Source code for pyscf.pbc.dft.rks

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2019 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Authors: Timothy Berkelbach <>
#          Qiming Sun <>

Non-relativistic Restricted Kohn-Sham for periodic systems at a single k-point

See Also: : Non-relativistic Restricted Kohn-Sham for periodic
                            systems with k-point sampling

import numpy
import pyscf.dft
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.pbc.scf import hf as pbchf
from pyscf.pbc.scf import khf
from pyscf.pbc.scf import addons
from pyscf.pbc.dft import gen_grid
from pyscf.pbc.dft import numint
from pyscf.dft import rks as mol_ks
from pyscf.pbc.dft import multigrid
from pyscf.pbc.lib.kpts import KPoints
from pyscf import __config__

[docs] def get_veff(ks, cell=None, dm=None, dm_last=0, vhf_last=0, hermi=1, kpt=None, kpts_band=None): '''Coulomb + XC functional .. note:: This function will change the ks object. Args: ks : an instance of :class:`RKS` XC functional are controlled by ks.xc attribute. Attribute ks.grids might be initialized. dm : ndarray or list of ndarrays A density matrix or a list of density matrices Returns: matrix Veff = J + Vxc. Veff can be a list matrices, if the input dm is a list of density matrices. ''' if cell is None: cell = ks.cell if dm is None: dm = ks.make_rdm1() if kpt is None: kpt = ks.kpt t0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) ni = ks._numint hybrid = ni.libxc.is_hybrid_xc(ks.xc) if not hybrid and isinstance(ks.with_df, multigrid.MultiGridFFTDF): if ks.do_nlc(): raise NotImplementedError(f'MultiGrid for NLC functional {ks.xc} + {ks.nlc}') n, exc, vxc = multigrid.nr_rks(ks.with_df, ks.xc, dm, hermi, kpt.reshape(1,3), kpts_band, with_j=True, return_j=False), 'nelec by numeric integration = %s', n) t0 = logger.timer(ks, 'vxc', *t0) return vxc ground_state = (isinstance(dm, numpy.ndarray) and dm.ndim == 2 and kpts_band is None) ks.initialize_grids(cell, dm, kpt, ground_state) if hermi == 2: # because rho = 0 n, exc, vxc = 0, 0, 0 else: max_memory = ks.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] n, exc, vxc = ni.nr_rks(cell, ks.grids, ks.xc, dm, 0, hermi, kpt, kpts_band, max_memory=max_memory), 'nelec by numeric integration = %s', n) if ks.do_nlc(): if ni.libxc.is_nlc(ks.xc): xc = ks.xc else: assert ni.libxc.is_nlc(ks.nlc) xc = ks.nlc n, enlc, vnlc = ni.nr_nlc_vxc(cell, ks.nlcgrids, xc, dm, 0, hermi, kpt, max_memory=max_memory) exc += enlc vxc += vnlc, 'nelec with nlc grids = %s', n) t0 = logger.timer(ks, 'vxc', *t0) if not hybrid: vj = ks.get_j(cell, dm, hermi, kpt, kpts_band) vxc += vj else: omega, alpha, hyb = ni.rsh_and_hybrid_coeff(ks.xc, spin=cell.spin) if omega == 0: vj, vk = ks.get_jk(cell, dm, hermi, kpt, kpts_band) vk *= hyb elif alpha == 0: # LR=0, only SR exchange vj = ks.get_j(cell, dm, hermi, kpt, kpts_band) vk = ks.get_k(cell, dm, hermi, kpt, kpts_band, omega=-omega) vk *= hyb elif hyb == 0: # SR=0, only LR exchange vj = ks.get_j(cell, dm, hermi, kpt, kpts_band) vk = ks.get_k(cell, dm, hermi, kpt, kpts_band, omega=omega) vk *= alpha else: # SR and LR exchange with different ratios vj, vk = ks.get_jk(cell, dm, hermi, kpt, kpts_band) vk *= hyb vklr = ks.get_k(cell, dm, hermi, kpt, kpts_band, omega=omega) vklr *= (alpha - hyb) vk += vklr vxc += vj - vk * .5 if ground_state: exc -= numpy.einsum('ij,ji', dm, vk).real * .5 * .5 if ground_state: ecoul = numpy.einsum('ij,ji', dm, vj).real * .5 else: ecoul = None vxc = lib.tag_array(vxc, ecoul=ecoul, exc=exc, vj=None, vk=None) return vxc
def _patch_df_beckegrids(density_fit): def new_df(self, auxbasis=None, with_df=None, *args, **kwargs): mf = density_fit(self, auxbasis, with_df, *args, **kwargs) mf.with_df._j_only = not self._numint.libxc.is_hybrid_xc(self.xc) mf.grids = gen_grid.BeckeGrids(self.cell) mf.grids.level = getattr(__config__, 'dft_rks_RKS_grids_level', mf.grids.level) mf.nlcgrids = gen_grid.BeckeGrids(self.cell) mf.nlcgrids.level = getattr(__config__, 'dft_rks_RKS_nlcgrids_level', mf.grids.level) return mf return new_df NELEC_ERROR_TOL = getattr(__config__, 'pbc_dft_rks_prune_error_tol', 0.02)
[docs] def prune_small_rho_grids_(ks, cell, dm, grids, kpts): rho = ks.get_rho(dm, grids, kpts) n =, grids.weights) if abs(n-cell.nelectron) < NELEC_ERROR_TOL*n: rho *= grids.weights idx = abs(rho) > ks.small_rho_cutoff / grids.weights.size logger.debug(ks, 'Drop grids %d', grids.weights.size - numpy.count_nonzero(idx)) grids.coords = numpy.asarray(grids.coords [idx], order='C') grids.weights = numpy.asarray(grids.weights[idx], order='C') grids.non0tab = grids.make_mask(cell, grids.coords) return grids
[docs] @lib.with_doc(pbchf.get_rho.__doc__) def get_rho(mf, dm=None, grids=None, kpt=None): if dm is None: dm = mf.make_rdm1() if grids is None: grids = mf.grids if kpt is None: kpt = mf.kpt if dm[0].ndim == 2: # the UKS density matrix dm = dm[0] + dm[1] if isinstance(mf.with_df, multigrid.MultiGridFFTDF): rho = mf.with_df.get_rho(dm, kpt) else: rho = mf._numint.get_rho(mf.cell, dm, grids, kpt, mf.max_memory) return rho
[docs] class KohnShamDFT(mol_ks.KohnShamDFT): '''PBC-KS''' _keys = {'xc', 'nlc', 'grids', 'nlcgrids', 'small_rho_cutoff'} # Use rho to filter grids small_rho_cutoff = getattr(__config__, 'dft_rks_RKS_small_rho_cutoff', 1e-7) get_rho = get_rho density_fit = _patch_df_beckegrids(pbchf.RHF.density_fit) rs_density_fit = _patch_df_beckegrids(pbchf.RHF.rs_density_fit) mix_density_fit = _patch_df_beckegrids(pbchf.RHF.mix_density_fit) def __init__(self, xc='LDA,VWN'): self.xc = xc self.grids = gen_grid.UniformGrids(self.cell) self.nlc = '' self.nlcgrids = gen_grid.UniformGrids(self.cell) ################################################## # don't modify the following attributes, they are not input options # Note Do not refer to .with_df._numint because mesh/coords may be different if isinstance(self, khf.KSCF): if isinstance(self.kpts, KPoints): self._numint = numint.KNumInt(self.kpts.kpts) else: self._numint = numint.KNumInt(self.kpts) else: self._numint = numint.NumInt()
[docs] def dump_flags(self, verbose=None):, 'XC functionals = %s', self.xc), 'small_rho_cutoff = %g', self.small_rho_cutoff) self.grids.dump_flags(verbose) return self
[docs] def reset(self, cell=None): pbchf.SCF.reset(self, cell) self.grids.reset(cell) self.nlcgrids.reset(cell) return self
[docs] def build(self, cell=None): # To handle the attribute kpt or kpts loaded from chkfile if 'kpts' in self.__dict__: self.kpts = self.__dict__.pop('kpts') elif 'kpt' in self.__dict__: self.kpt = self.__dict__.pop('kpt') kpts = self.kpts if self.rsjk: if not numpy.all(self.rsjk.kpts == self.kpt): self.rsjk = self.rsjk.__class__(cell, kpts) # for GDF and MDF with_df = self.with_df if (self._numint.libxc.is_hybrid_xc(self.xc) and len(kpts) > 1 and getattr(with_df, '_j_only', False)): logger.warn(self, 'df.j_only cannot be used with hybrid functional') self.with_df._j_only = False self.with_df.reset() if self.verbose >= logger.WARN: self.check_sanity() return self
[docs] @lib.with_doc(pbchf.SCF.jk_method.__doc__) def jk_method(self, J='FFTDF', K=None): if K is None: K = J if (('RS' in J or 'RS' in K) and not isinstance(self.grids, gen_grid.BeckeGrids)): self.grids = gen_grid.BeckeGrids(self.cell) return pbchf.SCF.jk_method(self, J, K)
[docs] def to_rks(self, xc=None): '''Convert the input mean-field object to a RKS/ROKS object. Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mean-field object. ''' mf = addons.convert_to_rhf(self) if xc is not None: mf.xc = xc mf.converged = xc == self.xc and isinstance(self, RKS) return mf
[docs] def to_uks(self, xc=None): '''Convert the input mean-field object to a UKS object. Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mean-field object. ''' mf = addons.convert_to_uhf(self) if xc is not None: mf.xc = xc mf.converged = xc == self.xc return mf
[docs] def to_gks(self, xc=None): '''Convert the input mean-field object to a GKS object. Note this conversion only changes the class of the mean-field object. The total energy and wave-function are the same as them in the input mean-field object. ''' from pyscf.pbc.dft.numint2c import NumInt2C, KNumInt2C mf = addons.convert_to_ghf(self) if xc is not None: mf.xc = xc mf.converged = xc == self.xc if isinstance(mf, khf.KSCF): if not isinstance(mf._numint, KNumInt2C): mf._numint = KNumInt2C(mf._numint.kpts) else: if not isinstance(mf._numint, NumInt2C): mf._numint = NumInt2C() return mf
[docs] def to_hf(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def initialize_grids(self, cell, dm, kpts, ground_state=True): '''Initialize self.grids the first time call get_veff''' if self.grids.coords is None: t0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) if (isinstance(self.grids, gen_grid.BeckeGrids) and self.small_rho_cutoff > 1e-20 and ground_state): self.grids = prune_small_rho_grids_( self, self.cell, dm, self.grids, kpts) t0 = logger.timer(self, 'setting up grids', *t0) is_nlc = self.do_nlc() if is_nlc and self.nlcgrids.coords is None: t0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) if (isinstance(self.grids, gen_grid.BeckeGrids) and self.small_rho_cutoff > 1e-20 and ground_state): self.nlcgrids = prune_small_rho_grids_( self, self.cell, dm, self.nlcgrids, kpts) t0 = logger.timer(self, 'setting up nlc grids', *t0) return self
[docs] def to_gpu(self): raise NotImplementedError
# Update the KohnShamDFT label in pbc.scf.hf module pbchf.KohnShamDFT = KohnShamDFT
[docs] class RKS(KohnShamDFT, pbchf.RHF): '''RKS class adapted for PBCs. This is a literal duplication of the molecular RKS class with some `mol` variables replaced by `cell`. ''' get_vsap = mol_ks.get_vsap init_guess_by_vsap = mol_ks.init_guess_by_vsap get_veff = get_veff energy_elec = mol_ks.energy_elec def __init__(self, cell, kpt=numpy.zeros(3), xc='LDA,VWN', exxdiv=getattr(__config__, 'pbc_scf_SCF_exxdiv', 'ewald')): pbchf.RHF.__init__(self, cell, kpt, exxdiv=exxdiv) KohnShamDFT.__init__(self, xc)
[docs] def dump_flags(self, verbose=None): pbchf.RHF.dump_flags(self, verbose) KohnShamDFT.dump_flags(self, verbose) return self
[docs] def to_hf(self): '''Convert to RHF object.''' from pyscf.pbc import scf return self._transfer_attrs_(scf.RHF(self.cell, self.kpt))
to_gpu = lib.to_gpu