Source code for pyscf.pbc.df.fft_ao2mo

#!/usr/bin/env python
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# Author: Qiming Sun <>

Integral transformation with FFT

(ij|kl) = \int dr1 dr2 i*(r1) j(r1) v(r12) k*(r2) l(r2)
        = (ij|G) v(G) (G|kl)

i*(r) j(r) = 1/N \sum_G e^{iGr}  (G|ij)
           = 1/N \sum_G e^{-iGr} (ij|G)

"forward" FFT:
    (G|ij) = \sum_r e^{-iGr} i*(r) j(r) = fft[ i*(r) j(r) ]
"inverse" FFT:
    (ij|G) = \sum_r e^{iGr} i*(r) j(r) = N * ifft[ i*(r) j(r) ]
           = conj[ \sum_r e^{-iGr} j*(r) i(r) ]

import numpy
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf import ao2mo
from pyscf.ao2mo.incore import iden_coeffs
from pyscf.pbc import tools
from pyscf.pbc.lib import kpts_helper
from pyscf.pbc.lib.kpts_helper import is_zero, gamma_point, unique
from pyscf import __config__

[docs] def get_eri(mydf, kpts=None, compact=getattr(__config__, 'pbc_df_ao2mo_get_eri_compact', True)): cell = mydf.cell nao = cell.nao_nr() kptijkl = _format_kpts(kpts) if not _iskconserv(cell, kptijkl): lib.logger.warn(cell, 'fft_ao2mo: momentum conservation not found in ' 'the given k-points %s', kptijkl) return numpy.zeros((nao,nao,nao,nao)) kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl q = kptj - kpti coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, q, mesh=mydf.mesh) coords = cell.gen_uniform_grids(mydf.mesh) max_memory = mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] #################### # gamma point, the integral is real and with s4 symmetry if gamma_point(kptijkl): #:ao_pairs_G = get_ao_pairs_G(mydf, kptijkl[:2], q, compact=compact) #:ao_pairs_G *= numpy.sqrt(coulG).reshape(-1,1) #:eri =, ao_pairs_G, cell.vol/ngrids**2) ao = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpti)[0] ao = numpy.asarray(ao.T, order='C') eri = _contract_compact(mydf, (ao,ao), coulG, max_memory=max_memory) if not compact: eri = ao2mo.restore(1, eri, nao).reshape(nao**2,nao**2) return eri #################### # aosym = s1, complex integrals else: #:ao_pairs_G = get_ao_pairs_G(mydf, kptijkl[:2], q, compact=False) #:# ao_pairs_invG = rho_kl(-(G+k_ij)) = conj(rho_lk(G+k_ij)).swap(r,s) #:#=get_ao_pairs_G(mydf, [kptl,kptk], q, compact=False).transpose(0,2,1).conj() #:ao_pairs_invG = get_ao_pairs_G(mydf, -kptijkl[2:], q, compact=False).conj() #:ao_pairs_G *= coulG.reshape(-1,1) #:eri =, ao_pairs_invG, cell.vol/ngrids**2) if is_zero(kpti-kptl) and is_zero(kptj-kptk): if is_zero(kpti-kptj): aoi = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpti)[0] aoi = aoj = numpy.asarray(aoi.T, order='C') else: aoi, aoj = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kptijkl[:2]) aoi = numpy.asarray(aoi.T, order='C') aoj = numpy.asarray(aoj.T, order='C') aos = (aoi, aoj, aoj, aoi) else: aos = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kptijkl) aos = [numpy.asarray(x.T, order='C') for x in aos] fac = numpy.exp(-1j *, q)) max_memory = max_memory - aos[0].nbytes*4*1e-6 eri = _contract_plain(mydf, aos, coulG, fac, max_memory=max_memory) return eri
[docs] def general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=None, compact=getattr(__config__, 'pbc_df_ao2mo_general_compact', True)): '''General MO integral transformation''' from pyscf.pbc.df.df_ao2mo import warn_pbc2d_eri warn_pbc2d_eri(mydf) cell = mydf.cell kptijkl = _format_kpts(kpts) kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2: mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs,) * 4 mo_coeffs = [numpy.asarray(mo, order='F') for mo in mo_coeffs] if not _iskconserv(cell, kptijkl): lib.logger.warn(cell, 'fft_ao2mo: momentum conservation not found in ' 'the given k-points %s', kptijkl) return numpy.zeros([mo.shape[1] for mo in mo_coeffs]) allreal = not any(numpy.iscomplexobj(mo) for mo in mo_coeffs) q = kptj - kpti coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, q, mesh=mydf.mesh) coords = cell.gen_uniform_grids(mydf.mesh) max_memory = mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] if gamma_point(kptijkl) and allreal: ao = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpti)[0] if ((iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]) and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[3]))): moiT = mojT = numpy.asarray([0].T,ao.T), order='C') ao = None max_memory = max_memory - moiT.nbytes*1e-6 eri = _contract_compact(mydf, (moiT,mojT), coulG, max_memory=max_memory) if not compact: nmo = moiT.shape[0] eri = ao2mo.restore(1, eri, nmo).reshape(nmo**2,nmo**2) else: mos = [numpy.asarray(, ao.T), order='C') for c in mo_coeffs] ao = None fac = numpy.array(1.) max_memory = max_memory - sum([x.nbytes for x in mos])*1e-6 eri = _contract_plain(mydf, mos, coulG, fac, max_memory=max_memory).real return eri else: aos = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kptijkl) mos = [numpy.asarray(, aos[i].T), order='C') for i,c in enumerate(mo_coeffs)] aos = None fac = numpy.exp(-1j *, q)) max_memory = max_memory - sum([x.nbytes for x in mos])*1e-6 eri = _contract_plain(mydf, mos, coulG, fac, max_memory=max_memory) return eri
def _contract_compact(mydf, mos, coulG, max_memory): cell = mydf.cell moiT, mokT = mos nmoi, ngrids = moiT.shape nmok = mokT.shape[0] wcoulG = coulG * (cell.vol/ngrids) def fill_orbital_pair(moT, i0, i1, buf): npair = i1*(i1+1)//2 - i0*(i0+1)//2 out = numpy.ndarray((npair,ngrids), dtype=buf.dtype, buffer=buf) ij = 0 for i in range(i0, i1): numpy.einsum('p,jp->jp', moT[i], moT[:i+1], out=out[ij:ij+i+1]) ij += i + 1 return out eri = numpy.empty((nmoi*(nmoi+1)//2,nmok*(nmok+1)//2)) blksize = int(min(max(nmoi*(nmoi+1)//2, nmok*(nmok+1)//2), (max_memory*1e6/8 - eri.size)/2/ngrids+1)) buf = numpy.empty((blksize,ngrids)) for p0, p1 in lib.prange_tril(0, nmoi, blksize): mo_pairs_G = tools.fft(fill_orbital_pair(moiT, p0, p1, buf), mydf.mesh) mo_pairs_G*= wcoulG v = tools.ifft(mo_pairs_G, mydf.mesh) vR = numpy.asarray(v.real, order='C') for q0, q1 in lib.prange_tril(0, nmok, blksize): mo_pairs = numpy.asarray(fill_orbital_pair(mokT, q0, q1, buf), order='C') eri[p0*(p0+1)//2:p1*(p1+1)//2, q0*(q0+1)//2:q1*(q1+1)//2] = lib.ddot(vR, mo_pairs.T) v = None return eri def _contract_plain(mydf, mos, coulG, phase, max_memory): cell = mydf.cell moiT, mojT, mokT, molT = mos nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol = [x.shape[0] for x in mos] ngrids = moiT.shape[1] wcoulG = coulG * (cell.vol/ngrids) dtype = numpy.result_type(phase, *mos) eri = numpy.empty((nmoi*nmoj,nmok*nmol), dtype=dtype) blksize = int(min(max(nmoi,nmok), (max_memory*1e6/16 - eri.size)/2/ngrids/max(nmoj,nmol)+1)) assert blksize > 0 buf0 = numpy.empty((blksize,max(nmoj,nmol),ngrids), dtype=dtype) buf1 = numpy.ndarray((blksize,nmoj,ngrids), dtype=dtype, buffer=buf0) buf2 = numpy.ndarray((blksize,nmol,ngrids), dtype=dtype, buffer=buf0) for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, nmoi, blksize): mo_pairs = numpy.einsum('ig,jg->ijg', moiT[p0:p1].conj()*phase, mojT, out=buf1[:p1-p0]) mo_pairs_G = tools.fft(mo_pairs.reshape(-1,ngrids), mydf.mesh) mo_pairs = None mo_pairs_G*= wcoulG v = tools.ifft(mo_pairs_G, mydf.mesh) mo_pairs_G = None v *= phase.conj() if dtype == numpy.double: v = numpy.asarray(v.real, order='C') for q0, q1 in lib.prange(0, nmok, blksize): mo_pairs = numpy.einsum('ig,jg->ijg', mokT[q0:q1].conj(), molT, out=buf2[:q1-q0]) eri[p0*nmoj:p1*nmoj,q0*nmol:q1*nmol] =, mo_pairs.reshape(-1,ngrids).T) v = None return eri
[docs] def get_ao_pairs_G(mydf, kpts=numpy.zeros((2,3)), q=None, shls_slice=None, compact=getattr(__config__, 'pbc_df_ao_pairs_compact', False)): '''Calculate forward (G|ij) FFT of all AO pairs. Returns: ao_pairs_G : 2D complex array For gamma point, the shape is (ngrids, nao*(nao+1)/2); otherwise the shape is (ngrids, nao*nao) ''' if kpts is None: kpts = numpy.zeros((2,3)) cell = mydf.cell kpts = numpy.asarray(kpts) coords = cell.gen_uniform_grids(mydf.mesh) ngrids = len(coords) if shls_slice is None: i0, i1 = j0, j1 = (0, cell.nao_nr()) else: ish0, ish1, jsh0, jsh1 = shls_slice ao_loc = cell.ao_loc_nr() i0 = ao_loc[ish0] i1 = ao_loc[ish1] j0 = ao_loc[jsh0] j1 = ao_loc[jsh1] def trans(aoi, aoj, fac=1): if id(aoi) == id(aoj): aoi = aoj = numpy.asarray(aoi.T, order='C') else: aoi = numpy.asarray(aoi.T, order='C') aoj = numpy.asarray(aoj.T, order='C') ni = aoi.shape[0] nj = aoj.shape[0] ao_pairs_G = numpy.empty((ni,nj,ngrids), dtype=numpy.complex128) for i in range(ni): ao_pairs_G[i] = tools.fft(fac * aoi[i].conj() * aoj, mydf.mesh) ao_pairs_G = ao_pairs_G.reshape(-1,ngrids).T return ao_pairs_G if compact and gamma_point(kpts): # gamma point ao = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:1])[0] ao = numpy.asarray(ao.T, order='C') npair = i1*(i1+1)//2 - i0*(i0+1)//2 ao_pairs_G = numpy.empty((npair,ngrids), dtype=numpy.complex128) ij = 0 for i in range(i0, i1): ao_pairs_G[ij:ij+i+1] = tools.fft(ao[i] * ao[:i+1], mydf.mesh) ij += i + 1 ao_pairs_G = ao_pairs_G.T elif is_zero(kpts[0]-kpts[1]): ao = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:1])[0] ao_pairs_G = trans(ao[:,i0:i1], ao[:,j0:j1]) else: if q is None: q = kpts[1] - kpts[0] aoi, aoj = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:2]) fac = numpy.exp(-1j *, q)) ao_pairs_G = trans(aoi[:,i0:i1], aoj[:,j0:j1], fac) return ao_pairs_G
[docs] def get_mo_pairs_G(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=numpy.zeros((2,3)), q=None, compact=getattr(__config__, 'pbc_df_mo_pairs_compact', False)): '''Calculate forward (G|ij) FFT of all MO pairs. Args: mo_coeff: length-2 list of (nao,nmo) ndarrays The two sets of MO coefficients to use in calculating the product |ij). Returns: mo_pairs_G : (ngrids, nmoi*nmoj) ndarray The FFT of the real-space MO pairs. ''' if kpts is None: kpts = numpy.zeros((2,3)) cell = mydf.cell kpts = numpy.asarray(kpts) coords = cell.gen_uniform_grids(mydf.mesh) nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1] nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1] ngrids = len(coords) def trans(aoi, aoj, fac=1): if id(aoi) == id(aoj) and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]): moi = moj = numpy.asarray([0].T,aoi.T), order='C') else: moi = numpy.asarray([0].T, aoi.T), order='C') moj = numpy.asarray([1].T, aoj.T), order='C') mo_pairs_G = numpy.empty((nmoi,nmoj,ngrids), dtype=numpy.complex128) for i in range(nmoi): mo_pairs_G[i] = tools.fft(fac * moi[i].conj() * moj, mydf.mesh) mo_pairs_G = mo_pairs_G.reshape(-1,ngrids).T return mo_pairs_G if gamma_point(kpts): # gamma point, real ao = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:1])[0] if compact and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]): mo = numpy.asarray([0].T, ao.T), order='C') npair = nmoi*(nmoi+1)//2 mo_pairs_G = numpy.empty((npair,ngrids), dtype=numpy.complex128) ij = 0 for i in range(nmoi): mo_pairs_G[ij:ij+i+1] = tools.fft(mo[i].conj() * mo[:i+1], mydf.mesh) ij += i + 1 mo_pairs_G = mo_pairs_G.T else: mo_pairs_G = trans(ao, ao) elif is_zero(kpts[0]-kpts[1]): ao = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:1])[0] mo_pairs_G = trans(ao, ao) else: if q is None: q = kpts[1] - kpts[0] aoi, aoj = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts) fac = numpy.exp(-1j *, q)) mo_pairs_G = trans(aoi, aoj, fac) return mo_pairs_G
[docs] def ao2mo_7d(mydf, mo_coeff_kpts, kpts=None, factor=1, out=None): cell = mydf.cell if kpts is None: kpts = mydf.kpts nkpts = len(kpts) if isinstance(mo_coeff_kpts, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeff_kpts.ndim == 3: mo_coeff_kpts = [mo_coeff_kpts] * 4 else: mo_coeff_kpts = list(mo_coeff_kpts) mo_ids = [id(x) for x in mo_coeff_kpts] moTs = [] coords = cell.gen_uniform_grids(mydf.mesh) aos = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts) for n, mo_id in enumerate(mo_ids): if mo_id in mo_ids[:n]: moTs.append(moTs[mo_ids[:n].index(mo_id)]) else: moTs.append([, aos[k].T) for k,mo in enumerate(mo_coeff_kpts[n])]) # Shape of the orbitals can be different on different k-points. The # orbital coefficients must be formatted (padded by zeros) so that the # shape of the orbital coefficients are the same on all k-points. This can # be achieved by calling function nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol = [x.shape[2] for x in mo_coeff_kpts] eri_shape = (nkpts, nkpts, nkpts, nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol) if gamma_point(kpts): dtype = numpy.result_type(*mo_coeff_kpts) else: dtype = numpy.complex128 if out is None: out = numpy.empty(eri_shape, dtype=dtype) else: assert (out.shape == eri_shape) kptij_lst = numpy.array([(ki, kj) for ki in kpts for kj in kpts]) kptis_lst = kptij_lst[:,0] kptjs_lst = kptij_lst[:,1] kpt_ji = kptjs_lst - kptis_lst uniq_kpts, uniq_index, uniq_inverse = unique(kpt_ji) ngrids = # To hold intermediates fswap = lib.H5TmpFile() kconserv = kpts_helper.get_kconserv(cell, kpts) for uniq_id, kpt in enumerate(uniq_kpts): q = uniq_kpts[uniq_id] adapted_ji_idx = numpy.where(uniq_inverse == uniq_id)[0] ki = adapted_ji_idx[0] // nkpts kj = adapted_ji_idx[0] % nkpts coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, q, mesh=mydf.mesh) coulG *= (cell.vol/ngrids) * factor phase = numpy.exp(-1j *, q)) for kk in range(nkpts): kl = kconserv[ki, kj, kk] mokT = moTs[2][kk] molT = moTs[3][kl] mo_pairs = numpy.einsum('ig,g,jg->ijg', mokT.conj(), phase.conj(), molT) v = tools.ifft(mo_pairs.reshape(-1,ngrids), mydf.mesh) v *= coulG v = tools.fft(v.reshape(-1,ngrids), mydf.mesh) v *= phase fswap['zkl/'+str(kk)] = v for ji_idx in adapted_ji_idx: ki = ji_idx // nkpts kj = ji_idx % nkpts for kk in range(nkpts): moiT = moTs[0][ki] mojT = moTs[1][kj] mo_pairs = numpy.einsum('ig,jg->ijg', moiT.conj(), mojT) tmp =,ngrids), numpy.asarray(fswap['zkl/'+str(kk)]).T) if dtype == numpy.double: tmp = tmp.real out[ki,kj,kk] = tmp.reshape(eri_shape[3:]) del (fswap['zkl']) return out
def _format_kpts(kpts): if kpts is None: kptijkl = numpy.zeros((4,3)) else: kpts = numpy.asarray(kpts) if kpts.size == 3: kptijkl = numpy.vstack([kpts]*4).reshape(4,3) else: kptijkl = kpts.reshape(4,3) return kptijkl def _iskconserv(cell, kpts): dk = kpts[1] - kpts[0] + kpts[3] - kpts[2] if abs(dk).sum() < 1e-9: return True else: s = 1./(2*numpy.pi)*, cell.lattice_vectors().T) s_int = s.round(0) return abs(s - s_int).sum() < 1e-9 if __name__ == '__main__': import pyscf.pbc.gto as pgto from pyscf.pbc import df L = 5. n = 11 cell = pgto.Cell() cell.a = numpy.diag([L,L,L]) cell.mesh = numpy.array([n,n,n]) cell.atom = '''He 3. 2. 3. He 1. 1. 1.''' #cell.basis = {'He': [[0, (1.0, 1.0)]]} #cell.basis = '631g' #cell.basis = {'He': [[0, (2.4, 1)], [1, (1.1, 1)]]} cell.basis = 'ccpvdz' cell.verbose = 0,0) nao = cell.nao_nr() numpy.random.seed(1) kpts = numpy.random.random((4,3)) kpts[3] = -numpy.einsum('ij->j', kpts[:3]) with_df = df.FFTDF(cell) with_df.kpts = kpts mo =(numpy.random.random((nao,nao)) + numpy.random.random((nao,nao))*1j) eri = with_df.get_eri(kpts).reshape((nao,)*4) eri0 = numpy.einsum('pjkl,pi->ijkl', eri , mo.conj()) eri0 = numpy.einsum('ipkl,pj->ijkl', eri0, mo ) eri0 = numpy.einsum('ijpl,pk->ijkl', eri0, mo.conj()) eri0 = numpy.einsum('ijkp,pl->ijkl', eri0, mo ).reshape(nao**2,-1) eri1 = with_df.ao2mo(mo, kpts) print(abs(eri1-eri0.reshape(eri1.shape)).sum())