Source code for pyscf.qmmm.itrf

#!/usr/bin/env python
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# Author: Qiming Sun <>

QM/MM helper functions that modify the QM methods.

import numpy
import pyscf
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf import gto
from pyscf import df
from pyscf import scf
from pyscf import mcscf
from pyscf import grad
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.qmmm import mm_mole

[docs] def add_mm_charges(scf_method, atoms_or_coords, charges, radii=None, unit=None): '''Embedding the one-electron (non-relativistic) potential generated by MM point charges into QM Hamiltonian. The total energy includes the regular QM energy, the interaction between the nuclei in QM region and the MM charges, and the static Coulomb interaction between the electron density and the MM charges. It does not include the static Coulomb interactions of the MM point charges, the MM energy, the vdw interaction or other bonding/non-bonding effects between QM region and MM particles. Args: scf_method : a HF or DFT object atoms_or_coords : 2D array, shape (N,3) MM particle coordinates charges : 1D array MM particle charges Kwargs: radii : 1D array The Gaussian charge distribution radii of MM atoms. unit : str Bohr, AU, Ang (case insensitive). Default is the same to mol.unit Returns: Same method object as the input scf_method with modified 1e Hamiltonian Note: 1. if MM charge and X2C correction are used together, function mm_charge needs to be applied after X2C decoration (.x2c method), eg mf = mm_charge(scf.RHF(mol).x2c()), [(0.5,0.6,0.8)], [-0.5]). 2. Once mm_charge function is applied on the SCF object, it affects all the post-HF calculations eg MP2, CCSD, MCSCF etc Examples: >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0) >>> mf = mm_charge(dft.RKS(mol), [(0.5,0.6,0.8)], [-0.3]) >>> mf.kernel() -101.940495711284 ''' mol = scf_method.mol if unit is None: unit = mol.unit mm_mol = mm_mole.create_mm_mol(atoms_or_coords, charges, radii=radii, unit=unit) return qmmm_for_scf(scf_method, mm_mol)
# Define method mm_charge for backward compatibility mm_charge = add_mm_charges
[docs] def qmmm_for_scf(method, mm_mol): '''Add the potential of MM particles to SCF (HF and DFT) method or CASCI method then generate the corresponding QM/MM method for the QM system. Args: mm_mol : MM Mole object ''' assert (isinstance(method, (scf.hf.SCF, mcscf.casci.CASBase))) if isinstance(method, scf.hf.SCF): # Avoid to initialize QMMM twice if isinstance(method, QMMM): method.mm_mol = mm_mol return method cls = QMMMSCF else: # post-HF methods if isinstance(method._scf, QMMM): method._scf.mm_mol = mm_mol return method cls = QMMMPostSCF return lib.set_class(cls(method, mm_mol), (cls, method.__class__))
[docs] class QMMM: __name_mixin__ = 'QMMM'
[docs] class QMMMSCF(QMMM): _keys = {'mm_mol'} def __init__(self, method, mm_mol=None): self.__dict__.update(method.__dict__) if mm_mol is None: mm_mol = gto.Mole() self.mm_mol = mm_mol
[docs] def undo_qmmm(self): obj = lib.view(self, lib.drop_class(self.__class__, QMMM)) del obj.mm_mol return obj
[docs] def dump_flags(self, verbose=None): super().dump_flags(verbose), '** Add background charges for %s **', self.__class__.__name__) if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG: logger.debug(self, 'Charge Location') coords = self.mm_mol.atom_coords() charges = self.mm_mol.atom_charges() for i, z in enumerate(charges): logger.debug(self, '%.9g %s', z, coords[i]) return self
[docs] def get_hcore(self, mol=None): if mol is None: mol = self.mol mm_mol = self.mm_mol h1e = super().get_hcore(mol) coords = mm_mol.atom_coords() charges = mm_mol.atom_charges() nao = mol.nao max_memory = self.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] blksize = int(min(max_memory*1e6/8/nao**2, 200)) blksize = max(blksize, 1) if mm_mol.charge_model == 'gaussian': expnts = mm_mol.get_zetas() if mol.cart: intor = 'int3c2e_cart' else: intor = 'int3c2e_sph' cintopt = gto.moleintor.make_cintopt(mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env, intor) v = 0 for i0, i1 in lib.prange(0, charges.size, blksize): fakemol = gto.fakemol_for_charges(coords[i0:i1], expnts[i0:i1]) j3c = df.incore.aux_e2(mol, fakemol, intor=intor, aosym='s2ij', cintopt=cintopt) v += numpy.einsum('xk,k->x', j3c, -charges[i0:i1]) v = lib.unpack_tril(v) h1e += v else: for i0, i1 in lib.prange(0, charges.size, blksize): j3c = mol.intor('int1e_grids', hermi=1, grids=coords[i0:i1]) h1e += numpy.einsum('kpq,k->pq', j3c, -charges[i0:i1]) return h1e
[docs] def energy_nuc(self): # interactions between QM nuclei and MM particles nuc = self.mol.energy_nuc() coords = self.mm_mol.atom_coords() charges = self.mm_mol.atom_charges() for j in range(self.mol.natm): q2, r2 = self.mol.atom_charge(j), self.mol.atom_coord(j) r = lib.norm(r2-coords, axis=1) nuc += q2*(charges/r).sum() return nuc
[docs] def to_gpu(self): obj = self.undo_qmmm().to_gpu() obj = qmmm_for_scf(obj, self.mm_mol) return lib.to_gpu(self, obj)
[docs] def nuc_grad_method(self): scf_grad = super().nuc_grad_method() return qmmm_grad_for_scf(scf_grad)
Gradients = nuc_grad_method
[docs] class QMMMPostSCF(QMMM): def __init__(self, method, mm_mol=None): self.__dict__.update(method.__dict__) mf = qmmm_for_scf(method._scf, mm_mol).run() self._scf = mf self.mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff self.mo_energy = mf.mo_energy
[docs] def undo_qmmm(self): obj = lib.view(self, lib.drop_class(self.__class__, QMMM)) obj._scf = self._scf.undo_qmmm() return obj
to_gpu = QMMMSCF.to_gpu
[docs] def add_mm_charges_grad(scf_grad, atoms_or_coords, charges, radii=None, unit=None): '''Apply the MM charges in the QM gradients' method. It affects both the electronic and nuclear parts of the QM fragment. Args: scf_grad : a HF or DFT gradient object (grad.HF or grad.RKS etc) Once the add_mm_charges_grad was applied, it affects all post-HF calculations eg MP2, CCSD, MCSCF etc coords : 2D array, shape (N,3) MM particle coordinates charges : 1D array MM particle charges Kwargs: radii : 1D array The Gaussian charge distribution radii of MM atoms. unit : str Bohr, AU, Ang (case insensitive). Default is the same to mol.unit Returns: Same gradeints method object as the input scf_grad method Examples: >>> from pyscf import gto, scf, grad >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0) >>> mf = mm_charge(scf.RHF(mol), [(0.5,0.6,0.8)], [-0.3]) >>> mf.kernel() -101.940495711284 >>> hfg = mm_charge_grad(grad.hf.RHF(mf), coords, charges) >>> hfg.kernel() [[-0.25912357 -0.29235976 -0.38245077] [-1.70497052 -1.89423883 1.2794798 ]] ''' assert (isinstance(scf_grad, grad.rhf.Gradients)) mol = scf_grad.mol if unit is None: unit = mol.unit mm_mol = mm_mole.create_mm_mol(atoms_or_coords, charges, radii=radii, unit=unit) mm_grad = qmmm_grad_for_scf(scf_grad) mm_grad.base.mm_mol = mm_mol return mm_grad
# Define method mm_charge_grad for backward compatibility mm_charge_grad = add_mm_charges_grad
[docs] def qmmm_grad_for_scf(scf_grad): '''Add the potential of MM particles to SCF (HF and DFT) object and then generate the corresponding QM/MM gradients method for the QM system. ''' if getattr(scf_grad.base, 'with_x2c', None): raise NotImplementedError('X2C with QM/MM charges') # Avoid to initialize QMMMGrad twice if isinstance(scf_grad, QMMMGrad): return scf_grad assert (isinstance(scf_grad.base, scf.hf.SCF) and isinstance(scf_grad.base, QMMM)) return scf_grad.view(lib.make_class((QMMMGrad, scf_grad.__class__)))
[docs] class QMMMGrad: __name_mixin__ = 'QMMM' def __init__(self, scf_grad): self.__dict__.update(scf_grad.__dict__)
[docs] def dump_flags(self, verbose=None): super().dump_flags(verbose), '** Add background charges for %s **', self.__class__.__name__) if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1: logger.debug1(self, 'Charge Location') coords = self.base.mm_mol.atom_coords() charges = self.base.mm_mol.atom_charges() for i, z in enumerate(charges): logger.debug1(self, '%.9g %s', z, coords[i]) return self
[docs] def get_hcore(self, mol=None): ''' (QM 1e grad) + <-d/dX i|q_mm/r_mm|j>''' if mol is None: mol = self.mol mm_mol = self.base.mm_mol coords = mm_mol.atom_coords() charges = mm_mol.atom_charges() nao = mol.nao max_memory = self.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] blksize = int(min(max_memory*1e6/8/nao**2/3, 200)) blksize = max(blksize, 1) g_qm = super().get_hcore(mol) if mm_mol.charge_model == 'gaussian': expnts = mm_mol.get_zetas() if mol.cart: intor = 'int3c2e_ip1_cart' else: intor = 'int3c2e_ip1_sph' cintopt = gto.moleintor.make_cintopt(mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env, intor) v = 0 for i0, i1 in lib.prange(0, charges.size, blksize): fakemol = gto.fakemol_for_charges(coords[i0:i1], expnts[i0:i1]) j3c = df.incore.aux_e2(mol, fakemol, intor, aosym='s1', comp=3, cintopt=cintopt) v += numpy.einsum('ipqk,k->ipq', j3c, charges[i0:i1]) g_qm += v else: for i0, i1 in lib.prange(0, charges.size, blksize): j3c = mol.intor('int1e_grids_ip', grids=coords[i0:i1]) g_qm += numpy.einsum('ikpq,k->ipq', j3c, charges[i0:i1]) return g_qm
[docs] def grad_hcore_mm(self, dm, mol=None): r'''Nuclear gradients of the electronic energy with respect to MM atoms: ... math:: g = \sum_{ij} \frac{\partial hcore_{ij}}{\partial R_{I}} P_{ji}, where I represents MM atoms. Args: dm : array The QM density matrix. ''' if mol is None: mol = self.mol mm_mol = self.base.mm_mol coords = mm_mol.atom_coords() charges = mm_mol.atom_charges() expnts = mm_mol.get_zetas() intor = 'int3c2e_ip2' nao = mol.nao max_memory = self.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] blksize = int(min(max_memory*1e6/8/nao**2/3, 200)) blksize = max(blksize, 1) cintopt = gto.moleintor.make_cintopt(mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env, intor) g = numpy.empty_like(coords) for i0, i1 in lib.prange(0, charges.size, blksize): fakemol = gto.fakemol_for_charges(coords[i0:i1], expnts[i0:i1]) j3c = df.incore.aux_e2(mol, fakemol, intor, aosym='s1', comp=3, cintopt=cintopt) g[i0:i1] = numpy.einsum('ipqk,qp->ik', j3c * charges[i0:i1], dm).T return g
contract_hcore_mm = grad_hcore_mm # for backward compatibility
[docs] def grad_nuc(self, mol=None, atmlst=None): if mol is None: mol = self.mol coords = self.base.mm_mol.atom_coords() charges = self.base.mm_mol.atom_charges() g_qm = super().grad_nuc(mol, atmlst) # nuclei lattice interaction g_mm = numpy.empty((mol.natm,3)) for i in range(mol.natm): q1 = mol.atom_charge(i) r1 = mol.atom_coord(i) r = lib.norm(r1-coords, axis=1) g_mm[i] = -q1 * numpy.einsum('i,ix,i->x', charges, r1-coords, 1/r**3) if atmlst is not None: g_mm = g_mm[atmlst] return g_qm + g_mm
[docs] def grad_nuc_mm(self, mol=None): '''Nuclear gradients of the QM-MM nuclear energy (in the form of point charge Coulomb interactions) with respect to MM atoms. ''' if mol is None: mol = self.mol mm_mol = self.base.mm_mol coords = mm_mol.atom_coords() charges = mm_mol.atom_charges() g_mm = numpy.zeros_like(coords) for i in range(mol.natm): q1 = mol.atom_charge(i) r1 = mol.atom_coord(i) r = lib.norm(r1-coords, axis=1) g_mm += q1 * numpy.einsum('i,ix,i->ix', charges, r1-coords, 1/r**3) return g_mm
[docs] def to_gpu(self): obj = self.undo_qmmm().to_gpu() obj = qmmm_grad_for_scf(obj) return lib.to_gpu(self, obj)
_QMMMGrad = QMMMGrad # Inject QMMM interface wrapper to other modules scf.hf.SCF.QMMM = mm_charge mcscf.casci.CASBase.QMMM = mm_charge grad.rhf.Gradients.QMMM = mm_charge_grad if __name__ == '__main__': from pyscf import scf, cc, grad mol = gto.Mole() mol.atom = ''' O 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.11081188 H -0.00000000 -0.84695236 0.59109389 H -0.00000000 0.89830571 0.52404783 ''' mol.basis = 'cc-pvdz' coords = [(0.5,0.6,0.8)] #coords = [(0.0,0.0,0.0)] charges = [-0.5] mf = mm_charge(scf.RHF(mol), coords, charges) print(mf.kernel()) # -76.3206550372 g = mf.nuc_grad_method().kernel() mfs = mf.as_scanner() e1 = mfs(''' O 0.00100000 0.00000000 -0.11081188 H -0.00000000 -0.84695236 0.59109389 H -0.00000000 0.89830571 0.52404783 ''') e2 = mfs(''' O -0.00100000 0.00000000 -0.11081188 H -0.00000000 -0.84695236 0.59109389 H -0.00000000 0.89830571 0.52404783 ''') print((e1 - e2)/0.002 * lib.param.BOHR, g[0,0]) mycc = cc.ccsd.CCSD(mf) ecc, t1, t2 = mycc.kernel() # ecc = -0.228939687075 g = mycc.nuc_grad_method().kernel() ccs = mycc.as_scanner() e1 = ccs(''' O 0.00100000 0.00000000 -0.11081188 H -0.00000000 -0.84695236 0.59109389 H -0.00000000 0.89830571 0.52404783 ''') e2 = ccs(''' O -0.00100000 0.00000000 -0.11081188 H -0.00000000 -0.84695236 0.59109389 H -0.00000000 0.89830571 0.52404783 ''') print((e1 - e2)/0.002 * lib.param.BOHR, g[0,0])