Source code for pyscf.agf2.chempot

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# Author: Oliver Backhouse <>
#         George Booth <>

Functions for tuning the chemical potential.

import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf import __config__

def _objective(x, se, fock, nelec, occupancy=2, buf=None):
    ''' Objective function for the minimization

    w, v = se.eig(fock, chempot=x, out=buf)

    chempot, error = binsearch_chempot((w,v), se.nphys, nelec,

    return error**2

def _gradient(x, se, fock, nelec, occupancy=2, buf=None):
    ''' Gradient function for the minimization

    w, v = se.eig(fock, chempot=x, out=buf)

    chempot, error = binsearch_chempot((w,v), se.nphys, nelec,

    nocc = np.sum(w < chempot)
    nphys = se.nphys

    h1 =[nphys:,nocc:].conj().T, v[nphys:,:nocc])
    zai = -h1 / lib.direct_sum('i,a->ai', w[:nocc], -w[nocc:])

    c_occ =[:nphys,nocc:], zai)
    d_rdm1 =[:nphys,:nocc], c_occ.conj().T) * 4

    ne = np.trace(d_rdm1).real
    d = occupancy * error * ne

    return error**2, d

[docs] def binsearch_chempot(fock, nphys, nelec, occupancy=2): ''' Finds a chemical potential which best agrees with the number of physical electrons and abides by the Aufbau principal via a binary search. Args: fock : 2D array or tuple of arrays Fock matrix to diagonalise, may be the physical Fock matrix or extended Fock matrix. Can also be the output of :func:`np.linalg.eigh` for this matrix, i.e. a tuple of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. nphys : int Number of physical degrees of freedom nelec : int Number of physical electrons Kwargs: occupancy : int Occupancy of the states, i.e. 2 for RHF and 1 for UHF. Default 2. Returns: chemical potential, and the error in the number of electrons ''' if isinstance(fock, tuple): w, v = fock else: w, v = np.linalg.eigh(fock) nmo = v.shape[-1] sum0 = sum1 = 0.0 for i in range(nmo): n = occupancy *[:nphys,i].conj().T, v[:nphys,i]).real sum0, sum1 = sum1, sum1 + n if i > 0: if sum0 <= nelec and nelec <= sum1: break if abs(sum0 - nelec) < abs(sum1 - nelec): homo = i-1 error = nelec - sum0 else: homo = i error = nelec - sum1 lumo = homo+1 chempot = 0.5 * (w[homo] + w[lumo]) return chempot, error
[docs] def minimize_chempot(se, fock, nelec, occupancy=2, x0=0.0, tol=1e-6, maxiter=200, jac=True): ''' Finds a set of auxiliary energies and chemical potential on the physical space which best satisfy the number of electrons. Args: se : AuxiliarySpace Auxiliary space fock : 2D array phys : 2D array Physical space (1p + 1h), typically the Fock matrix nelec : int Number of physical electrons Kwargs: occupancy : int Occupancy of the states, i.e. 2 for RHF and 1 for UHF. Default 2. x0 : float Initial guess for :attr:`chempot`. Default 0.0 tol : float Convergence threshold (units are the same as :attr:`nelec`). Default 1e-6. maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations. Default 200. jac : bool If True, use gradient. Default True. Returns: AuxiliarySpace object with altered :attr:`energy` and :attr:`chempot`, and the SciPy :attr:`OptimizeResult` object. ''' tol = tol**2 # we minimize the squared error dtype = np.result_type(, se.coupling.dtype, fock.dtype) buf = np.zeros((se.nphys+se.naux, se.nphys+se.naux), dtype=dtype) fargs = (se, fock, nelec, occupancy, buf) options = {'maxiter': maxiter, 'ftol': tol, 'xtol': tol, 'gtol': tol} kwargs = {'x0': x0, 'method': 'TNC', 'jac': jac, 'options': options} fun = _objective if not jac else _gradient opt = optimize.minimize(fun, args=fargs, **kwargs) -= opt.x se.chempot = binsearch_chempot(se.eig(fock), se.nphys, nelec, occupancy=occupancy)[0] return se, opt