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Convert the k-sampled MO/integrals to corresponding Gamma-point supercell

Zhihao Cui <>
Qiming Sun <>

See also the original implementation at

from functools import reduce
from fractions import Fraction
import itertools
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.pbc import tools
from pyscf.pbc.lib.kpts import KPoints
from pyscf.pbc.lib.kpts_helper import group_by_conj_pairs

[docs] def kpts_to_kmesh(cell, kpts, precision=None, max_images=10000): '''Find the minimal k-points mesh to include all input kpts''' scaled_kpts = cell.get_scaled_kpts(kpts) logger.debug3(cell, ' scaled_kpts kpts %s', scaled_kpts) # cell.nimgs are the upper limits for kmesh kmesh = np.asarray(cell.nimgs) * 2 + 1 if precision is None: precision = cell.precision * 1e2 for i in range(3): floats = scaled_kpts[:,i] uniq_floats_idx = np.unique(floats.round(6), return_index=True)[1] uniq_floats = floats[uniq_floats_idx] # Limit the number of images to 30 in each direction fracs = [Fraction(x).limit_denominator(int(kmesh[i])) for x in uniq_floats] denominators = np.unique([x.denominator for x in fracs]) common_denominator = reduce(np.lcm, denominators) fs = common_denominator * uniq_floats if abs(uniq_floats - np.rint(fs)/common_denominator).max() < precision: kmesh[i] = min(kmesh[i], common_denominator) if cell.verbose >= logger.DEBUG3: logger.debug3(cell, 'dim=%d common_denominator %d error %g', i, common_denominator, abs(fs - np.rint(fs)).max()) logger.debug3(cell, ' unique kpts %s', uniq_floats) logger.debug3(cell, ' frac kpts %s', fracs) assert max_images > 0 if > max_images: kmesh_raw = kmesh.copy() for i in itertools.cycle(np.argsort(kmesh)[::-1]): kmesh[i] = int(kmesh[i] * .8) if < max_images: break logger.warn(cell, 'kmesh (%s) exceeds max_images (%d); reduced to %s', kmesh_raw, max_images, kmesh) return kmesh
[docs] def translation_vectors_for_kmesh(cell, kmesh, wrap_around=False): ''' Translation vectors to construct super-cell of which the gamma point is identical to the k-point mesh of primitive cell ''' latt_vec = cell.lattice_vectors() R_rel_a = np.arange(kmesh[0]) R_rel_b = np.arange(kmesh[1]) R_rel_c = np.arange(kmesh[2]) if wrap_around: R_rel_a[(kmesh[0]+1)//2:] -= kmesh[0] R_rel_b[(kmesh[1]+1)//2:] -= kmesh[1] R_rel_c[(kmesh[2]+1)//2:] -= kmesh[2] R_vec_rel = lib.cartesian_prod((R_rel_a, R_rel_b, R_rel_c)) R_vec_abs =, latt_vec) return R_vec_abs
[docs] def get_phase(cell, kpts, kmesh=None, wrap_around=False): ''' The unitary transformation that transforms the supercell basis k-mesh adapted basis. ''' if kmesh is None: kmesh = kpts_to_kmesh(cell, kpts) R_vec_abs = translation_vectors_for_kmesh(cell, kmesh, wrap_around) NR = len(R_vec_abs) phase = np.exp(1j*, kpts.T)) phase /= np.sqrt(NR) # normalization in supercell # R_rel_mesh has to be construct exactly same to the Ts in super_cell function scell = tools.super_cell(cell, kmesh, wrap_around) return scell, phase
[docs] def double_translation_indices(kmesh): '''Indices to utilize the translation symmetry in the 2D matrix. D[M,N] = D[N-M] The return index maps the 2D subscripts to 1D subscripts. D2 = D1[double_translation_indices()] D1 holds all the symmetry unique elements in D2 ''' tx = translation_map(kmesh[0]) ty = translation_map(kmesh[1]) tz = translation_map(kmesh[2]) idx = np.ravel_multi_index([tx[:,None,None,:,None,None], ty[None,:,None,None,:,None], tz[None,None,:,None,None,:]], kmesh) nk = return idx.reshape(nk, nk)
[docs] def translation_map(nk): ''' Generate [0 1 .. n ] [n 0 .. n-1] [n-1 n .. n-2] [... ... ...] [1 2 .. 0 ] ''' idx = np.repeat(np.arange(nk)[None,:], nk-1, axis=0) strides = idx.strides t_map = np.ndarray((nk, nk), strides=(strides[0]-strides[1], strides[1]), dtype=int, buffer=np.append(idx.ravel(), 0)) return t_map
[docs] def mo_k2gamma(cell, mo_energy, mo_coeff, kpts, kmesh=None): scell, phase = get_phase(cell, kpts, kmesh) E_g = np.hstack(mo_energy) C_k = np.asarray(mo_coeff) Nk, Nao, Nmo = C_k.shape NR = phase.shape[0] k_conj_groups = group_by_conj_pairs(cell, kpts, return_kpts_pairs=False) k_phase = np.eye(Nk, dtype=np.complex128) r2x2 = np.array([[1., 1j], [1., -1j]]) * .5**.5 pairs = [[k, k_conj] for k, k_conj in k_conj_groups if k_conj is not None and k != k_conj] for idx in np.array(pairs): k_phase[idx[:,None],idx] = r2x2 # Transform AO indices C_gamma = np.einsum('Rk,kum,kh->Ruhm', phase, C_k, k_phase) C_gamma = C_gamma.reshape(Nao*NR, Nk*Nmo) # Pure imaginary orbitals to real cR_max = abs(C_gamma.real).max(axis=0) C_gamma[:,cR_max < 1e-5] *= -1j E_sort_idx = np.argsort(E_g, kind='stable') E_g = E_g[E_sort_idx] cI_max = abs(C_gamma.imag).max(axis=0) if cI_max.max() < 1e-5: C_gamma = C_gamma.real[:,E_sort_idx] else: C_gamma = C_gamma[:,E_sort_idx] s = scell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp') # assert (abs(reduce(, (C_gamma.conj().T, s, C_gamma)) # - np.eye(Nmo*Nk)).max() < 1e-5) # For degenerated MOs, the transformed orbitals in super cell may not be # real. Construct a sub Fock matrix in super-cell to find a proper # transformation that makes the transformed MOs real. E_k_degen = abs(E_g[1:] - E_g[:-1]) < 1e-3 degen_mask = np.append(False, E_k_degen) | np.append(E_k_degen, False) degen_mask[cI_max < 1e-5] = False if np.any(E_k_degen): c_rest = C_gamma[:,~degen_mask] if c_rest.size > 0 and abs(c_rest.imag).max() < 1e-4: shift = min(E_g[degen_mask]) - .1 f =[:,degen_mask] * (E_g[degen_mask] - shift), C_gamma[:,degen_mask].conj().T) assert (abs(f.imag).max() < 1e-4) e, na_orb = scipy.linalg.eigh(f.real, s, type=2) C_gamma = C_gamma.real C_gamma[:,degen_mask] = na_orb[:, e>1e-7] else: f = * E_g, C_gamma.conj().T) assert (abs(f.imag).max() < 1e-4) e, C_gamma = scipy.linalg.eigh(f.real, s, type=2) s_k = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', kpts=kpts) # overlap between k-point unitcell and gamma-point supercell s_k_g = np.einsum('kuv,Rk->kuRv', s_k, phase.conj()).reshape(Nk,Nao,NR*Nao) # The unitary transformation from k-adapted orbitals to gamma-point orbitals mo_phase = lib.einsum('kum,kuv,vi->kmi', C_k.conj(), s_k_g, C_gamma) return scell, E_g, C_gamma, mo_phase
[docs] def k2gamma(kmf, kmesh=None): r''' convert the k-sampled mean-field object to the corresponding supercell gamma-point mean-field object. math: C_{\nu ' n'} = C_{\vecR\mu, \veck m} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{N_{\UC}}} \e^{\ii \veck\cdot\vecR} C^{\veck}_{\mu m} ''' from pyscf.pbc import scf, dft if isinstance(kmf.kpts, KPoints): kmf = kmf.to_khf() def transform(mo_energy, mo_coeff, mo_occ): assert not isinstance(kmf.kpts, KPoints) kpts = kmf.kpts scell, E_g, C_gamma = mo_k2gamma(kmf.cell, mo_energy, mo_coeff, kpts, kmesh)[:3] E_sort_idx = np.argsort(np.hstack(mo_energy), kind='stable') mo_occ = np.hstack(mo_occ)[E_sort_idx] return scell, E_g, C_gamma, mo_occ mo_coeff = kmf.mo_coeff mo_energy = kmf.mo_energy mo_occ = kmf.mo_occ if isinstance(kmf, scf.khf.KRHF): scell, E_g, C_gamma, mo_occ = transform(mo_energy, mo_coeff, mo_occ) elif isinstance(kmf, scf.kuhf.KUHF): scell, Ea, Ca, occ_a = transform(mo_energy[0], mo_coeff[0], mo_occ[0]) scell, Eb, Cb, occ_b = transform(mo_energy[1], mo_coeff[1], mo_occ[1]) E_g = [Ea, Eb] C_gamma = [Ca, Cb] mo_occ = [occ_a, occ_b] else: raise NotImplementedError('SCF object %s not supported' % kmf) known_cls = { dft.kuks.KUKS : dft.uks.UKS , dft.kroks.KROKS: dft.roks.ROKS, dft.krks.KRKS : dft.rks.RKS , dft.kgks.KGKS : dft.gks.GKS , scf.kuhf.KUHF : scf.uhf.UHF , scf.krohf.KROHF: scf.rohf.ROHF, scf.khf.KRHF : scf.hf.RHF , scf.kghf.KGHF : scf.ghf.GHF , } if kmf.__class__ in known_cls: mf = known_cls[kmf.__class__](scell) mf.exxdiv = kmf.exxdiv if isinstance(mf, dft.KohnShamDFT): mf.xc = kmf.xc else: raise RuntimeError(f'k2gamma for SCF object {kmf} not supported.') mf.mo_coeff = C_gamma mf.mo_energy = E_g mf.mo_occ = mo_occ return mf
[docs] def to_supercell_ao_integrals(cell, kpts, ao_ints, kmesh=None, force_real=True): '''Transform from the unitcell k-point AO integrals to the supercell gamma-point AO integrals. ''' scell, phase = get_phase(cell, kpts, kmesh=kmesh) NR, Nk = phase.shape nao = cell.nao scell_ints = np.einsum('Rk,kij,Sk->RiSj', phase, ao_ints, phase.conj()) if force_real: return scell_ints.reshape(NR*nao,NR*nao).real else: return scell_ints.reshape(NR*nao,NR*nao)
[docs] def to_supercell_mo_integrals(kmf, mo_ints): '''Transform from the unitcell k-point MO integrals to the supercell gamma-point MO integrals. ''' cell = kmf.cell kpts = kmf.kpts mo_k = np.array(kmf.mo_coeff) Nk, nao, nmo = mo_k.shape e_k = np.array(kmf.mo_energy) scell, E_g, C_gamma, mo_phase = mo_k2gamma(cell, e_k, mo_k, kpts) scell_ints = lib.einsum('xui,xuv,xvj->ij', mo_phase.conj(), mo_ints, mo_phase) assert (abs(scell_ints.imag).max() < 1e-7) return scell_ints.real
if __name__ == '__main__': from pyscf.pbc import gto, dft cell = gto.Cell() cell.atom = ''' H 0. 0. 0. H 0.5 0.3 0.4 ''' cell.basis = 'gth-dzvp' cell.pseudo = 'gth-pade' cell.a = np.eye(3) * 4. cell.unit='B' kmesh = [2, 2, 1] kpts = cell.make_kpts(kmesh) print("Transform k-point integrals to supercell integral") scell, phase = get_phase(cell, kpts) NR, Nk = phase.shape nao = cell.nao s_k = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', kpts=kpts) s = scell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp') s1 = np.einsum('Rk,kij,Sk->RiSj', phase, s_k, phase.conj()) print(abs(s-s1.reshape(s.shape)).max()) s = scell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp').reshape(NR,nao,NR,nao) s1 = np.einsum('Rk,RiSj,Sk->kij', phase.conj(), s, phase) print(abs(s1-s_k).max()) kmf = dft.KRKS(cell, kpts) ekpt = mf = k2gamma(kmf, kmesh) c_g_ao = mf.mo_coeff # The following is to check whether the MO is correctly converted: print("Supercell gamma MO in AO basis from conversion:") scell = tools.super_cell(cell, kmesh) mf_sc = dft.RKS(scell) s = mf_sc.get_ovlp() sc_mo = mf_sc.mo_coeff nocc = scell.nelectron // 2 print("Supercell gamma MO from direct calculation:") print(np.linalg.det(c_g_ao[:,:nocc].T.conj().dot(s).dot(sc_mo[:,:nocc]))) print(np.linalg.svd(c_g_ao[:,:nocc].T.conj().dot(s).dot(sc_mo[:,:nocc]))[1])