Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017-2021 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Authors: James D. McClain <>
"""Module for running k-point ccsd(t)"""

import numpy as np

from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.lib.misc import tril_product
from pyscf.pbc import scf
from pyscf.pbc.lib import kpts_helper
from pyscf.lib.numpy_helper import cartesian_prod
from pyscf.lib.parameters import LOOSE_ZERO_TOL, LARGE_DENOM  # noqa
from import _get_epqr
from import (get_frozen_mask, get_nocc, get_nmo,
                               padded_mo_coeff, padding_k_idx)  # noqa

#einsum = np.einsum
einsum = lib.einsum

# CCSD(T) equations taken from Tu, Yang, Wang, and Guo JPC (135), 2011
# There are some complex conjugates not included in the equations
# by Watts, Gauss, Bartlett JCP (98), 1993
[docs] def kernel(mycc, eris, t1=None, t2=None, max_memory=2000, verbose=logger.INFO): '''Returns the CCSD(T) for general spin-orbital integrals with k-points. Note: Returns real part of the CCSD(T) energy, raises warning if there is a complex part. Args: mycc (:class:`GCCSD`): Coupled-cluster object storing results of a coupled-cluster calculation. eris (:class:`_ERIS`): Integral object holding the relevant electron- repulsion integrals and Fock matrix elements t1 (:obj:`ndarray`): t1 coupled-cluster amplitudes t2 (:obj:`ndarray`): t2 coupled-cluster amplitudes max_memory (float): Maximum memory used in calculation (NOT USED) verbose (int, :class:`Logger`): verbosity of calculation Returns: energy_t (float): The real-part of the k-point CCSD(T) energy. ''' assert isinstance(mycc, if isinstance(verbose, logger.Logger): log = verbose else: log = logger.Logger(mycc.stdout, verbose) if t1 is None: t1 = mycc.t1 if t2 is None: t2 = mycc.t2 if t1 is None or t2 is None: raise TypeError('Must pass in t1/t2 amplitudes to k-point CCSD(T)! (Maybe ' 'need to run `.ccsd()` on the ccsd object?)') cell = mycc._scf.cell kpts = mycc.kpts # The dtype of any local arrays that will be created dtype = t1.dtype nkpts, nocc, nvir = t1.shape mo_energy_occ = [eris.mo_energy[ki][:nocc] for ki in range(nkpts)] mo_energy_vir = [eris.mo_energy[ki][nocc:] for ki in range(nkpts)] fov = eris.fock[:, :nocc, nocc:] mo_e_o = mo_energy_occ mo_e_v = mo_energy_vir # Set up class for k-point conservation kconserv = kpts_helper.get_kconserv(cell, kpts) # Get location of padded elements in occupied and virtual space nonzero_opadding, nonzero_vpadding = padding_k_idx(mycc, kind="split") energy_t = 0.0 for ki in range(nkpts): for kj in range(ki + 1): for kk in range(kj + 1): # eigenvalue denominator: e(i) + e(j) + e(k) eijk = _get_epqr([0,nocc,ki,mo_e_o,nonzero_opadding], [0,nocc,kj,mo_e_o,nonzero_opadding], [0,nocc,kk,mo_e_o,nonzero_opadding]) # Factors to include for permutational symmetry among k-points for occupied space if ki == kj and kj == kk: symm_ijk_kpt = 1. # only one degeneracy elif ki == kj or kj == kk: symm_ijk_kpt = 3. # 3 degeneracies when only one k-point is unique else: symm_ijk_kpt = 6. # 3! combinations of arranging 3 distinct k-points for ka in range(nkpts): for kb in range(ka + 1): # Find momentum conservation condition for triples # amplitude t3ijkabc kc = kpts_helper.get_kconserv3(cell, kpts, [ki, kj, kk, ka, kb]) if kc not in range(kb + 1): continue # -1.0 so the LARGE_DENOM does not cancel with the one from eijk eabc = _get_epqr([0,nvir,ka,mo_e_v,nonzero_vpadding], [0,nvir,kb,mo_e_v,nonzero_vpadding], [0,nvir,kc,mo_e_v,nonzero_vpadding], fac=[-1.,-1.,-1.]) # Factors to include for permutational symmetry among k-points for virtual space if ka == kb and kb == kc: symm_abc_kpt = 1. # one unique combination of (ka, kb, kc) elif ka == kb or kb == kc: symm_abc_kpt = 3. # 3 unique combinations of (ka, kb, kc) else: symm_abc_kpt = 6. # 6 unique combinations of (ka, kb, kc) # Determine the a, b, c indices we will loop over as # determined by the k-point symmetry. abc_indices = cartesian_prod([range(nvir)] * 3) symm_3d = symm_2d_ab = symm_2d_bc = False if ka == kc: # == kb from lower triangular summation abc_indices = tril_product(range(nvir), repeat=3, tril_idx=[0, 1, 2]) # loop a >= b >= c symm_3d = True elif ka == kb: abc_indices = tril_product(range(nvir), repeat=3, tril_idx=[0, 1]) # loop a >= b symm_2d_ab = True elif kb == kc: abc_indices = tril_product(range(nvir), repeat=3, tril_idx=[1, 2]) # loop b >= c symm_2d_bc = True for a, b, c in abc_indices: # See symm_3d and abc_indices above for description of factors symm_abc = 1. if symm_3d: if a == b == c: symm_abc = 1. elif a == b or b == c: symm_abc = 3. else: symm_abc = 6. elif symm_2d_ab: if a == b: symm_abc = 1. else: symm_abc = 2. elif symm_2d_bc: if b == c: symm_abc = 1. else: symm_abc = 2. # Form energy denominator eijkabc = (eijk[:,:,:] + eabc[a,b,c]) # Form connected triple excitation amplitude t3c = np.zeros((nocc, nocc, nocc), dtype=dtype) # First term: 1 - p(ij) - p(ik) ke = kconserv[kj, ka, kk] t3c = t3c + einsum('jke,ie->ijk', t2[kj, kk, ka, :, :, a, :], -eris.ovvv[ki, ke, kc, :, :, c, b].conj()) ke = kconserv[ki, ka, kk] t3c = t3c - einsum('ike,je->ijk', t2[ki, kk, ka, :, :, a, :], -eris.ovvv[kj, ke, kc, :, :, c, b].conj()) ke = kconserv[kj, ka, ki] t3c = t3c - einsum('jie,ke->ijk', t2[kj, ki, ka, :, :, a, :], -eris.ovvv[kk, ke, kc, :, :, c, b].conj()) km = kconserv[kb, ki, kc] t3c = t3c - einsum('mi,jkm->ijk', t2[km, ki, kb, :, :, b, c], eris.ooov[kj, kk, km, :, :, :, a].conj()) km = kconserv[kb, kj, kc] t3c = t3c + einsum('mj,ikm->ijk', t2[km, kj, kb, :, :, b, c], eris.ooov[ki, kk, km, :, :, :, a].conj()) km = kconserv[kb, kk, kc] t3c = t3c + einsum('mk,jim->ijk', t2[km, kk, kb, :, :, b, c], eris.ooov[kj, ki, km, :, :, :, a].conj()) # Second term: - p(ab) + p(ab) p(ij) + p(ab) p(ik) ke = kconserv[kj, kb, kk] t3c = t3c - einsum('jke,ie->ijk', t2[kj, kk, kb, :, :, b, :], -eris.ovvv[ki, ke, kc, :, :, c, a].conj()) ke = kconserv[ki, kb, kk] t3c = t3c + einsum('ike,je->ijk', t2[ki, kk, kb, :, :, b, :], -eris.ovvv[kj, ke, kc, :, :, c, a].conj()) ke = kconserv[kj, kb, ki] t3c = t3c + einsum('jie,ke->ijk', t2[kj, ki, kb, :, :, b, :], -eris.ovvv[kk, ke, kc, :, :, c, a].conj()) km = kconserv[ka, ki, kc] t3c = t3c + einsum('mi,jkm->ijk', t2[km, ki, ka, :, :, a, c], eris.ooov[kj, kk, km, :, :, :, b].conj()) km = kconserv[ka, kj, kc] t3c = t3c - einsum('mj,ikm->ijk', t2[km, kj, ka, :, :, a, c], eris.ooov[ki, kk, km, :, :, :, b].conj()) km = kconserv[ka, kk, kc] t3c = t3c - einsum('mk,jim->ijk', t2[km, kk, ka, :, :, a, c], eris.ooov[kj, ki, km, :, :, :, b].conj()) # Third term: - p(ac) + p(ac) p(ij) + p(ac) p(ik) ke = kconserv[kj, kc, kk] t3c = t3c - einsum('jke,ie->ijk', t2[kj, kk, kc, :, :, c, :], -eris.ovvv[ki, ke, ka, :, :, a, b].conj()) ke = kconserv[ki, kc, kk] t3c = t3c + einsum('ike,je->ijk', t2[ki, kk, kc, :, :, c, :], -eris.ovvv[kj, ke, ka, :, :, a, b].conj()) ke = kconserv[kj, kc, ki] t3c = t3c + einsum('jie,ke->ijk', t2[kj, ki, kc, :, :, c, :], -eris.ovvv[kk, ke, ka, :, :, a, b].conj()) km = kconserv[kb, ki, ka] t3c = t3c + einsum('mi,jkm->ijk', t2[km, ki, kb, :, :, b, a], eris.ooov[kj, kk, km, :, :, :, c].conj()) km = kconserv[kb, kj, ka] t3c = t3c - einsum('mj,ikm->ijk', t2[km, kj, kb, :, :, b, a], eris.ooov[ki, kk, km, :, :, :, c].conj()) km = kconserv[kb, kk, ka] t3c = t3c - einsum('mk,jim->ijk', t2[km, kk, kb, :, :, b, a], eris.ooov[kj, ki, km, :, :, :, c].conj()) # Form disconnected triple excitation amplitude contribution t3d = np.zeros((nocc, nocc, nocc), dtype=dtype) # First term: 1 - p(ij) - p(ik) if ki == ka: t3d = t3d + einsum('i,jk->ijk', t1[ki, :, a], -eris.oovv[kj, kk, kb, :, :, b, c].conj()) t3d = t3d + einsum('i,jk->ijk',-fov[ki, :, a], t2[kj, kk, kb, :, :, b, c]) if kj == ka: t3d = t3d - einsum('j,ik->ijk', t1[kj, :, a], -eris.oovv[ki, kk, kb, :, :, b, c].conj()) t3d = t3d - einsum('j,ik->ijk',-fov[kj, :, a], t2[ki, kk, kb, :, :, b, c]) if kk == ka: t3d = t3d - einsum('k,ji->ijk', t1[kk, :, a], -eris.oovv[kj, ki, kb, :, :, b, c].conj()) t3d = t3d - einsum('k,ji->ijk',-fov[kk, :, a], t2[kj, ki, kb, :, :, b, c]) # Second term: - p(ab) + p(ab) p(ij) + p(ab) p(ik) if ki == kb: t3d = t3d - einsum('i,jk->ijk', t1[ki, :, b], -eris.oovv[kj, kk, ka, :, :, a, c].conj()) t3d = t3d - einsum('i,jk->ijk',-fov[ki, :, b], t2[kj, kk, ka, :, :, a, c]) if kj == kb: t3d = t3d + einsum('j,ik->ijk', t1[kj, :, b], -eris.oovv[ki, kk, ka, :, :, a, c].conj()) t3d = t3d + einsum('j,ik->ijk',-fov[kj, :, b], t2[ki, kk, ka, :, :, a, c]) if kk == kb: t3d = t3d + einsum('k,ji->ijk', t1[kk, :, b], -eris.oovv[kj, ki, ka, :, :, a, c].conj()) t3d = t3d + einsum('k,ji->ijk',-fov[kk, :, b], t2[kj, ki, ka, :, :, a, c]) # Third term: - p(ac) + p(ac) p(ij) + p(ac) p(ik) if ki == kc: t3d = t3d - einsum('i,jk->ijk', t1[ki, :, c], -eris.oovv[kj, kk, kb, :, :, b, a].conj()) t3d = t3d - einsum('i,jk->ijk',-fov[ki, :, c], t2[kj, kk, kb, :, :, b, a]) if kj == kc: t3d = t3d + einsum('j,ik->ijk', t1[kj, :, c], -eris.oovv[ki, kk, kb, :, :, b, a].conj()) t3d = t3d + einsum('j,ik->ijk',-fov[kj, :, c], t2[ki, kk, kb, :, :, b, a]) if kk == kc: t3d = t3d + einsum('k,ji->ijk', t1[kk, :, c], -eris.oovv[kj, ki, kb, :, :, b, a].conj()) t3d = t3d + einsum('k,ji->ijk',-fov[kk, :, c], t2[kj, ki, kb, :, :, b, a]) t3c_plus_d = t3c + t3d t3c_plus_d /= eijkabc energy_t += symm_abc_kpt * symm_ijk_kpt * symm_abc * einsum('ijk,ijk', t3c, t3c_plus_d.conj()) energy_t = (1. / 36) * energy_t / nkpts if abs(energy_t.imag) > 1e-4: log.warn('Non-zero imaginary part of CCSD(T) energy was found %s', energy_t.imag) log.note('CCSD(T) correction per cell = %.15g', energy_t.real) return energy_t.real
# Gamma point calculation # # Parameters # ---------- # mesh : [24, 24, 24] # kpt : [1, 1, 2] # Returns # ------- # SCF : -8.65192329453 Hartree per cell # CCSD : -0.15529836941 Hartree per cell # CCSD(T) : -0.00191451068 Hartree per cell if __name__ == '__main__': from pyscf.pbc import gto from pyscf.pbc import cc cell = gto.Cell() cell.atom = ''' C 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 C 1.685068664391 1.685068664391 1.685068664391 ''' cell.basis = 'gth-szv' cell.pseudo = 'gth-pade' cell.a = ''' 0.000000000, 3.370137329, 3.370137329 3.370137329, 0.000000000, 3.370137329 3.370137329, 3.370137329, 0.000000000''' cell.unit = 'B' cell.verbose = 5 cell.mesh = [24, 24, 24] kpts = cell.make_kpts([1, 1, 3]) kpts -= kpts[0] kmf = scf.KRHF(cell, kpts=kpts, exxdiv=None) ehf = kmf.kernel() mycc = cc.KGCCSD(kmf) ecc, t1, t2 = mycc.kernel() energy_t = kernel(mycc)