Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
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density fitting MP2,  3-center integrals incore.

import h5py
import ctypes
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
from functools import reduce
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.ao2mo import _ao2mo
from pyscf import df
from import dfmp2, ump2
from import make_rdm1, make_rdm2, _mo_splitter
from pyscf import __config__

WITH_T2 = getattr(__config__, 'mp_dfump2_with_t2', True)
THRESH_LINDEP = getattr(__config__, 'mp_dfump2_thresh_lindep', 1e-10)

libmp = dfmp2.libmp

[docs] def kernel(mp, mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None, eris=None, with_t2=WITH_T2, verbose=None): log = logger.new_logger(mp, verbose) if eris is None: eris = mp.ao2mo() nocc, nvir, naux = eris.nocc, eris.nvir, eris.naux nvirmax = max(nvir) split_mo_energy = mp.split_mo_energy() occ_energy = [x[1] for x in split_mo_energy] vir_energy = [x[2] for x in split_mo_energy] mem_avail = mp.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] if with_t2: t2 = (np.zeros((nocc[0],nocc[0],nvir[0],nvir[0]), dtype=eris.dtype), np.zeros((nocc[0],nocc[1],nvir[0],nvir[1]), dtype=eris.dtype), np.zeros((nocc[1],nocc[1],nvir[1],nvir[1]), dtype=eris.dtype)) t2_ptr = [x.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p) for x in t2] mem_avail -= sum([x.size for x in t2]) * eris.dsize / 1e6 else: t2 = None t2_ptr = [lib.c_null_ptr()] * 3 if mem_avail < 0: log.error('Insufficient memory for holding t2 incore. Please rerun with `with_t2 = False`.') raise MemoryError emp2_ss = emp2_os = 0 drv = libmp.MP2_contract_d # determine occ blksize if isinstance(eris.ovL[0], np.ndarray): # incore ovL occ_blksize = nocc else: # outcore ovL # 3*V^2 (for C driver) + 2*[O]XV (for iaL & jaL) = mem occ_blksize = int(np.floor((mem_avail*0.6*1e6/eris.dsize - 3*nvirmax**2)/(2*naux*nvirmax))) occ_blksize = [min(nocc[s], max(1, occ_blksize)) for s in [0,1]] log.debug('occ blksize for %s loop: %d/%d %d/%d', mp.__class__.__name__, occ_blksize[0], nocc[0], occ_blksize[1], nocc[1]) cput1 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) emp2_ss = emp2_os = 0 # same spin drv = libmp.MP2_contract_d for s in [0,1]: s_t2 = 0 if s == 0 else 2 moevv = lib.asarray(vir_energy[s][:,None] + vir_energy[s], order='C') for ibatch,(i0,i1) in enumerate(lib.prange(0,nocc[s],occ_blksize[s])): nocci = i1-i0 iaL = eris.get_occ_blk(s,i0,i1) for jbatch,(j0,j1) in enumerate(lib.prange(0,nocc[s],occ_blksize[s])): noccj = j1-j0 if ibatch == jbatch: jbL = iaL else: jbL = eris.get_occ_blk(s,j0,j1) ed = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.float64) ex = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.float64) moeoo_block = np.asarray( occ_energy[s][i0:i1,None] + occ_energy[s][j0:j1], order='C') s2symm = 1 t2_ex = True drv( ed.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ex.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(s2symm), iaL.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), jbL.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(i0), ctypes.c_int(j0), ctypes.c_int(nocci), ctypes.c_int(noccj), ctypes.c_int(nocc[s]), ctypes.c_int(nvir[s]), ctypes.c_int(naux), moeoo_block.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), moevv.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), t2_ptr[s_t2], ctypes.c_int(t2_ex) ) emp2_ss += (ed[0] + ex[0]) * 0.5 jbL = None iaL = None cput1 = log.timer_debug1('(sa,sb) = (%d,%d) i-block [%d:%d]/%d' % (s,s,i0,i1,nocc[s]), *cput1) # opposite spin sa, sb = 0, 1 drv = libmp.MP2_OS_contract_d moevv = lib.asarray(vir_energy[sa][:,None] + vir_energy[sb], order='C') for ibatch,(i0,i1) in enumerate(lib.prange(0,nocc[sa],occ_blksize[sa])): nocci = i1-i0 iaL = eris.get_occ_blk(sa,i0,i1) for jbatch,(j0,j1) in enumerate(lib.prange(0,nocc[sb],occ_blksize[sb])): noccj = j1-j0 jbL = eris.get_occ_blk(sb,j0,j1) ed = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.float64) moeoo_block = np.asarray( occ_energy[sa][i0:i1,None] + occ_energy[sb][j0:j1], order='C') drv( ed.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), iaL.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), jbL.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(i0), ctypes.c_int(j0), ctypes.c_int(nocci), ctypes.c_int(noccj), ctypes.c_int(nocc[sa]), ctypes.c_int(nocc[sb]), ctypes.c_int(nvir[sa]), ctypes.c_int(nvir[sb]), ctypes.c_int(naux), moeoo_block.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), moevv.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), t2_ptr[1] ) emp2_os += ed[0] jbL = None iaL = None cput1 = log.timer_debug1('(sa,sb) = (%d,%d) i-block [%d:%d]/%d' % (sa,sb,i0,i1,nocc[sa]), *cput1) emp2_ss = emp2_ss.real emp2_os = emp2_os.real emp2 = lib.tag_array(emp2_ss+emp2_os, e_corr_ss=emp2_ss, e_corr_os=emp2_os) return emp2, t2
[docs] class DFUMP2(dfmp2.DFMP2): _keys = dfmp2.DFMP2._keys get_nocc = ump2.get_nocc get_nmo = ump2.get_nmo get_frozen_mask = ump2.get_frozen_mask def __init__(self, mf, frozen=None, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, mo_energy=None): dfmp2.DFMP2.__init__(self, mf, frozen, mo_coeff, mo_occ, mo_energy)
[docs] def split_mo_coeff(self, mo_coeff=None): if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff masks = _mo_splitter(self) return [[mo_coeff[s][:,m] for m in masks[s]] for s in [0,1]]
[docs] def split_mo_energy(self, mo_energy=None): if mo_energy is None: mo_energy = self.mo_energy masks = _mo_splitter(self) return [[mo_energy[s][m] for m in masks[s]] for s in [0,1]]
[docs] def split_mo_occ(self, mo_occ=None): if mo_occ is None: mo_occ = self.mo_occ masks = _mo_splitter(self) return [[mo_occ[s][m] for m in masks[s]] for s in [0,1]]
[docs] def ao2mo(self, mo_coeff=None, ovL=None, ovL_to_save=None): return _make_df_eris(self, mo_coeff, ovL, ovL_to_save)
[docs] def make_rdm1(self, t2=None, ao_repr=False, with_frozen=True): if t2 is None: t2 = self.t2 assert t2 is not None return make_rdm1(self, t2, ao_repr=ao_repr, with_frozen=with_frozen)
[docs] def make_rdm2(self, t2=None, ao_repr=False): if t2 is None: t2 = self.t2 assert t2 is not None return make_rdm2(self, t2, ao_repr=ao_repr)
[docs] def nuc_grad_method(self): raise NotImplementedError
# For non-canonical MP2
[docs] def update_amps(self, t2, eris): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def init_amps(self, mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None, eris=None, with_t2=WITH_T2): return kernel(self, mo_energy, mo_coeff, eris, with_t2)
UMP2 = DFUMP2 from pyscf import scf scf.uhf.UHF.DFMP2 = DFUMP2 del (WITH_T2) def _make_df_eris(mp, mo_coeff=None, ovL=None, ovL_to_save=None, verbose=None): log = logger.new_logger(mp, verbose) with_df = getattr(mp, 'with_df', None) assert( with_df is not None ) if with_df._cderi is None: log.debug('Caching ovL-type integrals directly') if with_df.auxmol is None: with_df.auxmol = df.addons.make_auxmol(with_df.mol, with_df.auxbasis) else: log.debug('Caching ovL-type integrals by transforming saved AO 3c integrals.') if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = mp.mo_coeff split_mo_coeff = mp.split_mo_coeff() occ_coeff = [x[1] for x in split_mo_coeff] vir_coeff = [x[2] for x in split_mo_coeff] # determine incore or outcore nocc = np.asarray([x.shape[1] for x in occ_coeff]) nvir = np.asarray([x.shape[1] for x in vir_coeff]) naux = with_df.auxmol.nao_nr() if ovL is not None: if isinstance(ovL, (np.ndarray,list,tuple)): outcore = False elif isinstance(ovL, str): outcore = True else: log.error('Unknown data type %s for input `ovL` (should be np.ndarray or str).', type(ovL)) raise TypeError else: mem_now = mp.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] mem_df = sum(nocc*nvir)*naux*8/1024**2. log.debug('ao2mo est mem= %.2f MB avail mem= %.2f MB', mem_df, mem_now) # DEBUG: if mp.force_outcore: outcore = True else: outcore = (ovL_to_save is not None) or (mem_now*0.8 < mem_df) log.debug('ovL-type integrals are cached %s', 'outcore' if outcore else 'incore') if outcore: eris = _DFOUTCOREERIS(with_df, occ_coeff, vir_coeff, mp.max_memory, ovL=ovL, ovL_to_save=ovL_to_save, verbose=log.verbose, stdout=log.stdout) else: eris = _DFINCOREERIS(with_df, occ_coeff, vir_coeff, mp.max_memory, ovL=ovL, verbose=log.verbose, stdout=log.stdout) return eris class _DFINCOREERIS: def __init__(self, with_df, occ_coeff, vir_coeff, max_memory, ovL=None, verbose=None, stdout=None): self.with_df = with_df self.occ_coeff = occ_coeff self.vir_coeff = vir_coeff self.max_memory = max_memory self.verbose = verbose self.stdout = stdout self.dtype = np.result_type(*self.occ_coeff) assert( self.dtype == np.float64 ) # FIXME: support complex self.dsize = 8 self.ovL = ovL @property def nocc(self): return [x.shape[1] for x in self.occ_coeff] @property def nvir(self): return [x.shape[1] for x in self.vir_coeff] @property def naux(self): return self.ovL[0].shape[-1] def build(self): log = logger.new_logger(self) if self.ovL is None: if self.with_df._cderi is None: self.ovL = _init_mp_df_eris_direct(self.with_df, self.occ_coeff, self.vir_coeff, self.max_memory, log=log) else: self.ovL = _init_mp_df_eris(self.with_df, self.occ_coeff, self.vir_coeff, self.max_memory, log=log) def get_occ_blk(self, s,i0,i1): nvir, naux = self.nvir[s], self.naux return np.asarray(self.ovL[s][i0*nvir:i1*nvir], order='C').reshape(i1-i0,nvir,naux) def get_ov_blk(self, s,ia0,ia1): return np.asarray(self.ovL[s][ia0:ia1], order='C') class _DFOUTCOREERIS(_DFINCOREERIS): def __init__(self, with_df, occ_coeff, vir_coeff, max_memory, ovL=None, ovL_to_save=None, verbose=None, stdout=None): _DFINCOREERIS.__init__(self, with_df, occ_coeff, vir_coeff, max_memory, None, verbose, stdout) self._ovL = ovL self._ovL_to_save = ovL_to_save def build(self): log = logger.new_logger(self) with_df = self.with_df if self._ovL is None: if isinstance(self._ovL_to_save, str): self.feri = lib.H5FileWrap(self._ovL_to_save, 'w') else: self.feri = lib.H5TmpFile() log.debug('ovL is saved to %s', self.feri.filename) if with_df._cderi is None: _init_mp_df_eris_direct(with_df, self.occ_coeff, self.vir_coeff, self.max_memory, h5obj=self.feri, log=log) else: _init_mp_df_eris(with_df, self.occ_coeff, self.vir_coeff, self.max_memory, h5obj=self.feri, log=log) self.ovL = [self.feri[f'ovL{s}'] for s in [0,1]] elif isinstance(self._ovL, str): self.feri = h5py.File(self._ovL, 'r') log.debug('ovL is read from %s', self.feri.filename) assert( 'ovL0' in self.feri and 'ovL1' in self.feri ) self.ovL = [self.feri[f'ovL{s}'] for s in [0,1]] else: raise RuntimeError def _init_mp_df_eris(with_df, occ_coeff, vir_coeff, max_memory, h5obj=None, log=None): if log is None: log = logger.new_logger(with_df) nao = occ_coeff[0].shape[0] nocc = np.asarray([x.shape[1] for x in occ_coeff]) nvir = np.asarray([x.shape[1] for x in vir_coeff]) noccmax = max(nocc) nvirmax = max(nvir) nmo = [nocc[s] + nvir[s] for s in [0,1]] nao_pair = nao**2 naux = with_df.get_naoaux() dtype = np.result_type(*occ_coeff) assert( dtype == np.float64 ) dsize = 8 mo = [np.asarray(np.hstack((occ_coeff[s],vir_coeff[s])), order='F') for s in [0,1]] mem_avail = max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] if h5obj is None: # incore ovL = [np.empty((nocc[s]*nvir[s],naux), dtype=dtype) for s in [0,1]] mem_avail -= sum(nocc*nvir)*naux * dsize/1e6 else: ovL = [] for s in [0,1]: ovL_shape = (nocc[s]*nvir[s],naux) ovL.append(h5obj.create_dataset(f'ovL{s}', ovL_shape, dtype=dtype, chunks=(1,*ovL_shape[1:]))) if isinstance(ovL, np.ndarray): # incore: batching aux (OV + Nao_pair) * [X] = M mem_auxblk = (nao_pair+noccmax*nvirmax) * dsize/1e6 aux_blksize = min(naux, max(1, int(np.floor(mem_avail*0.5 / mem_auxblk)))) log.debug('aux blksize for incore ao2mo: %d/%d', aux_blksize, naux) buf = np.empty(aux_blksize*noccmax*nvirmax, dtype=dtype) ijslice = [(0, nocc[s], nocc[s], nmo[s]) for s in [0,1]] p1 = 0 for Lpq in with_df.loop(blksize=aux_blksize): p0, p1 = p1, p1+Lpq.shape[0] for s in [0,1]: out = _ao2mo.nr_e2(Lpq, mo[s], ijslice[s], aosym='s2', out=buf) ovL[s][:,p0:p1] = out.T out = None Lpq = None buf = None else: # outcore: batching occ [O]XV and aux ([O]V + Nao_pair)*[X] mem_occblk = naux*nvirmax * dsize/1e6 occ_blksize = min(noccmax, max(1, int(np.floor(mem_avail*0.6 / mem_occblk)))) mem_auxblk = (occ_blksize*nvirmax+nao_pair) * dsize/1e6 aux_blksize = min(naux, max(1, int(np.floor(mem_avail*0.3 / mem_auxblk)))) log.debug('occ blksize for outcore ao2mo: %d/%d', occ_blksize, noccmax) log.debug('aux blksize for outcore ao2mo: %d/%d', aux_blksize, naux) buf = np.empty(naux*occ_blksize*nvirmax, dtype=dtype) buf2 = np.empty(aux_blksize*occ_blksize*nvirmax, dtype=dtype) for s in [0,1]: for i0,i1 in lib.prange(0,nocc[s],occ_blksize): nocci = i1-i0 ijslice = (i0,i1,nocc[s],nmo[s]) p1 = 0 OvL = np.ndarray((nocci*nvir[s],naux), dtype=dtype, buffer=buf) for Lpq in with_df.loop(blksize=aux_blksize): p0, p1 = p1, p1+Lpq.shape[0] out = _ao2mo.nr_e2(Lpq, mo[s], ijslice, aosym='s2', out=buf2) OvL[:,p0:p1] = out.T Lpq = out = None # this avoids slow operations like ovL[i0:i1,:,p0:p1] = ... ovL[s][i0*nvir[s]:i1*nvir[s]] = OvL OvL = None buf = buf2 = None return ovL def _init_mp_df_eris_direct(with_df, occ_coeff, vir_coeff, max_memory, h5obj=None, log=None): from pyscf import gto from pyscf.df.incore import fill_2c2e from pyscf.ao2mo.outcore import balance_partition if log is None: log = logger.new_logger(with_df) mol = with_df.mol auxmol = with_df.auxmol nbas = mol.nbas nao = occ_coeff[0].shape[0] nocc = np.asarray([x.shape[1] for x in occ_coeff]) nvir = np.asarray([x.shape[1] for x in vir_coeff]) noccmax = max(nocc) nvirmax = max(nvir) nmo = [nocc[s] + nvir[s] for s in [0,1]] nao_pair = nao*(nao+1)//2 naoaux = auxmol.nao_nr() dtype = np.result_type(*occ_coeff) assert( dtype == np.float64 ) dsize = 8 mo = [np.asarray(np.hstack((occ_coeff[s],vir_coeff[s])), order='F') for s in [0,1]] ijslice = [(0, nocc[s], nocc[s], nmo[s]) for s in [0,1]] tspans = np.zeros((5,2)) tnames = ['j2c', 'j3c', 'xform', 'save', 'fit'] tick = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) # precompute for fitting j2c = fill_2c2e(mol, auxmol) try: m2c = scipy.linalg.cholesky(j2c, lower=True) tag = 'cd' except scipy.linalg.LinAlgError: e, u = np.linalg.eigh(j2c) cond = abs(e).max() / abs(e).min() keep = abs(e) > THRESH_LINDEP log.debug('cond(j2c) = %g', cond) log.debug('keep %d/%d cderi vectors', np.count_nonzero(keep), keep.size) e = e[keep] u = u[:,keep] m2c =*e**-0.5, u.T.conj()) tag = 'eig' j2c = None naux = m2c.shape[1] tock = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) tspans[0] += np.asarray(tock) - np.asarray(tick) mem_avail = max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] incore = h5obj is None if incore: ovL = [np.empty((nocc[s]*nvir[s],naux), dtype=dtype) for s in [0,1]] mem_avail -= sum([x.size for x in ovL]) * dsize / 1e6 else: ovL = [] for s in [0,1]: ovL_shape = (nocc[s]*nvir[s],naux) ovL.append( h5obj.create_dataset(f'ovL{s}', ovL_shape, dtype=dtype, chunks=(1,*ovL_shape[1:])) ) h5tmp = lib.H5TmpFile() Lov0 = [] for s in [0,1]: Lov0_shape = (naoaux,nocc[s]*nvir[s]) Lov0.append( h5tmp.create_dataset(f'Lov0{s}', Lov0_shape, dtype=dtype, chunks=(1,*Lov0_shape[1:])) ) # buffer mem_blk = nao_pair*2 * dsize / 1e6 aux_blksize = max(1, min(naoaux, int(np.floor(mem_avail*0.7 / mem_blk)))) auxshl_range = balance_partition(auxmol.ao_loc, aux_blksize) auxlen = max([x[2] for x in auxshl_range])'mem_avail = %.2f mem_blk = %.2f auxlen = %d', mem_avail, mem_blk, auxlen) buf0 = np.empty(auxlen*nao_pair, dtype=dtype) buf0T = np.empty(auxlen*nao_pair, dtype=dtype) # precompute for j3c comp = 1 aosym = 's2ij' int3c = gto.moleintor.ascint3(mol._add_suffix('int3c2e')) atm_f, bas_f, env_f = gto.mole.conc_env(mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env, auxmol._atm, auxmol._bas, auxmol._env) ao_loc_f = gto.moleintor.make_loc(bas_f, int3c) cintopt = gto.moleintor.make_cintopt(atm_f, bas_f, env_f, int3c) def calc_j3c_ao(kshl0, kshl1): shls_slice = (0, nbas, 0, nbas, nbas+kshl0, nbas+kshl1) pqL = gto.moleintor.getints3c(int3c, atm_f, bas_f, env_f, shls_slice, comp, aosym, ao_loc_f, cintopt, out=buf0) Lpq = lib.transpose(pqL, out=buf0T) pqL = None return Lpq # transform k1 = 0 for auxshl_rg in auxshl_range: kshl0, kshl1, dk = auxshl_rg k0, k1 = k1, k1+dk log.debug('kshl = [%d:%d/%d] [%d:%d/%d]', kshl0, kshl1, auxmol.nbas, k0, k1, naoaux) tick = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) lpq = calc_j3c_ao(kshl0, kshl1) tock = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) tspans[1] += np.asarray(tock) - np.asarray(tick) for s in [0,1]: lov = _ao2mo.nr_e2(lpq, mo[s], ijslice[s], aosym='s2', out=buf0) tick = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) tspans[2] += np.asarray(tick) - np.asarray(tock) if incore: ovl = lib.transpose(lov, out=buf0T) ovL[s][:,k0:k1] = ovl ovl = None else: Lov0[s][k0:k1] = lov lov = None tock = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) tspans[3] += np.asarray(tock) - np.asarray(tick) lpq = None buf0 = buf0T = None tick = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) # fit if tag == 'cd': drv = getattr(libmp, 'trisolve_parallel_grp', None) if incore: if tag == 'cd': if drv is None: for s in [0,1]: scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(m2c, ovL[s].T, lower=True, overwrite_b=True, check_finite=False).T else: assert m2c.flags.f_contiguous grpfac = 10 for s in [0,1]: drv( m2c.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ovL[s].ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(naux), ctypes.c_int(nocc[s]*nvir[s]), ctypes.c_int(grpfac) ) else: mem_blk = nvirmax*naux * dsize/1e6 occ_blksize0 = max(1, min(noccmax, int(np.floor(mem_avail*0.5/mem_blk)))) buf = np.empty(occ_blksize0*nvirmax*naux, dtype=dtype) for s in [0,1]: occ_blksize = min(nocc[s], occ_blksize0) ovL[s] = ovL[s].reshape(-1) nvxao = nvir[s]*naoaux nvx = nvir[s]*naux for i0,i1 in lib.prange(0,nocc[s],occ_blksize): nocci = i1-i0 out = np.ndarray((nocci*nvir[s],naux), dtype=dtype, buffer=buf)[s][i0*nvxao:i1*nvxao].reshape(nocci*nvir[s],naoaux), m2c, c=out) ovL[s][i0*nvx:i1*nvx] = out.reshape(-1) ovL[s] = ovL[s][:nocc[s]*nvx].reshape(nocc[s]*nvir[s],naux) buf = None else: mem_blk = nvirmax*naoaux * dsize / 1e6 occ_blksize0 = max(1, min(noccmax, int(np.floor(mem_avail*0.4/mem_blk)))) for s in [0,1]: occ_blksize = min(nocc[s], occ_blksize0) nvxao = nvir[s]*naoaux nvx = nvir[s]*naux for i0,i1 in lib.prange(0, nocc[s], occ_blksize): nocci = i1-i0 ivL = np.asarray(Lov0[s][:,i0*nvir[s]:i1*nvir[s]].T, order='C') if tag == 'cd': if drv is None: ivL = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(m2c, ivL.T, lower=True, overwrite_b=True, check_finite=False).T else: assert m2c.flags.f_contiguous grpfac = 10 drv( m2c.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ivL.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(naux), ctypes.c_int(nocci*nvir[s]), ctypes.c_int(grpfac) ) else: ivL =*nvir[s],naoaux), m2c) ovL[s][i0*nvir[s]:i1*nvir[s]] = ivL for s in [0,1]: del h5tmp[f'Lov0{s}'] h5tmp.close() Lov0 = None tock = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) tspans[4] += np.asarray(tock) - np.asarray(tick) for tspan,tname in zip(tspans,tnames): log.debug('ao2mo CPU time for %-10s %9.2f sec wall time %9.2f sec', tname, *tspan)'') return ovL if __name__ == '__main__': from pyscf import scf from pyscf import gto mol = gto.Mole() mol.verbose = 0 mol.atom = [ [8 , (0. , 0. , 0.)], [1 , (0. , -0.757 , 0.587)], [1 , (0. , 0.757 , 0.587)]] mol.basis = 'cc-pvdz' mol.charge = 1 mol.spin = 1 mf = scf.UHF(mol).run() pt = DFUMP2(mf) emp2, t2 = pt.kernel() print(emp2 - -0.15321910988237386) pt.with_df = df.DF(mol) pt.with_df.auxbasis = 'weigend' emp2, t2 = pt.kernel() print(emp2 - -0.15345631939967935) mf = scf.density_fit(scf.UHF(mol), 'weigend') mf.kernel() pt = DFUMP2(mf) emp2, t2 = pt.kernel() print(emp2 - -0.15325911974166384) pt.with_df = df.DF(mol) pt.with_df.auxbasis = df.make_auxbasis(mol, mp2fit=True) emp2, t2 = pt.kernel() print(emp2 - -0.15302393704336487) pt.frozen = 2 emp2, t2 = pt.kernel() print(emp2 - -0.09563606544882836)