#!/usr/bin/env python
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Author: Xiaojie Wu <wxj6000@gmail.com>
Gradient of PCM family solvent models, copied from GPU4PySCF with modifications
import numpy
import scipy
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf import gto, df
from pyscf.solvent.pcm import PI, switch_h
from pyscf.grad import rhf as rhf_grad
libdft = lib.load_library('libdft')
def grad_switch_h(x):
''' first derivative of h(x)'''
dy = 30.0*x**2 - 60.0*x**3 + 30.0*x**4
dy[x<0] = 0.0
dy[x>1] = 0.0
return dy
def gradgrad_switch_h(x):
''' 2nd derivative of h(x) '''
ddy = 60.0*x - 180.0*x**2 + 120*x**3
ddy[x<0] = 0.0
ddy[x>1] = 0.0
return ddy
def get_dF_dA(surface):
J. Chem. Phys. 133, 244111 (2010), Appendix C
atom_coords = surface['atom_coords']
grid_coords = surface['grid_coords']
switch_fun = surface['switch_fun']
area = surface['area']
R_in_J = surface['R_in_J']
R_sw_J = surface['R_sw_J']
ngrids = grid_coords.shape[0]
natom = atom_coords.shape[0]
dF = numpy.zeros([ngrids, natom, 3])
dA = numpy.zeros([ngrids, natom, 3])
for ia in range(atom_coords.shape[0]):
p0,p1 = surface['gslice_by_atom'][ia]
coords = grid_coords[p0:p1]
p1 = p0 + coords.shape[0]
ri_rJ = numpy.expand_dims(coords, axis=1) - atom_coords
riJ = numpy.linalg.norm(ri_rJ, axis=-1)
diJ = (riJ - R_in_J) / R_sw_J
diJ[:,ia] = 1.0
diJ[diJ < 1e-8] = 0.0
ri_rJ[:,ia,:] = 0.0
ri_rJ[diJ < 1e-8] = 0.0
fiJ = switch_h(diJ)
dfiJ = grad_switch_h(diJ) / (fiJ * riJ * R_sw_J)
dfiJ = numpy.expand_dims(dfiJ, axis=-1) * ri_rJ
Fi = switch_fun[p0:p1]
Ai = area[p0:p1]
# grids response
Fi = numpy.expand_dims(Fi, axis=-1)
Ai = numpy.expand_dims(Ai, axis=-1)
dFi_grid = numpy.sum(dfiJ, axis=1)
dF[p0:p1,ia,:] += Fi * dFi_grid
dA[p0:p1,ia,:] += Ai * dFi_grid
# atom response
Fi = numpy.expand_dims(Fi, axis=-2)
Ai = numpy.expand_dims(Ai, axis=-2)
dF[p0:p1,:,:] -= Fi * dfiJ
dA[p0:p1,:,:] -= Ai * dfiJ
return dF, dA
def get_dD_dS(surface, dF, with_S=True, with_D=False):
derivative of D and S w.r.t grids, partial_i D_ij = -partial_j D_ij
S is symmetric, D is not
grid_coords = surface['grid_coords']
exponents = surface['charge_exp']
norm_vec = surface['norm_vec']
switch_fun = surface['switch_fun']
xi_i, xi_j = numpy.meshgrid(exponents, exponents, indexing='ij')
xi_ij = xi_i * xi_j / (xi_i**2 + xi_j**2)**0.5
ri_rj = numpy.expand_dims(grid_coords, axis=1) - grid_coords
rij = numpy.linalg.norm(ri_rj, axis=-1)
xi_r_ij = xi_ij * rij
numpy.fill_diagonal(rij, 1)
dS_dr = -(scipy.special.erf(xi_r_ij) - 2.0*xi_r_ij/PI**0.5*numpy.exp(-xi_r_ij**2))/rij**2
numpy.fill_diagonal(dS_dr, 0)
dS_dr= numpy.expand_dims(dS_dr, axis=-1)
drij = ri_rj/numpy.expand_dims(rij, axis=-1)
dS = dS_dr * drij
dD = None
if with_D:
nj_rij = numpy.sum(ri_rj * norm_vec, axis=-1)
dD_dri = 4.0*xi_r_ij**2 * xi_ij / PI**0.5 * numpy.exp(-xi_r_ij**2) * nj_rij / rij**3
numpy.fill_diagonal(dD_dri, 0.0)
rij = numpy.expand_dims(rij, axis=-1)
nj_rij = numpy.expand_dims(nj_rij, axis=-1)
nj = numpy.expand_dims(norm_vec, axis=0)
dD_dri = numpy.expand_dims(dD_dri, axis=-1)
dD = dD_dri * drij + dS_dr * (-nj/rij + 3.0*nj_rij/rij**2 * drij)
dSii_dF = -exponents * (2.0/PI)**0.5 / switch_fun**2
dSii = numpy.expand_dims(dSii_dF, axis=(1,2)) * dF
return dD, dS, dSii
def grad_nuc(pcmobj, dm):
mol = pcmobj.mol
log = logger.new_logger(mol, mol.verbose)
t1 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
if not pcmobj._intermediates:
dm_cache = pcmobj._intermediates.get('dm', None)
if dm_cache is not None and numpy.linalg.norm(dm_cache - dm) < 1e-10:
mol = pcmobj.mol
q_sym = pcmobj._intermediates['q_sym']
gridslice = pcmobj.surface['gslice_by_atom']
grid_coords = pcmobj.surface['grid_coords']
exponents = pcmobj.surface['charge_exp']
atom_coords = mol.atom_coords(unit='B')
atom_charges = numpy.asarray(mol.atom_charges(), dtype=numpy.float64)
fakemol_nuc = gto.fakemol_for_charges(atom_coords)
fakemol = gto.fakemol_for_charges(grid_coords, expnt=exponents**2)
int2c2e_ip1 = mol._add_suffix('int2c2e_ip1')
v_ng_ip1 = gto.mole.intor_cross(int2c2e_ip1, fakemol_nuc, fakemol)
dv_g = numpy.einsum('g,xng->nx', q_sym, v_ng_ip1)
de = -numpy.einsum('nx,n->nx', dv_g, atom_charges)
v_ng_ip1 = gto.mole.intor_cross(int2c2e_ip1, fakemol, fakemol_nuc)
dv_g = numpy.einsum('n,xgn->gx', atom_charges, v_ng_ip1)
dv_g = numpy.einsum('gx,g->gx', dv_g, q_sym)
de -= numpy.asarray([numpy.sum(dv_g[p0:p1], axis=0) for p0,p1 in gridslice])
t1 = log.timer_debug1('grad nuc', *t1)
return de
def grad_qv(pcmobj, dm):
contributions due to integrals
if not pcmobj._intermediates:
dm_cache = pcmobj._intermediates.get('dm', None)
if dm_cache is not None and numpy.linalg.norm(dm_cache - dm) < 1e-10:
mol = pcmobj.mol
nao = mol.nao
log = logger.new_logger(mol, mol.verbose)
t1 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
gridslice = pcmobj.surface['gslice_by_atom']
q_sym = pcmobj._intermediates['q_sym']
grid_coords = pcmobj.surface['grid_coords']
exponents = pcmobj.surface['charge_exp']
max_memory = pcmobj.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]
blksize = int(max(max_memory*.9e6/8/nao**2/3, 400))
ngrids = q_sym.shape[0]
int3c2e_ip1 = mol._add_suffix('int3c2e_ip1')
cintopt = gto.moleintor.make_cintopt(mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env, int3c2e_ip1)
dvj = numpy.zeros([3,nao])
for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, ngrids, blksize):
fakemol = gto.fakemol_for_charges(grid_coords[p0:p1], expnt=exponents[p0:p1]**2)
v_nj = df.incore.aux_e2(mol, fakemol, intor=int3c2e_ip1, aosym='s1', cintopt=cintopt)
dvj += numpy.einsum('xijk,ij,k->xi', v_nj, dm, q_sym[p0:p1])
int3c2e_ip2 = mol._add_suffix('int3c2e_ip2')
cintopt = gto.moleintor.make_cintopt(mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env, int3c2e_ip2)
dq = numpy.empty([3,ngrids])
for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, ngrids, blksize):
fakemol = gto.fakemol_for_charges(grid_coords[p0:p1], expnt=exponents[p0:p1]**2)
q_nj = df.incore.aux_e2(mol, fakemol, intor=int3c2e_ip2, aosym='s1', cintopt=cintopt)
dq[:,p0:p1] = numpy.einsum('xijk,ij,k->xk', q_nj, dm, q_sym[p0:p1])
aoslice = mol.aoslice_by_atom()
dq = numpy.asarray([numpy.sum(dq[:,p0:p1], axis=1) for p0,p1 in gridslice])
dvj= 2.0 * numpy.asarray([numpy.sum(dvj[:,p0:p1], axis=1) for p0,p1 in aoslice[:,2:]])
de = dq + dvj
t1 = log.timer_debug1('grad qv', *t1)
return de
def grad_solver(pcmobj, dm):
dE = 0.5*v* d(K^-1 R) *v + q*dv
v^T* d(K^-1 R)v = v^T*K^-1(dR - dK K^-1R)v = v^T K^-1(dR - dK q)
mol = pcmobj.mol
log = logger.new_logger(mol, mol.verbose)
t1 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
if not pcmobj._intermediates:
dm_cache = pcmobj._intermediates.get('dm', None)
if dm_cache is not None and numpy.linalg.norm(dm_cache - dm) < 1e-10:
gridslice = pcmobj.surface['gslice_by_atom']
v_grids = pcmobj._intermediates['v_grids']
A = pcmobj._intermediates['A']
D = pcmobj._intermediates['D']
S = pcmobj._intermediates['S']
K = pcmobj._intermediates['K']
q = pcmobj._intermediates['q']
vK_1 = numpy.linalg.solve(K.T, v_grids)
dF, dA = get_dF_dA(pcmobj.surface)
with_D = pcmobj.method.upper() in ['IEF-PCM', 'IEFPCM', 'SS(V)PE']
dD, dS, dSii = get_dD_dS(pcmobj.surface, dF, with_D=with_D, with_S=True)
if pcmobj.method.upper() in ['IEF-PCM', 'IEFPCM', 'SS(V)PE']:
DA = D*A
epsilon = pcmobj.eps
#de_dF = v0 * -dSii_dF * q
#de += 0.5*numpy.einsum('i,inx->nx', de_dF, dF)
# dQ = v^T K^-1 (dR - dK K^-1 R) v
de = numpy.zeros([pcmobj.mol.natm,3])
if pcmobj.method.upper() in ['C-PCM', 'CPCM', 'COSMO']:
dS = dS.transpose([2,0,1])
dSii = dSii.transpose([2,0,1])
# dR = 0, dK = dS
de_dS = (vK_1 * dS.dot(q)).T # numpy.einsum('i,xij,j->ix', vK_1, dS, q)
de -= numpy.asarray([numpy.sum(de_dS[p0:p1], axis=0) for p0,p1, in gridslice])
de -= 0.5*numpy.einsum('i,xij->jx', vK_1*q, dSii) # 0.5*numpy.einsum('i,xij,i->jx', vK_1, dSii, q)
elif pcmobj.method.upper() in ['IEF-PCM', 'IEFPCM', 'SS(V)PE']:
dD = dD.transpose([2,0,1])
dS = dS.transpose([2,0,1])
dSii = dSii.transpose([2,0,1])
dA = dA.transpose([2,0,1])
# IEF-PCM and SS(V)PE formally are the same in gradient calculation
# dR = f_eps/(2*pi) * (dD*A + D*dA),
# dK = dS - f_eps/(2*pi) * (dD*A*S + D*dA*S + D*A*dS)
f_epsilon = (epsilon - 1.0)/(epsilon + 1.0)
fac = f_epsilon/(2.0*PI)
Av = A*v_grids
de_dR = 0.5*fac * numpy.einsum('i,xij,j->ix', vK_1, dD, Av)
de_dR -= 0.5*fac * numpy.einsum('i,xij,j->jx', vK_1, dD, Av)
de_dR = numpy.asarray([numpy.sum(de_dR[p0:p1], axis=0) for p0,p1 in gridslice])
vK_1_D = vK_1.dot(D)
vK_1_Dv = vK_1_D * v_grids
de_dR += 0.5*fac * numpy.einsum('j,xjn->nx', vK_1_Dv, dA)
de_dS0 = 0.5*numpy.einsum('i,xij,j->ix', vK_1, dS, q)
de_dS0 -= 0.5*numpy.einsum('i,xij,j->jx', vK_1, dS, q)
de_dS0 = numpy.asarray([numpy.sum(de_dS0[p0:p1], axis=0) for p0,p1 in gridslice])
vK_1_q = vK_1 * q
de_dS0 += 0.5*numpy.einsum('i,xin->nx', vK_1_q, dSii)
vK_1_DA = numpy.dot(vK_1, DA)
de_dS1 = 0.5*numpy.einsum('i,xij,j->ix', vK_1_DA, dS, q)
de_dS1 -= 0.5*numpy.einsum('i,xij,j->jx', vK_1_DA, dS, q)
de_dS1 = numpy.asarray([numpy.sum(de_dS1[p0:p1], axis=0) for p0,p1 in gridslice])
vK_1_DAq = vK_1_DA*q
de_dS1 += 0.5*numpy.einsum('j,xjn->nx', vK_1_DAq, dSii)
Sq = numpy.dot(S,q)
ASq = A*Sq
de_dD = 0.5*numpy.einsum('i,xij,j->ix', vK_1, dD, ASq)
de_dD -= 0.5*numpy.einsum('i,xij,j->jx', vK_1, dD, ASq)
de_dD = numpy.asarray([numpy.sum(de_dD[p0:p1], axis=0) for p0,p1 in gridslice])
vK_1_D = numpy.dot(vK_1, D)
de_dA = 0.5*numpy.einsum('j,xjn->nx', vK_1_D*Sq, dA) # 0.5*numpy.einsum('j,xjn,j->nx', vK_1_D, dA, Sq)
de_dK = de_dS0 - fac * (de_dD + de_dA + de_dS1)
de += de_dR - de_dK
raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown implicit solvent model: {pcmobj.method}")
t1 = log.timer_debug1('grad solver', *t1)
return de
def make_grad_object(grad_method):
'''For grad_method in vacuum, add nuclear gradients of solvent pcmobj'''
if grad_method.base.with_solvent.frozen:
raise RuntimeError('Frozen solvent model is not avialbe for energy gradients')
name = (grad_method.base.with_solvent.__class__.__name__
+ grad_method.__class__.__name__)
return lib.set_class(WithSolventGrad(grad_method),
(WithSolventGrad, grad_method.__class__), name)
class WithSolventGrad:
_keys = {'de_solvent', 'de_solute'}
def __init__(self, grad_method):
self.de_solvent = None
self.de_solute = None
def undo_solvent(self):
cls = self.__class__
name_mixin = self.base.with_solvent.__class__.__name__
obj = lib.view(self, lib.drop_class(cls, WithSolventGrad, name_mixin))
del obj.de_solvent
del obj.de_solute
return obj
def to_gpu(self):
from gpu4pyscf.solvent.grad import pcm # type: ignore
grad_method = self.undo_solvent().to_gpu()
return pcm.make_grad_object(grad_method)
def kernel(self, *args, dm=None, atmlst=None, **kwargs):
dm = kwargs.pop('dm', None)
if dm is None:
dm = self.base.make_rdm1(ao_repr=True)
if dm.ndim == 3:
dm = dm[0] + dm[1]
self.de_solute = super().kernel(*args, **kwargs)
self.de_solvent = grad_qv(self.base.with_solvent, dm)
self.de_solvent+= grad_nuc(self.base.with_solvent, dm)
self.de_solvent+= grad_solver(self.base.with_solvent, dm)
self.de = self.de_solute + self.de_solvent
if self.verbose >= logger.NOTE:
logger.note(self, '--------------- %s (+%s) gradients ---------------',
rhf_grad._write(self, self.mol, self.de, self.atmlst)
logger.note(self, '----------------------------------------------')
return self.de
def _finalize(self):
# disable _finalize. It is called in grad_method.kernel method
# where self.de was not yet initialized.