Source code for pyscf.mcscf.PiOS

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2019-2021 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Author: Elvira R. Sayfutyarova

''' When using results of this code for publications, please cite the following paper:
    "Constructing molecular pi-orbital active spaces for multireference calculations of conjugated systems"
     E. R. Sayfutyarova and S. Hammes-Schiffer, J. Chem. Theory Comput., 15, 1679 (2019).

import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
from pyscf import gto

[docs] def mdot(*args): """chained matrix product: mdot(A,B,C,..) = A*B*C*... No attempt is made to optimize the contraction order.""" r = args[0] for a in args[1:]: r =,a) return r
[docs] def MakeShellsForElement(mol, Element): """make a list with MINAO basis set data for a given element in the mol object""" PyScfShellInfo = gto.basis.load(mol.basis, Element) AtShells = [] for ShellData in PyScfShellInfo: # see: gto/basis/ on format of data. # data comes as a list of: # [l, (...), (...), (...)] # where each (...) specifies both exponents and contractions and has the same length. l, ExponentsAndContractions = ShellData[0], np.asarray(ShellData[1:]) # primitive exponents # Exp = ExponentsAndContractions[:,0] # contraction coefficient matrix CGTO = ExponentsAndContractions[:,1:] nCGTO = CGTO.shape[1] nLk = nCGTO*(2*l+1) AtShells.append((l, nCGTO, nLk)) return AtShells
[docs] def MakeShells(mol, Elements): """collect MINAO basis set data for all elements""" Shells = [] for iAt in range(mol.natm): ElementShells = MakeShellsForElement(mol, Elements[iAt]) Shells.append(ElementShells) return Shells
[docs] def Atoms_w_Coords(mol): """collect info about atoms' positions""" AtomCoords = mol.atom_coords() assert (AtomCoords.shape == (mol.natm, 3)) Elements = [mol.atom_pure_symbol(iAt) for iAt in range(mol.natm)] Elements =np.asarray(Elements) return Elements,AtomCoords
[docs] def MakePiOS(mol,mf,PiAtomsList, nPiOcc=None,nPiVirt=None): np.set_printoptions(precision=4,linewidth=10000,edgeitems=3,suppress=False) print("================================CONSTRUCTING PI-ORBITALS===========================================") # PiAtoms list contains the set of main-group atoms involved in the pi-system of the chromophores(?) # indices are 1-based. mol2=mol.copy() mol2.basis = 'MINAO' # make a minimal AO basis for our atoms. We load the basis from a library # just to have access to its shell-composition. Need that to find the indices # of all atoms, and the AO indices of the px/py/pz functions. Elements,Coords = Atoms_w_Coords(mol2) Shells = MakeShells(mol2,Elements) def AssignTag(iAt, Element, Tag): assert (Elements[iAt-1] == Element) Elements[iAt-1] = Element + Tag # fix type of atom for the donor-acceptor which are exchanging the hydrogens. # During the process, the hydrogens are moving and the Huckel-Theory # formal number of contributed pi-electrons may change. # These settings override the auto-detection of number of pi electrons # based on atomic connectivity in GetNumPiElec() below. # AssignTag(50, "N", "1e") # OrbBasis = mol.basis C = mf.mo_coeff S1 = mol.intor_symmetric("int1e_ovlp") S2 = mol2.intor_symmetric("int1e_ovlp") S12 = gto.intor_cross('int1e_ovlp', mol, mol2) SMo = mdot(C.T, S1, C) print(" MO deviation from orthogonality {:8.2e} \n".format(rmsd(SMo - np.eye(SMo.shape[0])))) # make arrays of occupation numbers and orbital eigenvalues. Occ = mf.mo_occ Eps = mf.mo_energy nOrb = C.shape[1] if (mol.spin==0): nOcc = np.sum(Occ == 2) else: nOcc = np.sum(Occ == 2)+np.sum(Occ == 1) n1=np.sum(Occ == 1) print(" Number of singly occupied orbitals {} ".format(n1)) nVir = np.sum(Occ == 0) assert (nOcc + nVir == nOrb) print(" Number of occupied orbitals {} ".format(nOcc)) print(" Number of unoccupied orbitals {} ".format(nVir)) # Compute Fock matrix from orbital eigenvalues (SCF has to be fully converged) Fock = mdot(S1, C, np.diag(Eps), C.T, S1.T) # Rdm = mdot(C, np.diag(Occ), C.T) COcc = C[:,:nOcc] CVir = C[:,nOcc:] # Smh1 = MakeSmh(S1) # Sh1 =, Smh1) # Compute IAO basis (non-orthogonal). Will be used to identify the # pi-MO-space of the target atom groups. CIb = MakeIaosRaw(COcc, S1, S2, S12) # CIbOcc = np.linalg.lstsq(CIb, COcc)[0] # Err =,, CIbOcc) - COcc) # check orthogonality of IAO basis occupied orbitals SIb = mdot(CIb.T, S1, CIb) # SIbOcc = mdot(CIbOcc.T, SIb, CIbOcc) nIb = SIb.shape[0] if 0: # make the a representation of the virtual valence space. # SmhIb = MakeSmh(SIb) nIbVir = nIb - nOcc # number of virtual valence orbitals CTargetIb = CIb STargetIb = mdot(CTargetIb.T, S1, CTargetIb) SmhTargetIb = MakeSmh(STargetIb) STargetIbVir = mdot(SmhTargetIb, CTargetIb.T, S1, CVir) U,sig,Vt = np.linalg.svd(STargetIbVir, full_matrices=False) print(" Number of target MINAO basis fn {}\n".format(CTargetIb.shape[1])) print("SIbVir Singular Values (n={})".format(len(sig))) print(" [{}]".format(', '.join('{:.4f}'.format(k) for k in sig))) assert (np.abs(sig[nIbVir-1] - 1.0) < 1e-4) assert (np.abs(sig[nIbVir] - 0.0) < 1e-4) # for pi systems: do it like here -^ for the virtuals, but # for COcc and CVir both. What we should do is: # - instead of CIb, we use CTargetIb = CIb * (AO-linear-comb-matrix) # - instead of SmhIb, we use its corresponding target-AO overlap matrix: # SmhTargetIb = MakeSmh(mdot(CTargetIb.T, S1, CTargetIb)) # - instead of using nOcc/nVir/nIb to determine the target number # of orbitals, we obtain the target number of pi electrons by counting # their subset from the selected main group atoms (see CHEM 408 u11). # From this determine the number of occupied pi-orbitals this system # is supposed to have, and virtual orbitals as nTargetIb - nPiOcc # The AoMix matrix is made from the pi-system's inertial tensor to get the # local z-direction, and then linearly-combining this onto the highest-N p-AOs. CActOcc = [] CActVir = [] # add pi-HOMOs and pi-LUMOs CFragOcc, CFragVir,nOccOrbExpected,nVirtOrbExpected = MakePiSystemOrbitals( "Pi-System", PiAtomsList, None, Elements,Coords, CIb, Shells, S1, S12, S2, Fock, COcc, CVir) if (nPiOcc is None): for i in range(1,nOccOrbExpected+1): CActOcc.append(CFragOcc[:,-i]) else: for i in range(1,nPiOcc+1): CActOcc.append(CFragOcc[:,-i]) if (nPiVirt is None): for j in range(nVirtOrbExpected): CActVir.append(CFragVir[:,j]) else: for j in range(nPiVirt): CActVir.append(CFragVir[:,j]) print("\n -- Joining active spaces") if (mol.spin==0): nElec = 2*len(CActOcc) else: nElec = 2*len(CActOcc)-n1 CAct = np.array(CActOcc + CActVir).T if 0: # orthogonalize and semi-canonicalize SAct = mdot(CAct.T, S1, CAct) ew, ev = np.linalg.eigh(SAct) print(" CAct initial overlap (if all ~approx 1, then the initial " "active orbitals are near-orthogonal. That is good.)") print(" [{}]".format(', '.join('{:.4f}'.format(k) for k in ew))) CAct =, MakeSmh(SAct)) CAct = SemiCanonicalize(CAct, Fock, S1, "active") print(" Number of Active Electrons {} ".format(nElec)) print(" Number of Active Orbitals {} ".format( CAct.shape[1])) # make new non-active occupied and non-active virtual orbitals, # in order to rebuild a full MO matrix. def MakeInactiveSpace(Name, CActList, COrb1): CAct = np.array(CActList).T SAct = mdot(CAct.T, S1, CAct) CAct =, MakeSmh(SAct)) SActMo = mdot(COrb1.T, S1.T, CAct, CAct.T, S1, COrb1) ew, ev = np.linalg.eigh(SActMo) # small ews first (orbs not overlapping with active orbs). nRest = COrb1.shape[1] - CAct.shape[1] if 0: for i in range(len(ew)): print("{:4} {:15.6f} {}".format(i,ew[i], i == nRest)) assert (np.abs(ew[nRest-1] - 0.0) < 1e-8) assert (np.abs(ew[nRest] - 1.0) < 1e-8) CNewOrb1 =, ev[:,:nRest]) return SemiCanonicalize(CNewOrb1, Fock, S1, Name, Print=False) CNewClo = MakeInactiveSpace("NewClo", CActOcc, COcc) CNewExt = MakeInactiveSpace("NewVir", CActVir, CVir) # re-orthogonalize (should be orthogonal already, but just to be sure). COrbNew = np.hstack([CAct]) if 1: COrbNew = np.hstack([CNewClo, CAct, CNewExt]) SMo = mdot(COrbNew.T, S1, COrbNew) COrbNew =, MakeSmh(SMo)) print(" Number of Core Orbitals {} ".format(CNewClo.shape[1])) print(" Number of Virtual Orbitals {} ".format(CNewExt.shape[1])) print(" Total Number of Orbitals {} ".format(COrbNew.shape[1])) return CNewClo.shape[1],CAct.shape[1],CNewExt.shape[1],nElec, COrbNew
[docs] def rmsd(a, b = None): if b is None: return np.mean(a.flatten()**2)**.5 else: return rmsd(a - b)
[docs] def MakeSmh(S): ew,ev = np.linalg.eigh(S) assert (np.all(ew > 1e-10)) v = ev * (ew**-0.25)[np.newaxis,:] return, v.T)
[docs] def MakeIaosRaw(COcc, S1, S2, S12): # calculate the molecule-intrinsic atomic orbital (IAO) basis # ref: [1] Knizia, J. Chem. Theory Comput., # This is the "Simple/2014" version from ibo-ref at assert (S1.shape[0] == S1.shape[1] and S1.shape[0] == S12.shape[0]) assert (S2.shape[0] == S2.shape[1] and S2.shape[0] == S12.shape[1]) assert (COcc.shape[0] == S1.shape[0] and COcc.shape[1] <= S2.shape[0]) P12 = la.solve(S1, S12) # P12 = S1^{-1} S12 COcc2 = mdot(S12.T, COcc) # O(N m^2) CTil = la.solve(S2, COcc2) # O(m^3) STil = mdot(COcc2.T, CTil) # O(m^3) CTil2Bar = la.solve(STil, CTil.T).T # O(m^3) T4 = COcc - mdot(P12, CTil2Bar) # O(N m^2) CIb = P12 + mdot(T4, COcc2.T) # O(N m^2) return CIb
[docs] def GetPzOrientation(iTargetAtoms, Coords_, Elements_): # make a xyz vector pointing out of the plane containing the target atoms. assert (Coords_.shape[1] == 3) Coords = Coords_[iTargetAtoms,:].copy() Elements = Elements_[iTargetAtoms] # get center of mass coordinates vCom = np.mean(Coords, axis=0) Coords -= vCom I = np.zeros((3,3)) for vCoord in Coords: I += np.outer(vCoord, vCoord) # diagonalize inertial-like tensor; large eigenvalues first. ew,ev = np.linalg.eigh(-I) ew *= -1 print("Target Atom List:") print("[{}]".format(', '.join('{}'.format(k) for k in iTargetAtoms))) print("Elements :") print("[{}]".format(', '.join('{}'.format(k) for k in Elements))) # direction of smallest spatial extend (last one) should be # the one indicating the pz-orbital direction. vPz = ev[:,2] return vPz
[docs] def FindValenceAoIndices(iAt, Shells, TargetL): ipxyz = None iFn0 = 0 for Atom in range(len(Shells)): for AtomL in range(len(Shells[Atom])): if Atom == iAt: if Shells[Atom][AtomL][0] == TargetL: # this is a generally contracted p-shell on atom iAt. assert (ipxyz is None) # should be only one per atom, I think. nCGTO = Shells[Atom][AtomL][1] nSphComp = 2*TargetL + 1 iFnHighestP = iFn0 + nSphComp*(nCGTO-1) ipxyz = np.array([(iFnHighestP + o) for o in range(nSphComp)]) iFn0 += Shells[Atom][AtomL][2] assert (ipxyz is not None) return ipxyz
[docs] def MakePzMinaoVectors(iTargetAtoms, vPz, Shells): # nIb = len(Shells)*len(Shells[Atom])*len( Shells[AtomShell][AtomL]) nIb=0 for Atom in range(len(Shells)): for AtomL in range(len(Shells[Atom])): nIb += Shells[Atom][AtomL][2] nVec = len(iTargetAtoms) AoVecs = np.zeros((nIb, nVec)) for (iVec, iAt) in enumerate(iTargetAtoms): ipxyz = FindValenceAoIndices(iAt, Shells, TargetL = 1) AoVec = np.zeros(nIb) AoVec[ipxyz] = vPz # each atom brings one pz orbital -> iVec = iiAt AoVecs[:,iVec] = AoVec return AoVecs
# table of numbers of pi electrons each main group element # typically brings into a pi-system _NumPiElec = { "C": 1, "B": 0, "N1e": 1, "N2e": 2, "O1e": 1, "O2e": 2, "F": 2, "Si":1, "P1e": 1, "P2e": 2, "S1e": 1, "S2e": 2, "C2e": 2, } _CovalentRadii = {1: 38.0, 2: 32.0, 3: 134.0, 4: 90.0, 5: 82.0, 6: 77.0, 7: 75.0, 8: 73.0, 9: 71.0, 10: 69.0, 11: 154.0, 12: 130.0, 13: 118.0, 14: 111.0, 15: 106.0, 16: 102.0, 17: 99.0, 18: 97.0, 19: 196.0, 20: 174.0, 21: 144.0, 22: 136.0, 23: 125.0, 24: 127.0, 25: 139.0, 26: 125.0, 27: 126.0, 28: 121.0, 29: 138.0, 30: 131.0, 31: 126.0, 32: 122.0, 33: 119.0, 34: 116.0, 35: 114.0, 36: 110.0, 37: 211.0, 38: 192.0, 39: 162.0, 40: 148.0, 41: 137.0, 42: 145.0, 43: 156.0, 44: 126.0, 45: 135.0, 46: 131.0, 47: 153.0, 48: 148.0, 49: 144.0, 50: 141.0, 51: 138.0, 52: 135.0, 53: 133.0, 54: 130.0, 55: 225.0, 56: 198.0, 57: 169.0, 58: None, 59: None, 60: None, 61: None, 62: None, 63: None, 64: None, 65: None, 66: None, 67: None, 68: None, 69: None, 70: None, 71: 160.0, 72: 150.0, 73: 138.0, 74: 146.0, 75: 159.0, 76: 128.0, 77: 137.0, 78: 128.0, 79: 144.0, 80: 149.0, 81: 148.0, 82: 147.0, 83: 146.0, 84: None, 85: None, 86: 145.0, 87: None, 88: None, 89: None, 90: None, 91: None, 92: None, 93: None, 94: None, 95: None, 96: None, 97: None, 98: None, 99: None, 100: None, 101: None, 102: None, 103: None, 104: None, 105: None, 106: None, 107: None, 108: None, 109: None, 110: None, 111: None, 112: None, 113: None, 114: None, 115: None, 116: None} # ^- embedded now to remove dependency on finding .txt path.
[docs] def GetCovalentRadius(At): # get covalent radius in pm rcov = _CovalentRadii[At.iElement] assert (rcov is not None) # convert to bohr radii ToAng = 0.52917721092 return (0.01 * rcov)/ToAng
[docs] def GetNumPiElec(iAt, Elements,Coords): # deal with C, F, B, Si, and the atoms which have explicit tages assigned. At = Elements[iAt] nPiTab = _NumPiElec.get(At, None) if nPiTab is not None: return nPiTab print(" ...determining formal number of pi-electrons for {} (not in table).".format(At.Label)) # find number of bonded partners iBonded = [] for (jAt, AtJ) in enumerate(Elements): if iAt == jAt: continue rij = np.sum((Coords[At] - Coords[AtJ])**2)**.5 if rij < 1.3 * (GetCovalentRadius(At) + GetCovalentRadius(AtJ)): iBonded.append(jAt) nBonds = len(iBonded) if At in ["N", "P"]: # 5 valence electrons if nBonds == 2: # two sigma bonds (1e each) + 1 sigma lone pair (2e) -> 1e left for pi system return 1 elif nBonds == 3: # three sigma bonds (1e each) -> 2e left for pi system return 2 if At in ["O","S"]: # 6 valence electrons if nBonds == 1: # one sigma bond (1e) + 2 lone pairs in x/y planes (2e each) -> 1e left for pi system return 1 elif nBonds == 3: # two sigma bond (1e each) + 1 lone pairs in x/y planes (2e) -> 2e left for pi system return 2 raise Exception("GetNumPiElec({}): {} with {} bonds not tabulated :(".format(iAt, At, nBonds))
[docs] def SemiCanonicalize(COut, Fock, S1, Name, Print=True): nOrb = COut.shape[1] SOrb = mdot(COut.T, S1, COut) fErr = rmsd(SOrb - np.eye(nOrb)) if fErr > 1e-8: print(" SemiCan: Orbital deviation from orthogonality {:8.2e} \n".format(fErr)) raise Exception("Orbitals not orthogonal.") FockMo = mdot(COut.T, Fock, COut) ew,ev = np.linalg.eigh(FockMo) if Print: print(" Semi-canonicalized orbital energies ({} subspace)".format(Name)) print(" [{}]".format(', '.join('{:.4f}'.format(k) for k in ew))) return, ev)
[docs] def MakeOverlappingOrbSubspace(Space, Name, COrb, nOrbExpected, CTargetIb, S1, Fock): print("\n -- Constructing MO subspace space {}/{}.".format(Space, Name)) STargetIb = mdot(CTargetIb.T, S1, CTargetIb) SmhTargetIb = MakeSmh(STargetIb) STargetIbVir = mdot(SmhTargetIb, CTargetIb.T, S1, COrb) U,sig,Vt = np.linalg.svd(STargetIbVir, full_matrices=False) print(" S[{},{}] singular Values (n={}, nThr={})".format(Space, Name, len(sig), nOrbExpected)) print(" [{}]".format(', '.join('{:.4f}'.format(k) for k in sig))) print(" Sigma[{}] {:.4f} (should be 1)".format(nOrbExpected-1, sig[nOrbExpected-1])) if nOrbExpected < len(sig): print(" Sigma[{}] {:.4f} (should be 0)".format(nOrbExpected, sig[nOrbExpected])) if sig[nOrbExpected-1] < 0.8 or sig[nOrbExpected] > 0.5: raise Exception("{} orbital construction okay?".format(Space)) V = Vt.T COut =, V[:,:nOrbExpected]) return SemiCanonicalize(COut, Fock, S1, Name)
# Use these to add 'stuff' to the proto-active space.
[docs] def MakePiSystemOrbitals(TargetName, iTargetAtomsForPlane_, iTargetAtomsForBasis_,Elements,Coords, CIb, Shells, S1, S12, S2, Fock, COcc, CVir): print("\n *** TARGET: {}\n".format(TargetName)) # convert from 1-based atom indices to 0-based indices. iTargetAtomsForPlane = np.array(iTargetAtomsForPlane_) - 1 if iTargetAtomsForBasis_ is None: iTargetAtomsForBasis = iTargetAtomsForPlane else: iTargetAtomsForBasis = np.array(iTargetAtomsForBasis_) - 1 vPz = GetPzOrientation(iTargetAtomsForPlane, Coords, Elements) CAoMix = MakePzMinaoVectors(iTargetAtomsForBasis, vPz, Shells) nPiElec = 0 for iAt in iTargetAtomsForBasis: nPiElec += GetNumPiElec(iAt, Elements,Coords) print(" Formal number of elec in pi-system {} ".format(nPiElec)) if (nPiElec % 2) != 0: raise Exception("Got {} pi electrons. Shouldn't this be an even number?".format(nPiElec)) # idea: make full pi system for target AOs (via IAOs) # then we do know how many occupied and virtual pi # orbitals there are supposed to be (by counting the contributed pi # electrons from the constituent main group atoms) # we then isolate those, canonicalize them, and take # the frontier MO subset. CTargetIb =, CAoMix) nTargetIb = CAoMix.shape[1] print(" Number of target MINAO basis fn {} ".format(nTargetIb)) print(" size of CIb1 {} ".format(CIb.shape[0])) print(" size of CAomix1 {} ".format(CAoMix.shape[0])) print(" size of CIb2 {} ".format(CIb.shape[1])) print(" size of CAomix2 {} ".format(CAoMix.shape[1])) nOccOrbExpected=nPiElec//2 nVirtOrbExpected=nTargetIb - nPiElec//2 CPiOcc = MakeOverlappingOrbSubspace("Pi", "Occ", COcc, nOccOrbExpected, CTargetIb, S1, Fock) CPiVir = MakeOverlappingOrbSubspace("Pi", "Vir", CVir, nVirtOrbExpected, CTargetIb, S1, Fock) return CPiOcc, CPiVir,nOccOrbExpected,nVirtOrbExpected