Source code for pyscf.grad.sacasscf

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2021 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import gc
import numpy as np
from functools import reduce
from itertools import product
from scipy import linalg
from pyscf import gto
from pyscf.grad import lagrange
from pyscf.mcscf.addons import StateAverageMCSCFSolver, StateAverageFCISolver
from pyscf.mcscf.addons import StateAverageMixFCISolver, state_average_mix_
from pyscf.grad.mp2 import _shell_prange
from pyscf.mcscf import mc1step, mc1step_symm, newton_casscf
from pyscf.grad import casscf as casscf_grad
from pyscf.grad import rhf as rhf_grad
from pyscf.fci.direct_spin1 import _unpack_nelec
from pyscf.fci.addons import fix_spin_, SpinPenaltyFCISolver
from pyscf.fci.spin_op import spin_square
from pyscf.fci import cistring
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf import lib, ao2mo, mcscf

# ref. Mol. Phys., 99, 103 (2001); DOI: 10.1080/002689700110005642

[docs] def Lorb_dot_dgorb_dx (Lorb, mc, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, atmlst=None, mf_grad=None, eris=None, verbose=None): ''' Modification of single-state CASSCF electronic energy nuclear gradient to compute instead the orbital Lagrange term nuclear gradient: sum_pq Lorb_pq d2_Ecas/d_lambda d_kpq This involves the effective density matrices ~D_pq = L_pr*D_rq + L_qr*D_pr ~d_pqrs = L_pt*d_tqrs + L_rt*d_pqts + L_qt*d_ptrs + L_st*d_pqrt (NB: L_pq = -L_qp) ''' # dmo = smoT.dao.smo # dao = mo.dmo.moT t0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = mc.mo_coeff if ci is None: ci = if mf_grad is None: mf_grad = mc._scf.nuc_grad_method() if mc.frozen is not None: raise NotImplementedError mol = mc.mol ncore = mc.ncore ncas = mc.ncas nocc = ncore + ncas nelecas = mc.nelecas nao, nmo = mo_coeff.shape nao_pair = nao * (nao+1) // 2 mo_core = mo_coeff[:,:ncore] mo_cas = mo_coeff[:,ncore:nocc] # MRH: new 'effective' MO coefficients including contraction from the Lagrange multipliers moL_coeff = (mo_coeff, Lorb) s0_inv = (mo_coeff, mo_coeff.T) moL_core = moL_coeff[:,:ncore] moL_cas = moL_coeff[:,ncore:nocc] # MRH: these SHOULD be state-averaged! Use the actual sacasscf object! casdm1, casdm2 = mc.fcisolver.make_rdm12(ci, ncas, nelecas) # gfock = Generalized Fock, Adv. Chem. Phys., 69, 63 dm_core =, mo_core.T) * 2 dm_cas = reduce(, (mo_cas, casdm1, mo_cas.T)) # MRH: new density matrix terms dmL_core =, mo_core.T) * 2 dmL_cas = reduce(, (moL_cas, casdm1, mo_cas.T)) dmL_core += dmL_core.T dmL_cas += dmL_cas.T dm1 = dm_core + dm_cas dm1L = dmL_core + dmL_cas # MRH: wrap the integral instead of the density matrix. # g_prst*~d_qrst = (g_pust*L_ur + g_prut*L_us + g_prsu*L_ut)*d_qrst + g_prst*L_uq*d_urst # = 'aapaL'_prst*d_qrst [ERI TERM 1] # = 'aapa'_prst*L_uq*d_urst [ERI TERM 2] aapa = np.zeros ((ncas, ncas, nmo, ncas), dtype=dm_cas.dtype) aapaL = np.zeros ((ncas, ncas, nmo, ncas), dtype=dm_cas.dtype) for i in range (nmo): jbuf = eris.ppaa[i] kbuf = eris.papa[i] aapa[:,:,i,:] = jbuf[ncore:nocc,:,:].transpose (1,2,0) aapaL[:,:,i,:] += np.tensordot (jbuf, Lorb[:,ncore:nocc], axes=((0),(0))) kbuf = np.tensordot (kbuf, Lorb[:,ncore:nocc], axes=((1),(0))).transpose (1,2,0) aapaL[:,:,i,:] += kbuf + kbuf.transpose (1,0,2) # MRH: new vhf terms vj, vk = mc._scf.get_jk(mol, (dm_core, dm_cas)) vjL, vkL = mc._scf.get_jk(mol, (dmL_core, dmL_cas)) h1 = mc.get_hcore() vhf_c = vj[0] - vk[0] * .5 vhf_a = vj[1] - vk[1] * .5 vhfL_c = vjL[0] - vkL[0] * .5 vhfL_a = vjL[1] - vkL[1] * .5 gfock = (h1, dm1L) # h1e gfock += ((vhf_c + vhf_a), dmL_core) # core-core and active-core, 2nd 1RDM linked gfock += ((vhfL_c + vhfL_a), dm_core) # core-core and active-core, 1st 1RDM linked gfock += (vhfL_c, dm_cas) # core-active, 1st 1RDM linked gfock += (vhf_c, dmL_cas) # core-active, 2nd 1RDM linked gfock = (s0_inv, gfock) # Definition in MO's; going (AO->MO->AO) incurs inverse ovlp # [ERI TERM 1] gfock += reduce (, (mo_coeff, np.einsum('uviw,uvtw->it', aapaL, casdm2), mo_cas.T)) # [ERI TERM 2] gfock += reduce (, (mo_coeff, np.einsum('uviw,vuwt->it', aapa, casdm2), moL_cas.T)) dme0 = (gfock+gfock.T)/2 # This transpose is for the overlap matrix later on aapa = vj = vk = vhf_c = vhf_a = None vj, vk = mf_grad.get_jk (mol, (dm_core, dm_cas, dmL_core, dmL_cas)) vhf1c, vhf1a, vhf1cL, vhf1aL = vj - vk * 0.5 hcore_deriv = mf_grad.hcore_generator(mol) s1 = mf_grad.get_ovlp(mol) diag_idx = np.arange(nao) diag_idx = diag_idx * (diag_idx+1) // 2 + diag_idx casdm2_cc = casdm2 + casdm2.transpose(0,1,3,2) dm2buf = ao2mo._ao2mo.nr_e2(casdm2_cc.reshape(ncas**2,ncas**2), mo_cas.T, (0, nao, 0, nao)).reshape(ncas**2,nao,nao) # MRH: contract the final two indices of the active-active 2RDM with L as you change to AOs # note tensordot always puts indices in the order of the arguments. dm2Lbuf = np.zeros ((ncas**2,nmo,nmo)) # MRH: The second line below transposes the L; the third line transposes the derivative # Both the L and the derivative have to explore all indices Lcasdm2 = np.tensordot (Lorb[:,ncore:nocc], casdm2, axes=(1,2)).transpose (1,2,0,3) dm2Lbuf[:,:,ncore:nocc] = Lcasdm2.reshape (ncas**2,nmo,ncas) Lcasdm2 = np.tensordot (Lorb[:,ncore:nocc], casdm2, axes=(1,3)).transpose (1,2,3,0) dm2Lbuf[:,ncore:nocc,:] += Lcasdm2.reshape (ncas**2,ncas,nmo) Lcasdm2 = None dm2Lbuf += dm2Lbuf.transpose (0,2,1) dm2Lbuf = np.ascontiguousarray (dm2Lbuf) dm2Lbuf = ao2mo._ao2mo.nr_e2(dm2Lbuf.reshape (ncas**2,nmo**2), mo_coeff.T, (0, nao, 0, nao)).reshape(ncas**2,nao,nao) dm2buf = lib.pack_tril(dm2buf) dm2buf[:,diag_idx] *= .5 dm2buf = dm2buf.reshape(ncas,ncas,nao_pair) dm2Lbuf = lib.pack_tril(dm2Lbuf) dm2Lbuf[:,diag_idx] *= .5 dm2Lbuf = dm2Lbuf.reshape(ncas,ncas,nao_pair) if atmlst is None: atmlst = list (range(mol.natm)) aoslices = mol.aoslice_by_atom() de_hcore = np.zeros((len(atmlst),3)) de_renorm = np.zeros((len(atmlst),3)) de_eri = np.zeros((len(atmlst),3)) de = np.zeros((len(atmlst),3)) max_memory = mc.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] blksize = int(max_memory*.9e6/8 / (4*(aoslices[:,3]-aoslices[:,2]).max()*nao_pair)) # MRH: 3 components of eri array and 1 density matrix array: # FOUR arrays of this size are required! blksize = min(nao, max(2, blksize)) (mc, 'SA-CASSCF Lorb_dot_dgorb memory remaining for eri manipulation: %f MB; using' ' blocksize = %d', max_memory, blksize) t0 = logger.timer (mc, 'SA-CASSCF Lorb_dot_dgorb 1-electron part', *t0) for k, ia in enumerate(atmlst): shl0, shl1, p0, p1 = aoslices[ia] h1ao = hcore_deriv(ia) # MRH: h1e and Feff terms de_hcore[k] += np.einsum('xij,ij->x', h1ao, dm1L) de_renorm[k] -= np.einsum('xij,ij->x', s1[:,p0:p1], dme0[p0:p1]) * 2 q1 = 0 for b0, b1, nf in _shell_prange(mol, 0, mol.nbas, blksize): q0, q1 = q1, q1 + nf dm2_ao = lib.einsum('ijw,pi,qj->pqw', dm2Lbuf, mo_cas[p0:p1], mo_cas[q0:q1]) # MRH: contract first two indices of active-active 2RDM with L as you go MOs -> AOs dm2_ao += lib.einsum('ijw,pi,qj->pqw', dm2buf, moL_cas[p0:p1], mo_cas[q0:q1]) dm2_ao += lib.einsum('ijw,pi,qj->pqw', dm2buf, mo_cas[p0:p1], moL_cas[q0:q1]) shls_slice = (shl0,shl1,b0,b1,0,mol.nbas,0,mol.nbas) eri1 = mol.intor('int2e_ip1', comp=3, aosym='s2kl', shls_slice=shls_slice).reshape(3,p1-p0,nf,nao_pair) # MRH: I still don't understand why there is a minus here! de_eri[k] -= np.einsum('xijw,ijw->x', eri1, dm2_ao) * 2 eri1 = dm2_ao = None t0 = logger.timer (mc, 'SA-CASSCF Lorb_dot_dgorb atom {} ({},{}|{})'.format (ia, p1-p0, nf, nao_pair), *t0) # MRH: core-core and core-active 2RDM terms de_eri[k] += np.einsum('xij,ij->x', vhf1c[:,p0:p1], dm1L[p0:p1]) * 2 de_eri[k] += np.einsum('xij,ij->x', vhf1cL[:,p0:p1], dm1[p0:p1]) * 2 # MRH: active-core 2RDM terms de_eri[k] += np.einsum('xij,ij->x', vhf1a[:,p0:p1], dmL_core[p0:p1]) * 2 de_eri[k] += np.einsum('xij,ij->x', vhf1aL[:,p0:p1], dm_core[p0:p1]) * 2 # MRH: deleted the nuclear-nuclear part to avoid double-counting # lesson learned from debugging - mol.intor computes -1 * the derivative and only # for one index # on the other hand, mf_grad.hcore_generator computes the actual derivative of # h1 for both indices and with the correct sign logger.debug (mc, "Orb lagrange hcore component:\n{}".format (de_hcore)) logger.debug (mc, "Orb lagrange renorm component:\n{}".format (de_renorm)) logger.debug (mc, "Orb lagrange eri component:\n{}".format (de_eri)) de = de_hcore + de_renorm + de_eri return de
[docs] def Lci_dot_dgci_dx (Lci, weights, mc, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, atmlst=None, mf_grad=None, eris=None, verbose=None): ''' Modification of single-state CASSCF electronic energy nuclear gradient to compute instead the CI Lagrange term nuclear gradient: sum_IJ Lci_IJ d2_Ecas/d_lambda d_PIJ This involves the effective density matrices ~D_pq = sum_I w_I<L_I|p'q|I> + c.c. ~d_pqrs = sum_I w_I<L_I|p'r'sq|I> + c.c. (NB: All-core terms ~D_ii, ~d_iijj = 0 However, active-core terms ~d_xyii, ~d_xiiy != 0) ''' if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = mc.mo_coeff if ci is None: ci = if mf_grad is None: mf_grad = mc._scf.nuc_grad_method() if mc.frozen is not None: raise NotImplementedError t0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) mol = mc.mol ncore = mc.ncore ncas = mc.ncas nocc = ncore + ncas nelecas = mc.nelecas nao, nmo = mo_coeff.shape nao_pair = nao * (nao+1) // 2 mo_occ = mo_coeff[:,:nocc] mo_core = mo_coeff[:,:ncore] mo_cas = mo_coeff[:,ncore:nocc] # MRH: TDMs + c.c. instead of RDMs # MRH, 06/30/2020: new interface in mcscf.addons makes this much more transparent casdm1, casdm2 = mc.fcisolver.trans_rdm12 (Lci, ci, ncas, nelecas) casdm1 += casdm1.transpose (1,0) casdm2 += casdm2.transpose (1,0,3,2) # gfock = Generalized Fock, Adv. Chem. Phys., 69, 63 dm_core =, mo_core.T) * 2 dm_cas = reduce(, (mo_cas, casdm1, mo_cas.T)) aapa = np.zeros ((ncas, ncas, nmo, ncas), dtype=dm_cas.dtype) for i in range (nmo): aapa[:,:,i,:] = eris.ppaa[i][ncore:nocc,:,:].transpose (1,2,0) vj, vk = mc._scf.get_jk(mol, (dm_core, dm_cas)) h1 = mc.get_hcore() vhf_c = vj[0] - vk[0] * .5 vhf_a = vj[1] - vk[1] * .5 # MRH: delete h1 + vhf_c from the first line below (core and core-core stuff) # Also extend gfock to span the whole space gfock = np.zeros_like (dm_cas) gfock[:,:nocc] = reduce(, (mo_coeff.T, vhf_a, mo_occ)) * 2 gfock[:,ncore:nocc] = reduce(, (mo_coeff.T, h1 + vhf_c, mo_cas, casdm1)) gfock[:,ncore:nocc] += np.einsum('uvpw,vuwt->pt', aapa, casdm2) dme0 = reduce(, (mo_coeff, (gfock+gfock.T)*.5, mo_coeff.T)) aapa = vj = vk = vhf_c = vhf_a = h1 = gfock = None vj, vk = mf_grad.get_jk (mol, (dm_core, dm_cas)) vhf1c, vhf1a = vj - vk * 0.5 #vhf1c, vhf1a = mf_grad.get_veff(mol, (dm_core, dm_cas)) hcore_deriv = mf_grad.hcore_generator(mol) s1 = mf_grad.get_ovlp(mol) diag_idx = np.arange(nao) diag_idx = diag_idx * (diag_idx+1) // 2 + diag_idx casdm2_cc = casdm2 + casdm2.transpose(0,1,3,2) dm2buf = ao2mo._ao2mo.nr_e2(casdm2_cc.reshape(ncas**2,ncas**2), mo_cas.T, (0, nao, 0, nao)).reshape(ncas**2,nao,nao) dm2buf = lib.pack_tril(dm2buf) dm2buf[:,diag_idx] *= .5 dm2buf = dm2buf.reshape(ncas,ncas,nao_pair) casdm2 = casdm2_cc = None if atmlst is None: atmlst = range(mol.natm) aoslices = mol.aoslice_by_atom() de_hcore = np.zeros((len(atmlst),3)) de_renorm = np.zeros((len(atmlst),3)) de_eri = np.zeros((len(atmlst),3)) de = np.zeros((len(atmlst),3)) max_memory = mc.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] blksize = int(max_memory*.9e6/8 / (4*(aoslices[:,3]-aoslices[:,2]).max()*nao_pair)) # MRH: 3 components of eri array and 1 density matrix array: # FOUR arrays of this size are required! blksize = min(nao, max(2, blksize)) (mc, 'SA-CASSCF Lci_dot_dgci memory remaining for eri manipulation: %f MB; using ' 'blocksize = %d', max_memory, blksize) t0 = logger.timer (mc, 'SA-CASSCF Lci_dot_dgci 1-electron part', *t0) for k, ia in enumerate(atmlst): shl0, shl1, p0, p1 = aoslices[ia] h1ao = hcore_deriv(ia) # MRH: dm1 -> dm_cas in the line below de_hcore[k] += np.einsum('xij,ij->x', h1ao, dm_cas) de_renorm[k] -= np.einsum('xij,ij->x', s1[:,p0:p1], dme0[p0:p1]) * 2 q1 = 0 for b0, b1, nf in _shell_prange(mol, 0, mol.nbas, blksize): q0, q1 = q1, q1 + nf dm2_ao = lib.einsum('ijw,pi,qj->pqw', dm2buf, mo_cas[p0:p1], mo_cas[q0:q1]) shls_slice = (shl0,shl1,b0,b1,0,mol.nbas,0,mol.nbas) eri1 = mol.intor('int2e_ip1', comp=3, aosym='s2kl', shls_slice=shls_slice).reshape(3,p1-p0,nf,nao_pair) de_eri[k] -= np.einsum('xijw,ijw->x', eri1, dm2_ao) * 2 eri1 = dm2_ao = None t0 = logger.timer (mc, 'SA-CASSCF Lci_dot_dgci atom {} ({},{}|{})'.format (ia, p1-p0, nf, nao_pair), *t0) # MRH: dm1 -> dm_cas in the line below. Also eliminate core-core terms de_eri[k] += np.einsum('xij,ij->x', vhf1c[:,p0:p1], dm_cas[p0:p1]) * 2 de_eri[k] += np.einsum('xij,ij->x', vhf1a[:,p0:p1], dm_core[p0:p1]) * 2 logger.debug (mc, "CI lagrange hcore component:\n{}".format (de_hcore)) logger.debug (mc, "CI lagrange renorm component:\n{}".format (de_renorm)) logger.debug (mc, "CI lagrange eri component:\n{}".format (de_eri)) de = de_hcore + de_renorm + de_eri return de
[docs] def as_scanner(mcscf_grad, state=None): '''Generating a nuclear gradients scanner/solver (for geometry optimizer). The returned solver is a function. This function requires one argument "mol" as input and returns energy and first order nuclear derivatives. The solver will automatically use the results of last calculation as the initial guess of the new calculation. All parameters assigned in the nuc-grad object and SCF object (DIIS, conv_tol, max_memory etc) are automatically applied in the solver. Note scanner has side effects. It may change many underlying objects (_scf, with_df, with_x2c, ...) during calculation. Examples: >>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf >>> mol = gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1.1', verbose=0) >>> mc_grad_scanner = mcscf.CASSCF(scf.RHF(mol), 4, 4).nuc_grad_method().as_scanner() >>> etot, grad = mc_grad_scanner(gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1.1')) >>> etot, grad = mc_grad_scanner(gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1.5')) ''' if isinstance(mcscf_grad, lib.GradScanner): return mcscf_grad #if state is None and (not hasattr (mcscf_grad, 'state') or (mcscf_grad.state is None)): # return casscf_grad.as_scanner (mcscf_grad), 'Create scanner for %s', mcscf_grad.__class__) name = mcscf_grad.__class__.__name__ + CASSCF_GradScanner.__name_mixin__ return lib.set_class(CASSCF_GradScanner(mcscf_grad, state), (CASSCF_GradScanner, mcscf_grad.__class__), name)
[docs] class CASSCF_GradScanner(lib.GradScanner): def __init__(self, g, state): lib.GradScanner.__init__(self, g) if state is None: self.state = g.state else: self.state = state self._converged = False def __call__(self, mol_or_geom, **kwargs): if isinstance(mol_or_geom, gto.MoleBase): assert mol_or_geom.__class__ == gto.Mole mol = mol_or_geom else: mol = self.mol.set_geom_(mol_or_geom, inplace=False) self.reset(mol) if 'state' in kwargs: self.state = kwargs['state'] mc_scanner = self.base e_tot = mc_scanner(mol) if hasattr (mc_scanner, 'e_mcscf'): self.e_mcscf = mc_scanner.e_mcscf if hasattr (mc_scanner, 'e_states') and self.state is not None: e_tot = mc_scanner.e_states[self.state] if not ('state' in kwargs): kwargs['state'] = self.state de = self.kernel(**kwargs) return e_tot, de @property def converged(self): return self._converged @converged.setter def converged(self, x): self._converged = x
[docs] class Gradients (lagrange.Gradients): _keys = { 'ngorb', 'nroots', 'spin_states', 'na_states', 'nb_states', 'nroots', 'nci', 'state', 'eris', 'weights', 'e_states', 'max_cycle', 'ncas', 'e_cas', 'nelecas', 'mo_occ', 'mo_energy', 'mo_coeff', 'callback', 'chkfile', 'nlag', 'frozen', 'level_shift', 'extrasym', 'fcisolver', } def __init__(self, mc, state=None): self.__dict__.update (mc.__dict__) nmo = mc.mo_coeff.shape[-1] self.ngorb = np.count_nonzero (mc.uniq_var_indices (nmo, mc.ncore, mc.ncas, mc.frozen)) self.nroots = mc.fcisolver.nroots neleca, nelecb = _unpack_nelec (mc.nelecas) self.spin_states = [neleca - nelecb,] * self.nroots self.na_states = [cistring.num_strings (mc.ncas, neleca),] * self.nroots self.nb_states = [cistring.num_strings (mc.ncas, nelecb),] * self.nroots if isinstance (mc.fcisolver, StateAverageMixFCISolver): self.nroots = p0 = 0 for solver in mc.fcisolver.fcisolvers: self.nroots += solver.nroots nea, neb = mc.fcisolver._get_nelec (solver, (neleca, nelecb)) nstr_a = cistring.num_strings (mc.ncas, nea) nstr_b = cistring.num_strings (mc.ncas, neb) for p1 in range (p0, self.nroots): self.spin_states[p1] = nea - neb self.na_states[p1] = nstr_a self.nb_states[p1] = nstr_b p0 = self.nroots self.nci = sum ([na * nb for na, nb in zip (self.na_states, self.nb_states)]) if state is not None: self.state = state elif hasattr (mc, 'nuc_grad_state'): self.state = mc.nuc_grad_state else: self.state = None self.eris = None self.weights = np.array ([1]) try: self.e_states = np.asarray (mc.e_states) except AttributeError: self.e_states = np.asarray (mc.e_tot) if isinstance (mc, StateAverageMCSCFSolver): self.weights = np.asarray (mc.weights) assert (len (self.weights) == self.nroots), '{} {} {}'.format ( mc.fcisolver.__class__, self.weights, self.nroots) lagrange.Gradients.__init__(self, mc, self.ngorb+self.nci) self.max_cycle = mc.max_cycle_macro
[docs] def pack_uniq_var (self, xorb, xci): # TODO: point-group symmetry of the xci components? CSFs? xorb = self.base.pack_uniq_var (xorb) xci = np.concatenate ([x.ravel () for x in xci]) return np.append (xorb, xci)
[docs] def unpack_uniq_var (self, x): # TODO: point-group symmetry of the xci components? CSFs? xorb, x = self.base.unpack_uniq_var (x[:self.ngorb]), x[self.ngorb:] xci = [] for na, nb in zip (self.na_states, self.nb_states): xci.append (x[:na*nb].reshape (na, nb)) x = x[na*nb:] return xorb, xci
[docs] def make_fcasscf (self, state=None, casscf_attr={}, fcisolver_attr={}): ''' SA-CASSCF nuclear gradients require 1) first derivatives wrt wave function variables and nuclear shifts of the target state's energy, AND 2) first and second derivatives of the objective function used to determine the MO coefficients and CI vectors. This function addresses 1). Kwargs: state : integer The specific state whose energy is being differentiated. This kwarg is necessary in the context of state_average_mix, where the number of electrons and the make_rdm* functions differ from state to state. casscf_attr : dictionary Extra attributes to apply to fcasscf. Relevant to child methods (i.e., MC-PDFT; NACs) fcisolver_attr : dictionary Extra attributes to apply to fcasscf.fcisolver. Relevant to child methods (i.e., MC-PDFT; NACs) Returns: fcasscf : object of :class:`mc1step.CASSCF` Set up to evaluate first derivatives of state "state". Only functions, classes, and the nelecas variable are set up; the caller should assign MO coefficients and CI vectors explicitly post facto. ''' fcasscf = mcscf.CASSCF (self.base._scf, self.base.ncas, self.base.nelecas) fcasscf.__dict__.update (self.base.__dict__) nelecas = self.base.nelecas if isinstance (fcasscf.fcisolver, StateAverageFCISolver): if isinstance (fcasscf.fcisolver, StateAverageMixFCISolver): p0 = 0 for solver in fcasscf.fcisolver.fcisolvers: p1 = p0 + solver.nroots if p0 <= state < p1: solver_class = solver.__class__ solver_obj = solver nelecas = fcasscf.fcisolver._get_nelec (solver_obj, nelecas) break p0 = p1 else: solver_class = self.base.fcisolver._base_class solver_obj = self.base.fcisolver fcasscf.fcisolver = solver_obj.view(solver_class) fcasscf.fcisolver.nroots = 1 # Spin penalty method is inapplicable to response calc'ns # It must be deactivated for Lagrange multipliers to converge if isinstance (fcasscf.fcisolver, SpinPenaltyFCISolver): fcasscf.fcisolver = fcasscf.fcisolver.undo_fix_spin() fcasscf.__dict__.update (casscf_attr) fcasscf.nelecas = nelecas fcasscf.fcisolver.__dict__.update (fcisolver_attr) fcasscf.verbose, fcasscf.stdout = self.verbose, self.stdout fcasscf._tag_gfock_ov_nonzero = True return fcasscf
[docs] def make_fcasscf_sa (self, casscf_attr={}, fcisolver_attr={}): ''' SA-CASSCF nuclear gradients require 1) first derivatives wrt wave function variables and nuclear shifts of the target state's energy, AND 2) first and second derivatives of the objective function used to determine the MO coefficients and CI vectors. This function addresses 2). Note that penalty methods etc. must be removed, and that child methods such as MC-PDFT which do not reoptimize the orbitals also do not alter this function. Kwargs: casscf_attr : dictionary Extra attributes to apply to fcasscf. Just in case. fcisolver_attr : dictionary Extra attributes to apply to fcasscf.fcisolver. Just in case. Returns: fcasscf : object of :class:`StateAverageMCSCFSolver` Set up to evaluate second derivatives of SA-CASSCF average energy in the absence of (i.e., spin) penalties. ''' fcasscf = self.make_fcasscf (state=0, casscf_attr={}, fcisolver_attr={}) fcasscf.__dict__.update (self.base.__dict__) if isinstance (self.base, StateAverageMCSCFSolver): if isinstance (self.base.fcisolver, StateAverageMixFCISolver): fcisolvers = [f.copy() for f in self.base.fcisolver.fcisolvers] # Spin penalty method is inapplicable to response calc'ns # It must be deactivated for Lagrange multipliers to converge for i in range (len (fcisolvers)): if isinstance (fcisolvers[i], SpinPenaltyFCISolver): fcisolvers[i].ss_penalty = 0 fcasscf = state_average_mix_(fcasscf, fcisolvers, self.base.weights) else: fcasscf.state_average_(self.base.weights) # Spin penalty method is inapplicable to response calc'ns # It must be deactivated for Lagrange multipliers to converge if isinstance (fcasscf.fcisolver, SpinPenaltyFCISolver): fcasscf.fcisolver = fcasscf.fcisolver.copy() fcasscf.fcisolver.ss_penalty = 0 fcasscf.__dict__.update (casscf_attr) fcasscf.fcisolver.__dict__.update (fcisolver_attr) return fcasscf
[docs] def kernel (self, state=None, atmlst=None, verbose=None, mo=None, ci=None, eris=None, mf_grad=None, e_states=None, level_shift=None, **kwargs): if state is None: state = self.state if atmlst is None: atmlst = self.atmlst if verbose is None: verbose = self.verbose if mo is None: mo = self.base.mo_coeff if ci is None: ci = if eris is None: eris = self.eris = self.base.ao2mo (mo) if mf_grad is None: mf_grad = self.base._scf.nuc_grad_method () if state is None: return casscf_grad.Gradients (self.base).kernel ( mo_coeff=mo, ci=ci, atmlst=atmlst, verbose=verbose) if e_states is None: try: e_states = self.e_states = np.asarray (self.base.e_states) except AttributeError: e_states = self.e_states = np.asarray (self.base.e_tot) if level_shift is None: level_shift=self.level_shift return lagrange.Gradients.kernel ( self, state=state, atmlst=atmlst, verbose=verbose, mo=mo, ci=ci, eris=eris, mf_grad=mf_grad, e_states=e_states, level_shift=level_shift, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_wfn_response (self, atmlst=None, state=None, verbose=None, mo=None, ci=None, **kwargs): if state is None: state = self.state if atmlst is None: atmlst = self.atmlst if verbose is None: verbose = self.verbose if mo is None: mo = self.base.mo_coeff if ci is None: ci = ndet = self.na_states[state] * self.nb_states[state] fcasscf = self.make_fcasscf (state) fcasscf.mo_coeff = mo = ci[state] eris = fcasscf.ao2mo (mo) g_all_state = newton_casscf.gen_g_hop (fcasscf, mo, ci[state], eris, verbose)[0] g_all = np.zeros (self.nlag) g_all[:self.ngorb] = g_all_state[:self.ngorb] # No need to reshape or anything, just use the magic of repeated slicing offs = sum ([na * nb for na, nb in zip(self.na_states[:state], self.nb_states[:state])]) if state > 0 else 0 g_all[self.ngorb:][offs:][:ndet] = g_all_state[self.ngorb:] return g_all
[docs] def get_Aop_Adiag (self, atmlst=None, state=None, verbose=None, mo=None, ci=None, eris=None, level_shift=None, **kwargs): if state is None: state = self.state if atmlst is None: atmlst = self.atmlst if verbose is None: verbose = self.verbose if mo is None: mo = self.base.mo_coeff if ci is None: ci = if eris is None and self.eris is None: eris = self.eris = self.base.ao2mo (mo) elif eris is None: eris = self.eris if not isinstance (self.base, StateAverageMCSCFSolver) and isinstance (ci, list): ci = ci[0] fcasscf = self.make_fcasscf_sa () Aop, Adiag = newton_casscf.gen_g_hop (fcasscf, mo, ci, eris, verbose)[2:] # Eliminate the component of Aop (x) which is parallel to the state-average space # The Lagrange multiplier equations are not defined there return self.project_Aop (Aop, ci, state), Adiag
[docs] def get_ham_response (self, state=None, atmlst=None, verbose=None, mo=None, ci=None, eris=None, mf_grad=None, **kwargs): if state is None: state = self.state if atmlst is None: atmlst = self.atmlst if verbose is None: verbose = self.verbose if mo is None: mo = self.base.mo_coeff if ci is None: ci = if eris is None and self.eris is None: eris = self.eris = self.base.ao2mo (mo) elif eris is None: eris = self.eris fcasscf_grad = casscf_grad.Gradients (self.make_fcasscf (state)) # Mute some misleading messages fcasscf_grad._finalize = lambda: None return fcasscf_grad.kernel (mo_coeff=mo, ci=ci[state], atmlst=atmlst, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def get_LdotJnuc (self, Lvec, state=None, atmlst=None, verbose=None, mo=None, ci=None, eris=None, mf_grad=None, **kwargs): if state is None: state = self.state if atmlst is None: atmlst = self.atmlst if verbose is None: verbose = self.verbose if mo is None: mo = self.base.mo_coeff if ci is None: ci =[state] if eris is None and self.eris is None: eris = self.eris = self.base.ao2mo (mo) elif eris is None: eris = self.eris # Just sum the weights now... Lorb can be implicitly summed # Lci may be in the csf basis Lorb, Lci = self.unpack_uniq_var (Lvec) #Lorb = self.base.unpack_uniq_var (Lvec[:self.ngorb]) #Lci = Lvec[self.ngorb:].reshape (self.nroots, -1) #ci = np.ravel (ci).reshape (self.nroots, -1) # CI part t0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) de_Lci = Lci_dot_dgci_dx(Lci, self.weights, self.base, mo_coeff=mo, ci=ci, atmlst=atmlst, mf_grad=mf_grad, eris=eris, verbose=verbose) (self, '--------------- %s gradient Lagrange CI response ---------------', self.base.__class__.__name__) if verbose >= logger.INFO: rhf_grad._write(self, self.mol, de_Lci, atmlst) (self, '----------------------------------------------------------------') t0 = logger.timer (self, '{} gradient Lagrange CI response'.format ( self.base.__class__.__name__), *t0) # Orb part de_Lorb = Lorb_dot_dgorb_dx(Lorb, self.base, mo_coeff=mo, ci=ci, atmlst=atmlst, mf_grad=mf_grad, eris=eris, verbose=verbose) (self, '--------------- %s gradient Lagrange orbital response ---------------', self.base.__class__.__name__) if verbose >= logger.INFO: rhf_grad._write(self, self.mol, de_Lorb, atmlst) (self, '---------------------------------------------------------------------') t0 = logger.timer (self, '{} gradient Lagrange orbital response'.format ( self.base.__class__.__name__), *t0) return de_Lci + de_Lorb
[docs] def debug_lagrange (self, Lvec, bvec, Aop, Adiag, state=None, mo=None, ci=None, **kwargs): # This needs to be rewritten substantially to work properly with state_average_mix if state is None: state = self.state if mo is None: mo = self.base.mo_coeff if ci is None: ci = def _debug_cispace (xci, label): xci_norm = [ (c.ravel (), c.ravel ()) for c in xci] try: xci_ss = self.base.fcisolver.states_spin_square ( xci, self.base.ncas, self.base.nelecas)[0] except AttributeError: nelec = sum (_unpack_nelec (self.base.nelecas)) xci_ss = [spin_square (x, self.base.ncas, ((nelec+m)//2,(nelec-m)//2))[0] for x, m in zip (xci, self.spin_states)] xci_ss = [x / max (y, 1e-8) for x, y in zip (xci_ss, xci_norm)] xci_multip = [np.sqrt (x+.25) - .5 for x in xci_ss] for ix, (norm, ss, multip) in enumerate (zip (xci_norm, xci_ss, xci_multip)): logger.debug (self, ' State {} {} norm = {:.7e} ; <S^2> = {:.7f} ; 2S+1 = {:.7f}'.format( ix, label, norm, ss, multip)) borb, bci = self.unpack_uniq_var (bvec) logger.debug (self, 'Orbital rotation gradient norm = {:.7e}'.format (linalg.norm (borb))) _debug_cispace (bci, 'CI gradient') Aorb, Aci = self.unpack_uniq_var (Adiag) logger.debug (self, 'Orbital rotation Hamiltonian diagonal norm = {:.7e}'.format ( linalg.norm (Aorb))) _debug_cispace (Aci, 'Hamiltonian diagonal') Lorb, Lci = self.unpack_uniq_var (Lvec) logger.debug (self, 'Orbital rotation Lagrange vector norm = {:.7e}'.format ( linalg.norm (Lorb))) _debug_cispace (Lci, 'Lagrange vector')
[docs] def get_lagrange_precond (self, Adiag, level_shift=None, ci=None, **kwargs): if level_shift is None: level_shift = self.level_shift if ci is None: ci = return SACASLagPrec (Adiag=Adiag, level_shift=level_shift, ci=ci, grad_method=self)
[docs] def get_lagrange_callback (self, Lvec_last, itvec, geff_op): def my_call (x): itvec[0] += 1 geff = geff_op (x) deltax = x - Lvec_last gorb, gci = self.unpack_uniq_var (geff) deltaorb, deltaci = self.unpack_uniq_var (deltax) gci = np.concatenate ([g.ravel () for g in gci]) deltaci = np.concatenate ([d.ravel () for d in deltaci]), ('Lagrange optimization iteration {}, |gorb| = {}, |gci| = {}, ' '|dLorb| = {}, |dLci| = {}').format ( itvec[0], linalg.norm (gorb), linalg.norm (gci), linalg.norm (deltaorb), linalg.norm (deltaci))) Lvec_last[:] = x[:] return my_call
[docs] def project_Aop (self, Aop, ci, state): ''' Wrap the Aop function to project out redundant degrees of freedom for the CI part. What's redundant changes between SA-CASSCF and MC-PDFT so modify this part in child classes. ''' def my_Aop (x): Ax = Aop (x) Ax_orb, Ax_ci = self.unpack_uniq_var (Ax) for i, j in product (range (self.nroots), repeat=2): # I'm assuming the only symmetry here that's actually built into the data structure # is solver.spin. This will be the case as long as the various solvers are # determinants with a common total charge occupying a common set of orbitals if self.spin_states[i] != self.spin_states[j]: continue Ax_ci[i] -= (Ax_ci[i].ravel (), ci[j].ravel ()) * ci[j] #Ax_ci = Ax[self.ngorb:].reshape (self.nroots, -1) #ci_arr = np.asarray (ci).reshape (self.nroots, -1) #ovlp = (ci_arr.conjugate (), Ax_ci.T) #Ax_ci -= (ovlp.T, ci_arr) #Ax[self.ngorb:] = Ax_ci.ravel () return self.pack_uniq_var (Ax_orb, Ax_ci) return my_Aop
as_scanner = as_scanner
[docs] class SACASLagPrec (lagrange.LagPrec): ''' A callable preconditioner for solving the Lagrange equations. Based on Mol. Phys. 99, 103 (2001). Attributes: nroots : integer Number of roots in the SA space nlag : integer Number of Lagrange degrees of freedom ngorb : integer Number of Lagrange degrees of freedom which are orbital rotations level_shift : float numerical shift applied to CI rotation Hessian ci : ndarray of shape (nroots, ndet or ncscf) Ci vectors of the SA space Rorb : ndarray of shape (ngorb) Diagonal inverse Hessian matrix for orbital rotations Rci : ndarray of shape (nroots, ndet or ncsf) Diagonal inverse Hessian matrix for CI rotations including a level shift Rci_sa : ndarray of shape (nroots (I), ndet or ncsf, nroots (K)) First two factors of the inverse diagonal CI Hessian projected into SA space: Rci(I)|J> <J|Rci(I)|K>^{-1} <K|Rci(I) note: right-hand bra and R_I factor not included due to storage considerations Make the operand's matrix element with <K|Rci(I) before taking the dot product! ''' _keys = { 'level_shift', 'nroots', 'nlag', 'ngorb', 'spin_states', 'na_states', 'nb_states', 'grad_method', 'Rorb', 'ci', 'Rci', 'Rci_sa', } # TODO: fix me (subclass me? wrap me?) for state_average_mix def __init__(self, Adiag=None, level_shift=None, ci=None, grad_method=None): self.level_shift = level_shift self.nroots = grad_method.nroots self.nlag = grad_method.nlag self.ngorb = grad_method.ngorb self.spin_states = grad_method.spin_states self.na_states = grad_method.na_states self.nb_states = grad_method.nb_states self.grad_method = grad_method Aorb, Aci = self.unpack_uniq_var (Adiag) self._init_orb (Aorb) self._init_ci (Aci, ci)
[docs] def unpack_uniq_var (self, x): return self.grad_method.unpack_uniq_var (x)
[docs] def pack_uniq_var (self, xorb, xci): return self.grad_method.pack_uniq_var (xorb, xci)
def _init_orb (self, Aorb): self.Rorb = Aorb self.Rorb[abs(self.Rorb)<1e-8] = 1e-8 self.Rorb = 1./self.Rorb def _init_ci (self, Aci_spins, ci_spins): = [] self.Rci = [] self.Rci_sa = [] for [Aci, ci] in self._iterate_ci (Aci_spins, ci_spins): nroots = Aci.shape[0] Rci = Aci + self.level_shift Rci[abs(Rci)<1e-8] = 1e-8 Rci = 1./Rci # R_I|J> # Indices: I, det, J Rci_cross = Rci[:,:,None] * ci.T[None,:,:] # S(I)_JK = <J|R_I|K> (first index of CI contract with middle index of R_I|J>) # and reshape to put I first Sci = np.tensordot (ci.conjugate (), Rci_cross, axes=(1,1)).transpose (1,0,2) # R_I|J> S(I)_JK^-1 (can only loop explicitly because of necessary call to linalg.inv) # Indices: I, det, K Rci_sa = np.zeros_like (Rci_cross) for iroot in range (nroots): Rci_sa[iroot] = (Rci_cross[iroot], linalg.inv (Sci[iroot])) (ci) self.Rci.append (Rci) self.Rci_sa.append (Rci_sa) def _iterate_ci (self, *args): # All args must be iterables over CI vectors in input order # Eventually, get rid of copying (np.asarray, etc.) # Don't assume args are ndarrays on input for my_spin in np.unique (self.spin_states): idx = np.where (self.spin_states == my_spin)[0] yield [np.asarray ([arg[i] for i in idx]).reshape (len (idx), -1) for arg in args] def __call__(self, x): xorb, xci = self.unpack_uniq_var (x) Mxorb = self.orb_prec (xorb) Mxci = self.ci_prec (xci) return self.pack_uniq_var (Mxorb, Mxci)
[docs] def orb_prec (self, xorb): return self.Rorb * xorb
[docs] def ci_prec (self, xci_spins): Mxci = [None,] * self.nroots for ix_spin, [xci, desort_spin] in enumerate ( self._iterate_ci (xci_spins, list(range(self.nroots)))): desort_spin = np.atleast_1d (np.squeeze (desort_spin)) nroots = xci.shape[0] ci =[ix_spin] Rci = self.Rci[ix_spin] Rci_sa = self.Rci_sa[ix_spin] # R_I|H I> (indices: I, det) Rx = Rci * xci # <J|R_I|H I> (indices: J, I) sa_ovlp = (ci.conjugate (), Rx.T) # R_I|J> S(I)_JK^-1 <K|R_I|H I> (indices: I, det) Rx_sub = np.zeros_like (Rx) for iroot in range (nroots): Rx_sub[iroot] = (Rci_sa[iroot], sa_ovlp[:,iroot]) for i, j in enumerate (desort_spin): try: Mxci[j] = Rx[i] - Rx_sub[i] except Exception as e: print (i, j, desort_spin) raise (e) assert (all ([i is not None for i in Mxci])) return Mxci
mcscf.addons.StateAverageMCSCFSolver.Gradients = lib.class_as_method(Gradients)