Source code for pyscf.solvent.hessian.pcm

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Gradient of PCM family solvent model, copied from GPU4PyCF with modifications
# pylint: disable=C0103

import numpy
from pyscf import lib, gto
from pyscf import scf
from pyscf.solvent.pcm import PI
from pyscf.solvent.grad.pcm import grad_qv, grad_solver, grad_nuc
from pyscf.lib import logger

[docs] def hess_nuc(pcmobj): if not pcmobj._intermediates: mol = pcmobj.mol q_sym = pcmobj._intermediates['q_sym'] gridslice = pcmobj.surface['gslice_by_atom'] grid_coords = pcmobj.surface['grid_coords'] exponents = pcmobj.surface['charge_exp'] atom_coords = mol.atom_coords(unit='B') atom_charges = numpy.asarray(mol.atom_charges(), dtype=numpy.float64) fakemol_nuc = gto.fakemol_for_charges(atom_coords) fakemol = gto.fakemol_for_charges(grid_coords, expnt=exponents**2) # nuclei potential response int2c2e_ip1ip2 = mol._add_suffix('int2c2e_ip1ip2') v_ng_ip1ip2 = gto.mole.intor_cross(int2c2e_ip1ip2, fakemol_nuc, fakemol).reshape([3,3,mol.natm,-1]) dv_g = numpy.einsum('n,xyng->ngxy', atom_charges, v_ng_ip1ip2) dv_g = numpy.einsum('ngxy,g->ngxy', dv_g, q_sym) de = numpy.zeros([mol.natm, mol.natm, 3, 3]) for ia in range(mol.natm): p0, p1 = gridslice[ia] de_tmp = numpy.sum(dv_g[:,p0:p1], axis=1) de[:,ia] -= de_tmp #de[ia,:] -= de_tmp.transpose([0,2,1]) int2c2e_ip1ip2 = mol._add_suffix('int2c2e_ip1ip2') v_ng_ip1ip2 = gto.mole.intor_cross(int2c2e_ip1ip2, fakemol, fakemol_nuc).reshape([3,3,-1,mol.natm]) dv_g = numpy.einsum('n,xygn->gnxy', atom_charges, v_ng_ip1ip2) dv_g = numpy.einsum('gnxy,g->gnxy', dv_g, q_sym) for ia in range(mol.natm): p0, p1 = gridslice[ia] de_tmp = numpy.sum(dv_g[p0:p1], axis=0) de[ia,:] -= de_tmp #de[ia,:] -= de_tmp.transpose([0,2,1]) int2c2e_ipip1 = mol._add_suffix('int2c2e_ipip1') v_ng_ipip1 = gto.mole.intor_cross(int2c2e_ipip1, fakemol_nuc, fakemol).reshape([3,3,mol.natm,-1]) dv_g = numpy.einsum('g,xyng->nxy', q_sym, v_ng_ipip1) for ia in range(mol.natm): de[ia,ia] -= dv_g[ia] * atom_charges[ia] v_ng_ipip1 = gto.mole.intor_cross(int2c2e_ipip1, fakemol, fakemol_nuc).reshape([3,3,-1,mol.natm]) dv_g = numpy.einsum('n,xygn->gxy', atom_charges, v_ng_ipip1) dv_g = numpy.einsum('g,gxy->gxy', q_sym, dv_g) for ia in range(mol.natm): p0, p1 = gridslice[ia] de[ia,ia] -= numpy.sum(dv_g[p0:p1], axis=0) return de
[docs] def hess_elec(pcmobj, dm, verbose=None): ''' slow version with finite difference TODO: use analytical hess_nuc ''' log = logger.new_logger(pcmobj, verbose) t1 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) pmol = pcmobj.mol.copy() mol = pmol.copy() coords = mol.atom_coords(unit='Bohr') def pcm_grad_scanner(mol): # TODO: use more analytical forms pcmobj.reset(mol) e, v = pcmobj._get_vind(dm) pcm_grad = grad_nuc(pcmobj, dm) pcm_grad+= grad_solver(pcmobj, dm) pcm_grad+= grad_qv(pcmobj, dm) return pcm_grad log.warn("Using finite difference scheme for electrostatic contribution") mol.verbose = 0 de = numpy.zeros([mol.natm, mol.natm, 3, 3]) eps = 1e-3 for ia in range(mol.natm): for ix in range(3): dv = numpy.zeros_like(coords) dv[ia,ix] = eps mol.set_geom_(coords + dv, unit='Bohr') g0 = pcm_grad_scanner(mol) mol.set_geom_(coords - dv, unit='Bohr') g1 = pcm_grad_scanner(mol) de[ia,:,ix] = (g0 - g1)/2.0/eps t1 = log.timer_debug1('solvent energy', *t1) pcmobj.reset(pmol) return de
[docs] def fd_grad_vmat(pcmobj, dm, mo_coeff, mo_occ, atmlst=None, verbose=None): ''' dv_solv / da slow version with finite difference ''' log = logger.new_logger(pcmobj, verbose) t1 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) pmol = pcmobj.mol.copy() mol = pmol.copy() if atmlst is None: atmlst = range(mol.natm) nao = mo_coeff.shape[0] coords = mol.atom_coords(unit='Bohr') def pcm_vmat_scanner(mol): pcmobj.reset(mol) e, v = pcmobj._get_vind(dm) return v mol.verbose = 0 vmat = numpy.empty([len(atmlst), 3, nao, nao]) eps = 1e-3 for i0, ia in enumerate(atmlst): for ix in range(3): dv = numpy.zeros_like(coords) dv[ia,ix] = eps mol.set_geom_(coords + dv, unit='Bohr') vmat0 = pcm_vmat_scanner(mol) mol.set_geom_(coords - dv, unit='Bohr') vmat1 = pcm_vmat_scanner(mol) grad_vmat = (vmat0 - vmat1)/2.0/eps vmat[i0,ix] = grad_vmat t1 = log.timer_debug1('computing solvent grad veff', *t1) pcmobj.reset(pmol) return vmat
[docs] def make_hess_object(hess_method): if hess_method.base.with_solvent.frozen: raise RuntimeError('Frozen solvent model is not avialbe for energy hessian') name = (hess_method.base.with_solvent.__class__.__name__ + hess_method.__class__.__name__) return lib.set_class(WithSolventHess(hess_method), (WithSolventHess, hess_method.__class__), name)
[docs] class WithSolventHess: _keys = {'de_solvent', 'de_solute'} def __init__(self, hess_method): self.__dict__.update(hess_method.__dict__) self.de_solvent = None self.de_solute = None
[docs] def undo_solvent(self): cls = self.__class__ name_mixin = self.base.with_solvent.__class__.__name__ obj = lib.view(self, lib.drop_class(cls, WithSolventHess, name_mixin)) del obj.de_solvent del obj.de_solute return obj
[docs] def to_gpu(self): from gpu4pyscf.solvent.hessian import pcm # type: ignore hess_method = self.undo_solvent().to_gpu() return pcm.make_hess_object(hess_method)
[docs] def kernel(self, *args, dm=None, atmlst=None, **kwargs): dm = kwargs.pop('dm', None) if dm is None: dm = self.base.make_rdm1(ao_repr=True) if dm.ndim == 3: dm = dm[0] + dm[1] is_equilibrium = self.base.with_solvent.equilibrium_solvation self.base.with_solvent.equilibrium_solvation = True self.de_solvent = hess_elec(self.base.with_solvent, dm, verbose=self.verbose) #self.de_solvent+= hess_nuc(self.base.with_solvent) self.de_solute = super().kernel(*args, **kwargs) = self.de_solute + self.de_solvent self.base.with_solvent.equilibrium_solvation = is_equilibrium return
[docs] def make_h1(self, mo_coeff, mo_occ, chkfile=None, atmlst=None, verbose=None): if atmlst is None: atmlst = range(self.mol.natm) h1ao = super().make_h1(mo_coeff, mo_occ, atmlst=atmlst, verbose=verbose) if isinstance(self.base, scf.hf.RHF): dm = self.base.make_rdm1(ao_repr=True) dv = fd_grad_vmat(self.base.with_solvent, dm, mo_coeff, mo_occ, atmlst=atmlst, verbose=verbose) for i0, ia in enumerate(atmlst): h1ao[i0] += dv[i0] return h1ao elif isinstance(self.base, scf.uhf.UHF): h1aoa, h1aob = h1ao solvent = self.base.with_solvent dm = self.base.make_rdm1(ao_repr=True) dm = dm[0] + dm[1] dva = fd_grad_vmat(solvent, dm, mo_coeff[0], mo_occ[0], atmlst=atmlst, verbose=verbose) dvb = fd_grad_vmat(solvent, dm, mo_coeff[1], mo_occ[1], atmlst=atmlst, verbose=verbose) for i0, ia in enumerate(atmlst): h1aoa[i0] += dva[i0] h1aob[i0] += dvb[i0] return h1aoa, h1aob else: raise NotImplementedError('Base object is not supported')
def _finalize(self): # disable _finalize. It is called in grad_method.kernel method # where was not yet initialized. pass