Source code for pyscf.symm.Dmatrix

#!/usr/bin/env python
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# Author: Qiming Sun <>

'''Wigner rotation D-matrix for real spherical harmonics'''

from math import sqrt
from functools import reduce
import numpy
from scipy.special import factorial
from pyscf.symm import sph

[docs] def Dmatrix(l, alpha, beta, gamma, reorder_p=False): '''Wigner rotation D-matrix D_{mm'} = <lm|R(alpha,beta,gamma)|lm'> alpha, beta, gamma are Euler angles (in z-y-z convention) Kwargs: reorder_p (bool): Whether to put the p functions in the (x,y,z) order. ''' if l == 0: return numpy.eye(1) else: d = dmatrix(l, beta, reorder_p=False) ms = numpy.arange(-l, l+1) D = numpy.einsum('i,ij,j->ij', numpy.exp(-1j*alpha*ms), d, numpy.exp(-1j*gamma*ms)) D = _dmat_to_real(l, D, reorder_p=False) if reorder_p and l == 1: D = D[[2,0,1]][:,[2,0,1]] return D
def _dmat_to_real(l, d, reorder_p=False): ''' Transform the input D-matrix to make it compatible with the real spherical harmonic functions. Kwargs: reorder_p (bool): Whether to put the p functions in the (x,y,z) order. ''' # The input D matrix works for pure spherical harmonics. The real # representation should be U^\dagger * D * U, where U is the unitary # matrix that transform the complex harmonics to the real harmonics. u = sph.sph_pure2real(l, reorder_p) return reduce(, (u.conj().T, d, u)).real
[docs] def dmatrix(l, beta, reorder_p=False): '''Wigner small-d matrix (in z-y-z convention)''' c = numpy.cos(beta/2) s = numpy.sin(beta/2) if l == 0: return numpy.eye(1) elif l == 1: mat = numpy.array(((c**2 , sqrt(2)*c*s , s**2 ), (-sqrt(2)*c*s, c**2-s**2 , sqrt(2)*c*s), (s**2 , -sqrt(2)*c*s, c**2 ))) if reorder_p: mat = mat[[2,0,1]][:,[2,0,1]] return mat elif l == 2: c3s = c**3*s s3c = s**3*c c2s2 = (c*s)**2 c4 = c**4 s4 = s**4 s631 = sqrt(6)*(c3s-s3c) s622 = sqrt(6)*c2s2 c4s2 = c4-3*c2s2 c2s4 = 3*c2s2-s4 c4s4 = c4-4*c2s2+s4 return numpy.array((( c4 , 2*c3s, s622, 2*s3c, s4 ), (-2*c3s , c4s2 , s631, c2s4 , 2*s3c), ( s622 ,-s631 , c4s4, s631 , s622 ), (-2*s3c , c2s4 ,-s631, c4s2 , 2*c3s), ( s4 ,-2*s3c, s622,-2*c3s, c4 ))) else: facs = factorial(numpy.arange(2*l+1)) cs = c**numpy.arange(2*l+1) ss = s**numpy.arange(2*l+1) mat = numpy.zeros((2*l+1,2*l+1)) for i,m1 in enumerate(range(-l, l+1)): for j,m2 in enumerate(range(-l, l+1)): #:fac = sqrt( factorial(l+m1)*factorial(l-m1) \ #: *factorial(l+m2)*factorial(l-m2)) #:for k in range(max(m2-m1,0), min(l+m2, l-m1)+1): #: mat[i,j] += (-1)**(m1+m2+k) \ #: * c**(2*l+m2-m1-2*k) * s**(m1-m2+2*k) \ #: / (factorial(l+m2-k) * factorial(k) \ #: * factorial(m1-m2+k) * factorial(l-m1-k)) #:mat[i,j] *= fac k = numpy.arange(max(m2-m1,0), min(l+m2, l-m1)+1) tmp = (cs[2*l+m2-m1-2*k] * ss[m1-m2+2*k] / (facs[l+m2-k] * facs[k] * facs[m1-m2+k] * facs[l-m1-k])) mask = ((m1+m2+k) & 0b1).astype(bool) mat[i,j] -= tmp[ mask].sum() mat[i,j] += tmp[~mask].sum() ms = numpy.arange(-l, l+1) msfac = numpy.sqrt(facs[l+ms] * facs[l-ms]) mat *= numpy.einsum('i,j->ij', msfac, msfac) return mat
[docs] def get_euler_angles(c1, c2): '''Find the three Euler angles (alpha, beta, gamma in z-y-z convention) that rotates coordinates c1 to coordinates c2. yp = numpy.einsum('j,kj->k', c1[1], geom.rotation_mat(c1[2], beta)) tmp = numpy.einsum('ij,kj->ik', c1 , geom.rotation_mat(c1[2], alpha)) tmp = numpy.einsum('ij,kj->ik', tmp, geom.rotation_mat(yp , beta )) c2 = numpy.einsum('ij,kj->ik', tmp, geom.rotation_mat(c2[2], gamma)) (For backward compatibility) if c1 and c2 are two points in the real space, the Euler angles define the rotation transforms the old coordinates to the new coordinates (new_x, new_y, new_z) in which c1 is identical to c2. tmp = numpy.einsum('j,kj->k', c1 , geom.rotation_mat((0,0,1), gamma)) tmp = numpy.einsum('j,kj->k', tmp, geom.rotation_mat((0,1,0), beta) ) c2 = numpy.einsum('j,kj->k', tmp, geom.rotation_mat((0,0,1), alpha)) ''' c1 = numpy.asarray(c1) c2 = numpy.asarray(c2) if c1.ndim == 2 and c2.ndim == 2: zz = c1[2].dot(c2[2]) if abs(zz - 1.0) < 1e-12: beta = numpy.arccos(1.0) elif abs(zz + 1.0) < 1e-12: beta = numpy.arccos(-1.0) else: beta = numpy.arccos(zz) if abs(zz) < 1 - 1e-12: yp = numpy.cross(c1[2], c2[2]) yp /= numpy.linalg.norm(yp) else: yp = c1[1] yy =[1]) alpha = numpy.arccos(yy) if numpy.cross(c1[1], yp).dot(c1[2]) < 0: alpha = -alpha tmp =[1]) if abs(tmp - 1.0) < 1e-12: gamma = numpy.arccos(1.0) elif abs(tmp + 1.0) < 1e-12: gamma = numpy.arccos(-1.0) else: gamma = numpy.arccos(tmp) if numpy.cross(yp, c2[1]).dot(c2[2]) < 0: gamma = -gamma else: # For backward compatibility, c1 and c2 are two points norm1 = numpy.linalg.norm(c1) norm2 = numpy.linalg.norm(c2) assert (abs(norm1 - norm2) < 1e-12) xy_norm = numpy.linalg.norm(c1[:2]) if xy_norm > 1e-12: gamma = -numpy.arccos(c1[0] / xy_norm) else: gamma = 0 xy_norm = numpy.linalg.norm(c2[:2]) if xy_norm > 1e-12: alpha = numpy.arccos(c2[0] / xy_norm) else: alpha = 0 beta = numpy.arccos(c2[2]/norm1) - numpy.arccos(c1[2]/norm2) return alpha, beta, gamma