#!/usr/bin/env python
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 the "License";
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from pyscf.gto import mole
from pyscf.data import nist
# nuclear magneton are taken from http://easyspin.org/documentation/isotopetable.html
# isotopemass, spin, nuclearg-factor
((0 , 0. , 0.0),),
((1 , 1./2, 5.58569468),), # H
((3 , 1./2, -4.25499544),), # He
((7 , 3./2, 2.170951),), # Li
((9 , 3./2, -0.78495),), # Be
((11 , 3./2, 1.7924326),), # B
((13 , 1./2, 1.4048236),), # C
((14 , 1. , 0.40376100),), # N
((17 , 5./2, -0.757516),), # O
((19 , 1./2, 5.257736),), # F
((21 , 3./2, -0.441198),), # Ne
((23 , 3./2, 1.478348),), # Na
((25 , 5./2, -0.34218),), # Mg
((27 , 5./2, 1.4566028),), # Al
((29 , 1./2, -1.11058),), # Si
((31 , 1./2, 2.26320),), # P
((33 , 3./2, 0.429214),), # S
((35 , 3./2, 0.5479162),), # Cl
((40 , 0 , 0.0),), # Ar
((39 , 3./2, 0.26098),), # K
((43 , 7./2, -0.37637),), # Ca
((45 , 7./2, 1.35899),), # Sc
((47 , 5./2, -0.31539),), # Ti
((51 , 7./2, 1.47106),), # V
((53 , 3./2, -0.31636),), # Cr
((55 , 5./2, 1.3813),), # Mn
((57 , 1./2, 0.1809),), # Fe
((59 , 7./2, 1.322),), # Co
((61 , 3./2, -0.50001),), # Ni
((63 , 3./2, 1.4824),), # Cu
((67 , 5./2, 0.350192),), # Zn
((69 , 3./2, 1.34439),), # Ga
((73 , 9./2, -0.1954373),), # Ge
((75 , 3./2, 0.95965),), # As
((77 , 1./2, 1.07008),), # Se
((79 , 3./2, 1.404267),), # Br
((83 , 9./2, -0.215704),), # Kr
((85 , 5./2, 0.541192),), # Rb
((87 , 9./2, -0.24284),), # Sr
((89 , 1./2, -0.2748308),), # Y
((91 , 5./2, -0.521448),), # Zr
((93 , 9./2, 1.3712),), # Nb
((95 , 5./2, -0.3657),), # Mo
((99 , 9./2, 1.2632),), # Tc
((101, 5./2, -0.288),), # Ru
((103, 1./2, -0.1768),), # Rh
((105, 5./2, -0.257),), # Pd
((107, 1./2, -0.22714),), # Ag
((111, 1./2, -1.18977),), # Cd
((115, 9./2, 1.2313),), # In
((119, 1./2, -2.09456),), # Sn
((121, 5./2, 1.3454),), # Sb
((125, 1./2, -1.7770102),), # Te
((127, 5./2, 1.12531),), # I
((129, 1./2, -1.55595),), # Xe
((133, 7./2, 0.7377214),), # Cs
((137, 3./2, 0.62491),), # Ba
((139, 7./2, 0.795156),), # La
((140, 0 , 0.0),), # Ce
((141, 5./2, 1.7102),), # Pr
((143, 7./2, -0.3043),), # Nd
((147, 7./2, 0.737),), # Pm
((147, 7./2, -0.232),), # Sm
((153, 5./2, 0.6134),), # Eu
((157, 3./2, -0.2265),), # Gd
((159, 3./2, 1.343),), # Tb
((161, 5./2, -0.192),), # Dy
((165, 7./2, 1.668),), # Ho
((167, 7./2, -0.1611),), # Er
((169, 1./2, -0.462),), # Tm
((171, 1./2, 0.98734),), # Yb
((175, 7./2, 0.6378),), # Lu
((177, 7./2, 0.2267),), # Hf
((181, 7./2, 0.67729),), # Ta
((183, 1./2, 0.2355695),), # W
((187, 5./2, 1.2879),), # Re
((187, 1./2, 0.1293038),), # Os
((193, 3./2, 0.1091),), # Ir
((195, 1./2, 1.2190),), # Pt
((197, 3./2, 0.097164),), # Au
((199, 1./2, 1.011771),), # Hg
((205, 1./2, 3.2764292),), # Tl
((207, 1./2, 1.18512),), # Pb
((209, 9./2, 0.9134),), # Bi
((209, 1./2, 1.5),), # Po
((210, 0. , 0.0),), # At
((209, 0. , 0.0),), # Rn
((223, 0. , 0.0),), # Fr
((223, 0. , 0.0),), # Ra
((227, 3./2, 0.73),), # Ac
((229, 5./2, 0.18),), # Th
((231, 3./2, 0.0),), # Pa
((235, 7./2, -0.109),), # U
((237, 5./2, 1.256),), # Np
((239, 1./2, 0.406),), # Pu
((243, 5./2, 0.6),), # Am
((247, 9./2, 0.0),), # Cm
def g_factor_to_gyromagnetic_ratio(g):
'''Larmor freq in Hz'''
return nist.NUC_MAGNETON/nist.PLANCK * g
def get_nuc_g_factor(symb_or_charge, mass=None):
if isinstance(symb_or_charge, str):
Z = mole.charge(symb_or_charge)
Z = symb_or_charge
# g factor of other isotopes can be found in file nuclear_g_factor.dat
if mass is None:
# The default isotopes
nuc_spin, g_nuc = ISOTOPE_GYRO[Z][0][1:3]
for isotop_mass, nuc_spin, g_nuc in ISOTOPE_GYRO[Z]:
if isotop_mass == mass:
raise ValueError('mass=%s not found in isotopes of %s' %
(mass, symb_or_charge))
#gyromag = g_factor_to_gyromagnetic_ratio(g_nuc)
return g_nuc
# Nuclear electric quadrupole moments
# http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.adt.2015.12.002
# Q in units of the barn (1 barn = 10-28 m2 ).
(0 , 0. , 0. ),
(2 , 1. , 0.002862 ), # H
(0. , 0. , 0. ), # He
(7 , 3./2, 0.04003 ), # Li
(9 , 3./2, 0.05294 ), # Be
(11 , 3./2, 0.0405910), # B
(11 , 3./2, 0.03332 ), # C
(14 , 1. , 0.020443 ), # N
(17 , 5./2, 0.02562 ), # O
(19 , 0. , 0. ), # F
(21 , 3./2, 0.1028 ), # Ne
(23 , 3./2, 0.1041 ), # Na
(25 , 5./2, 0.1992 ), # Mg
(27 , 5./2, 0.146610 ), # Al
(28 , 0. , 0. ), # Si
(31 , 0. , 0. ), # P
(33 , 3./2, 0.067813 ), # S
(35 , 3./2, 0.08178 ), # Cl
(37 , 3./2, 0.0769 ), # Ar
(39 , 3./2, 0.05856 ), # K
(43 , 7./2, 0.04088 ), # Ca
(45 , 7./2, 0.2202 ), # Sc
(47 , 5./2, 0.30210 ), # Ti
(50 , 6. , 0.214 ), # V
(53 , 3./2, 0.155 ), # Cr
(55 , 5./2, 0.33010 ), # Mn
(57 , 0. , 0. ), # Fe
(59 , 7./2, 0.423 ), # Co
(61 , 3./2, 0.16215 ), # Ni
(63 , 3./2, 0.22015 ), # Cu
(67 , 5./2, 0.15015 ), # Zn
(69 , 3./2, 0.1712 ), # Ga
(73 , 9./2, 0.1961 ), # Ge
(75 , 3./2, 0.3146 ), # As
(77 , 5./2, 0.765 ), # Se
(79 , 3./2, 0.3133 ), # Br
(83 , 9./2, 0.2591 ), # Kr
(85 , 5./2, 0.2761 ), # Rb
(87 , 9./2, 0.3052 ), # Sr
(90 , 2. , 0.12511 ), # Y
(91 , 5./2, 0.1763 ), # Zr
(93 , 9./2, 0.322 ), # Nb
(95 , 5./2, 0.0221 ), # Mo
(99 , 9./2, 0.1296 ), # Tc
(101, 5./2, 0.462 ), # Ru
(100, 2. , 0.15318 ), # Rh
(105, 5./2, 0.66011 ), # Pd
(107, 0. , 0. ), # Ag
(111, 0. , 0. ), # Cd
(113, 9./2, 0.7598 ), # In
(119, 0. , 0. ), # Sn
(121, 0. , 0. ), # Sb
(125, 0. , 0. ), # Te
(127, 5./2, 0.69612 ), # I
(131, 3./2, 0.1141 ), # Xe
(133, 7./2, 0.0034310), # Cs
(137, 3./2, 0.2454 ), # Ba
(139, 7./2, 0.2006 ), # La
(140, 0. , 0. ), # Ce
(141, 5./2, 0.0776 ), # Pr
(143, 7./2, 0.612 ), # Nd
(147, 7./2, 0.7420 ), # Pm
(147, 7./2, 0.263 ), # Sm
(153, 5./2, 2.412 ), # Eu
(157, 3./2, 1.353 ), # Gd
(159, 3./2, 1.4328 ), # Tb
(163, 5./2, 2.652 ), # Dy
(165, 7./2, 3.582 ), # Ho
(167, 7./2, 3.573 ), # Er
(169, 0. , 0. ), # Tm
(173, 5./2, 2.804 ), # Yb
(175, 2. , 3.492 ), # Lu
(177, 2. , 3.373 ), # Hf
(181, 2. , 3.172 ), # Ta
(183, 0. , 0. ), # W
(187, 5./2, 2.072 ), # Re
(188, 2. , 1.464 ), # Os
(191, 3./2, 0.8169 ), # Ir
(195, 0. , 0. ), # Pt
(197, 3./2, 0.54716 ), # Au
(201, 3./2, 0.3876 ), # Hg
(205, 0. , 0. ), # Tl
(209, 9./2, 0.2717 ), # Pb
(209, 9./2, 0.51615 ), # Bi
(209, 0. , 0. ), # Po
(210, 0. , 0. ), # At
(209, 0. , 0. ), # Rn
(223, 3./2, 1.171 ), # Fr
(223, 3./2, 1.213 ), # Ra
(227, 0. , 0. ), # Ac
(229, 0. , 0. ), # Th
(231, 0. , 0. ), # Pa
(235, 7./2, 4.9366 ), # U
(237, 5./2, 3.8866 ), # Np
(239, 3./2, 2.3197 ), # Pu
(241, 5./2, 4.345 ), # Am
(247, 0. , 0. ), # Cm