#!/usr/bin/env python
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Spherical harmonics
import numpy
import scipy.linalg
from pyscf.symm.cg import cg_spin
def real_sph_vec(r, lmax, reorder_p=False):
'''Computes (all) real spherical harmonics up to the angular momentum lmax'''
#:import scipy.special
#:ngrid = r.shape[0]
#:cosphi = r[:,2]
#:sinphi = (1-cosphi**2)**.5
#:costheta = numpy.ones(ngrid)
#:sintheta = numpy.zeros(ngrid)
#:costheta[sinphi!=0] = r[sinphi!=0,0] / sinphi[sinphi!=0]
#:sintheta[sinphi!=0] = r[sinphi!=0,1] / sinphi[sinphi!=0]
#:costheta[costheta> 1] = 1
#:costheta[costheta<-1] =-1
#:sintheta[sintheta> 1] = 1
#:sintheta[sintheta<-1] =-1
#:varphi = numpy.arccos(cosphi)
#:theta = numpy.arccos(costheta)
#:theta[sintheta<0] = 2*numpy.pi - theta[sintheta<0]
#:ylms = []
#:for l in range(lmax+1):
#: ylm = numpy.empty((l*2+1,ngrid))
#: ylm[l] = scipy.special.sph_harm(0, l, theta, varphi).real
#: for m in range(1, l+1):
#: f1 = scipy.special.sph_harm(-m, l, theta, varphi)
#: f2 = scipy.special.sph_harm( m, l, theta, varphi)
#: # complex to real spherical functions
#: if m % 2 == 1:
#: ylm[l-m] = (-f1.imag - f2.imag) / numpy.sqrt(2)
#: ylm[l+m] = ( f1.real - f2.real) / numpy.sqrt(2)
#: else:
#: ylm[l-m] = (-f1.imag + f2.imag) / numpy.sqrt(2)
#: ylm[l+m] = ( f1.real + f2.real) / numpy.sqrt(2)
#: ylms.append(ylm)
#:return ylms
# When r is a normalized vector:
norm = 1./numpy.linalg.norm(r, axis=1)
return multipoles(r*norm.reshape(-1,1), lmax, reorder_p)
def multipoles(r, lmax, reorder_dipole=True):
Compute all multipoles upto lmax
rad = numpy.linalg.norm(r, axis=1)
ylms = real_ylm(r/rad.reshape(-1,1), lmax)
pol = [rad**l*y for l, y in enumerate(ylms)]
reorder_p : bool
sort dipole to the order (x,y,z)
from pyscf import gto
# libcint cart2sph transformation provide the capability to compute
# multipole directly. cart2sph function is fast for low angular moment.
ngrid = r.shape[0]
xs = numpy.ones((lmax+1,ngrid))
ys = numpy.ones((lmax+1,ngrid))
zs = numpy.ones((lmax+1,ngrid))
for i in range(1,lmax+1):
xs[i] = xs[i-1] * r[:,0]
ys[i] = ys[i-1] * r[:,1]
zs[i] = zs[i-1] * r[:,2]
ylms = []
for l in range(lmax+1):
nd = (l+1)*(l+2)//2
c = numpy.empty((nd,ngrid))
k = 0
for lx in reversed(range(0, l+1)):
for ly in reversed(range(0, l-lx+1)):
lz = l - lx - ly
c[k] = xs[lx] * ys[ly] * zs[lz]
k += 1
ylm = gto.cart2sph(l, c.T).T
# when call libcint, p functions are ordered as px,py,pz
# reorder px,py,pz to p(-1),p(0),p(1)
if (not reorder_dipole) and lmax >= 1:
ylms[1] = ylms[1][[1,2,0]]
return ylms
def sph_pure2real(l, reorder_p=True):
Transformation matrix: from the pure spherical harmonic functions Y_m to
the real spherical harmonic functions O_m::
O_m = \sum Y_m' * U(m',m)
Y(-1) = 1/\sqrt(2){-iO(-1) + O(1)}; Y(1) = 1/\sqrt(2){-iO(-1) - O(1)}
Y(-2) = 1/\sqrt(2){-iO(-2) + O(2)}; Y(2) = 1/\sqrt(2){iO(-2) + O(2)}
O(-1) = i/\sqrt(2){Y(-1) + Y(1)}; O(1) = 1/\sqrt(2){Y(-1) - Y(1)}
O(-2) = i/\sqrt(2){Y(-2) - Y(2)}; O(2) = 1/\sqrt(2){Y(-2) + Y(2)}
reorder_p (bool): Whether the p functions are in the (x,y,z) order.
2D array U_{complex,real}
n = 2 * l + 1
u = numpy.zeros((n,n), dtype=complex)
sqrthfr = numpy.sqrt(.5)
sqrthfi = numpy.sqrt(.5)*1j
if reorder_p and l == 1:
u[1,2] = 1
u[0,1] = sqrthfi
u[2,1] = sqrthfi
u[0,0] = sqrthfr
u[2,0] = -sqrthfr
u[l,l] = 1
for m in range(1, l+1, 2):
u[l-m,l-m] = sqrthfi
u[l+m,l-m] = sqrthfi
u[l-m,l+m] = sqrthfr
u[l+m,l+m] = -sqrthfr
for m in range(2, l+1, 2):
u[l-m,l-m] = sqrthfi
u[l+m,l-m] = -sqrthfi
u[l-m,l+m] = sqrthfr
u[l+m,l+m] = sqrthfr
return u
def sph_real2pure(l, reorder_p=True):
Transformation matrix: from real spherical harmonic functions to the pure
spherical harmonic functions.
reorder_p (bool): Whether the real p functions are in the (x,y,z) order.
# numpy.linalg.inv(sph_pure2real(l))
return sph_pure2real(l, reorder_p).conj().T
# |spinor> = (|real_sph>, |real_sph>) * / u_alpha \
# \ u_beta /
# Return 2D array U_{sph,spinor}
def sph2spinor(l, reorder_p=True):
if l == 0:
return numpy.array((0., 1.)).reshape(1,-1), \
numpy.array((1., 0.)).reshape(1,-1)
u1 = sph_real2pure(l, reorder_p)
ua = numpy.zeros((2*l+1,4*l+2),dtype=complex)
ub = numpy.zeros((2*l+1,4*l+2),dtype=complex)
j = l * 2 - 1
mla = l + (-j-1)//2
mlb = l + (-j+1)//2
for k,mj in enumerate(range(-j, j+1, 2)):
ua[:,k] = u1[:,mla] * cg_spin(l, j, mj, 1)
ub[:,k] = u1[:,mlb] * cg_spin(l, j, mj,-1)
mla += 1
mlb += 1
j = l * 2 + 1
mla = l + (-j-1)//2
mlb = l + (-j+1)//2
for k,mj in enumerate(range(-j, j+1, 2)):
if mla < 0:
ua[:,l*2+k] = 0
ua[:,l*2+k] = u1[:,mla] * cg_spin(l, j, mj, 1)
if mlb >= 2*l+1:
ub[:,l*2+k] = 0
ub[:,l*2+k] = u1[:,mlb] * cg_spin(l, j, mj,-1)
mla += 1
mlb += 1
return ua, ub
real2spinor = sph2spinor
# Returns 2D array U_{sph,spinor}
def sph2spinor_coeff(mol):
'''Transformation matrix that transforms real-spherical GTOs to spinor
GTOs for all basis functions
>>> from pyscf import gto
>>> from pyscf.symm import sph
>>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1', basis='ccpvtz')
>>> ca, cb = sph.sph2spinor_coeff(mol)
>>> s0 = mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_spinor')
>>> s1 = ca.conj().T.dot(mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph')).dot(ca)
>>> s1+= cb.conj().T.dot(mol.intor('int1e_ovlp_sph')).dot(cb)
>>> print(abs(s1-s0).max())
>>> 6.66133814775e-16
lmax = max([mol.bas_angular(i) for i in range(mol.nbas)])
ualst = []
ublst = []
for l in range(lmax+1):
u1, u2 = sph2spinor(l, reorder_p=True)
ca = []
cb = []
for ib in range(mol.nbas):
l = mol.bas_angular(ib)
kappa = mol.bas_kappa(ib)
if kappa == 0:
ua = ualst[l]
ub = ublst[l]
elif kappa < 0:
ua = ualst[l][:,l*2:]
ub = ublst[l][:,l*2:]
ua = ualst[l][:,:l*2]
ub = ublst[l][:,:l*2]
nctr = mol.bas_nctr(ib)
return numpy.stack([scipy.linalg.block_diag(*ca),
real2spinor_whole = sph2spinor_coeff
def cart2spinor(l):
'''Cartesian to spinor for angular moment l'''
from pyscf import gto
return gto.cart2spinor_l(l)
if __name__ == '__main__':
for l in range(3):
for l in range(3):