Source code for pyscf.pbc.gto.ewald_methods

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2021-2024 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Xing Zhang <>

import ctypes
import numpy as np
import scipy
from pyscf import __config__
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.gto import mole
from pyscf.pbc import tools

libpbc = lib.load_library('libpbc')

INTERPOLATION_ORDER = getattr(__config__, 'pyscf_pbc_ewald_bspline_order', 10)

def _bspline(u, n=4):
    fac = 1. / scipy.special.factorial(n-1)
    M = 0
    for k in range(n+1):
        fac1 = ((-1)**k) * scipy.special.binom(n, k)
        M += fac1 * ((np.maximum(u-k, 0)) ** (n-1))
    M *= fac
    return M

def _bspline_grad(u, n=4):
    ... math::
        \frac{dM}{du} = M_{n-1}(u) - M_{n-1}(u-1)
    dMdu = _bspline(u, n-1) - _bspline(u-1, n-1)
    return dMdu

[docs] def bspline(u, ng, n=4, deriv=0): u = np.asarray(u).ravel() u_floor = np.floor(u) delta = u - u_floor idx = [] val = [] for i in range(n): idx.append(np.rint((u_floor - i) % ng).astype(int)) val.append(delta + i) M = np.zeros((u.size, ng)) for i in range(n): M[np.arange(u.size),idx[i]] += _bspline(val[i], n) if deriv > 0: if deriv > 1: raise NotImplementedError dM = np.zeros((u.size, ng)) for i in range(n): dM[np.arange(u.size),idx[i]] += _bspline_grad(val[i], n) M = [M, dM] m = np.arange(ng) b = np.exp(2*np.pi*1j*(n-1)*m/ng) tmp = 0 for k in range(n-1): tmp += _bspline(k+1, n) * np.exp(2*np.pi*1j*m*k/ng) b /= tmp if n % 2 > 0 and ng % 2 == 0 : b[ng//2] = 0 return M, b, idx
def _get_ewald_direct(cell, ew_eta=None, ew_cut=None): if ew_eta is None or ew_cut is None: ew_eta, ew_cut = cell.get_ewald_params() chargs = np.asarray(cell.atom_charges(), order='C', dtype=float) coords = np.asarray(cell.atom_coords(), order='C') Lall = np.asarray(cell.get_lattice_Ls(rcut=ew_cut), order='C') natm = len(chargs) nL = len(Lall) ewovrl = np.zeros([1]) fun = getattr(libpbc, "get_ewald_direct") fun(ewovrl.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), chargs.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), coords.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), Lall.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_double(ew_eta), ctypes.c_double(ew_cut), ctypes.c_int(natm), ctypes.c_int(nL)) return ewovrl[0] def _get_ewald_direct_nuc_grad(cell, ew_eta=None, ew_cut=None): if ew_eta is None or ew_cut is None: ew_eta, ew_cut = cell.get_ewald_params() chargs = np.asarray(cell.atom_charges(), order='C', dtype=float) coords = np.asarray(cell.atom_coords(), order='C') Lall = np.asarray(cell.get_lattice_Ls(rcut=ew_cut), order='C') natm = len(chargs) nL = len(Lall) grad = np.zeros([natm,3], order='C', dtype=float) fun = getattr(libpbc, "get_ewald_direct_nuc_grad") fun(grad.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), chargs.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), coords.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), Lall.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_double(ew_eta), ctypes.c_double(ew_cut), ctypes.c_int(natm), ctypes.c_int(nL)) return grad # FIXME The default interpolation order may be too high
[docs] def particle_mesh_ewald(cell, ew_eta=None, ew_cut=None, order=INTERPOLATION_ORDER): if cell.dimension != 3: raise NotImplementedError("Particle mesh ewald only works for 3D.") chargs = cell.atom_charges() coords = cell.atom_coords() natm = len(coords) if ew_eta is None or ew_cut is None: ew_eta, ew_cut = cell.get_ewald_params() log_precision = np.log(cell.precision / (chargs.sum()*16*np.pi**2)) ke_cutoff = -2*ew_eta**2*log_precision mesh = cell.cutoff_to_mesh(ke_cutoff) ewovrl = _get_ewald_direct(cell, ew_eta, ew_cut) ewself = -.5 *,chargs) * 2 * ew_eta / np.sqrt(np.pi) if cell.dimension == 3: ewself += -.5 * np.sum(chargs)**2 * np.pi/(ew_eta**2 * cell.vol) b = cell.reciprocal_vectors(norm_to=1) u =, b.T) * mesh[None,:] Mx, bx, idx = bspline(u[:,0], mesh[0], order) My, by, idy = bspline(u[:,1], mesh[1], order) Mz, bz, idz = bspline(u[:,2], mesh[2], order) idx = np.asarray(idx).T idy = np.asarray(idy).T idz = np.asarray(idz).T Mx_s = Mx[np.arange(natm)[:,None], idx] My_s = My[np.arange(natm)[:,None], idy] Mz_s = Mz[np.arange(natm)[:,None], idz] #:Q = np.einsum('i,ix,iy,iz->xyz', chargs, Mx, My, Mz) Q = np.zeros([*mesh]) for ia in range(len(chargs)): Q_s = np.einsum('x,y,z->xyz', Mx_s[ia], My_s[ia], Mz_s[ia]) Q[np.ix_(idx[ia], idy[ia], idz[ia])] += chargs[ia] * Q_s B = np.einsum('x,y,z->xyz', bx*bx.conj(), by*by.conj(), bz*bz.conj()) Gv, Gvbase, weights = cell.get_Gv_weights(mesh) absG2 = np.einsum('ix,ix->i', Gv, Gv) absG2[absG2==0] = 1e200 coulG = 4*np.pi / absG2 C = weights * coulG * np.exp(-absG2/(4*ew_eta**2)) C = C.reshape(*mesh) Q_ifft = tools.ifft(Q, mesh).reshape(*mesh) tmp = tools.fft(B * C * Q_ifft, mesh).real.reshape(*mesh) ewg = 0.5 * * np.einsum('xyz,xyz->', Q, tmp) logger.debug(cell, 'Ewald components = %.15g, %.15g, %.15g', ewovrl, ewself, ewg) return ewovrl + ewself + ewg
[docs] def particle_mesh_ewald_nuc_grad(cell, ew_eta=None, ew_cut=None, order=INTERPOLATION_ORDER): if cell.dimension != 3: raise NotImplementedError("Particle mesh ewald only works for 3D.") chargs = cell.atom_charges() coords = cell.atom_coords() if ew_eta is None or ew_cut is None: ew_eta, ew_cut = cell.get_ewald_params() log_precision = np.log(cell.precision / (chargs.sum()*16*np.pi**2)) ke_cutoff = -2*ew_eta**2*log_precision mesh = cell.cutoff_to_mesh(ke_cutoff) grad_dir = _get_ewald_direct_nuc_grad(cell, ew_eta, ew_cut) b = cell.reciprocal_vectors(norm_to=1) u =, b.T) * mesh[None,:] [Mx, dMx], bx, idx = bspline(u[:,0], mesh[0], order, deriv=1) [My, dMy], by, idy = bspline(u[:,1], mesh[1], order, deriv=1) [Mz, dMz], bz, idz = bspline(u[:,2], mesh[2], order, deriv=1) idx = np.asarray(idx).T idy = np.asarray(idy).T idz = np.asarray(idz).T Mx_s = Mx[np.indices(idx.shape)[0], idx] My_s = My[np.indices(idy.shape)[0], idy] Mz_s = Mz[np.indices(idz.shape)[0], idz] dMx_s = dMx[np.indices(idx.shape)[0], idx] dMy_s = dMy[np.indices(idy.shape)[0], idy] dMz_s = dMz[np.indices(idz.shape)[0], idz] Q = np.zeros([*mesh]) for ia in range(len(chargs)): Q_s = np.einsum('x,y,z->xyz', Mx_s[ia], My_s[ia], Mz_s[ia]) Q[np.ix_(idx[ia], idy[ia], idz[ia])] += chargs[ia] * Q_s B = np.einsum('x,y,z->xyz', bx*bx.conj(), by*by.conj(), bz*bz.conj()) Gv, Gvbase, weights = cell.get_Gv_weights(mesh) absG2 = np.einsum('ix,ix->i', Gv, Gv) absG2[absG2==0] = 1e200 coulG = 4*np.pi / absG2 C = weights * coulG * np.exp(-absG2/(4*ew_eta**2)) C = C.reshape(*mesh) Q_ifft = tools.ifft(Q, mesh).reshape(*mesh) tmp = tools.fft(B * C * Q_ifft, mesh).real.reshape(*mesh) ng = bK = b * mesh[:,None] grad_rec = np.zeros_like(grad_dir) for ia in range(len(chargs)): mask = np.ix_(idx[ia], idy[ia], idz[ia]) dQ_s = np.einsum('x,y,z->xyz', dMx_s[ia], My_s[ia], Mz_s[ia]) dQdr = np.einsum('x,abc->xabc', bK[0], dQ_s) grad_rec[ia] += np.einsum('xabc,abc->x', dQdr, tmp[mask]) dQ_s = np.einsum('x,y,z->xyz', Mx_s[ia], dMy_s[ia], Mz_s[ia]) dQdr = np.einsum('x,abc->xabc', bK[1], dQ_s) grad_rec[ia] += np.einsum('xabc,abc->x', dQdr, tmp[mask]) dQ_s = np.einsum('x,y,z->xyz', Mx_s[ia], My_s[ia], dMz_s[ia]) dQdr = np.einsum('x,abc->xabc', bK[2], dQ_s) grad_rec[ia] += np.einsum('xabc,abc->x', dQdr, tmp[mask]) grad_rec[ia] *= chargs[ia] * ng # reciprocal space summation does not conserve momentum shift = -np.sum(grad_rec, axis=0) / len(grad_rec) logger.debug(cell, f'Shift ewald nuclear gradient by {shift} to keep momentum conservation.') grad_rec += shift[None,:] grad = grad_dir + grad_rec return grad
[docs] def ewald_nuc_grad(cell, ew_eta=None, ew_cut=None): chargs = np.asarray(cell.atom_charges(), order='C', dtype=float) coords = np.asarray(cell.atom_coords(), order='C') if ew_eta is None or ew_cut is None: ew_eta, ew_cut = cell.get_ewald_params() log_precision = np.log(cell.precision / (chargs.sum()*16*np.pi**2)) ke_cutoff = -2*ew_eta**2*log_precision mesh = cell.cutoff_to_mesh(ke_cutoff) if cell.dimension == 3 and cell.use_particle_mesh_ewald: return particle_mesh_ewald_nuc_grad(cell, ew_eta=ew_eta, ew_cut=ew_cut) grad_dir = _get_ewald_direct_nuc_grad(cell, ew_eta, ew_cut) grad_rec = np.zeros_like(grad_dir, order="C") Gv, _, weights = cell.get_Gv_weights(mesh) fn = getattr(libpbc, "ewald_gs_nuc_grad") if cell.dimension != 2 or cell.low_dim_ft_type == 'inf_vacuum': ngrids = len(Gv) mem_avail = cell.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] if mem_avail <= 0: logger.warn(cell, "Not enough memory for computing ewald force.") blksize = min(ngrids, max(mesh[2], int(mem_avail*1e6 / ((2+cell.natm*2)*8)))) for ig0, ig1 in lib.prange(0, ngrids, blksize): ngrid_sub = ig1 - ig0 Gv_sub = np.asarray(Gv[ig0:ig1], order="C") fn(grad_rec.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), Gv_sub.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), chargs.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), coords.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_double(ew_eta), ctypes.c_double(weights), ctypes.c_int(cell.natm), ctypes.c_size_t(ngrid_sub)) else: raise NotImplementedError grad = grad_dir + grad_rec return grad