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#!/usr/bin/env python
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k-point spin-restricted periodic MP2 calculation using the staggered mesh method
Author: Xin Xing (
Reference: Staggered Mesh Method for Correlation Energy Calculations of Solids: Second-Order
        Møller–Plesset Perturbation Theory, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2021, 17, 8, 4733-4745

import h5py
import numpy as np
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.lib.parameters import LARGE_DENOM
from pyscf.ao2mo import _ao2mo
from pyscf.pbc import df, dft, scf
from pyscf.pbc.scf.khf import get_occ
from import kmp2
from import padding_k_idx, _add_padding
from pyscf.pbc.lib import kpts_helper
from pyscf.pbc.lib.kpts_helper import unique, round_to_fbz
from import get_monkhorst_pack_size
from pyscf.pbc.df.df import CDERIArray

#   Kernel function for computing the MP2 energy
[docs] def kernel(mp, mo_energy, mo_coeff, verbose=logger.NOTE): """Computes k-point RMP2 energy using the staggered mesh method Args: mp (KMP2_stagger): an instance of KMP2_stagger mo_energy (list): a list of numpy.ndarray. Each array contains MO energies of shape (Nmo,) for one kpt mo_coeff (list): a list of numpy.ndarray. Each array contains MO coefficients of shape (Nao, Nmo) for one kpt verbose (int, optional): level of verbosity. Defaults to logger.NOTE (=3). Returns: KMP2 energy """ cput0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) log = logger.new_logger(mp, verbose) nmo = mp.nmo nocc = mp.nocc nvir = nmo - nocc nkpts = mp.nkpts nkpts_ov = mp.nkpts_ov kconserv = mp.khelper.kconserv mem_avail = mp.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] mem_usage = (nkpts_ov * (nocc * nvir)**2) * 16 / 1e6 if mp.with_df_ints: naux = mp._scf.with_df.auxcell.nao_nr() mem_usage += (nkpts_ov**2 * naux * nocc * nvir) * 16 / 1e6 if mem_usage > mem_avail: raise MemoryError('Insufficient memory! MP2 memory usage %d MB (currently available %d MB)' % (mem_usage, mem_avail)) if mp.with_df_ints: Lov = _init_mp_df_eris_stagger(mp) else: with_df = df.FFTDF(mp.cell, mp.kpts) fao2mo = with_df.ao2mo # info of occupied and virtual meshes nkpts_ov = mp.nkpts_ov # number of points on the occupied/virtual mesh kpts_idx_vir = mp.kpts_idx_vir kpts_idx_occ = mp.kpts_idx_occ eia = np.zeros((nocc,nvir)) eijab = np.zeros((nocc,nocc,nvir,nvir)) emp2 = 0.0 oovv_ij = np.zeros((nkpts_ov,nocc,nocc,nvir,nvir), dtype=mo_coeff[0].dtype) mo_e_o = [mo_energy[k][:nocc] for k in range(nkpts)] mo_e_v = [mo_energy[k][nocc:] for k in range(nkpts)] # get location of non-zero/padded elements in occupied and virtual space nonzero_opadding, nonzero_vpadding = padding_k_idx(mp, kind="split") for iki, ki in enumerate(kpts_idx_occ): for ikj, kj in enumerate(kpts_idx_occ): for ika, ka in enumerate(kpts_idx_vir): kb = kconserv[ki,ka,kj] ikb = np.where(kpts_idx_vir == kb)[0][0] if mp.with_df_ints: oovv_ij[ika] = (1./nkpts_ov) * lib.einsum( "Lia,Ljb->iajb", Lov[iki, ika], Lov[ikj, ikb] ).transpose(0,2,1,3) else: orbo_i = mo_coeff[ki][:,:nocc] orbo_j = mo_coeff[kj][:,:nocc] orbv_a = mo_coeff[ka][:,nocc:] orbv_b = mo_coeff[kb][:,nocc:] oovv_ij[ika] = fao2mo( (orbo_i,orbv_a,orbo_j,orbv_b), (mp.kpts[ki],mp.kpts[ka],mp.kpts[kj],mp.kpts[kb]), compact=False ).reshape(nocc,nvir,nocc,nvir).transpose(0,2,1,3) / nkpts_ov for ika, ka in enumerate(kpts_idx_vir): kb = kconserv[ki,ka,kj] ikb = np.where(kpts_idx_vir == kb)[0][0] # remove zero/padded elements from denominator eia = LARGE_DENOM * np.ones((nocc, nvir), dtype=mo_energy[0].dtype) n0_ovp_ia = np.ix_(nonzero_opadding[ki], nonzero_vpadding[ka][:nvir]) eia[n0_ovp_ia] = (mo_e_o[ki][:,None] - mo_e_v[ka])[n0_ovp_ia] ejb = LARGE_DENOM * np.ones((nocc, nvir), dtype=mo_energy[0].dtype) n0_ovp_jb = np.ix_(nonzero_opadding[kj], nonzero_vpadding[kb][:nvir]) ejb[n0_ovp_jb] = (mo_e_o[kj][:,None] - mo_e_v[kb])[n0_ovp_jb] # energy calculation eijab = lib.direct_sum('ia,jb->ijab',eia,ejb) t2_ijab = np.conj(oovv_ij[ika]/eijab) woovv = 2*oovv_ij[ika] - oovv_ij[ikb].transpose(0,1,3,2) emp2 += np.einsum('ijab,ijab', t2_ijab, woovv).real log.timer("KMP2_stagger", *cput0) emp2 /= nkpts_ov return emp2
def _init_mp_df_eris_stagger(mp): """ Compute 3-center electron repulsion integrals, i.e. (L|ov), where `L` denotes DF auxiliary basis functions and `o` and `v` occupied and virtual canonical crystalline orbitals that lie on two staggered uniform meshes. Note that `o` and `v` contain kpt indices `ko` and `kv`, and the third kpt index `kL` is determined by the conservation of momentum. Arguments: mp (KMP2_stagger) -- A KMP2_stagger instance Returns: Lov (numpy.ndarray) -- 3-center DF ints, with shape (nkpts_ov, nkpts_ov, naux, nocc, nvir) """ log = logger.Logger(mp.stdout, mp.verbose) cell = mp._scf.cell if cell.dimension == 2: # 2D ERIs are not positive definite. The 3-index tensors are stored in # two part. One corresponds to the positive part and one corresponds # to the negative part. The negative part is not considered in the # DF-driven CCSD implementation. raise NotImplementedError if mp._scf.with_df._cderi is not None and mp.flag_submesh is True: # When using submeshes for staggered mesh calculation, the 3c DF tensor from mean-field # calculation can be used directly. with_df = mp._scf.with_df else: with_df = df.GDF(mp.cell, mp.kpts).build() nocc = mp.nocc nmo = mp.nmo nvir = nmo - nocc nao = cell.nao_nr() # info of occupied and virtual meshes nkpts_ov = mp.nkpts_ov # number of points on the occupied/virtual mesh kpts_idx_vir = mp.kpts_idx_vir kpts_idx_occ = mp.kpts_idx_occ mo_coeff = _add_padding(mp, mp.mo_coeff, mp.mo_energy)[0] dtype = np.result_type(np.complex128, *mo_coeff) Lov = np.empty((nkpts_ov, nkpts_ov), dtype=object) cput0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) bra_start = 0 bra_end = nocc ket_start = nmo+nocc ket_end = ket_start + nvir cderi_array = CDERIArray(with_df._cderi) tao = [] ao_loc = None for iki, ki in enumerate(kpts_idx_occ): for ika, ka in enumerate(kpts_idx_vir): Lpq_ao = cderi_array[ki, ka] mo = np.hstack((mo_coeff[ki], mo_coeff[ka])) mo = np.asarray(mo, dtype=dtype, order='F') #Note: Lpq.shape[0] != naux if linear dependency is found in auxbasis if Lpq_ao[0].size != nao**2: # aosym = 's2' Lpq_ao = lib.unpack_tril(Lpq_ao).astype(np.complex128) out = _ao2mo.r_e2(Lpq_ao, mo, (bra_start, bra_end, ket_start, ket_end), tao, ao_loc) Lov[iki, ika] = out.reshape(-1, nocc, nvir) log.timer_debug1("transforming DF-MP2 integrals", *cput0) return Lov # Class for staggered mesh MP2
[docs] class KMP2_stagger(kmp2.KMP2): def __init__(self, mf, frozen=None, flag_submesh=False): self.cell = mf.cell self._scf = mf self.verbose = self.cell.verbose self.stdout = self.cell.stdout self.max_memory = self.cell.max_memory # MP2 energy self.e_corr = None # nocc and nmo variables self._nocc = None self._nmo = None # Construction of orbitals and orbital energies on two staggered meshes nks = get_monkhorst_pack_size(mf.cell, mf.kpts) # mesh size self.flag_submesh = flag_submesh if flag_submesh is True: # Choice 1: Use two staggered submeshes of mf.kpts of half size along each dimension if np.any( nks % 2) : log = logger.Logger(self.stdout, self.verbose) log.warn( 'The k-point mesh in the input mf has odd size in certain dimension. \n' 'Cannot use its submeshes for staggered mesh calculation!\n' 'You may set "flag_submesh" to False') raise RuntimeError nks_ov = nks // 2 shift = mf.kpts[ np.argmin( np.sum(mf.kpts**2, axis=1) )] # shift of the original k-point mesh half_shift = mf.cell.get_abs_kpts( [0.5/n for n in nks_ov] ) kpts_vir = shift + mf.cell.make_kpts(nks_ov, with_gamma_point=True) kpts_occ = kpts_vir + half_shift self.kpts = mf.kpts self.mo_energy = mf.mo_energy self.mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff self.mo_occ = get_occ(mf, mo_energy_kpts=mf.mo_energy) else: # Choice 2: Apply non-SCF calculation to compute orbitals and orbital energies on a # staggered mesh of the same size as mf.kpts. if mf.cell.dimension < 3: # The non-SCF calculation of orbitals/orbital energies is currently only valid # for 3D systems in PySCF. For example, when using get_band with a reference HF # system of mesh 1*1*k to compute orbitals and orbital energies on a 1*1*2k mesh, # the obtained mo_energy and mo_coeff are not in good agreement with those computed # from an SCF-HF calculation with mesh 1*1*2k. raise NotImplementedError half_shift = mf.cell.get_abs_kpts( [0.5/n for n in nks] ) kpts_vir = mf.kpts kpts_occ = kpts_vir + half_shift kpts = np.concatenate( (kpts_occ, kpts_vir), axis=0) if isinstance(mf, scf.khf.KRHF): with lib.temporary_env(mf, exxdiv='vcut_sph', with_df=df.FFTDF(mf.cell, mf.kpts)): mo_energy, mo_coeff = mf.get_bands(kpts) mo_occ = get_occ(mf, mo_energy_kpts=mo_energy) self.kpts = kpts self.mo_energy = mo_energy self.mo_coeff = mo_coeff self.mo_occ = mo_occ if isinstance(self._scf.with_df, df.df.GDF): self.with_df_ints = True else: self.with_df_ints = False # Basic info self.nkpts = len(self.kpts) self.frozen = frozen self.khelper = kpts_helper.KptsHelper(self.cell, self.kpts) # Mesh info for the staggered mesh method self.kpts_vir = kpts_vir self.kpts_occ = kpts_occ self.nkpts_ov = len(self.kpts_vir) # Map kpts, kpts_vir, and kpts_occ to the first BZ for better processing kpts_scaled = self.cell.get_scaled_kpts(self.kpts) kpts_occ_scaled = self.cell.get_scaled_kpts(self.kpts_occ) kpts_vir_scaled = self.cell.get_scaled_kpts(self.kpts_vir) kpts_bz = round_to_fbz(kpts_scaled, wrap_around=True, tol=1e-8) kpts_occ_bz = round_to_fbz(kpts_occ_scaled, wrap_around=True, tol=1e-8) kpts_vir_bz = round_to_fbz(kpts_vir_scaled, wrap_around=True, tol=1e-8) # indices of virtual k-points in self.kpts self.kpts_idx_vir = [ np.asarray(np.sum((kpts_bz - kvir)**2, axis=-1) < 1e-10).nonzero()[0] for kvir in kpts_vir_bz] self.kpts_idx_vir = np.concatenate(self.kpts_idx_vir).astype(int) # indices of occupied k-points in self.kpts self.kpts_idx_occ = [ np.asarray(np.sum((kpts_bz - kocc)**2, axis=-1) < 1e-10).nonzero()[0] for kocc in kpts_occ_bz] self.kpts_idx_occ = np.concatenate(self.kpts_idx_occ).astype(int) if (len(self.kpts_idx_vir) != self.nkpts_ov or len(np.unique(self.kpts_idx_vir)) != self.nkpts_ov or len(self.kpts_idx_occ) != self.nkpts_ov or len(np.unique(self.kpts_idx_occ)) != self.nkpts_ov): log = logger.Logger(self.stdout, self.verbose) log.warn('Cannot locate the provided occupied/virtual submeshes in the large k-point mesh') raise RuntimeError
[docs] def dump_flags(self): log = logger.Logger(self.stdout, self.verbose)'')'******** %s ********', self.__class__)'method = %s', self.__class__.__name__) nocc = self.nocc nvir = self.nmo - nocc'Staggerd mesh method for MP2 nocc = %d, nvir = %d', nocc, nvir) nks_ov = get_monkhorst_pack_size(self.cell, self.kpts_vir) # mesh size if self.flag_submesh is True:'Two %d*%d*%d-sized submeshes of mf.kpts are used', nks_ov[0], nks_ov[1], nks_ov[2]) else:'Two %d*%d*%d-sized meshes are used based on non-SCF calculation', nks_ov[0], nks_ov[1], nks_ov[2]) if self.frozen is not None:'frozen orbitals = %s', str(self.frozen))'KMP2 energy = %.15g' % (self.e_corr)) return self
[docs] def kernel(self): if self.mo_energy is None or self.mo_coeff is None: log = logger.Logger(self.stdout, self.verbose) log.warn('mo_coeff, mo_energy are not provided.') raise RuntimeError mo_coeff, mo_energy = _add_padding(self, self.mo_coeff, self.mo_energy) self.e_corr = kernel(self, mo_energy, mo_coeff) self.dump_flags() return self.e_corr
if __name__ == '__main__': from pyscf.pbc import gto, mp ''' Example calculation on hydrogen dimer ''' cell = gto.Cell() cell.pseudo = 'gth-pade' cell.basis = 'gth-szv' cell.ke_cutoff=100 cell.atom=''' H 3.00 3.00 2.10 H 3.00 3.00 3.90 ''' cell.a = ''' 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 ''' cell.unit = 'B' cell.verbose = 4 # HF calculation using FFTDF nks_mf = [2,2,2] kpts = cell.make_kpts(nks_mf, with_gamma_point=True) kmf = scf.KRHF(cell, kpts, exxdiv='ewald') ehf = kmf.kernel() # staggered mesh KMP2 calculation using two submeshes of size [1,1,1] in kmf.kpts kmp = KMP2_stagger(kmf, flag_submesh=True) emp2 = kmp.kernel() assert((abs(emp2 - -0.0160902544091997))<1e-5) # staggered mesh KMP2 calculation using two meshes of size [2,2,2], one of them is kmf.kpts kmp = KMP2_stagger(kmf, flag_submesh=False) emp2 = kmp.kernel() assert((abs(emp2 - -0.0140289970302513))<1e-5) # standard KMP2 calculation kmp = mp.KMP2(kmf) emp2, _ = kmp.kernel() assert((abs(emp2 - -0.0143904878990777))<1e-5) # HF calculation using GDF nks_mf = [2,2,2] kpts = cell.make_kpts(nks_mf, with_gamma_point=True) kmf = scf.KRHF(cell, kpts, exxdiv='ewald') gdf = df.GDF(cell, kpts).build() kmf.with_df = gdf ehf = kmf.kernel() # staggered mesh KMP2 calculation using two submeshes of size [1,1,1] in kmf.kpts kmp = KMP2_stagger(kmf, flag_submesh=True) emp2 = kmp.kernel() assert((abs(emp2 - -0.0158364523431071))<1e-5) # staggered mesh KMP2 calculation using two meshes of size [2,2,2], one of them is kmf.kpts kmp = KMP2_stagger(kmf, flag_submesh=False) emp2 = kmp.kernel() assert((abs(emp2 - -0.0140280303691396))<1e-5) # standard KMP2 calculation kmp = mp.KMP2(kmf) emp2, _ = kmp.kernel() assert((abs(emp2 - -0.0141829343769316))<1e-5)