#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2019 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Qiming Sun <osirpt.sun@gmail.com>
# The symmetry detection method implemented here is not strictly follow the
# point group detection flowchart. The detection is based on the degeneracy
# of cartesian basis of multipole momentum, eg
# http://symmetry.jacobs-university.de/cgi-bin/group.cgi?group=604&option=4
# see the column of "linear functions, quadratic functions and cubic functions".
# Different point groups have different combinations of degeneracy for each
# type of cartesian functions. Based on the degeneracy of cartesian function
# basis, one can quickly filter out a few candidates of point groups for the
# given molecule. Regular operations (rotation, mirror etc) can be applied
# then to identify the symmetry. Current implementation only checks the
# rotation functions and it's roughly enough for D2h and subgroups.
# There are special cases this detection method may break down, eg two H8 cube
# molecules sitting on the same center but with random orientation. The
# system is in C1 while this detection method gives O group because the
# 3 rotation bases are degenerated. In this case, the code use the regular
# method (point group detection flowchart) to detect the point group.
import re
import numpy
import scipy.linalg
from pyscf.gto import mole
from pyscf.lib import norm
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.lib.exceptions import PointGroupSymmetryError
from pyscf.symm.param import OPERATOR_TABLE
from pyscf import __config__
TOLERANCE = getattr(__config__, 'symm_geom_tol', 1e-5)
def parallel_vectors(v1, v2, tol=TOLERANCE):
if numpy.allclose(v1, 0, atol=tol) or numpy.allclose(v2, 0, atol=tol):
return True
cos = numpy.dot(_normalize(v1), _normalize(v2))
return (abs(cos-1) < TOLERANCE) | (abs(cos+1) < TOLERANCE)
def argsort_coords(coords, decimals=None):
if decimals is None:
decimals = int(-numpy.log10(TOLERANCE)) - 1
coords = numpy.around(coords, decimals=decimals)
idx = numpy.lexsort((coords[:,2], coords[:,1], coords[:,0]))
return idx
def sort_coords(coords, decimals=None):
if decimals is None:
decimals = int(-numpy.log10(TOLERANCE)) - 1
coords = numpy.asarray(coords)
idx = argsort_coords(coords, decimals=decimals)
return coords[idx]
# ref. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix
def rotation_mat(vec, theta):
'''rotate angle theta along vec
new(x,y,z) = R * old(x,y,z)'''
vec = _normalize(vec)
uu = vec.reshape(-1,1) * vec.reshape(1,-1)
ux = numpy.array((
( 0 ,-vec[2], vec[1]),
( vec[2], 0 ,-vec[0]),
(-vec[1], vec[0], 0 )))
c = numpy.cos(theta)
s = numpy.sin(theta)
r = c * numpy.eye(3) + s * ux + (1-c) * uu
return r
# reflection operation with householder
def householder(vec):
vec = _normalize(vec)
return numpy.eye(3) - vec[:,None]*vec*2
def closest_axes(axes, ref):
xcomp, ycomp, zcomp = numpy.einsum('ix,jx->ji', axes, ref)
zmax = numpy.amax(abs(zcomp))
zmax_idx = numpy.where(abs(abs(zcomp)-zmax)<TOLERANCE)[0]
z_id = numpy.amax(zmax_idx)
#z_id = numpy.argmax(abs(zcomp))
xcomp[z_id] = ycomp[z_id] = 0 # remove z
xmax = numpy.amax(abs(xcomp))
xmax_idx = numpy.where(abs(abs(xcomp)-xmax)<TOLERANCE)[0]
x_id = numpy.amax(xmax_idx)
#x_id = numpy.argmax(abs(xcomp))
ycomp[x_id] = 0 # remove x
y_id = numpy.argmax(abs(ycomp))
return x_id, y_id, z_id
def alias_axes(axes, ref):
'''Rename axes, make it as close as possible to the ref axes
x_id, y_id, z_id = closest_axes(axes, ref)
new_axes = axes[[x_id,y_id,z_id]]
if numpy.linalg.det(new_axes) < 0:
new_axes = axes[[y_id,x_id,z_id]]
return new_axes
def _adjust_planar_c2v(atom_coords, axes):
'''Adjust axes for planar molecules'''
# Following http://iopenshell.usc.edu/resources/howto/symmetry/
# See also discussions in issue #1201
# * planar C2v molecules should be oriented such that the X axis is perpendicular
# to the plane of the molecule, and the Z axis is the axis of symmetry;
natm = len(atom_coords)
tol = TOLERANCE / numpy.sqrt(1+natm)
atoms_on_xz = abs(atom_coords.dot(axes[1])) < tol
if all(atoms_on_xz):
# rotate xy
axes = numpy.array([-axes[1], axes[0], axes[2]])
return axes
def _adjust_planar_d2h(atom_coords, axes):
'''Adjust axes for planar molecules'''
# Following http://iopenshell.usc.edu/resources/howto/symmetry/
# See also discussions in issue #1201
# * planar D2h molecules should be oriented such that the X axis is
# perpendicular to the plane of the molecule, and the Z axis passes through
# the greatest number of atoms.
natm = len(atom_coords)
tol = TOLERANCE / numpy.sqrt(1+natm)
natm_with_x = numpy.count_nonzero(abs(atom_coords.dot(axes[0])) > tol)
natm_with_y = numpy.count_nonzero(abs(atom_coords.dot(axes[1])) > tol)
natm_with_z = numpy.count_nonzero(abs(atom_coords.dot(axes[2])) > tol)
if natm_with_z == 0: # atoms on xy plane
if natm_with_x >= natm_with_y: # atoms-on-y >= atoms-on-x
# rotate xz
axes = numpy.array([-axes[2], axes[1], axes[0]])
# rotate xy then rotate xz
axes = numpy.array([axes[2], axes[0], axes[1]])
elif natm_with_y == 0: # atoms on xz plane
if natm_with_x >= natm_with_z: # atoms-on-z >= atoms-on-x
# rotate xy
axes = numpy.array([-axes[1], axes[0], axes[2]])
# rotate xz then rotate xy
axes = numpy.array([axes[1], axes[2], axes[0]])
elif natm_with_x == 0: # atoms on yz plane
if natm_with_y < natm_with_z: # atoms-on-z < atoms-on-y
# rotate yz
axes = numpy.array([axes[0], -axes[2], axes[1]])
return axes
def detect_symm(atoms, basis=None, verbose=logger.WARN):
'''Detect the point group symmetry for given molecule.
Return group name, charge center, and nex_axis (three rows for x,y,z)
log = logger.new_logger(verbose=verbose)
tol = TOLERANCE / numpy.sqrt(1+len(atoms))
decimals = int(-numpy.log10(tol))
log.debug('geometry tol = %g', tol)
rawsys = SymmSys(atoms, basis)
w1, u1 = rawsys.cartesian_tensor(1)
axes = u1.T
log.debug('principal inertia moments %s', w1)
charge_center = rawsys.charge_center
if numpy.allclose(w1, 0, atol=tol):
gpname = 'SO3'
return gpname, charge_center, numpy.eye(3)
elif numpy.allclose(w1[:2], 0, atol=tol): # linear molecule
if rawsys.has_icenter():
gpname = 'Dooh'
gpname = 'Coov'
return gpname, charge_center, axes
w1_degeneracy, w1_degen_values = _degeneracy(w1, decimals)
w2, u2 = rawsys.cartesian_tensor(2)
w2_degeneracy, w2_degen_values = _degeneracy(w2, decimals)
log.debug('2d tensor %s', w2)
n = None
c2x = None
mirrorx = None
if 3 in w1_degeneracy: # T, O, I
# Because rotation vectors Rx Ry Rz are 3-degenerated representation
# See http://www.webqc.org/symmetrypointgroup-td.html
w3, u3 = rawsys.cartesian_tensor(3)
w3_degeneracy, w3_degen_values = _degeneracy(w3, decimals)
log.debug('3d tensor %s', w3)
if (5 in w2_degeneracy and
4 in w3_degeneracy and len(w3_degeneracy) == 3): # I group
gpname, new_axes = _search_i_group(rawsys)
if gpname is not None:
return gpname, charge_center, _refine(new_axes)
elif 3 in w2_degeneracy and len(w2_degeneracy) <= 3: # T/O group
gpname, new_axes = _search_ot_group(rawsys)
if gpname is not None:
return gpname, charge_center, _refine(new_axes)
elif (2 in w1_degeneracy and
numpy.any(w2_degeneracy[w2_degen_values>0] >= 2)):
if numpy.allclose(w1[1], w1[2], atol=tol):
axes = axes[[1,2,0]]
n = rawsys.search_c_highest(axes[2])[1]
if n == 1:
n = None
c2x = rawsys.search_c2x(axes[2], n)
mirrorx = rawsys.search_mirrorx(axes[2], n)
n = -1 # tag as D2h and subgroup
# They must not be I/O/T group, at most one C3 or higher rotation axis
if n is None:
zaxis, n = rawsys.search_c_highest()
if n > 1:
c2x = rawsys.search_c2x(zaxis, n)
mirrorx = rawsys.search_mirrorx(zaxis, n)
if c2x is not None:
axes = _make_axes(zaxis, c2x)
elif mirrorx is not None:
axes = _make_axes(zaxis, mirrorx)
for axis in numpy.eye(3):
if not parallel_vectors(axis, zaxis):
axes = _make_axes(zaxis, axis)
else: # Ci or Cs or C1 with degenerated w1
mirror = rawsys.search_mirrorx(None, 1)
if mirror is not None:
xaxis = numpy.array((1.,0.,0.))
axes = _make_axes(mirror, xaxis)
axes = numpy.eye(3)
log.debug('Highest C_n = C%d', n)
if n >= 2:
if c2x is not None:
if rawsys.has_mirror(axes[2]):
gpname = 'D%dh' % n
elif rawsys.has_improper_rotation(axes[2], n):
gpname = 'D%dd' % n
gpname = 'D%d' % n
# yaxis = numpy.cross(axes[2], c2x)
axes = _make_axes(axes[2], c2x)
elif mirrorx is not None:
gpname = 'C%dv' % n
axes = _make_axes(axes[2], mirrorx)
elif rawsys.has_mirror(axes[2]):
gpname = 'C%dh' % n
elif rawsys.has_improper_rotation(axes[2], n):
gpname = 'S%d' % (n*2)
gpname = 'C%d' % n
return gpname, charge_center, _refine(axes)
is_c2x = rawsys.has_rotation(axes[0], 2)
is_c2y = rawsys.has_rotation(axes[1], 2)
is_c2z = rawsys.has_rotation(axes[2], 2)
# rotate to old axes, as close as possible?
if is_c2z and is_c2x and is_c2y:
if rawsys.has_icenter():
gpname = 'D2h'
# _adjust_planar_d2h is unlikely to be called
axes = _adjust_planar_d2h(rawsys.atom_coords, axes)
gpname = 'D2'
axes = alias_axes(axes, numpy.eye(3))
elif is_c2z or is_c2x or is_c2y:
if is_c2x:
axes = axes[[1,2,0]]
if is_c2y:
axes = axes[[2,0,1]]
if rawsys.has_mirror(axes[2]):
gpname = 'C2h'
elif rawsys.has_mirror(axes[0]):
gpname = 'C2v'
axes = _adjust_planar_c2v(rawsys.atom_coords, axes)
gpname = 'C2'
if rawsys.has_icenter():
gpname = 'Ci'
elif rawsys.has_mirror(axes[0]):
gpname = 'Cs'
axes = axes[[1,2,0]]
elif rawsys.has_mirror(axes[1]):
gpname = 'Cs'
axes = axes[[2,0,1]]
elif rawsys.has_mirror(axes[2]):
gpname = 'Cs'
gpname = 'C1'
axes = numpy.eye(3)
charge_center = numpy.zeros(3)
return gpname, charge_center, axes
# reduce to D2h and its subgroups
# FIXME, CPL, 209, 506
def get_subgroup(gpname, axes):
if gpname in ('D2h', 'D2' , 'C2h', 'C2v', 'C2' , 'Ci' , 'Cs' , 'C1'):
return gpname, axes
elif gpname in ('SO3',):
#return 'D2h', alias_axes(axes, numpy.eye(3))
return 'SO3', axes
elif gpname in ('Dooh',):
#return 'D2h', alias_axes(axes, numpy.eye(3))
return 'Dooh', axes
elif gpname in ('Coov',):
#return 'C2v', axes
return 'Coov', axes
elif gpname in ('Oh',):
return 'D2h', alias_axes(axes, numpy.eye(3))
elif gpname in ('O',):
return 'D2', alias_axes(axes, numpy.eye(3))
elif gpname in ('Ih',):
return 'Ci', alias_axes(axes, numpy.eye(3))
elif gpname in ('I',):
return 'C1', axes
elif gpname in ('Td', 'T', 'Th'):
return 'D2', alias_axes(axes, numpy.eye(3))
elif re.search(r'S\d+', gpname):
n = int(re.search(r'\d+', gpname).group(0))
if n % 2 == 0:
return 'C%d'%(n//2), axes
return 'Ci', axes
n = int(re.search(r'\d+', gpname).group(0))
if n % 2 == 0:
if re.search(r'D\d+d', gpname):
subname = 'D2'
elif re.search(r'D\d+h', gpname):
subname = 'D2h'
elif re.search(r'D\d+', gpname):
subname = 'D2'
elif re.search(r'C\d+h', gpname):
subname = 'C2h'
elif re.search(r'C\d+v', gpname):
subname = 'C2v'
subname = 'C2'
# rotate axes and
# Dnh -> C2v
# Dn -> C2
# Dnd -> Ci
# Cnh -> Cs
# Cnv -> Cs
if re.search(r'D\d+h', gpname):
subname = 'C2v'
axes = axes[[1,2,0]]
elif re.search(r'D\d+d', gpname):
subname = 'C2h'
axes = axes[[1,2,0]]
elif re.search(r'D\d+', gpname):
subname = 'C2'
axes = axes[[1,2,0]]
elif re.search(r'C\d+h', gpname):
subname = 'Cs'
elif re.search(r'C\d+v', gpname):
subname = 'Cs'
axes = axes[[1,2,0]]
subname = 'C1'
return subname, axes
subgroup = get_subgroup
def as_subgroup(topgroup, axes, subgroup=None):
from pyscf.symm import std_symb
from pyscf.symm.param import SUBGROUP
groupname, axes = get_subgroup(topgroup, axes)
if isinstance(subgroup, str):
subgroup = std_symb(subgroup)
if groupname == 'C2v' and subgroup == 'Cs':
axes = numpy.einsum('ij,kj->ki', rotation_mat(axes[1], numpy.pi/2), axes)
elif (groupname == 'D2' and re.search(r'D\d+d', topgroup) and
subgroup in ('C2v', 'Cs')):
# Special treatment for D2d, D4d, .... get_subgroup gives D2 by
# default while C2v is also D2d's subgroup.
groupname = 'C2v'
axes = numpy.einsum('ij,kj->ki', rotation_mat(axes[2], numpy.pi/4), axes)
elif topgroup in ('Td', 'T', 'Th') and subgroup == 'C2v':
x, y, z = axes
x = _normalize(x+y)
y = numpy.cross(z, x)
axes = numpy.array((x,y,z))
elif subgroup not in SUBGROUP[groupname]:
raise PointGroupSymmetryError('%s not in Ablien subgroup of %s' %
(subgroup, topgroup))
groupname = subgroup
return groupname, axes
def symm_ops(gpname, axes=None):
if axes is not None:
raise PointGroupSymmetryError('TODO: non-standard orientation')
op1 = numpy.eye(3)
opi = -1
opc2z = -numpy.eye(3)
opc2z[2,2] = 1
opc2x = -numpy.eye(3)
opc2x[0,0] = 1
opc2y = -numpy.eye(3)
opc2y[1,1] = 1
opcsz = numpy.dot(opc2z, opi)
opcsx = numpy.dot(opc2x, opi)
opcsy = numpy.dot(opc2y, opi)
opdic = {'E' : op1,
'C2z': opc2z,
'C2x': opc2x,
'C2y': opc2y,
'i' : opi,
'sz' : opcsz, # the mirror perpendicular to z
'sx' : opcsx, # the mirror perpendicular to x
'sy' : opcsy,}
return opdic
def symm_identical_atoms(gpname, atoms):
'''Symmetry identical atoms'''
# from pyscf import gto
# Dooh Coov for linear molecule
if gpname == 'Dooh':
coords = numpy.array([a[1] for a in atoms], dtype=float)
idx0 = argsort_coords(coords)
coords0 = coords[idx0]
opdic = symm_ops(gpname)
newc = numpy.dot(coords, opdic['sz'])
idx1 = argsort_coords(newc)
dup_atom_ids = numpy.sort((idx0,idx1), axis=0).T
uniq_idx = numpy.unique(dup_atom_ids[:,0], return_index=True)[1]
eql_atom_ids = dup_atom_ids[uniq_idx]
eql_atom_ids = [sorted(set(i)) for i in eql_atom_ids]
return eql_atom_ids
elif gpname == 'Coov':
eql_atom_ids = [[i] for i,a in enumerate(atoms)]
return eql_atom_ids
coords = numpy.array([a[1] for a in atoms])
# charges = numpy.array([gto.charge(a[0]) for a in atoms])
# center = numpy.einsum('z,zr->r', charges, coords)/charges.sum()
# if not numpy.allclose(center, 0, atol=TOLERANCE):
# sys.stderr.write('WARN: Molecular charge center %s is not on (0,0,0)\n'
# % center)
opdic = symm_ops(gpname)
ops = [opdic[op] for op in OPERATOR_TABLE[gpname]]
idx = argsort_coords(coords)
coords0 = coords[idx]
dup_atom_ids = []
for op in ops:
newc = numpy.dot(coords, op)
idx = argsort_coords(newc)
if not numpy.allclose(coords0, newc[idx], atol=TOLERANCE):
raise PointGroupSymmetryError('Symmetry identical atoms not found')
dup_atom_ids = numpy.sort(dup_atom_ids, axis=0).T
uniq_idx = numpy.unique(dup_atom_ids[:,0], return_index=True)[1]
eql_atom_ids = dup_atom_ids[uniq_idx]
eql_atom_ids = [sorted(set(i)) for i in eql_atom_ids]
return eql_atom_ids
def check_symm(gpname, atoms, basis=None):
Check whether the declared symmetry (gpname) exists in the system
If basis is specified, this function checks also the basis functions have
the required symmetry.
gpname: str
point group name
atoms: list
[[symbol, [x, y, z]], [symbol, [x, y, z]], ...]
#FIXME: compare the basis set when basis is given
if gpname == 'Dooh':
coords = numpy.array([a[1] for a in atoms], dtype=float)
if numpy.allclose(coords[:,:2], 0, atol=TOLERANCE):
opdic = symm_ops(gpname)
rawsys = SymmSys(atoms, basis)
return rawsys.has_icenter() and numpy.allclose(rawsys.charge_center, 0)
return False
elif gpname == 'Coov':
coords = numpy.array([a[1] for a in atoms], dtype=float)
return numpy.allclose(coords[:,:2], 0, atol=TOLERANCE)
opdic = symm_ops(gpname)
ops = [opdic[op] for op in OPERATOR_TABLE[gpname]]
rawsys = SymmSys(atoms, basis)
for lst in rawsys.atomtypes.values():
coords = rawsys.atoms[lst,1:]
idx = argsort_coords(coords)
coords0 = coords[idx]
for op in ops:
newc = numpy.dot(coords, op)
idx = argsort_coords(newc)
if not numpy.allclose(coords0, newc[idx], atol=TOLERANCE):
return False
return True
check_given_symm = check_symm
def shift_atom(atoms, orig, axis):
c = numpy.array([a[1] for a in atoms])
c = numpy.dot(c - orig, numpy.array(axis).T)
return [[atoms[i][0], c[i]] for i in range(len(atoms))]
class RotationAxisNotFound(PointGroupSymmetryError):
class SymmSys:
def __init__(self, atoms, basis=None):
self.atomtypes = mole.atom_types(atoms, basis)
# fake systems, which treats the atoms of different basis as different atoms.
# the fake systems do not have the same symmetry as the potential
# it's only used to determine the main (Z-)axis
chg1 = numpy.pi - 2
coords = []
fake_chgs = []
idx = []
for k, lst in self.atomtypes.items():
coords.append([atoms[i][1] for i in lst])
ksymb = mole._rm_digit(k)
if ksymb != k:
# Put random charges on the decorated atoms
fake_chgs.append([chg1] * len(lst))
chg1 *= numpy.pi-2
elif mole.is_ghost_atom(k):
if ksymb == 'X' or ksymb.upper() == 'GHOST':
fake_chgs.append([.3] * len(lst))
elif ksymb[0] == 'X':
fake_chgs.append([mole.charge(ksymb[1:])+.3] * len(lst))
elif ksymb[:5] == 'GHOST':
fake_chgs.append([mole.charge(ksymb[5:])+.3] * len(lst))
fake_chgs.append([mole.charge(ksymb)] * len(lst))
coords = numpy.array(numpy.vstack(coords), dtype=float)
fake_chgs = numpy.hstack(fake_chgs)
self.charge_center = numpy.einsum('i,ij->j', fake_chgs, coords)/fake_chgs.sum()
coords = coords - self.charge_center
idx = numpy.argsort(numpy.hstack(idx))
self.atoms = numpy.hstack((fake_chgs.reshape(-1,1), coords))[idx]
self.group_atoms_by_distance = []
decimals = int(-numpy.log10(TOLERANCE)) - 1
for index in self.atomtypes.values():
index = numpy.asarray(index)
c = self.atoms[index,1:]
dists = numpy.around(norm(c, axis=1), decimals)
u, idx = numpy.unique(dists, return_inverse=True)
for i, s in enumerate(u):
self.group_atoms_by_distance.append(index[idx == i])
def atom_coords(self):
return self.atoms[:,1:]
def cartesian_tensor(self, n):
z = self.atoms[:,0]
r = self.atoms[:,1:]
ncart = (n+1)*(n+2)//2
natm = len(z)
tensor = numpy.sqrt(numpy.copy(z).reshape(natm,-1) / z.sum())
for i in range(n):
tensor = numpy.einsum('zi,zj->zij', tensor, r).reshape(natm,-1)
e, c = scipy.linalg.eigh(numpy.dot(tensor.T,tensor))
return e[-ncart:], c[:,-ncart:]
def symmetric_for(self, op):
for lst in self.group_atoms_by_distance:
r0 = self.atoms[lst,1:]
r1 = numpy.dot(r0, op)
# FIXME: compare whether two sets of coordinates are identical
yield all((_vec_in_vecs(x, r0) for x in r1))
def has_icenter(self):
return all(self.symmetric_for(-1))
def has_rotation(self, axis, n):
op = rotation_mat(axis, numpy.pi*2/n).T
return all(self.symmetric_for(op))
def has_mirror(self, perp_vec):
return all(self.symmetric_for(householder(perp_vec).T))
def has_improper_rotation(self, axis, n):
s_op = numpy.dot(householder(axis), rotation_mat(axis, numpy.pi/n)).T
return all(self.symmetric_for(s_op))
def search_possible_rotations(self, zaxis=None):
'''If zaxis is given, the rotation axis is parallel to zaxis'''
maybe_cn = []
for lst in self.group_atoms_by_distance:
natm = len(lst)
if natm > 1:
coords = self.atoms[lst,1:]
# possible C2 axis
for i in range(1, natm):
if abs(coords[0]+coords[i]).sum() > TOLERANCE:
maybe_cn.append((coords[0]+coords[i], 2))
else: # abs(coords[0]-coords[i]).sum() > TOLERANCE:
maybe_cn.append((coords[0]-coords[i], 2))
# atoms of equal distances may be associated with rotation axis > C2.
r0 = coords - coords[0]
distance = norm(r0, axis=1)
eq_distance = abs(distance[:,None] - distance) < TOLERANCE
for i in range(2, natm):
for j in numpy.where(eq_distance[i,:i])[0]:
cos = numpy.dot(r0[i],r0[j]) / (distance[i]*distance[j])
ang = numpy.arccos(cos)
nfrac = numpy.pi*2 / (numpy.pi-ang)
n = int(numpy.around(nfrac))
if abs(nfrac-n) < TOLERANCE:
# remove zero-vectors and duplicated vectors
vecs = numpy.vstack([x[0] for x in maybe_cn])
idx = norm(vecs, axis=1) > TOLERANCE
ns = numpy.hstack([x[1] for x in maybe_cn])
vecs = _normalize(vecs[idx])
ns = ns[idx]
if zaxis is not None: # Keep parallel rotation axes
cos = numpy.dot(vecs, _normalize(zaxis))
vecs = vecs[(abs(cos-1) < TOLERANCE) | (abs(cos+1) < TOLERANCE)]
ns = ns[(abs(cos-1) < TOLERANCE) | (abs(cos+1) < TOLERANCE)]
possible_cn = []
seen = numpy.zeros(len(vecs), dtype=bool)
for k, v in enumerate(vecs):
if not seen[k]:
where1 = numpy.einsum('ix->i', abs(vecs[k:] - v)) < TOLERANCE
where1 = numpy.where(where1)[0] + k
where2 = numpy.einsum('ix->i', abs(vecs[k:] + v)) < TOLERANCE
where2 = numpy.where(where2)[0] + k
seen[where1] = True
seen[where2] = True
vk = _normalize((numpy.einsum('ix->x', vecs[where1]) -
numpy.einsum('ix->x', vecs[where2])))
for n in (set(ns[where1]) | set(ns[where2])):
return possible_cn
def search_c2x(self, zaxis, n):
'''C2 axis which is perpendicular to z-axis'''
decimals = int(-numpy.log10(TOLERANCE)) - 1
for lst in self.group_atoms_by_distance:
if len(lst) > 1:
r0 = self.atoms[lst,1:]
zcos = numpy.around(numpy.einsum('ij,j->i', r0, zaxis),
uniq_zcos = numpy.unique(zcos)
maybe_c2x = []
for d in uniq_zcos:
mirrord = abs(zcos+d)<TOLERANCE
if mirrord.sum() == (zcos==d).sum():
above = r0[zcos==d]
below = r0[mirrord]
nelem = len(below)
maybe_c2x.extend([above[0] + below[i]
for i in range(nelem)])
elif abs(d) < TOLERANCE: # plane which crosses the orig
r1 = r0[zcos==d][0]
r2 = numpy.dot(rotation_mat(zaxis, numpy.pi*2/n), r1)
if abs(r1+r2).sum() > TOLERANCE:
if len(maybe_c2x) > 0:
idx = norm(maybe_c2x, axis=1) > TOLERANCE
maybe_c2x = _normalize(maybe_c2x)[idx]
maybe_c2x = _remove_dupvec(maybe_c2x)
for c2x in maybe_c2x:
if (not parallel_vectors(c2x, zaxis) and
self.has_rotation(c2x, 2)):
return c2x
def search_mirrorx(self, zaxis, n):
'''mirror which is parallel to z-axis'''
if n > 1:
for lst in self.group_atoms_by_distance:
natm = len(lst)
r0 = self.atoms[lst[0],1:]
if natm > 1 and not parallel_vectors(r0, zaxis):
r1 = numpy.dot(rotation_mat(zaxis, numpy.pi*2/n), r0)
mirrorx = _normalize(r1-r0)
if self.has_mirror(mirrorx):
return mirrorx
for lst in self.group_atoms_by_distance:
natm = len(lst)
r0 = self.atoms[lst,1:]
if natm > 1:
maybe_mirror = [r0[i]-r0[0] for i in range(1, natm)]
for mirror in _normalize(maybe_mirror):
if self.has_mirror(mirror):
return mirror
def search_c_highest(self, zaxis=None):
possible_cn = self.search_possible_rotations(zaxis)
nmax = 1
cmax = numpy.array([0.,0.,1.])
for cn, n in possible_cn:
if n > nmax and self.has_rotation(cn, n):
nmax = n
cmax = cn
return cmax, nmax
def _normalize(vecs):
vecs = numpy.asarray(vecs)
if vecs.ndim == 1:
return vecs / (numpy.linalg.norm(vecs) + 1e-200)
return vecs / (norm(vecs, axis=1).reshape(-1,1) + 1e-200)
def _vec_in_vecs(vec, vecs):
norm = numpy.sqrt(len(vecs))
return min(numpy.einsum('ix->i', abs(vecs-vec))/norm) < TOLERANCE
def _search_i_group(rawsys):
possible_cn = rawsys.search_possible_rotations()
c5_axes = [c5 for c5, n in possible_cn
if n == 5 and rawsys.has_rotation(c5, 5)]
if len(c5_axes) <= 1:
return None,None
zaxis = c5_axes[0]
cos = numpy.dot(c5_axes, zaxis)
assert (numpy.all((abs(cos[1:]+1/numpy.sqrt(5)) < TOLERANCE) |
(abs(cos[1:]-1/numpy.sqrt(5)) < TOLERANCE)))
if rawsys.has_icenter():
gpname = 'Ih'
gpname = 'I'
c5 = c5_axes[1]
if numpy.dot(c5, zaxis) < 0:
c5 = -c5
c5a = numpy.dot(rotation_mat(zaxis, numpy.pi*6/5), c5)
xaxis = c5a + c5
return gpname, _make_axes(zaxis, xaxis)
def _search_ot_group(rawsys):
possible_cn = rawsys.search_possible_rotations()
c4_axes = [c4 for c4, n in possible_cn
if n == 4 and rawsys.has_rotation(c4, 4)]
if len(c4_axes) > 0: # T group
assert (len(c4_axes) > 1)
if rawsys.has_icenter():
gpname = 'Oh'
gpname = 'O'
return gpname, _make_axes(c4_axes[0], c4_axes[1])
else: # T group
c3_axes = [c3 for c3, n in possible_cn
if n == 3 and rawsys.has_rotation(c3, 3)]
if len(c3_axes) <= 1:
return None, None
cos = numpy.dot(c3_axes, c3_axes[0])
assert (numpy.all((abs(cos[1:]+1./3) < TOLERANCE) |
(abs(cos[1:]-1./3) < TOLERANCE)))
if rawsys.has_icenter():
gpname = 'Th'
# Because C3 axes are on the mirror of Td, two C3 can determine a mirror.
elif rawsys.has_mirror(numpy.cross(c3_axes[0], c3_axes[1])):
gpname = 'Td'
gpname = 'T'
c3a = c3_axes[0]
if numpy.dot(c3a, c3_axes[1]) > 0:
c3a = -c3a
c3b = numpy.dot(rotation_mat(c3a,-numpy.pi*2/3), c3_axes[1])
c3c = numpy.dot(rotation_mat(c3a, numpy.pi*2/3), c3_axes[1])
zaxis, xaxis = c3a+c3b, c3a+c3c
return gpname, _make_axes(zaxis, xaxis)
def _degeneracy(e, decimals):
e = numpy.around(e, decimals)
u, idx = numpy.unique(e, return_inverse=True)
degen = numpy.array([numpy.count_nonzero(idx==i) for i in range(len(u))])
return degen, u
def _pseudo_vectors(vs):
idy0 = abs(vs[:,1])<TOLERANCE
idz0 = abs(vs[:,2])<TOLERANCE
vs = vs.copy()
# ensure z component > 0
vs[vs[:,2]<0] *= -1
# if z component == 0, ensure y component > 0
vs[(vs[:,1]<0) & idz0] *= -1
# if y and z component == 0, ensure x component > 0
vs[(vs[:,0]<0) & idy0 & idz0] *= -1
return vs
def _remove_dupvec(vs):
def rm_iter(vs):
if len(vs) <= 1:
return vs
x = numpy.sum(abs(vs[1:]-vs[0]), axis=1)
rest = rm_iter(vs[1:][x>TOLERANCE])
return numpy.vstack((vs[0], rest))
return rm_iter(_pseudo_vectors(vs))
def _make_axes(z, x):
y = numpy.cross(z, x)
x = numpy.cross(y, z) # because x might not perp to z
return _normalize(numpy.array((x,y,z)))
def _refine(axes):
# Make sure the axes can be rotated from continuous unitary transformation
if axes[2,2] < 0:
axes[2] *= -1
if abs(axes[0,0]) > abs(axes[1,0]):
x_id, y_id = 0, 1
x_id, y_id = 1, 0
if axes[x_id,0] < 0:
axes[x_id] *= -1
if numpy.linalg.det(axes) < 0:
axes[y_id] *= -1
return axes
if __name__ == "__main__":
atom = [["O" , (1. , 0. , 0. ,)],
['H' , (0. , -.757 , 0.587,)],
['H' , (0. , 0.757 , 0.587,)] ]
gpname, orig, axes = detect_symm(atom)
atom = shift_atom(atom, orig, axes)
print(gpname, symm_identical_atoms(gpname, atom))
atom = [['H', (0,0,0)], ['H', (0,0,-1)], ['H', (0,0,1)]]
gpname, orig, axes = detect_symm(atom)
print(gpname, orig, axes)
atom = shift_atom(atom, orig, axes)
print(gpname, symm_identical_atoms(gpname, atom))
atom = [['H', (0., 0., 0.)],
['H', (0., 0., 1.)],
['H', (0., 1., 0.)],
['H', (1., 0., 0.)],
['H', (-1, 0., 0.)],
['H', (0.,-1., 0.)],
['H', (0., 0.,-1.)]]
gpname, orig, axes = detect_symm(atom)
print(gpname, orig, axes)
atom = shift_atom(atom, orig, axes)
print(gpname, symm_identical_atoms(subgroup(gpname, axes)[0], atom))