Source code for pyscf.df.grad.rhf

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This code was copied from the data generation program of Tencent Alchemy
# project (

# Copyright 2019 Tencent America LLC. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Qiming Sun <>

import time
import numpy
import ctypes
import scipy.linalg
from pyscf import gto
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf import scf
from pyscf import df
from pyscf.ao2mo.outcore import balance_partition
from pyscf.gto.moleintor import getints, make_cintopt
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.grad import rhf as rhf_grad
from functools import reduce
from itertools import product
from pyscf.ao2mo import _ao2mo
from pyscf.df import df_jk
from pyscf.df.incore import LINEAR_DEP_THR


[docs] def get_jk(mf_grad, mol=None, dm=None, hermi=0, with_j=True, with_k=True, decompose_j2c='CD', lindep=LINEAR_DEP_THRESHOLD): ''' Computes J and K derivatives with density fitting Args: mf_grad : instance of :class:`Gradients` mol : instance of :class:`gto.Mole` dm: numpy.ndarray Zeroth order density matrix hermi: int Is the density matrix hermitian or not with_j: boolean Whether to compute J matrix with_k: boolean Whether to compute K matrix decompose_j2c: string The method to decompose the metric defined by int2c. It can be set to CD (cholesky decomposition) or ED (eigenvalue decomposition). lindep : float The threshold to discard linearly dependent basis when decompose_j2c is set to ED. ''' assert (with_j or with_k) if not with_k: return get_j (mf_grad, mol=mol, dm=dm, hermi=hermi), None t0 = (logger.process_clock (), logger.perf_counter ()) if mol is None: mol = mf_grad.mol if dm is None: dm = mf_grad.base.make_rdm1() with_df = mf_grad.base.with_df auxmol = with_df.auxmol if auxmol is None: auxmol = df.addons.make_auxmol(with_df.mol, with_df.auxbasis) nbas, nao, naux = mol.nbas, mol.nao, auxmol.nao aux_loc = auxmol.ao_loc # Density matrix preprocessing dms = numpy.asarray(dm) out_shape = dms.shape[:-2] + (3,) + dms.shape[-2:] dms = dms.reshape(-1,nao,nao) nset = dms.shape[0] # For j idx = numpy.arange(nao) idx = idx * (idx+1) // 2 + idx dm_tril = dms + dms.transpose(0,2,1) dm_tril = lib.pack_tril(dm_tril) dm_tril[:,idx] *= .5 # For k if hermi == 1: orbol, orbor = _decompose_rdm1 (mf_grad, mol, dm) else: orbol, orbor = _decompose_rdm1_svd (mf_grad, mol, dm) nocc = [o.shape[-1] for o in orbor] # Coulomb: (P|Q) D_Q = (P|uv) D_uv for D_Q ("rhoj") # Exchange: (P|Q) D_Qui = (P|uv) C_vi n_i for D_Qui ("rhok") rhoj, get_rhok = _cho_solve_rhojk (mf_grad, mol, auxmol, orbol, orbor, decompose_j2c, lindep) # (d/dX i,j|P) t1 = (logger.process_clock (), logger.perf_counter ()) vj = numpy.zeros((nset,3,nao,nao)) vk = numpy.zeros((nset,3,nao,nao)) get_int3c_ip1 = _int3c_wrapper(mol, auxmol, 'int3c2e_ip1', 's1') max_memory = mf_grad.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] blksize = int(min(max(max_memory * .5e6/8 / (nao**2*3), 20), naux, 240)) ao_ranges = balance_partition(aux_loc, blksize) fmmm = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOmmm_bra_nr_s1 # MO output index slower than AO output index; input AOs are asymmetric fdrv = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOnr_e2_drv # comp and aux indices are slower ftrans = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOtranse2_nr_s1 # input is not tril_packed null = lib.c_null_ptr() t2 = t1 for shl0, shl1, nL in ao_ranges: int3c = get_int3c_ip1((0, nbas, 0, nbas, shl0, shl1)).transpose (0,3,2,1) # (P|mn'), row-major order t2 = logger.timer_debug1 (mf_grad, "df grad intor (P|mn')", *t2) p0, p1 = aux_loc[shl0], aux_loc[shl1] for i in range(nset): # MRH 05/21/2020: De-vectorize this because array contiguity -> multithread efficiency vj[i,0] += (rhoj[i,p0:p1], int3c[0].reshape (p1-p0, -1)).reshape (nao, nao).T vj[i,1] += (rhoj[i,p0:p1], int3c[1].reshape (p1-p0, -1)).reshape (nao, nao).T vj[i,2] += (rhoj[i,p0:p1], int3c[2].reshape (p1-p0, -1)).reshape (nao, nao).T t2 = logger.timer_debug1 (mf_grad, "df grad einsum rho_P (P|mn') rho_P", *t2) tmp = numpy.empty ((3,p1-p0,nocc[i],nao), dtype=orbol[0].dtype) fdrv(ftrans, fmmm, # lib.einsum ('xpmn,mi->xpin', int3c, orbol[i]) tmp.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), int3c.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), orbol[i].ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int (3*(p1-p0)), ctypes.c_int (nao), (ctypes.c_int*4)(0, nocc[i], 0, nao), null, ctypes.c_int(0)) t2 = logger.timer_debug1 (mf_grad, "df grad einsum (P|mn') u_mi = dg_Pin", *t2) rhok = get_rhok (i, p0, p1) vk[i] += lib.einsum('xpoi,pok->xik', tmp, rhok) t2 = logger.timer_debug1 (mf_grad, "df grad einsum D_Pim dg_Pin = v_ij", *t2) rhok = tmp = None int3c = None t1 = logger.timer_debug1 (mf_grad, 'df grad vj and vk AO (P|mn) D_P eval', *t1) if not mf_grad.auxbasis_response: vj = -vj.reshape(out_shape) vk = -vk.reshape(out_shape) logger.timer (mf_grad, 'df grad vj and vk', *t0) if with_j: return vj, vk else: return None, vk ####### BEGIN AUXBASIS PART ####### # ao2mo the final AO index of rhok and store in "rhok_oo": # dPiu C_uj -> dPij. *Not* symmetric i<->j: "i" has an occupancy # factor and "j" must not. max_memory = mf_grad.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] blksize = int(min(max(max_memory * .5e6/8 / (nao*max (nocc)), 20), naux)) rhok_oo = [] for i, j in product (range (nset), repeat=2): tmp = numpy.empty ((naux,nocc[i],nocc[j])) for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, naux, blksize): rhok = get_rhok (i, p0, p1).reshape ((p1-p0)*nocc[i], nao) tmp[p0:p1] = (rhok, orbol[j]).reshape (p1-p0, nocc[i], nocc[j]) rhok_oo.append(tmp) rhok = tmp = None t1 = logger.timer_debug1 (mf_grad, 'df grad vj and vk aux d_Pim u_mj = d_Pij eval', *t1) vjaux = numpy.zeros((nset,nset,3,naux)) vkaux = numpy.zeros((nset,nset,3,naux)) # (i,j|d/dX P) t2 = t1 get_int3c_ip2 = _int3c_wrapper(mol, auxmol, 'int3c2e_ip2', 's2ij') fmmm = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOmmm_bra_nr_s2 # MO output index slower than AO output index; input AOs are symmetric fdrv = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOnr_e2_drv # comp and aux indices are slower ftrans = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOtranse2_nr_s2 # input is tril_packed null = lib.c_null_ptr() for shl0, shl1, nL in ao_ranges: int3c = get_int3c_ip2((0, nbas, 0, nbas, shl0, shl1)) # (i,j|P) t2 = logger.timer_debug1 (mf_grad, "df grad intor (P'|mn)", *t2) p0, p1 = aux_loc[shl0], aux_loc[shl1] drhoj = (int3c.transpose (0,2,1).reshape (3*(p1-p0), -1), dm_tril.T).reshape (3, p1-p0, -1) # xpij,mij->xpm vjaux[:,:,:,p0:p1] = lib.einsum ('xpm,np->mnxp', drhoj, rhoj[:,p0:p1]) t2 = logger.timer_debug1 (mf_grad, "df grad vj aux (P'|mn) eval", *t2) # MRH, 09/19/2022: This is a different order of operations than PySCF v2.1.0. There, # the dense matrix rhok_oo is transformed into the larger AO basis. # Here, the sparse matrix int3c is transformed into the smaller MO # basis. The latter approach is obviously more performant. for i in range (nset): buf = numpy.empty ((3, p1-p0, nocc[i], nao), dtype=orbol[i].dtype) fdrv(ftrans, fmmm, # lib.einsum ('pmn,ni->pim', int3c, orbol[i]) buf.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), int3c.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), orbol[i].ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int (3*(p1-p0)), ctypes.c_int (nao), (ctypes.c_int*4)(0, nocc[i], 0, nao), null, ctypes.c_int(0)) for j in range (nset): # lib.einsum ('pim,mj->pij', buf, orbor[j]) int3c_ij = (buf.reshape (-1, nao), orbor[j]) int3c_ij = int3c_ij.reshape (3, p1-p0, nocc[i], nocc[j]) rhok_oo_ij = rhok_oo[(i*nset)+j][p0:p1] vkaux[i,j,:,p0:p1] += lib.einsum('xpij,pij->xp', int3c_ij, rhok_oo_ij) t2 = logger.timer_debug1 (mf_grad, "df grad vk aux (P'|mn) eval", *t2) int3c = tmp = None t1 = logger.timer_debug1 (mf_grad, "df grad vj and vk aux (P'|mn) eval", *t1) # (d/dX P|Q) int2c_e1 = auxmol.intor('int2c2e_ip1') vjaux -= lib.einsum('xpq,mp,nq->mnxp', int2c_e1, rhoj, rhoj) for i, j in product (range (nset), repeat=2): k = (i*nset) + j l = (j*nset) + i tmp = lib.einsum('pij,qji->pq', rhok_oo[k], rhok_oo[l]) vkaux[i,j] -= lib.einsum('xpq,pq->xp', int2c_e1, tmp) t1 = logger.timer_debug1 (mf_grad, "df grad vj and vk aux (P'|Q) eval", *t1) auxslices = auxmol.aoslice_by_atom() vjaux = numpy.array ([-vjaux[:,:,:,p0:p1].sum(axis=3) for p0, p1 in auxslices[:,2:]]) vkaux = numpy.array ([-vkaux[:,:,:,p0:p1].sum(axis=3) for p0, p1 in auxslices[:,2:]]) vjaux = numpy.ascontiguousarray (vjaux.transpose (1,2,0,3)) vkaux = numpy.ascontiguousarray (vkaux.transpose (1,2,0,3)) vj = lib.tag_array(-vj.reshape(out_shape), aux=numpy.array(vjaux)) vk = lib.tag_array(-vk.reshape(out_shape), aux=numpy.array(vkaux)) logger.timer (mf_grad, 'df grad vj and vk', *t0) if with_j: return vj, vk else: return None, vk
[docs] def get_j(mf_grad, mol=None, dm=None, hermi=0): if mol is None: mol = mf_grad.mol if dm is None: dm = mf_grad.base.make_rdm1() t0 = (logger.process_clock (), logger.perf_counter ()) with_df = mf_grad.base.with_df auxmol = with_df.auxmol if auxmol is None: auxmol = df.addons.make_auxmol(with_df.mol, with_df.auxbasis) nbas = mol.nbas get_int3c_s2 = _int3c_wrapper(mol, auxmol, 'int3c2e', 's2ij') get_int3c_ip1 = _int3c_wrapper(mol, auxmol, 'int3c2e_ip1', 's1') get_int3c_ip2 = _int3c_wrapper(mol, auxmol, 'int3c2e_ip2', 's2ij') nao = mol.nao naux = auxmol.nao dms = numpy.asarray(dm) out_shape = dms.shape[:-2] + (3,) + dms.shape[-2:] dms = dms.reshape(-1,nao,nao) nset = dms.shape[0] idx = numpy.arange(nao) idx = idx * (idx+1) // 2 + idx dm_tril = dms + dms.transpose(0,2,1) dm_tril = lib.pack_tril(dm_tril) dm_tril[:,idx] *= .5 aux_loc = auxmol.ao_loc max_memory = mf_grad.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] blksize = int(min(max(max_memory * .5e6/8 / (nao**2*3), 20), naux, 240)) ao_ranges = balance_partition(aux_loc, blksize) # (i,j|P) rhoj = numpy.empty((nset,naux)) for shl0, shl1, nL in ao_ranges: int3c = get_int3c_s2((0, nbas, 0, nbas, shl0, shl1)) # (i,j|P) p0, p1 = aux_loc[shl0], aux_loc[shl1] rhoj[:,p0:p1] = lib.einsum('wp,nw->np', int3c, dm_tril) int3c = None # (P|Q) int2c = auxmol.intor('int2c2e', aosym='s1') rhoj = scipy.linalg.solve(int2c, rhoj.T, assume_a='pos').T int2c = None # (d/dX i,j|P) vj = numpy.zeros((nset,3,nao,nao)) for shl0, shl1, nL in ao_ranges: int3c = get_int3c_ip1((0, nbas, 0, nbas, shl0, shl1)) # (i,j|P) p0, p1 = aux_loc[shl0], aux_loc[shl1] vj += lib.einsum('xijp,np->nxij', int3c, rhoj[:,p0:p1]) int3c = None if mf_grad.auxbasis_response: # (i,j|d/dX P) vjaux = numpy.empty((nset,nset,3,naux)) for shl0, shl1, nL in ao_ranges: int3c = get_int3c_ip2((0, nbas, 0, nbas, shl0, shl1)) # (i,j|P) p0, p1 = aux_loc[shl0], aux_loc[shl1] vjaux[:,:,:,p0:p1] = lib.einsum('xwp,mw,np->mnxp', int3c, dm_tril, rhoj[:,p0:p1]) int3c = None # (d/dX P|Q) int2c_e1 = auxmol.intor('int2c2e_ip1', aosym='s1') vjaux -= lib.einsum('xpq,mp,nq->mnxp', int2c_e1, rhoj, rhoj) auxslices = auxmol.aoslice_by_atom() vjaux = numpy.array ([-vjaux[:,:,:,p0:p1].sum(axis=3) for p0, p1 in auxslices[:,2:]]) vjaux = numpy.ascontiguousarray (vjaux.transpose (1,2,0,3)) vj = lib.tag_array(-vj.reshape(out_shape), aux=numpy.array(vjaux)) else: vj = -vj.reshape(out_shape) logger.timer (mf_grad, 'df vj', *t0) return vj
def _int3c_wrapper(mol, auxmol, intor, aosym): ''' Convenience wrapper for getints ''' nbas = mol.nbas pmol = mol + auxmol intor = mol._add_suffix(intor) opt = make_cintopt(mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env, intor) def get_int3c(shls_slice=None): if shls_slice is None: shls_slice = (0, nbas, 0, nbas, nbas, pmol.nbas) else: shls_slice = shls_slice[:4] + (nbas+shls_slice[4], nbas+shls_slice[5]) return getints(intor, pmol._atm, pmol._bas, pmol._env, shls_slice, aosym=aosym, cintopt=opt) return get_int3c def _decompose_rdm1_svd (mf_grad, mol, dm): '''Decompose dms as U.Vh using SVD Args: mf_grad : instance of :class:`Gradients` mol : instance of :class:`gto.Mole` dm : ndarray or sequence of ndarrays of shape (nao,nao) Density matrices Returns: orbol : list of ndarrays of shape (nao,*) Contains non-null eigenvectors of density matrix orbor : list of ndarrays of shape (nao,*) Contains orbol * eigenvalues (occupancies) ''' nao = mol.nao dms = numpy.asarray(dm).reshape (-1,nao,nao) orbor = [] orbol = [] for dm in dms: u, s, vh = numpy.linalg.svd (dm) idx = numpy.abs (s)>1e-8 orbol.append (numpy.asfortranarray (u[:,idx])) orbor.append (numpy.asfortranarray (lib.einsum('i,ip->pi', s[idx], vh[idx]))) return orbol, orbor def _decompose_rdm1 (mf_grad, mol, dm): '''Decompose dms as U.Vh, where U = orbol = eigenvectors V = orbor = U * eigenvalues Args: mf_grad : instance of :class:`Gradients` mol : instance of :class:`gto.Mole` dm : ndarray or sequence of ndarrays of shape (nao,nao) Density matrices Returns: orbol : list of ndarrays of shape (nao,*) Contains non-null eigenvectors of density matrix orbor : list of ndarrays of shape (nao,*) Contains orbol * eigenvalues (occupancies) ''' nao = mol.nao dms = numpy.asarray(dm).reshape (-1,nao,nao) nset = dms.shape[0] if hasattr (dm, 'mo_coeff') and hasattr (dm, 'mo_occ'): mo_coeff = dm.mo_coeff mo_occ = dm.mo_occ if getattr(mo_occ, 'ndim', None) == 1: # RHF orbitals mo_coeff = [mo_coeff] mo_occ = [mo_occ] else: s0 = mol.intor ('int1e_ovlp') mo_occ = [] mo_coeff = [] for dm in dms: sdms = reduce (, (s0, dm, s0)) n, c = scipy.linalg.eigh (sdms, b=s0) mo_occ.append (n) mo_coeff.append (c) mo_occ = numpy.stack (mo_occ, axis=0) orbor = [] orbol = [] for i in range(nset): idx = numpy.abs (mo_occ[i])>1e-8 c = mo_coeff[i][:,idx] orbol.append (numpy.asfortranarray (c)) cn = lib.einsum('pi,i->pi', c, mo_occ[i][idx]) orbor.append (numpy.asfortranarray (cn)) return orbol, orbor def _gen_metric_solver(int2c, decompose_j2c='CD', lindep=LINEAR_DEP_THRESHOLD): if decompose_j2c.upper() == 'CD': try: j2c = scipy.linalg.cho_factor(int2c, lower=True) def j2c_solver(v): return scipy.linalg.cho_solve(j2c, v, overwrite_b=True) return j2c_solver except (numpy.linalg.LinAlgError, scipy.linalg.LinAlgError): pass w, v = scipy.linalg.eigh(int2c) mask = w > lindep v1 = v[:,mask] j2c =[mask], v1.conj().T) def j2c_solver(v): # noqa: F811 if v.ndim == 2: return, v) else: return return j2c_solver def _cho_solve_rhojk (mf_grad, mol, auxmol, orbol, orbor, decompose_j2c='CD', lindep=LINEAR_DEP_THRESHOLD): ''' Solve (P|Q) dQ = (P|uv) D_uv (P|Q) dQiu = (P|uv) C_vi n_i for dQ ('rhoj') and dQui ('rhok'), where D_uv = C_ui n_i C_vi* is a density matrix. Args: mf_grad : instance of :class:`Gradients` mol : instance of :class:`gto.Mole` auxmol : instance of :class:`gto.Mole` orbol : list of length nset of ndarrays of shape (nao,*) Contains non-null eigenvectors of density matrices. See docstring for _decompose_1rdm. orbor : list of length nset of ndarrays of shape (nao,*) Contains orbol multiplied by eigenvalues. See docstring for _decompose_1rdm. decompose_j2c: string The method to decompose the metric defined by int2c. It can be set to CD (cholesky decomposition) or ED (eigenvalue decomposition). lindep : float The threshold to discard linearly dependent basis when decompose_j2c is set to ED. Returns: rhoj : ndarray of shape (nset, naux) Aux-basis densities get_rhok : callable taking 3 integers (i,j,k), i,j<naux, k<nset Returns C-contiguous ndarray of shape (k-j,orbol[i].shape[1],nao) which contains a mixed-basis density matrix ''' nset = len (orbol) nao, naux = mol.nao, auxmol.nao nbas, nauxbas = mol.nbas, auxmol.nbas ao_loc = mol.ao_loc nocc = [o.shape[-1] for o in orbor] int2c = auxmol.intor('int2c2e', aosym='s1') solve_j2c = _gen_metric_solver(int2c, decompose_j2c, lindep) int2c = None get_int3c_s1 = _int3c_wrapper(mol, auxmol, 'int3c2e', 's1') rhoj = numpy.zeros((nset,naux)) f_rhok = lib.H5TmpFile() t1 = (logger.process_clock (), logger.perf_counter ()) max_memory = mf_grad.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] blksize = max_memory * .5e6/8 / (naux*nao) mol_ao_ranges = balance_partition(ao_loc, blksize) nsteps = len(mol_ao_ranges) t2 = t1 for istep, (shl0, shl1, nd) in enumerate(mol_ao_ranges): int3c = get_int3c_s1((0, nbas, shl0, shl1, 0, nauxbas)) t2 = logger.timer_debug1 (mf_grad, 'df grad intor (P|mn)', *t2) p0, p1 = ao_loc[shl0], ao_loc[shl1] for i in range(nset): # MRH 05/21/2020: De-vectorize this because array contiguity -> multithread efficiency v = (nao, -1, order='F').T, orbor[i]).reshape (naux, (p1-p0)*nocc[i]) t2 = logger.timer_debug1 (mf_grad, 'df grad einsum (P|mn) u_ni N_i = v_Pmi', *t2) rhoj[i] += (v, orbol[i][p0:p1].ravel ()) t2 = logger.timer_debug1 (mf_grad, 'df grad einsum v_Pmi u_mi = rho_P', *t2) v = solve_j2c(v) t2 = logger.timer_debug1 (mf_grad, 'df grad cho_solve (P|Q) D_Qmi = v_Pmi', *t2) f_rhok['%s/%s'%(i,istep)] = v.reshape(naux,p1-p0,-1) t2 = logger.timer_debug1 (mf_grad, 'df grad cache D_Pmi (m <-> i transpose upon retrieval)', *t2) int3c = v = None rhoj = solve_j2c(rhoj.T).T int2c = None t1 = logger.timer_debug1 (mf_grad, 'df grad vj and vk AO (P|Q) D_Q = (P|mn) D_mn solve', *t1) class get_rhok_class : def __init__(self, my_f): self.f_rhok = my_f def __call__(self, set_id, p0, p1): buf = numpy.empty((p1-p0,nocc[set_id],nao)) col1 = 0 for istep in range(nsteps): dat = self.f_rhok['%s/%s'%(set_id,istep)][p0:p1] col0, col1 = col1, col1 + dat.shape[1] buf[:p1-p0,:,col0:col1] = dat.transpose(0,2,1) return buf get_rhok = get_rhok_class (f_rhok) return rhoj, get_rhok
[docs] class Gradients(rhf_grad.Gradients): '''Restricted density-fitting Hartree-Fock gradients''' _keys = {'with_df', 'auxbasis_response'} def __init__(self, mf): rhf_grad.Gradients.__init__(self, mf) # Whether to include the response of DF auxiliary basis when computing # nuclear gradients of J/K matrices auxbasis_response = True
[docs] def check_sanity(self): assert isinstance(self.base, df.df_jk._DFHF)
[docs] def get_jk(self, mol=None, dm=None, hermi=0, with_j=True, with_k=True, omega=None): if omega is None: return get_jk(self, mol, dm, hermi, with_j, with_k) with self.base.with_df.range_coulomb(omega): return get_jk(self, mol, dm, hermi, with_j, with_k)
[docs] def get_j(self, mol=None, dm=None, hermi=0, omega=None): if omega is None: return get_j(self, mol, dm, hermi) with self.base.with_df.range_coulomb(omega): return get_j(self, mol, dm, hermi)
[docs] def get_k(self, mol=None, dm=None, hermi=0, omega=None): return self.get_jk(mol, dm, with_j=False, omega=omega)[1]
[docs] def get_veff(self, mol=None, dm=None): vj, vk = self.get_jk(mol, dm) vhf = vj - vk*.5 if self.auxbasis_response: e1_aux = (vj.aux - vk.aux*.5).sum ((0,1)) logger.debug1(self, 'sum(auxbasis response) %s', e1_aux.sum(axis=0)) vhf = lib.tag_array(vhf, aux=e1_aux) return vhf
[docs] def extra_force(self, atom_id, envs): if self.auxbasis_response: return envs['vhf'].aux[atom_id] else: return 0
Grad = Gradients