Source code for pyscf.pbc.eph.eph_fd

#!/usr/bin/env python
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import numpy as np
from pyscf.pbc import scf, dft, gto
from pyscf.eph.rhf import solve_hmat, _freq_mass_weighted_vec
from pyscf.lib import logger, param
from import MP_ME

'''Electron-Phonon matrix from finite difference for Gamma Point'''
# Note, the code now only return eph matrix at Gamma Point
# cell relaxation needs to be performed before computing eph matrix

[docs] def copy_mf(mf, cell): mf1 = mf.__class__(cell) if isinstance(mf, scf.hf.KohnShamDFT): mf1.xc = mf.xc mf1.kpts = mf.kpts mf1.exxdiv = getattr(mf, 'exxdiv', None) mf1.conv_tol = mf.conv_tol mf1.conv_tol_grad = mf.conv_tol_grad return mf1
[docs] def run_mfs(mf, cells_a, cells_b): '''perform a set of calculations on given two sets of cell''' nconfigs = len(cells_a) dm0 = mf.make_rdm1() mflist = [] for i in range(nconfigs): mf1 = copy_mf(mf, cells_a[i]) mf2 = copy_mf(mf, cells_b[i]) mf1.kernel(dm0=dm0) mf2.kernel(dm0=dm0) if not (mf1.converged): logger.warn(mf, "%ith config mf1 not converged", i) if not (mf2.converged): logger.warn(mf, "%ith config mf2 not converged", i) mflist.append((mf1, mf2)) return mflist
[docs] def gen_cells(cell, disp): """From the given cell, generate 3N cells with a shift on + displacement(cell_a) and - displacement(cell_s) on each Cartesian coordinates """ coords = cell.atom_coords() if cell.unit[0].lower() == 'a': coords = np.asarray(coords) * param.BOHR disp_ = disp * param.BOHR else: disp_ = disp natoms = len(coords) cell_a, cell_s = [],[] for i in range(natoms): for x in range(3): new_coords_a, new_coords_s = coords.copy(), coords.copy() new_coords_a[i][x] += disp_ new_coords_s[i][x] -= disp_ atoma = [[cell.atom_symbol(j), coord] for (j, coord) in zip(range(natoms), new_coords_a)] atoms = [[cell.atom_symbol(j), coord] for (j, coord) in zip(range(natoms), new_coords_s)] cell_a.append(cell.set_geom_(atoma, inplace=False)) cell_s.append(cell.set_geom_(atoms, inplace=False)) return cell_a, cell_s
[docs] def get_vmat(mf, mfset, disp): nconfigs = len(mfset) vmat=[] mygrad = mf.nuc_grad_method() veff = mygrad.get_veff() RESTRICTED = (veff.ndim==4) v1e = mygrad.get_hcore() - np.asarray(mf.cell.pbc_intor("int1e_ipkin", kpts=mf.kpts)) if RESTRICTED: vtmp = veff - v1e.transpose(1,0,2,3) else: vtmp = veff - v1e.transpose(1,0,2,3)[:,None] aoslice = mf.cell.aoslice_by_atom() for i in range(nconfigs): atmid, axis = np.divmod(i, 3) p0, p1 = aoslice[atmid][2:] mf1, mf2 = mfset[i] if RESTRICTED: vfull1 = mf1.get_veff() + mf1.get_hcore() \ - np.asarray(mf1.cell.pbc_intor('int1e_kin', kpts=mf1.kpts)) # <u+|V+|v+> vfull2 = mf2.get_veff() + mf2.get_hcore() \ - np.asarray(mf2.cell.pbc_intor('int1e_kin', kpts=mf2.kpts)) # <u-|V-|v-> else: vfull1 = mf1.get_veff() + mf1.get_hcore()[None] \ - np.asarray(mf1.cell.pbc_intor('int1e_kin', kpts=mf1.kpts))[None] # <u+|V+|v+> vfull2 = mf2.get_veff() + mf2.get_hcore()[None] \ - np.asarray(mf2.cell.pbc_intor('int1e_kin', kpts=mf2.kpts))[None] # <u-|V-|v-> vfull = (vfull1 - vfull2)/disp # (<p+|V+|q+>-<p-|V-|q->)/dR if RESTRICTED: vfull[:,p0:p1] -= vtmp[axis,:,p0:p1] vfull[:,:,p0:p1] -= vtmp[axis,:,p0:p1].transpose(0,2,1).conj() else: vfull[:,:,p0:p1] -= vtmp[axis,:,:,p0:p1] vfull[:,:,:,p0:p1] -= vtmp[axis,:,:,p0:p1].transpose(0,1,3,2).conj() vmat.append(vfull) vmat= np.asarray(vmat) if RESTRICTED: return vmat[:,0] else: return vmat[:,:,0]
[docs] def run_hess(mfset, disp): natoms = len(mfset[0][0].cell.atom_mass_list()) hess=[] for (mf1, mf2) in mfset: grad1 = mf1.nuc_grad_method() grad2 = mf2.nuc_grad_method() g1 = grad1.kernel() g2 = grad2.kernel() gdelta = (g1-g2) / disp hess.append(gdelta) hess = np.asarray(hess).reshape(natoms, 3, natoms, 3).transpose(0,2,1,3) return hess
[docs] def kernel(mf, disp=1e-4, mo_rep=False): if not mf.converged: mf.kernel() mo_coeff = np.asarray(mf.mo_coeff) RESTRICTED= (mo_coeff.ndim==3) cell = mf.cell cells_a, cells_b = gen_cells(cell, disp/2.0) # generate a bunch of cells with disp/2 on each cartesion coord mfset = run_mfs(mf, cells_a, cells_b) # run mean field calculations on all these cells vmat = get_vmat(mf, mfset, disp) # extracting <u|dV|v>/dR hmat = run_hess(mfset, disp) omega, vec = solve_hmat(cell, hmat) mass = cell.atom_mass_list() * MP_ME vec = _freq_mass_weighted_vec(vec, omega, mass) if mo_rep: if RESTRICTED: vmat = np.einsum('xuv,up,vq->xpq', vmat, mo_coeff[0].conj(), mo_coeff[0]) else: vmat = np.einsum('xsuv,sup,svq->xspq', vmat, mo_coeff[:,0].conj(), mo_coeff[:,0]) if RESTRICTED: mat = np.einsum('xJ,xpq->Jpq', vec, vmat) else: mat = np.einsum('xJ,xspq->sJpq', vec, vmat) return mat, omega
if __name__ == '__main__': cell = gto.Cell() cell.atom=''' C 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 C 1.685068664391 1.685068664391 1.685068664391 ''' cell.basis = 'gth-szv' cell.pseudo = 'gth-pade' cell.a = ''' 0.000000000, 3.370137329, 3.370137329 3.370137329, 0.000000000, 3.370137329 3.370137329, 3.370137329, 0.000000000''' cell.unit = 'B' cell.verbose = 4 kpts = cell.make_kpts([1,1,1]) mf = dft.KRKS(cell, kpts) mf.conv_tol = 1e-14 mf.conv_tol_grad = 1e-8 mf.kernel() vmat, omega = kernel(mf, mo_rep=True)