#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2021 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Qiming Sun <osirpt.sun@gmail.com>
import ctypes
import numpy as np
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf import gto
from pyscf.lib import logger
import pyscf.df
from pyscf.scf import _vhf
from pyscf.pbc.df import ft_ao
from pyscf.pbc import gto as pbcgto
from pyscf.pbc.gto.pseudo import pp_int
from pyscf.pbc.lib.kpts_helper import is_zero, unique
from pyscf.pbc.tools import k2gamma
from pyscf.pbc.tools import pbc as pbctools
from pyscf import __config__
from pyscf.pbc.gto import _pbcintor
RCUT_THRESHOLD = getattr(__config__, 'pbc_scf_rsjk_rcut_threshold', 2.5)
KECUT_THRESHOLD = getattr(__config__, 'pbc_scf_rsjk_kecut_threshold', 10.0)
libpbc = lib.load_library('libpbc')
def make_auxcell(cell, auxbasis=None):
See pyscf.df.addons.make_auxmol
auxcell = pyscf.df.addons.make_auxmol(cell, auxbasis)
auxcell.rcut = pbcgto.estimate_rcut(auxcell)
ke_cutoff = pbcgto.estimate_ke_cutoff(auxcell)
a = cell.lattice_vectors()
mesh = pbctools.cutoff_to_mesh(a, ke_cutoff)
dimension = cell.dimension
if dimension < 2 or (dimension == 2 and cell.low_dim_ft_type == 'inf_vacuum'):
mesh[dimension:] = cell.mesh[dimension:]
auxcell.mesh = mesh
return auxcell
make_auxmol = make_auxcell
def aux_e2(cell, auxcell_or_auxbasis, intor='int3c2e', aosym='s1', comp=None,
kptij_lst=np.zeros((1,2,3)), shls_slice=None, **kwargs):
r'''3-center AO integrals (ij|L) with double lattice sum:
\sum_{lm} (i[l]j[m]|L[0]), where L is the auxiliary basis.
(nao_pair, naux) array
if isinstance(auxcell_or_auxbasis, gto.MoleBase):
auxcell = auxcell_or_auxbasis
assert isinstance(auxcell_or_auxbasis, str)
auxcell = make_auxcell(cell, auxcell_or_auxbasis)
# For some unkown reasons, the pre-decontracted basis 'is slower than
## Slighly decontract basis. The decontracted basis has better locality.
## The locality can be used in the lattice sum to reduce cost.
# if shls_slice is None and cell.nao_nr() < 200:
# cell, contr_coeff = pbcgto.cell._split_basis(cell)
# else:
# contr_coeff = None
int3c = wrap_int3c(cell, auxcell, intor, aosym, comp, kptij_lst, **kwargs)
out = int3c(shls_slice)
# if contr_coeff is not None:
# if aosym == 's2':
# tmp = out.reshape(nkptij,comp,ni,ni,naux)
# idx, idy = np.tril_indices(ni)
# tmp[:,:,idy,idx] = out.conj()
# tmp[:,:,idx,idy] = out
# out, tmp = tmp, None
# out = lib.einsum('kcpql,pi->kciql', out, contr_coeff)
# out = lib.einsum('kciql,qj->kcijl', out, contr_coeff)
# idx, idy = np.tril_indices(contr_coeff.shape[1])
# out = out[:,:,idx,idy]
# else:
# out = out.reshape(nkptij,comp,ni,nj,naux)
# out = lib.einsum('kcpql,pi->kciql', out, contr_coeff)
# out = lib.einsum('kciql,qj->kcijl', out, contr_coeff)
# out = out.reshape(nkptij,comp,-1,naux)
if len(kptij_lst) == 1:
out = out[0]
return out
def wrap_int3c(cell, auxcell, intor='int3c2e', aosym='s1', comp=1,
kptij_lst=np.zeros((1,2,3)), cintopt=None, pbcopt=None):
'''Generate a 3-center integral kernel which can be called repeatedly in
the incore or outcore driver. The kernel function has a simple function
signature f(shls_slice)
kpti = kptij_lst[:,0]
kptj = kptij_lst[:,1]
j_only = is_zero(kpti - kptj)
if j_only:
kpts = kpti
nkpts = len(kpts)
kptij_idx = np.arange(nkpts)
kpts, _, kptij_idx = unique(np.vstack([kpti,kptj]))
wherei = kptij_idx[:len(kpti)]
wherej = kptij_idx[len(kpti):]
nkpts = len(kpts)
kptij_idx = wherei * nkpts + wherej
dfbuilder = Int3cBuilder(cell, auxcell, kpts).build()
int3c = dfbuilder.gen_int3c_kernel(intor, aosym, comp, j_only,
kptij_idx, return_complex=True)
return int3c
def fill_2c2e(cell, auxcell_or_auxbasis, intor='int2c2e', hermi=0, kpt=np.zeros(3)):
'''2-center 2-electron AO integrals (L|ij), where L is the auxiliary basis.
if isinstance(auxcell_or_auxbasis, gto.MoleBase):
auxcell = auxcell_or_auxbasis
auxcell = make_auxcell(cell, auxcell_or_auxbasis)
if hermi != 0:
hermi = pyscf.lib.HERMITIAN
# pbcopt use the value of AO-pair to prescreening PBC integrals in the lattice
# summation. Pass NULL pointer to pbcopt to prevent the prescreening
return auxcell.pbc_intor(intor, 1, hermi, kpt, pbcopt=lib.c_null_ptr())
class Int3cBuilder(lib.StreamObject):
'''helper functions to compute 3-center integral tensor with double-lattice sum
_keys = {
'cell', 'auxcell', 'kpts', 'rs_cell', 'bvk_kmesh',
'supmol', 'ke_cutoff', 'direct_scf_tol',
def __init__(self, cell, auxcell, kpts=None):
self.cell = cell
self.auxcell = auxcell
self.stdout = cell.stdout
self.verbose = cell.verbose
self.max_memory = cell.max_memory
if kpts is None:
self.kpts = np.zeros((1, 3))
self.kpts = np.reshape(kpts, (-1, 3))
self.rs_cell = None
# mesh to generate Born-von Karman supercell
self.bvk_kmesh = None
self.supmol = None
self.ke_cutoff = None
self.direct_scf_tol = None
def reset(self, cell=None):
if cell is not None:
self.cell = cell
self.rs_cell = None
self.supmol = None
self.direct_scf_tol = None
return self
def build(self):
log = logger.new_logger(self)
cell = self.cell
kpts = self.kpts
self.bvk_kmesh = kmesh = k2gamma.kpts_to_kmesh(cell, kpts)
log.debug('kmesh for bvk-cell = %s', kmesh)
self.rs_cell = rs_cell = ft_ao._RangeSeparatedCell.from_cell(
cell, self.ke_cutoff, RCUT_THRESHOLD, verbose=log)
# TODO: strip supmol basis based on the intor type.
rcut = estimate_rcut(cell, self.auxcell)
supmol = ft_ao.ExtendedMole.from_cell(rs_cell, kmesh, rcut.max(), log)
self.supmol = supmol.strip_basis(rcut)
log.debug('sup-mol nbas = %d cGTO = %d pGTO = %d',
supmol.nbas, supmol.nao, supmol.npgto_nr())
return self
def gen_int3c_kernel(self, intor='int3c2e', aosym='s2', comp=None,
j_only=False, reindex_k=None, rs_auxcell=None,
auxcell=None, supmol=None, return_complex=False):
'''Generate function to compute int3c2e with double lattice-sum
rs_auxcell: range-separated auxcell for gdf/rsdf module
reindex_k: an index array to sort the order of k-points in output
log = logger.new_logger(self)
cput0 = logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()
if self.rs_cell is None:
if auxcell is None:
auxcell = self.auxcell
if rs_auxcell is None:
rs_auxcell = ft_ao._RangeSeparatedCell.from_cell(auxcell)
elif not isinstance(rs_auxcell, ft_ao._RangeSeparatedCell):
rs_auxcell = ft_ao._RangeSeparatedCell.from_cell(rs_auxcell)
if supmol is None:
supmol = self.supmol
cell = self.cell
kpts = self.kpts
nkpts = len(kpts)
bvk_ncells, rs_nbas, nimgs = supmol.bas_mask.shape
intor, comp = gto.moleintor._get_intor_and_comp(cell._add_suffix(intor), comp)
nbasp = cell.nbas # The number of shells in the primitive cell
if self.direct_scf_tol is None:
omega = supmol.omega
aux_exp = np.hstack(auxcell.bas_exps()).min()
cell_exp = np.hstack(cell.bas_exps()).min()
if omega == 0:
theta = 1./(1./cell_exp + 1./aux_exp)
theta = 1./(1./cell_exp + 1./aux_exp + omega**-2)
lattice_sum_factor = max(2*np.pi*cell.rcut/(cell.vol*theta), 1)
cutoff = cell.precision / lattice_sum_factor**2 * .1
log.debug1('int3c_kernel integral omega=%g theta=%g cutoff=%g',
omega, theta, cutoff)
cutoff = self.direct_scf_tol
log_cutoff = int(np.log(cutoff) * LOG_ADJUST)
atm, bas, env = gto.conc_env(supmol._atm, supmol._bas, supmol._env,
rs_auxcell._atm, rs_auxcell._bas, rs_auxcell._env)
cell0_ao_loc = _conc_locs(cell.ao_loc, auxcell.ao_loc)
seg_loc = _conc_locs(supmol.seg_loc, rs_auxcell.sh_loc)
# mimic the lattice sum with range 1
aux_seg2sh = np.arange(rs_auxcell.nbas + 1)
seg2sh = _conc_locs(supmol.seg2sh, aux_seg2sh)
if 'ECP' in intor:
# rs_auxcell is a placeholder only to represent the ecpbas.
# Ensure the ECPBAS_OFFSET be consistent with the treatment in pbc.gto.ecp
env[gto.AS_ECPBAS_OFFSET] = len(bas)
bas = np.asarray(np.vstack([bas, cell._ecpbas]), dtype=np.int32)
cintopt = _vhf.make_cintopt(atm, bas, env, intor)
# sindex may not be accurate enough to screen ECP integral.
# Add penalty 1e-2 to reduce the screening error
log_cutoff = int(np.log(cutoff*1e-2) * LOG_ADJUST)
cintopt = _vhf.make_cintopt(supmol._atm, supmol._bas, supmol._env, intor)
sindex = self.get_q_cond(supmol)
ovlp_mask = sindex > log_cutoff
bvk_ovlp_mask = lib.condense('np.any', ovlp_mask, supmol.sh_loc)
cell0_ovlp_mask = bvk_ovlp_mask.reshape(
bvk_ncells, nbasp, bvk_ncells, nbasp).any(axis=2).any(axis=0)
cell0_ovlp_mask = cell0_ovlp_mask.astype(np.int8)
ovlp_mask = None
# Estimate the buffer size required by PBCfill_nr3c functions
cache_size = max(_get_cache_size(cell, intor),
_get_cache_size(rs_auxcell, intor))
cell0_dims = cell0_ao_loc[1:] - cell0_ao_loc[:-1]
dijk = int(cell0_dims[:nbasp].max())**2 * int(cell0_dims[nbasp:].max()) * comp
aosym = aosym[:2]
gamma_point_only = is_zero(kpts)
if gamma_point_only:
assert nkpts == 1
fill = f'PBCfill_nr3c_g{aosym}'
nkpts_ij = 1
cache_size += dijk
elif nkpts == 1:
fill = f'PBCfill_nr3c_nk1{aosym}'
nkpts_ij = 1
cache_size += dijk * 3
elif j_only:
fill = f'PBCfill_nr3c_k{aosym}'
# sort kpts then reindex_k in sort_k can be skipped
if reindex_k is not None:
kpts = kpts[reindex_k]
nkpts = len(kpts)
nkpts_ij = nkpts
cache_size = (dijk * bvk_ncells + dijk * nkpts * 2 +
max(dijk * nkpts * 2, cache_size))
assert nkpts < 45000
fill = f'PBCfill_nr3c_kk{aosym}'
nkpts_ij = nkpts * nkpts
cache_size = (max(dijk * bvk_ncells**2 + cache_size, dijk * nkpts**2 * 2) +
dijk * bvk_ncells * nkpts * 2)
if aosym == 's2' and reindex_k is not None:
kk_mask = np.zeros((nkpts*nkpts), dtype=bool)
kk_mask[reindex_k] = True
kk_mask = kk_mask.reshape(nkpts, nkpts)
if not np.all(kk_mask == kk_mask.T):
log.warn('aosym=s2 not found in required kpts pairs')
expLk = np.exp(1j*np.dot(supmol.bvkmesh_Ls, kpts.T))
expLkR = np.asarray(expLk.real, order='C')
expLkI = np.asarray(expLk.imag, order='C')
expLk = None
if reindex_k is None:
reindex_k = np.arange(nkpts_ij, dtype=np.int32)
reindex_k = np.asarray(reindex_k, dtype=np.int32)
nkpts_ij = reindex_k.size
drv = libpbc.PBCfill_nr3c_drv
# is_pbcintor controls whether to use memory efficient functions
# Only supports int3c2e_sph, int3c2e_cart in current C library
is_pbcintor = intor in ('int3c2e_sph', 'int3c2e_cart') or intor[:3] == 'ECP'
if is_pbcintor and not intor.startswith('PBC'):
intor = 'PBC' + intor
log.debug1('is_pbcintor = %d, intor = %s', is_pbcintor, intor)
log.timer('int3c kernel initialization', *cput0)
def int3c(shls_slice=None, outR=None, outI=None):
cput0 = logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()
if shls_slice is None:
shls_slice = [0, nbasp, 0, nbasp, nbasp, len(cell0_dims)]
ksh0 = nbasp + shls_slice[4]
ksh1 = nbasp + shls_slice[5]
shls_slice = list(shls_slice[:4]) + [ksh0, ksh1]
i0, i1, j0, j1, k0, k1 = cell0_ao_loc[shls_slice]
if aosym == 's1':
nrow = (i1-i0)*(j1-j0)
nrow = i1*(i1+1)//2 - i0*(i0+1)//2
if comp == 1:
shape = (nkpts_ij, nrow, k1-k0)
shape = (nkpts_ij, comp, nrow, k1-k0)
# output has to be filled with zero first because certain integrals
# may be skipped by fill_ints driver
outR = np.ndarray(shape, buffer=outR)
outR[:] = 0
if gamma_point_only:
outI = np.zeros(0)
outI = np.ndarray(shape, buffer=outI)
outI[:] = 0
if sindex is None:
sindex_ptr = lib.c_null_ptr()
sindex_ptr = sindex.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)
drv(getattr(libpbc, intor), getattr(libpbc, fill),
reindex_k.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(nkpts_ij),
ctypes.c_int(bvk_ncells), ctypes.c_int(nimgs),
ctypes.c_int(nkpts), ctypes.c_int(nbasp), ctypes.c_int(comp),
sindex_ptr, ctypes.c_int(log_cutoff),
cintopt, ctypes.c_int(cache_size),
atm.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(supmol.natm),
bas.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(supmol.nbas),
log.timer_debug1(f'pbc integral {intor}', *cput0)
if return_complex:
if gamma_point_only:
return outR
return outR + outI * 1j
if gamma_point_only:
return outR, None
return outR, outI
return int3c
def get_q_cond(self, supmol=None):
'''Integral screening condition max(sqrt((ij|ij))) inside the supmol'''
if supmol is None:
supmol = self.supmol
nbas = supmol.nbas
sindex = np.empty((nbas,nbas), dtype=np.int16)
supmol._atm.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(supmol.natm),
supmol._bas.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(supmol.nbas),
return sindex
libpbc.GTOmax_cache_size.restype = ctypes.c_int
def _get_cache_size(cell, intor):
'''Cache size for libcint integrals. Cache size cannot be accurately
estimated in function PBC_ft_bvk_drv
cache_size = libpbc.GTOmax_cache_size(
getattr(libpbc, intor), (ctypes.c_int*2)(0, cell.nbas), ctypes.c_int(1),
cell._atm.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(cell.natm),
cell._bas.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(cell.nbas),
return cache_size
def estimate_rcut(cell, auxcell, precision=None):
'''Estimate rcut for 3c2e integrals'''
if precision is None:
precision = cell.precision
cell_exps = np.array([e.min() for e in cell.bas_exps()])
aux_exps = np.array([e.min() for e in auxcell.bas_exps()])
if cell_exps.size == 0 or aux_exps.size == 0:
return np.zeros(1)
ls = cell._bas[:,gto.ANG_OF]
cs = gto.gto_norm(ls, cell_exps)
ai_idx = cell_exps.argmin()
ak_idx = aux_exps.argmin()
ai = cell_exps[ai_idx]
aj = cell_exps
ak = aux_exps[ak_idx]
li = cell._bas[ai_idx,gto.ANG_OF]
lj = ls
lk = auxcell._bas[ak_idx,gto.ANG_OF]
ci = cs[ai_idx]
cj = cs
# Note ck normalizes the auxiliary basis \int \chi_k dr to 1
ck = 1./(4*np.pi) / gto.gaussian_int(lk+2, ak)
aij = ai + aj
lij = li + lj
l3 = lij + lk
theta = 1./(1./aij + 1./ak)
norm_ang = ((2*li+1)*(2*lj+1))**.5/(4*np.pi)
c1 = ci * cj * ck * norm_ang
sfac = aij*aj/(aij*aj + ai*theta)
fl = 2
fac = 2**(li+1)*np.pi**3.5*c1 * theta**(l3-1.5) / aij**(lij+1.5) / ak**(lk+1.5)
fac *= (1 + ai/aj)**lj * fl / precision
r0 = cell.rcut
r0 = (np.log(fac * r0 * (sfac*r0)**(l3-2) + 1.) / (sfac*theta))**.5
r0 = (np.log(fac * r0 * (sfac*r0)**(l3-2) + 1.) / (sfac*theta))**.5
return r0
def _conc_locs(ao_loc1, ao_loc2):
'''auxiliary basis was appended to regular AO basis when calling int3c2e
integrals. Composite loc combines locs from regular AO basis and auxiliary
basis accordingly.'''
comp_loc = np.append(ao_loc1[:-1], ao_loc1[-1] + ao_loc2)
return np.asarray(comp_loc, dtype=np.int32)
# The following functions use pre-constructed shell pair list
def aux_e2_sum_auxbas(cell, auxcell_or_auxbasis, intor='int3c2e', aosym='s1', comp=None,
kptij_lst=np.zeros((1,2,3)), shls_slice=None, **kwargs):
r'''Compute :math:`\sum_{L} (ij|L)` on the fly.
out : (nao_pair,) array
if isinstance(auxcell_or_auxbasis, gto.MoleBase):
auxcell = auxcell_or_auxbasis
assert isinstance(auxcell_or_auxbasis, str)
auxcell = make_auxcell(cell, auxcell_or_auxbasis)
int3c = wrap_int3c_sum_auxbas(cell, auxcell, intor, aosym, comp, kptij_lst, **kwargs)
out = int3c(shls_slice)
return out
def wrap_int3c_sum_auxbas(cell, auxcell, intor='int3c2e', aosym='s1', comp=None,
kptij_lst=np.zeros((1,2,3)), cintopt=None, pbcopt=None,
if neighbor_list is None:
raise KeyError('Neighbor list is not initialized.')
log = logger.new_logger(cell)
nkptij = len(kptij_lst)
kpti = kptij_lst[:,0]
kptj = kptij_lst[:,1]
j_only = is_zero(kpti - kptj)
if j_only:
kpts = kpti
nkpts = len(kpts)
kptij_idx = np.arange(nkpts, dtype=np.int32)
raise NotImplementedError
intor = cell._add_suffix(intor)
intor, comp = gto.moleintor._get_intor_and_comp(intor, comp)
pcell = cell.copy()
pcell._atm, pcell._bas, pcell._env = \
atm, bas, env = gto.conc_env(cell._atm, cell._bas, cell._env,
cell._atm, cell._bas, cell._env)
ao_loc = gto.moleintor.make_loc(bas, intor)
aux_loc = auxcell.ao_loc_nr()
ao_loc = np.asarray(np.hstack([ao_loc, ao_loc[-1]+aux_loc[1:]]),
atm, bas, env = gto.conc_env(atm, bas, env,
auxcell._atm, auxcell._bas, auxcell._env)
Ls = cell.get_lattice_Ls()
nimgs = len(Ls)
nbas = cell.nbas
gamma_point_only = is_zero(kpts)
if gamma_point_only:
assert nkpts == 1
kk_type = 'g'
expkL = np.ones(1, dtype=np.complex128)
out_dtype = np.double
raise NotImplementedError
fill = 'PBCnr3c_screened_sum_auxbas_fill_%s%s' % (kk_type, aosym[:2])
drv = libpbc.PBCnr3c_screened_sum_auxbas_drv
if cintopt is None:
if nbas > 0:
env[gto.PTR_EXPCUTOFF] = abs(np.log(cell.precision))
cintopt = _vhf.make_cintopt(atm, bas, env, intor)
cintopt = lib.c_null_ptr()
if intor[:3] != 'ECP':
if pbcopt is None:
pbcopt = _pbcintor.PBCOpt(pcell).init_rcut_cond(pcell)
if isinstance(pbcopt, _pbcintor.PBCOpt):
cpbcopt = pbcopt._this
cpbcopt = lib.c_null_ptr()
def int3c(shls_slice=None, out=None):
t0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
if shls_slice is None:
shls_slice = (0, nbas, 0, nbas, 0, auxcell.nbas)
shls_slice = (shls_slice[0], shls_slice[1],
nbas+shls_slice[2], nbas+shls_slice[3],
nbas*2+shls_slice[4], nbas*2+shls_slice[5])
ni = ao_loc[shls_slice[1]] - ao_loc[shls_slice[0]]
nj = ao_loc[shls_slice[3]] - ao_loc[shls_slice[2]]
if aosym[:2] == 's2':
assert ni == nj
nao_pair = (ao_loc[shls_slice[1]]*(ao_loc[shls_slice[1]]+1)//2 -
nao_pair = ni * nj
if out is None:
out = np.empty((nkptij,comp,nao_pair), dtype=out_dtype)
drv(getattr(libpbc, intor), getattr(libpbc, fill),
ctypes.c_int(nkptij), ctypes.c_int(nkpts),
ctypes.c_int(comp), ctypes.c_int(nimgs),
ao_loc.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), cintopt, cpbcopt,
atm.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(cell.natm),
ctypes.c_int(nbas), # need to pass cell.nbas to libpbc.PBCnr3c_drv
env.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(env.size),
log.timer_debug1(f'pbc integral {intor}', *t0)
if comp == 1:
out = out[:,0]
if nkptij == 1:
out = out[0]
return out
return int3c
def int3c1e_nuc_grad(cell, auxcell, dm, intor='int3c1e', aosym='s1', comp=3,
kptij_lst=np.zeros((1,2,3)), shls_slice=None, **kwargs):
'''Compute the nuclear gradient contribution
to the 2nd local part of PP on the fly.
See `pbc.gto.pseudo.pp_int.vpploc_part2_nuc_grad`.
out : (natm,comp) array
if comp != 3:
raise NotImplementedError
if aosym != 's1':
raise NotImplementedError
int3c = wrap_int3c1e_nuc_grad(cell, auxcell, dm, intor, aosym, comp, kptij_lst, **kwargs)
out = int3c(shls_slice)
return out
def wrap_int3c1e_nuc_grad(cell, auxcell, dm, intor='int3c1e', aosym='s1', comp=3,
kptij_lst=np.zeros((1,2,3)), cintopt=None, pbcopt=None,
if neighbor_list is None:
raise KeyError('Neighbor list is not initialized.')
log = logger.new_logger(cell)
nkptij = len(kptij_lst)
kpti = kptij_lst[:,0]
kptj = kptij_lst[:,1]
j_only = is_zero(kpti - kptj)
if j_only:
kpts = kpti
nkpts = len(kpts)
kptij_idx = np.arange(nkpts, dtype=np.int32)
raise NotImplementedError
intor = cell._add_suffix(intor)
intor, comp = gto.moleintor._get_intor_and_comp(intor, comp)
pcell = cell.copy()
pcell._atm, pcell._bas, pcell._env = \
atm, bas, env = gto.conc_env(cell._atm, cell._bas, cell._env,
cell._atm, cell._bas, cell._env)
ao_loc = gto.moleintor.make_loc(bas, intor)
aux_loc = auxcell.ao_loc_nr()
ao_loc = np.asarray(np.hstack([ao_loc, ao_loc[-1]+aux_loc[1:]]),
atm, bas, env = gto.conc_env(atm, bas, env,
auxcell._atm, auxcell._bas, auxcell._env)
Ls = cell.get_lattice_Ls()
nimgs = len(Ls)
nbas = cell.nbas
gamma_point_only = is_zero(kpts)
if gamma_point_only:
assert nkpts == 1
kk_type = 'g'
expkL = np.ones(1, dtype=np.complex128)
dm = np.asarray(dm, order="C", dtype=np.double)
raise NotImplementedError
fill = 'PBCnr3c1e_screened_nuc_grad_fill_%s%s' % (kk_type, aosym[:2])
drv = libpbc.PBCnr3c1e_screened_nuc_grad_drv
if cintopt is None:
if nbas > 0:
env[gto.PTR_EXPCUTOFF] = abs(np.log(cell.precision))
cintopt = _vhf.make_cintopt(atm, bas, env, intor)
cintopt = lib.c_null_ptr()
if intor[:3] != 'ECP':
if pbcopt is None:
pbcopt = _pbcintor.PBCOpt(pcell).init_rcut_cond(pcell)
if isinstance(pbcopt, _pbcintor.PBCOpt):
cpbcopt = pbcopt._this
cpbcopt = lib.c_null_ptr()
def int3c(shls_slice=None, out=None):
t0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
if shls_slice is None:
shls_slice = (0, nbas, 0, nbas, 0, auxcell.nbas)
shls_slice = (shls_slice[0], shls_slice[1],
nbas+shls_slice[2], nbas+shls_slice[3],
nbas*2+shls_slice[4], nbas*2+shls_slice[5])
if out is None:
out = np.zeros((nkptij,cell.natm,comp), dtype=np.double)
drv(getattr(libpbc, intor), getattr(libpbc, fill),
ctypes.c_int(nkptij), ctypes.c_int(nkpts),
ctypes.c_int(comp), ctypes.c_int(nimgs),
ao_loc.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), cintopt, cpbcopt,
atm.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(cell.natm),
bas.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(nbas),
env.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(env.size),
ctypes.c_int(cell.nao), ctypes.byref(neighbor_list))
log.timer_debug1(f'pbc integral {intor}', *t0)
if nkptij == 1:
out = out[0]
return out
return int3c