Source code for pyscf.agf2.ragf2_slow

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# Author: Oliver J. Backhouse <>
#         George H. Booth <>

Auxiliary second-order Green's function perturbation theory for
arbitrary moment consistency

import numpy as np
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf import __config__
from pyscf.agf2 import ragf2
from pyscf.agf2 import aux_space as aux

[docs] def build_se_part(agf2, eri, gf_occ, gf_vir, os_factor=1.0, ss_factor=1.0): ''' Builds either the auxiliaries of the occupied self-energy, or virtual if :attr:`gf_occ` and :attr:`gf_vir` are swapped. Args: eri : _ChemistsERIs Electronic repulsion integrals gf_occ : GreensFunction Occupied Green's function gf_vir : GreensFunction Virtual Green's function Kwargs: os_factor : float Opposite-spin factor for spin-component-scaled (SCS) calculations. Default 1.0 ss_factor : float Same-spin factor for spin-component-scaled (SCS) calculations. Default 1.0 Returns: :class:`SelfEnergy` ''' cput0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) log = logger.Logger(agf2.stdout, agf2.verbose) assert type(gf_occ) is aux.GreensFunction assert type(gf_vir) is aux.GreensFunction nmo = agf2.nmo nocc = gf_occ.naux nvir = gf_vir.naux naux = nocc * nocc * nvir tol = agf2.weight_tol if not (agf2.frozen is None or agf2.frozen == 0): mask = ragf2.get_frozen_mask(agf2) nmo -= np.sum(~mask) e = np.zeros((naux)) v = np.zeros((nmo, naux)) fpos = np.sqrt(0.5 * os_factor) fneg = np.sqrt(0.5 * os_factor + ss_factor) fdia = np.sqrt(os_factor) eja = lib.direct_sum('j,a->ja',, coeffs = (gf_occ.coupling, gf_occ.coupling, gf_vir.coupling) qeri = _make_qmo_eris_incore(agf2, eri, coeffs) p1 = 0 for i in range(nocc): xija = qeri[:,i,:i].reshape(nmo, -1) xjia = qeri[:,:i,i].reshape(nmo, -1) xiia = qeri[:,i,i].reshape(nmo, -1) eija =[i] + eja[:i+1] p0, p1 = p1, p1 + i*nvir e[p0:p1] = eija[:i].ravel() v[:,p0:p1] = fneg * (xija - xjia) p0, p1 = p1, p1 + i*nvir e[p0:p1] = eija[:i].ravel() v[:,p0:p1] = fpos * (xija + xjia) p0, p1 = p1, p1 + nvir e[p0:p1] = eija[i].ravel() v[:,p0:p1] = fdia * xiia se = aux.SelfEnergy(e, v, chempot=gf_occ.chempot) se.remove_uncoupled(tol=tol) if not (agf2.frozen is None or agf2.frozen == 0): coupling = np.zeros((agf2.nmo, se.naux)) coupling[mask] = se.coupling se = aux.SelfEnergy(, coupling, chempot=se.chempot) log.timer('se part', *cput0) return se
[docs] class RAGF2(ragf2.RAGF2): ''' Restricted AGF2 with canonical HF reference for arbitrary moment consistency Attributes: nmom : tuple of int Compression level of the Green's function and self-energy, respectively verbose : int Print level. Default value equals to :class:`Mole.verbose` max_memory : float or int Allowed memory in MB. Default value equals to :class:`Mole.max_memory` conv_tol : float Convergence threshold for AGF2 energy. Default value is 1e-7 conv_tol_rdm1 : float Convergence threshold for first-order reduced density matrix. Default value is 1e-8. conv_tol_nelec : float Convergence threshold for the number of electrons. Default value is 1e-6. max_cycle : int Maximum number of AGF2 iterations. Default value is 50. max_cycle_outer : int Maximum number of outer Fock loop iterations. Default value is 20. max_cycle_inner : int Maximum number of inner Fock loop iterations. Default value is 50. weight_tol : float Threshold in spectral weight of auxiliaries to be considered zero. Default 1e-11. fock_diis_space : int DIIS space size for Fock loop iterations. Default value is 6. fock_diis_min_space : Minimum space of DIIS. Default value is 1. os_factor : float Opposite-spin factor for spin-component-scaled (SCS) calculations. Default 1.0 ss_factor : float Same-spin factor for spin-component-scaled (SCS) calculations. Default 1.0 damping : float Damping factor for the self-energy. Default value is 0.0 Saved results e_corr : float AGF2 correlation energy e_tot : float Total energy (HF + correlation) e_1b : float One-body part of :attr:`e_tot` e_2b : float Two-body part of :attr:`e_tot` e_init : float Initial correlation energy (truncated MP2) converged : bool Whether convergence was successful se : SelfEnergy Auxiliaries of the self-energy gf : GreensFunction Auxiliaries of the Green's function ''' _keys = set(['nmom']) def __init__(self, mf, nmom=(None,0), frozen=None, mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None): ragf2.RAGF2.__init__(self, mf, frozen=frozen, mo_energy=mo_energy, mo_coeff=mo_coeff, mo_occ=mo_occ) self.nmom = nmom build_se_part = build_se_part
[docs] def build_se(self, eri=None, gf=None, os_factor=None, ss_factor=None, se_prev=None): ''' Builds the auxiliaries of the self-energy. Args: eri : _ChemistsERIs Electronic repulsion integrals gf : GreensFunction Auxiliaries of the Green's function Kwargs: os_factor : float Opposite-spin factor for spin-component-scaled (SCS) calculations. Default 1.0 ss_factor : float Same-spin factor for spin-component-scaled (SCS) calculations. Default 1.0 se_prev : SelfEnergy Previous self-energy for damping. Default value is None Returns: :class:`SelfEnergy` ''' if eri is None: eri = self.ao2mo() if gf is None: gf = if gf is None: gf = self.init_gf() fock = None if self.nmom[0] is not None: fock = self.get_fock(eri=eri, gf=gf) if os_factor is None: os_factor = self.os_factor if ss_factor is None: ss_factor = self.ss_factor facs = dict(os_factor=os_factor, ss_factor=ss_factor) gf_occ = gf.get_occupied() gf_vir = gf.get_virtual() se_occ = self.build_se_part(eri, gf_occ, gf_vir, **facs) se_occ = se_occ.compress(n=(None, self.nmom[1])) se_vir = self.build_se_part(eri, gf_vir, gf_occ, **facs) se_vir = se_vir.compress(n=(None, self.nmom[1])) se = aux.combine(se_vir, se_occ) se = se.compress(phys=fock, n=(self.nmom[0], None)) if se_prev is not None and self.damping != 0.0: se.coupling *= np.sqrt(1.0-self.damping) se_prev.coupling *= np.sqrt(self.damping) se = aux.combine(se, se_prev) se = se.compress(n=self.nmom) return se
[docs] def dump_flags(self, verbose=None): ragf2.RAGF2.dump_flags(self, verbose=verbose), 'nmom = %s', repr(self.nmom)) return self
[docs] def run_diis(self, se, diis=None): return se
class _ChemistsERIs(ragf2._ChemistsERIs): pass _make_qmo_eris_incore = ragf2._make_qmo_eris_incore if __name__ == '__main__': from pyscf import gto, scf, mp mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0', basis='cc-pvdz', verbose=3) rhf = scf.RHF(mol) rhf.conv_tol = 1e-11 agf2 = RAGF2(rhf, nmom=(None,0)) agf2 = ragf2.RAGF2(rhf)