Source code for pyscf.ao2mo.nrr_outcore

#!/usr/bin/env python
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ao2mo of scalar integrals to complex MO integrals for GHF orbitals

import time
import tempfile
import numpy
import h5py
import ctypes
import _ctypes
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf import gto
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.ao2mo import _ao2mo
from pyscf.ao2mo import outcore
from pyscf import __config__
from pyscf.gto.moleintor import make_cintopt, make_loc, ascint3

libao2mo = lib.load_library('libao2mo')
def _fpointer(name):
    return ctypes.c_void_p(_ctypes.dlsym(libao2mo._handle, name))

IOBLK_SIZE = getattr(__config__, 'ao2mo_outcore_ioblk_size', 256)  # 256 MB
IOBUF_WORDS = getattr(__config__, 'ao2mo_outcore_iobuf_words', 1e8)  # 1.6 GB
IOBUF_ROW_MIN = getattr(__config__, 'ao2mo_outcore_row_min', 160)
MAX_MEMORY = getattr(__config__, 'ao2mo_outcore_max_memory', 4000)  # 4GB

[docs] def full(mol, mo_coeff, erifile, dataname='eri_mo', intor='int2e_sph', motype='ghf', aosym='s1', comp=None, max_memory=MAX_MEMORY, ioblk_size=IOBLK_SIZE, verbose=logger.WARN): general(mol, (mo_coeff,)*4, erifile, dataname, intor, motype, aosym, comp, max_memory, ioblk_size, verbose) return erifile
[docs] def general(mol, mo_coeffs, erifile, dataname='eri_mo', intor='int2e_sph', motype='ghf', aosym='s1', comp=None, max_memory=MAX_MEMORY, ioblk_size=IOBLK_SIZE, verbose=logger.debug): time_0pass = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) log = logger.new_logger(mol, verbose) intor, comp = gto.moleintor._get_intor_and_comp(mol._add_suffix(intor), comp) klsame = iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3]) nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1] nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1] nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1] nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1] nao = mo_coeffs[0].shape[0]//2 if motype == 'j-spinor': ca, cb = mol.sph2spinor_coeff() mo_alph = [, moi) for moi in mo_coeffs] mo_beta = [, moi) for moi in mo_coeffs] elif motype == 'ghf': nao = mo_coeffs[0].shape[0] // 2 mo_alph = [moi[:nao,:] for moi in mo_coeffs] mo_beta = [moi[nao:,:] for moi in mo_coeffs] else: raise AssertionError(f'Unknown motype {motype}. should be one of "j-spinor" or "ghf".') aosym = outcore._stand_sym_code(aosym) if aosym in ('s1', 's2ij', 'a2ij'): nao_pair = nao * nao else: nao_pair = _count_naopair(mol, nao) nij_pair = nmoi*nmoj nkl_pair = nmok*nmol if klsame and aosym in ('s4', 's2kl', 'a2kl', 'a4ij', 'a4kl', 'a4'): log.debug('k-mo == l-mo') mokla = numpy.asarray(mo_alph[2], dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F') moklb = numpy.asarray(mo_beta[2], dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F') klshape = (0, nmok, 0, nmok) else: mokla = numpy.asarray(numpy.hstack((mo_alph[2],mo_alph[3])), dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F') moklb = numpy.asarray(numpy.hstack((mo_beta[2],mo_beta[3])), dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F') klshape = (0, nmok, nmok, nmok+nmol) if isinstance(erifile, str): if h5py.is_hdf5(erifile): feri = lib.H5FileWrap(erifile, 'a') if dataname in feri: del(feri[dataname]) else: feri = lib.H5FileWrap(erifile, 'w') else: assert(isinstance(erifile, h5py.Group)) feri = erifile if comp == 1: chunks = (nmoj,nmol) shape = (nij_pair, nkl_pair) else: chunks = (1,nmoj,nmol) shape = (comp, nij_pair, nkl_pair) if nij_pair == 0 or nkl_pair == 0: feri.create_dataset(dataname, shape, 'c16') if isinstance(erifile, str): feri.close() return erifile else: h5d_eri = feri.create_dataset(dataname, shape, 'c16', chunks=chunks) log.debug('MO integrals %s are saved in %s/%s', intor, erifile, dataname) log.debug('num. MO ints = %.8g, required disk %.8g MB', float(nij_pair)*nkl_pair*comp, nij_pair*nkl_pair*comp*16/1e6) # transform e1 swapfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=lib.param.TMPDIR) half_e1(mol, (mo_alph, mo_beta),, intor, aosym, comp, max_memory, ioblk_size, log) time_1pass = log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s 1 pass'%intor, *time_0pass) e2buflen = guess_e2bufsize(ioblk_size, nij_pair, nao_pair)[0] log.debug('step2: kl-pair (ao %d, mo %d), mem %.8g MB, ' 'ioblock (r/w) %.8g/%.8g MB', nao_pair, nkl_pair, e2buflen*nao_pair*16/1e6, e2buflen*nij_pair*16/1e6, e2buflen*nkl_pair*16/1e6) fswap = h5py.File(, 'r') klaoblks = len(fswap['0']) ijmoblks = int(numpy.ceil(float(nij_pair)/e2buflen)) * comp #ao_loc = numpy.asarray(mol.ao_loc_2c(), dtype=numpy.int32) ao_loc = numpy.asarray(mol.ao_loc, dtype=numpy.int32) tao = numpy.asarray(mol.tmap(), dtype=numpy.int32) ti0 = time_1pass buf = numpy.empty((e2buflen, nao_pair), dtype=numpy.complex128) istep = 0 for row0, row1 in prange(0, nij_pair, e2buflen): nrow = row1 - row0 for icomp in range(comp): istep += 1 tioi = 0 log.debug('step 2 [%d/%d], [%d,%d:%d], row = %d', istep, ijmoblks, icomp, row0, row1, nrow) col0 = 0 for ic in range(klaoblks): dat = fswap['%d/%d'%(icomp,ic)] col1 = col0 + dat.shape[1] buf[:nrow,col0:col1] = dat[row0:row1] col0 = col1 ti2 = log.timer('step 2 [%d/%d], load buf'%(istep,ijmoblks), *ti0) tioi += ti2[1]-ti0[1] pbuf = _ao2mo.r_e2(buf[:nrow], mokla, klshape, tao, ao_loc, aosym) pbuf2 = _ao2mo.r_e2(buf[:nrow], moklb, klshape, tao, ao_loc, aosym) tw1 = logger.perf_counter() if comp == 1: h5d_eri[row0:row1] = pbuf+pbuf2 else: h5d_eri[icomp,row0:row1] = pbuf+pbuf2 tioi += logger.perf_counter()-tw1 ti1 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) log.debug('step 2 [%d/%d] CPU time: %9.2f, Wall time: %9.2f, I/O time: %9.2f', istep, ijmoblks, ti1[0]-ti0[0], ti1[1]-ti0[1], tioi) ti0 = ti1 buf = pbuf = None fswap.close() if isinstance(erifile, str): feri.close() log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s 2 pass'%intor, *time_1pass) log.timer('AO->MO transformation for %s '%intor, *time_0pass) return erifile
[docs] def full_iofree(mol, mo_coeff, dataname='eri_mo', intor='int2e_sph', motype='ghf', aosym='s1', comp=None, verbose=logger.debug, **kwargs): erifile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=lib.param.TMPDIR) general(mol, (mo_coeff,)*4,, dataname='eri_mo', intor=intor, motype=motype, aosym=aosym, comp=comp, verbose=verbose) with h5py.File(, 'r') as feri: return numpy.asarray(feri['eri_mo'])
[docs] def general_iofree(mol, mo_coeffs, dataname='eri_mo', intor='int2e_sph', motype='ghf', aosym='s1', comp=None, verbose=logger.debug, **kwargs): erifile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=lib.param.TMPDIR) general(mol, mo_coeffs,, dataname='eri_mo', intor=intor, motype=motype, aosym=aosym, comp=comp, verbose=verbose) with h5py.File(, 'r') as feri: return numpy.asarray(feri['eri_mo'])
# swapfile will be overwritten if exists. # mo_coeffs contains two sets of mos, one is alpha back transformed, one is beta back transformed.
[docs] def half_e1(mol, mo_coeffs, swapfile, intor='int2e_sph', aosym='s1', comp=None, max_memory=MAX_MEMORY, ioblk_size=IOBLK_SIZE, verbose=logger.WARN, ao2mopt=None): time0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) log = logger.new_logger(mol, verbose) mo_alph = mo_coeffs[0] mo_beta = mo_coeffs[1] ijsame = iden_coeffs(mo_alph[0], mo_alph[1]) nmoi = mo_alph[0].shape[1] nmoj = mo_alph[1].shape[1] nao = mo_alph[0].shape[0] aosym = outcore._stand_sym_code(aosym) if aosym in ('s1', 's2kl', 'a2kl'): nao_pair = nao * nao else: nao_pair = _count_naopair(mol, nao) nij_pair = nmoi * nmoj if ijsame and aosym in ('s4', 's2ij', 'a2ij', 'a4ij', 'a4kl', 'a4'): log.debug('i-mo == j-mo') moija = numpy.asarray(mo_alph[0], order='F') moijb = numpy.asarray(mo_beta[0], order='F') ijshape = (0, nmoi, 0, nmoi) else: moija = numpy.asarray(numpy.hstack((mo_alph[0],mo_alph[1])), order='F') moijb = numpy.asarray(numpy.hstack((mo_beta[0],mo_beta[1])), order='F') ijshape = (0, nmoi, nmoi, nmoi+nmoj) e1buflen, mem_words, iobuf_words, ioblk_words = \ guess_e1bufsize(max_memory, ioblk_size, nij_pair, nao_pair, comp) # The buffer to hold AO integrals in C code aobuflen = int((mem_words - iobuf_words) // (nao*nao*comp)) shranges = outcore.guess_shell_ranges(mol, (aosym not in ('s1', 's2ij', 'a2ij')), aobuflen, e1buflen, mol.ao_loc, False) log.debug('step1: tmpfile %.8g MB', nij_pair*nao_pair*16/1e6) log.debug('step1: (ij,kl) = (%d,%d), mem cache %.8g MB, iobuf %.8g MB', nij_pair, nao_pair, mem_words*16/1e6, iobuf_words*16/1e6) fswap = lib.H5FileWrap(swapfile, 'w') for icomp in range(comp): fswap.create_group(str(icomp)) # for h5py old version tao = numpy.asarray(mol.tmap(), dtype=numpy.int32) # transform e1 ti0 = log.timer('Initializing ao2mo.outcore.half_e1', *time0) nstep = len(shranges) for istep,sh_range in enumerate(shranges): log.debug('step 1 [%d/%d], AO [%d:%d], len(buf) = %d', istep+1, nstep, *(sh_range[:3])) buflen = sh_range[2] iobuf = numpy.empty((comp,buflen,nij_pair), dtype=numpy.complex128) nmic = len(sh_range[3]) p0 = 0 for imic, aoshs in enumerate(sh_range[3]): log.debug1(' fill iobuf micro [%d/%d], AO [%d:%d], len(aobuf) = %d', imic+1, nmic, *aoshs) buf = r_e1(intor, moija, moijb, ijshape, aoshs, mol._atm, mol._bas, mol._env, tao, aosym, comp, ao2mopt) iobuf[:,p0:p0+aoshs[2]] = buf p0 += aoshs[2] ti2 = log.timer('gen AO/transform MO [%d/%d]'%(istep+1,nstep), *ti0) e2buflen, chunks = guess_e2bufsize(ioblk_size, nij_pair, buflen) for icomp in range(comp): dset = fswap.create_dataset('%d/%d'%(icomp,istep), (nij_pair,iobuf.shape[1]), 'c16', chunks=None) for col0, col1 in prange(0, nij_pair, e2buflen): dset[col0:col1] = lib.transpose(iobuf[icomp,:,col0:col1]) ti0 = log.timer('transposing to disk', *ti2) fswap.close() return swapfile
# if out is not None, transform AO to MO in-place
[docs] def r_e1(intor, mo_a, mo_b, orbs_slice, sh_range, atm, bas, env, tao, aosym='s1', comp=1, ao2mopt=None, out=None): assert(aosym in ('s4', 's2ij', 's2kl', 's1', 'a2ij', 'a2kl', 'a4ij', 'a4kl', 'a4')) intor = ascint3(intor) mo_a = numpy.asarray(mo_a, dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F') mo_b = numpy.asarray(mo_b, dtype=numpy.complex128, order='F') i0, i1, j0, j1 = orbs_slice icount = i1 - i0 jcount = j1 - j0 ij_count = icount * jcount c_atm = numpy.asarray(atm, dtype=numpy.int32) c_bas = numpy.asarray(bas, dtype=numpy.int32) c_env = numpy.asarray(env) natm = ctypes.c_int(c_atm.shape[0]) nbas = ctypes.c_int(c_bas.shape[0]) klsh0, klsh1, nkl = sh_range #if icount <= jcount: fmmm = _fpointer('AO2MOmmm_nrr_iltj') #else: # fmmm = _fpointer('AO2MOmmm_nrr_igtj') out = numpy.ndarray((2*comp,nkl,ij_count), dtype=numpy.complex128, buffer=out) if out.size == 0: return out if ao2mopt is not None: cao2mopt = ao2mopt._this cintopt = ao2mopt._cintopt intor = ao2mopt._intor else: cao2mopt = lib.c_null_ptr() cintopt = make_cintopt(c_atm, c_bas, c_env, intor) cintor = _fpointer(intor) tao = numpy.asarray(tao, dtype=numpy.int32) ao_loc = make_loc(c_bas, 'int2e_sph') fdrv = getattr(libao2mo, 'AO2MOnrr_e1_drv') fill = _fpointer('AO2MOfill_nrr_' + aosym) ftrans = _fpointer('AO2MOtranse1_nrr_' + aosym) fdrv(cintor, fill, ftrans, fmmm, out.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), mo_a.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), mo_b.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(klsh0), ctypes.c_int(klsh1-klsh0), ctypes.c_int(nkl), ctypes.c_int(comp), (ctypes.c_int*4)(*orbs_slice), tao.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ao_loc.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), cintopt, cao2mopt, c_atm.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), natm, c_bas.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), nbas, c_env.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)) for i in range(comp): out[i,:,:] += out[2*i+1,:,:] return out[:comp,:,:]
[docs] def iden_coeffs(mo1, mo2): return (id(mo1) == id(mo2)) \ or (mo1.shape==mo2.shape and numpy.allclose(mo1,mo2))
[docs] def prange(start, end, step): for i in range(start, end, step): yield i, min(i+step, end)
[docs] def guess_e1bufsize(max_memory, ioblk_size, nij_pair, nao_pair, comp): mem_words = max_memory * 1e6 / 16 # part of the max_memory is used to hold the AO integrals. The iobuf is the # buffer to temporary hold the transformed integrals before streaming to disk. # iobuf is then divided to small blocks (ioblk_words) and streamed to disk. if mem_words > IOBUF_WORDS * 2: iobuf_words = int(IOBUF_WORDS) else: iobuf_words = int(mem_words // 2) ioblk_words = int(min(ioblk_size*1e6/16, iobuf_words)) e1buflen = int(min(iobuf_words//(comp*nij_pair), nao_pair)) return e1buflen, mem_words, iobuf_words, ioblk_words
[docs] def guess_e2bufsize(ioblk_size, nrows, ncols): e2buflen = int(min(ioblk_size*1e6/16/ncols, nrows)) e2buflen = max(e2buflen//IOBUF_ROW_MIN, 1) * IOBUF_ROW_MIN chunks = (IOBUF_ROW_MIN, ncols) return e2buflen, chunks
def _count_naopair(mol, nao): ao_loc = mol.ao_loc_2c() nao_pair = 0 for i in range(mol.nbas): di = int(ao_loc[i+1] - ao_loc[i]) for j in range(i+1): dj = int(ao_loc[j+1] - ao_loc[j]) nao_pair += di * dj return nao_pair del(MAX_MEMORY)