema_dict["properties"]["calcinfo_nbasis"] # nmo info often missing try: nmo = qcschema_dict["properties"]["calcinfo_nmo"] except KeyError: # key not we make an assumption # note: assumes nmo=nao which isn't the case if linear dependencies etc. # may give error when reading coeffs nmo = nao assert nmo == nao # get the 4 things that PySCF wants # ...remembering to reshape coeffs and scale occupancies. e_tot = float( qcschema_dict["properties"]["return_energy"] ) mo_coeff = np.reshape(qcschema_dict["wavefunction"]["scf_orbitals_a"],(nao,nmo)) mo_occ = np.array( qcschema_dict["wavefunction"]["scf_occupations_a"] )*OccFactor mo_energy = np.array( qcschema_dict["wavefunction"]["scf_eigenvalues_a"] ) if(have_beta): # for each useful piece of info we need to combine alpha and beta into 2d array, with alpha first # MO occupations mo_occ_beta = qcschema_dict["wavefunction"]["scf_occupations_b"] mo_occ = np.vstack( (mo_occ, mo_occ_beta) ) # MO coefficients mo_coeff_beta = np.reshape(qcschema_dict["wavefunction"]["scf_orbitals_b"],(nao,nmo)) mo_coeff = np.vstack( (mo_coeff,mo_coeff_beta)) mo_coeff = np.reshape(mo_coeff,(2,nao,nmo)) # MO energies mo_energy_beta = np.array( qcschema_dict["wavefunction"]["scf_eigenvalues_b"] ) mo_energy = np.vstack( (mo_energy, mo_energy_beta) ) # etot obviously doesn't need manipulation # convert to dictionary for PySCF scf_dic = {'e_tot' : e_tot, 'mo_energy': mo_energy, 'mo_occ' : mo_occ, 'mo_coeff' : mo_coeff} return scf_dic
[docs] def recreate_mol_obj(qcschema_dict,to_Angstrom=False): ''' Does: recreates mol object from qcschema format dictionary Input: qcschema_dict to_Angstrom: optional bool to convert geometry to Angstrom (default is Bohr) Returns: mol object ''' ## Mol info: ## PySCF_charge = int( qcschema_dict["molecule"]["molecular_charge"] ) # PySCF 'spin' is number of unpaired electrons, it will be mult-1 PySCF_spin = int( qcschema_dict["molecule"]["molecular_multiplicity"] ) - 1 PySCF_basis = str( qcschema_dict["model"]["basis"] ) # Cartesian/Pure basis PySCF_cart = bool( qcschema_dict["keywords"]["basisSet"]["cartesian"] ) # Get molecular structure. PySCF_atoms = load_qcschema_molecule(qcschema_dict, to_Angstrom,False) # Unit Bohr or Angstrom. QCSchema default is Bohr but can change here. if(to_Angstrom): units='A' else: units='B' ## Create mol ## mol = pyscf.gto.Mole(atom=PySCF_atoms,basis=PySCF_basis,ecp=PySCF_basis, charge=PySCF_charge,spin=PySCF_spin,cart=PySCF_cart,unit=units),False) return mol
[docs] def recreate_scf_obj(qcschema_dict,mol): ''' Does: recreates scf object from qcschema format dictionary Input: qcschema_dict mol object Returns: scf object ''' # load info from qcschema needed for scf obj scf_dict = load_qcschema_scf_info(qcschema_dict) # create scf object method = qcschema_dict["keywords"]["scf"]["method"] if(method =='rks'): ks = mol.RKS() elif(method =='uks'): ks = mol.UKS() elif(method =='rhf'): ks = mol.RHF() elif(method =='uhf'): ks = mol.UHF() elif(method =='gks'): ks = mol.GKS() elif(method =='ghf'): ks = mol.GHF() else: raise RuntimeError('qcschema: cannot determine method..exit') return # get functional if(method == 'rks' or method == 'uks' or method == 'gks'): functional = qcschema_dict["keywords"]["xcFunctional"]["name"] ks.xc = functional # Load 4 key pieces of info we got from json into SCF object ks.mo_coeff = scf_dict["mo_coeff"] ks.mo_energy = scf_dict["mo_energy"] ks.mo_occ = scf_dict["mo_occ"] ks.e_tot = scf_dict["e_tot"] return ks