Source code for pyscf.hessian.thermo

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This code was copied from the data generation program of Tencent Alchemy
# project (

# Copyright 2019 Tencent America LLC. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Qiming Sun <>

Thermochemistry analysis.


from functools import reduce
import numpy
from pyscf import lib
from import nist


[docs] def harmonic_analysis(mol, hess, exclude_trans=True, exclude_rot=True, imaginary_freq=True, mass=None): '''Each column is one mode imaginary_freq (boolean): save imaginary_freq as complex number (if True) or negative real number (if False) ''' if mass is None: mass = mol.atom_mass_list(isotope_avg=True) results = {} atom_coords = mol.atom_coords() mass_center = numpy.einsum('z,zx->x', mass, atom_coords) / mass.sum() atom_coords = atom_coords - mass_center natm = atom_coords.shape[0] mass_hess = numpy.einsum('pqxy,p,q->pqxy', hess, mass**-.5, mass**-.5) h = mass_hess.transpose(0,2,1,3).reshape(natm*3,natm*3) TR = _get_TR(mass, atom_coords) TRspace = [] if exclude_trans: TRspace.append(TR[:3]) if exclude_rot: rot_const = rotation_const(mass, atom_coords) rotor_type = _get_rotor_type(rot_const) if rotor_type == 'ATOM': pass elif rotor_type == 'LINEAR': # linear molecule TRspace.append(TR[3:5]) else: TRspace.append(TR[3:]) if TRspace: TRspace = numpy.vstack(TRspace) q, r = numpy.linalg.qr(TRspace.T) P = numpy.eye(natm * 3) - w, v = numpy.linalg.eigh(P) bvec = v[:,w > LINDEP_THRESHOLD] h = reduce(, (bvec.T, h, bvec)) force_const_au, mode = numpy.linalg.eigh(h) mode = else: force_const_au, mode = numpy.linalg.eigh(h) freq_au = numpy.lib.scimath.sqrt(force_const_au) results['freq_error'] = numpy.count_nonzero(freq_au.imag > 0) if not imaginary_freq and numpy.iscomplexobj(freq_au): # save imaginary frequency as negative frequency freq_au = freq_au.real - abs(freq_au.imag) results['freq_au'] = freq_au au2hz = (nist.HARTREE2J / (nist.ATOMIC_MASS * nist.BOHR_SI**2))**.5 / (2 * numpy.pi) results['freq_wavenumber'] = freq_au * au2hz / nist.LIGHT_SPEED_SI * 1e-2 norm_mode = numpy.einsum('z,zri->izr', mass**-.5, mode.reshape(natm,3,-1)) results['norm_mode'] = norm_mode reduced_mass = 1./numpy.einsum('izr,izr->i', norm_mode, norm_mode) results['reduced_mass'] = reduced_mass # results['vib_temperature'] = freq_au * au2hz * nist.PLANCK / nist.BOLTZMANN # force constants dyne = 1e-2 * nist.HARTREE2J / nist.BOHR_SI**2 results['force_const_au'] = force_const_au results['force_const_dyne'] = reduced_mass * force_const_au * dyne #cm^-1/a0^2 #TODO: IR intensity return results
[docs] def rotation_const(mass, atom_coords, unit='GHz'): '''Rotational constants to characterize rotational spectra Kwargs: unit (string) : One of GHz, wavenumber ''' mass_center = numpy.einsum('z,zr->r', mass, atom_coords) / mass.sum() r = atom_coords - mass_center im = numpy.einsum('z,zr,zs->rs', mass, r, r) im = numpy.eye(3) * im.trace() - im e = numpy.sort(numpy.linalg.eigvalsh(im)) unit_im = nist.ATOMIC_MASS * (nist.BOHR_SI)**2 unit_hz = nist.HBAR / (4 * numpy.pi * unit_im) with numpy.errstate(divide='ignore'): if unit.lower() == 'ghz': e = unit_hz / e * 1e-9 elif unit.lower() == 'wavenumber': e = unit_hz / e / nist.LIGHT_SPEED_SI * 1e-2 else: raise RuntimeError('Unsupported unit ' + unit) return e
[docs] def thermo(model, freq, temperature=298.15, pressure=101325): mol = model.mol atom_coords = mol.atom_coords() mass = mol.atom_mass_list(isotope_avg=True) mass_center = numpy.einsum('z,zx->x', mass, atom_coords) / mass.sum() atom_coords = atom_coords - mass_center kB = nist.BOLTZMANN h = nist.PLANCK # c = nist.LIGHT_SPEED_SI # beta = 1. / (kB * temperature) R_Eh = kB*nist.AVOGADRO / (nist.HARTREE2J * nist.AVOGADRO) results = {} results['temperature'] = (temperature, 'K') results['pressure'] = (pressure, 'Pa') E0 = model.e_tot results['E0'] = (E0, 'Eh') # Electronic part results['S_elec' ] = (R_Eh * numpy.log(mol.multiplicity), 'Eh/K') results['Cv_elec'] = results['Cp_elec'] = (0, 'Eh/K') results['E_elec' ] = results['H_elec' ] = (E0, 'Eh') # Translational part. See also for the # partition function q_trans mass_tot = mass.sum() * nist.ATOMIC_MASS q_trans = ((2.0 * numpy.pi * mass_tot * kB * temperature / h**2)**1.5 * kB * temperature / pressure) results['S_trans' ] = (R_Eh * (2.5 + numpy.log(q_trans)), 'Eh/K') results['Cv_trans'] = (1.5 * R_Eh, 'Eh/K') results['Cp_trans'] = (2.5 * R_Eh, 'Eh/K') results['E_trans' ] = (1.5 * R_Eh * temperature, 'Eh') results['H_trans' ] = (2.5 * R_Eh * temperature, 'Eh') # Rotational part rot_const = rotation_const(mass, atom_coords, 'GHz') results['rot_const'] = (rot_const, 'GHz') rotor_type = _get_rotor_type(rot_const) sym_number = rotational_symmetry_number(mol) results['sym_number'] = (sym_number, '') # partition function q_rot ( if rotor_type == 'ATOM': results['S_rot' ] = (0, 'Eh/K') results['Cv_rot'] = results['Cp_rot'] = (0, 'Eh/K') results['E_rot' ] = results['H_rot' ] = (0, 'Eh') elif rotor_type == 'LINEAR': B = rot_const[1] * 1e9 q_rot = kB * temperature / (sym_number * h * B) results['S_rot' ] = (R_Eh * (1 + numpy.log(q_rot)), 'Eh/K') results['Cv_rot'] = results['Cp_rot'] = (R_Eh, 'Eh/K') results['E_rot' ] = results['H_rot' ] = (R_Eh * temperature, 'Eh') else: ABC = rot_const * 1e9 q_rot = ((kB*temperature/h)**1.5 * numpy.pi**.5 / (sym_number ***.5)) results['S_rot' ] = (R_Eh * (1.5 + numpy.log(q_rot)), 'Eh/K') results['Cv_rot'] = results['Cp_rot'] = (1.5 * R_Eh, 'Eh/K') results['E_rot' ] = results['H_rot' ] = (1.5 * R_Eh * temperature, 'Eh') # Vibrational part. au2hz = (nist.HARTREE2J / (nist.ATOMIC_MASS * nist.BOHR_SI**2))**.5 / (2 * numpy.pi) idx = freq.real > 0 vib_temperature = freq.real[idx] * au2hz * h / kB # reduced_temperature rt = vib_temperature / max(1e-14, temperature) e = numpy.exp(-rt) ZPE = R_Eh * .5 * vib_temperature.sum() results['ZPE'] = (ZPE, 'Eh') results['S_vib' ] = (R_Eh * (rt*e/(1-e) - numpy.log(1-e)).sum(), 'Eh/K') results['Cv_vib'] = results['Cp_vib'] = (R_Eh * (e * rt**2/(1-e)**2).sum(), 'Eh/K') results['E_vib' ] = results['H_vib' ] = \ (ZPE + R_Eh * temperature * (rt * e / (1-e)).sum(), 'Eh') results['G_elec' ] = (results['H_elec' ][0] - temperature * results['S_elec' ][0], 'Eh') results['G_trans'] = (results['H_trans'][0] - temperature * results['S_trans'][0], 'Eh') results['G_rot' ] = (results['H_rot' ][0] - temperature * results['S_rot' ][0], 'Eh') results['G_vib' ] = (results['H_vib' ][0] - temperature * results['S_vib' ][0], 'Eh') def _sum(f): keys = ('elec', 'trans', 'rot', 'vib') return sum(results.get(f+'_'+key, (0,))[0] for key in keys) results['S_tot' ] = (_sum('S' ), 'Eh/K') results['Cv_tot'] = (_sum('Cv'), 'Eh/K') results['Cp_tot'] = (_sum('Cp'), 'Eh/K') results['E_0K' ] = (E0 + ZPE, 'Eh') results['E_tot' ] = (_sum('E'), 'Eh') results['H_tot' ] = (_sum('H'), 'Eh') results['G_tot' ] = (_sum('G'), 'Eh') return results
def _get_TR(mass, coords): '''Translational mode and rotational mode''' mass_center = numpy.einsum('z,zx->x', mass, coords) / mass.sum() coords = coords - mass_center massp = mass ** .5 # translational mode Tx = numpy.einsum('m,x->mx', massp, [1, 0, 0]) Ty = numpy.einsum('m,x->mx', massp, [0, 1, 0]) Tz = numpy.einsum('m,x->mx', massp, [0, 0, 1]) im = numpy.einsum('m,mx,my->xy', mass, coords, coords) im = numpy.eye(3) * im.trace() - im w, paxes = numpy.linalg.eigh(im) # make the z-axis be the rotation vector with the smallest moment of inertia w = w[::-1] paxes = paxes[:,::-1] ex, ey, ez = paxes.T # rotational mode coords_in_rot_frame = cx, cy, cz = coords_in_rot_frame.T Rx = massp[:,None] * (cy[:,None] * ez - cz[:,None] * ey) Ry = massp[:,None] * (cz[:,None] * ex - cx[:,None] * ez) Rz = massp[:,None] * (cx[:,None] * ey - cy[:,None] * ex) return (Tx.ravel(), Ty.ravel(), Tz.ravel(), Rx.ravel(), Ry.ravel(), Rz.ravel()) def _get_rotor_type(rot_const): if numpy.all(rot_const > 1e8): rotor_type = 'ATOM' elif rot_const[0] > 1e8 and (rot_const[1] - rot_const[2] < 1e-3): rotor_type = 'LINEAR' else: rotor_type = 'REGULAR' return rotor_type
[docs] def rotational_symmetry_number(mol): '''Number of unique orientations of the rigid molecule that only interchange identical atoms. Source (search "symmetry number") ''' from pyscf import symm group = symm.detect_symm(mol._atom)[0] if group in ['SO3', 'C1', 'Ci', 'Cs', 'Coov']: sigma = 1 elif group == 'Dooh': sigma = 2 elif group in ['T', 'Td']: sigma = 12 elif group == 'Oh': sigma = 24 elif group == 'Ih': sigma = 60 elif group[0] == 'C': # 'Cn', 'Cnv', 'Cnh' sigma = int(''.join([x for x in group if x.isdigit()])) elif group[0] == 'D': # 'Dn', 'Dnd', 'Dnh' sigma = 2 * int(''.join([x for x in group if x.isdigit()])) elif group[0] == 'S': # 'Sn' sigma = int(''.join([x for x in group if x.isdigit()])) / 2 else: raise RuntimeError("symmetry group: " + group) return sigma
[docs] def dump_thermo(mol, results): dump = mol.stdout.write dump('temperature %.4f [%s]\n' % results['temperature']) dump('pressure %.2f [%s]\n' % results['pressure']) dump('Rotational constants [%s] %.5f %.5f %.5f\n' % ((results['rot_const'][1],) + tuple(results['rot_const'][0]))) dump('Symmetry number %d\n' % results['sym_number'][0]) dump('Zero-point energy (ZPE) %.5f [Eh] %.3f [J/mol]\n' % (results['ZPE'][0], results['ZPE'][0] * nist.HARTREE2J * nist.AVOGADRO)) keys = ('tot', 'elec', 'trans', 'rot', 'vib') dump(' %s\n' % ' '.join('%10s'%x for x in keys)) def convert(f, keys, unit): if 'Eh' in unit: conv = nist.HARTREE2J * nist.AVOGADRO else: conv = 1 return ' '.join('%10.3f'%(results.get(f+'_'+key, (0,))[0]*conv) for key in keys) def write(title, f): tot, unit = results[f+'_tot'] msg = convert(f, keys, unit) unit = unit.replace('Eh', 'J/mol') s = '%s [%s]' % (title, unit) dump('%-20s %s\n' % (s, msg)) write('Entropy', 'S') write('Cv', 'Cv') write('Cp', 'Cp') dump('%-28s %s\n' % ('Internal energy [J/mol]', convert('E', keys[2:], 'Eh'))) dump('%-22s %.5f %.5f\n' % ('Internal energy [Eh]', results['E_tot'][0], results['E0'][0])) dump('%-28s %s\n' % ('Enthalpy [J/mol]', convert('H', keys[2:], 'Eh'))) dump('%-22s %.5f\n' % ('Enthalpy [Eh]', results['H_tot'][0])) dump('%-28s %s\n' % ('Gibbs free energy [J/mol]', convert('G', keys[2:], 'Eh'))) dump('%-22s %.5f\n' % ('Gibbs free energy [Eh]', results['G_tot'][0]))
[docs] def dump_normal_mode(mol, results): dump = mol.stdout.write freq_wn = results['freq_wavenumber'] idx = freq_wn.real > 0 freq_wn = freq_wn.real[idx] nfreq = freq_wn.size r_mass = results['reduced_mass'].real[idx] force = results['force_const_dyne'].real[idx] vib_t = results['vib_temperature'].real[idx] mode = results['norm_mode'].real[idx] symbols = [mol.atom_symbol(i) for i in range(mol.natm)] def inline(q, col0, col1): return ''.join('%20.4f' % q[i] for i in range(col0, col1)) def mode_inline(row, col0, col1): return ' '.join('%6.2f%6.2f%6.2f' % (mode[i,row,0], mode[i,row,1], mode[i,row,2]) for i in range(col0, col1)) for col0, col1 in lib.prange(0, nfreq, 3): dump('Mode %s\n' % ''.join('%20d'%i for i in range(col0,col1))) dump('Irrep\n') dump('Freq [cm^-1] %s\n' % inline(freq_wn, col0, col1)) dump('Reduced mass [au] %s\n' % inline(r_mass, col0, col1)) dump('Force const [Dyne/A] %s\n' % inline(force, col0, col1)) dump('Char temp [K] %s\n' % inline(vib_t, col0, col1)) #dump('IR\n') #dump('Raman\n') dump('Normal mode %s\n' % (' x y z'*(col1-col0))) for j, at in enumerate(symbols): dump(' %4d%4s %s\n' % (j, at, mode_inline(j, col0, col1)))
if __name__ == '__main__': from pyscf import gto from pyscf import hessian mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 .757 .587; H 0 -.757 .587') mass = mol.atom_mass_list(isotope_avg=True) r = mol.atom_coords() - numpy.random.random((1,3)) print(rotation_const(mass, r, 'GHz')) print(rotation_const(mass[1:], r[1:], 'GHz')) print(rotation_const(mass[2:], r[2:], 'GHz')) mf = mol.apply('HF').run() hess = hessian.RHF(mf).kernel() results = harmonic_analysis(mol, hess) dump_normal_mode(mol, results) results = thermo(mf, results['freq_au'], 298.15, 101325) dump_thermo(mol, results)