Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2018 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
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FCIDUMP functions (write, read) for real Hamiltonian

import re
from functools import reduce
import numpy
from pyscf import gto
from pyscf import scf
from pyscf import ao2mo
from pyscf import symm
from pyscf import __config__

DEFAULT_FLOAT_FORMAT = getattr(__config__, 'fcidump_float_format', ' %.16g')
TOL = getattr(__config__, 'fcidump_write_tol', 1e-15)

MOLPRO_ORBSYM = getattr(__config__, 'fcidump_molpro_orbsym', False)

# Mapping Pyscf symmetry numbering to Molpro symmetry numbering for each irrep.
# See also pyscf.symm.param.IRREP_ID_TABLE
    'D2h': (1,         # Ag
            4,         # B1g
            6,         # B2g
            7,         # B3g
            8,         # Au
            5,         # B1u
            3,         # B2u
            2),        # B3u
    'C2v': (1,         # A1
            4,         # A2
            2,         # B1
            3),        # B2
    'C2h': (1,         # Ag
            4,         # Bg
            2,         # Au
            3),        # Bu
    'D2' : (1,         # A
            4,         # B1
            3,         # B2
            2),        # B3
    'Cs' : (1,         # A'
            2),        # A"
    'C2' : (1,         # A
            2),        # B
    'Ci' : (1,         # Ag
            2),        # Au
    'C1' : (1,)

[docs] def write_head(fout, nmo, nelec, ms=0, orbsym=None): if not isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.number)): ms = abs(nelec[0] - nelec[1]) nelec = nelec[0] + nelec[1] fout.write(' &FCI NORB=%4d,NELEC=%2d,MS2=%d,\n' % (nmo, nelec, ms)) if orbsym is not None and len(orbsym) > 0: fout.write(' ORBSYM=%s\n' % ','.join([str(x) for x in orbsym])) else: fout.write(' ORBSYM=%s\n' % ('1,' * nmo)) fout.write(' ISYM=1,\n') fout.write(' &END\n')
[docs] def write_eri(fout, eri, nmo, tol=TOL, float_format=DEFAULT_FLOAT_FORMAT): npair = nmo*(nmo+1)//2 output_format = float_format + ' %4d %4d %4d %4d\n' if eri.size == nmo**4: eri = ao2mo.restore(8, eri, nmo) if eri.ndim == 2: # 4-fold symmetry assert (eri.size == npair**2) ij = 0 for i in range(nmo): for j in range(0, i+1): kl = 0 for k in range(0, nmo): for l in range(0, k+1): if abs(eri[ij,kl]) > tol: fout.write(output_format % (eri[ij,kl], i+1, j+1, k+1, l+1)) kl += 1 ij += 1 else: # 8-fold symmetry assert (eri.size == npair*(npair+1)//2) ij = 0 ijkl = 0 for i in range(nmo): for j in range(0, i+1): kl = 0 for k in range(0, i+1): for l in range(0, k+1): if ij >= kl: if abs(eri[ijkl]) > tol: fout.write(output_format % (eri[ijkl], i+1, j+1, k+1, l+1)) ijkl += 1 kl += 1 ij += 1
[docs] def write_hcore(fout, h, nmo, tol=TOL, float_format=DEFAULT_FLOAT_FORMAT): h = h.reshape(nmo,nmo) output_format = float_format + ' %4d %4d 0 0\n' for i in range(nmo): for j in range(0, i+1): if abs(h[i,j]) > tol: fout.write(output_format % (h[i,j], i+1, j+1))
[docs] def from_chkfile(filename, chkfile, tol=TOL, float_format=DEFAULT_FLOAT_FORMAT, molpro_orbsym=MOLPRO_ORBSYM, orbsym=None): '''Read SCF results from PySCF chkfile and transform 1-electron, 2-electron integrals using the SCF orbitals. The transformed integrals is written to FCIDUMP Kwargs: molpro_orbsym (bool): Whether to dump the orbsym in Molpro orbsym convention as documented in ''' mol, scf_rec = scf.chkfile.load_scf(chkfile) mo_coeff = numpy.array(scf_rec['mo_coeff']) nmo = mo_coeff.shape[1] s = reduce(, (mo_coeff.conj().T, mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp'), mo_coeff)) if abs(s - numpy.eye(nmo)).max() > 1e-6: # Not support the chkfile from pbc calculation raise RuntimeError('Non-orthogonal orbitals found in chkfile') if mol.symmetry: orbsym = symm.label_orb_symm(mol, mol.irrep_id, mol.symm_orb, mo_coeff, check=False) from_mo(mol, filename, mo_coeff, orbsym=orbsym, tol=tol, float_format=float_format, molpro_orbsym=molpro_orbsym, ms=mol.spin)
[docs] def from_integrals(filename, h1e, h2e, nmo, nelec, nuc=0, ms=0, orbsym=None, tol=TOL, float_format=DEFAULT_FLOAT_FORMAT): '''Convert the given 1-electron and 2-electron integrals to FCIDUMP format''' with open(filename, 'w') as fout: write_head(fout, nmo, nelec, ms, orbsym) write_eri(fout, h2e, nmo, tol=tol, float_format=float_format) write_hcore(fout, h1e, nmo, tol=tol, float_format=float_format) output_format = float_format + ' 0 0 0 0\n' fout.write(output_format % nuc)
[docs] def from_mo(mol, filename, mo_coeff, orbsym=None, tol=TOL, float_format=DEFAULT_FLOAT_FORMAT, molpro_orbsym=MOLPRO_ORBSYM, ms=0): '''Use the given MOs to transform the 1-electron and 2-electron integrals then dump them to FCIDUMP. Kwargs: molpro_orbsym (bool): Whether to dump the orbsym in Molpro orbsym convention as documented in ''' if getattr(mol, '_mesh', None): raise NotImplementedError('PBC system') if orbsym is None: orbsym = getattr(mo_coeff, 'orbsym', None) if molpro_orbsym and orbsym is not None: orbsym = [ORBSYM_MAP[mol.groupname][i] for i in orbsym] h1ao = scf.hf.get_hcore(mol) h1e = reduce(, (mo_coeff.T, h1ao, mo_coeff)) eri = ao2mo.full(mol, mo_coeff, verbose=0) nuc = mol.energy_nuc() from_integrals(filename, h1e, eri, h1e.shape[0], mol.nelec, nuc, ms, orbsym, tol, float_format)
[docs] def from_scf(mf, filename, tol=TOL, float_format=DEFAULT_FLOAT_FORMAT, molpro_orbsym=MOLPRO_ORBSYM): '''Use the given SCF object to transform the 1-electron and 2-electron integrals then dump them to FCIDUMP. Kwargs: molpro_orbsym (bool): Whether to dump the orbsym in Molpro orbsym convention as documented in ''' mol = mf.mol mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff assert mo_coeff.dtype == numpy.double h1e = reduce(, (mo_coeff.T, mf.get_hcore(), mo_coeff)) if mf._eri is None: if getattr(mf, 'exxdiv', None): # PBC system eri = mf.with_df.ao2mo(mo_coeff) else: eri = ao2mo.full(mf.mol, mo_coeff) else: # Handle cached integrals or customized systems eri = ao2mo.full(mf._eri, mo_coeff) orbsym = getattr(mo_coeff, 'orbsym', None) if molpro_orbsym and orbsym is not None: orbsym = [ORBSYM_MAP[mol.groupname][i] for i in orbsym] nuc = mf.energy_nuc() from_integrals(filename, h1e, eri, h1e.shape[0], mf.mol.nelec, nuc, 0, orbsym, tol, float_format)
[docs] def from_mcscf(mc, filename, tol=TOL, float_format=DEFAULT_FLOAT_FORMAT, molpro_orbsym=MOLPRO_ORBSYM): '''Use the given MCSCF object to obtain the CAS 1-electron and 2-electron integrals and dump them to FCIDUMP. Kwargs: tol (float): Threshold for writing elements to FCIDUMP float_format (str): Float format for writing elements to FCIDUMP molpro_orbsym (bool): Whether to dump the orbsym in Molpro orbsym convention as documented in ''' mol = mc.mol mo_coeff = mc.mo_coeff assert mo_coeff.dtype == numpy.double h1eff, ecore = mc.get_h1eff() h2eff = mc.get_h2eff() orbsym = getattr(mo_coeff, 'orbsym', None) if orbsym is not None: orbsym = orbsym[mc.ncore:mc.ncore + mc.ncas] if molpro_orbsym and orbsym is not None: orbsym = [ORBSYM_MAP[mol.groupname][i] for i in orbsym] nelecas = mc.nelecas[0] + mc.nelecas[1] ms = abs(mc.nelecas[0] - mc.nelecas[1]) from_integrals(filename, h1eff, h2eff, mc.ncas, nelecas, nuc=ecore, ms=ms, orbsym=orbsym, tol=tol, float_format=float_format)
[docs] def read(filename, molpro_orbsym=MOLPRO_ORBSYM, verbose=True): '''Parse FCIDUMP. Return a dictionary to hold the integrals and parameters with keys: H1, H2, ECORE, NORB, NELEC, MS, ORBSYM, ISYM Kwargs: molpro_orbsym (bool): Whether the orbsym in the FCIDUMP file is in Molpro orbsym convention as documented in:: In return, orbsym is converted to pyscf symmetry convention verbose (bool): Whether to print debugging information ''' if verbose: print('Parsing %s' % filename) finp = open(filename, 'r') data = [] for i in range(10): line = finp.readline().upper() data.append(line) if '&END' in line: break else: raise RuntimeError('Problematic FCIDUMP header') result = {} tokens = ','.join(data).replace('&FCI', '').replace('&END', '') tokens = tokens.replace(' ', '').replace('\n', '').replace(',,', ',') for token in re.split(',(?=[a-zA-Z])', tokens): key, val = token.split('=') if key in ('NORB', 'NELEC', 'MS2', 'ISYM'): result[key] = int(val.replace(',', '')) elif key in ('ORBSYM',): result[key] = [int(x) for x in val.replace(',', ' ').split()] else: result[key] = val # Convert to Molpro orbsym convert_orbsym if 'ORBSYM' in result: if molpro_orbsym: # Guess which point group the orbsym belongs to. FCIDUMP does not # save the point group information, the guess might be wrong if # the high symmetry numbering of orbitals are not presented. orbsym = result['ORBSYM'] if max(orbsym) > 4: result['ORBSYM'] = [ORBSYM_MAP['D2h'].index(i) for i in orbsym] elif max(orbsym) > 2: # Fortunately, without molecular orientation, B2 and B3 in D2 # are not distinguishable result['ORBSYM'] = [ORBSYM_MAP['C2v'].index(i) for i in orbsym] elif max(orbsym) == 2: result['ORBSYM'] = [i-1 for i in orbsym] elif max(orbsym) == 1: result['ORBSYM'] = [0] * len(orbsym) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown orbsym') elif min(result['ORBSYM']) < 0: raise RuntimeError('Unknown orbsym convention') norb = result['NORB'] norb_pair = norb * (norb+1) // 2 h1e = numpy.zeros((norb,norb)) h2e = numpy.zeros(norb_pair*(norb_pair+1)//2) dat = finp.readline().split() while dat: i, j, k, l = [int(x) for x in dat[1:5]] if k != 0: if i >= j: ij = i * (i-1) // 2 + j-1 else: ij = j * (j-1) // 2 + i-1 if k >= l: kl = k * (k-1) // 2 + l-1 else: kl = l * (l-1) // 2 + k-1 if ij >= kl: h2e[ij*(ij+1)//2+kl] = float(dat[0]) else: h2e[kl*(kl+1)//2+ij] = float(dat[0]) elif k == 0: if j != 0: h1e[i-1,j-1] = float(dat[0]) else: result['ECORE'] = float(dat[0]) dat = finp.readline().split() idx, idy = numpy.tril_indices(norb, -1) if numpy.linalg.norm(h1e[idy,idx]) == 0: h1e[idy,idx] = h1e[idx,idy] elif numpy.linalg.norm(h1e[idx,idy]) == 0: h1e[idx,idy] = h1e[idy,idx] result['H1'] = h1e result['H2'] = h2e finp.close() return result
[docs] def to_scf(filename, molpro_orbsym=MOLPRO_ORBSYM, mf=None, **kwargs): '''Use the Hamiltonians defined by FCIDUMP to build an SCF object''' ctx = read(filename, molpro_orbsym) mol = gto.M() mol.nelectron = ctx['NELEC'] mol.spin = ctx['MS2'] norb = mol.nao = ctx['NORB'] if 'ECORE' in ctx: mol.energy_nuc = lambda *args: ctx['ECORE'] mol.incore_anyway = True if 'ORBSYM' in ctx: mol.symmetry = True mol.groupname = 'N/A' orbsym = numpy.asarray(ctx['ORBSYM']) mol.irrep_id = list(set(orbsym)) mol.irrep_name = [('IR%d' % ir) for ir in mol.irrep_id] so = numpy.eye(norb) mol.symm_orb = [] for ir in mol.irrep_id: mol.symm_orb.append(so[:,orbsym==ir]) if mf is None: mf = mol.RHF(**kwargs) else: mf.mol = mol h1 = ctx['H1'] idx, idy = numpy.tril_indices(norb, -1) if h1[idx,idy].max() == 0: h1[idx,idy] = h1[idy,idx] else: h1[idy,idx] = h1[idx,idy] mf.get_hcore = lambda *args: h1 mf.get_ovlp = lambda *args: numpy.eye(norb) mf._eri = ctx['H2'] return mf
[docs] def scf_from_fcidump(mf, filename, molpro_orbsym=MOLPRO_ORBSYM): '''Update the SCF object with the quantities defined in FCIDUMP file''' return to_scf(filename, molpro_orbsym, mf)
scf.hf.SCF.from_fcidump = scf_from_fcidump if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert chkfile to FCIDUMP') parser.add_argument('chkfile', help='pyscf chkfile') parser.add_argument('fcidump', help='FCIDUMP file') args = parser.parse_args() # chkfile output from_chkfile(args.fcidump, args.chkfile)