Source code for pyscf.solvent.hessian.smd_experiment

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Hessian of SMD solvent model (for experiment and education)
copied from GPU4PySCF with modification for CPU

import numpy as np
from pyscf.solvent.grad import smd as smd_grad
from pyscf.solvent.smd_experiment import (
    sigma_water, sigma_n, sigma_alpha, sigma_beta, r_zz, swtich_function)

[docs] def hess_swtich_function(R, r, dr): if R < r + dr: dist = (R[0]**2 + R[1]**2 + R[2]**2)**.5 hess = [ [R[1]**2+R[2]**2, -R[0]*R[1], -R[0]*R[2]], [-R[0]*R[1], R[0]**2+R[2]**2, -R[1]*R[2]], [-R[0]*R[2], -R[1]*R[2], R[0]**2+R[1]**2]] return np.asarray(hess)/dist else: return np.zeros([3,3])
[docs] def atomic_surface_tension(symbols, coords, n, alpha, beta, water=True): ''' TODO: debug later - list of atomic symbols - atomic coordinates in Anstrong - solvent descriptors: n, alpha, beta ''' def get_bond_tension(bond): if water: return sigma_water.get(bond, 0.0) t = 0.0 t += sigma_n.get(bond, 0.0) * n t += sigma_alpha.get(bond, 0.0) * alpha t += sigma_beta.get(bond, 0.0) * beta return t def get_atom_tension(sym_i): if water: return sigma_water.get(sym_i, 0.0) t = 0.0 t += sigma_n.get(sym_i, 0.0) * n t += sigma_alpha.get(sym_i, 0.0) * alpha t += sigma_beta.get(sym_i, 0.0) * beta return t natm = coords.shape[0] ri_rj = coords[:,None,:] - coords[None,:,:] rij = np.sum(ri_rj**2, axis=2)**0.5 np.fill_diagonal(rij, 1) #drij = ri_rj / np.expand_dims(rij, axis=-1) tensions = [] for i, sym_i in enumerate(symbols): if sym_i not in ['H', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'Si', 'S', 'Cl', 'Br']: tensions.append(np.zeros([natm,3])) continue tension = np.zeros([natm,3]) if sym_i in ['F', 'Si', 'S', 'Cl', 'Br']: tensions.append(tension) continue if sym_i == 'H': dt_HC = np.zeros([natm,natm,3,3]) dt_HO = np.zeros([natm,natm,3,3]) for j, sym_j in enumerate(symbols): if sym_j == 'C': r, dr = r_zz.get(('H','C'), (0.0, 0.0)) dt_drij = hess_swtich_function(coords[i]-coords[j], r, dr) dt_HC[i,i] += dt_drij dt_HC[i,j] -= dt_drij dt_HC[j,i] -= dt_drij dt_HC[j,j] += dt_drij if sym_j == 'O': r, dr = r_zz.get(('H','O'), (0.0, 0.0)) dt_drij = hess_swtich_function(coords[i]-coords[j], r, dr) dt_HO[i,i] += dt_drij dt_HO[i,j] -= dt_drij dt_HO[j,i] -= dt_drij dt_HO[j,j] += dt_drij sig_HC = get_bond_tension(('H','C')) sig_HO = get_bond_tension(('H','O')) tension += sig_HC * dt_HC + sig_HO * dt_HO tensions.append(tension) if sym_i == 'C': dt_CN = np.zeros([natm,3]) d2t_CC = np.zeros([natm,natm,3,3]) d2t_CN = np.zeros([natm,natm,3,3]) t_CN = 0.0 for j, sym_j in enumerate(symbols): if sym_j == 'C' and i != j: r, dr = r_zz.get(('C', 'C'), (0.0, 0.0)) d2t_drij = hess_swtich_function(coords[i]-coords[j], r, dr) d2t_CC[i,i] += d2t_drij d2t_CC[i,j] -= d2t_drij d2t_CC[j,i] -= d2t_drij d2t_CC[j,j] += d2t_drij if sym_j == 'N': r, dr = r_zz.get(('C', 'N'), (0.0, 0.0)) t_CN += swtich_function(rij[i,j], r, dr) dt_drij = smd_grad.grad_switch_function(coords[i]-coords[j], r, dr) dt_CN[i] += dt_drij dt_CN[j] -= dt_drij d2t_drij = hess_swtich_function(coords[i]-coords[j], r, dr) d2t_CN[i,i] += d2t_drij d2t_CN[i,j] -= d2t_drij d2t_CN[j,i] -= d2t_drij d2t_CN[j,j] += d2t_drij sig_CC = get_bond_tension(('C','C')) sig_CN = get_bond_tension(('C','N')) tension += sig_CC * d2t_CC + sig_CN * (2 * t_CN * d2t_CN + 2 * np.einsum('i,j->ij', dt_drij[i], dt_drij[j])) tensions.append(tension) if sym_i == 'N': t_NC = 0.0 dt_NC = np.zeros([natm,natm,3,3]) dt_NC3 = np.zeros([natm,natm,3,3]) for j, sym_j in enumerate(symbols): if sym_j == 'C': r, dr = r_zz.get(('N','C'), (0.0, 0.0)) tk = 0.0 dtk = np.zeros([natm,natm,3,3]) for k, sym_k in enumerate(symbols): if k != i and k != j: rjk, drjk = r_zz.get(('C', sym_k), (0.0, 0.0)) tk += swtich_function(rij[j,k], rjk, drjk) dtk_rjk = hess_swtich_function(coords[j]-coords[k], rjk, drjk) dtk[j,j] += dtk_rjk dtk[j,k] -= dtk_rjk dtk[k,j] -= dtk_rjk dtk[k,k] += dtk_rjk dt_drij = hess_swtich_function(coords[i]-coords[j], r, dr) * tk**2 dt_NC[i,i] += dt_drij dt_NC[i,j] -= dt_drij dt_NC[j,i] -= dt_drij dt_NC[j,j] += dt_drij t = swtich_function(coords[i]-coords[j], r, dr) dt_NC += t * (2 * tk * dtk) t_NC += t * tk**2 r, dr = r_zz.get(('N','C3'), (0.0, 0.0)) dt_drij = hess_swtich_function(coords[i]-coords[j], r, dr) dt_NC3[i,i] += dt_drij dt_NC3[i,j] -= dt_drij dt_NC3[j,i] -= dt_drij dt_NC3[j,j] += dt_drij sig_NC = get_bond_tension(('N','C')) sig_NC3= get_bond_tension(('N','C3')) tension += sig_NC * (1.3 * t_NC**0.3 * dt_NC) + sig_NC3 * dt_NC3 tensions.append(tension) if sym_i == 'O': dt_OC = np.zeros([natm,natm,3,3]) dt_ON = np.zeros([natm,natm,3,3]) dt_OO = np.zeros([natm,natm,3,3]) dt_OP = np.zeros([natm,natm,3,3]) for j, sym_j in enumerate(symbols): if sym_j == 'C': r, dr = r_zz.get(('O','C'), (0.0, 0.0)) dt_drij = hess_swtich_function(coords[i]-coords[j], r, dr) dt_OC[i,i] += dt_drij dt_OC[i,j] -= dt_drij dt_OC[j,i] -= dt_drij dt_OC[j,j] += dt_drij if sym_j == 'N': r, dr = r_zz.get(('O','N'), (0.0, 0.0)) dt_drij = hess_swtich_function(coords[i]-coords[j], r, dr) dt_ON[i,i] += dt_drij dt_ON[i,j] -= dt_drij dt_ON[j,i] -= dt_drij dt_ON[j,j] += dt_drij if sym_j == 'O' and j != i: r, dr = r_zz.get(('O','O'), (0.0, 0.0)) dt_drij = hess_swtich_function(coords[i]-coords[j], r, dr) dt_OO[i,i] += dt_drij dt_OO[i,j] -= dt_drij dt_OO[j,i] -= dt_drij dt_OO[j,j] += dt_drij if sym_j == 'P': r, dr = r_zz.get(('O','P'), (0.0, 0.0)) dt_drij = hess_swtich_function(coords[i]-coords[j], r, dr) dt_OP[i,i] += dt_drij dt_OP[i,j] -= dt_drij dt_OP[j,i] -= dt_drij dt_OP[j,j] += dt_drij sig_OC = get_bond_tension(('O','C')) sig_ON = get_bond_tension(('O','N')) sig_OO = get_bond_tension(('O','O')) sig_OP = get_bond_tension(('O','P')) tension += sig_OC * dt_OC + sig_ON * dt_ON + sig_OO * dt_OO + sig_OP * dt_OP tensions.append(tension) return np.asarray(tensions)