#!/usr/bin/env python
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# Authors: Zhi-Hao Cui <zhcui0408@gmail.com>
Unrestricted DFT+U with kpoint sampling.
Based on KUHF routine.
Refs: PRB, 1998, 57, 1505.
import numpy as np
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf import __config__
from pyscf.pbc.dft import kuks
from pyscf.pbc.dft.krkspu import set_U, make_minao_lo, mdot
def get_veff(ks, cell=None, dm=None, dm_last=0, vhf_last=0, hermi=1,
kpts=None, kpts_band=None):
Coulomb + XC functional + (Hubbard - double counting) for KUKSpU.
if cell is None: cell = ks.cell
if dm is None: dm = ks.make_rdm1()
if kpts is None: kpts = ks.kpts
# J + V_xc
vxc = super(ks.__class__, ks).get_veff(cell, dm, dm_last=dm_last,
vhf_last=vhf_last, hermi=hermi, kpts=kpts,
# V_U
C_ao_lo = ks.C_ao_lo
ovlp = ks.get_ovlp()
nkpts = len(kpts)
nlo = C_ao_lo.shape[-1]
rdm1_lo = np.zeros((2, nkpts, nlo, nlo), dtype=np.complex128)
for s in range(2):
for k in range(nkpts):
C_inv = np.dot(C_ao_lo[s, k].conj().T, ovlp[k])
rdm1_lo[s, k] = mdot(C_inv, dm[s][k], C_inv.conj().T)
is_ibz = hasattr(kpts, "kpts_ibz")
if is_ibz:
rdm1_lo_0 = kpts.dm_at_ref_cell(rdm1_lo)
E_U = 0.0
weight = getattr(kpts, "weights_ibz", np.repeat(1.0/nkpts, nkpts))
logger.info(ks, "-" * 79)
with np.printoptions(precision=5, suppress=True, linewidth=1000):
for idx, val, lab in zip(ks.U_idx, ks.U_val, ks.U_lab):
lab_string = " "
for l in lab:
lab_string += "%9s" %(l.split()[-1])
lab_sp = lab[0].split()
logger.info(ks, "local rdm1 of atom %s: ",
" ".join(lab_sp[:2]) + " " + lab_sp[2][:2])
U_mesh = np.ix_(idx, idx)
for s in range(2):
P_loc = 0.0
for k in range(nkpts):
S_k = ovlp[k]
C_k = C_ao_lo[s, k][:, idx]
P_k = rdm1_lo[s, k][U_mesh]
SC = np.dot(S_k, C_k)
vxc[s][k] += mdot(SC, (np.eye(P_k.shape[-1]) - P_k * 2.0)
* (val * 0.5), SC.conj().T).astype(vxc[s][k].dtype,copy=False)
E_U += weight[k] * (val * 0.5) * (P_k.trace() - np.dot(P_k, P_k).trace())
if not is_ibz:
P_loc += P_k
if is_ibz:
P_loc = rdm1_lo_0[s][U_mesh].real
P_loc = P_loc.real / nkpts
logger.info(ks, "spin %s\n%s\n%s", s, lab_string, P_loc)
logger.info(ks, "-" * 79)
if E_U.real < 0.0 and all(np.asarray(ks.U_val) > 0):
logger.warn(ks, "E_U (%s) is negative...", E_U.real)
vxc = lib.tag_array(vxc, E_U=E_U.real)
return vxc
def energy_elec(mf, dm_kpts=None, h1e_kpts=None, vhf=None):
Electronic energy for KUKSpU.
if h1e_kpts is None: h1e_kpts = mf.get_hcore(mf.cell, mf.kpts)
if dm_kpts is None: dm_kpts = mf.make_rdm1()
if vhf is None or getattr(vhf, 'ecoul', None) is None:
vhf = mf.get_veff(mf.cell, dm_kpts)
weight = getattr(mf.kpts, "weights_ibz",
e1 = (np.einsum('k,kij,kji', weight, h1e_kpts, dm_kpts[0]) +
np.einsum('k,kij,kji', weight, h1e_kpts, dm_kpts[1]))
tot_e = e1 + vhf.ecoul + vhf.exc + vhf.E_U
mf.scf_summary['e1'] = e1.real
mf.scf_summary['coul'] = vhf.ecoul.real
mf.scf_summary['exc'] = vhf.exc.real
mf.scf_summary['E_U'] = vhf.E_U.real
logger.debug(mf, 'E1 = %s Ecoul = %s Exc = %s EU = %s',
e1, vhf.ecoul, vhf.exc, vhf.E_U)
return tot_e.real, vhf.ecoul + vhf.exc + vhf.E_U
class KUKSpU(kuks.KUKS):
UKSpU class adapted for PBCs with k-point sampling.
_keys = {"U_idx", "U_val", "C_ao_lo", "U_lab"}
get_veff = get_veff
energy_elec = energy_elec
to_hf = lib.invalid_method('to_hf')
def __init__(self, cell, kpts=np.zeros((1,3)), xc='LDA,VWN',
exxdiv=getattr(__config__, 'pbc_scf_SCF_exxdiv', 'ewald'),
U_idx=[], U_val=[], C_ao_lo='minao', minao_ref='MINAO', **kwargs):
DFT+U args:
U_idx: can be
list of list: each sublist is a set of LO indices to add U.
list of string: each string is one kind of LO orbitals,
e.g. ['Ni 3d', '1 O 2pz'], in this case,
LO should be aranged as ao_labels order.
or a combination of these two.
U_val: a list of effective U [in eV], i.e. U-J in Dudarev's DFT+U.
each U corresponds to one kind of LO orbitals, should have
the same length as U_idx.
C_ao_lo: LO coefficients, can be
np.array, shape ((spin,), nkpts, nao, nlo),
string, in 'minao'.
minao_ref: reference for minao orbitals, default is 'MINAO'.
super(self.__class__, self).__init__(cell, kpts, xc=xc, exxdiv=exxdiv, **kwargs)
set_U(self, U_idx, U_val)
if isinstance(C_ao_lo, str):
if C_ao_lo.upper() == 'MINAO':
self.C_ao_lo = make_minao_lo(self, minao_ref)
raise NotImplementedError
self.C_ao_lo = np.asarray(C_ao_lo)
if self.C_ao_lo.ndim == 3:
self.C_ao_lo = np.asarray((self.C_ao_lo, self.C_ao_lo))
elif self.C_ao_lo.ndim == 4:
if self.C_ao_lo.shape[0] == 1:
self.C_ao_lo = np.asarray((self.C_ao_lo[0], self.C_ao_lo[0]))
assert self.C_ao_lo.shape[0] == 2
raise ValueError
def nuc_grad_method(self):
raise NotImplementedError