#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2020-2023 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Xing Zhang <zhangxing.nju@gmail.com>
import numpy as np
from pyscf import __config__
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.pbc.symm import geom
from functools import reduce
from pyscf.pbc.symm.group import PGElement
SYMPREC = getattr(__config__, 'pbc_symm_space_group_symprec', 1e-6)
XYZ = np.eye(3)
class SPGElement():
Matrix representation of space group operations
rot : (d,d) array
Rotation operator.
trans : (d,) array
Translation operator.
dimension : int
Dimension of the space: `d`.
def __init__(self,
rot=np.eye(3, dtype=np.int32),
trans=np.zeros((3)), dimension=3):
self.rot = np.asarray(rot)
self.trans = np.asarray(trans)
self.dimension = dimension
if dimension != 3:
raise NotImplementedError
def dot(self, r_or_op):
Operates on a point or multiplication of two operators
if isinstance(r_or_op, np.ndarray) and r_or_op.ndim==1 and len(r_or_op)==3:
return np.dot(r_or_op, self.rot.T) + self.trans
elif isinstance(r_or_op, SPGElement):
beta = self.rot
b = self.trans
alpha = r_or_op.rot
a = r_or_op.trans
op = SPGElement(np.dot(beta, alpha), b + np.dot(a, beta.T))
return op
raise KeyError("Input has wrong type: %s" % type(r_or_op))
def dot_rot(self, r):
Rotate a point (without translation)
return np.dot(r, self.rot.T)
def inv(self):
Inverse of self
inv_rot = np.linalg.inv(self.rot)
trans = -np.dot(self.trans, inv_rot.T)
return SPGElement(inv_rot, trans)
def rot_is_eye(self):
return ((self.rot - np.eye(self.dimension,dtype=int)) == 0).all()
def rot_is_inversion(self):
return ((self.rot + np.eye(self.dimension,dtype=int)) == 0).all()
def trans_is_zero(self):
return (np.abs(self.trans) < SYMPREC).all()
def is_eye(self):
Whether self is identity operation.
return self.rot_is_eye and self.trans_is_zero
def is_inversion(self):
Whether self is inversion operation.
return self.rot_is_inversion and self.trans_is_zero
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, SPGElement):
raise TypeError
return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()
def __ne__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, SPGElement):
raise TypeError
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __lt__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, SPGElement):
raise TypeError
return self.__hash__() < other.__hash__()
def __le__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, SPGElement):
raise TypeError
return self.__eq__(other) or self.__lt__(other)
def __gt__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, SPGElement):
raise TypeError
return not self.__le__(other)
def __ge__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, SPGElement):
raise TypeError
return not self.__lt__(other)
def __hash__(self):
r = PGElement.__hash__(self)
trans = self.trans
t = 0
for i in range(self.dimension):
t += int(np.round(trans[i] * 12.)) * 12**(2-i)
return int(t * (3**(self.dimension ** 2)) + r)
def a2b(self, cell):
Transform from direct lattice system to reciprocal lattice system.
return self.transform(cell.lattice_vectors(), cell.reciprocal_vectors())
def a2r(self, cell):
Transform from direct lattice system to Cartesian coordinate system.
return self.transform(cell.lattice_vectors(), XYZ, True)
def b2a(self, cell):
Transform from reciprocal lattice system to direct lattice system.
return self.transform(cell.reciprocal_vectors(), cell.lattice_vectors())
def b2r(self, cell):
Transform from reciprocal lattice system to Cartesian coordinate system.
return self.transform(cell.reciprocal_vectors(), XYZ)
def r2a(self, cell):
Transform from Cartesian coordinate system to direct lattice system.
return self.transform(XYZ, cell.lattice_vectors())
def r2b(self, cell):
Transform from Cartesian coordinate system to reciprocal lattice system.
return self.transform(XYZ, cell.reciprocal_vectors())
def __str__(self):
s = ''
for x in range(3):
s += '%2d %2d %2d %10.6f\n' % (self.rot[x][0], self.rot[x][1], self.rot[x][2], self.trans[x])
return s
class SpaceGroup(lib.StreamObject):
Determines the space group of a lattice.
cell : :class:`Cell` object
symprec : float
Numerical tolerance for determining the space group.
Default value is 1e-6 in the unit of length.
verbose : int
Print level. Default value equals to `cell.verbose`.
backend: str
Choose which backend to use for symmetry detection.
Default is `pyscf` and other choices are `spglib`.
ops : list of :class:`SPGElement` objects
Matrix representation of the space group operations (in direct lattice system).
nop : int
Order of the space group.
groupname : dict
Standard symbols for symmetry groups.
groupname['point_group_symbol']: point group symbol
groupname['international_symbol']: space group symbol
groupname['international_number']: space group number
def __init__(self, cell, symprec=SYMPREC):
self.cell = cell
self.symprec = symprec
self.verbose = cell.verbose
self.stdout = cell.stdout
self.backend = 'pyscf'
# Followings are not input variables
self.ops = []
self.nop = 0
self.groupname = {}
def build(self, dump_info=True):
if self.cell.dimension < 3 and self.backend == 'spglib':
logger.warn(self, 'spglib only works for 3D system; '
'setting symmetry detection backend to pyscf native implementation.')
self.backend = 'pyscf'
if self.backend == 'spglib':
from pyscf.pbc.symm.pyscf_spglib import cell_to_spgcell, get_symmetry_dataset, get_symmetry
spgcell = cell_to_spgcell(self.cell)
dataset = get_symmetry_dataset(spgcell, symprec=self.symprec)
spg_symbol = dataset['international']
spg_no = dataset['number']
pg_symbol = dataset['pointgroup']
symmetry = get_symmetry(spgcell, symprec=self.symprec)
for rot, trans in zip(symmetry['rotations'], symmetry['translations']):
self.ops.append(SPGElement(rot, trans))
elif self.backend == 'pyscf':
self.ops = geom.search_space_group_ops(self.cell, tol=self.symprec)
pg_symbol = geom.get_crystal_class(self.cell, tol=self.symprec)[0]
#TODO add space group symbol
spg_symbol = None
spg_no = None
self.nop = len(self.ops)
self.groupname['point_group_symbol'] = pg_symbol
self.groupname['international_symbol'] = spg_symbol
self.groupname['international_number'] = spg_no
if dump_info:
return self
def dump_info(self, ops=None):
if ops is None:
ops = self.ops
if self.verbose >= logger.INFO:
gn = self.groupname
if gn['international_symbol'] is not None:
logger.info(self, '[Cell] International symbol: %s (%d)',
gn['international_symbol'], gn['international_number'])
logger.info(self, '[Cell] Point group symbol: %s', gn['point_group_symbol'])
if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG:
if len(ops) < len(self.ops):
message = 'Subset of space group symmetry operations:'
message = 'Space group symmetry operations:'
logger.debug(self, message)
for op in ops:
logger.debug(self, op.__str__())
if __name__ == "__main__":
from pyscf.pbc import gto
cell = gto.Cell()
cell.atom = """
Cu 1.000000 1.00000 0.0000
O 0.000000 1.00000 0.0000
O 1.000000 2.00000 0.0000
Cu 1.000000 3.00000 0.0000
O 1.000000 4.00000 0.0000
O 2.000000 3.00000 0.0000
Cu 3.000000 3.00000 0.0000
O 4.000000 3.00000 0.0000
O 3.000000 2.00000 0.0000
Cu 3.000000 1.00000 0.0000
O 3.000000 0.00000 0.0000
O 2.000000 1.00000 0.0000
cell.a = [[4.0, 0., 0.], [0., 4.0, 0.], [0., 0., 16.0]]
cell.verbose = 5
cell.dimension = 3
cell.magmom = [1., 1., -1., -1., 1., -1., 1., 1., -1., -1., 1., -1.]
sg = SpaceGroup(cell)
#sg.backend = 'spglib'