Source code for pyscf.ao2mo.addons

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2020 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Qiming Sun <>

import ctypes
import numpy
import h5py
from pyscf import lib

libao2mo = lib.load_library('libao2mo')

[docs] class load: '''load 2e integrals from hdf5 file Usage: with load(erifile) as eri: print(eri.shape) ''' def __init__(self, eri, dataname='eri_mo'): self.eri = eri self.dataname = dataname self.feri = None def __enter__(self): if isinstance(self.eri, str): feri = self.feri = h5py.File(self.eri, 'r') elif isinstance(self.eri, h5py.Group): feri = self.eri elif isinstance(self.eri, (numpy.ndarray, h5py.Dataset)): return self.eri elif isinstance(getattr(self.eri, 'name', None), str): feri = self.feri = h5py.File(, 'r') else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown eri type %s', type(self.eri)) if self.dataname is None: return feri else: return feri[self.dataname] def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if self.feri is not None: self.feri.close()
[docs] def restore(symmetry, eri, norb, tao=None): r'''Convert the 2e integrals (in Chemist's notation) between different level of permutation symmetry (8-fold, 4-fold, or no symmetry) Args: symmetry : int or str code to present the target symmetry of 2e integrals | 's8' or '8' or 8 : 8-fold symmetry | 's4' or '4' or 4 : 4-fold symmetry | 's1' or '1' or 1 : no symmetry | 's2ij' or '2ij' : symmetric ij pair for (ij|kl) (TODO) | 's2ij' or '2kl' : symmetric kl pair for (ij|kl) (TODO) Note the 4-fold symmetry requires (ij|kl) == (ij|lk) == (ij|lk) while (ij|kl) != (kl|ij) is not required. eri : ndarray The symmetry of eri is determined by the size of eri and norb norb : int The symmetry of eri is determined by the size of eri and norb Returns: ndarray. The shape depends on the target symmetry. | 8 : (norb*(norb+1)/2)*(norb*(norb+1)/2+1)/2 | 4 : (norb*(norb+1)/2, norb*(norb+1)/2) | 1 : (norb, norb, norb, norb) Examples: >>> from pyscf import gto >>> from pyscf.scf import _vhf >>> from pyscf import ao2mo >>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 1 0; H 0 0 1', basis='sto3g') >>> eri = mol.intor('int2e') >>> eri1 = ao2mo.restore(1, eri, mol.nao_nr()) >>> eri4 = ao2mo.restore(4, eri, mol.nao_nr()) >>> eri8 = ao2mo.restore(8, eri, mol.nao_nr()) >>> print(eri1.shape) (7, 7, 7, 7) >>> print(eri1.shape) (28, 28) >>> print(eri1.shape) (406,) ''' targetsym = _stand_sym_code(symmetry) if targetsym not in ('8', '4', '1', '2kl', '2ij'): raise ValueError('symmetry = %s' % symmetry) if eri.dtype != numpy.double: raise RuntimeError('Complex integrals not supported') eri = numpy.asarray(eri, order='C') npair = norb*(norb+1)//2 if eri.size == norb**4: # s1 if targetsym == '1': return eri.reshape(norb,norb,norb,norb) elif targetsym == '2kl': eri = lib.pack_tril(eri.reshape(norb**2,norb,norb)) return eri.reshape(norb,norb,npair) elif targetsym == '2ij': eri = lib.pack_tril(eri.reshape(norb,norb,norb**2), axis=0) return eri.reshape(npair,norb,norb) else: return _convert('1', targetsym, eri, norb) elif eri.size == npair**2: # s4 if targetsym == '4': return eri.reshape(npair,npair) elif targetsym == '8': return lib.pack_tril(eri.reshape(npair,npair)) elif targetsym == '2kl': return lib.unpack_tril(eri, lib.SYMMETRIC, axis=0) elif targetsym == '2ij': return lib.unpack_tril(eri, lib.SYMMETRIC, axis=-1) else: return _convert('4', targetsym, eri, norb) elif eri.size == npair*(npair+1)//2: # 8-fold if targetsym == '8': return eri.ravel() elif targetsym == '4': return lib.unpack_tril(eri.ravel(), lib.SYMMETRIC) elif targetsym == '2kl': return lib.unpack_tril(lib.unpack_tril(eri.ravel()), lib.SYMMETRIC, axis=0) elif targetsym == '2ij': return lib.unpack_tril(lib.unpack_tril(eri.ravel()), lib.SYMMETRIC, axis=-1) else: return _convert('8', targetsym, eri, norb) elif eri.size == npair*norb**2 and eri.shape[0] == npair: # s2ij if targetsym == '2ij': return eri.reshape(npair,norb,norb) elif targetsym == '8': eri = lib.pack_tril(eri.reshape(npair,norb,norb)) return lib.pack_tril(eri) elif targetsym == '4': return lib.pack_tril(eri.reshape(npair,norb,norb)) elif targetsym == '1': eri = lib.unpack_tril(eri.reshape(npair,norb**2), lib.SYMMETRIC, axis=0) return eri.reshape(norb,norb,norb,norb) elif targetsym == '2kl': tril2sq = lib.square_mat_in_trilu_indices(norb) trilidx = numpy.tril_indices(norb) eri = lib.take_2d(eri.reshape(npair,norb**2), tril2sq.ravel(), trilidx[0]*norb+trilidx[1]) return eri.reshape(norb,norb,npair) elif eri.size == npair*norb**2 and eri.shape[-1] == npair: # s2kl if targetsym == '2kl': return eri.reshape(norb,norb,npair) elif targetsym == '8': eri = lib.pack_tril(eri.reshape(norb,norb,npair), axis=0) return lib.pack_tril(eri) elif targetsym == '4': return lib.pack_tril(eri.reshape(norb,norb,npair), axis=0) elif targetsym == '1': eri = lib.unpack_tril(eri.reshape(norb**2,npair), lib.SYMMETRIC, axis=-1) return eri.reshape(norb,norb,norb,norb) elif targetsym == '2ij': tril2sq = lib.square_mat_in_trilu_indices(norb) trilidx = numpy.tril_indices(norb) eri = lib.take_2d(eri.reshape(norb**2,npair), trilidx[0]*norb+trilidx[1], tril2sq.ravel()) return eri.reshape(npair,norb,norb) else: raise RuntimeError('eri.size = %d, norb = %d' % (eri.size, norb))
def _convert(origsym, targetsym, eri, norb): fn = getattr(libao2mo, 'AO2MOrestore_nr%sto%s'%(origsym,targetsym)) npair = norb*(norb+1)//2 if targetsym == '1': eri1 = numpy.empty((norb,norb,norb,norb), dtype=eri.dtype) elif targetsym == '4': eri1 = numpy.empty((npair,npair), dtype=eri.dtype) elif targetsym == '8': eri1 = numpy.empty(npair*(npair+1)//2, dtype=eri.dtype) fn(eri.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), eri1.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(norb)) return eri1 def _stand_sym_code(sym): if isinstance(sym, int): return str(sym) elif 's' == sym[0]: return sym[1:] else: return sym