Source code for pyscf.pbc.scf.hf

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2024 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Authors: Garnet Chan <>
#          Timothy Berkelbach <>
#          Qiming Sun <>

Hartree-Fock for periodic systems at a single k-point

See Also: : Hartree-Fock for periodic systems with k-point sampling

import sys

import numpy as np
import h5py
from pyscf.scf import hf as mol_hf
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from import nist
from pyscf.pbc import gto
from pyscf.pbc import tools
from pyscf.pbc.gto.pseudo import get_pp
from pyscf.pbc.scf import addons
from pyscf.pbc import df
from pyscf.pbc.scf.rsjk import RangeSeparatedJKBuilder
from pyscf.pbc.lib.kpts_helper import gamma_point
from pyscf import __config__

[docs] def get_ovlp(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)): '''Get the overlap AO matrix. ''' precision = cell.precision * 1e-5 rcut = max(cell.rcut, gto.estimate_rcut(cell, precision)) with lib.temporary_env(cell, rcut=rcut, precision=precision): # Avoid pbcopt's prescreening in the lattice sum, for better accuracy s = cell.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', hermi=0, kpts=kpt, pbcopt=lib.c_null_ptr()) s = np.asarray(s) hermi_error = abs(s - np.rollaxis(s.conj(), -1, -2)).max() if hermi_error > cell.precision and hermi_error > 1e-12: logger.warn(cell, '%.4g error found in overlap integrals. ' 'cell.precision or cell.rcut can be adjusted to ' 'improve accuracy.', hermi_error) if cell.verbose >= logger.DEBUG: cond = np.max(lib.cond(s)) if cond * precision > 1e2: prec = 1e7 / cond rmin = gto.estimate_rcut(cell, prec*1e-5) logger.warn(cell, 'Singularity detected in overlap matrix. ' 'Integral accuracy may be not enough.\n ' 'You can adjust cell.precision or cell.rcut to ' 'improve accuracy. Recommended settings are\n ' 'cell.precision < %.2g\n ' 'cell.rcut > %.4g', prec, rmin) return s
[docs] def get_hcore(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)): '''Get the core Hamiltonian AO matrix. ''' hcore = get_t(cell, kpt) if cell.pseudo: hcore += get_pp(cell, kpt) else: hcore += get_nuc(cell, kpt) if len(cell._ecpbas) > 0: from pyscf.pbc.gto import ecp hcore += ecp.ecp_int(cell, kpt) return hcore
[docs] def get_t(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)): '''Get the kinetic energy AO matrix. ''' return cell.pbc_intor('int1e_kin', hermi=1, kpts=kpt)
[docs] def get_nuc(cell, kpt=np.zeros(3)): '''Get the bare periodic nuc-el AO matrix, with G=0 removed. See Martin (12.16)-(12.21). ''' return df.FFTDF(cell).get_nuc(kpt)
[docs] def get_j(cell, dm, hermi=1, vhfopt=None, kpt=np.zeros(3), kpts_band=None): '''Get the Coulomb (J) AO matrix for the given density matrix. Args: dm : ndarray or list of ndarrays A density matrix or a list of density matrices Kwargs: hermi : int Whether J, K matrix is hermitian | 0 : no hermitian or symmetric | 1 : hermitian | 2 : anti-hermitian vhfopt : A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices kpt : (3,) ndarray The "inner" dummy k-point at which the DM was evaluated (or sampled). kpts_band : ``(3,)`` ndarray or ``(*,3)`` ndarray An arbitrary "band" k-point at which J is evaluated. Returns: The function returns one J matrix, corresponding to the input density matrix (both order and shape). ''' return df.FFTDF(cell).get_jk(dm, hermi, kpt, kpts_band, with_k=False)[0]
[docs] def get_jk(mf, cell, dm, hermi=1, vhfopt=None, kpt=np.zeros(3), kpts_band=None, with_j=True, with_k=True, omega=None, **kwargs): '''Get the Coulomb (J) and exchange (K) AO matrices for the given density matrix. Args: dm : ndarray or list of ndarrays A density matrix or a list of density matrices Kwargs: hermi : int Whether J, K matrix is hermitian | 0 : no hermitian or symmetric | 1 : hermitian | 2 : anti-hermitian vhfopt : A class which holds precomputed quantities to optimize the computation of J, K matrices kpt : (3,) ndarray The "inner" dummy k-point at which the DM was evaluated (or sampled). kpts_band : ``(3,)`` ndarray or ``(*,3)`` ndarray An arbitrary "band" k-point at which J and K are evaluated. Returns: The function returns one J and one K matrix, corresponding to the input density matrix (both order and shape). ''' return df.FFTDF(cell).get_jk(dm, hermi, kpt, kpts_band, with_j, with_k, omega, exxdiv=mf.exxdiv)
[docs] def get_bands(mf, kpts_band, cell=None, dm=None, kpt=None): '''Get energy bands at the given (arbitrary) 'band' k-points. Returns: mo_energy : (nmo,) ndarray or a list of (nmo,) ndarray Bands energies E_n(k) mo_coeff : (nao, nmo) ndarray or a list of (nao,nmo) ndarray Band orbitals psi_n(k) ''' if cell is None: cell = mf.cell if dm is None: dm = mf.make_rdm1() if kpt is None: kpt = mf.kpt kpts_band = np.asarray(kpts_band) single_kpt_band = (getattr(kpts_band, 'ndim', None) == 1) kpts_band = kpts_band.reshape(-1,3) fock = mf.get_hcore(cell, kpts_band) fock = fock + mf.get_veff(cell, dm, kpt=kpt, kpts_band=kpts_band) s1e = mf.get_ovlp(cell, kpts_band) nkpts = len(kpts_band) mo_energy = [] mo_coeff = [] for k in range(nkpts): e, c = mf.eig(fock[k], s1e[k]) mo_energy.append(e) mo_coeff.append(c) if single_kpt_band: mo_energy = mo_energy[0] mo_coeff = mo_coeff[0] return mo_energy, mo_coeff
[docs] def init_guess_by_chkfile(cell, chkfile_name, project=None, kpt=None): '''Read the HF results from checkpoint file, then project it to the basis defined by ``cell`` Returns: Density matrix, (nao,nao) ndarray ''' from pyscf.pbc.scf import uhf dm = uhf.init_guess_by_chkfile(cell, chkfile_name, project, kpt) return dm[0] + dm[1]
get_fock = mol_hf.get_fock get_occ = mol_hf.get_occ get_grad = mol_hf.get_grad make_rdm1 = mol_hf.make_rdm1 energy_elec = mol_hf.energy_elec
[docs] def dip_moment(cell, dm, unit='Debye', verbose=logger.NOTE, grids=None, rho=None, kpt=np.zeros(3), origin=None): ''' Dipole moment in the cell (is it well defined)? Args: cell : an instance of :class:`Cell` dm (ndarray) : density matrix Return: A list: the dipole moment on x, y and z components ''' from pyscf.pbc import tools from pyscf.pbc.dft import gen_grid from pyscf.pbc.dft import numint if cell.dimension != 3: # raise NotImplementedError logger.warn(cell, 'Dipole moment for low-dimension system is not supported.') return np.zeros(3) log = logger.new_logger(cell, verbose) a = cell.lattice_vectors() b = np.linalg.inv(a).T if grids is None: grids = gen_grid.UniformGrids(cell) if rho is None: rho = numint.NumInt().get_rho(cell, dm, grids, kpt, cell.max_memory) # With the optimal origin of the unti cell, the net dipole in the unit # cell should be strictly zero. However, the integral grids are often not # enough to produce the zero dipole. Errors are caused by the sub-optimal # origin and the numerical integration. if origin is None: origin = _search_dipole_gauge_origin(cell, grids, rho, log) def shift_grids(r): r_frac = (r - origin).dot(b.T) r_frac5 = r_frac.round(5) # With origin at the center of the unit cell Grids on the edge # (r_frac == +/-0.5) of the new cell may lead to unbalanced # contributions to the dipole moment. r_frac[r_frac5== 0.5] = 0 r_frac[r_frac5==-0.5] = 0 r_frac[r_frac5 > 0.5] -= 1 r_frac[r_frac5 <-0.5] += 1 r =, a) return r r = shift_grids(grids.coords) e_dip = np.einsum('g,g,gx->x', rho, grids.weights, r) charges = cell.atom_charges() r = shift_grids(cell.atom_coords()) nuc_dip = np.einsum('g,gx->x', charges, r) dip = nuc_dip - e_dip if unit.upper() == 'DEBYE': dip *= nist.AU2DEBYE log.note('Dipole moment(X, Y, Z, Debye): %8.5f, %8.5f, %8.5f', *dip) else: log.note('Dipole moment(X, Y, Z, A.U.): %8.5f, %8.5f, %8.5f', *dip) return dip
def _search_dipole_gauge_origin(cell, grids, rho, log): '''Optimize the position of the unit cell in crystal. With a proper unit cell, the nuclear charge center and the electron density center can be placed at the same point (zero net dipole). This function returns the coordinates of the center of the unit cell. ''' from pyscf.pbc.dft import gen_grid a = cell.lattice_vectors() b = np.linalg.inv(a).T charges = cell.atom_charges() coords = cell.atom_coords() nelec =, grids.weights) # The dipole moment in the crystal is not uniquely defined. Depending on # the position and the shape of the unit cell, the value of dipole moment # can be very different. The optimization below searches the origin of a # cell inside which the nuclear charge center and electron density charge # center locate at the same point. if (cell.dimension == 3 and # For orthogonal lattice only abs(np.diag(a.diagonal())).max() and isinstance(grids, gen_grid.UniformGrids)): r_nuc_frac = grid_frac = [np.fft.fftfreq(x) for x in grids.mesh] wxyz = grids.weights.reshape(grids.mesh) rhoxyz = rho.reshape(grids.mesh) def search_orig(ix): nx = grids.mesh[ix] den = np.einsum('xyz,xyz->'+('xyz'[ix]), rhoxyz, wxyz) nuc_x = r_nuc_frac[:,ix] grid_x = grid_frac[ix] # possible origin of the unit cell possible_orig = grid_x # shifts the unit cell possible_x = grid_x - possible_orig[:,None] possible_x[possible_x < 0] += 1 possible_nuc_x = nuc_x - possible_orig[:,None] possible_nuc_x[possible_nuc_x < 0] += 1 # Handle the grids on the edge of a unit cell. possible_nuc_x[possible_nuc_x==0] = .5 possible_nuc_x[possible_nuc_x==1] = .5 possible_x[possible_x==0] = .5 possible_x[possible_x==1] = .5 # dip in fractional coordinates dip = np.einsum('sx,x->s', possible_nuc_x, charges) dip -= np.einsum('sx,x->s', possible_x, den) # Put the net charge at the center of the unit cell dip -= .5 * (charges.sum() - nelec) idx = abs(dip).argmin() dip_min = dip[idx] if abs(dip_min) > 1e-4: dip_nearest1 = dip[idx-1] dip_nearest2 = dip[(idx+1)%nx] if dip_nearest1 * dip_nearest2 > 0: if dip_nearest1 * dip_min > dip_nearest2 * dip_min: idx_nearest = idx - 1 else: idx_nearest = idx + 1 else: if dip_nearest1 * dip_min < dip_nearest2 * dip_min: idx_nearest = idx - 1 else: idx_nearest = idx + 1 dip_nearest = dip[idx_nearest%nx] if dip_nearest * dip_min < 0: # extrapolation idx = (idx_nearest*dip_min-idx*dip_nearest) / (dip_min-dip_nearest) # wraparound if idx >= nx // 2: idx -= nx shift = idx / nx * a[ix] return shift orig_x = search_orig(0) orig_y = search_orig(1) orig_z = search_orig(2) origin = orig_x + orig_y + orig_z log.debug1('optimized cell origin = %s', origin) log.debug1(' origin_x %s', orig_x) log.debug1(' origin_y %s', orig_y) log.debug1(' origin_z %s', orig_z) center = origin + .5 * a.sum(axis=0) log.debug1('gauge origin = %s', center) else: # If the grids are non-cubic grids, regenerating the grids is expensive if # the position or the shape of the unit cell is changed. The position of # the unit cell is not optimized. The gauge origin is set to the nuclear # charge center of the original unit cell. center = np.einsum('i,ix->x', charges, coords) / charges.sum() return center
[docs] def get_rho(mf, dm=None, grids=None, kpt=None): '''Compute density in real space ''' from pyscf.pbc.dft import gen_grid from pyscf.pbc.dft import numint if dm is None: dm = mf.make_rdm1() if getattr(dm, 'ndim', None) != 2: # UHF dm = dm[0] + dm[1] if grids is None: grids = gen_grid.UniformGrids(mf.cell) if kpt is None: kpt = mf.kpt ni = numint.NumInt() return ni.get_rho(mf.cell, dm, grids, kpt, mf.max_memory)
def _dip_correction(mf): '''Makov-Payne corrections for charged systems.''' from pyscf.pbc import tools from pyscf.pbc.dft import gen_grid log = logger.new_logger(mf) cell = mf.cell a = cell.lattice_vectors() b = np.linalg.inv(a).T grids = gen_grid.UniformGrids(cell) ke_cutoff = gto.estimate_ke_cutoff(cell, 1e-5) grids.mesh = tools.cutoff_to_mesh(a, ke_cutoff) dm = mf.make_rdm1() rho = mf.get_rho(dm, grids) origin = _search_dipole_gauge_origin(cell, grids, rho, log) def shift_grids(r): r_frac = - origin, b.T) # Grids on the boundary (r_frac == +/-0.5) of the new cell may lead to # unbalanced contributions to the dipole moment. Exclude them from the # dipole and quadrupole r_frac[r_frac== 0.5] = 0 r_frac[r_frac==-0.5] = 0 r_frac[r_frac > 0.5] -= 1 r_frac[r_frac <-0.5] += 1 r =, a) return r # SC BCC FCC madelung = (-2.83729747948, -3.63923344951, -4.58486207411) vol = cell.vol L = vol ** (1./3) chg = cell.charge # epsilon is the dielectric constant of the system. For systems # surrounded by vacuum, epsilon = 1. epsilon = 1 # Energy correction of point charges of a simple cubic lattice. de_mono = - chg**2 * np.array(madelung) / (2 * L * epsilon) # dipole energy correction r_e = shift_grids(grids.coords) r_nuc = shift_grids(cell.atom_coords()) charges = cell.atom_charges() e_dip = np.einsum('g,g,gx->x', rho, grids.weights, r_e) nuc_dip = np.einsum('g,gx->x', charges, r_nuc) dip = nuc_dip - e_dip de_dip = -2.*np.pi/(3*cell.vol) * np.linalg.norm(dip)**2 # quadrupole energy correction if abs(a - np.eye(3)*L).max() > 1e-5: logger.warn(mf, 'System is not cubic cell. Quadrupole energy ' 'correction is inaccurate since it is developed based on ' 'cubic cell.') e_quad = np.einsum('g,g,gx,gx->', rho, grids.weights, r_e, r_e) nuc_quad = np.einsum('g,gx,gx->', charges, r_nuc, r_nuc) quad = nuc_quad - e_quad de_quad = 2.*np.pi/(3*cell.vol) * quad de = de_mono + de_dip + de_quad return de_mono, de_dip, de_quad, de
[docs] def makov_payne_correction(mf): '''Makov-Payne correction (Phys. Rev. B, 51, 4014) ''' cell = mf.cell logger.note(mf, 'Makov-Payne correction for charged 3D PBC systems') # PRB 51 (1995), 4014 # PRB 77 (2008), 115139 if cell.dimension != 3: logger.warn(mf, 'Correction for low-dimension PBC systems' 'is not available.') return 0 de_mono, de_dip, de_quad, de = _dip_correction(mf) if mf.verbose >= logger.NOTE: write = mf.stdout.write write('Corrections (AU)\n') write(' Monopole Dipole Quadrupole total\n') write('SC %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f\n' % (de_mono[0], de_dip , de_quad , de[0])) write('BCC %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f\n' % (de_mono[1], de_dip , de_quad , de[1])) write('FCC %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f\n' % (de_mono[2], de_dip , de_quad , de[2])) return de
[docs] class SCF(mol_hf.SCF): '''SCF base class adapted for PBCs. Attributes: kpt : (3,) ndarray The AO k-point in Cartesian coordinates, in units of 1/Bohr. exxdiv : str Exchange divergence treatment, can be one of | None : ignore G=0 contribution in exchange | 'ewald' : Ewald probe charge correction [JCP 122, 234102 (2005); DOI:10.1063/1.1926272] with_df : density fitting object Default is the FFT based DF model. For all-electron calculation, MDF model is favored for better accuracy. See also :mod:`pyscf.pbc.df`. ''' _keys = {'cell', 'exxdiv', 'with_df', 'rsjk'} init_direct_scf = lib.invalid_method('init_direct_scf') get_bands = get_bands get_rho = get_rho def __init__(self, cell, kpt=np.zeros(3), exxdiv=getattr(__config__, 'pbc_scf_SCF_exxdiv', 'ewald')): if not cell._built: sys.stderr.write('Warning: is not called in input\n') mol_hf.SCF.__init__(self, cell) self.with_df = df.FFTDF(cell) # Range separation JK builder self.rsjk = None self.exxdiv = exxdiv self.kpt = kpt self.conv_tol = max(cell.precision * 10, 1e-8) @property def kpt(self): if 'kpt' in self.__dict__: # To handle the attribute kpt loaded from chkfile self.kpt = self.__dict__.pop('kpt') return self.with_df.kpts.reshape(3) @kpt.setter def kpt(self, x): self.with_df.kpts = np.reshape(x, (1, 3)) if self.rsjk: self.rsjk.kpts = self.with_df.kpts @property def kpts(self): return self.with_df.kpts
[docs] def build(self, cell=None): # To handle the attribute kpt or kpts loaded from chkfile if 'kpt' in self.__dict__: self.kpt = self.__dict__.pop('kpt') if self.rsjk: if not np.all(self.rsjk.kpts == self.kpt): self.rsjk = self.rsjk.__class__(cell, self.kpt) if self.verbose >= logger.WARN: self.check_sanity() return self
[docs] def reset(self, cell=None): '''Reset cell and relevant attributes associated to the old cell object''' if cell is not None: self.cell = cell self.with_df.reset(cell) return self
# used by hf kernel @property def mol(self): return self.cell @mol.setter def mol(self, x): self.cell = x
[docs] def dump_flags(self, verbose=None): mol_hf.SCF.dump_flags(self, verbose), '******** PBC SCF flags ********'), 'kpt = %s', self.kpt), 'Exchange divergence treatment (exxdiv) = %s', self.exxdiv) cell = self.cell if ((cell.dimension >= 2 and cell.low_dim_ft_type != 'inf_vacuum') and isinstance(self.exxdiv, str) and self.exxdiv.lower() == 'ewald'): madelung = tools.pbc.madelung(cell, [self.kpt]), ' madelung (= occupied orbital energy shift) = %s', madelung), ' Total energy shift due to Ewald probe charge' ' = -1/2 * Nelec*madelung = %.12g', madelung*cell.nelectron * -.5) if getattr(self, 'smearing_method', None) is not None:, 'Smearing method = %s', self.smearing_method), 'DF object = %s', self.with_df) if not getattr(self.with_df, 'build', None): # .dump_flags() is called in function self.with_df.dump_flags(verbose) return self
[docs] def check_sanity(self): lib.StreamObject.check_sanity(self) if (isinstance(self.exxdiv, str) and self.exxdiv.lower() != 'ewald' and isinstance(self.with_df, df.df.DF)): logger.warn(self, 'exxdiv %s is not supported in DF or MDF', self.exxdiv) if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG: s = self.get_ovlp() cond = np.max(lib.cond(s)) if cond * 1e-17 > self.conv_tol: logger.warn(self, 'Singularity detected in overlap matrix (condition number = %4.3g). ' 'SCF may be inaccurate and hard to converge.', cond) return self
[docs] def get_hcore(self, cell=None, kpt=None): if cell is None: cell = self.cell if kpt is None: kpt = self.kpt if cell.pseudo: nuc = self.with_df.get_pp(kpt) else: nuc = self.with_df.get_nuc(kpt) if len(cell._ecpbas) > 0: from pyscf.pbc.gto import ecp nuc += ecp.ecp_int(cell, kpt) return nuc + cell.pbc_intor('int1e_kin', 1, 1, kpt)
[docs] def get_ovlp(self, cell=None, kpt=None): if cell is None: cell = self.cell if kpt is None: kpt = self.kpt return get_ovlp(cell, kpt)
[docs] def get_jk(self, cell=None, dm=None, hermi=1, kpt=None, kpts_band=None, with_j=True, with_k=True, omega=None, **kwargs): r'''Get Coulomb (J) and exchange (K) following :func:`scf.hf.RHF.get_jk_`. for particular k-point (kpt). When kpts_band is given, the J, K matrices on kpts_band are evaluated. J_{pq} = \sum_{rs} (pq|rs) dm[s,r] K_{pq} = \sum_{rs} (pr|sq) dm[r,s] where r,s are orbitals on kpt. p and q are orbitals on kpts_band if kpts_band is given otherwise p and q are orbitals on kpt. ''' if cell is None: cell = self.cell if dm is None: dm = self.make_rdm1() if kpt is None: kpt = self.kpt cpu0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) dm = np.asarray(dm) nao = dm.shape[-1] if (not omega and kpts_band is None and # TODO: generate AO integrals with rsjk algorithm not self.rsjk and (self.exxdiv == 'ewald' or not self.exxdiv) and (self._eri is not None or cell.incore_anyway or self._is_mem_enough())): if self._eri is None: logger.debug(self, 'Building PBC AO integrals incore') self._eri = self.with_df.get_ao_eri(kpt, compact=True) vj, vk = mol_hf.dot_eri_dm(self._eri, dm, hermi, with_j, with_k) if with_k and self.exxdiv == 'ewald': from pyscf.pbc.df.df_jk import _ewald_exxdiv_for_G0 # G=0 is not included in the ._eri integrals _ewald_exxdiv_for_G0(self.cell, kpt, dm.reshape(-1,nao,nao), vk.reshape(-1,nao,nao)) elif self.rsjk: vj, vk = self.rsjk.get_jk(dm.reshape(-1,nao,nao), hermi, kpt, kpts_band, with_j, with_k, omega, exxdiv=self.exxdiv) else: vj, vk = self.with_df.get_jk(dm.reshape(-1,nao,nao), hermi, kpt, kpts_band, with_j, with_k, omega, exxdiv=self.exxdiv) if with_j: vj = _format_jks(vj, dm, kpts_band) if with_k: vk = _format_jks(vk, dm, kpts_band) logger.timer(self, 'vj and vk', *cpu0) return vj, vk
[docs] def get_j(self, cell=None, dm=None, hermi=1, kpt=None, kpts_band=None, omega=None): r'''Compute J matrix for the given density matrix and k-point (kpt). When kpts_band is given, the J matrices on kpts_band are evaluated. J_{pq} = \sum_{rs} (pq|rs) dm[s,r] where r,s are orbitals on kpt. p and q are orbitals on kpts_band if kpts_band is given otherwise p and q are orbitals on kpt. ''' return self.get_jk(cell, dm, hermi, kpt, kpts_band, with_k=False, omega=omega)[0]
[docs] def get_k(self, cell=None, dm=None, hermi=1, kpt=None, kpts_band=None, omega=None): '''Compute K matrix for the given density matrix. ''' return self.get_jk(cell, dm, hermi, kpt, kpts_band, with_j=False, omega=omega)[1]
[docs] def get_veff(self, cell=None, dm=None, dm_last=0, vhf_last=0, hermi=1, kpt=None, kpts_band=None): '''Hartree-Fock potential matrix for the given density matrix. See :func:`scf.hf.get_veff` and :func:`scf.hf.RHF.get_veff` ''' if cell is None: cell = self.cell if dm is None: dm = self.make_rdm1() if kpt is None: kpt = self.kpt vj, vk = self.get_jk(cell, dm, hermi, kpt, kpts_band) vhf = vj - vk * .5 return vhf
[docs] def get_jk_incore(self, cell=None, dm=None, hermi=1, kpt=None, omega=None, **kwargs): '''Get Coulomb (J) and exchange (K) following :func:`scf.hf.RHF.get_jk_`. *Incore* version of Coulomb and exchange build only. Currently RHF always uses PBC AO integrals (unlike RKS), since exchange is currently computed by building PBC AO integrals. ''' if omega: raise NotImplementedError if cell is None: cell = self.cell if kpt is None: kpt = self.kpt if self._eri is None: self._eri = self.with_df.get_ao_eri(kpt, compact=True) return self.get_jk(cell, dm, hermi, kpt)
[docs] def energy_nuc(self): return self.cell.enuc
[docs] @lib.with_doc(dip_moment.__doc__) def dip_moment(self, cell=None, dm=None, unit='Debye', verbose=logger.NOTE, **kwargs): if cell is None: cell = self.cell rho = kwargs.pop('rho', None) if rho is None: rho = self.get_rho(dm) return dip_moment(cell, dm, unit, verbose, rho=rho, kpt=self.kpt, **kwargs)
def _finalize(self): '''Hook for dumping results and clearing up the object.''' mol_hf.SCF._finalize(self) if self.cell.charge != 0: makov_payne_correction(self) return self
[docs] def get_init_guess(self, cell=None, key='minao', s1e=None): if cell is None: cell = self.cell dm = mol_hf.SCF.get_init_guess(self, cell, key) dm = normalize_dm_(self, dm, s1e) return dm
[docs] def init_guess_by_1e(self, cell=None): if cell is None: cell = self.cell if cell.dimension < 3: logger.warn(self, 'Hcore initial guess is not recommended in ' 'the SCF of low-dimensional systems.') return mol_hf.SCF.init_guess_by_1e(self, cell)
[docs] def init_guess_by_chkfile(self, chk=None, project=None, kpt=None): if chk is None: chk = self.chkfile if kpt is None: kpt = self.kpt return init_guess_by_chkfile(self.cell, chk, project, kpt)
[docs] def from_chk(self, chk=None, project=None, kpt=None): return self.init_guess_by_chkfile(chk, project, kpt)
[docs] def dump_chk(self, envs_or_file): '''Serialize the SCF object and save it to the specified chkfile. Args: envs_or_file: If this argument is a file path, the serialized SCF object is saved to the file specified by this argument. If this attribute is a dict (created by locals()), the necessary variables are saved to the file specified by the attribute mf.chkfile. ''' mol_hf.SCF.dump_chk(self, envs_or_file) if isinstance(envs_or_file, str): with lib.H5FileWrap(envs_or_file, 'a') as fh5: fh5['scf/kpt'] = self.kpt elif self.chkfile: with lib.H5FileWrap(self.chkfile, 'a') as fh5: fh5['scf/kpt'] = self.kpt return self
def _is_mem_enough(self): nao = self.cell.nao_nr() if abs(self.kpt).sum() < 1e-9: mem_need = nao**4*8/4/1e6 else: mem_need = nao**4*16/1e6 return mem_need + lib.current_memory()[0] < self.max_memory*.95
[docs] def analyze(self, verbose=None, with_meta_lowdin=None, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def mulliken_pop(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def density_fit(self, auxbasis=None, with_df=None): from pyscf.pbc.df import df_jk return df_jk.density_fit(self, auxbasis, with_df=with_df)
[docs] def rs_density_fit(self, auxbasis=None, with_df=None): from pyscf.pbc.df import rsdf_jk return rsdf_jk.density_fit(self, auxbasis, with_df=with_df)
[docs] def mix_density_fit(self, auxbasis=None, with_df=None): from pyscf.pbc.df import mdf_jk return mdf_jk.density_fit(self, auxbasis, with_df=with_df)
[docs] def sfx2c1e(self): from pyscf.pbc.x2c import sfx2c1e return sfx2c1e.sfx2c1e(self)
x2c = x2c1e = sfx2c1e
[docs] def to_rhf(self): '''Convert the input mean-field object to a RHF/ROHF/RKS/ROKS object''' return addons.convert_to_rhf(self)
[docs] def to_uhf(self): '''Convert the input mean-field object to a UHF/UKS object''' return addons.convert_to_uhf(self)
[docs] def to_ghf(self): '''Convert the input mean-field object to a GHF/GKS object''' return addons.convert_to_ghf(self)
[docs] def to_kscf(self): '''Convert gamma point SCF object to k-point SCF object ''' from pyscf.pbc.scf.addons import convert_to_kscf return convert_to_kscf(self)
[docs] def jk_method(self, J='FFTDF', K=None): ''' Set up the schemes to evaluate Coulomb and exchange matrix FFTDF: planewave density fitting using Fast Fourier Transform AFTDF: planewave density fitting using analytic Fourier Transform GDF: Gaussian density fitting MDF: Gaussian and planewave mix density fitting RS: range-separation JK builder RSDF: range-separation density fitting ''' if K is None: K = J if J != K: raise NotImplementedError('J != K') if 'DF' in J or 'DF' in K: if 'DF' in J and 'DF' in K: assert J == K else: df_method = J if 'DF' in J else K self.with_df = getattr(df, df_method)(self.cell, self.kpts) if 'RS' in J or 'RS' in K: self.rsjk = RangeSeparatedJKBuilder(self.cell, self.kpts) self.rsjk.verbose = self.verbose # For nuclear attraction if J == 'RS' and K == 'RS' and not isinstance(self.with_df, df.GDF): self.with_df = df.GDF(self.cell, self.kpts) nuc = self.with_df.__class__.__name__ logger.debug1(self, 'Apply %s for J, %s for K, %s for nuc', J, K, nuc) return self
[docs] def to_gpu(self): raise NotImplementedError
class KohnShamDFT: '''A mock DFT base class The base class is defined in the pbc.dft.rks module. This class can be used to verify if an SCF object is an pbc-Hartree-Fock method or an pbc-DFT method. It should be overwritten by the actual KohnShamDFT class when loading dft module. '''
[docs] class RHF(SCF): analyze = mol_hf.RHF.analyze spin_square = mol_hf.RHF.spin_square stability = mol_hf.RHF.stability to_gpu = lib.to_gpu
[docs] def nuc_grad_method(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def to_ks(self, xc='HF'): '''Convert to RKS object. ''' from pyscf.pbc import dft return self._transfer_attrs_(dft.RKS(self.cell, xc=xc))
[docs] def convert_from_(self, mf): '''Convert given mean-field object to RHF/ROHF''' addons.convert_to_rhf(mf, self) return self
def _format_jks(vj, dm, kpts_band): if kpts_band is None: vj = vj.reshape(dm.shape) elif kpts_band.ndim == 1: # a single k-point on bands vj = vj.reshape(dm.shape) elif getattr(dm, "ndim", 0) == 2: vj = vj[0] return vj
[docs] def normalize_dm_(mf, dm, s1e=None): ''' Scale density matrix to make it produce the correct number of electrons. ''' cell = mf.cell if s1e is None: s1e = mf.get_ovlp(cell) ne = lib.einsum('ij,ji->', dm, s1e).real if abs(ne - cell.nelectron) > 0.01: logger.debug(mf, 'Big error detected in the electron number ' 'of initial guess density matrix (Ne/cell = %g)!\n' ' This can cause huge error in Fock matrix and ' 'lead to instability in SCF for low-dimensional ' 'systems.\n DM is normalized wrt the number ' 'of electrons %s', ne, cell.nelectron) dm *= cell.nelectron / ne return dm