Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2021 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import warnings
import ctypes
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.linalg
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.gto import ATM_SLOTS, BAS_SLOTS, ATOM_OF, PTR_COORD
from pyscf.pbc.lib.kpts_helper import get_kconserv, get_kconserv3  # noqa
from pyscf import __config__

FFT_ENGINE = getattr(__config__, 'pbc_tools_pbc_fft_engine', 'NUMPY+BLAS')

def _fftn_blas(f, mesh):
    assert f.ndim == 4
    mx, my, mz = mesh
    expRGx = np.exp(-2j*np.pi*np.arange(mx)[:,None] * np.fft.fftfreq(mx))
    expRGy = np.exp(-2j*np.pi*np.arange(my)[:,None] * np.fft.fftfreq(my))
    expRGz = np.exp(-2j*np.pi*np.arange(mz)[:,None] * np.fft.fftfreq(mz))
    blksize = max(int(1e5 / (mx * my * mz)), 8) * 4
    n = f.shape[0]
    out = np.empty((n, mx*my*mz), dtype=np.complex128)
    buf = np.empty((blksize, mx*my*mz), dtype=np.complex128)
    for i0, i1 in lib.prange(0, n, blksize):
        ni = i1 - i0
        buf1 = buf[:ni]
        out1 = out[i0:i1]
        g = lib.transpose(f[i0:i1].reshape(ni,-1), out=buf1.reshape(-1,ni))
        g =,-1).T, expRGx, c=out1.reshape(-1,mx))
        g =,-1).T, expRGy, c=buf1.reshape(-1,my))
        g =,-1).T, expRGz, c=out1.reshape(-1,mz))
    return out.reshape(n, *mesh)

def _ifftn_blas(g, mesh):
    assert g.ndim == 4
    mx, my, mz = mesh
    expRGx = np.exp(2j*np.pi*np.fft.fftfreq(mx)[:,None] * np.arange(mx))
    expRGy = np.exp(2j*np.pi*np.fft.fftfreq(my)[:,None] * np.arange(my))
    expRGz = np.exp(2j*np.pi*np.fft.fftfreq(mz)[:,None] * np.arange(mz))
    blksize = max(int(1e5 / (mx * my * mz)), 8) * 4
    n = g.shape[0]
    out = np.empty((n, mx*my*mz), dtype=np.complex128)
    buf = np.empty((blksize, mx*my*mz), dtype=np.complex128)
    for i0, i1 in lib.prange(0, n, blksize):
        ni = i1 - i0
        buf1 = buf[:ni]
        out1 = out[i0:i1]
        f = lib.transpose(g[i0:i1].reshape(ni,-1), out=buf1.reshape(-1,ni))
        f =,-1).T, expRGx, 1./mx, c=out1.reshape(-1,mx))
        f =,-1).T, expRGy, 1./my, c=buf1.reshape(-1,my))
        f =,-1).T, expRGz, 1./mz, c=out1.reshape(-1,mz))
    return out.reshape(n, *mesh)

nproc = lib.num_threads()

def _fftn_wrapper(a):  # noqa
    return scipy.fft.fftn(a, axes=(1,2,3), workers=nproc)

def _ifftn_wrapper(a):  # noqa
    return scipy.fft.ifftn(a, axes=(1,2,3), workers=nproc)

        libfft = lib.load_library('libfft')
    except OSError:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to load libfft")

    def _copy_d2z(a):
        fn = libfft._copy_d2z
        out = np.empty(a.shape, dtype=np.complex128)
        return out

    def _complex_fftn_fftw(f, mesh, func):
        if f.dtype == np.double and f.flags.c_contiguous:
            # np.asarray or np.astype is too slow
            f = _copy_d2z(f)
            f = np.asarray(f, order='C', dtype=np.complex128)
        mesh = np.asarray(mesh, order='C', dtype=np.int32)
        rank = len(mesh)
        out = np.empty_like(f)
        fn = getattr(libfft, func)
        for i, fi in enumerate(f):
        return out

    def _fftn_wrapper(a):  # noqa
        mesh = a.shape[1:]
        return _complex_fftn_fftw(a, mesh, 'fft')
    def _ifftn_wrapper(a):  # noqa
        mesh = a.shape[1:]
        return _complex_fftn_fftw(a, mesh, 'ifft')

    # Note: pyfftw is likely slower than scipy.fft in multi-threading environments
        import pyfftw
        pyfftw.config.PLANNER_EFFORT = 'FFTW_MEASURE'
        def _fftn_wrapper(a):  # noqa
            return pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.fftn(a, axes=(1,2,3), threads=nproc)
        def _ifftn_wrapper(a):  # noqa
            return pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.ifftn(a, axes=(1,2,3), threads=nproc)
    except ImportError:
        print('PyFFTW not installed. SciPy fft module will be used.')

    _EXCLUDE = [17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79,
                83, 89, 97,101,103,107,109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163,
    _EXCLUDE = set(_EXCLUDE + [n*2 for n in _EXCLUDE[:30]] + [n*3 for n in _EXCLUDE[:20]])
    def _fftn_wrapper(a):  # noqa
        mesh = a.shape[1:]
        if mesh[0] in _EXCLUDE and mesh[1] in _EXCLUDE and mesh[2] in _EXCLUDE:
            return _fftn_blas(a, mesh)
            return scipy.fft.fftn(a, axes=(1,2,3), workers=nproc)
    def _ifftn_wrapper(a):  # noqa
        mesh = a.shape[1:]
        if mesh[0] in _EXCLUDE and mesh[1] in _EXCLUDE and mesh[2] in _EXCLUDE:
            return _ifftn_blas(a, mesh)
            return scipy.fft.ifftn(a, axes=(1,2,3), workers=nproc)

elif FFT_ENGINE == 'BLAS':
    def _fftn_wrapper(a):  # noqa
        mesh = a.shape[1:]
        return _fftn_blas(a, mesh)
    def _ifftn_wrapper(a):  # noqa
        mesh = a.shape[1:]
        return _ifftn_blas(a, mesh)

[docs] def fft(f, mesh): '''Perform the 3D FFT from real (R) to reciprocal (G) space. After FFT, (u, v, w) -> (j, k, l). (jkl) is in the index order of Gv. FFT normalization factor is 1., as in MH and in `numpy.fft`. Args: f : (nx*ny*nz,) ndarray The function to be FFT'd, flattened to a 1D array corresponding to the index order of :func:`cartesian_prod`. mesh : (3,) ndarray of ints (= nx,ny,nz) The number G-vectors along each direction. Returns: (nx*ny*nz,) ndarray The FFT 1D array in same index order as Gv (natural order of numpy.fft). ''' if f.size == 0: return np.zeros_like(f) f3d = f.reshape(-1, *mesh) assert (f3d.shape[0] == 1 or f[0].size == f3d[0].size) g3d = _fftn_wrapper(f3d) ngrids = if f.ndim == 1 or (f.ndim == 3 and f.size == ngrids): return g3d.ravel() else: return g3d.reshape(-1, ngrids)
[docs] def ifft(g, mesh): '''Perform the 3D inverse FFT from reciprocal (G) space to real (R) space. Inverse FFT normalization factor is 1./N, same as in `numpy.fft` but **different** from MH (they use 1.). Args: g : (nx*ny*nz,) ndarray The function to be inverse FFT'd, flattened to a 1D array corresponding to the index order of `span3`. mesh : (3,) ndarray of ints (= nx,ny,nz) The number G-vectors along each direction. Returns: (nx*ny*nz,) ndarray The inverse FFT 1D array in same index order as Gv (natural order of numpy.fft). ''' if g.size == 0: return np.zeros_like(g) g3d = g.reshape(-1, *mesh) assert (g3d.shape[0] == 1 or g[0].size == g3d[0].size) f3d = _ifftn_wrapper(g3d) ngrids = if g.ndim == 1 or (g.ndim == 3 and g.size == ngrids): return f3d.ravel() else: return f3d.reshape(-1, ngrids)
[docs] def fftk(f, mesh, expmikr): r'''Perform the 3D FFT of a real-space function which is (periodic*e^{ikr}). fk(k+G) = \sum_r fk(r) e^{-i(k+G)r} = \sum_r [f(k)e^{-ikr}] e^{-iGr} ''' return fft(f*expmikr, mesh)
[docs] def ifftk(g, mesh, expikr): r'''Perform the 3D inverse FFT of f(k+G) into a function which is (periodic*e^{ikr}). fk(r) = (1/Ng) \sum_G fk(k+G) e^{i(k+G)r} = (1/Ng) \sum_G [fk(k+G)e^{iGr}] e^{ikr} ''' return ifft(g, mesh) * expikr
[docs] def get_coulG(cell, k=np.zeros(3), exx=False, mf=None, mesh=None, Gv=None, wrap_around=True, omega=None, **kwargs): '''Calculate the Coulomb kernel for all G-vectors, handling G=0 and exchange. Args: k : (3,) ndarray k-point exx : bool or str Whether this is an exchange matrix element mf : instance of :class:`SCF` Returns: coulG : (ngrids,) ndarray The Coulomb kernel. mesh : (3,) ndarray of ints (= nx,ny,nz) The number G-vectors along each direction. omega : float Enable Coulomb kernel ``erf(|omega|*r12)/r12`` if omega > 0 and ``erfc(|omega|*r12)/r12`` if omega < 0. Note this parameter is slightly different to setting for exxdiv='ewald' at G0. When is configured, the Ewald probe charge correction will be computed using the LR or SR Coulomb interactions. However, when this kwarg is explicitly specified, the exxdiv correction is computed with the full-range Coulomb interaction (1/r12). This parameter should only be specified in the range-separated JK builder and range-separated DF (and other range-separated integral methods if any). ''' exxdiv = exx if isinstance(exx, str): exxdiv = exx elif exx and mf is not None: exxdiv = mf.exxdiv if mesh is None: mesh = cell.mesh if 'gs' in kwargs: warnings.warn(' is deprecated. It is replaced by cell.mesh,' 'the number of PWs (=2*gs+1) along each direction.') mesh = [2*n+1 for n in kwargs['gs']] if Gv is None: Gv = cell.get_Gv(mesh) if abs(k).sum() > 1e-9: kG = k + Gv else: kG = Gv equal2boundary = None if wrap_around and abs(k).sum() > 1e-9: equal2boundary = np.zeros(Gv.shape[0], dtype=bool) # Here we 'wrap around' the high frequency k+G vectors into their lower # frequency counterparts. Important if you want the gamma point and k-point # answers to agree b = cell.reciprocal_vectors() box_edge = np.einsum('i,ij->ij', np.asarray(mesh)//2+0.5, b) assert (all(np.linalg.solve(box_edge.T, k).round(9).astype(int)==0)) reduced_coords = np.linalg.solve(box_edge.T, kG.T).T.round(9) on_edge = reduced_coords.astype(int) if cell.dimension >= 1: equal2boundary |= reduced_coords[:,0] == 1 equal2boundary |= reduced_coords[:,0] ==-1 kG[on_edge[:,0]== 1] -= 2 * box_edge[0] kG[on_edge[:,0]==-1] += 2 * box_edge[0] if cell.dimension >= 2: equal2boundary |= reduced_coords[:,1] == 1 equal2boundary |= reduced_coords[:,1] ==-1 kG[on_edge[:,1]== 1] -= 2 * box_edge[1] kG[on_edge[:,1]==-1] += 2 * box_edge[1] if cell.dimension == 3: equal2boundary |= reduced_coords[:,2] == 1 equal2boundary |= reduced_coords[:,2] ==-1 kG[on_edge[:,2]== 1] -= 2 * box_edge[2] kG[on_edge[:,2]==-1] += 2 * box_edge[2] absG2 = np.einsum('gi,gi->g', kG, kG) G0_idx = [] kpts = k.reshape(1,3) if hasattr(mf, 'kpts'): kpts = mf.kpts Nk = len(kpts) if exxdiv == 'vcut_sph': # PRB 77 193110 Rc = (3*Nk*cell.vol/(4*np.pi))**(1./3) with np.errstate(divide='ignore',invalid='ignore'): coulG = 4*np.pi/absG2*(1.0 - np.cos(np.sqrt(absG2)*Rc)) coulG[absG2==0] = 4*np.pi*0.5*Rc**2 if cell.dimension < 3: raise NotImplementedError elif exxdiv == 'vcut_ws': # PRB 87, 165122 assert (cell.dimension == 3) if not getattr(mf, '_ws_exx', None): mf._ws_exx = precompute_exx(cell, kpts) exx_alpha = mf._ws_exx['alpha'] exx_kcell = mf._ws_exx['kcell'] exx_q = mf._ws_exx['q'] exx_vq = mf._ws_exx['vq'] with np.errstate(divide='ignore',invalid='ignore'): coulG = 4*np.pi/absG2*(1.0 - np.exp(-absG2/(4*exx_alpha**2))) coulG[absG2==0] = np.pi / exx_alpha**2 # Index k+Gv into the precomputed vq and add on gxyz =, exx_kcell.lattice_vectors().T)/(2*np.pi) gxyz = gxyz.round(decimals=6).astype(int) mesh = np.asarray(exx_kcell.mesh) gxyz = (gxyz + mesh)%mesh qidx = (gxyz[:,0]*mesh[1] + gxyz[:,1])*mesh[2] + gxyz[:,2] #qidx = [np.linalg.norm(exx_q-kGi,axis=1).argmin() for kGi in kG] maxqv = abs(exx_q).max(axis=0) is_lt_maxqv = (abs(kG) <= maxqv).all(axis=1) coulG = coulG.astype(exx_vq.dtype) coulG[is_lt_maxqv] += exx_vq[qidx[is_lt_maxqv]] if cell.dimension < 3: raise NotImplementedError else: # Ewald probe charge method to get the leading term of the finite size # error in exchange integrals G0_idx = np.where(absG2==0)[0] if cell.dimension != 2 or cell.low_dim_ft_type == 'inf_vacuum': with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): coulG = 4*np.pi/absG2 coulG[G0_idx] = 0 elif cell.dimension == 2: # The following 2D analytical fourier transform is taken from: # R. Sundararaman and T. Arias PRB 87, 2013 b = cell.reciprocal_vectors() Ld2 = np.pi/np.linalg.norm(b[2]) Gz = kG[:,2] Gp = np.linalg.norm(kG[:,:2], axis=1) weights = 1. - np.cos(Gz*Ld2) * np.exp(-Gp*Ld2) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): coulG = weights*4*np.pi/absG2 if len(G0_idx) > 0: coulG[G0_idx] = -2*np.pi*Ld2**2 #-pi*L_z^2/2 elif cell.dimension == 1: logger.warn(cell, 'No method for PBC dimension 1, dim-type %s.' ' cell.low_dim_ft_type="inf_vacuum" should be set.', cell.low_dim_ft_type) raise NotImplementedError # Carlo A. Rozzi, PRB 73, 205119 (2006) a = cell.lattice_vectors() # Rc is the cylindrical radius Rc = np.sqrt(cell.vol / np.linalg.norm(a[0])) / 2 Gx = abs(kG[:,0]) Gp = np.linalg.norm(kG[:,1:], axis=1) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): weights = 1 + Gp*Rc * scipy.special.j1(Gp*Rc) * scipy.special.k0(Gx*Rc) weights -= Gx*Rc * scipy.special.j0(Gp*Rc) * scipy.special.k1(Gx*Rc) coulG = 4*np.pi/absG2 * weights # TODO: numerical integration # coulG[Gx==0] = -4*np.pi * (dr * r * scipy.special.j0(Gp*r) * np.log(r)).sum() if len(G0_idx) > 0: coulG[G0_idx] = -np.pi*Rc**2 * (2*np.log(Rc) - 1) if equal2boundary is not None: coulG[equal2boundary] = 0 # Scale the coulG kernel for attenuated Coulomb integrals. # * kwarg omega is used by RangeSeparatedJKBuilder which requires ewald probe charge # being evaluated with regular Coulomb interaction (1/r12). # *, which affects the ewald probe charge, is often set by # DFT-RSH functionals to build long-range HF-exchange for erf(omega*r12)/r12 if omega is None: _omega = else: _omega = omega if _omega > 0: # long range part coulG *= np.exp(-.25/_omega**2 * absG2) elif _omega < 0: if exxdiv == 'vcut_sph' or exxdiv == 'vcut_ws': raise RuntimeError(f'SR Coulomb for exxdiv={exxdiv} is not available') # short range part coulG *= (1 - np.exp(-.25/_omega**2 * absG2)) # For full-range Coulomb and long-range Coulomb, # the divergent part of periodic summation of (ii|ii) integrals in # Coulomb integrals were cancelled out by electron-nucleus # interaction. The periodic part of (ii|ii) in exchange cannot be # cancelled out by Coulomb integrals. Its leading term is calculated # using Ewald probe charge (the function madelung below) if cell.dimension > 0 and exxdiv == 'ewald' and len(G0_idx) > 0: if omega is None: # Affects DFT-RSH coulG[G0_idx] += Nk*cell.vol*madelung(cell, kpts) else: # for RangeSeparatedJKBuilder coulG[G0_idx] += Nk*cell.vol*madelung(cell, kpts, omega=0) return coulG
[docs] def precompute_exx(cell, kpts): from pyscf.pbc import gto as pbcgto from pyscf.pbc.dft import gen_grid log = lib.logger.Logger(cell.stdout, cell.verbose) log.debug("# Precomputing Wigner-Seitz EXX kernel") Nk = get_monkhorst_pack_size(cell, kpts) log.debug("# Nk = %s", Nk) kcell = pbcgto.Cell() kcell.atom = 'H 0. 0. 0.' kcell.spin = 1 kcell.unit = 'B' kcell.verbose = 0 kcell.a = cell.lattice_vectors() * Nk Lc = 1.0/lib.norm(np.linalg.inv(kcell.a), axis=0) log.debug("# Lc = %s", Lc) Rin = Lc.min() / 2.0 log.debug("# Rin = %s", Rin) # ASE: alpha = 5./Rin # sqrt(-ln eps) / Rc, eps ~ 10^{-11}"WS alpha = %s", alpha) kcell.mesh = np.array([4*int(L*alpha*3.0) for L in Lc]) # ~ [120,120,120] # QE: #alpha = 3./Rin * np.sqrt(0.5) #kcell.mesh = (4*alpha*np.linalg.norm(kcell.a,axis=1)).astype(int) log.debug("# kcell.mesh FFT = %s", kcell.mesh) rs = kcell.get_uniform_grids(wrap_around=False) kngs = len(rs) log.debug("# kcell kngs = %d", kngs) corners_coord = lib.cartesian_prod(([0, 1], [0, 1], [0, 1])) corners =, kcell.a) #vR = np.empty(kngs) #for i, rv in enumerate(rs): # # Minimum image convention to corners of kcell parallelepiped # r = lib.norm(rv-corners, axis=1).min() # if np.isclose(r, 0.): # vR[i] = 2*alpha / np.sqrt(np.pi) # else: # vR[i] = scipy.special.erf(alpha*r) / r r = np.min([lib.norm(rs-c, axis=1) for c in corners], axis=0) vR = scipy.special.erf(alpha*r) / (r+1e-200) vR[r<1e-9] = 2*alpha / np.sqrt(np.pi) vG = (kcell.vol/kngs) * fft(vR, kcell.mesh) if abs(vG.imag).max() > 1e-6: # vG should be real in regular lattice. If imaginary part is observed, # this probably means a ws cell was built from a unconventional # lattice. The SR potential erfc(alpha*r) for the charge in the center # of ws cell decays to the region out of ws cell. The Ewald-sum based # on the minimum image convention cannot be used to build the kernel # Eq (12) of PRB 87, 165122 raise RuntimeError('Unconventional lattice was found') ws_exx = {'alpha': alpha, 'kcell': kcell, 'q' : kcell.Gv, 'vq' : vG.real.copy()} log.debug("# Finished precomputing") return ws_exx
[docs] def madelung(cell, kpts, omega=None): Nk = get_monkhorst_pack_size(cell, kpts) ecell = cell.copy(deep=False) ecell._atm = np.array([[1, cell._env.size, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) ecell._env = np.append(cell._env, [0., 0., 0.]) ecell.unit = 'B' #ecell.verbose = 0 ecell.a = a = np.einsum('xi,x->xi', cell.lattice_vectors(), Nk) if omega is None: omega = if omega == 0: return -2*ecell.ewald() else: # cell.ewald function does not use the Coulomb kernel function # get_coulG. When computing the nuclear interactions with attenuated # Coulomb operator, the Ewald summation technique is not needed # because the Coulomb kernel 4pi/G^2*exp(-G^2/4/omega**2) decays # quickly. precision = cell.precision Ecut = 10. Ecut = np.log(16*np.pi**2/(2*omega**2*(2*Ecut)**.5) / precision + 1.) * 2*omega**2 Ecut = np.log(16*np.pi**2/(2*omega**2*(2*Ecut)**.5) / precision + 1.) * 2*omega**2 mesh = cutoff_to_mesh(a, Ecut) Gv, Gvbase, weights = ecell.get_Gv_weights(mesh) wcoulG = get_coulG(ecell, Gv=Gv, omega=abs(omega), exxdiv=None) * weights SI = ecell.get_SI(mesh=mesh) ZSI = SI[0] e_lr = (2*abs(omega)/np.pi**0.5 - np.einsum('i,i,i->', ZSI.conj(), ZSI, wcoulG).real) if omega > 0: return e_lr else: e_fr = -2*ecell.ewald() # The full-range Coulomb return e_fr - e_lr
[docs] def get_monkhorst_pack_size(cell, kpts, tol=1e-5): kpts = np.reshape(kpts, (-1,3)) min_tol = tol assert kpts.shape[0] < 1/min_tol if kpts.shape[0] == 1: Nk = np.array([1,1,1]) else: tol = max(10**(-int(-np.log10(1/kpts.shape[0]))-2), min_tol) skpts = cell.get_scaled_kpts(kpts) Nk = np.array([np.count_nonzero(abs(ski[1:]-ski[:-1]) > tol) + 1 for ski in np.sort(skpts.T)]) return Nk
[docs] def get_lattice_Ls(cell, nimgs=None, rcut=None, dimension=None, discard=True): '''Get the (Cartesian, unitful) lattice translation vectors for nearby images. The translation vectors can be used for the lattice summation. Kwargs: discard: Drop less important Ls based on AO values on grid ''' if dimension is None: # For atoms near the boundary of the cell, it is necessary (even in low- # dimensional systems) to include lattice translations in all 3 dimensions. if cell.dimension < 2 or cell.low_dim_ft_type == 'inf_vacuum': dimension = cell.dimension else: dimension = 3 if rcut is None: rcut = cell.rcut if dimension == 0 or rcut <= 0 or cell.natm == 0: return np.zeros((1, 3)) a = cell.lattice_vectors() scaled_atom_coords = cell.get_scaled_atom_coords() atom_boundary_max = scaled_atom_coords[:,:dimension].max(axis=0) atom_boundary_min = scaled_atom_coords[:,:dimension].min(axis=0) if (np.any(atom_boundary_max > 1) or np.any(atom_boundary_min < -1)): atom_boundary_max[atom_boundary_max > 1] = 1 atom_boundary_min[atom_boundary_min <-1] = -1 ovlp_penalty = atom_boundary_max - atom_boundary_min dR =[:dimension]) dR_basis = np.diag(dR) # Search the minimal x,y,z requiring |x*a[0]+y*a[1]+z*a[2]+dR|^2 > rcut^2 # Ls boundary should be derived by decomposing (a, Rij) for each atom-pair. # For reasons unclear, the so-obtained Ls boundary seems not large enough. # The upper-bound of the Ls boundary is generated by find_boundary function. def find_boundary(a): aR = np.vstack([a, dR_basis]) r = np.linalg.qr(aR.T)[1] ub = (rcut + abs(r[2,3:]).sum()) / abs(r[2,2]) return ub xb = find_boundary(a[[1,2,0]]) if dimension > 1: yb = find_boundary(a[[2,0,1]]) else: yb = 0 if dimension > 2: zb = find_boundary(a) else: zb = 0 bounds = np.ceil([xb, yb, zb]).astype(int) Ts = lib.cartesian_prod((np.arange(-bounds[0], bounds[0]+1), np.arange(-bounds[1], bounds[1]+1), np.arange(-bounds[2], bounds[2]+1))) Ls =[:,:dimension], a[:dimension]) if discard: ovlp_penalty += 1e-200 # avoid /0 Ts_scaled = (Ts[:,:dimension] + 1e-200) / ovlp_penalty ovlp_penalty_fac = 1. / abs(Ts_scaled).min(axis=1) Ls_mask = np.linalg.norm(Ls, axis=1) * (1-ovlp_penalty_fac) < rcut Ls = Ls[Ls_mask] return np.asarray(Ls, order='C')
[docs] def super_cell(cell, ncopy, wrap_around=False): '''Create an ncopy[0] x ncopy[1] x ncopy[2] supercell of the input cell Note this function differs from :func:`cell_plus_imgs` that cell_plus_imgs creates images in both +/- direction. Args: cell : instance of :class:`Cell` ncopy : (3,) array wrap_around : bool Put the original cell centered on the super cell. It has the effects corresponding to the parameter wrap_around of cell.make_kpts. Returns: supcell : instance of :class:`Cell` ''' a = cell.lattice_vectors() #:supcell.atom = [] #:for Lx in range(ncopy[0]): #: for Ly in range(ncopy[1]): #: for Lz in range(ncopy[2]): #: # Using cell._atom guarantees coord is in Bohr #: for atom, coord in cell._atom: #: L =[Lx, Ly, Lz], a) #: supcell.atom.append([atom, coord + L]) xs = np.arange(ncopy[0]) ys = np.arange(ncopy[1]) zs = np.arange(ncopy[2]) if wrap_around: xs[(ncopy[0]+1)//2:] -= ncopy[0] ys[(ncopy[1]+1)//2:] -= ncopy[1] zs[(ncopy[2]+1)//2:] -= ncopy[2] Ts = lib.cartesian_prod((xs, ys, zs)) Ls =, a) supcell = cell.copy(deep=False) supcell.a = np.einsum('i,ij->ij', ncopy, a) mesh = np.asarray(ncopy) * np.asarray(cell.mesh) supcell.mesh = (mesh // 2) * 2 + 1 if isinstance(cell.magmom, np.ndarray): supcell.magmom = cell.magmom.tolist() * else: supcell.magmom = cell.magmom * return _build_supcell_(supcell, cell, Ls)
[docs] def cell_plus_imgs(cell, nimgs): '''Create a supercell via nimgs[i] in each +/- direction, as in get_lattice_Ls(). Note this function differs from :func:`super_cell` that super_cell only stacks the images in + direction. Args: cell : instance of :class:`Cell` nimgs : (3,) array Returns: supcell : instance of :class:`Cell` ''' a = cell.lattice_vectors() Ts = lib.cartesian_prod((np.arange(-nimgs[0], nimgs[0]+1), np.arange(-nimgs[1], nimgs[1]+1), np.arange(-nimgs[2], nimgs[2]+1))) Ls =, a) supcell = cell.copy(deep=False) supcell.a = np.einsum('i,ij->ij', nimgs, a) supcell.mesh = np.array([(nimgs[0]*2+1)*cell.mesh[0], (nimgs[1]*2+1)*cell.mesh[1], (nimgs[2]*2+1)*cell.mesh[2]]) return _build_supcell_(supcell, cell, Ls)
def _build_supcell_(supcell, cell, Ls): ''' Construct supcell ._env directly without calling method. This reserves the basis contraction coefficients defined in cell ''' from pyscf.pbc import gto as pbcgto nimgs = len(Ls) symbs = [atom[0] for atom in cell._atom] * nimgs coords = Ls.reshape(-1,1,3) + cell.atom_coords() coords = coords.reshape(-1,3) x, y, z = coords.T supcell.atom = supcell._atom = list(zip(symbs, zip(x, y, z))) supcell.unit = 'B' supcell.enuc = None # reset nuclear energy # Do not call to initialize supcell since it may normalize # the basis contraction coefficients # preserves environments defined in cell._env (e.g. omega, gauge origin) _env = np.append(cell._env, coords.ravel()) _atm = np.repeat(cell._atm[None,:,:], nimgs, axis=0) _atm = _atm.reshape(-1, ATM_SLOTS) # Point to the coordinates appended to _env _atm[:,PTR_COORD] = cell._env.size + np.arange(nimgs * cell.natm) * 3 _bas = np.repeat(cell._bas[None,:,:], nimgs, axis=0) # For atom pointers in each image, shift natm*image_id _bas[:,:,ATOM_OF] += np.arange(nimgs)[:,None] * cell.natm supcell._atm = np.asarray(_atm, dtype=np.int32) supcell._bas = np.asarray(_bas.reshape(-1, BAS_SLOTS), dtype=np.int32) supcell._env = _env if isinstance(supcell, pbcgto.Cell) and getattr(supcell, 'space_group_symmetry', False): supcell.build_lattice_symmetry(not cell._mesh_from_build) return supcell
[docs] def cutoff_to_mesh(a, cutoff): r''' Convert KE cutoff to FFT-mesh uses KE = k^2 / 2, where k_max ~ \pi / grid_spacing Args: a : (3,3) ndarray The real-space cell lattice vectors. Each row represents a lattice vector. cutoff : float KE energy cutoff in a.u. Returns: mesh : (3,) array ''' # Search the minimal x,y,z requiring |x*b[0]+y*b[1]+z*b[2]|^2 > 2 * cutoff b = 2 * np.pi * np.linalg.inv(a.T) rx = np.linalg.qr(b[[1,2,0]].T)[1][2,2] ry = np.linalg.qr(b[[2,0,1]].T)[1][2,2] rz = np.linalg.qr(b.T)[1][2,2] Gmax = (2*cutoff)**.5 / np.abs([rx, ry, rz]) mesh = np.ceil(Gmax).astype(int) * 2 + 1 return mesh
[docs] def mesh_to_cutoff(a, mesh): ''' Convert #grid points to KE cutoff ''' # Search the minimal x,y,z requiring |x*b[0]+y*b[1]+z*b[2]|^2 > 2 * cutoff b = 2 * np.pi * np.linalg.inv(a.T) rx = np.linalg.qr(b[[1,2,0]].T)[1][2,2] ry = np.linalg.qr(b[[2,0,1]].T)[1][2,2] rz = np.linalg.qr(b.T)[1][2,2] gs = (np.asarray(mesh) - 1) // 2 Gmax = gs * np.array([rx, ry, rz]) ke_cutoff = Gmax**2 / 2 return ke_cutoff
[docs] def cutoff_to_gs(a, cutoff): '''Deprecated. Replaced by function cutoff_to_mesh.''' return [n//2 for n in cutoff_to_mesh(a, cutoff)]
[docs] def gs_to_cutoff(a, gs): '''Deprecated. Replaced by function mesh_to_cutoff.''' return mesh_to_cutoff(a, [2*n+1 for n in gs])
[docs] def round_to_cell0(r, tol=1e-6): '''Round scaled coordinates to reference unit cell ''' from pyscf.pbc.lib import kpts_helper return kpts_helper.round_to_fbz(r, wrap_around=False, tol=tol)