Source code for pyscf.mcscf.mc_ao2mo

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2020 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import ctypes

from functools import reduce
import numpy
import h5py
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf import ao2mo
from pyscf.ao2mo import _ao2mo
from pyscf.ao2mo import outcore

# least memory requirements:
# nmo  ncore  ncas  outcore  incore
# 200  40     16    0.8GB    3.7 GB (_eri 1.6GB intermediates 1.3G)
# 250  50     16    1.7GB    8.2 GB (_eri 3.9GB intermediates 2.6G)
# 300  60     16    3.1GB    16.8GB (_eri 8.1GB intermediates 5.6G)
# 400  80     16    8.5GB    53  GB (_eri 25.6GB intermediates 19G)
# 500  100    16    19 GB
# 600  120    16    37 GB
# 750  150    16    85 GB

libmcscf = lib.load_library('libmcscf')

[docs] def trans_e1_incore(eri_ao, mo, ncore, ncas): nmo = mo.shape[1] nocc = ncore + ncas eri1 = ao2mo.incore.half_e1(eri_ao, (mo,mo[:,:nocc]), compact=False) eri1 = eri1.reshape(nmo,nocc,-1) klppshape = (0, nmo, 0, nmo) klpashape = (0, nmo, ncore, nocc) aapp = numpy.empty((ncas,ncas,nmo,nmo)) for i in range(ncas): _ao2mo.nr_e2(eri1[ncore+i,ncore:nocc], mo, klppshape, aosym='s4', mosym='s1', out=aapp[i]) ppaa = lib.transpose(aapp.reshape(ncas*ncas,-1)).reshape(nmo,nmo,ncas,ncas) aapp = None papa = numpy.empty((nmo,ncas,nmo,ncas)) for i in range(nmo): _ao2mo.nr_e2(eri1[i,ncore:nocc], mo, klpashape, aosym='s4', mosym='s1', out=papa[i]) pp = numpy.empty((nmo,nmo)) j_cp = numpy.zeros((ncore,nmo)) k_pc = numpy.zeros((nmo,ncore)) for i in range(ncore): _ao2mo.nr_e2(eri1[i,i:i+1], mo, klppshape, aosym='s4', mosym='s1', out=pp) j_cp[i] = pp.diagonal() j_pc = j_cp.T.copy() pp = numpy.empty((ncore,ncore)) for i in range(nmo): klshape = (i, i+1, 0, ncore) _ao2mo.nr_e2(eri1[i,:ncore], mo, klshape, aosym='s4', mosym='s1', out=pp) k_pc[i] = pp.diagonal() return j_pc, k_pc, ppaa, papa
# level = 1: ppaa, papa and jpc, kpc # level > 1: ppaa, papa only. It affects accuracy of hdiag
[docs] def trans_e1_outcore(mol, mo, ncore, ncas, erifile, max_memory=None, level=1, verbose=logger.WARN): time0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) log = logger.new_logger(mol, verbose) log.debug1('trans_e1_outcore level %d max_memory %d', level, max_memory) nao, nmo = mo.shape nao_pair = nao*(nao+1)//2 nocc = ncore + ncas faapp_buf = lib.H5TmpFile() if isinstance(erifile, h5py.Group): feri = erifile else: feri = lib.H5TmpFile(erifile, 'w') mo_c = numpy.asarray(mo, order='C') mo = numpy.asarray(mo, order='F') pashape = (0, nmo, ncore, nocc) papa_buf = numpy.zeros((nao,ncas,nmo*ncas)) j_pc = numpy.zeros((nmo,ncore)) k_pc = numpy.zeros((nmo,ncore)) mem_words = int(max(2000,max_memory-papa_buf.nbytes/1e6)*1e6/8) aobuflen = mem_words//(nao_pair+nocc*nmo) + 1 ao_loc = numpy.array(mol.ao_loc_nr(), dtype=numpy.int32) shranges = outcore.guess_shell_ranges(mol, True, aobuflen, None, ao_loc) intor = mol._add_suffix('int2e') ao2mopt = _ao2mo.AO2MOpt(mol, intor, 'CVHFnr_schwarz_cond', 'CVHFsetnr_direct_scf') nstep = len(shranges) maxbuflen = max([x[2] for x in shranges]) log.debug('mem_words %.8g MB, maxbuflen = %d', mem_words*8/1e6, maxbuflen) bufs1 = numpy.empty((maxbuflen, nao_pair)) bufs2 = numpy.empty((maxbuflen, nmo*ncas)) if level == 1: bufs3 = numpy.empty((maxbuflen, nao*ncore)) log.debug('mem cache %.8g MB', (bufs1.nbytes+bufs2.nbytes+bufs3.nbytes)/1e6) else: log.debug('mem cache %.8g MB', (bufs1.nbytes+bufs2.nbytes)/1e6) ti0 = log.timer('Initializing trans_e1_outcore', *time0) # fmmm, ftrans, fdrv for level 1 fmmm = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOmmm_ket_nr_s2 ftrans = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOtranse1_nr_s4 fdrv = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOnr_e2_drv for istep,sh_range in enumerate(shranges): log.debug('[%d/%d], AO [%d:%d], len(buf) = %d', istep+1, nstep, *sh_range) buf = bufs1[:sh_range[2]] _ao2mo.nr_e1fill(intor, sh_range, mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env, 's4', 1, ao2mopt, buf) if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1: ti1 = log.timer('AO integrals buffer', *ti0) bufpa = bufs2[:sh_range[2]] _ao2mo.nr_e1(buf, mo, pashape, 's4', 's1', out=bufpa) # jc_pp, kc_pp if level == 1: # ppaa, papa and vhf, jcp, kcp if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1: ti1 = log.timer('buffer-pa', *ti1) buf1 = bufs3[:sh_range[2]] fdrv(ftrans, fmmm, buf1.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), buf.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), mo.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(sh_range[2]), ctypes.c_int(nao), (ctypes.c_int*4)(0, nao, 0, ncore), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)(), ctypes.c_int(0)) p0 = 0 for ij in range(sh_range[0], sh_range[1]): i,j = lib.index_tril_to_pair(ij) i0 = ao_loc[i] j0 = ao_loc[j] i1 = ao_loc[i+1] j1 = ao_loc[j+1] di = i1 - i0 dj = j1 - j0 if i == j: dij = di * (di+1) // 2 buf = numpy.empty((di,di,nao*ncore)) idx = numpy.tril_indices(di) buf[idx] = buf1[p0:p0+dij] buf[idx[1],idx[0]] = buf1[p0:p0+dij] buf = buf.reshape(di,di,nao,ncore) mo1 = mo_c[i0:i1] tmp = numpy.einsum('uvpc,pc->uvc', buf, mo[:,:ncore]) tmp =, tmp.reshape(di,-1)) j_pc += numpy.einsum('vp,pvc->pc', mo1, tmp.reshape(nmo,di,ncore)) tmp = numpy.einsum('uvpc,uc->vcp', buf, mo1[:,:ncore]) tmp =,nmo), mo).reshape(di,ncore,nmo) k_pc += numpy.einsum('vp,vcp->pc', mo1, tmp) else: dij = di * dj buf = buf1[p0:p0+dij].reshape(di,dj,nao,ncore) mo1 = mo_c[i0:i1] mo2 = mo_c[j0:j1] tmp = numpy.einsum('uvpc,pc->uvc', buf, mo[:,:ncore]) tmp =, tmp.reshape(di,-1)) j_pc += numpy.einsum('vp,pvc->pc', mo2, tmp.reshape(nmo,dj,ncore)) * 2 tmp = numpy.einsum('uvpc,uc->vcp', buf, mo1[:,:ncore]) tmp =,nmo), mo).reshape(dj,ncore,nmo) k_pc += numpy.einsum('vp,vcp->pc', mo2, tmp) tmp = numpy.einsum('uvpc,vc->ucp', buf, mo2[:,:ncore]) tmp =,nmo), mo).reshape(di,ncore,nmo) k_pc += numpy.einsum('up,ucp->pc', mo1, tmp) p0 += dij if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1: ti1 = log.timer('j_cp and k_cp', *ti1) if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1: ti1 = log.timer('half transformation of the buffer', *ti1) # ppaa, papa faapp_buf[str(istep)] = \ bufpa.reshape(sh_range[2],nmo,ncas)[:,ncore:nocc].reshape(-1,ncas**2).T p0 = 0 for ij in range(sh_range[0], sh_range[1]): i,j = lib.index_tril_to_pair(ij) i0 = ao_loc[i] j0 = ao_loc[j] i1 = ao_loc[i+1] j1 = ao_loc[j+1] di = i1 - i0 dj = j1 - j0 if i == j: dij = di * (di+1) // 2 buf1 = numpy.empty((di,di,nmo*ncas)) idx = numpy.tril_indices(di) buf1[idx] = bufpa[p0:p0+dij] buf1[idx[1],idx[0]] = bufpa[p0:p0+dij] else: dij = di * dj buf1 = bufpa[p0:p0+dij].reshape(di,dj,-1) mo1 = mo[j0:j1,ncore:nocc].copy() for i in range(di):, buf1[i], 1, papa_buf[i0+i], 1) mo1 = mo[i0:i1,ncore:nocc].copy() buf1 =, buf1.reshape(di,-1)) papa_buf[j0:j1] += buf1.reshape(ncas,dj,-1).transpose(1,0,2) p0 += dij if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1: ti1 = log.timer('ppaa and papa buffer', *ti1) ti0 = log.timer('gen AO/transform MO [%d/%d]'%(istep+1,nstep), *ti0) buf = buf1 = bufpa = None bufs1 = bufs2 = bufs3 = None time1 = log.timer('mc_ao2mo pass 1', *time0) log.debug1('Half transformation done. Current memory %d', lib.current_memory()[0]) nblk = int(max(8, min(nmo, (max_memory*1e6/8-papa_buf.size)/(ncas**2*nmo)))) log.debug1('nblk for papa = %d', nblk) dset = feri.create_dataset('papa', (nmo,ncas,nmo,ncas), 'f8') for i0, i1 in prange(0, nmo, nblk): tmp =[:,i0:i1].T, papa_buf.reshape(nao,-1)) dset[i0:i1] = tmp.reshape(i1-i0,ncas,nmo,ncas) papa_buf = tmp = None time1 = log.timer('papa pass 2', *time1) tmp = numpy.empty((ncas**2,nao_pair)) p0 = 0 for istep, sh_range in enumerate(shranges): tmp[:,p0:p0+sh_range[2]] = faapp_buf[str(istep)] p0 += sh_range[2] nblk = int(max(8, min(nmo, (max_memory*1e6/8-tmp.size)/(ncas**2*nmo)-1))) log.debug1('nblk for ppaa = %d', nblk) dset = feri.create_dataset('ppaa', (nmo,nmo,ncas,ncas), 'f8') for i0, i1 in prange(0, nmo, nblk): tmp1 = _ao2mo.nr_e2(tmp, mo, (i0,i1,0,nmo), 's4', 's1', ao_loc=ao_loc) tmp1 = tmp1.reshape(ncas,ncas,i1-i0,nmo) for j in range(i1-i0): dset[i0+j] = tmp1[:,:,j].transpose(2,0,1) tmp = tmp1 = None time1 = log.timer('ppaa pass 2', *time1) time0 = log.timer('mc_ao2mo', *time0) return j_pc, k_pc
# level = 1: ppaa, papa and vhf, jpc, kpc # level = 2: ppaa, papa, vhf, jpc=0, kpc=0 class _ERIS: def __init__(self, casscf, mo, method='incore', level=1): mol = casscf.mol nao, nmo = mo.shape ncore = casscf.ncore ncas = casscf.ncas dm_core =[:,:ncore], mo[:,:ncore].T) vj, vk = casscf._scf.get_jk(mol, dm_core) self.vhf_c = reduce(, (mo.T, vj*2-vk, mo)) mem_incore, mem_outcore, mem_basic = _mem_usage(ncore, ncas, nmo) mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0] eri = casscf._scf._eri if (method == 'incore' and eri is not None and (mem_incore+mem_now < casscf.max_memory*.9) or mol.incore_anyway): if eri is None: eri = mol.intor('int2e', aosym='s8') self.j_pc, self.k_pc, self.ppaa, self.papa = \ trans_e1_incore(eri, mo, ncore, ncas) else: log = logger.Logger(casscf.stdout, casscf.verbose) self.feri = lib.H5TmpFile() max_memory = max(3000, casscf.max_memory*.9-mem_now) if max_memory < mem_basic: log.warn('Calculation needs %d MB memory, over CASSCF.max_memory (%d MB) limit', (mem_basic+mem_now)/.9, casscf.max_memory) self.j_pc, self.k_pc = \ trans_e1_outcore(mol, mo, ncore, ncas, self.feri, max_memory=max_memory, level=level, verbose=log) self.ppaa = self.feri['ppaa'] self.papa = self.feri['papa'] def _mem_usage(ncore, ncas, nmo): outcore = basic = ncas**2*nmo**2*2 * 8/1e6 incore = outcore + (ncore+ncas)*nmo**3*4/1e6 return incore, outcore, basic
[docs] def prange(start, end, step): for i in range(start, end, step): yield i, min(i+step, end)
if __name__ == '__main__': from pyscf import scf from pyscf import gto from pyscf.mcscf import mc1step mol = gto.Mole() mol.verbose = 0 mol.output = None#"out_h2o" mol.atom = [ ['O', ( 0., 0. , 0. )], ['H', ( 0., -0.757, 0.587)], ['H', ( 0., 0.757 , 0.587)],] mol.basis = {'H': 'cc-pvtz', 'O': 'cc-pvtz',} m = scf.RHF(mol) ehf = m.scf() mc = mc1step.CASSCF(m, 6, 4) mc.verbose = 4 mo = m.mo_coeff.copy() eris0 = _ERIS(mc, mo, 'incore') eris1 = _ERIS(mc, mo, 'outcore') eris2 = _ERIS(mc, mo, 'outcore', level=1) eris3 = _ERIS(mc, mo, 'outcore', level=2) print('vhf_c', numpy.allclose(eris0.vhf_c, eris1.vhf_c)) print('j_pc ', numpy.allclose(eris0.j_pc , eris1.j_pc )) print('k_pc ', numpy.allclose(eris0.k_pc , eris1.k_pc )) print('ppaa ', numpy.allclose(eris0.ppaa , eris1.ppaa )) print('papa ', numpy.allclose(eris0.papa , eris1.papa )) print('vhf_c', numpy.allclose(eris0.vhf_c, eris2.vhf_c)) print('j_pc ', numpy.allclose(eris0.j_pc , eris2.j_pc )) print('k_pc ', numpy.allclose(eris0.k_pc , eris2.k_pc )) print('ppaa ', numpy.allclose(eris0.ppaa , eris2.ppaa )) print('papa ', numpy.allclose(eris0.papa , eris2.papa )) print('vhf_c', numpy.allclose(eris0.vhf_c, eris3.vhf_c)) print('ppaa ', numpy.allclose(eris0.ppaa , eris3.ppaa )) print('papa ', numpy.allclose(eris0.papa , eris3.papa )) ncore = mc.ncore ncas = mc.ncas nocc = ncore + ncas nmo = mo.shape[1] eri = ao2mo.incore.full(m._eri, mo, compact=False).reshape((nmo,)*4) aaap = numpy.array(eri[ncore:nocc,ncore:nocc,ncore:nocc,:]) ppaa = numpy.array(eri[:,:,ncore:nocc,ncore:nocc]) papa = numpy.array(eri[:,ncore:nocc,:,ncore:nocc]) jc_pp = numpy.einsum('iipq->ipq', eri[:ncore,:ncore,:,:]) kc_pp = numpy.einsum('ipqi->ipq', eri[:ncore,:,:,:ncore]) vhf_c = numpy.einsum('cij->ij', jc_pp)*2 - numpy.einsum('cij->ij', kc_pp) j_pc = numpy.einsum('ijj->ji', jc_pp) k_pc = numpy.einsum('ijj->ji', kc_pp) print('vhf_c', numpy.allclose(vhf_c, eris1.vhf_c)) print('j_pc ', numpy.allclose(j_pc, eris1.j_pc)) print('k_pc ', numpy.allclose(k_pc, eris1.k_pc)) print('ppaa ', numpy.allclose(ppaa , eris0.ppaa )) print('papa ', numpy.allclose(papa , eris0.papa ))